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Page 1: 51 Truganini Road Carnegie 3163 Principal: Ms Linda Jones ......PUBLICATION No. 7 51 Truganini Road Carnegie 3163 Website: –27.05.14 Principal: Ms Linda Jones Phone: 9571 2662 Please

51 Truganini Road Carnegie 3163

Website: www.carnegieps.vic.edu.au

PUBLICATION No. 7 – 27.05.14 Principal: Ms Linda Jones Phone: 9571 2662

Please note the following dates in your diary

TERM 2—2014 Friday 30th May Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea-hall 9.30am Cupcake Sale at recess for Cancer Council Thursday 29th May Curriculum Day- no school Thursday 5th June School Photos Friday 30th May 9am Second Hand Uniform Stall Monday 9th June Queen’s Birthday Holiday Tuesday 10th– Friday 13th June Grade 5/6 Camp Wednesday 18th June Portfolio Sharing Afternoon 3-4pm



We are here to support the academic, social and

emotional development of our students to be resilient

to the challenges of a rapidly changing society.


During term 1, four of our grade five students had the opportunity to participate in the ‘Little Scientists’ program at the John Monash Science School at Monash University. Mrs Knight, our Science and Sustainability leader, generously coordinated this program. I had the privilege of joining them recently when they shared their personal projects with many other budding scientists from a number of primary and secondary schools. What fine ambassadors they were for CPS and I know they gained much from this opportunity! Below is a short reflection from them. During term one, Tilly, Nick, Emily and Jules have been learning a bit more about science at John Monash Science School with year eleven students. During the daytime sessions, we learnt more about nanotechnology, flight, bacteria and germs. Last week we were invited to present at their evening Science Fair. Tilly and Emily chose electricity. We had a great time doing our projects and learning lots more about electricity. We studied battery electricity and learnt a bit of information about other ways of electricity. Jules and Nick selected static electricity for their project. It was interesting finding out how deeply you could look into static electricity. The reason Nick and Jules chose static electricity was because you can do so many cool experiments. We really enjoyed explaining our learning to the visitors and having the opportunity to explore the projects of the older students, including dissections. It was a fantastic term of science. A big thanks to Mrs Knight for organising us and thank you to our guest visitors!

UNIFORM SHOP Please note: The 2nd hand Uniform Shop will be open on Friday morning this week, NOT this afternoon as previously advertised

Page 2: 51 Truganini Road Carnegie 3163 Principal: Ms Linda Jones ......PUBLICATION No. 7 51 Truganini Road Carnegie 3163 Website: –27.05.14 Principal: Ms Linda Jones Phone: 9571 2662 Please

TRUGANINI ROAD DEVELOPMENT The formal VCAT hearing in relation to the Truganini Road development occurred on the 21st and 22nd May. The school and kindergarten continued to maintain their strong objection, particularly on the grounds of both building and neighbourhood character. Particular acknowledgement needs to go to Gregor Ptok (Jasmine’s dad) and Ian Richardson (Mika’s dad) who spent many, many hours learning about the planning scheme and making a well thought out and detailed submission on behalf of the school. Jodie Curwood (Jack’s mum) supported the school throughout this process and represented the Carnegie Kindergarten last week, Thank you also to Kerin Von Stiegler (Addison and Charlie’s mum) for attending the hearing days and showing tremendous support and passion for the school and kinder community. It is likely to be 3 or 4 weeks until an outcome is known. It may not be the one we would hope for, given the ‘Urban Village’ overlay that applies to this land now, but we can sleep well knowing that as a community we have done all that we could to voice our objection. Patience is now needed. REVIEWING OF OUR VISITOR POLICY Our Visitor Policy was recently reviewed by staff and school council and it was ratified at our last school council meeting. This updated policy is on our website and is on display in the office area should parents wish to view it. HALF YEAR STUDENT REPORTS & PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS

All our teachers have commenced working diligently of late, finalising the assessments of all students in order to produce both comprehensive and easy to understand individual student reports for parents. Ongoing formal and informal assessment of

students is an integral part of our teaching and

learning. All areas of the school have a very

strong team focus with children often working

with their homeroom teacher but also working

with other teachers and Education Support

Officers particularly in the most focussed

literacy and numeracy teaching times. Your

child as a learner is known by a team of people.

