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  • 7/28/2019 6 PNR Chapter 2010-02-23 Master Doc



    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    23 February 2010

  • 7/28/2019 6 PNR Chapter 2010-02-23 Master Doc



    Mandatory PNR Elements .................................................................................................. 4

    Overview of mandatory PNR elements(NM, AP, TK) ...........................................................4

    Name NM-element(NM)..................................................................................................4

    Contact (address/phone) AP-element(AP) ......................................................................5

    Ticketing TK-element(TK)..............................................................................................5Optional Elements .............................................................................................................. 6

    Address mailing AM-element(AM)..................................................................................6

    Address billing AB-element(AB) ....................................................................................6

    Received from RF-element(RF)......................................................................................6

    Option OP-element(OP, OPQ, OPX).................................................................................7

    Remarks RM-element(RM, RM*, RIR, RIM) .......................................................................7

    Confidential remarks RC-element(RC, RX) .....................................................................8

    Accounting AI-element(AI, LMP).....................................................................................8

    Security ES-element(ES, ESX, ESD)................................................................................8

    Memo PNR(RU) ................................................................................................................... 9

    End of Transaction (ET, ER, QE, EV, TTP, EF, ETK, ERK, F3).................................................. 10

    Ignore PNR(IG, IR, F5) ....................................................................................................... 10

    PNR Retrieval .................................................................................................................... 11

    PNR retrieval - general description .................................................................................11

    PNR retrieval - basic command and various examples (RT, RT+, LH) ................................11

    PNR retrieval - tags in PNR header line ...........................................................................12

    Retrieve only certain elements of a PNR (RTN, RTA, RTC, RTH, RTX, RTI, RTG, RTJ, RTR,

    RTRX, RTRRX, RTP, RTO, RTF, RTE, RTY, RT/P2, RTAXR, RTQ, RL, RLH, RLP, RTU) .................12

    PNR retrieval - optional extended sold air segment display .............................................13

    Service and itinerary information for booked segments (RTSVC, RTSVI, RTSVCH, RTSVCC) 13

    Retrieve PNR history (RH, RHQ, WRA/RH, RE/LONG) .........................................................13

    Multi-listPNRretrieval(search by specific flight number) (LP, LX)....................................14

    AmadeusSearch (search all PNRs)(LPO)........................................................................15

    AmadeusSearch examples/combinations ....................................................................17

    Follow-up entries Amadeus Search ................................................................................17

    PNR Claim(RO, ER) ........................................................................................................17

    PNR Recall......................................................................................................................... 18PNR recall - general description (RPP, RPD, REP).............................................................18

    Interactive (on-line) PNR recall Advanced Offer (RPP, RLD, PLD, RPPQ) ............................20

    Deferred (off-line) PNR recall Complimentary Offer (RPD, RLD, PLD, RPPQ, RLX, RLC)........21

    Past date records (PDR) (REP, REPD, WRA/REPD) ............................................................23

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    PNR Change ...................................................................................................................... 24

    PNR change - general description ..................................................................................24

    PNR change - simultaneous changes to PNR print or ignore(WRA/RT, IR).....................24

    PNR change - rearrange elements(RS) ...........................................................................24

    PNR change - married segments(RTIM, RTAM) ................................................................24

    PNR change - automatic rebook(SB) ..............................................................................25

    PNR change - cancellations and general modifications(XE, XI, DL, NU) ............................25

    PNR change - change advice codes to correct status and/or delete inactive segments

    (ETK, ERK) ......................................................................................................................26

    PNR change - other status codes and segment updates ..................................................26

    PNR change - copy PNR(RRN, RRA, RRI, RRP).................................................................27

    Change agent sign association (personal categories)(RF) ..............................................28

    Responsibility change(RP, RPS, RF) ...............................................................................28

    Print PNR(WRA)................................................................................................................. 29

    Non-Homogeneous PNR .................................................................................................. 29

    Non-homogeneous PNR - general description ................................................................29

    Retrieve non-homogeneous PNR(RTAXR).......................................................................29

    Cancel non-homogeneous PNR(ETX, ERX) .....................................................................29

    Split PNR ........................................................................................................................... 30

    Split PNR - general description.......................................................................................30

    Split PNR commands(SP) ..............................................................................................30

    End of transaction split PNR(EF, ET, ER)......................................................................30

    Retrieve commands (segments and/or names) split PNR(RT, RTN, RTW).......................30

    Cancel split PNR(ETX, ERX)............................................................................................30

    Groups ............................................................................................................................... 31

    Groups - general information and mandatory elements(NG, AP, TK, SSR GRPF)................31

    Group name-element(NG) ..............................................................................................31

    Segment booking - groups(SS, SG) ................................................................................31

    Group fare basis element(SR GRPF, SR GRPS) ................................................................31

    Group seating(STG).......................................................................................................31

    Retrieve commands (segments and/or names) - groups(RT, RTN, RTW)...........................32

    Cancellations, modifications, split and copy PNR - groups(XE, SP, RRA) .........................32

    No-name items - groups(NP, INP) ...................................................................................32

    Reporting of individual names - groups(NT)...................................................................32

    Changes made in this version (23February2010) compared to last version(10November2009):

    Replaced LM command with LP command (pages 14-15).

