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6 CO2 C2H12O6 + = +6 H20 6O2

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How to Calculate the Temperature of a

Radiantly Heated Colored Ball

( Like our Earth )

And other essential science exposingThe Willful Stupidity of the Global Statist

War against the Building Block of Life( with the Scientific Method as collateral damage )

( Bob Armstrong ; [email protected] )

Law of Sustainability: If it's not economically sustainable, it's not sustainable. John R Christy

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Utter Stagnation :Symptom of NonScience

“Any field of study that has the word science in it probably isn’t.”Ken Iverson , from Arthur Whitney , Memories of Ken

In the time a non-politicized branch of Applied Physics has increased chip size from mega to giga , there has been no quantitative progress on the accuracy of our understanding of Mean Planetary Temperature

There is a disconnect of in-paradigm career science from the most fundamental classical computations

Abandoned Experimental Method

Garbage in ; Gospel out .Willie Soon

Computer ModelsIf it were Science there would be1 model instead of 30 ( now 73 )

Howard Hayden

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“ More seriously, let me put this in perspective with the most boring graph I have ever plotted in my life. Below is the likely range of climate sensitivity as a function of time. As you can see, with the exception of AR4 with its slightly smaller range mentioned above, the likely range of climate sensitivity did not change since the Charney report in 1979. In other words, after perhaps billions of dollars invested in climate research over more than three decades, our ability to answer the most important question in climate has not improved a single bit! “

sciencebits.com/AR5-FirstImpressions ; Nir Shaviv ; 2013-10-02

Utter Stagnation

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IPCC Confidence Grows as Models Diverge from Data





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5 TAR,









Claimed ConfidenceExtremely Likely (>95%)Very Likely (>90%)Likely (>66%)

email < Howard (Cork) Hayden ; www.valeslake.com ; www.energyadvocate.com ; PO Box 7609 ; Pueblo West, CO 81007

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We exist to battle this suicidal silliness only becauseall the oxygen we animals require was locked in CO2until Photosynthesis emerged . ( Any free O2 , would have “burned up” , oxidized , forming complex organic compounds )

Since then Green Plant and Shell Forming Life has drivenCO2 down to the few molecules per 10,000 of airnecessary for their survival . ( actually less than argon )

It is self evident that the epochs when the conversionof the atmosphere from CO2 to O2 depositing the massive coal and petroleum resources which havepowered the transformation of human welfare in the lastcouple of centuries were very lush ages .

The 0th Stupidity( Trumping even the Physics )

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6 CO2 C2H12O6 + = +6 H20 6O2

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Matt Ridley :http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/03/13/matt-ridley

1982 – 2011 , ( 20.5% - 3% = 17% ) of world'svegetated area greener as seen from space . Ranga Myneni , Boston U

Both lab and field : CO2 200 ppm [ 33% ] increaseproduces 30% improvement in plant growth

Sherwood Idso , http://www.co2science.org

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Deserts 'greening' from rising CO2

In findings based on satellite observations, CSIRO, in collaboration with the Australian National University (ANU), found that this CO2 fertilisation correlated with an 11 per cent increase in foliage cover from 1982-2010 across parts of the arid areas studied in Australia, North America, the Middle East and Africa, according to CSIRO research scientist, Dr Randall Donohue.

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Data Overview

While CO2 has increasedfrom about 3 moleculesper 10k of air since beforethe steam engine to about4 today ( 33% ) our bestestimates of temperaturehave gone up from about288 kelvin to 288.8 ( 0.3%) .

Simple linear extrapolationsays adding again all theCO2 since the industrialrevolution if that's the totalcause of the increase wouldonly increase ourtemperature another0.8 degrees .

----– Approximate CO2 level necessary for life ------

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More Detail


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“Year-to-year variability in the weather dwarfs any impact from a long-term shift in the climate.”

Why farmers don’t believe in anthropogenic global warminghttp://judithcurry.com/2013/07/17/why-farmers-dont-believe-in-anthropogenic-global-warming/

The thickness of the horizontal line in the graph represents theentire warming this hysteria is about .

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The Essential Physics

A white and a black stone sit in the desert sun .Which gets hotter ?

Question which has stuck with me from a boy's science book read asa grade school nerd during the Eisenhower administration

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Planetary temperature is essentially an issue of applied physics .

The method of physics is to quantitatively understand geometrical arrangements so simple that they can be experimentally verified .

We will consider the constraints imposed on a planet's temperature by the constraints on a ball enclosing the planet and its atmosphere .

That is , we consider how to calculate the equilibrium temperature of a radiantly heated opaque colored ball .

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Planetary temperature is essentially an issue of applied physics .

