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  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    Reading 5: Devising Language Game(Wickham, 2013, pp.55-60

    Presented by:Kok Jia Xuan

    Irene Tiong

    Phoebe Hon

    Yap Sze Miin

    Young Poh Ping

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1. hat are 3 important reasonsusing "anguage #a$es%

    &i' In(rease $oti)ation

    &ii'Make *anguage *earning authenti(

    &iii'Think in +ng*ish

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,. hat 3 ways (an you p*ay boga$es in the (*assroo$%

    &i' P*ay -ith a partner

    &ii'P*ay in a group

    &iii'P*ay as a (*ass -ith the board/ dra-n o

    -hiteboard 0 b*a(kboard

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    . +2p*ain ho- to $ake 0 3nd and board ga$es in the (*assroo$%

    a. counters

    Pupi*s (an dra- their o-n (hara(ters on pap

    (ard4 or use buttons as their o-n (ounters.

    b. traps and rewards

    Tea(her (an pro)ide the snakes/ in Snakes

    "adders/ as traps be(ause they need to $o)e

    !e- steps i! their (ounters tou(hed the trap.

    $ay $o)e !or-ard !aster i! the (ounters tou(

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    . +2p*ain ho- to $ake 0 3nd andboard ga$es in the (*assroo$%

    c. language tasks

    Tea(her (an set and a**o(ate the 5uestions t

    pupi*s on(e they *anded on a s5uare. 6or e2a

    they ha)e to say so$ething and -i** be punis

    they (annot (o$p*ete the task.

    d. randomiser

    Tea(her (an use a di(e or (oins to arrang

    se5uen(e !or the p*ayers rando$*y.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    7. Ho- (an you use regu*ar p*a(ards in the (*assroo$%

    &i' 8se it as a rando$izer

    &ii'9sk pupi*s to $at(h the (ards

    &iii'9sk pupi*s to arrange the (ards in a parti(u*ar

    &i)'6ind the (orre(t (ard !ro$ a disp*ay

    &)'Thro- the (ard into a hoop or bin

    &)i'#uess -hat is on the (ard

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    . hat are , ga$es you (an p*ay "anguage ;ards (ontaining -ords or phras

    &i' Snap/

    &ii'Happy 6a$i*ies/

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ash (ards

    &ii'Put the >ash (ards in parti(u*ar order

    &iii'6ind the (orre(t (ard !ro$ a disp*ay or heap

    &i)'#uess -hat is on the (ard

    &)'Thro- the >ash (ards into a hoop or a bin

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ?. Ho- (an you use a di(e to

    5uestion -ords% 9 tea(her (an use a di(e to tea(h 5uestion -or

    (reating a *argish di(e out o! (ard and -

    5uestion -ord &-ho4 -hat4 -hy4 -here4 -hen4

    on ea(h !a(e. Students0 pairs0 groups0 tea$s ha

    use the 5uestion -ord to $ake a senten(e

    thro-ing the di(e.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    @. Ho- (ou*d you use $ore than

    di(e% More than one di(e (an be used -ith a diA

    *etter on ea(h4 or a noun on one and adBe(ti

    another4 or a -ord on one and instru(tio


  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    C. =a$e 2 word-making gam

    that (an be adapted in )arious -ay&i' S(rabb*e


  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1E. hat is so good about (iga$es% ;ir(*e ga$es (an be re*e)ant to both young

    o*der (hi*dren. Dy (ondu(ting (ir(*e ga$es4

    easier to $aintain (ontro* o! the ga$e4 de)

    (ooperation and (o$$unity !ee* a$ong

    parti(ipants. ;ir(*e ga$e is >e2ib*e be(aus

    ga$e (an be p*ayed in , or $ore s$a**er gro

    the (*ass is too big or the spa(e is not suitab*e.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    11. #i)e e2a$p*e &!ro$ yourideas or !ro$ the te2t' o! (ir(*e ga$Examples of circle games:

    #a$es that in)o*)e a song0(hant -hi(h e)eryon

    and then ea(h parti(ipant in turn has to


    #a$es that in)o*)e (hanging seat0position in res

    (ertain pro$pts.

    ;u$u*ati)e (ir(*e ga$es -here one person

    state$ent $entioning one obBe(t and su

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    11. #i)e e2a$p*e &!ro$ your oideas or !ro$ the te2t' o! (ir(*e ga$

    #a$es in)o*)e parti(ipants to say FI *ike

    hoG. Parti(ipants -ho 3t the des(ription h

    5ui(k*y (hange p*a(es.

