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Page 1: 4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate …...4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate Conception Parish Fairbank Iowa 50629 Today’s Readings Joshua 5: 9-12 Psalm 34: 2-7

4th Sunday of Lent

31 March 2019

Immaculate Conception Parish

Fairbank Iowa 50629

Today’s Readings Joshua 5: 9-12

Psalm 34: 2-7

2 Corinthians 5: 17-21

Luke 15: 1-32

Page 2: 4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate …...4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate Conception Parish Fairbank Iowa 50629 Today’s Readings Joshua 5: 9-12 Psalm 34: 2-7

Marriage Building Blocks Anger is a powerful emotion. How does one respond in love

when you’re angry with your spouse? Usually it requires calling

a “time out” on yourself. After you calm down a bit, you might

say, “I still feel pretty upset. Can we talk about this in an hour or

later today?” How do you usually handle anger?

OH BABY!! There’s Hope!!! Next Sunday we are lucky to have Colleen Pasnik, Dir. speak on behalf of Mary’s Inn Maternity Home. Mary’s Inn is a maternity home dedicated to the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of single parents. It is a safe haven where they need to make a better life for themselves and their babies. At the end of Mass today, bottles will be handed out for your spare change or you can put a check made out to Mary’s Inn Maternity Home for your contribution to bring back next Sunday. Any questions, please contact Carma Schmitdke or the parish office.

Ps. 127:3 “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.”

Fish Fry sign-up sheets for working the

Fish Fry are posted in the main entrance gathering area. Please volunteer where you can! Thanks!

Lord, We Lift Up to You in Prayer…. Scott McMahon, Carole Levendusky, Norman Schmitt, Leo

Wickman, Leo Beierschmitt, Lindsey Ernst, Fr.Anthony Sloan,

Mary Ellen Youngblut .Pat Miller,Don Reiter (Angie Auel’s

father), , Sr. Barbara Rastatter, Jim Kaufman Sr., , Sherry

Duffy, Don Brandt, Mary Ann Ryan, Ellie Shimp, Lisa (Sadler)

Dolan, Melvin Sadler, Lisa Koile Schares, Dean Mangrich

victims of hatred, racism, violence, natural disaster; terrorism,

and all in our parish, our community, and our hearts who are

suffering and in need of Christ’s healing touch May they

know His loving Presence in the eyes, hands and hearts of those

who give them care. May our prayers for help and healing rise like incense

to our God of hope, love and mercy.

Communion To Our Sick Or Homebound Ministry: contact Diane Wenger at 319-269-2553 or Michelle Weepie 319-635-2428

I C Parish Prayer Chain Hotline: Please contact

Dorothy E. Duffy (Mrs. Jack) at 319-929-4788

Sacrament Of The Sick ~ Anointing for the seriously ill

or dyng, call the Sacred Heart Parish Center 319-283-3743, or if having surgery speak with Father Atwood in the Sacristy before or after Mass

Baptism Class For Parents: All parents who wish to

have their child baptized at Immaculate Conception parish are required to attend a baptism class prior to scheduling the baptism Next Class May 11 at 8:30.

I C Cemetery – contact the parish office

Funeral Dinners: Group #3: Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec

We provide desserts & serve a catered meal

For Rental Of The Parish Center : contact Tammy

Kaufman to inquire about renting the parish center.

I C STAFF ~ Fr. Ray Atwood, Pastor ~

IC Parish Office Wednesday Mornings after 8AM Mass Office at Sacred Heart Parish Center 319-283-3743

Sacred Heart Rectory 319-283-9577 email: [email protected]

~ Deacon Jim Patera ~ Office at Sacred Heart Parish Center 319-283-3743

~Glenda Kleitsch IC Secretary/Bookkeeper~

I C Parish Office PH: 319-635-2211 located at 405 Fairbank St I C Parish Office hours:

Mon-Thurs 8AM – 3PM Closed Friday Mailing address: P O BOX 505 Fairbank IA 50629

email: [email protected] website: http://icfairbank.weebly.com/

Archdiocesan website: www.dbqarch.org

~Dan & Lynda Cutsforth, DRE & Youth Ministry~ DRE Office PH :319-635-2211

located in the Parish Center at 405 Faribank St Mailing address: P O Box 505, Fairbank IA 50629

Dan email: [email protected] Lynda email: [email protected]

~Tammy Kaufman, Facility Rental Coordinator~ PH: 319-404-9071 or email [email protected]

Blessings and Welcome into God’s Family! Cora Grace Schares ,

daughter of Joshua & Amanda Schares Cora was baptized here in a private ceremony Sat, March 30, 2019

Page 3: 4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate …...4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate Conception Parish Fairbank Iowa 50629 Today’s Readings Joshua 5: 9-12 Psalm 34: 2-7

Stewardship in His Name…. The blind man was willing to let Jesus minister to him and

willingly did all Jesus asked of him. The Pharisees were more

resistant to His message, spending their time and energy to

disprove the miracle. Which am I more like, the man born

blind or the Pharisees?