    Removed LMB command (replaced by LPO command already included on pages 15-17)

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 4 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR - Mandatory Elements HE PNR

    Overview of mandatory PNR elements:

    A PNR must contain at least one segment (air, car, hotel, insurance or memo). In addition three

    mandatory elements are required to finalize the PNR with End of Transaction (ET): NM Name element

    AP Contact element

    TK Ticketing element

    A group PNR require a group name element (NG) and group fare basis (SSR GRPF). See Groups

    for more information about group procedures.

    Name NM-element: HE NM

    Each NM-element can consist of a maximum of 59 characters; however several name lines can be


    Standard name element................................................NM1FOX/SUE MRSWith infant .....................................................................NM1FOX/ED MR(INF)- just age (date of birth).................................................NM1FOX/ED (INF//01JAN06)- with name and age (date of birth) ...............................NM1FOX/ED (INF/LIZ/01JAN06)- infant with different surname and name......................NM1COE/AL MR(INFFOX/LIZ)- surname, name and age (date of birth).......................NM1COE/AL (INFFOX/LIZ/01JAN06)With passenger type code and date of birth..................NM1FOX/KEN (CHD/01JAN99)

    Note: Date of birth is mandatory for infants (INF), children (CHD) or unaccompanied minors


    Note: SeeSSR elementsfor how to book occupying seat for infant.

    Note: Various ticket types require text in name element, enterID followed by required code, e.g. foryouth (IDYTH/15AUG79), for unaccompanied minor (IDUM/01JAN99) and some

    ticket/passenger types also require specific booking procedures.

    Several passengers with same last name.....................NM2FOX/ED MR/SUE MRS- different last names.....................................................NM1FOX/ED MR 1COE/AL MR

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 5 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR - Mandatory Elements, continued HE PNR

    Contact (address/phone) AP-element: HE AP

    A PNR must include AP-element (to indicate where passengers can be contacted) before you make

    an end of transaction during PNR creation or after PNR retrieval. APB, APH, API elements are notsent to airlines involved in itinerary. APM is sent to airline only if switched on at office profile level

    (standard for Scandinavia is that this is not switched on).

    AP-lines have free format text. The following format is recommended:

    Business phone.............................................................APB-BGO 51 15 33 11Home number with passenger reference......................APH-OSL 22 22 62 21/P1,3-5Agent phone ..................................................................APA-OSL 77 717500Information phone number ............................................API-90987654Exclude from transmission to airline .............................APX-90987654-BInclude in transmission to airline ...................................APS-90987654-B

    E-mail (for Amadeus E-mail itinerary/Itinerary+) ...........APE-ED.FOXIBM.COM E-mail (for Itinerary+ E-mail only)..................................APEMAIL/ED.FOX*IBM.COM Mobile phone number....................................................APM-90987654Mobile phone (for Itinerary+ SMS) ................................APMOBIL/90987654Add phone number from office profile (PV) ..................AP

    Note: IfAP is entered (to add agency phone number from office profile PV - automatically), the

    format in the PNR will be different. -A is added at the end of the element with onlyAP is

    element identifier, instead ofAPA as element identifier.

    Note: E-mail addresses cannot be entered with @. You can use either, * (asterisk) or AT (space

    AT space). Asterisk is only valid forAPEMAIL notAPE.

    Ticketing TK-element: HE TK

    A ticketing arrangement element (TK-element) must be included in the PNR to indicate the status of

    the ticket issuance for all passengers in the PNR. The TK- element must be present in a newly created

    or retrieved PNR before end of transaction is accepted by the system.

    Ticketing, mailing queue ...............................................TKMA12JUL- with passenger reference............................................TKMA15SEP/P2- with segment and passenger reference......................TKMA15SEP/S3-5/P2- domestic queue...........................................................TKDO17SEP- domestic queue, different office..................................TKDO17SEP/OSLXX2222- international queue......................................................TKIN16JUL- revalidation queue.......................................................TKTR13SEP- time-limit queue...........................................................TKTL15SEP- time limit with specified time .......................................TKTL15SEP/1400- alternate queue and free text ......................................TKIN/13JUN/Q30C2-textTickets have been issued..............................................TKOKPNR will be cancelled the night before

    date specified (will never be queued)............................TKXL16SEP- with specified time.......................................................TKXL16SEP/1400- with specified ticketing command ...............................TKDO//TTPB

    Note: Time may only be entered inTKTL andTKXL.

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 6 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR - Optional Elements HE PNR

    Address mailing AM-element: HE AM

    A mailing address indicates where a passenger's travel documents are to be sent..

    Mailing address .............................................................AMname,address,cityPassenger associated...................................................AMname,address,city/P1,3-5Structured mail element AM/D//CY-company/A1-main st/ZP-1111/CI-city

    Note: Three types of structured AM-elements are available, D (delivery address), H (home address)

    andM (miscellaneous). Only delivery address is included in the itinerary.

    Options available for structured mail address element:

    CY-company name NA-name A1-address line 1 A2-address line 2

    A2-address line 2 PO-post office box ZP-zip code CI-city nameST-state CO-country

    Note: Structured format is mandatory in customer profiles.

    Address billing AB-element: HE AB

    A billing address entered in a PNR appears on the itinerary. It defines the address where the invoice

    should be sent.

    Billing address ...............................................................ABname,address,cityPassenger associated...................................................ABname,address,city/P1,3-5 Structured mail element AB/D//CY-company/A1-main st/ZP-1111/CI-city

    Note: Three types of structured AM-elements are available, D (delivery address), H (home address)

    andM (miscellaneous). Only delivery address is included in the itinerary.

