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IN RCry nrcni TO

AGAM-.P (H) (16 Jan 69) FOR OT UT 683358 21 January 1969

ti SUBJECT: Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, 44th Engi-

neer Group (Construction), Period Ending 31 July 1968


1., Subject report is forwarded for review and evaluation in accordancewith paragraph 5b, AR 525-15. Evaluations and corrective actions shouldbe reported to ACSFOR OT UT, Operational Reports Branch, within 90 daysof receipt of covering letter.

2. Information contained In this report is provided to insure that theArmy realizes current benefits from lessons learned during recent opera-tions.

3. To insure that the information provided through the Lessons LearnedProgram is readily available on a continuous basis, a cumulative LessonsLearned Indux containing alphabetLcal listings of items appearin, in thereports is compiled and distributed periodically. Recipients of theattached report are encouraged to recommend items from it for inclusionin the Index by completing and returning the self-addressed form providedat the end of this report.


1Incl. K EHNTH C. WICIOLMas Major General,&.

The Adjutant G"PAra npDISTRIBUTION:

US Continental Army CommandIkIVUS Army Combat Developments Command

CommandantsUS Army War College

US Army Command and General Staff CollegeUS Army Engineer School



(Copies furnished continued on (ARMY) ArrtN ORoT 1T. WASHINwrVN0 o.C. =30

page 2)



.TIIeOU-OP 14 August 1968

SUOS.Z'T: Operational R.pnrt of the .4th Engineer Group (Consntruction)for the Period Endig 31 July 1968 HCU- iFvP-65 (ill) W,')03Aa4

1. ~~jpn1. O~rajioL: 'Srnificnnt x ivt c,2.1. Section 1, 0nQpta ~ lfcnt Jt tttU

a. Mion: The 44th Engineer Group contipuos to execute its as:dtGnedmission to support US Arq and US Air Force Operatio's iti Thatlaul by:

(1) Executing the troop construction portion of the militoryconstruction program.

(2) Performing road ard railroad reconnaissance in NortheastThailand.

(3) Accomplishing civic action projects as available effortpermits. The mission was focused by the objectives of the Co.madingGeneral, US Ai.. Sup.prt, Thailand (USARSUPTIiAI), (Inclosure 1).

(I) Projects completed this period:

(a) 1ZCO Club Extension; installation of the air-conditioningcompleted this project.

(b) Engineer Field Maintenance Facility for" Trrmn Vorld AirlineContract; facility has been used for a long period; however, i:n::tolltionof a 3 phase 220-440 volt system, which delayed the final acceptance,completed this project.

(c) Replacement BOQ's; this project is complete less air-conditiozSng which will be contracted.

(d) Extension of the USARSUPTHAI Annex; this project is complete 'less air-conditioning whicn has beei contracted.

(2) Projects carried -forward:

(a) Consolidated Mess Hall; this project is 83% complete and* all kitchen equipmont is available.



THCOOP 14 ;,ufust 1968SUIVJE*T: Uporatiional Report or the 4.th Enineer Group (Wonstruction)

for the Feriod .ndinr 31 July IV8 jtCS-Cjis1t-65 (1(i) '41,931U

(b) Croft and ilobby Oshop; this project In MI, conplete nndprogretv is as scheduled.

(c) "vuzrtcrmastor Self Jervice Supply ,enter; this .rojectis 5% complete and on sche.iule with the pad place.! 0t) eloctrical conduitand plumbing rouahed in.

-(d) Sodding aW. Landscaping; work around proJocts such as thetheatre, M club, and library are under this projct dir,itve. It it, acontinuing commnitment.

(e) Deartment of the teey Civilian Querters (3 e.); work isprogreesing well and siaba are placed. 4lectrit:ei c. riduit ,nd , ';r.-Olbplumbing is roughed in. Concrete block is belso laid, an-, prelabricnt.ionof the trusses is under way.

(f) Athletic Facilities; lighting of tenni,3 court is complete.Upgrading and compaction of footbll field is progressing well.

(g) Arm--. i.ir Facilities; one hanger is almost complete andthe other structures are being designed on schedule.

