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    Keywords:Seismic fragilityRC precast structures2D and 3D modellingBeamcolumn connection collapse


    cast buildings, to be used in earthquake loss estimation and seismic risk assessment. An analytical meth-

    e likel

    interruption.In May 2012, the seismic events in Northern Italy revealed the

    seismic vulnerability of typical Italian precast industrial buildings.These structures are frequently more exible than traditional rein-forced concrete frames due to their structural scheme, which iscomposed of cantilevered columns xed at the base and a high

    e Italian tert of the c

    was released only in 2004. As a consequence, a large numstructures were designed before the enforcement of therecent seismic regulations, and thus exhibit a number of strdeciencies (Belleri et al. [1]). The aforementioned decienciesaffect strongly the response of precast industrial buildings to seis-mic excitation, as compared to traditional cast-in-place RC struc-tures, and for this reason this paper investigates whether theinevitably necessary simplications in the modelling and method-ologies used to derive fragility curves still allow the effects of suchdesign deciencies to be captured.

    Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Casotto).

    Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136

    Contents lists availab


    lsethe associated direct and indirect consequences in terms of bothhuman casualties, as well as economic losses due to business

    only in 1987 and a seismic hazard zonation of ththat adequately considered the hazard in this pahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2015.02.0340141-0296/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.in Italyrritoryountryber ofmore

    ucturalfering damage for a given severity of ground shaking, and it can bemathematically formulated by fragility curves, which describe theprobability of reaching or exceeding a certain damage limit statefor a given intensity of ground motion. Fragility models have beendeveloped mostly for residential buildings, and there are few cap-able of characterising the seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete(RC) precast structures, notwithstanding the damage oftenobserved in these structures during moderate earthquakes, and

    structures high exibility, but are often designed only to transferhorizontal forces by friction or through steel dowels. Fig. 1.1demonstrates how the use of these connections has led to the lossof support of the structural elements, and consequently to theircollapse, in the aforementioned recent events.

    The poor seismic behaviour of these structures during the May2012 event in Northern Italy is mainly due to the fact that the rstseismic design regulation for this typology was introduced1. Introduction

    Seismic fragility is a measure of thodology has been used that consists of (1) random sampling of one hundred structures for each buildingtypology, (2) pushover analysis to establish a number of damage limit states, (3) execution of nonlineardynamic analysis and comparison of the maximum demand with the limit state capacity to allocate thestructure in a damage state, and (4) regression analysis on the cumulative percentage of buildings in eachdamage state for a set of intensity measure levels to derive the statistical parameters of the fragility func-tions. The building population employed in the analysis was generated considering both material andgeometric variability that was obtained from the eld surveys of 650 industrial facilities, as well as otherinformation available in the literature. Several aspects of the fragility derivation process were furtheranalysed, such as the correlation between different intensity measure types and damage, the considera-tion of different collapse mechanisms (e.g. beamcolumn connection failure) and the differences in theresulting fragility curves when adopting a 2D or a 3D modelling environment. A good agreement withpreliminary empirical fragility functions based on eld data was also observed.

    2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    ihood of a building suf-

    inter-storey height. The connections between precast beams andcolumns, and between roof elements and beams should be ableto sustain the seismic displacement demand associated with theRevised 25 January 2015Accepted 25 February 2015

    reinforced concrete (RC) precast industrial buildings suffered excessive damage, which led to substantialdirect and indirect losses. The aim of this paper is to present a seismic fragility model for Italian RC pre-Seismic fragility of Italian RC precast ind

    C. Casotto a,, V. Silva b, H. Crowley b, R. NascimbeneaROSE Programme, UME School, IUSS Pavia, Italyb European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE), PacDepartment of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia, Italy

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 6 April 2014

    a b s t r a c t

    Despite the moderate grou

    journal homepage: www.etrial structures

    R. Pinho c


    motions observed during the seismic events in Northern Italy, May 2012,

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    g StrSeveral methodologies have been proposed in the recent dec-ades for the derivation of damage-ground motion intensityrelationships, as summarised by Calvi et al. [2]. These include thestatistical treatment of damage distributions that have either beenobserved in post-earthquake surveys (empirical relationships) orsimulated through structural analyses of numerical models underincreasing earthquake intensity (analytical relationships). The lat-ter approach allows sensitivity studies to be carried out to evaluatethe impact of specic aspects, such as inadequate detailing, on theoverall structural response. In addition, analytical approaches per-mit the vulnerability assessment of classes of buildings for whichreliable statistical damage data might not be available. For this rea-son, an analytical method was used in the seismic fragility studypresented herein.

    One of the main differences between the various analyticalmethods arises in the procedure used to estimate the nonlinearresponse of the structure for a given ground motion input. Thecomputational efciency of static analysis with respect to dynamicanalysis has triggered the development of many Nonlinear StaticProcedures, in which the seismic capacity of the structure is usu-ally represented by a capacity curve and the seismic demand byan acceleration and/or displacement response spectrum. For exam-ple, Borzi et al. [3] developed a Simplied Pushover-basedEarthquake Loss Assessment method (SP-BELA), where the nonlin-ear behaviour of a random population of buildings is denedthrough a simplied pushover curve, and the fragility curves aregenerated through the comparison between the displacementcapacity limits identied on the pushover curve and the displace-ment demand from a response spectrum. Bolognini et al. [4] imple-mented the SP-BELA method for traditional Italian precastconstructions, adapting the limit states denition and considering

    Fig. 1.1. Failure due to loss of support of the beam during the May

    C. Casotto et al. / Engineerinthe connection failure mechanism in a simplied way that ignoredthe vertical component of the dynamic seismic input. Senel andKayhan [5] have also derived fragility curves for precast industrialbuildings also using simplied pushover curves for the denitionof the limit states, expressed as a function of the chord rotationof the columns. However, in this case, nonlinear dynamic analyseswere employed to obtain the maximum displacement demands,which were compared with the aforementioned limit displace-ments. The main drawbacks of this fragility assessment are theexclusion of the second order effects in the mechanics-based bilin-ear pushover curves, which in this type of structures can affectconsiderably the overall behaviour, and the lack of modelling ofthe connection behaviour.

    For what concerns nonlinear dynamic analysis, in general thetwo most common disadvantages to its use in fragility assessmentare the increased computational effort and the difculty in readilyguaranteeing numerical convergence. However, such issues werenot a main concern within this study as the structures underinvestigation are relatively simple (single-storey bare frames),which thus allowed the employment of a large number of nonlin-ear dynamic analyses and a more accurate representation of thereal phenomenon. Hundreds of structures were produced throughMonte Carlo simulation to represent the as built in Italy and sub-jected to seventy ground motion records using nonlinear dynamicanalysis. The geometric properties of the structures generatedwere randomly sampled from probabilistic distributions obtainedfrom 650 eld surveys, while the material property distributionswere found in the literature and established using expert opinion,when such data were not available. The building stock was classi-ed into a number of typologies according to geometric cong-uration and the original seismic design, both of which arecorrelated with the construction age. This methodology was imple-mented by modelling the structures in both 2D and 3D frame-works. A pushover analysis was also performed for each frameand a set of limit states were estimated according both to strainlevels and maximum top drifts. The capacity of the connectionswas calculated and connection failure was accounted for as a col-lapse limit state, estimated with both static and dynamic methods.