Join us in the new parish center this morning after Mass for continuation of our Lenten Book Study

“Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission” by John Wood. If you miss a session – no worries. Come when you can!

April Calendar Wed Apr 3 Cleaning in the Parish Center Sat Apr 6 First Saturday Mass Sun Apr 7 Peanut Butter Sunday

Sun Apr 7 Donut Sunday - TIME TO CELEBRATE... Come join us in the Parish Center for donuts next Sunday and pick up your new directory AND the new UPDATED Parish Guild Directory. You must check in with the committee in order to receive your directories. The committee and Guild Captains will be available to hand these out. PLEASE stop in today to get yours.

Mon Apr 8 Parish Life Mtg 3 PM Wed Apr 10 Stations of the Cross 7:30 PM Thurs Apr 11 KC Meeting 7:00 PM Fri Apr 12 IC Fish Fry 5 – 7:30 PM Wed Apr 17 Cleaning in the Parish Center Sun Apri 28 Last Donut Sunday of the season

Easter Schedule Holy Thursday, April 18 at IC 7PM Good Friday Services April 19 as follows: Noon at IC and 6PM at Sacred Heart Easter Vigil Saturday April 20 at SH at 8:30PM Easter Sunday April 21 as follows:

8:30AM at IC and 10:30AM at Sacred Heart

???????? Ask Father ??????? Question: Why is fish ok to eat during lent when we can’t

eat meat??? Answer: Fish is not considered “Flesh Meat”. It is different

than flesh, such as chicken, pork, or beef. In the Middle Ages,

flesh meat was thought to arouse passions, so abstaining from

it during Lent was thought to help tame “sins of the flesh.” In

addition, chicken, pork, or beef were considered luxuries, so

abstaining from them was thought to be particularly noble. .

~MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS~ Sun Mar 31 8:30 AM IC Al Matthews, Francis T Allen Sun Mar 31 10:30AM SH For the People Mon Apr 1 8:00 AM SH Christina Gerstenberger Fordyce Wed Apr 3 8:00 AM IC Marge & Herb Gable Thurs Apr 4 8:00 AM SH L & D Garris Family

Fri Apr 5 8:45 AM SH Gene & Betty Adams

Fri Apr 5 5:30 PM SH William Nehl

Sat Apr 6 8:00 AM IC Carl Schneider Sat Apr 6 4:30PM SH John Falck Sun Apr 7 8:30 AM IC For the People Sun Apr 7 10:30 AM SH Paul & Mary Catherine Bloom


SUNDAY, Mar 31 at 8:30 AM Lector: Anette Myers EM 2 Hosts & 2 Cup: Deacon Jim, Janice Martins

Norm Pint, Paula Schares Servers: Traeton Sauerbrei, Freddie Auel Cantor: Kim Weepie Organist: Roxanne/Choir Gifts: Dan Cutsforth Family Money Counters: Tom Kleitsch, Fred & Leslie Frost

SUNDAY, April 7 at 8:30 AM Lector: Emma Cutsforth EM 2 Hosts & 2 Cup: Dan Cutsforth, Jean Bellis

Diane Rourke, Paula Schares Servers: Trevor Sauerbrei, Ava Auel Cantor: Kim Weepie Organist: Carol Gifts: Curt & Kay Vorwald Money Counters: Susi LaRue & Julia, Mitch & Jean Sauerbrei

HOSPITALITY PEOPLE FOR MARCH Mitch Sauerbrei, Rick Woods, Tom Kleitsch

**** New Greeters: Madelyn Fenske, Emma Cutsforth **** HOSPITALITY PEOPLE FOR APRIL Bob Bellis, Joe & Dianne Rubino

***New Greeters: Dallas Wittenburg, Luke Rockford Tyler Ott, Kaylee Kleitsch ***

Parish Financial $upport Mar 24-28 Budget $1950 Offertory $164 Youth $1 Building Fund $20 Pledge Install $1552