(3) ew projects assigned:

(a) Audio Visunl Center; this project is presently In thedesign stage.

(b) Conmny I~ns IMilding (6 ea); buildings are designed nnd,requisitions for mtorials have bern submitted.

o. laiai AnLmdCnnjk -p xi.-vj GSA) Area;:

(I) The Snttnhip Cnntonment and CSA area, considered as oneproject, is one or the top prioritios as seen- in the Ih',&.,iifliAi objectivea(inclosure 1). The 44th Group has therefore responded by movin - tho 538thHngineer Battal!on (-) with reinforcements to increase the etort expended

this period by D Co, 538th kng Lin and 3 Co, 80?th Engr Bn. T1i3 projectis now considered to include the Vertical Construction at Camp V':yamn necrSattahip and the Prefabricated Hanger for the Royal Thai Air Force (HT1 F).

(2) B Co of the 809th Engr Fn completed thren (0) n-ditionalPasco Warehouses this period, making a total of seven i) in ,ha CJa.Four (4) Wooden Open :,torare Sheds and the Prefabric,,tod flanp.r for 'TYwere also completed. 1 rio to deployment of R Co, 8091h iLnl:r Em to thehortheast during the next reporting period, they wIll flnish several

INCL 1 2

THCO .. OP '14 August 1968SUFJECT: Operational Repoit of the 44th Engineer Group (Construction)

for the Period Lnding 31 July 1968 Rql-'SFOa.R-65 (l) WA93AA

concrete block buildings including Depot Headquarters, ADPS Cnter, Stock 'Uontrol zuilding, and a Telephone 'Exchange. The Telephone Exchfinco in.Uamp Vayana is complete and the Fire Station has been defdrred.

(3) The Sattahip Crntonment, constructed by D Co, 538th Enr bmreinforced, housed 760 personnel as required in 'ly 1968. This cantoruiont'area is now planned to support 2000 personnel with faoilities and utilities.The work is continu~ng on schedule with plans for the area to house 1740personnel by Januery 1969, including essential facilities. .3upportingfhcilitits :w1h ns Clubs, ChApel, Thoetre, :.thletie "Fcilit±s, knd PostEnCineor Cotaplex will utlato temporary structure: until perzanent facili-ties are €ompletell.

(4) The 538th Eni'r Bn witl bo reinforcel In 3iattahip durine thenext reporting periml .-IU tho fool~owi/-.:

(a) 2 Platoonn, 697th %..r- Co (PL)

* (b) 58cith Enrr imt (Util)

(a) 16th Fng-p Co (Cr.).

d. V

(i) Uo.nl'tlon of the 2aving ofr the troop portion of Rolute 304- was the major accmph.n.Lmnt of the 5 3t'- En'p, ,.n * .: ".. 44th GI)

during this reportinC period. The pavement, ot Lh.ii .::. t: port.on(K. 57 to 96) was com;,letod en 27 July 1968; itoweivtr, .. C "Oh53Kth Enr Bn will ronin to cmplate drainme :%tru atr. nn;! improveslope stabiliztion. The quanry element of A Go, d)kth onr .n, ae'coMp-lished Its mis;aon and :2oved to tho tiortheast.

I (2) The 539th Enl:r Bl wnas atunmcnt d by t.ho 2.3rd SE.g B (-)1Royl Thait irmy (RTA), the 16th Engr Co ()T), t.%r '1'; l to, (r),.and elements of B an:I J 'oapanies of tho 9th rnr !i.

(I) Work on the remininp facilities continues by D Co, 809thEngLr Bn and the 561st !,nir o (onst). ?'Iuis are for D 4o 'to dLont-n:iein ,,ugust to move to the rortht~nst an.I for the 561st to co ap1ete thetraining area aid nine (9) alditlonal buildings.