    2. Fragility curve methodology

    An overview of the analytical methodology for the derivation ofthe fragility curves is shown in Fig. 2.1. The analytical methodologycan be summarised in the following steps:

    1. Generation of precast RC structures: The characteristics of thistype of structure were analysed according to building typolo-gies with homogeneous attributes. For each typology, a proba-bility density function for each geometric and material

    2 Emilia-Romagna earthquake in Northern Italy (Belleri et al. [1]).

    uctures 94 (2015) 122136 123parameter was dened.2. Design, numerical modelling and damage analyses: The randomly

    sampled single structures were designed according to theadmissible tension method and the provisions of the codein place at the time of construction (either pre- or post-1996). The classication of the building stock and the designprocedure outlined by Bolognini et al. [4] was adopted. Eachgenerated structure was modelled and subjected to nonlinearstatic and dynamic analyses using the software OpenSEES[41]. The pushover analysis served the purpose of dening acapacity curve, and the associated limit states (LSs) for threelevels of damage. Due to the particular static scheme and thestructural deciencies affecting the nonlinear behaviour ofprecast RC buildings, both sectional and global parameterswere used for the limit state denition. The steel yieldingstrain characterises the rst limit state and the maximumtop drift denes the collapse limit state, unless connectionfailure happens rst. A dynamic analysis was performed using

  • Str124 C. Casotto et al. / Engineeringa suite of selected accelerograms and the maximum responseof each structure in terms of maximum top drift wasextracted. These results (displacement demand) were com-pared with the limit states (displacement capacity), in orderto allocate each structure into a damage state.

    3. Fragility curves derivation: The distribution of buildings in eachdamage state was stored in a damage probability matrix(DPM), and related to the corresponding Intensity MeasureLevel (IML) for each ground motion record (described furtherin Section 2.3). The DPM was used to derive the statisticalparameters of each fragility function. This regression analysiswas carried out using the maximum likelihood method.

    Fig. 2.1. Flowchart of the proposed analytuctures 94 (2015) 1221362.1. Generation of the building stock

    A Matlab [42] script was developed to incorporate the differentsteps of the analysis presented in Fig. 2.1 into an automatedprocess.

    2.1.1. Classication of Italian industrial precast buildingsThe denition of the typologies representative of the as built

    in Italy was based on the combination of different factors: the yearof construction and thus the seismic design code to which theyshould conform to, and the geometric conguration. A periodcorresponding to the last 5060 years was considered and the

    ical method to derive fragility curves.

  • building stock subdivided between pre-code and low-code design,for the structures that date back to before and after 1996, respec-tively. In fact, the rst (unsatisfactory) attempts to include provi-sions for the design of reinforced concrete precast structures inseismic zones were carried out in 1987 and 1996, but an appropri-ate design code including a specic chapter on precast structureswas introduced only in 2003 (OPCM 3274 [6]). The very limitednumber of precast buildings in Italy designed in accordance withthe latter regulation meant that it was not worth considering apost-code typology with modern seismic design in the adoptedclassication. Moreover, the little knowledge of the real design cri-teria applied in the absence of code provisions in the decadesbefore the 70s, combined with the relatively scarce design docu-mentation, results in a large uncertainty in the evaluation of thecapacity of RC precast structures built in that period.

    and from the direct survey of 650 warehouses located in Tuscany,

    material properties indicated by the reference codes (DM 3-03-1975 [10], DM 16-01-1996 [11]) were used to design each struc-ture. For the design of the low-code typologies a random choicebetween the steel characteristic yielding value of 380 MPa and440 MPa was performed, which corresponds to the values indi-cated by the DM 16-01-1996 [11] regulation for FeB38 andFeB44 ribbed steel bars, respectively. The same approach wasadopted for the concrete cubic characteristic strength, with ran-domly selected values of 45, 50 or 55 MPa (each with the sameprobability of occurrence). For the pre-code typologies, valuesbetween 320 MPa and 380 MPa were randomly chosen for steeltensile strength, according to the DM 3-03-1975 [10] guidelines,the former referring to FeB32 smooth bars and the latter to theFeB38 ribbed bars. Regarding the concrete compressive strengthfor this typology, 35, 40, 45 or 50 MPa was randomly chosen froma uniform distribution. Both smooth and ribbed steel bars were

    C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136 125Emilia Romagna and Piedmont regions, built between 1960 and2010. Part of the survey data were provided by the Seismic RiskPrevention Area of Tuscany Region [43], which conducted a cam-paign for risk and hazard assessment of industrial areas, which isfully described in Ferrini et al. [9]. Additional information was col-lected by eld teams from the European Centre for Training andResearch in Earthquake Engineering [44]. The results of theinvestigations were used to derive the statistical distributions ofthe geometric properties for each building typology. Some informa-tion required for this study (e.g. material properties and designloads) could not be extracted from the surveys, and was insteadobtained from the literature, or estimated through expert opinion.

    The rst typology, more traditional and frequently used, consistsof a series of one-storeybasic portal frames. Eachportal is comprisedof twoormorecolumnsxedat thebaseandasaddle roofbeam,usu-ally simply supported by the columns or with shear resistant con-nections. The second common typology consists of one-storeyframes linked by perpendicular straight beams, which carry themain roof beams or directly support the large span slab elements.Table 2.1 describes the classication of the building stock accordingto the structural conguration and the design lateral load.

    2.1.2. Statistical characterisation of the material and geometricparameters

    The concrete and steel characteristic compressive and tensilestrengths were sampled according to the construction age. The

    Table 2.1Classication of the building typologies used in this study.

    Structural conguration Codelevel

    Design lateralloada (%)

    Id code

    Type 1 Pre-code

    2 T1-PC-2


    4 T1-LC-47 T1-LC-7

    10 T1-LC-10

    Type 2 Pre-code

    2 T2-PC-2


    4 T2-LC-47 T2-LC-7

    10 T2-LC-10Two main categories were selected to represent the most com-mon geometric congurations of the Italian precast industrial build-ing stock, as described in Table 2.1. This classicationwasdevelopedbased on information from the available Italian literature, from pre-cast elements producers, and designs reported in Calvi et al. [7,8],a As a percentage of the weight of the structures.considered in the pre-code classication because of the progressiveincrease in the use of ribbed bars, passing from 5% in 1950 to 80%in 1980 (Verderame et al. [12]).