    Options available for structured mail address element:

    CY-company name NA-name A1-address line 1 A2-address line 2A2-address line 2 PO-post office box ZP-zip code CI-city nameST-state CO-country

    Note: Structured format is mandatory in customer profiles.

    Received from RF-element: HE RF

    The first RF-element should contain the name of the person who requested the booking. Each time a

    PNR is changed you should add the name of the person who requested the change.

    Note: TheRF-element is not mandatory, except for changing queuing address (seeResponsibility

    change), but recommended when cancelling, rebooking, etc.

    Received from ...............................................................RFMRSFOX

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 7 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR - Optional Elements, continued HE PNR

    Option OP-element: HE OP

    An option element will place your PNR on the OP-queue on the date specified.

    Place PNR on own queue today....................................OPPlace PNR on own queue on different date ..................OP7JULPlace PNR on own queue several dates.......................OP7JUL,14JUL,21JUL Maximum 40 characters free text..................................OP7JUL/REVIEW SEATSSeveral dates and text...................................................OP7JUL,14JUL/REVIEW SEATSQueue to alternative queue/category ............................OP7JUL/30C22/text- different office ID (maximum 3 dates).........................OPKRSYZ2914/14JUL,15JUL/text - alternative queue and different office ID .....................OPKRSYZ2914/14JUL/30C22/textCreate confidential option to auto-cancel itinerary ........OPX-20MAR/text- to queue the PNR........................................................OPQ12FEB/3C1/text

    - authorize additional offices to view element................OPQ12FEB/3C1/text,***YZ2***

    Note: The system is able to verify that the alternative queue and/or category specified in theOP-

    element do in fact exist. This function in controlled by an office profile switch, and needs to be


    Remarks RM-element: HE RM

    A remark element in a PNR contains additional comments or information concerning passengers and

    their bookings.

    Remarks, free text.........................................................RMtext

    Segment associated remarks .......................................RMtext/S3Passenger associated remarks.....................................RMtext/P1,3-5Remarks to be added in A.I.R for back office ...............RM*textPassenger associated RM* ..........................................RM*text/P4Categorised remarks.....................................................RMH/CHK ROOM UPGRADE

    Note: Segment related remarks are deleted automatically if the segment is cancelled.

    Note: Remarks categories may be lettersA-Z. They will be organised alphabetically in PNR display.

    Remarks to be added to the itinerary ............................RIRBON VOYAGE

    Add itinerary remarks from office profile .......................RIM/M2,5-10Segment associated......................................................RIR/M4/S4

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 8 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR - Optional Elements, continued HE PNR

    Confidential remarks RC-element: HE RC

    A confidential remark is a comment in a PNR that can only be viewed or modified by designatedoffices when the PNR is retrieved. Corporate remarks allow corporations to share remarks withouthaving to specify which offices are allowed to view them.

    Confidential remarks, free text ......................................RCtextPassenger associated confidential remarks .................RCtext/P1,3-5To be readable at different office (maximum 3) ............RCBOOYZ2914,BGOYZ2215/text - for entire chain (read)..................................................RC***YZ2***/text- for chain offices in specific city (read).........................RCOSLYZ2***/text- read and update by specified office ............................RCBGOYZ215-W/text- open to entire chain automatically...............................RXtext HE RX- corporate segment with security .................................RXBOOYZ2914,BGOYZ2215/text

    Note: Security set-up needs to be in place beforeRX-elements are available within chain. It is alsopossible to set up security so that offices outside the chain can view allRX-elements.

    Accounting element AI-element: HE AI

    You use an AI- element to add information to a PNR. This information is transmitted to the accounting

    interface record (A.I.R.), a record that contains all relevant ticketing information which is then sent to

    the back-office accounting system.

    Accounting elements may consist of up to 3 fields:

    AN Account number (maximum 10 characters)

    CC Cost centre (maximum 20 characters)IC IATA/company number

    Accounting element

    AIANDEC021029/CCDV123/ICDEC048FR/P1/S4 Search for PNRs with AI-element


    Security ES-element: HE ES

    Amadeus individual PNR security element allows you to set up special security rules so that a PNR

    can be accessed by one or several other offices.

    Add security element, read/update................................ESKKNS12298-B- all YY2 offices, read only.............................................ES***YY2***-RRead & ticket.................................................................ESKKNS12298-TRestrict security normally applied..................................ESKKNS12298-NCancel security element ................................................ESXDisplay security elements..............................................ESD

    Note: When using read & ticket the receiver cannot perform the following entries:

    - change or suppress passenger names

    - add/rebook/cancel flight segments

    - add/modify/delete contact elements- split PNRs

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 9 of 32 23.02.2010

    Memo PNR HE RU

    Memo PNR: HE RU

    The memo segment should be used to handle reservations made outside Amadeus, e.g. theatre

    tickets and other extra services. A PNR may consist of only a memo segment in addition to themandatory elements - a memo PNR. There is no automatic queuing of the memo segment, only


    Memo segment .............................................................RU 1A NN1 PAR 28JAN/text- with accounting information RU 1A NN1 LON28JAN/text/**-/12345/GBP100.00- with customized keyword RU 1A HK1 LON28JAN*LIMOUSINE/SERVICE TEXT

    Note: Normally memo segments are identified with the word miscellaneous on the itinerary. By

    adding an asterisk followed by a keyword (max 15 characters) the keyword will replacemiscellaneous in the itinerary.