(2) The Task Force which expedited this hJih priori t.y project willbe dis:olved on 25 August 1968.


it --

~:. jiU~~-Oif. uust 1968JUBJWTt Uporational , uport of the 44th Engineer Group (Construction)

for the ieriod Ln,1g 31 July 1968 ICS-CSrMR-6.5 (RI) WA93AA

(I) A second Coal of USAh-UPThAI for fiscal. year 1969 is to expediteconstruction of Routo 22 fron Sakon Xqkhon to Nakhon Pinnoi (Inclosuro 1).Those 87 Xlomaters of road require upgrading, construction of drainagefacilities to include prestres3aed cnncrete bridges, an-I pavtng. The 2ndpriority Northeast LOU is Route- 223 from Saken Nakhon to Tht Phanom endrequira the SAMO development les pnving. 1tis route is 75 Kilomotorslone

(2) To accomplish this %is:nion the 809th EnE-r On will wve tothe vicinity or Sakon laakhon .,nd become operational by 3optenb.bor 1968.,First elements sturted :r.oving on 15 June 1968. Enlargomont of Camp RuamChit Zhai to a 900 man b4:se camp is the first order of construction.Also, contruction camps will. be idlt at Kilometer 194 and the NakhonPhanom Air Force Base (4 226). The Kilometer marker readings start atUdorn.

(3) The 80)th Engr Bn will be reinforced as follows;

(a) 91st Enur Co (DT)

(b) lat Plt, 260th Transportation Co with dump truck- "

(c) D Co, 23rl Engr Bn (RTA)

(d) 2 Co, 6th .nr Bn(RTA)

[ I(e) loist Engr Det (WD)

Mf 182tit Fnir~r Nit (WDm).

(i) Units of the 4.4th Encr Op continue to participate in nuworouscivic action projects auch as ucanol construetion end oxtonsnon o1 road.to =aall villages adjacunt to the highways under construcLion. A ton roomschool house was txdlt near :touto 304 and will be dedIcAted during thenext roporting.period (Tnel tiros 17 and 18). Two acre of Cant lend iorecleared and approximtLely 10 ;Milometers of laierite road woro built.Other projects continue such ari providing villngos with water, conducting

language schools, and providing local police with wrockorn to clearaccidents.

(2) Surveys nre boitg conducted in Northoast Thailand along Routes


14 .uus'. 1963SUB.MJ'Ts Operational Report of te 44th .nrjineer Group (Genstruetton)for tho i'orold Endlnc 31 July 19!'A iiM-GS-;?a-65, (i) VA93MA

22 and 223 to help the villjgos uprndo the connecting roads with filland drainage structures. This will become port of the ,Grou-, Civic ActienPrograa as manpower an:l equipment becoae available.

(3) Presently the Thai fovernment has a well drilling progranunder way. Surveys have been conductedi and the "4th ;qr Op in plannicngto aid in the development of this proeram.

(4) Medicl sid Dental treatment At Base Crmp dispensaries con-tinues to be our no:;t prog;ro31vI civic Action project. A tot-il of 6,641Local-Thai Nationals h.tve received treatment this reoporting period. .

(5) To further develop the Civic Action Program the Group isrequesting specific Colt,&LON13 *ct.ivltsn f'111W4 6) .Maiu kw01vn1h1. Thiswill allow the Group to expeiite requests iade from ouborUnicite trits.

(1. This procran is continuingI : at A rapid pace. Wells have beenplaced in Sattnhip (0on-'otai1le), Vnrln (Potnble). Cn:3p Rumn Chit Chai(?otable), enM Udorn (Potable). 'The depths are between 1601 md 210'aud capacities vary between 23 and 75 .GP.

'(2) In addition to t equipment of the 101st and 182nd Enr De(Well Drilling), a rotary well drilling rig was released from depot.Personnel required to operate this rig were taken from the resourcesof the 80th Ener 3n.

(3) The dovelopient of notable water sources is a valuable CivicAction tool in Thnajinnd. This project is widereoinq exten:sive research.(See Cfvic Action i.ection, :;co 2, C. above).