    In order to consider the difference between the actual charac-teristic compressive and tensile strength of the materials to beused in the modelling and the design values indicated in the codes,the results obtained by Verderame et al. [12] from an experimentalcampaign on the actual mechanical properties of materials wereadopted. Unfortunately, this study provides information only onsmooth steel bars, hence overstrength coefcients to the designvalues of those materials for which statistical studies were notavailable were applied. Therefore, a normal distribution with amean of 356 MPa and standard deviation of 67.8 MPa was assumedfor the steel yielding strength of smooth bars (Verderame et al.[12]), while the yielding strength of ribbed bars and the character-istic strength of concrete were respectively multiplied by the over-strength coefcients cs (mean value of 1.15 and coefcient ofvariation equal to 7.5%) and cc (mean value of 1.3 and coefcientof variation equal to 15%), following the suggestions of Bologniniet al. [4]. It is noted that for the modelling, the overstrength coef-cients were not applied to the same design values adopted in thedesign, but to new randomly sampled design values. In fact, thecharacteristic strengths used in the design are generally unknownwhen trying to assess the capacity of an existing building; the newsampling thus takes into account the possible mismatch betweenthe design and the modelling values, which is another source ofuncertainty.

    Table 2.2 summarises concrete and steel characteristicstrengths (Rck and fsk) used for the design and Table 2.3 providesthe values used in the modelling. Table 2.4 reports the loadsapplied in the simulated design: the self-weight of the roof GR

    Table 2.2Material properties randomly sampled for the simulated design of the building stock.

    Pre-code (all cases) Low-code (all cases)

    Rck (MPa) 35, 40, 45, 50 45, 50, 55fsk (MPa) 320, 380 380, 440

    Table 2.3Material properties randomly sampled to model the building stock.

    Pre-code (all cases) Low-code (all cases)

    Rck (MPa) 35, 40, 45,50 multipliedby cc

    45, 50, 55 multiplied by cc

    Smooth Ribbed Ribbed

    fsk (MPa) l = 356

    r = 67.8380 multiplied by cs 380, 440 multiplied by cs

  • made to use expert opinion to determine an adequate probabilisticmodel. All the parameters are described in Table 2.5, noting that

    Table 2.4Load cases randomly sampled as a function of the type of structures and thedimensions of the members. GR is the roof weight, GLB the lateral beam weight, GB thebeam self-weight, Q1 and Q2 the accidental and snow weight, respectively.

    Load type Type 1 Type 2

    GR (kN/m2) Lintercol < 20 m 2.4 2.9Lintercol > 20 m 1.6

    GLB (kN/m) 2.4

    Table 2.6Summary of the pre-code and low-code design methods and requirements.

    Pre-code Low-code


    Static analysisHorizontal force 2% ofthe total weight

    Static analysisHorizontal force for three classesS = 6, 9, 12P-Delta effects considered


    Admissible tensionFlexure and

    Admissible tensionFlexure and compression for big

    126 C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136minimum and maximum truncating values were dened by expertopinion, with a view to avoid unrealistic parameters.

    2.2. Design, numerical modelling and damage analyses

    2.2.1. DesignThe structures were designed in compliance with the pre-code

    and low-code classication, as previously noted. The DM 3-03-1975 [10] is the main reference for the pre-code typologies, andthe DM 16-01-1996 [11] for the low-code design. In both casesthe allowable tension method was employed, which consists inthe comparison of the maximum values of stresses in the concreteand steel bars with those of the allowable ones. According to thisand the beam GB are a function of the length that the roof elementsand the beams need to cover, Lintercol and Lbeam, respectively.

    Several probabilistic distributions (normal, lognormal, gamma)were considered for the characterisation of the geometric proper-ties of precast structures. The maximum likelihood approach wasadopted to select the probabilistic model that provided the bestt and the chi-square test was employed to evaluate the good-ness-of-t for a set of signicance levels (1%, 5% and 10%), asdescribed in Bal et al. [13]. For the cases for which the probabilitydistributions showed a poor t with the eld data, a decision was

    GB (kN/m) Lbeam < 16 m 3.6 416 < Lbeam < 22 m 5.2 622 < Lbeam < 24 m 6.85 7.524 < Lbeam < 28 m 7.5 8Lbeam > 28 m 8.55 9.5

    Q1 (kN/m2) Normal distribution l = 2; r = 0.4; min = 0.8;max = 3.2

    Q2 (kN/m2) Normal distribution l = 2; r = 0.4; min = 0.8;max = 3.2design philosophy, the dimensions of a given member and theamount of steel reinforcement should increase until the stressesare lower than the limits of the materials. The seismic action isapplied as static horizontal loads, corresponding to a fraction ofthe total weight of the building. This percentage is very low forthe pre-code design (2%), whilst in the low-code it is a functionof the seismic region where the structure is located (4%, 7% and10% for seismic zones III, II and I, respectively). Moreover, in thelow-code designed structures, second order (P-Delta) effects aretaken into account, as well as the shear demand. These differences

    Table 2.5Geometric dimensions randomly sampled for the generation of the building stock. h andportals (Lintercol) and column height (Hcol).

    Structural conguration Distribution h

    Type 1 Lbeam (m) Lognormal 14.9Lintercol (m) Lognormal 6.8Hcol (m) Lognormal 6.5

    Type 2 Lbeam (m) Normal 8.7Lintercol (m) Normal 16.5Hcol (m) Normal 6.5between the pre-code and low-code design are summarised inTable 2.6, while the full design methodology is presented inCasotto [14].

    The type of connection considered in this study consists of asimple corbel supporting the roof beams. Further details aboutthe design of the connections can be found in EOTA [15].Connections relying on friction are allowed in the pre-code design,but not in the low-code, as stated in the DM 03-12-1987 [16] reg-ulations. Thus, in pre-code buildings the capacity of the connec-tions was calculated simply as the friction resistance. The frictioncoefcient depends on the type of interface that supports the beam(concrete, rubber pads or steel plates). The denition of thisparameter is a controversial matter, as in the literature it is foundto vary between 0.6 and 0.9, whilst in some experimental cam-paigns lower values between 0.1 and 0.5 have been observed(Magliulo et al. [17]). Due to this uncertainty, a decision was madeto adopt two xed values of 0.2 and 0.3, the former close to thelower bound and the latter the mean of the range found inMagliulo et al. [17], and to estimate the effect of this parameteron the nal fragility curves. The load variation due to the verticalacceleration was considered differently in the 2D and the 3D mod-elling frameworks, as will be explained in Section 2.2.3. For low-code structures, steel bolts or bars (so-called dowel connections)can be used to reinforce the connection. The resistance of thesteelconcrete interaction is assumed to be the smallest betweenthe shear resistance of the steel and that of the concrete.

    2.2.2. Numerical modellingThe randomly generated structures were modelled in both a 2D

    compression for smalleccentricityStandard shearreinforcement

    eccentricity (computation of theneutral axis position)Design of the shear reinforcementverication of the displacements

    Connections Friction connection Connections with standard steelelementsand 3D environment using the software OpenSEES [41], con-sidering both the geometric and material nonlinearities. In the2D framework the structure was represented by the external framein the direction longitudinal to the main beams, because it is theframe with less axial load and thus more sensitive to connectionfailure. The concrete nonlinear behaviour was modelled using theproposal by Kent-Park and modied by Scott et al. [18], whilstthe steel was simulated using the Menegotto and Pinto [19] model.

    r are the median and dispersion, describing beam length (Lbeam), distance between

    r min max v2 test Source

    0.3 8 30 10% Tuscany database0.28 8 10 Not passed Expert opinion0.25 4 12 Not passed Tuscany database

    2.1 8 10 Not passed Tuscany database3.7 10 25 Not passed Tuscany database1.3 4 11 10% Tuscany database

  • The numerical model included material inelasticity in a distributedfashion, using force-based bre nite elements for the columns,with a mesh of 220 bres and 4 integration points.

