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Habits for

Workingfrom HomeAround Kids



The days of commuting to

work are numbered and

the days of working from

home are

on the rise.

But childrenhave a hard time understanding that you are working from home.

All they see is a parent at

home, who’s job is to feed, change, play,

clean up after, and take care

of them.

So what do you do?

How do you

reclaim your work hours while staying in the comfort of your home?

Get Up Early

Get up as early as you possibly can, especially before your children

wake up.


quiet time,

without children, will

become your most

effective time of the day.

Having that peace while working will help you focus

your creativityinto your work and finish up harder tasks.

Use Interruptions as Breaks

No matter how well behaved your children are and how hard your

spouse works, you will be interrupted.

Instead of ignoring the

interruption or treating it like a distraction from

your work, treat it like a

mental break.

Just remember to

keep track of

your breaks and return to work after a good amount, like 10-15 minutes.

Act Like You’re Going to Work

An effective morning routine helps your brain set up for the work day and gives

you time to warm up.

Get up, take a shower, dress

professionally, and grab some

breakfast and coffee.

That way, you body and mind are expecting a

normal work day instead of a lazy weekend in your pajamas.

Take Advantage of Online Tools

One of the biggest downsides to working from home is not being able to

collaborate with peers.

Luckily, we live in a

day of

technology filled with

ways to fix this problem.

• Be part of the conversation with chat programs and collaboration tools.

• Run digital meetings from your computer.

• Work together on projects in real time.

Create a “Traffic Light” System

Hang a sign over your work space that indicates your availability, with different signals representing expected behavior.

This helps

communicateyour needs with your children without actually needing to talk with them and risk being drawn into longer interruptions.

Separate Work

from Home

Set a firm time to end your work day, power down the computer and rejoin your family.

Want to

stop procrastinating while working at home?

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