The 549th Fz,"r Dot continues their mision under the operationalcontrol of United 3trntes Operations Xission Thailand. The secondcycle.of students conslsting of 16 stuients fin ished their training cyc1e on3 ;uno. 'The third cycle .tnrrtol' their traoi,Ini- on 17 Jine wrl consintsof 167 students. The teAMs of the unit ara now mov!n, to other districtsto continue their :isaian. Cknsiderable york has .,e-n Ilone by this unitin classifyine drivers rml ,:nuiont operator3. Th,,y skre routeringexcellent relations with dnitoid States Operations .i.ssion and th, Royalthi Governuent.

J. POL nontrutient S

THJ OL.P 14, August 1968•UWJTs Uperational Report of the 4th Engineer Group (Construction)

for the Period En:ing 31 July 1968 RCS-CSFOI-65 (RI) WA93AA

The 697th .ngr Co (PL) siccesfully completed their mission inKorea and return.d to Thailand. They are prenonut.y enraned in theSattoahip Cntonmnmt, with 2 platoons.

-* k.

This project was cancelled by U3ARSUPTHAI Hendquarters. The :,-llamount of road (approxintmtely 300 met-era) will be comple)ted by contractornas he paveu tM boilance of the inland Road.

* 2. 2. _1L~lned: Conander's Observations. Ev-alutaion


a. Per'sonnol:

(1) Group Enlisted Strength:

(a) OBS"RVATION: As of 31 July 1968, the Group enlistedassigned strength was 89% of that authorized, while the Group assignedstrength of Staff Sorgoenta (E-6) was 46%.

(b) EVALUATION: The enlisted understrength situation isexpected to severely limit Group capabilities as subordinate uni.ts aredepioyed to new areas of responsibility. The Staff Snrgennt undoriatrongthaituation has forocd the Group to employ more juniqr, less ktlled

individuals as iiwedlate task supervisors. While officers and seniorNCO's move from tnik to task to coordinate an overall constrAction effort,the im:Aediate task supervisor is responsible for task from start to finizh.When this indivituAl lacks experience, efficiency and quality controlsuffer,

(c)- hFAO MDIEtDATION: That DA imediately fill all outstandingGroup enlisted personnel roquisitions with special emiphasis. on fJlllng StaffSergeants' (F-6) positions ,ith qualified NCO's.

(2) 697th Engineer Company (Pipeline):

(a) OB3kRVATION: The personnel situation of the 697thEngineer Company (Pipeline) was listed as critical during the last roportiniperiod as the unit nsI.,ned strength was at 73% of that authorized. Theunit is now at 79d of nuthorized strength but the majority of roplacomentshave not boon qualified pipeline personnel.

(b) EVALUATION: The rise in assigned at-rength of this companyhas somewhat improved its response to assigned mission, but on-tho-job-training of replacements reduces immediate efficiency.



J;UiQ F4T: Operntional R4port of the .4th riF.|neor Group (Conatroction)for Uie Feriod Y'nditla 31 July 19M13 hVk.-Cr-Xt-5 (RI), WA9),

(a) RFP'U4(XiNDATl.,t That DA iruiately fill the outstanding

personnei requisitions for qual fi ed 1i;line per.mnmiel.

(3). Group Personnel Sections

(a) OBSEVUTWU Dring June 1968, the responniblity formaintenance of' the personnel records, of all Group separate Caoileswore transferred from the Group Personnel Section to the 256th PersonnelServices Company, UJA"SUPTiAi The two battalions rotnined their records.Additionally, Group lo-;t the authority to execute special orders, while

the battalions retained thie authority.

(b) EVALUATJON: 31hintenance of separate compay personnel

records away. from the Group Personnel Section is ciberooiae. Sepratecompenies are often shifted throuChout Thailand in su;;ort or oonstruntion

operations, so that many personnel transactions must be conucted'by

telephone. Without personnel records on hand, the Group Personnel Section

cannot provide insediate response to telephonic requests. Rapid changes.

in the construction situation may require overnight p~raonn el transfers.

Without special order authority at Group, resnrn.vi.nt orders require inexcess of one week for execution. iditionntly, Groupls lo.s of authority

to execute special order while subordinate buttalions maintain that

authority is inappropriate.