    Since the beams are pre-stressed precast members designed toremain elastic under the gravity loads, and the hinge connectionsdo not allow the additional moments in the columns producedby the seismic action to be transmitted to the beams, for the sakeof simplicity it was decided to represent them with elastic ele-ments. To ensure that no moments are transmitted to the beams,link elements with no exural stiffness were introduced at thetop of the columns.

    2.2.3. Damage analysesAs mentioned before, two types of analysis were conducted:

    nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis. The former wasundertaken to establish a set of limit states (levels of capacity)and the latter to simulate the seismic event and capture how thebuilding responds to different levels of ground motion intensityin terms of internal forces and displacements (which are then com-pared with the aforementioned limit states). The analyses were

    repeated for the various typologies of precast industrial buildings,for the three levels of design lateral load (4%, 7% and 10% of thetotal weight) in the low-code design case, and for one level ofdesign lateral load in the pre-code design case (2% of the totalweight).

    The overall process is summarised in Fig. 2.2: the top imagesrepresent the pushover analysis of a single 2D frame, with the def-inition of the two limit states; the middle images present a singleframe being tested against the suite of accelerograms throughdynamic analysis, and the resulting maximum response over-lapped with the pushover curves previously computed. The bottomimages represent the repetition of the previous two steps for all theframes that constitute the randomly generated building stock. Pushover analysis and damage states denition. A pushovercurve was computed to estimate a set of limit state global drifts.There are many criteria that can be employed for the limit statedenition according to the level of complexity of the models andof the analyses. Crowley et al. [20] considered damage limit statesbased on the strain levels in the concrete and steel, whilst other

    C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136 127Fig. 2.2. Scheme of the analysis process, pushover analysis of a single building generatinmultiple records (middle), dynamic analysis of the building stock for multiple records (g a pushover curve with limit states (top), dynamic analysis of a single building forbottom).

  • buildings) a 3D displacement-based pushover was applied,wherein the increments in each direction were proportional tothe stiffness in the corresponding direction, in order to

    0 2 4 6 8 100.4









    Time [s]




    n [g




    0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.040








    Top Drift [%]


    e Sh

    ear [


    pushoverLS1LS2LS connection

    Structures 94 (2015) 122136authors (e.g. Erberik [21]; Akkar et al. [22]) dened these thresh-olds using inter-storey drifts. Three damage states are applicablein this specic case: none/slight damage, moderate/extensive dam-age and collapse.

    The member exural strength, which characterises the rstlimit state (LS1), is attained when the reinforcement steel in thecolumns rst yields. The ultimate strain limits of concreteec = 0.005 and steel es = 0.015 proposed by Crowley et al. [20] can-not be used to characterise the collapse limit state in this study, asthey lead to excessive levels of top displacement. Furthermore,inter-storey drifts frequently suggested in the literature for dam-age criteria of RC structures are also inadequate, as traditional RCstructures with monolithic connections feature a very differentresponse with respect to RC precast buildings with hinged beamcolumn joints. The main reason for this difference is the combina-tion of slenderness and low transverse reinforcement ratio in thelatter. In Deyanova et al. [23] different methodologies for deningthe ultimate rotation of precast columns typical of the Italian con-structions have been compared. These methods include the so-called DDBD method that follows the recommendations foryielding curvature, ultimate curvature and plastic hinge lengthby Priestley et al. [24]. Another approach was based on Cumbia,a momentcurvature software developed by the same authors,which calculates the displacement at expected buckling. A bre-element based approach was also adopted and section analysiswith the nite element software SeismoStruct [45] was performed.The ultimate drift of the columns was also evaluated following theapproach by Haselton [25]; Fischinger et al. [26] found that thismethod best matched the experimental results amongst all thosethey investigated. The Haselton approach, however, yieldsunrealistic results for the Italian precast columns due to thevery low transverse reinforcement ratio (qsh = 0.04%) comparedto that of the structure tested by Fischinger et al. [26], whereqsh = 0.86%. As far as the ultimate displacement was concerned,all the methods used by Deyanova et al. [23] gave a wide rangeof results. It is clear that more investigation is needed in this eldand in the meantime the exural collapse limit state (LS2) has beenset to 3% inter-storey drift, as experimentally veried by Brunesiet al. [27].

    Failure due to shear was not considered in the present studybecause it has not been observed in any of the precast industrialstructures investigated after Emilia-Romagna events (Deyanovaet al. [23]). The reasons why exural collapse was predominantinclude the large column sections, designed for instability andbuckling, and the slenderness of the columns, due to the largeinter-storey height.

    The collapse limit state is related also with the loss of support ofthe beam. The connection collapse is evaluated differently in the2D and 3D framework, and with two different approaches in the2D framework. The two approaches in the 2D environment differin the way the friction capacity is calculated and in the considera-tion of sliding of the beam on the column support. In the rstapproach, connection collapse is identied when the shear demandin at least one column exceeds the connection capacity; thecapacity of the connection is computed assuming a constant force,proportional to 40% of the axial load (as applied in Bolognini et al.[4]). In the second method this capacity is dependent on thevertical component of the ground motion records and collapse isidentied only when the sliding displacement of the beam exceedsits support length and unseating occurs. Sliding has beenaccounted for with Newmark sliding block analysis (Fig. 2.3),adopted from Kramer [28]: the sliding displacement is computedas the double integration of the acceleration at the connection

    128 C. Casotto et al. / Engineeringnode exceeding the yield acceleration benchmark (shaded greyarea shown in Fig. 2.3), which is the acceleration correspondingto the connection resistance force.The yield acceleration benchmark ay is computed as in the fol-lowing equation:

    ay V cnnmwhere m is the inertial mass at the connection location and Vcnn isthe shear capacity of the connection, a function of the friction coef-cient and the axial load N. If N is not considered constant but vary-ing with the vertical acceleration, the yield acceleration ay will notbe a horizontal line as in the gure above, but it will also vary intime. The support length is computed as half of the corbel length,to consider the worst case scenario where the columns oscillateout of phase.

    Fig. 2.4 shows the limit states evaluated on the pushover curveincluding connection collapse limit state computed with the con-stant connection resistance. For this particular case, collapse dueto connection failure is reached before the other two limit states.

    The 3D modelling framework introduces an additional source ofcomplexity in the pushover analysis regarding the direction inwhich the pushover should be performed to dene the limit states.Given the simplicity of this type of structure (i.e. single-storey

    Fig. 2.3. Newmark sliding block analysis for the evaluation of sliding displacement.Fig. 2.4. Pushover curve and limit states for a structure representative of T1-PC-2typology.

