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Page 1: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

5th Grade Digital Literacy

In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching. They have put together a class Power Point to share what they have learned!

Enjoy,Mrs. Lewis

Page 2: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Browsers and Search Engines

Tom G. Danny G.



•Search Engines are programs that help you search what you are looking for on the internet.

•Some examples of search engines are Google, Fire Fox, Bing. •A Browser is a software application that locates and retrieves your data.

•Some examples of browsers are Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome

To learn more about browsers and search engines

Page 3: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Online Safety

Ellie B. & Isabella G.


•Tell an adult immediately if something bad comes up online. •Don’t communicate online with someone you don’t know.•Don’t start fights online.•Always ask an adult before you give out personal information.•Don’t get together with anyone you meet online without an adult.•Don’t respond to any mean messages that are sent to you.•Check with your parents before installing a software

We got our information from Safekids.com

Page 4: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.


George P. and Liam T.

Picture is from : digitalgrapevine.co.za and eyeoneeducation.com Info from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog

Hyperlink on blogging

Blog is short for weblog

Some examples of blogs are Facebook, Twitter, and Tumbler

Blogs are websites where you can find reviews, chat, and look at opinions of other people

There are 152,000,000 blogs on the Internet

Page 5: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.


Keywords help you look up specific information that you need.

You have to type in exactly what you want or it will give you a whole bunch of information you don’t want at all.

For example if you type in ice cream recipes you could end up with chocolate ice cream recipes instead of vanilla ice cream recipes. If you type in vanilla ice cream you will get vanilla ice cream recipes.



Aidan K.AndJackson P.

Page 6: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.


Kate M. & Emily V.

Academicfix.com Magcartz.com


An example of plagiarism is when people copy information straight off of the internet.If you commit plagiarism at school you could be expelled.

Facts on plagiarism

Plagiarism is a growing problem in schools, colleges, and universities.

Accidental PlagiarismSometimes, plagiarism is obvious. Copying a lab report from another student and buying a research paper over the Internet are clear examples of plagiarism. But plagiarism can also be accidental. http://www.factmonster.com/spot/plagiarism.html Never cut and paste unless you intend to use a direct quotation. It is too easy to forget where and why you’ve used a source, so avoid cutting and pasting unless you are absolutely sure you want to use the quotation word for word. Also immediately make note of the source so that you can cite it in your paper.http://www.enotes.com/how-avoid-plagiarism-how-to/how-



Page 7: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Trolls and Flame Wars

Trolls are people on the internet who try to start fights on the computer or on social websites. They often do this just to make people aggravated. You

should always tell an adult right away.

A troll starts a flame war. It starts as flaming and then starts a flame war. A flame war is a series of name calling on the internet. If this happens the first thing you should do is tell a teacher, parent, or an adult that you trust.


By Kristin D. and Leah N.

Page 8: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.


Bradley and Raymond

numerounosipamelita.blogspot.com Gizmodo.com

Even when you think what you type on the computer is nice, the way it looks can change what the other people think. For example, if you write in all caps people could think you were yelling. It’s the same way using too many exclamation points. You have to have manners online too. I hope you learned something from this presentation. Please see our link for more information about online manners.

Page 9: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Private Information

Noah J. Michael C.

blog.nsbank.com When you are online and somebody asks you for any private information the safest answer is NO. Always ask for permission to give out private information. Some websites will ask you for private information. It’s important to stop and get your parents to handle it. We got our information from common sense media.


Page 10: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Private Information Examples

Elise L. & Lizzy J.



What`s private?

*Full name*Street address*School address*E-mail address*Phone numbers *Passwords*Mother`s maiden name*Parent`s place of work*Photos in which you can be recognized

For Example Do Not Answer These Questions Without an Adult! •Can I have your e-mail address?• What is your name?• What is the name of your school?•Will you send me a picture of your self?• Will you give your phone number so I can call you?• Where do you live?

We got our information from

Page 11: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Evan R. Wyatt K.

If you find a picture on the internet you need to say where it comes from. Also, if you find a saying or idea online give credit to the person and/or have a hyper link. Learn more at http://www.teachingcopyright.org/



Page 12: 5 th Grade Digital Literacy In the Spring 5th graders have been very busy learning about digital literacy, safe surfing, safety online, blogging and researching.

Thank you for watching our presentation!

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