(c) RE-2O3-NDAT IUN That 'the responsibility for all personnelrecords and tranncctJons involving Group persrnnel and thi authority toexecute special orders be returned to the Group Versonnel 3ectlon.

(4) As~tgrientst

(a) OBSERVATION; Since the establishment of the 44th Engineer

Group (Construction) .n Thailund ,all officers, warrnnt orficers, and mny

enlisted mren have been assigned. directly to the units of the Group by DAas opposed to assigning tnum t.o Group He.adquarters for further reassign-.ent. As an example of the imbalances this policy produces, the 809thEner Bn was at 93% streng:th d r:iisg the reporting period 'while the 538thEn .r Un was at 88, stren.th dlurlssg the same period. On thr: other handthe 809th Engr' Bn has only 35% of its authorized SSG'5 (E-6) on hand while

the 538th Engr M has 72% of its authorized SSG's on hnd.

(b) EVALUATIO, ': itsaignmont of key personnel by De directly

to subordinate units of the Group hampers Group's ability to dtst.ributeresources to malntain overall Group effectiveness. The policy has

resulted in lmbalrnces between Group units or equn]. 3ize and mission.The Group is aow closely amonuitoring incomi ng persontiel asnirpnulents andredistributi.g ihdividuals, where necessary, from the units to which they


TIICOZG-OP 14. August 1968SUIVW's Operational Report of the 44th Fanineer Group (Construction)

for the Period Ending 31 July 1968 RiC3-C,3Fit-65 (RI) WA93AA

eassigned by DA to other units whose needs are more pressing. Thelosing units are never well disposed to acce)t such resiainment. Acreat deal of time is npent In evalunLing the reaaalpntunv of each keyperson to assure that the needs of the galning uilt do, in fact overridethe objections of the losinG unit.

(a) RECOMMENDATIONa That all incoming personnel be assignedto.'Group Headquarters for further reassignment. Future requisitionsfrom the Group wii1 be submitted only under the Unit Identification Codeof the Grour.

b. Q~Jjta:

(1) Unit Movementt

(a) OBSERVATION: The movement of the 809th FAnr Bn fromPhanoms Sar kham to Sakon Nnkhont a distance of 450miles, hws shownthat the lack of, 10-ton tractors limits the movement capabilities ofGroup unitil.

(b) EVAIMATiOi: Moving a unit the size and configuration ofthe 809th Fne Bn over such-a lone dintnce is a V01jor task. The lackof 10-ton tractors has required the dismantling of .njor items of equip-ment to their basic components in order to stay within the sefe weiChtlimitations of the 5-ton tractor. An example is the 40-ton crone. Inorter to move a 40-ton crane, it must be disassembled into its 3 majorcompnents. The cost for disassembly and assembly is approximately$1,500.00. It takes one 5-ton tractor and trailer throe trips to movothis one item. Also, 3 x 900 = 2700 milea are required,, whnrotis one10-ton tractor could do thin in one (1) trip or 900 milos. This addedexposure to traffic in Thailand is an excessive safety hazard. (Seouection 2, o),

(c) =01O1U9*DATION: That current requisiti6no for the 10-tontractors authorized by the TO&E be filled to alleviate this operattonalproblem.

"(2) Gomunioations:

(a) ODESVATIONt Commications continue' to be a problemfor this command.

(b) EVALUATIONs Communications in Tha3.i n4 j- difficultbecause of the largo engineer trees of responsibili, -) family



I~~2 1



THCOR-OP 14 Aucust 1968SUIUkLMT Operational Report of t ,e 44th Engineer Group (Construction)

for the Period Endine 31 July 1968 RCS-CSF0R-65 0.) -WA93AA

of radios, AN/tC-106, that are authorizNd are not available, and repair

Iperts for the AN/GWC-19 radoas in use are moot difficult to obtain. 7%elesing of oommercial radios has grostly assisted the Group In fulfillingits mission; hoveve, thin luuuing .i contradictory'to gold flow objectives.

(o) RZOMHEATIUNs That the AW/RC-106 radio be madeavailable to engincer troops in Thailand.

