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What is a Bot?

Bots are web crawling spiders that make up about 40% of the traffic on the internet.

They traverse through pages on the web looking for data they were programmed to find.


Who uses these Bots?

Search engines like Google and Bing rely on the same bots to help the web users find

required information.


Who are

They are the companies that claim to improve a website’s revenue by detecting

and blocking bots.

Bot Detection Agencies ?


What should you know?

1. It’s an unnecessary service2. It will affect your SEO rankings3. They cannot block 100% bots4. You are investing money5. Most of them are a FUD

5 things


It’s unnecessary

You don’t have to be a technical person to block bots on your website.

It’s a simple and straightforward process.

1. 5

How to Do it yourself?All you have to do is create a disallow rule

for crawlers in your robots.txt file.

By adding this rule, you are telling the bots not to crawl your website and most bots on

the web respect this.


What about the Bad Bots?It is possible that the bad bots will ignore

your robots.txt rule and still crawl your site.

But as you know they’re the bad guys, they would find their way to crawl your site even if you set up

bot-blocking mechanism.


It affects SEO

Bots actually help you reach out to your audience by increasing the visibility of your

offerings on the web.

Blocking bots altogether using a bot detection agency would be a terrible mistake.

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It affects SEO

Bots look for new sites to add to their index and help people discover it.

Bots operated by countless website stats sites & blog directories help in boosting your web



They cannot block

Yes, that’s true.

Even bot detection services cannot block all the bots from your website.

3. 100% of bots


They cannot block

Bots that use encryption algorithm a.k.a. Bad Bots cannot be detected and hence cannot be


So what’s the real need of a bot detection service?

100% of bots


Investing Money

You are paying for a service that is not needed in the first place.

You can block the bots yourself as mentioned previously.

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Investing Money

You can invest the same amount in something useful that will actually benefit your business.


You can simply save this unnecessary cost.


They are a FUD

They try to instill an amplified fear in your mind about bots, so that they can sell you this bot-detection service which is something you

don’t really need.

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They are a FUD

This marketing strategy is known as a FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) and is used to

spread misinformation so as to make a business out of it.


TakeawayBots are an indispensable part of the world

wide web.

Blocking them is not the ideal option considering that the end result would be ineffective as they don't obey the rules.


TakeawaySince bots contribute to a major share of the

exposure that your website gets, blocking them could lead your business on a downhill road.


Stay Safe,Do try it yourself at home, office or anywhere.


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