CPS staff are passionate about teaching,

growing and learning together to be the best

they can be, both individually and collectively, to

support the needs of our students.

Class teachers know your child the best and are the ones who are currently writing their half year report and will meet families for a parent/teacher interview later in term 3. If you’re talking with your child about school, make the time to chat about their learning and who they worked with today. CURRICULUM DAY THIS THURSDAY - NO SCHOOL This Thursday, 29th May is an approved Curriculum Day. There will be no school for children on this day. Youth Leadership will be offering an Out of Hours Care program on this day but bookings are essential.

SCHOOL PHOTOS –Thursday 5th June School Photo Day for 2014 is Thursday 5th June. Envelopes and information will be sent home to all families this week. Orders and payments can then be made online or by returning the envelopes provided. So book in for those haircuts and make sure uniforms are spick and span for this important event on the Carnegie school calendar. TERM 2 PORTFOLIO SHARING AFTERNOON On Wednesday 18th June we will be having an open afternoon, from 3 till 4pm, for children to share their classrooms and portfolios. This is a valuable opportunity for your child to celebrate some of their achievements with you and for parents to come into classrooms for a look around as well as a time for children to talk about some of their learning, using their portfolios as a helpful tool. Please place this date in your diary and we look forward to seeing you there! HEAD LICE ALERT I’m afraid we have again had several incidences of head lice in the school recently. I ask parents to check your child’s hair regularly and treat it if necessary. A head lice treatment fact sheet is available at the office. It would be appreciated if girls tied their hair back in a ponytail or plait to minimize the risk of spreading. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION There has once again been recent media attention regarding the provision of special religious instruction (SRI) in Victorian government schools. Please be assured that we adhere to DEECD guidelines in relation to this program by obtaining parental advice via the prescribed form. Our SRI program is provided by accredited and approved instructors. Permission forms have been received from

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families of children attending. SRI isn’t compulsory and students who do not attend are supervised by staff during these sessions. If parents have any questions please come and ask. FIRST AID NEWS Earlier this term staff undertook CPR and Anaphylactic training in line with DEECD requirements. After investigation we have recently purchased a defibrillator for our school. It is not a DEECD requirement but we believe it will be a valuable piece of equipment to have on site, should there ever be a need. Our hope would be that there isn’t an occasion to use it. WORDS OF WISDOM – A good beginning makes a good ending.

Linda Jones & Michael McCarthy


Assertiveness is a skill that children and young people can learn. An assertive response helps them to stick up for their rights and avoid being teased or bullied. Assertiveness involves the use of a firm voice and strong body language, including body positioning and eye contact. Assertiveness indicates control and implies an expectation of compliance. Aggression, on the other hand, shows lack of control and involves a raised voice, the use of insults and body language which can inflame a situation, inviting further aggression or provocation. WHEN A CHILD OR YOUNG PERSON IS UNDER PROVOCATION OR BEING TEASED THEY SHOULD:

Make eye contact; stand in a balanced, comfortable position about a metre from the person provoking the aggression.

Using a firm voice, ask the other person to stop what he or she is doing. Use the person’s name if possible.

Repeat the response if the behaviour doesn’t stop. If the provocation continues he or she should walk away, ignoring the aggressor or seeking an adult if they feel in danger.


Attract the person’s full attention

Be polite and use the person’s name

Make good eye contact and use a strong stance

State the request or statement using a firm voice

Give the other person an opportunity to respond if appropriate. Ask questions to clarify the

other person’s position. Be polite but firm and avoid personal insults or using a whining voice. Encourage your child to practise assertiveness in low risk situations – in front of the family or even in front of a mirror.

Visit: www.parentingideas.com.au for more ideas from Michael Grose


Thank you for these great books and many happy birthday wishes from all at Carnegie Primary School. Charlie H 3 C The Discovery of Dragons Oliver C Prep A Captain Gamma Mission to Mars Harriet R 3 A You’re a Bad Man, Mr Gum! Claudia W 1 C Rumble in the Jungle Charlotte B 1 B The Enchanted Wood Polly M Prep A Amber the Orange Fairy

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STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Assembly Date - 16/05/2014

Callan M Prep A

For being a confident “Writing Wizard” and sharing his fabulous writing skills with other students.