    Note: The accounting information (option-**) is not printed on the itinerary.

    Note: By adding a comma (,) in the free text of theRU-element the system will automatically insert

    a new line when printing Amadeus Itinerary. SeeAmadeus Itinerary (General chapter) for

    more information.

    The following changes of status code are possible:


    From HN Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

    KK No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    HK No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

    UC No No No No No No

    NO No No No No No No

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 10 of 32 23.02.2010

    End of Transaction HE PNR

    Finish PNR: HE ET

    The end transaction entry is the last mandatory entry for creating a new PNR or modifying a retrieved

    pnr. When you make this entry, the system checks the PNR to ensure that all the mandatory elementsare present and correct, and that there are no inconsistencies. If the PNR satisfies this check, the

    system stores the record then generates and sends the appropriate action or advice messages for

    elements created during the creation or update of the PNR.

    End of transaction .........................................................ET or - and retrieve PNR.........................................................ER- and enter on queue 75................................................QE75- and enter on queue 4/category 1/date range 3...........QE4C1D3- and retrieve visually from AXR....................................EV- and price (if no TST) and ticket PNR ..........................TTP- and issue Electronic Ticket .........................................TTPET- for TICS printer E if more than one ............................TTPE- for associated PNR during split...................................EF- and modify/delete segments with advice codes..........ETK HE ETK- and retrieve PNR.........................................................ERK

    Ignore PNR HE PNR

    Ignore all updates to PNR: HE IG

    The ignore entry disregards all entries made during the current pnr session. During PNR creation, the

    ignore entry removes any record of the PNR from the system. Any entries that are on the screen

    remain until the screen is cleared.

    For a retrieved PNR, the ignore entry removes all entries that were made since the PNR was last

    retrieved or redisplayed. These entries remain on screen as part of the PNR until the screen is cleared

    or the PNR is retrieved once again.

    Ignore IG .....................................................................or

    - and retrieve PNR.........................................................IR

    Note: IR is not permitted when creating a new PNR.

    Important - If you have worked on a PNR but have not entered End of Transaction (ET), Amadeus

    will automatically delete the new updates after 90 minutes - your changes will be lost. If you do not

    finalise PNR with ET within 59 minutes after selling air, car or hotel segments on an Amadeus Access

    carrier/Complete Access provider, the segment will change from HK to NN and you will have to wait

    for confirmation.

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 11 of 32 23.02.2010


    PNR retrieval - general description:

    The retrieve PNR transaction is used to retrieve and display an active PNR or to redisplay a PNR

    (during update). PNR retrieval is subject to security rules. You cannot retrieve a PNR by a past datesegment. A segment becomes past date 3 days after its departure date (3 days after check-in for a

    hotel segment, 3 days after the pick-up for a car segment). See PNR recall general description for

    more information. Once you have retrieved a PNR, you may be able to modify all parts of the PNR,

    depending on your access rights and the modification rules.

    A PNR that has been locked or set to -READ MODE- for an office ID can not be modified.

    PNR retrieval - basic command and various examples:

    By name (own office ID)................................................RT/FOX/E HE RT- by first character of last name.....................................RT/F

    - with only active PNRs..................................................RT/F*A- part of name (min 2 character) ...................................RT/FO- record locator ..............................................................RTQ6RBB3- date and name............................................................RT/12AUG-FOX- flight number, date and name *)..................................RTKL153/12AUG-FOX- future ghost segment (more than 359 days) ...............RTLH4716/12JUN03-FOX- name, different office ID..............................................RT/OSLDS2456-FOX- name, all chain offices ................................................RT/***DS2***-FOX- surname/given name, all chain offices........................RT/***DS2***-FOX/ED- surname/given name, title, all chain offices ................RT/***DS2***-FOX/ED MR- name, all chain offices in specific city .........................RT/OSLDS2***-FOX

    - follow-up search for more chain offices ......................RT+- car pick-up date *).......................................................RTCCRZD/12MAR-FOX- hotel chain, arrival date *) ...........................................RTHHLSH/12MAR-FOX*) For todays date exclude the slash ( / ) and the date.

    - cruise, start date..........................................................RTCRUCCR/01APR-JOHNSON- insurance segment......................................................RT/INS-FOX- with policy number and name .....................................RT/INS-12345678-FOX- frequent traveller number............................................RTM/SK-EBG000000026 - special rate code/property of hotel bookings...............LH/RDSTOS11/25MAR/ABC- ticket number ..............................................................RTTKT/016-1234567890

    - flown segment (include year) ......................................RTAF441/13OCT04-FOXSelect from list of similar names ...................................RT2

    Redisplay list of similar names......................................RT0Flight number, date, different office ID..........................RTKL153/2AUG-FOX/OSLYZ2345From air-display.............................................................RT/4-FOX- E-ticket record (TWD) ................................................RT*EDirect Access PNR-retrieval..........................................1AZRTAZ123/29MARSTOLIN-FOX

    Note: When searching for PNRs for chain offices, it is useful to limit search as much as possible. A

    set number of offices are searched per command, and follow-up search (RT+) is required, if

    too many offices. Only PNRs with 100% name match are included. For instance you would

    need to search with given name and given name with title (bothED andED MR) to get allPNRs. If there is no 100% match you will get a similar name list.