(3) QUnlity Controlt

(a) OBkEVATO0,: Beceuse of a general shortage of quality

coatrol personnel mch cs nurvoyors, soils tochnlciann, and supervisorsin the rank of ", quality control is a persistent problem. Compoundingthis problem are the extensive .engineer requirenents in this country.

(b) EVALUATIONs Because of the t w observations above, someof the Frojects completed are below-professional standards. Such.a trend,if allowed to continue, could adversely affect our country's imace in adeveloping naLtoA. Command emphasis is keeping ,this problq to a minimum.

(a) RMO0,MEDATION: That increases be made in school quotisand allocations for qualit.y control personnel.

a* Tra±ining

(1) 03SRMVATIONSs Driving on the highways of Thailand is morehazardous than in most other countries in the world. The driving habits

of the Thais are most unusual. It is not uncomnon to see several largebuses or trucks driving abreast on a two-way highway.

(a.) EVALUTIOI These 'drivine habits cause many accidents. This

unit requires tait v:lfoty be utrewnad at every nlnng Mtion for a 5minute period. Thqi tiort.hodox drivint habits are made known and d cfensivedrvnng is 'the ordtr of the day.* The hours each driver spondn on the roadare monit red. Prior Lo dispatch over a long distance drivers are instructedto lay over in specified areas and all convoy briefings stress march dis-cipline,


* d. ;jtUZ :

(1) OBSERVATION: Routine intelligence and counterintelligenceoperations are recolving o:;;nand emphnsis.

. (2) EVALUATION: None.


I ,

THGOtN-OP 14 Auu3t 1968S.UV1%TtUp.Z'raioV.naI. Report, of the 1./4th Erllinuor Group ('onitruatlon)

for the teriod1 .ntiinS 31. July 11j68x:-A~:6 i 'V4Q'3AAX

(1) Fqipn shortni-oss

(a) uRVTu: Unit~s in the Grnu; contitn to exporicncecritiedl nhots-o, prhnoirl.)y wi th *.,utq'r oil s'trion"r, 1 0-Lon 1.puuk ait.i-

(b) iM.aLtATION: There Is n6 darinito infcrmution on in-Maingquantities of noteod equiapmnit. istwvirous into'.io; Iiv~en iit.lw4e At

Ithe unit and Croup leval, but no &'Ira E.TA's hravo b4oon rcivud. ihoreal3o has been confunlon ia to 111o actuil diao-Aii or ofro*qisitioI13.Most notably, 9th Log was conjidering dirfrrnt G'roup roritiks1?l~oll vnJlidfor water distribaitors than was 2nd WSu. in regarda to close~d loop) itexshoriar~os, such as 20-ton cranes, the progra hnaz not1 providwiGroup with

(due to lack of on-htuid quantities or turn-ins) to any tiienificint degre

this fiscal yt~ar, In the ara of coionanioations, the coipleto Alortare'of XN/(,G-1O radio net.s h113 forced the battions int.ut1iiationWo

locallyprocurod systons..

(c) o.l rxu:That oxtansivo follow-up be initiatedat all oocnand levels for long outatand3.ng shortttgqs, porhaps by hanudcarry ai far as OUNU.J-~ nnd that the small'cuamnLity of crit-Ical roquisitionsbe chocked at all levels fo'r nuthunticity aid ileLerniinnton e-t' positiveactions accompjlisheCd rnd '.o be aocenpl ithed.

expendd (r ) WUlUVTION4: For this reporting period the Group has

expnde oroblignted .01i3,368.45 on rental, equipment.

(b) NVALTUATIONS: Coiv'iand emphruwis on curtailment of rentald equipment has raosulto'l in s large mdcrenac nC rvold oixti'low. lloi.ever, nuch

action will force slippngce of progrornned comnpletiolt3.

1$ (a) WM ANDATIONS: That Action be taken on pending aug-montation oiTQ& 5-114D, by G_ 4, US.&MUlTl~nI. Thai locLl. purch~ase of

P conntruntion equipment from~ kiO(J3 ho expedited so that 809th iFngr Bnmission, will not bo affectedI.