Abbie J Prep A

For being a great news reporter and being a caring friend. You are a real “Gabby Getalong.”

Macy B Prep B

For being resilient in and out of the classroom and for being a confident contributor during class discussions.

Ieshaan PS Prep C

Congratulations on a fantastic week at school. We love to see you smiling and playing with new friends. Well done!

Rudra P Prep D

For being such a friendly member of Prep D. Your smile brightens up our classroom.

Selena G 1 A

For brightening the classroom with her kindness and smile and always trying her best in everything she does.

Atlantis B 1B

For having such a positive attitude towards your learning. I hope you’re proud of all that you’ve achieved.

Liam IL 1C

For showing his fantastic listening and speaking skills during our show and tell.

Aneesh R 2 A

For creative story writing in his Writer’s Notebook. Well done, Aneesh!

Sai A 2 A

For showing a great understanding of 3D shapes. Impressive, Sai!

Michaela D 2 B

For your caring manner towards your class mates. You are a lovely friend to all.

Lily West 2 C

For her amazing work on writing a persuasive text about looking after our environment.

Matthew C 3 A

For always being a focussed and enthusiastic learner, Matthew. I love the way you question the concepts presented to you. Keep it up! You’re a star!

James SMc 3B

For showing great persistence throughout NAPLAN. James completed all NAPLAN tests with a positive attitude and did extremely well. Great work, James!

Jake B 3 C

For your increased confidence when developing arguments and using connectives in your persuasive writing. Super effort, Jake!

Akash P 4 A

For his outstanding presentation and his positive attitude to all maths and writing activities.

Noah D 4 B

For her new-found passion for reading. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Keep up the super work.

Jonathan K 4B

For his brilliant work with decimals. You are a maths superstar! Keep up the awesome work!

Christie R 4C

For your positive approach to learning decimals. You’re a superstar!

India I 5 A

For her immaculate presentation in all her workbooks. Your learning is a work of Art!

Ben C 5A

For his mature approach towards all aspects of school. You are a true leader and an amazing friend.

Emma 5B

For being cool, calm and collected under NAPLAN pressure. You stuck to it and made it all the way!

Charlie N 5B

For staying calm under pressure during NAPLAN. It’s not easy but you did it! Well done.

Oliver L 6A

For the way you supported and encouraged all at the Cross Country. You displayed outstanding sportsmanship.

Alex V 6B

For your beautiful writing about your time here at CPS. You will leave here with lots of special memories.

Sofya S 6B

For her outstanding effort joining Italian and learning so quickly and with such commitment.

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On Tuesday 20th May, the Grade 1s and 2s were treated to an amazing ‘Cultural Expo’. The children enjoyed listening to wonderful stories and viewed interesting pictures, books and artefacts. They had fun participating in folk dancing and created traditional games. They were engaged with a variety of interesting facts and anecdotes. Most importantly they were given a snapshot of cultures and beliefs from across our globe and the wonderful diversity within our Carnegie community. Our heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful families and friends, who gave so generously of their time to make this such a rich and engaging experience. Grade 1 and 2 Teachers

Grade 1 and 2 Inquiry

GRADE 6 WRITING: Reflecting on our time at CPS The grade 6 students wrote some wonderful reflections on life at CPS in

preparation for their school tours for potential parents at our prep expo.

Carnegie Primary School is full of moments in my life that have been the best and those moments I will

remember forever. Our school has very supportive teachers that guide you through those bad times in school.

Our school is a no bullying school, which means every child at Carnegie is always smiling and happy. At

Carnegie primary we are multicultural and we are always welcoming to others. The education at Carnegie is

very good, we learn about maths, literacy and Inquiry. We also learn art, sport, Italian and computers which I

love because we learn more every day. We all love our school and have the best principal ever, the one and

only terrific Ms Jones. Oh and of course our vice principal that is a grammar king, Mr McCarthy.

Our goal at Carnegie is to make your kids have the best time of their school life, to feel special in their very

own way and to have the best education possible. Oh and I almost forgot to tell you – did you know that

Carnegie Primary School has been here for 125 years? Isn’t that amazing?!