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 13 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR Retrieval, continued HE PNR RETRIEVE

    Retrieve PNR - optional extended sold air segment display:

    There is a choice between a sold air display and an extended sold air display in the PNR. This is

    controlled by a switch in the office profile. The additional features available in the extended display are:Arrival date

    Airline record locator and airline access level

    Married segment indicator

    Distinction between newly sold (before ET) and previously sold (after ET) segments

    New status codes in active session (before ET)

    Service and itinerary information for booked segments:

    The booked segments show only part of the information available. More information is available and is

    also included in the itinerary.

    Retrieve service information, air segments...................RTSVC HE RTSVC- specific segments .......................................................RHSVC4,6- itinerary service information, air segments .................RTSVI- specific segments .......................................................RHSVI4,6- service information, hotel segment .............................RTSVCH5 HE HS- service information, car segment................................RHSVCC7 HE CS

    Retrieve PNR-history: HE RH

    All updates made to a PNR are registered with the time (GMT) they were made, and the source of the

    update (office ID and agent sign in). All updates are numbered, and the original PNR creation is

    registered as update 000. Any element, with the exception of booked segments, entered in update

    000, is reflected in the face of the PNR only, until modified.

    When requesting history for a specific segment you will not be able to see modifications to dates etc.,

    as this is considered to be a cancelled segment plus a new segment.

    Note: All of theRT-qualifiers on the previous page - e.g. RTH for hotel segments only - can beapplied to theRH-entry. RHH will display only hotel history segments.

    Retrieve PNR-history.....................................................RH- history for a specific segment .....................................RHS4Retrieve only history queue elements ...........................RHQ- the entire PNR-history, incl. queue elements..............RH/ALL

    Note: No queue elements in PNR-history will be displayed from the entryRH.

    Retrieve list of history option codes...............................HERH

    If you receive the following error message:

    DISPLAY IS TOO LONG, PRINT THE PNR,this entry will print the entire history ..............................WRA/RHDisplay long PNR-history...............................................RE/LONG- from specific element..................................................RH049

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Copyright Amadeus Scandinavia Page 14 of 32 23.02.2010

    PNR Retrieval, continued HE PNR RETRIEVE

    Multi-list PNR retrieval (search by specific flight number): HE LM

    This entry lists the PNRs that have been created for a specific flight on a specified date. Only the

    PNRs that you are allowed to retrieve individually appear in the list.

    It is necessary to activate queue 25 or queue 26 to retrieve multi-list PNRs and place them on queue.

    They will not automatically default to queue 0. Below is a list of additional options available. Many

    options may be combined with each other, to limit the list to the required PNR selection.

    Field: Type of option:..................................................Example:

    All bookings for specified flight.........................LP/6X123/20NOVFor specific leg of flight ....................................LP/6X123/20JUL/L(CPHSIN)With queue placement .....................................LP/6X123/20NOV-Q

    A Confirmed passengers.....................................LP/A(HK-KK)/6X123/20NOV *AI Confirmed passengers, outbound segment.....LP/*AI/6X123/20NOV*AE Confirmed passengers, inbound segment .......LP/*AE/6X123/20NOVB PNRs with AXR tag ..........................................LP/B/6XF123/20NOVC Passengers booked in specified class .............LP/C(M-G)/6X123/20NOV*D PNRs with AP-element (with city code)............LP/D(PAR)/6X123/20NOV D Pax previously no-show ...................................LP/D(PAR)/6X123/20NOV E Pax with outbound connections........................LP/E/6X123/20NOV)*E Pax with connection time up to 3 hrs ...............LP/*E(3)/6X123/20NOV)F Fare element ....................................................LP/F(V6X)/6X123/20NOV*F Frequent flyer pax with priority .........................LP/*F(GOLD)/6X123/20NOV+F Frequent flyer pax with tier description.............LP/+F(EMERALD)/6X123/20NOV G Group bookings................................................LP/G/6X123/20NOV

    - individual names only.....................................LP/G(N)/6X123/20NOV- group names only...........................................LP/G(C)/6X123/20NOVNon-group PNRs..............................................LPN/G/6X123/20NOV

    H PNRs booked last x hours prior to dep time.....LP/H(12)/6X123/20NOV*H Passengers with prepaid ticket ........................LP/*H/6X123/20NOVI Pax with inbound cx arr up to 24 hrs bef dep...LP/I(7X)/6X123/20NOV*I With connection time up to 4 hours..................LP/*I(4)/6X123/20NOVJ Passenger type code........................................LP/J(CHD)/6X123/20NOV*J List all PNRs owned by an office......................LP/*J(CPHS1555)/6X123/20NOVK Confirmed passengers.....................................LP/K(GK)/6X123/20NOV*K List passengers with keyword elements...........LP/K(PARK)/6X123/20NOV

    L The last 5 pax booked for flight........................LP/L(5)/6X123/20NOVM Prime PNRs sold by operating carrier..............LP/M/6X123/20NOV*N Pax list, chronological segment, alphabetical ..LP/*N/6X123/20NOVO Sold by commercial duplicates.........................LP/O(7X,8X)/6X123/20NOV*O Pax with OSI-elements.....................................LP/*O(CHD)/6X123/20NOVP Pax with assigned seats...................................LP/P/6X123/20NOV

    With number of pax (counters) per class .........LP/P/6X123/20NOV/TNegative search, no seats assigned ................LPN/P/6X123/20NOV