March Capital Campaign Donations $60 Memorials $250 Pledge Installments $7265

March 2019 Online Giving

Budget $1440 Building Fund $ 50 Pledge Install $328 NCYC $50 Total $1868

If you wish to make a donation toward the Easter flowers

please complete the form below and put it in the collection, mail, or bring to the office no later than Wed. April 17. In Memory of______________________________________




In Honor of________________________________________



Contact Name & PH:________________________________


Amount enclosed: $____________

Page 4: 4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate …...4th Sunday of Lent 31 March 2019 Immaculate Conception Parish Fairbank Iowa 50629 Today’s Readings Joshua 5: 9-12 Psalm 34: 2-7

Background on the Gospel Reading

John 15: 1-32 The parable Jesus tells in today's Gospel is unique to the

Gospel of Luke. Jesus has been teaching the crowds as he

journeys to Jerusalem. As he teaches, the Pharisees and

scribes complain and challenge Jesus because he is

welcoming sinners at his table. Today we hear the third of

three parables that Jesus tells in response to his critics. These

three familiar parables—the lost sheep, the lost coin, and

today's parable of the prodigal son—invite us to consider the

depth of God's mercy and love.

The Pharisees taught a scrupulous observance of Jewish

Law. In their interpretation and practice, observant Jews who

shared table fellowship with sinners would be made unclean.

Like Jesus, the Pharisees hoped to lead sinners back to God.

The Pharisees, however, required that sinners first become

ritually clean—observant of the Pharisees' interpretation of

Jewish Law—before sharing table fellowship. This appears

to be one of the major differences between the Pharisees and

Jesus. Jesus reaches out to sinners while they are still

sinners, inviting them to conversion through fellowship with

him. Jesus is God acting among us; by befriending us, he is

inviting us to return to friendship with God. Through

friendship with Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we, in turn,

bear fruit for God. Recall last Sunday's Gospel and the

barren fig tree.

Our familiarity with today's parable risks dulling us to its

tremendously powerful message. We call this the parable of

the lost son or the prodigal son. Any focus on the younger

son, however, must also be balanced by an examination of

the unusual behavior of the father.

First we must imagine our first response to the audacity of a

son who asks for his inheritance before his father has died.

Indignation would certainly be a justifiable response to such

a request. Yet the father in this parable agrees to honor the

son's request and divides his property among his two sons.

How might we describe such a father? Foolish comes to

mind, but so does trusting. Without property of his own, the

father must rely upon his sons to provide for his well-being.

The younger son takes his inheritance and leaves home. The

older son remains, continuing to provide for the father and

the household. Having been disgraced by the younger son,

the father spends some time watching the road for the return

of the lost son. When he eventually sees his wayward son

returning, the father not only welcomes him but also runs out

to greet him and then honors him with a party. We say that

this father is loving and forgiving. Yet these adjectives only

begin to describe the depth of love and mercy that

characterize the father.

We find no surprise in the anger of the older son. Yet the

father appears sad and even confused by the older son's

indignation. He says in reply that they should celebrate

because the lost son had returned. The father is filled with

gratitude and love for the older son's faithfulness. This love

is in no way diminished by the father's rejoicing at the return

of the younger son. Yet the older son's jealousy reveals his

limited understanding of the depth of his father's love.

The Fourth Sunday of Lent is traditionally called Laetare

Sunday. Laetare is a Latin word that means “rejoice.”

Today's Gospel describes the reason for our joy: God's great

love for us has been revealed in Jesus. Through his Passion,

Death, and Resurrection, Christ has reconciled us with God

and one another.

Taken from Loyola Press Sunday Connection

Dear Padre

Play 500 & Euchre Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30PM @ Parkview

KC Omelet Breakfast, Sunday, March 31, 8 AM – 12 noon,

St Athanasus Lunchroom, Jesup serving omelets, hashbrowns, whole

hog sausage, toast, fruit cup & beverage. Free Will Donation. Carry-outs


Men’s Retreat, April 12-14, American Martyrs Retreat House,

2209 North Union Road, Cedar Falls; costs is $135.00. To register or for

questions, Contact ARMH at [email protected] or

ph no. 319-266-3543

EASTER BUNNY is making a stop in Fairbank Saturday

April 13 in the Riverside Park Gazebo! 10 – 11:30AM

In case of rain, it will be held at the Legion.

‘Hopping’ you’ll be there! Sponsored by Fairbank Community Club

Smelt Fry, Friday, April 26, 4:00 -8:00 PM; Aurora Legion Hall;

All You Can Eat; Huge Raffle Lots of Merchandise

Homily Notes:

What did I hear that I would like to remember or think about later???

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