The method of physics is to quantitatively understand geometrical arrangements so simple that they can be experimentally verified .

We will consider the constraints imposed on a planet's temperature by the constraints on a ball enclosing the planet and its atmosphere .

That is , we consider how to calculate the equilibrium temperature of a radiantly heated opaque colored ball .

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Planetary temperature is essentially an issue of applied physics .

The method of physics is to quantitatively understand geometrical arrangements so simple that they can be experimentally verified .

We will consider the constraints imposed on a planet's temperature by the constraints on a ball enclosing the planet and its atmosphere .

That is , we consider how to calculate the equilibrium temperature of a radiantly heated opaque colored ball .

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Planetary temperature is essentially an issue of applied physics .

The method of physics is to quantitatively understand geometrical arrangements so simple that they can be experimentally verified .

We will consider the constraints imposed on a planet's temperature by the constraints on a ball enclosing the planet and its atmosphere .

That is , we consider how to calculate the equilibrium temperature of a radiantly heated opaque colored ball .

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Real Science

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“ ... ever since Kepler proved that the orbits of the planets are ellipses, relations expressible in quantitative form have carried greater weight than those which could be stated only qualitatively."

"Numerous important discoveries have been made 'by investigating the next decimal place'. … “

F.K. Richtmyer , preface to 1st ed , 1928 , Introduction to Modern Physics , 1942 .

As shown above , the entire change in temperature we areseeking to explain is on the order of the third decimal place ,10ths of a percent . We will see that 97% ,all but 10 degrees ,of our observed ~288k temperature is explained simply bycalculating the energy we receive from the Sun . So how dowe reduce the remaining unexplained 3% ?

Contrast with Michael Mann of “Hockey Stick” and ClimateGate fame :

Proof is for mathematical theorems and alcoholic beverages. It’s not for science.

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VocabularyAbsolute Temperature , Degrees Kelvin

Same as Centigrade ( Celsius ) + freezing temperature of water , 273.15 degreesWith a true 0 , you can talk about ratios , not just differences .

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VocabularyAbsolute Temperature , Degrees Kelvin

Same as Centigrade ( Celsius ) + freezing temperature of water , 273.15 degreesWith a true 0 , you can talk about ratios , not just differences .

Energy Density ; Watts % Square Meter % LightSecond

Equivalent to

Energy Flux ( Power ) ; Watts % Square Meter Note that Energy , ie , Power % M^2 can be summed over areas . Temperature has to be converted to equivalent energy to sum .

( Watt : Joule ( energy) % sec | 1 horsepower ~= 746 watts )

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VocabularyAbsolute Temperature , Degrees Kelvin

Same as Centigrade ( Celsius ) + freezing temperature of water , 273.15 degreesWith a true 0 , you can talk about ratios , not just differences .

Energy Density ; Watts % Square Meter % LightSecond

Equivalent to

Energy Flux ( Power ) ; Watts % Square Meter Note that Energy , ie , Power % M^2 can be summed over areas . Temperature has to be converted to equivalent energy to sum .

( Watt : Joule ( energy) % sec | 1 horsepower ~= 746 watts )

Color : Full ElectroMagnetic Spectrum

Can be specified in terms of frequency , wavelength or wavenumberWe will use wavelength ; ( micro ) Meters % cycle

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Three modes of heat transfer Radiation ( all we will be concerned with )

Conduction ( fairly simple , Fourier , pimples flatten ) Convection ( extremely complex , mass transport )

Our Earth is a varicolored ball in a vacuum radiantly heatedby a ball about 5800k so far away that it covers only about5.41millionths of the celestial sphere around us .

We will only go thru the calculation of the mean temperatureof a radiantly heated opaque uniformly colored ball .

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Reality RulesWe need just 3 laws + geometry

The geometry is just that needed to compute the portion of the total sky the Sun coverswhich ranges from about 5.234958e-6 at aphelion to 5.596861e-6 ( 1.07 x ) at perihelion

See http://climatewiki.org/wiki/Category:Essential_Physics for the computations

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Reality RulesWe need just 3 laws + geometry

The geometry is just that needed to compute the portion of the total sky the Sun coverswhich ranges from about 5.234958e-6 at aphelion to 5.596861e-6 ( 1.07 x ) at perihelion

Stefan , Boltzmann : Radiant Energy Flux is proportional to the 4th power of temperature | Psb : {[ T ] sb * T ^ 4 }

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Stefan-Boltzmann T ^ 4 law combines withthe inverse square law d ^ % 2 , so thattemperature decreases by the square rootof the distance from the source .

Planetary temperature is linear with the temperature of the Sun .A gray ball in Earth's orbit will be about 1 % 21 that of the Sun .