Alex Vasilakopoulos

The time since I came to Carnegie Primary School until now has probably been the most pleasant experience of my primary school journey. As the end of this fabulous journey is close by, the unforgettable events that took place in the last two years were remarkable. The academic results are promised to be great. The past NAPLAN tests proved this with outstanding scores, entering the top 100 schools in Victoria numerous times for both grade 3 and grade 5. The academic achievements of the students are endless.

When the preps join the school, they will be able to be introduced to a group of senior students. Through the buddies program, the new preps have a chance to make friends with some senior students and feel completely safe in their new school environment. They will be partnered up with other preps and friendships will soon grow. The children who used to be relying on their parents will turn into independent kids ready for grade 1. The school provides music classes that parents can pay for at the school, training children’s talents from a young age. They often have opportunities to perform at school assemblies and events like this Prep expo. The extra-curricular activities, excursions and incursions are fun to participate in, but most people agree that camps are the best. Starting from Grade 3, camp is designed to assist children to understand and know each other better and challenge them in a series of activities.

There are lots of different sporting events for your child to compete in, including the swimming carnival, cross-country and athletics. During August there is a 10 day swimming program as GESAC. It is a great chance for kids to have fun in the water. I believe, choosing CPS is choosing the right school for your child.

Jordan Li PUBLICATION No 7 - 27/05/2014 Page 5

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The Grade Six students have been studying journalism, below are

some examples of our fantastic writing.

Knock Out Fete in Carnegie

An extravaganza of a fete in the Carnegie community

makes school proud.

By Sidney Peel-Hope

The Carnegie Primary School fete held on the

3rd May was an utter success. There was lots to

see and do, filled with thrilling rides, food

made to perfection and stalls galore. The

school’s annual fundraiser had many

competitions that everyone lined up to take

part in. As shown Carnegie has many talented

students such as Tahlia in grade 6B who took

out the senior Archibolger prize along with

Evie in Prep who won the junior prize. The

pair were chuffed with their accomplishment.

Many other talented pupils won the Rubik’s

Cube, speed stacking and general skills


There were many things to indulge you in,

with many rides to whizz around on, so much

quality food to eat, along with many things to

explore. For example you could discover

Indian food, such as curry and a unique art

called Henna. People came from all over to see

what Carnegie’s fetes are really made of and

there was not a disappointed face about. It’s

not often you get to visit a fete at such a high


It will be hard for them next year to beat this

incredible event and it will be interesting to

see what they can come up with.

By Lily Gordon

Although the weather could have ruined this

day, it didn’t stop this school from having

fun! With all the rides and food, as well as

music from Glen Eira Collage, this Fete was

unmissable. Some of the rides included, The

Cha Cha, Rock Climbing and Horse Riding,

and even more adrenaline rides on the day.

At the Fete, there was food from all around

the world. They had Curries and Samosas,

Fairy Floss and Popcorn, Chips and

Milkshakes. It was a sight to behold.

This was what Rangini Rajagopal a Grade 6

student had to say, “I thought the Fete was

appropriate and safe for all ages.” Another

Grade 6 student, Tahlia Delaney-Murane said

this, “I had heaps of fun on the rides!”

On the day there were bands and students

from Glen Eira College. Some of who used to

go to Carnegie, they sang in front of

thousands of people on the day. One of the

members of the bands was the father of the

Vice School Captain, Charlie Gronow. The

music was pounding and crowds were

jumping at the sound.

To this day, the money raised is still

unknown, but it is sure to be a large amount.

The Fete that went off with a BANG!

The crowd was pumped after a jam-packed day at the

Carnegie Primary School Fete on the 3rd

of May.

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Science and Sustainability News ENVIROSTARS :


Did you know that Australia has over 1400 native bees? These beautiful bees are under threat from many factors, including loss of habitat and competition from the introduced honey bee and wasps. Native bees are solitary and have tiny nests with a partner to produce their young. They are an essential part of our ecosystem and are needed to pollinate our Australian wildflowers. Envirostars over the next few weeks will be making native bee hotels from kits donated by Bentmoor Community Men’s Shed. The native bee hotels will be on display during The Rotary Club of Caulfield Honey Festival on 5th of July and then will be returned to our school to encourage our native bees. If you have any spare untreated bamboo growing in your garden, please see Mrs Knight as we need more of this for our native bee hotels.