  • g Strapproximate the progressive deformation of the structure sub-jected to a horizontal seismic force in the 3D space. Two otherpushover analyses were performed loading the structure in thetwo directions separately, checking whether the x and y compo-nents of the limit states evaluated on the 3D bi-directional push-over curve exceed the limit states obtained when loading only inone direction. In this case, the damage induced by a mainly x- ory-oriented seismic excitation could be underestimated, and for thisreason, after the dynamic analysis, the uni-directional limit statesare used for the comparison with the x and y maximum displace-ments, whilst the limit states derived with the bi-directional push-over curve are compared with the modulus of the displacementvector. The structure is nally allocated to the maximum damagestate resulting from the three aforementioned comparisons. Thelimit states were dened on each pushover curve, using the samecriteria described for the 2D framework. Connection failure, whichleads to sudden collapse of the structure, was considered to occurwhen the sliding displacement is exceeded in at least one direction,considering the two directions separately. The test in each direc-tion is carried out in the same way as in the 2D approach with ver-tical acceleration. Dynamic analysis and seismic input. To the previouslydescribed structural model the following additions were madefor the dynamic analyses: the masses were lumped at the jointsand a tangent stiffness proportional damping model was used witha damping ratio of 2%. Two types of dynamic analyses were per-formed on the 2D frames; considering only one horizontal inputor applying both the horizontal and the vertical accelerations, thusallowing the calculation of the connection capacity as a function ofthe vertical excitation. The maximum response of the structure,expressed in terms of maximum top drift, was compared withthe drift limits dened with the pushover analysis to allocate eachframe into a damage state. In the 3D environment the structureswere subjected to accelerograms in the three directions and themaximum top displacements in x and y and the modulus of the dis-placement vector were compared with the three sets of limit statesderived with the uni-directional and the bi-directional pushovercurves respectively, as previously described. The contributions interms of damage state per level of ground motion intensity,obtained from all the samples subjected to all the records, weresummed up and normalised with respect to the total number ofbuildings to compute the Damage Probability Matrix (DPM). Thismatrix contains the percentage of frames in each damage statefor a set of intensity measure levels representing each groundmotion record.

    The use of real accelerograms for dening the input to dynamicanalyses was adopted (as opposed to employing synthetic or arti-cial records, in which the scaling process might lead to unrealisticproperties in the ground motion records, such as frequency contentand/or duration). Stewart et al. [29] and Bommer and Acevedo [30]considered magnitude (M) and distance (R) as important parame-ters for the earthquake record selection, complemented by the soilprole (S) at the site of interest, leading to (M, R, S) record sets. Theregion of interest is Northern Italy, with particular focus on theregion of Emilia-Romagna, where the ranges of these parameterscontributing to the 475 years return period hazard forSa(T = 1.5 s) are Mw from 4 to 6.5 and R from 0 to 20 km, whilstthose contributing to the 2475 years return period are Mw from4.5 to 6.5 and R from 0 to 30 km (Iervolino et al. [31]). The soil inthis area is classied by Borzi and Di Capua [32] as soft, accordingto the EC8 soil classes, or as category C and D, following the Italiancode classication (NTC2008 [33]). Seventy accelerograms in the

    C. Casotto et al. / Engineerinthree directions (leading to 210 records) were extracted from thePEER database [46]. A low scaling factor of approximately 1.5was applied to 13 of the ground motion records in order tosimulate stronger intensity measure levels, which is an acceptablefactor according to Watson-Lamprey and Abrahamson [34].Moreover, records with directivity or pulse effects were avoided.The histograms of PGA and Sa(T = 1.5 s) are presented in Fig. 2.5.

    2.3. Fragility curve derivation

    The results from the nonlinear dynamic analyses were assem-bled in the Damage Probability Matrix, which contained the frac-tions of sampled structures in each damage state, for a set ofincreasing intensity measure levels. Then, the cumulative fractionof structures in each damage state was estimated, by summingthe percentages of frames belonging to all the subsequent damagestates. A lognormal cumulative distribution function, expressingthe probability of exceeding each damage state in a continuousfashion, was then t to these results. The regression analysis wascarried out using the maximum likelihood method.

    In the 2D approach, that hypothesizes a 40% axial load reduc-tion to account for vertical acceleration, a simplied methodologywas employed to include the Probability of Exceedance (PoE) ofconnection failure. This probability was computed separately andthen added to the PoE of exural failure to obtain the total PoEof the ultimate limit state. In fact, the discrete probabilities forincreasing intensity of the ground motion were very scatteredand the dispersion was high when trying to t them with a uniquecontinuous function. The dispersion decreased considerably con-sidering the two conditional probabilities separately, because theyare able to describe the two trends visible in the collapse fragilitycurves (Fig. 2.6): a rst trend when the demand is not enough toattain exural capacity and collapse is due only to connection fail-ure, and a second trend when exural failure starts contributing tocollapse, while connection failure is limited by the maximum per-centage of frames featuring the connection collapse mechanism.The total PoE of collapse is the sum of the two conditional proba-bilities: the probability of attaining connection collapse,P(CConnection), conditional on the probability of presenting connec-tion failure mechanism, P(Connection mechanism), and theprobability of reaching exural failure, P(CFlexure), conditionalon the probability of having exural failure mechanism,(1 P(Connection mechanism)). The relation to estimate the totalprobability of exceeding collapse (PoEC) is thus expressed in thefollowing equation:

    PoEC PCConnectionPConnection mechanism PCFlexure1 PConnection mechanism

    The results of this simplied method are analysed in Fig. 2.7, com-paring the collapse fragility curves that comprise both failuremechanisms (exure and collapse) with those that consider onlyexural collapse, and with the yielding fragility curve. The compar-ison shows that connection collapse plays an important role in thetotal collapse curve, but also that for the typology in the plots it ismore likely to occur than yielding, as similarly shown in Fig. 2.4.This outcome reveals that the criteria used to assess connection fail-ure (reducing by 40% the axial load and neglecting the unseatingdisplacement of the beam) were too conservative, leading to unreli-able results. The method was therefore discarded in favour of theother two approaches, where the beamcolumn joint collapse isassessed in a more accurate way. Moreover in the second approachimplemented within the 2D framework and in the one appliedwithin the 3D framework, a unique regression analysis was per-formed with the data comprising both exural and connection fail-ure, without the need to compute the PoE of connection and exural

    uctures 94 (2015) 122136 129collapse separately.A key point in the derivation of fragility curves is the selection of

    the intensitymeasure (IM) that adequately correlates with damage.

  • Str40



    130 C. Casotto et al. / EngineeringVarious intensity measures were considered and compared, usingthe R2 coefcient to quantify the correlation between the intensitylevels and the cumulative percentage of frames for each limit state.The peak ground acceleration (PGA) is a very common measure invulnerability studies, as Crowley et al. [35] showed when collectingmore than fourhundred fragility curves. This parameter is also easily

    0 0.5 1 1.50








    PGA [g]


    ber o

    f rec


    Fig. 2.5. Histograms of PGA (left) and Sa(T = 1.5 s) (right

    0 100 200 300 400 5000














    PoE connection collapsePoE flexural collapsePoE total

    Sa (Topt) [cm/s2]

    Fig. 2.6. Total probability of exceedance for the collapse limit state as the sum of the two0.2 (left) and 0.3 (right) friction coefcient.