    Q Unconfirmed pax ..............................................LP/Q(HN)/6X123/20NOVR Pax with auxiliary segment...............................LP/R/6X123/20NOVS Pax with OP-element........................................LP/S/6X123/20NOV

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    S Pax with OP-element........................................LP/S/6X123/20NOV*S Pax with SSR-element .....................................LP/*S(VG**)/6X123/20NOV

    Pax with meal bookings, all types ....................LP/*S/(**ML)/6X123/20NOV

    T PNRs with ticketing elements...........................LP/T(FA-FH)/6X123/20NOV U PNRs with number in party within 3-9 ..............LP/U(3-9)/6X123/20NOV*U Pax with specific status code ...........................LP/*U(HL)/6X123/20NOVV None of specified ticketing data .......................LP/V(FA)/6X211/20NOV W Wait-listed passengers.....................................LP/W/6X123/20NOVY PNRs that are not TKOK..................................LP/Y(TL-IN-DO)/6X123/20NOV

    LX Cancelled passengers......................................LX/6X123/20NOV

    Commands available from the displayed list:

    Retrieve PNR from list...................................................LP3

    Redisplay list of similar names, from top.......................LM0

    Amadeus Search general description: HE LPO

    LPO search by office allows you to create a list of passenger names and record locators, which you

    can display on your terminal, send to a printer, or place on a queue.You can search for passengers in

    PNRs belonging to your own office, as well as those for which you have PNR retrieveal rights.

    Once the search is complete the results appear in the passenger list status table of the requesting

    office for a maximum of 5 days. You can display, print or queue the results as many times as you wish,

    or retrieve a PNR by referencing it from the list. Each office is allowed a maximum of 10 LPOsearches in the table. If the table is full you can delete a search manually, provided it is not in

    progress. If you do not delete the search results manually, they are purged automatically after 5 days.

    You can include any number of search codes in a search request and in any sequence (search code

    ALL cannot be combined with any search codes).

    The maximum number of names that can be displayed in the search by office list is 999. If more than

    the maximum allowed is returned, filter the list by passenger name.

    The list below provides an overview of available options, with some examples. Several options have

    more possibilities than explained here. See HELPO for details. All PNRs matching that search code

    will be returned if no search criterias are entered. Each item has information regarding maximumnumber of search criterias allowed (within brackets).

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    PNR Retrieval, continued HE PNR RETRIEVE

    Field: Type of option: Example:

    ALL All PNRs with air itinerary ! .............................LPO/ALL

    A Specific airlines (incl. rail & non Amadeusparticipating airlines) (5)...................................LPO/A(IB,SK,LH)B Specific board points (3) ..................................LPO/B(MMA)*B Board point within country (3) ! .......................LPO/*B(DK)C Specific classes (5) ..........................................LPO/C(M,H,*N)D Specific travel dates (with active air or rail

    segments) (3) ...................................................LPO/D(15MAY,19MAY-20MAY)F Specific flight numbers (3)................................LPO/F(AF123,987)G Group bookings (3) *.......................................LPO/G(NAME1,NAME2)I Passenger IDs (3) !.........................................LPO/I(INF,ID12343)K Creation dates (or range) (3)............................LPO/K(15OCT)

    Creation date after specified date ....................LPO/K(A15OCT)L Last modified dates/ranges (3).........................LPO/L(14FEB)

    Last modified dates before specified date (3) ..LPO/L(B14FEB)N Auxiliary segments (3)......................................LPO/N(CRUCCL.15MARMIA)O Off points (3) ....................................................LPO/O(DUB)*O Off points within country (3)..............................LPO/*O(GB)P City pairs (non-stop/direct flights) (3) !............LPO/P(OSLLON)Q OP-elements containing date (3) *..................LPO/Q(1JAN,5JAN-10JAN)R Account numbers (from AI-field) (3) * ! .........LPO/R(4567,XYZ987)S Agent sign ins (3) !..........................................LPO/S(1234AA)T Ticketed PNRs (FA/FB/FH) (3) * ....................LPO/T(FA1MAY-3MAY)

    PNRs with TKOK for specified date (3)............LPO/T(1MAY)

    U Auxiliary segments status code (3) !...............LPO/U(*N,HK)V PNRs with ticketing data (FA/FHA/FHE/

    SSR TKNA/TKNE/TKNM) (3) * ! ...................LPO/V(FH)W Status code (*K = GK/HK/KK etc.) (3) ! ..........LPO/W(*K,HL)X Non/stop/direct/connecting flights (3) ! ...........LPO/X(FRAMIL)*X Segments cancelled on date (3) ! ...................LPO/*X(15MAR)Y TL for specified date (3) * !............................LPO/Y(TL24MAY)

    Un-ticketed PNRs (no TKOK) (3) ! .................LPO/Y(24MAY)Z Frequent flyer number (3) *.............................LPO/Z(SK-EBS12345678912)

    Note: Items marked with an asterisk (* ) - search criteria is optional.

    Note: Items marked with an exclamation mark (! ) wild-card office ID search is not permitted.

