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5 inc�edibly ea�y �ay� TO REDUCE FOOD WASTE!1. Buy �nly �hat y�u needPlan ahead

Make a shopping list

Be realistic about how much you need

Don’t overbuy foods on sale

2. Eat �hat y�u buyUse what spoils first

Know what food you have on hand

Don’t prepare too much

Eat leftovers

Ask for a doggie bag

3. Keep f��d f�e�hLearn how to store foods to keep them fresh as long as possible

4. D�n’t to�� it befo�e it �p�il�Understand food expiration dates

Know the shelf life limits

Use preservation techniques: freezing, canning, pickling or drying

5. A��id the t�a�hShare extra food before it spoils

Compost inedible food

Lea�n mo�e! gracelinks.org/FOODWASTE© 2013 GRACE. All rights reserved.

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