    0 100 200 300 400 500 6000











    Sa (Topt) [cm/s2]



    ty o

    f Exc



    PoE total collapsePoE yieldingPoE flexural collapse

    Fig. 2.7. Comparison between the total collapse fragility curve and the exural collapse a25


    uctures 94 (2015) 122136extracted fromgroundmotion records; however, for structureswithlong fundamental periodsof vibration, this IM leads to very largedis-persion in the results (see Fig. 2.8).

    The employment of a spectral quantity, such as spectral accelera-tion (Sa), introduces the problem of selecting the period for whichthe spectral ordinate is computed. In fact, the selected period is of

    0 100 200 300 400 500 600 7000





    Sa (T=1.5 sec) [cm/s2]


    ber o

    f rec


    ) of the selected horizontal ground motion records.

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 4000














    PoE connection collapsePoE flexural collapsePoE total

    Sa (Topt) [cm/s2]

    conditional probabilities of exural collapse and connection collapse, T1-PC-2 with

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 4000













    ty o

    f Exc



    PoE total collapsePoE yieldingPoE flexural collapse

    Sa (Topt) [cm/s2]

    nd yielding fragility curves, T1-PC-2 with 0.2 (left) and 0.3 (right) friction coefcient.

  • Absolute Velocity, which considers the total energy stored duringthe seismic event, but showed to provide a weaker performance


    0 0.5 1 1.50











    PGA [g]



    ty o

    f Exc





    C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Strgreat importance for the reduction of the uncertainty in each limitstate curve. The elastic period is a common choice, but it is not veryrepresentative of the dynamic properties of a structure, as even forlow intensities the cracking of concrete elongates the period ofvibration signicantly. Silva et al. [36] investigated the inuenceof the period of vibration on the variability of the fragility curves,by computing the coefcient R2 for a set of elastic periods. The samecorrelation analysis was carried out for RC precast industrial build-ings, as shown in Fig. 2.9. Themean R2 curve (themean between therst limit state and the second limit stateR2 curves) is also presentedand the optimal period (the periods corresponding to themaximumcorrelation for each limit state and for themean curves) is indicatedwith a vertical line. The spectral acceleration at the mean optimalperiod of vibration Sa(Topt) increases the performance of the secondlimit state curve (which provides information about the damagestate that has a larger inuence on the losses) without substantiallycompromising the rst limit state correlation.

    The main drawback of using Sa at the optimal period, as dis-cussed by Vamvatsikos and Cornell [37], is that it does not corre-spond to the period of vibration of the structure at a certaincondition of damage and it would be difcult to select a priori.The only way to estimate it robustly would be through a correla-tion analysis similar to that previously described, carried out for

    R LS1 = 0.39 LS2 = 0.38 R

    Fig. 2.8. Fragility curves using PGA and correlation coefcients R2 for typologyT1-PC-2.each typology, since a slight change in period could penalise thedispersion considerably. As an alternative, the power-law formwith three spectral values (IMpw) proposed by Vamvatsikos and

    0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 40.2









    Period [s]



    n Co






    Fig. 2.9. Correlation coefcient as a function of the period of vibration of Sa, forT1-PC-2 typology.than the aforementioned IMs. Moreover, since the purpose of thisstudy is to provide a set of fragility functions for earthquake lossassessment, Sa(Topt) was preferred to IMpw. In fact even if IMpwcould be easily estimated from the Sa values directly provided bymost of the ground motion prediction equations available in com-mon seismic risk software, the cross correlation between the spec-tral ordinates combined in this parameter (see e.g. Baker andJayaram [38]) would need to be estimated, which would signi-cantly complicate the loss assessment methodology.

    For what concerns the 3D analyses, the structures evaluatedherein were no longer dominated by a single vibration mode, butusually by two modes with similar modal contribution in eachdirection, as well as a similar elastic period. It was decided to usethe geometric mean between the two horizontal components andthe period that provides the better correlation coefcient accord-ing to the correlation analysis previously described. The geometricmean is now the most widely used horizontal-component def-inition in ground motion prediction equations (Beyer andBommer [39]), which is essential for the application of the derivedfragility curves in loss models. The geometric mean is dened as:

    Sa;GMxyTopt Sa;xTopt Sa;yTopt


    3. Proposed fragility functions

    3.1. Fragility curves

    The nal fragility curves derived within the 2D and 3D frame-work that include vertical acceleration in the dynamic analysesand unseating of the beam are presented in this section. Resultsfor the hypothesis of 40% axial load reduction to account for verti-cal acceleration were discarded, as explained in Section 2.3. Anexample of the fragility functions obtained within the 2D and 3Denvironments is presented in Fig. 3.1, while the parameters foryielding and collapse fragility curves are reported in Table 3.1. Itshould be noted that a direct comparison between the fragilitycurves derived with these two approaches is not reliable; despitethe same intensity measure type being displayed on the x axis, theycorrespond to different optimal periods (Topt) and the geometricmean between the spectral acceleration of the two horizontal com-ponents is used in the 3D analyses, whilst the spectral accelerationCornell [37] was tested on the precast structures. The IMpw com-bines the Sa for different spectral periods selected a priori in the fol-lowing way:

    IMpw Sasa SasbSasa b Sasc

    Sasa c

    where sa; sb and sc are T1, 150% of T1 and 200% of T1 respectively,and T1 stands for the rst period of vibration. In the original pro-posal, the period of the rst vibration mode (T1), was computedfor the elastic period. However, during the various analyses withinthis study, it was observed that the yielding period provided a con-siderably better performance, and so it was used instead of the elas-tic period. The comparison between the IMs explored so far, shownin Figs. 2.8 and 2.10, reveals the good performance of spectral quan-tities with respect to PGA and the similar effect of Sa(Topt) and IMpwon the dispersion reduction.

    Other IMs were tested, such as Arias Intensity and Cumulative

    uctures 94 (2015) 122136 131from a single direction is used in the 2D analyses. These functionswould need to be applied within a complete loss assessment exer-cise in order to fully appreciate the difference between them.

  • R2 R2LS1 = 0.89 LS2 38.0= LS1 = 0.88 LS2 = 0.84

    0 100 200 300 400 5000











    Sa (Topt) [cm/s2]



    ty o

    f Exc




    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 4000











    IMpw [cm/s2]



    ty o

    f Exc




    R2 R2

    Fig. 2.10. Fragility curves for T1-PC-2 and corresponding correlation coefcients R2 as a function of IM used: Sa(Topt) (left), IMpw (right). Only exural collapse fragility curvesare compared.