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    PNR Retrieval, continued HE PNR RETRIEVE

    Examples/combinations: HE LPO

    Search and print list to default printer............................LPO/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-P

    - alternative printer (only at own office) .........................LPO/B(CDG)D(1JAN)-PSF1234 Search and queue list to own office (default queue).....LPO/ALL-Q- specific queue/category at another office ...................LPO/KKNYY2289/ALL-QO3C30 Search for PNRs at another office (to terminal) ............LPO/KKNYY2289/A(IB,SK,LH) - with wild-card (combination)........................................LPO/KKNYY2***/B(MMA)K(15MAY)

    Note: If you need to work through each PNR, it is recommended to request queue placement in the

    entry. The specified queue must be empty at time of Amadeus Search entry.

    Follow-up entries for Amadeus Search: HE LPO

    Display search status table ...........................................LPS/PS

    - list of PNRs found in search number 3 .......................LPS/D3Print list to default printer...............................................LPS/D3-P- to specific printer (own office only)..............................LPS/D3-PSF1234Filter PNR list by name (first character) ........................LPS/D3/H- partial name ................................................................LPS/D3/HANRetrieve PNR from displayed list...................................LPS23Place list on queue from table, specific queue..............LPS/D3/Q30C23- selected names, default queue...................................LPS/D3/HAN-QRedisplay list (after displaying a PNR) from top............LPS0- to the line of the last displayed PNR ...........................LPSLRemove search from table............................................LPX/3-5-7

    - all search requests......................................................LPX/ALL

    PNR claim: HE RO

    PNR claim allows you to retrieve a PNR created by an airline in the airlines inventory system (by the

    airlines record locator), and then claim the PNR and transfer it to Amadeus. After claim is performed

    the PNR may be treated in a normal way concerning modifications, pricing, ticketing etc.

    Only some airlines allow PNR claim, and those who do perform a security check before allowing the

    retrieval (see HECLAIM for list of airlines).

    Step 1:

    Retrieve by airline code and record locator...................ROCOABC123- by name ......................................................................ROCO123/20FEB-HANSEN- from list of similar names ............................................RO3

    Step 2:

    Claim PNR.....................................................................ER

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    PNR recall general description: HE REP

    Amadeus provides a procedure to recall PNRs that were previously purged from the system. These

    are known as purged PNRs or past date records (PDR).

    To recall a purged PNR (also known as past date record) these functionalities are available:

    Interactive (on-line) PNR recall RPP

    Deferred (off-line) PNR recall (24-48 hours) RPD

    End of Free trial:

    The Free trial of PNR Recall (Advanced offer) has ended. If access to the Advanced Offer

    (Interactive PNR Recall) and (Deferred PNR recall - 24-48 hours) is required an order needs to be

    submitted. Complimentary Offer (Deferred PNR recall - 24-48 hours) remains free of charge.

    Complimentary Offer (Free of Charge) - Deferred mode only

    Retrieval criteria

    Flight/date Offline request

    Auxiliary segment/date Offline request

    PTA number Offline request

    Record Locator Offline request

    Advanced Offer (Chargeable) - Interactive and Deferred modes

    Retrieval criteria

    Flight/date Interactive request

    Auxiliary segment/date Interactive request

    PTA number Interactive request

    Record Locator Interactive request

    Ticket number Interactive request

    Frequent Flyer number and Flight/date Interactive request

    Customer Profile locator and Flight/date Interactive request

    Insurance confirmation number Interactive request

    Airline Code and date Offline request

    Office identification and validity Date Offline request

    Frequent Flyer number Offline request

    Customer Profile locator Offline requestDate-range Offline request

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    PNR Recall, continued HE PNR RECALL

    What is a purged PNR:

    A PNR is purged 4 days after the start date of its last segment, whether that segment was cancelled or

    not. This means 4 days after departure for a flight, tour or cruise segment, 4 days after check-in for a

    hotel segment, and 4 days after the pick-up date for a car segment.

    The purge occurs during a nightly file maintenance (NFM) process which runs from midnight onwards.

    If the process fails, the PNRs that were not purged are locked and updates to these PNRs are

    inhibited. The locked PNRs will be purged during the next NFM.

    The old past date record functionality:

    The old past date record functionality is the only on that can only be used for PNRs purged before

    April 2004. This command can also be used for PNRs purged until and including 31 January 2005.

    See Past date records for more information.


    An office profile indicator (PDR) controls which products are made available for each office. In addition

    a parameter for sign in (PDR - rights and duties) control which individual agents are allowed to request

    purged PNRs.

    Advanced Offer

    Complimentary offer

    No access

    A Local Security indicator (PDR) allows an additional layer of security based on the agent sign. This

    enables the office to have greater control over which agent is submitting requests within a given office.If the sign indicator is set to Yes it means that the advanced request functionality is restricted. If the

    setting is No (no restrictions) the agent has full access to the whole PNR Recall product, including the

    Advanced Offer. No is the default setting.

    Local Security Administrator can easily update the agent sign profile. Because of internal

    synchronization process, an update will be taken into account with a delay of one day.

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    PNR Recall, continued HE PNR RECALL

    Interactive (on-line) PNR recall Advanced Offer: HE RPP

    Amadeus provides a procedure to recall PNRs that were previously purged from the system. These

    are known as purged PNRs or past date records (PDR). Interactive PNR recall allows you to request apast date PNR on-line and have the result returned within seconds.

    End of Free trial:

    As from 1 May 2006 this has become a chargeable product.

    Note: For PNRs that were purged before April 2004 - seePast Date Records.