(atoObeERVATiONp 'oTh repair parts supply system continues

tob iaeqae


-, -•~- '- - •= - : -- -,'.

THCON-OP 14 August 1968SUBJ T Operational .eport of tho 44th Enincer Group (Construction)

for the Period Ending 31 July 196 J RS-?O-65 (RI) WA93A(b) EVALUATIu: The stockage of onener repair parts in

Thailand is not comenurate with the d-mazd. A recent analysis of the

Group's units revealed that a largo portion of repair parts iequisitionswith issue priority dosienator 02 or 05 woro duo out 'for long periods oftime. Of these reouisitions 92.9% wore more than 30 days old, 70.5%wore more than'60 dJays c q 56% were more than& 90 days old'.

in estblishing stookaeo levels be mafiiehtly increased to support,. dezans.

(4) Deadline Rate$

(a) OBSEUEV T±0S; Tho Group dedlino rate for engineerQquipment for the last fivo wocks is 19.&,; fIor ordinance is 12.4%.This is slightly highor thn the rates last reported.

(b) EVALUATIONS: The last report sAtatod our deadline rateat an all tim6 low. Now the rate has climbod to ai porcentaZe silarto that reported in January. However, this is attr ibutable to priorityrequirements placed on the units which have been forced into a two and.now a, three shift work day. 'The reaco the rtes are now as low as theyare ii because of co,.nd cmphasis, staf' to stcf coordination, andreplacement of old, obsoleicer equipzent with new items by the Group.

(a) FAMALDAT10ASt iao.

f. OQahn±ntin

Se inolosures number 2 and 3 for the 44t Engr Gp organization.'chart. '


19 Inc13-Withdrawn, Hqs, DA A.T. iHTC.nbiyjns+rf3 GO, INIASIETA OiL, CE

o,-*,-&AComwandin-3-7-t f---Djrectory4-L Inoo.-of-l.o unioation[ -.--, C .=tr + Pott+pn,


THOP=OP (14 Aug 68) 1st IdSU3jt.VCT: Operational Iepbrt of the /4th Enginoor Group (Construction)

for the Period EWdins 31 July 1968 RCS-CSFOR-65 (1i)UIC: M,9 AA

DA, Ieadquarters, Unitcd States AxuV Sukpport ThailandL, APO 9623314 U 61

TO: Asistant Chief of Staff for Force Dovelopment, Der'-ront ofthe Atz7y, ashineton, D.C. 20310-

1. The Oprational Report of the 44th Engineor Group (Construction)

V for the period onding 31 July 1968 has boon reviewed by this hoed-quarters and is forwarded wLti the folloing co':ents.

2. Concur with the reco-reond.L,!on at para 2a(1)(c) that outstondingnonco .issionod officer requisitions should be filled without delnyand that special emphasis should be put upoti obtaining qiuified B6's.

3. Concur with the' rooomnndation at mara 2=(2) (c) that outstandingreqisitionn for qualified pipeline personnel should be filled ansoon as possible.

4. Nonconctr with the reco,-endation at pare 2-,(3)(c). 'Return ofpornonnol records and authority to issue special ordcrs would be indirect conflict with DA PEIACAP concepts. An lT05 has been submttedto enlargo the 256th Personnel Service Company from a Type A to aT.PO B unit. If approved, all personnel records and special order

* i.uianco authority for USA1SUPffflI ill be centralized. Triols con-ducted in Vietn:,'m and Korea ihdicate centralization is imperativeto aintain effective personne .msnarment.

5. 11oncondur with the recommendation at par. 2a()(c). It is re-coznized that personnel and Srado imbalances exist between 4-th EngineerGroup units; howevdr, current regulations require unit to unit ansion.-ment and requisitions must show the unit identification code.Roq1isitions shoving only the Group UIC cannot be considered validand wil not be honored. Personnel imbalances cun only be correctedby reassigning incoming personnel.

6. Concur with the recowiendation at oara 2b(I)(c) that 10 tontractors be -ade avilable. It is imderstood that sixty of thesetractors are presently awaitig shipment to this co-,i-nd.



