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5 Steps to Developing Push-based Apps in the Age of Connected Devices

Mark D’Cunha, P.Eng.

Jul 23, 2015

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Mark D’Cunha, P.Eng.Twitter: @mdcunha

Sheetal JaitlyTwitter: @SheetalJaitly

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An independent venture by

Deep Execution Talent

Global Customer Base

Renowned Leadership – Paul Maritz, CEO

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How Messaging is Changing


Over-the-top (OTT) messaging

Operator messaging

Source: Analysys Mason, 2014

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SMS Traffic is Falling

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The Rise of Enterprise Messaging

In less than 2 years, Slack has 1.1M users, 300,000 paid accounts, and $25M in annual recurring revenue

Mobile users and millennials are less likely to use email, more likely to use messaging

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The Rise of Push Notifications

Cheaper than SMS

Widely available (iOS, Android)

Meteoric rise over the past 3 years

Push better than pull

Source: Urban Airship

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Why Push Notifications Are Critical

The traditional “Search” model for discovery is starting to break

There is too much information and too many Apps running on our phones

Notifications represent the future access and discovery point for mobile services and information

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Anatomy of a Push Notification

A Push Service provider:– Simplifies development effort– Enables user targeting– Provides analytics– Enables scalability

Google GCM

Apple APNS

Microsoft WNS

Notification Providers

Push Service Provider

1. Register with Provider

2. Register with Push Service

Push Notification

• App Credentials• Push Message• Message


3. Create push notifications

4. Send to provider

5. Send to devices

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Why Push?

Push Notifications are the most powerful way to engage mobile users

– Can auto-update tiles/widgets with current information– Push messaging doubles app retention rates (Mobile Marketer)

– Push notifications increase user engagement by over 25% (Urban Airship)

User segmentation enables sending of targeted content

Push messaging drives usage/revenue and increases loyalty

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Push Notifications Drive Engagement

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Push Notifications Drive Higher Conversions



In-the-moment offers

User has control

Source: Kahuna

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Step 1 – Define the Role of Push in Your App

Fit naturally with the flow of your App

Types of Push:– Transaction Push– Engagement Push

Consider lightweight interactions

Credit: John Kearney

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Step 2 – Give the User Control

Allow users to select categories of Push

If needed, allow them to control the time window

Make it contextual, not continuous The Hooks App The Push App

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Step 3 – Be Timely and Relevant

Contextual push has higher engagement

Use triggers based on time, location, new information

Be considerate, your brand is linked to a great push experience

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Step 4 – Use Location and Personalization

Utilize users’ history and location to delight them

Use location-triggered notifications

Provide updates on previous transactions

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Step 5 – Select A Capable Service Provider

Push providers are not created equal

Consider scalability, size of infrastructure

Measure actual performance

Monitor system integrity

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Notifications are currently the “killer app” for smart watches

Apple Watch “Glances” allow notification without forcing interaction

Wearables will increase use of notifications

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Internet of Things (IoT)

Apps for IoT use notifications frequently

Backend IoT services integrate to push notifications

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Messaging has evolved

There are significant, new engagement paradigms

All apps need a Push notification strategy unique to their App

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Push Notification Service for Pivotal Cloud Foundry


Dedicated resources

Elastic scale

Full visibility, logging

Ownership of data

Predictable pricing

Secure on-premise

Predictable delivery


You own the dataMuch better reports

Per app instanceNot per-push

On-premise orPublic cloud

Comprehensive logTracing capability For enterprises

For service providers

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Q & A

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