    0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000











    Sa(Topt) [cm/s2]



    ty o

    f Exc




    0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000











    Sa(Topt) [cm/s2]




    friction = 0.2Data 0.2friction = 0.3Data 0.3

    0 100 200 300 400 500 6000











    Sa(Topt) [cm/s2]



    ty o

    f Exc




    0 100 200 300 400 500 6000











    Sa(Topt) [cm/s2]




    friction = 0.2Data 0.2friction = 0.3Data 0.3

    Fig. 3.1. Probability of exceedance derived in a 2D framework (top) and in a 3D framework (bottom) considering the vertical acceleration component. T1-PC-2 yielding andexural collapse fragility curves (left), exural and connection collapse curves (right) for the two friction coefcients.

    132 C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136

  • 3.2. Discussion connection capacity could be exceeded, but the beam could stillnot be unseated because of its limited sliding displacement. The

    Table 3.1Results from the 2D and 3D approaches considering the vertical acceleration. Median (h) and logarithmic standard deviation (r), and coefcient of correlation (R2) of each fragilityfunction using friction coefcient of 0.2 and an intensity measure of Sa(Topt) in cm/s2.

    Typology 2D 3D

    LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2

    Topt h r RLS12 h r RLS22 Topt h r RLS12 h r RLS22

    T1-PC-2 0.8 216 0.59 0.84 376 0.55 0.86 2.3 44 0.56 0.94 128 0.26 0.93T1-LC-4 1.6 96 0.48 0.88 306 0.42 0.83 2.3 44 0.53 0.91 133 0.39 0.88T1-LC-7 0.8 276 0.46 0.88 609 0.56 0.81 1.4 112 0.41 0.93 277 0.55 0.66T1-LC-10 0.8 302 0.38 0.93 392 0.53 0.87 0.7 258 0.49 0.84 403 0.52 0.90T2-PC-2 1.7 79 0.51 0.89 166 0.54 0.74 2.2 38 0.52 0.91 125 0.23 0.91T2-LC-4 1.7 80 0.47 0.90 255 0.39 0.86 2.3 43 0.46 0.94 121 0.34 0.88T2-LC-7 0.8 240 0.46 0.88 554 0.45 0.80 1.4 99 0.37 0.96 235 0.47 0.64T2-LC-10 0.8 270 0.41 0.93 379 0.51 0.86 0.7 221 0.48 0.78 422 0.46 0.78

    C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136 133It is clear from the comparison between collapse fragility curveswith and without consideration of connection failure in Fig. 3.1that connection collapse is an important issue that cannot beneglected and has to be addressed carefully. Connection failureoccurs only if the shear demand on the top of the column exceedsthe shear capacity of the connection and the beam unseats fromthe column support. This is the case only if the column is able tocarry and transmit a force equal to or larger than the connectionresistance, according to the hierarchy of the capacities. This isthe reason why connection collapse is much more frequent instructures with friction-based connections or in the frames withstiff columns designed for higher lateral forces. Moreover, the cho-sen method used to evaluate this particular failure mechanism caninuence the results considerably.

    In the rst methodology, connection failure is estimated basedon constant column capacity and constant connection capacity(proportional to the initial axial load reduced by 40%). The baseshear, when the connection capacity is reached in at least one col-umn, is found on the pushover curve and dened as the connectioncollapse limit state, represented in Fig. 3.2 by a horizontal dottedline. Connection collapse mechanism is thus evaluated at thebeginning of the pushover analysis as the base shear at whichthe pushover curve of the structure exceeds the connection col-lapse limit state (Fig. 3.2 left). This method does not consider thepossibility that the column capacity could be very close to the con-nection capacity (Fig. 3.2 right) and it could easily exceed it duringan acceleration time-history, where both the capacities vary withthe vertical acceleration. Similarly it does not consider that the

    1400 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.040







    Top Drift [%]


    e Sh

    ear [


    pushoverLS1LS2LS connection

    Fig. 3.2. Connection collapse limit state denition: 2D with constant connection resistapresenting connection collapse limit state (right).connection collapse is thus almost independent of the seismicinput, because the connection limit state is set a priori with thepushover analysis and it nearly corresponds to the yielding limitstate, easily attained by weak ground motions. This is why forthose typologies signicantly affected by connection failure thecollapse fragility curve can be even more fragile than the yieldingcurve (see Fig. 2.7). The difference in the response betweenpresenting and not presenting connection collapse limit state isdrastic (in the former case failure can occur even before thebuilding reaches yielding), and therefore it generates a large scatterin the fragility curves. Furthermore, when following this methodol-ogy the number of frames with connection collapse mechanism isvery sensitive to the friction coefcient. Given the largeuncertainty in the friction coefcient denition, the consequentimpact on the fragility curves, and especially the excessive fragilityof collapse curves with respect to yielding curves, as discussedpreviously, this method was considered unreliable and it was thusdiscarded.

    In the methods where the connection capacity is affected by thevertical component of the acceleration and the unseating of thebeam is considered, the aforementioned issue is overcome byassessing connection collapse when the shear demand time-his-tory crosses the connection resistance time history and the slidingdisplacement of the beam exceeds the support length (Fig. 3.3). Inthis case, the friction coefcient seems to have a smaller impact,because the connection collapse mechanism is now sensitive tothe vertical component of the ground motion record, and the tran-sition between collapse fragility curves calculated using different

    1400 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.040







    Top Drift [%]


    e Sh

    ear [



    nce method. Frame presenting connection collapse limit state (left) and frame not

  • functions. It can be observed in Fig. 3.5 that the value at 50% of



    Fig. 3.5. Empirical cumulative frequency of occurrence vs Sa(T = 1sec) (Minghiniet al. [40]).

    Strlevels of friction coefcient is smoother, as shown previously inFig. 3.1.

    3.3. Comparison with eld data

    In order to have an initial consistency check on the reliability ofthe results obtained herein, a rst comparison with data from aeld survey of 1133 precast industrial buildings after the 2012Emilia Romagna earthquakes has been performed. Empirical fragi-lity curves were derived by Minghini et al. [40] in terms of the lar-gest between the two horizontal components of Sa at 1 s, for threedamage states: no damage (D0), slight damage/moderate damage(D1 + D2), severe damage/heavy damage/collapse (D3 + D4 + D5).In the study by Minghini et al. [40] the surveyed buildings arenot classied according to the age of construction or the geometrictypology, therefore a single fragility function is available for thecomparison.

    Given the features of the empirical curves the following modi-cations on the analytical method used were needed to harmonise

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3530








    Force [kN]


    e [s


    Connection Shear CapacityShear Demand

    Fig. 3.3. Connection collapse limit state denition: 2D environment with connec-tion capacity based on the vertical acceleration component.

    134 C. Casotto et al. / Engineeringthe damage scales and the building typologies:

    Collapse limit state (LS2), dened herein as exural or connec-tion failure, was considered equivalent to the onset ofD3 + D4 + D5 in Minghini et al. [40] (though it is recognised thatDS5 would have been a better damage state for comparison pur-poses, had the results for this damage state been available).