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Reality RulesWe need just 3 laws + geometry

The geometry is just that needed to compute the portion of the total sky the Sun coverswhich ranges from about 5.234958e-6 at aphelion to 5.596861e-6 ( 1.07 x ) at perihelion

Stefan , Boltzmann : Radiant Energy Flux is proportional to the 4th power of temperature | Psb : {[ T ] sb * T ^ 4 }

Kirchhoff , Stewart : The tendency to absorb a given wavelength is identical to the tendency to emit .

( absorptivity = emissivity for any wavelength )

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1833 Ritchie Apparatus By 1860 both Kirchhoff and Stewartindependently had formalized thefact that :

a good absorber is a good emitter( at any particular wavelength )

Absorption : The conversion of radiant to thermal energy || is identically equal to ||

Emission : The conversion of thermal to radiant energy

Why should good conductors be, in general, bad radiators, and bad conductors good radiators ? Tyndall 1861

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A gray ball however light or darkcomes to the

same equilibrium temperature .

With this more than 150 year old observation , we can answer the question which has stuckwith me since childhood .

We define gray as constant absorption=emissionacross the whole spectrum not just the visible .

The black and white stones in the desert suncome to the same temperature !

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Reality RulesWe need just 3 laws + geometry

The geometry is just that needed to compute the portion of the total sky the Sun coverswhich ranges from about 5.234958e-6 at aphelion to 5.596861e-6 ( 1.07 x ) at perihelion

Stefan , Boltzmann : Radiant Energy Flux is proportional to the

4th power of temperature | P : {[ T ] sb * T ^ 4 }

Kirchhoff , Stewart : The tendency to absorb a given wavelength is identical to the tendency to emit .

( absorptivity = emissivity for any wavelength )

Planck : The power spectrum of a black body

( absorptivity = emissivity = 1 for all wavelengths by definition ) as a function of temperature .

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Planck Thermal Radiation Function{[ WL ; T ] ( k0 % WL ^ 5 ) % ( _exp k1 % WL * T ) - 1 }

k0 : 2 * h * c ^ 2 ; k1 : h * c % boltz

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Spectra of Sun and Black Ball in our orbit

The areas under these 2 curves are equal . They are in radiative balance .The total areas are given by the Stefan-Boltzmann Law .

The red curve is created by searching for the temperature which makesthe area under the 2 curves equal . Works out to about 279 kelvin .

+/' ( Sun ; Earth ) />/ 341.9 339.4

Adding across each of the power spectra show our constructed curves have an error of a percent or so .

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Sun power spectrum


10m deep Water absorption spectrum


Power absorbed( not reflected )by 10m water

Water strongly absorbs/emits all wavelengths except the reflected blue .Thus about 315 % 342 />/ 0.92 of the sun's energy is absorbed ( 8% reflected ) while essentially being close to black in the long wave lengths . Applying Stefan&Boltzmann 4th power relationship , 0.92 ^ % 4 />/ 0.98 ,a water sphere in our orbit will come to a temperature of about 0.98 * 279 />/ 273.4 , interestingly close to its melting temperature . ( 0 Celsius = 273.15 kelvin )

+/ 341.9 314.5

0.00031048462.47778820.7064139.2065744.8395241.7001535.3632928.7676223.0025518.3035214.5872411.682799.4185937.6492936.2597245.1613524.2869763.5857993.0193842.558546 … … ...

0.00031040572.47715920.6989932.5241527.7492238.0041835.3532528.7603222.9967118.2988714.5835311.679829.4162027.6473516.2581355.1600414.2858883.5848883.0186182.557896 ... ... ...

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Alarmist , Flat , and Observed Hypothetical absorbemit Spectra

The observed average reflectivity of the Earth as seen from outside is ~ 0.3 , therefore its absorptivity/emissivity ( ae ) is about 0.7 wrt the Sun . They are multiplied by 10 for display . The values of ae over the earth's temperature range and the computed temperature for three hypotheses are given below .

aeSunaeEarth ratio

4th roottemperature

flat 0.7 0.7 1 1 278.7

Alarmist 0.7 1 0.7 0.915 254.9

Observed 0.7 0.61 1.15 1.04 288.4

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AbsorptionSpectramultiply likestacking filters .

If half gets thruthe first and halfof that gets thruthe second , one quarter getsthru both .

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Beer-Lambert Law : Logarithmic effect of increasing concentration

( Think of adding ink to a glass of water )

While there is only one CO2 molecule in each 2500 molecules of airThat's enough for the most absorptive frequencies to be virtually opaqueIn a couple of hundred meters or so .