    #a$e in)o*)e parti(ipants to say Fhat are you

    -here parti(ipants ea(h $i$e the a(tion !ro

    pre)ious parti(ipant -hi*e na$ing a diAerent a(

    !o**o-ing parti(ipant to $i$e.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1,. =a$e 4 possible commplaces or e)ents &!ro$ your o-n

    or !ro$ the te2t' that (ou*d be(oF*ineup ro*ep*ay.So$e possib*e (o$$unity p*a(es that (ou*d be(o

    F*ineup ro*ep*ay

    o(tor/s roo$s

    Post o(e

    Tra)e* agent

    Hote* *obby

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1. hat *anguage -ou*d studeespe(ia**y *earn 0 pra(tise -ith

    dis(ussion ga$e F9*ibi% Students (an pra(tise *istening and speaking s

    Students take turns ask 5uestions and gi)e an

    in p*aying the ga$e. Students a(t as po*i(es5uestion the suspe(ts -ho rotate around

    groups4 and see i! their stories $at(h.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    17. hat -ou*d the dis(ussion ga$e Fte2ts he*p students to *earn0 pra(ti(e%

    In the ga$e4 students (are!u**y te** their pa

    things they (an re$e$ber about the te2t

    ha)e read. This he*p the$ to pra(ti(e

    *istening and speaking abi*ity in trans!e

    reading te2t into )erba* in!or$ation.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1. hat are the ad)antages

    F#a$e Sho- type ga$es% F#a$e Sho- type ga$es pro)ide (o$p

    at$osphere !or students to *earn the *angua

    in)o*)ing *arge nu$ber o! opportunity to pr

    their *istening and speaking ski**s. It is a -ho*e

    a(ti)ity that in)o*)es a** the pupi*s. Students

    together -ith their tea$ and are $oti)ated.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games



  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games



  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games



  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1?. hat do dra-ing ga$es gi)e pra(ti

    It gi)es pra(ti(e in des(ribing a pi(ture. 6or e2

    si$p*e pi(ture (an be pinned to the ba(k o! the

    that a person at the -hite0b*a(kboard (annot s

    the (*ass (an.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1@. hat is a -e**kno-n (o$$er(ia* )ersdra-ing ga$e%


    This ga$e is -here one student 0 pair 0 tea$ is

    -ord 0 phrase 0 senten(e and they ha)e

    so$ething unti* the other student 0 pair 0 tea$-hat it is.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    1C. hat do p*ayers ha)e to (o$e up -it)o(abu*ary ga$e FS(attergories/%

    P*ayers ha)e to (o$e up -ith )o(abu*ary -or

    start -ith a parti(u*ar *etter.

    6irst o! a**4 se*e(t your (ategories &eg an ani$a*

    )egetab*e4 a !or$ o! transport4 a (ountry4 a b


  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,E. Ho- do you prepare !or a ga$e o! Ta

    In the ga$e4 you need to prepare papers 0 (a

    target -ord &or phrase' and a nu$ber &usu

    taboo/ -ords.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,1. hat do the p*ayers ha)e to dga$e o! Taboo/%

    !The p*ayers need to prepare papers 0 (ards -ith

    -ord or phrase and nu$ber &usua**y ' o! tabo

    The tea$ 0 p*ayer has to e2p*ain the target -

    others to guess. Ho-e)er4 it is not a**o-ed to $e

    taboo -ords.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,,. hat ga$e is an e2(e**ent -*earn a body o! )o(abu*ary%

    ! Dingo is an e2(e**ent -ay to *earn a body o! )o(a

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,. hi(h is better4 (o$petit(ooperation%

    ! ;ooperation is better be(ause not a** ga

    (o$petitions and the students $ust ende

    (ooperate rather than (o$pete. I! the stud

    -orking in pairs0groups4 they are sti** *earning (o

    -ithin their tea$.

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,7. hy is it good to ha)e enga$es so$eti$es%

    ! It is good to ha)e energeti( ga$es so$eti$es

    energeti( ga$es (an be(o$e an edu(ationa* ga

    a**o- the$ to run oA a *itt*e o! energy4 -itho

    da$age to the$se*)es4 other students4 o


  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games


    ,. #i)e an e2a$p*e o! a ga$e t-ith a song%

    ! uring a *istening and speaking a(ti)ity4 the stud

    3** in the gaps/ in a song on(e they ha)e *earnt it

    (an (ondu(t a group o! students to sing the song

    at )arious students to (arry on or 3** in the -ords

  • 7/25/2019 5- Devising Language Games



    ! i(kha$4 L. &,E1'. e)ising *anguage ga$es. TDeveloping and Using Resources in the PrimClassroom Student!s "otes. Kua*a "u$pur4 MY+du(ation #roup Sdn. Dhd.

    ! i(kha$4 L. &,E1'. Developing and using resthe primary ESL classroom Student!s "ote"u$pur4 MY: Drighton +du(ation #roup Sdn. Dhd

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