CPS Celebrates World Environment Day Friday June 6th Help us celebrate World Environment Day on Friday June 6th by dressing up in green as your favourite animal or make and wear an outfit out of recycled materials. Please bring a gold coin donation with the proceeds going to ‘adopt’ a Southern Corroboree Frog from Zoos Victoria. The Southern Corroboree Frog is perhaps the most well-known frog in Australia due to its bright colouring and tiny size, being only 25-30mm long. Critically endangered and on Zoos Victoria's 20 most threatened species list, Zoos Victoria has a captive breeding program releasing eggs and tadpoles into Kosciusko National Park to boost the wild population.

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District Cross Country Carnival Report

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30) Charlie C 4C 1

Tom M 5A 5

Noah R 4B 7

Luca T 4A 11

Andrew C 4A 20 Jack B 4B 22

Noah W 4B 30 Angus N 4A

Lucas B 4C

Tomer N 3A

BOYS 11:

Archie L 5B 19

Jules B 5A 24 Harry B 5B

Thomas J 6A

Matt L 5A

Angus E 5B

Lionel L 5A

Cormac D 5B

George M 5A

Ben C 5A

BOYS 12/13:

Maks A 6B 8 Oliver L 6A 23

Jish K 6A 25 Thomas W 6B

Charlie L 6A

Paolo C 6B

Henry N 6B

Finn O 6B

Luca G 6A

Max B 6A



Matilda B 5B 3

Zoe M 4A 8

Harriet R 3A 10

Natasha K 4A 30

Jenna C 5B

Kate S 4A

Jessica B 4B

Stella M 4C

Jasmin K 4B

Madi M 4B


Leah O 5A 1

Bridie S 6A 9

India I 5A 13

Saskia C 5B 20 Emily C 5B 29

India S 6B

Liv O 6A

Georgia W-F 5A

Emma L 5A

Isha N 5A

GIRLS 12/13:

Sidney P-H 6A 4

Amelia S 6B 16

Sophie R 6A 17

Kara W 6A 19

Imogen P 6B 20

Lily G 6A 22

Alicia B 6A 27

Hana G 6B

Eliza C 6A

Leah S 6B

Congratulations to all members of our district cross-country team. We had an unprecedented ten top 10 placings from our 60 strong team. This beat last year’s record of 5 top 10 placings so it is great to see us continue to improve as a school in our District sport standings. Unlike previous years, only the top 8 from each event qualify for the Division Cross-country carnival, which is to be held next Wednesday, 4th June at Cornish College. We wish all our representatives the very best of luck as they continue to do Carnegie proud: Leah O (1st in 11yo girls) Tom M (5th in 9/10yo boys) Charlie C (1st in 9/10yo boys) Noah R (7th in 9/10yo boys) Matilda B (3rd in 9/10yo girls) Zoe M (8th in 9/10yo girls) Sidney P-H (4th in 12/13yo girls) Maks A (8th in 12/13yo boys)

Special mention to Bridie S(9th in 11yo girls) and Harriet R (10th in 9/10yo girls) who fin-ished in the top 10 and are emergencies for next week’s carnival. Congratulations again to all participants. Marcus Champion Sports Co-ordinator

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Our Junior School Council News

On Thursday 15th May, the JSC worked together with the

PFA for Popcorn Day. At lunchtime, you could buy a bag of

popcorn for just $1. This was a great chance for the

leftover popcorn from the Fete to be eaten. All in all, the

day was a spectacular day and yummy too! Thank you to

everyone who helped out on the day, especially Leesa, and also to every-

one who bought a bag of popcorn.

On Thursday 22nd May, the JSC held Pyjama Day. This was a good

opportunity to get cosy and snuggly in your PJ’s for

a gold coin donation. The playground was very

colourful, with lots of students wearing their pyjamas

to school. Some people were very generous and we

raised $466 to give to the Sacred Heart Mission to

support homeless people. Thank you to everyone

who donated money. We hope you had a cosy day

in your PJ’s!