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James Hansen classic claim that Venus is an example of Of a Runaway Greenhouse Effect


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Planetary temperature is linear with the temperature of the Sun .A gray ball in Earth's orbit will be about 1 % 21 that of the Sun .

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Divergence Theorem

Intuitively, states that the sum of all sourcesminus the sum of all sinks

gives the net flow out of a region.

Thus unless there are internal sources of heat , energyflows summed over any interior sphere must equal thatgiven by the radiative balance with the outside .

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Venus is by far the most reflective of inner planets . It's albedo , ie reflectivity with respect to the Sun's spectrum, is about 0.9 comparedto the Earth's 0.3 . Therefore , its absorptivity is only about 0.1 .

It's surface temperature is measured to be about 737k . A gray ball inits orbit , calculated as above , will have an equilibrium temperature ofabout 328k . Thus its surface is about 2.25 times the temperature of a gray ball in its orbit .

Thus the energy density at its surface is about 2.25 ^ 4 />/ 25.6 timesthe energy density in its orbit .

For this to be due totally to the energy it absorbs from the sun itmust be 1 % 25 as absorptive/emissive in the IR than its 0.1 in thevisible . That is , about 0.1 % 25.6 />/ 0.004 . This is 10 times asreflective as the .96 of aluminum foil in the IR . Ergo :

Venus must have internal sources of heat .It cannot be explained as a runaway greenhouse .

What do we get when we apply these classic computations to Venus ?

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Venus is by far the most reflective of inner planets . It's albedo , ie reflectivity with respect to the Sun's spectrum, is about 0.9 comparedto the Earth's 0.3 . Therefore , its absorptivity is only about 0.1 .

It's surface temperature is measured to be about 737k . A gray ball inits orbit , calculated as above , will have an equilibrium temperature ofabout 328k . Thus its surface is about 2.25 times the temperature of a gray ball in its orbit .

Thus the energy density at its surface is about 2.25 ^ 4 />/ 25.6 timesthe energy density in its orbit .

For this to be due totally to the energy it absorbs from the sun itmust be 1 % 25 as absorptive/emissive in the IR than its 0.1 in thevisible . That is , about 0.1 % 25.6 />/ 0.004 . This is 10 times asreflective as the .96 of aluminum foil in the IR . Ergo :

Venus must have internal sources of heat .It cannot be explained as a runaway greenhouse .

What do we get when we apply these classic computations to Venus ?

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Venus is by far the most reflective of inner planets . It's albedo , ie reflectivity with respect to the Sun's spectrum, is about 0.9 comparedto the Earth's 0.3 . Therefore , its absorptivity is only about 0.1 .

It's surface temperature is measured to be about 737k . A gray ball inits orbit , calculated as above , will have an equilibrium temperature ofabout 328k . Thus its surface is about 2.25 times the temperature of a gray ball in its orbit .

Thus the energy density at its surface is about 2.25 ^ 4 />/ 25.6 timesthe energy density in its orbit .

For this to be due totally to the energy it absorbs from the sun itmust be 1 % 25 as absorptive/emissive in the IR than its 0.1 in thevisible . That is , about 0.1 % 25.6 />/ 0.004 . This is 10 times asreflective as the .96 of aluminum foil in the IR . Ergo :

Venus must have internal sources of heat .It cannot be explained as a runaway greenhouse .

What do we get when we apply these classic computations to Venus ?

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Venus is by far the most reflective of inner planets . It's albedo , ie reflectivity with respect to the Sun's spectrum, is about 0.9 comparedto the Earth's 0.3 . Therefore , its absorptivity is only about 0.1 .

It's surface temperature is measured to be about 737k . A gray ball inits orbit , calculated as above , will have an equilibrium temperature ofabout 328k . Thus its surface is about 2.25 times the temperature of a gray ball in its orbit .

Thus the energy density at its surface is about 2.25 ^ 4 />/ 25.6 timesthe energy density in its orbit .

For this to be due totally to the energy it absorbs from the sun itmust be 1 % 25 as absorptive/emissive in the IR than its 0.1 in thevisible . That is , about 0.1 % 25.6 />/ 0.004 . This is 10 times asreflective as the .96 of aluminum foil in the IR . Ergo :

Venus must have internal sources of heat .It cannot be explained as a runaway greenhouse

What do we get when we apply these classic computations to Venus ?

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We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking,withholding and concealing truth. We can and must write

in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn, and the like, towards those who disagree

with us.

Vladimir Ilyich Leninquoted in

Max Eastman : Reflections on the Failure of Socialism , 1955

Nothing New Here

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Main Greenhouse Effect is reducing temperature variance

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6 CO2 C2H12O6 + = +6 H20 6O2

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