    A single DPM was assembled summing up the number of build-ings in each damage state resulting from the dynamic analysisrun for the typologies considered appropriate for EmiliaRomagna, the Italian region where the damaged data weretaken from. Considering that the Emilia Romagna region wasclassied as seismic only in 2003, the pre-code typology (PC-2) and the low-code typology with the minimum design lateralload (LC-4) were thought to better represent the building pop-ulation of the area. Both geometrical congurations wereincluded with equal weight in the total DPM, given that thedamage data do not contain this type of information.

    A regression analysis was run on the total DPM obtained, usingas intensity measure the largest value between the two hori-zontal components of Sa at 1 s.

    Fig. 3.4 shows the resulting fragility function for a single typol-ogy using the 2D modelling environment, whose median is 0.56 gfor LS2, while Fig. 3.3 represents the discrete empirical fragility0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8000








    Sa (1sec) [cm/s2]



    ty o

    f Exc




    Fig. 3.4. Analytical fragility function for a single typology using the 3D modellingenvironment.0.9


    uctures 94 (2015) 122136the cumulative frequency of occurrence is 0.42 g; in the case ofthe highest damage state this value corresponds also to the medianof the probability of exceedance. In order to evaluate this compar-ison it must be considered that the buildings damaged in theEmilia region were subjected to at least two strong earthquakes,and thus the nal damage states observed in some structuresmight have been due to cumulative damage. Hence, the Minghiniet al. [40] fragility functions might present lower median valuesthan would be expected for these structures under a single event.Furthermore, the DS3 + DS4 + DS5 damage state from Minghiniet al. [40] includes structures that have not collapsed, and so againthis data is expected to produce lower median values than wouldbe expected for collapsed buildings alone. Hence, it is reassuringthat the median fragility functions presented herein producehigher median values compared to the observed damage data,but further conclusions cannot be drawn given the large numberof approximations in the comparison.

    4. Conclusions

    The aim of this study was to develop a robust methodology toderive fragility curves for precast RC industrial buildings. A largeportion of the RC industrial buildings were designed essentiallyfor static horizontal loads and with simply supported beam

  • [10] Decreto Ministeriale 3 marzo 1975. Approvazione delle norme tecniche per le

    g Strcolumn joints, and could thus be particularly vulnerable to thedynamic input from earthquakes. In the current literature thereseems to be limited experience in the fragility assessment of suchstructures, and for this reason it is important to investigate howinevitably necessary simplications in structural modelling andfragility methodology, commonly applied to regular cast-in-placebuildings, may or may not inuence the fragility assessment ofthese precast buildings.

    A set of fragility curves has thus been developed, consideringthe main characteristics of these structures: the weak beamcolumn connections, which is the principal cause of total collapseof the building due to loss of support of the beams, even for mod-erate earthquakes. The variability in the fragility curves withrespect to the simplications in modelling and type of analysiswas studied, through the application of a nonlinear dynamicprocedure in three different manners: in a 2D environment wherethe frames were tested against horizontal accelerograms only intheir main direction and the inuence of the vertical accelerationwas simulated by reducing the axial load by 40% (Bolognini et al.[4]); in a 2D environment considering the vertical input of theground motion records; and nally in a 3D environment where allthe three components of the earthquake records were considered.Connection failure was explicitly accounted as a collapse limit state.

    The comparison between collapse fragility curves with andwithout consideration of connection failure demonstrated theimportance of considering connection collapse mechanism andrepresenting it robustly. In fact, the outcomes of the 2D analysiswithout vertical acceleration highlighted some drawbacks regard-ing the connection failure determination. This approximatemethod rendered the collapse fragility curves more sensitive tothe friction coefcient used to compute the connection capacityrather than to the ground motion intensity. Given the large uncer-tainty in the denition of the friction coefcient and the drasticchanges in the fragility curves corresponding to small variationsof this parameter, this method was discarded. When applying avertical acceleration in the dynamic analyses both in the 2D and3D framework, the transition between different levels of frictioncoefcient was much smoother. In order to be conservative, thenal fragility curves were computed using a friction coefcient of0.2, but it is underlined that this parameter requires furtherresearch and calibration.

    A direct comparison between the 2D and 3D approaches withvertical acceleration is not straightforward, due to the dis-crepancies in the IMs and structural aspects considered withineach approach. However, the results from this study seem to indi-cate that a higher fragility is obtained when considering the threecomponents of the earthquake record. The actual differencesbetween the 2D and 3D approaches can only be appreciatedthrough the employment of the respective fragility functions in acase-study risk assessment application, which will be carried outas a further development of this work.

    A deeper understanding of the structural aspects involved in thefragility assessment of this specic type of structure has beenreached herein. Particular attention has been paid to the connec-tion collapse phenomenon, and the importance of the selectionof the proper methodology to assess it accurately has beendemonstrated.

    Finally, a preliminary comparison has been performed withdamage data from eld surveys of the 2012 Emilia Romagna earth-quakes and a good agreement between the analytical and empiri-cal functions was observed despite the inevitable approximationsin the harmonisation of the empirical and analytical data.

    It can be concluded that a sound set of fragility functions for

    C. Casotto et al. / EngineerinItalian industrial precast buildings is now available for earthquakeloss assessment, which could be employed for the development ofseismic risk mitigation actions.costruzioni in zone sismiche; 1975 [in Italian].[11] Decreto Ministeriale 16 gennaio 1996. Norme tecniche per le costruzioni in

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    [13] Bal IE, Crowley H, Pinho R, Gulay FG. Detailed assessment of structuralcharacteristics of Turkish RC building stock for loss assessment models. SoilDynam Earthquake Eng 2008;28(11):91432.

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    [15] European Organisation for Technical Approvals EOTA. ETAG 001 Guidelinefor European technical approval of metal anchors for use in concrete, Annex C:Design methods; 2001.

    [16] Decreto Ministeriale 3 dicembre 1987. Norme tecniche per la progettazione,esecuzione e collaudo delle costruzioni prefabbricate; 1987 [in Italian].

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    [19] Menegotto M, Pinto PE. Method of analysis for cyclically loaded R.C. planeframes including changes in geometry and non-elastic behaviour of elementsunder combined normal force and bending. In: Symposium on the resistanceAcknowledgements

    The authors would like to thank the Seismic Risk PreventionArea of Tuscany Region, who kindly shared their database regard-ing the geometrical properties of the industrial structures. Theauthors are very grateful for the valuable contribution of DavideBolognini, whose expert advice on Italian precast structures ismost appreciatively acknowledged. The authors are also verygrateful to Anze Babic, Manya Deyanova and Matjaz Dolek for dis-cussions and input on the seismic behaviour of RC precast indus-trial buildings which helped improve the collapse limit statemodelling used herein. The authors would like to express theirgratitude for the comments and the suggestions of the reviewers,that helped to improve signicantly the quality of the paper.Finally, the authors would like to acknowledge the support pro-vided by the European Commission under FP7 through the nanc-ing of the STREST research programme, under the framework ofwhich this work has been partially funded.


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    136 C. Casotto et al. / Engineering Structures 94 (2015) 122136

    Seismic fragility of Italian RC precast industrial structures1. Introduction2. Fragility curve methodology3. Proposed fragility functions4. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesWeb References

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