Grace Wang

Making a difference at the CPs fete During the holidays, Alicia, Pamela, Viki and I made candles, as we wanted to do something to support the Junior School Council. We sold them at our school fete and all the money raised is going to the ‘Make A Wish’ foundation. This charity lets lots of children with cancer have the opportunity to experience their biggest wish. All our candles had a flavour and a colour. The colours varied from purple to red and the flavours included Lemon, Lavender and Gourmet Vanilla. At the end of the day I counted all the money and we raised $203.50. We had sold out at about 12pm and we are really proud of what we achieved! Amelia Sim

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This Friday 30th May, after assembly we will be

holding our “Biggest Morning Tea” to help raise

money for the Cancer Council. We encourage

parents to bring a gold coin donation and stay for a cuppa while enjoying some

lovely morning tea put on by our wonderful PFA. Having said that, if you are able

to help out by making something for the morning tea can you please contact

either Leesa or Lisa (details below).


So the kids don’t miss out on Friday we will be selling cupcakes

for a gold coin donation at recess for their own morning tea.

Once again if you are able to cook up a batch or cupcakes on

Thursday to bring in, please let Leesa or Lisa know.



On Thursday 26th June we are lucky enough to have comedian,

broadcaster and mum Libbi Gorr coming along for a fun night of

discussion around “Mummy Matters”. Libbi has written a book

called “Mummy Manners –an etiquette guide for dealing with oth-

er children’s mothers and other mummy dilemmas”. We will also

have a panel or ‘experts’ available for a Q & A session to answer

any parenting dilemmas you may have.

Tickets will be $10. More information will follow in the coming weeks, but save the

date now-it will be a FUN night!

Leesa Needham Lisa Anastopoulos [email protected] [email protected]

PFA Update — 27th May 2014

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Youth Leadership Victoria

Carnegie Primary School OSHC

Opening Hours: Before School Care 7am-8.45am

After School Care 3.30pm-6.30pm

Vacation Care 7am-6pm

Contact Information: For bookings ring Vicky (co-ordinator) on

0402 043 810

Account queries or change of bookings please call Rachel:

on 0499 777 601 Or email: [email protected]

For general enquiries/concerns please contact our Area Manager

Sally on: 0402 347 432

You can also use the company’s website to download enrolment/booking forms

Website: www.ylv.com.au

Prices for the Program:

Before School Care

Permanent Booking: $11.50

Casual Booking: $12.50

After School Care

Permanent Booking: $14

Casual Booking: $15

After School Care News

Could parents please forward to the service the updated authorisation/consent form that was handed out, back to the service as soon as possible. Your co-operation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou to those parents who have

already returned the form to us.

Curriculum Day-Thursday 29th May

Schedule for the day ( Open from 7am-6pm) Art/Craft- Kite Making/Paper Bag Puppets Making Jelly Fruit Cups Going to our local Park (Koornang Park) for a play (weather permitting) Assorted Indoor/Outdoor Games/Musical Games End the day with a DVD and popcorn

Cost for the day is $45. Please provide your child with morning/afternoon tea, lunch and a refillable water bottle.


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ANZ NetSetGo In association with St Anthony’s Netball Club

Invitation open to players in Year 1, 2 and 3

Limited places available!! WHERE : St Anthony’s Primary School, Cnr Neerim Rd and Glen Huntly Rd,

Glen Huntly

WHEN : Term 3 - Wednesday 3:45 to 4:45

Beginning Wednesday 23rd July 2014 (9 weeks)

COST : $50 – includes a netball and a t-shirt

Payments to be made at www.trybooking.com/excy

CONTACT : Amanda Miller ph 0421 191 255 [email protected]

Registrations must close Friday 20th June

Melody’s Performing Arts Studio


Offer valid to new customers by appointment only

*Jazz *Classical *Broadway Tap *Street Tap *Singing

*Broadway Jazz * Drama *Acting *Hip Hop *Lyrical

*Musical Theatre *Modern Expressive *Contemporary

51 Ivanhoe Grove East Malvern 3145 Melody 0423 929 178


Email [email protected]

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