71HOP-OP (14, A-L 60) 1 nt I. OT iNWEJfCT: Oncrat5.onvj. 1Thp-rt of the 4/3h !*nntinoor Group (Conatrucin

for tho, Poriod ir'rin,, 31 July 1963 %CS-CUFiOC65 ila)

7. Concur with the cormn.i and. recommnondation. in parv. 2b(2) regardingcoicationa e~uipncnt. The A1V/GL.C-iQ6 rsdio is nuthorized byT022 to the 14th fln~koor Zroup, bt its ico.) is controlled by DA.Tho ralio, has not Yet boon aut~iorizcd for issue to the i-roup. 1,irms.~o req'2ostin, asi . anco Ila--, boon sent to 1APC

8. Concur wihthe comonts n rocomiend dt-ions or Para 2b(3) con-cornin- the training of quality control porvonnol.

9. !%oferonca tia rocomnendrtion at rara 2o( ) (c), tle usLI..AC rFiip-mont Atthorization Comitteo rn etiWr 9-13 Sop 68 Pn.1 theo Olonad L-3?Sim or- moctint, 30 Sop - 5 Oct C-8 will both address s~ortagon of

gonopton, mlitry snndrdeng-ines and onairoor constructequirpmont. I-and, cary or requisitions to 00flG should not bo nec iry

and oill dullicm o e xsting supply syston.

10. H:onconcur- ith *tho roco,-xr-odation at umrs. 2o(2) (c). Thne 1200r or a Construction Support Cormpany hns boon fomarded for epproval.Action of the au-7tentation to this M!OE has boon suspended sincein-country persconnol spaice liitationo preclvdo ncoa nwcnt of the'

additional oqUinmont requested.

11, 10LNrcnco the r".e..',enndation at para 2o(3)(c), action is boin,"tn:nto review: uit !iLL, D31 IJ i Dopot AML procedmres for ongrincer

repair parts to datorminn if~ proper procc-.iures ara being used toconlyato ordor vnd ship timen end to record dom'nd deaa.

70"6 TiZC.M IH~

/1yr ACC ~ 4


' GPOP-DT (14 Aug 68) 2d IndSUBJECT:" Operationnl Report of the 44th Engineer Group (Construction),

for tho Period Ending 31"July 1968, RCS CSFOR-65 (RI)

HQ$ US Army, Paci.fic, APO Van Francisco 96558 9 JAN 1969

TO: Assistant Chief of Staff .for Force Development, Department of heArmy, Washington, D. C. 20310

This headquarters has evaluated subject report and forwarding indordementid- concurs in the report as indorsed.


1 Incl C. L SIOnTIne CPT, AGC

.A-t AG



- I __ _ _ _ __

Secuity~ CtX1619icahtnn

jDOCUMIENIT CONTROL DATA. R&DeS0curfty 00I IIofi of fill@. &ody of abstract and Wlowi~ g oI nn m~ust b#. enI.,d .. hm the evviall tij.'w Is elas.IlI14ig

ii. ORIGINATrING ACTIVV (Co..otAt* tetIf) a. IPORT *LCUfljTv Ct.AASIVICATIO&IUnclassified

1Q, OACSFOR. DA, Washitigton# D.C. 20310 '


Operational Reports - Lessons Learned, lfqs, 44th Engineer Group, PeriodEnding 31 July 1968 (U)

jA. DCSCAmPYIVC NOTKS (Tyrpo of fom sod 14lv.Iv.T mulis)

E~xperiences of unit -enimted in counteribsurgency operations, I N-ay to 31 July 1968--

C,44th Engineer Group

3 O ATC 70. TOTAL NO. Of' 6'AGCS Ib. NO. or MCI'$

As OT4C O GRNO. 1.OIIA~' CU4 U~C13

I.. PNOitcC No.

IC. 9/0i. Or04rl RCPORT 04011 (Ar .Lhe~tnm&41 thatmor be sefo



IN/A OACSFORp DA, Washington, D.C. 20310

ti. nTRE

. : 1.UCASFENO .3%Iny c u si e to

,The following items are recommended for inclusion in the Lessons Learned





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