    These search parameters are available:

    Search by flight and date (name and board point/off point optional)

    Search by auxiliary service code, provider code and date of service (name and destination

    optional) - HHL, HTL, ATX, CCR, SUR, CAR, CRU, TRN, TTO, TUR, MCO, XSB, SVC, MIS

    Search by record locator (date optional) - RLC

    Search by ticket number TKT

    Search by insurance confirmation number (provider code and country code optional) - INS

    Search by frequent flyer number, flight number and date (board point optional) - FFN

    Search by customer profile record locator, flight number and date (board point optional) - CUS

    Search by PTA number PTA

    The resulting request list is displayed on the terminal of the requesting agent (T=terminal is default).

    By specifying Q the result is displayed on queue 96. By specifying P the result is printed on the default

    printer of the requesting terminal. Deferred (off-line) PNR recall allows more parameters than on-line


    Examples of commands/options:

    Request past date record from air segment..................RPP/SK123/02JUN04- hotel segment, place on queue 96..............................RPP/HHLRD/2JUN04*Q - car segment ................................................................RPP/CCRZI/2JUN04- miscellaneous segment ..............................................RPP/MIS/2JUN04/OSL- insurance record locator .............................................RPP/INS-AIGSE/123456- profile record locator ...................................................RPP/CUS-ABC123/SK123/02JUN - office ID.......................................................................RPP-CPHYY2123/SK123/02JUN- Free text (name/queue category)...................RPP/AF140/14MAY/BPAR/OAMS-FOX(OLE/C33) Display the office request list.........................................RLD- part of the office request list........................................RLD/16MAR-18MAR/50-60- on-line requests only...................................................RLD/R- PDR or PDR list from request list................................RLDT3Retrieve a PDR from a PDR list ....................................PLD4- display a partial list of PDRs .......................................PLD/30-50Return to PSR list..........................................................PLD0

    Display a partial PDR (from displayed PDR).................RPP/TST- history part only...........................................................RPP/RHPlace displayed PDR on queue.....................................RPPQ

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    PNR Recall, continued HE PNR RECALL

    Deferred (off-line) PNR recall Complimentary Offer: HE RPD

    Amadeus provides a procedure to recall PNRs that were previously purged from the system. These

    are known as purged PNRs or past date records (PDR). Deferred PNR Recall allows you to request apast date PNR off-line and have the result returned within 24-48 hours.

    This part of the Deferred (off-line) PNR Recall. The Complimentary Offer will remain free of charge

    after 1 May 2006.

    Complimentary Offer (Free of Charge) - Deferred mode only

    Retrieval criteria, by

    Flight/date Off-line request

    Auxiliary segment/date Off-line request

    PTA number Off-line requestRecord Locator Off-line request

    Note: For PNRs that were purged before April 2004 - seePast Date Records

    These search parameters are available:

    Search by flight number and date (name and board/off point optional)

    Search by auxiliary service code, provider code and date of service (name and destination

    optional) - HHL, HTL, ATX, CCR, SUR, CAR, CRU, TRN, TTO, TUR, MCO, XSB, SVC, MIS

    Search by record locator (date optional) - RLC

    Search by PTA number

    The resulting request list is displayed on the terminal of the requesting agent (T=terminal is default).

    By specifying Q the result is displayed on queue 96. By specifying P the result is printed on the default

    printer of the requesting terminal. Deferred (off-line) PNR recall allows more parameters than on-line


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    PNR Recall, continued HE PNR RECALL

    Examples of commands/options:

    Request past date record from air segment..................RPD/SK/02JUN04-03JUN04

    - hotel segment, place on queue 96..............................RPD/HHLRD/2JUN04*Q- car segment ................................................................RPD/CCRZI/2JUN04 - miscellaneous segment ..............................................RPD/MIS/2JUN04/OSL- insurance record locator .............................................RPD/INS-AIGSE/123456- profile record locator ...................................................RPD/CUS-ABC123Add free text (name/queue category)........RPD/AF2140/14MAY04/BPAR/OAMS-FOX(OLE/C33) Display the office request list.........................................RLD- part of the office request list........................................RLD/16MAR-18MAR/50-60- processed deferred requests only...............................RLD/D/S- partial list .....................................................................PLD/30-50- PDR or PDR list from request list................................RLDT3

    Retrieve a PDR from a PDR list ....................................PLD4Return to PSR list..........................................................PLD0Display a partial PDR (from displayed PDR).................RPP/TSTPlace displayed PDR on queue.....................................RPPQCancel a pending request from the request list.............RLX/5

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    PNR Recall, continued HE PNR RECALL

    Past date records (PDR): HE REP

    This command is only valid for PNRs purged up until 31 January 2005. It is the only command that can

    be used to request PDR for a PNR which was purged before April 2004.

    Amadeus provides a procedure to retrieve past date PNRs (or past date records - PDR) from the

    system. A PNR is purged 4 days after the start date of its last segment, whether that segment was

    cancelled or not.

    Request past date record from air segment..................REP/SK123/2JUN02-FOX*ABC123 - hotel segment..............................................................REP/HHLRD/2JUN02-FOX*ABC123 - car segment ................................................................REP/CCRZI/2JUN02-FOX- miscellaneous segment ..............................................REP/MIS/2JUN02/OSL-FOX*ABC123 Add free text (name/queue category)....................... REP/SK123/2JUN02-FOX*ABC123(OLE/C33)

    Display list of requested PDRs......................................REPDPlace PDR on queue from list .......................................REPQP3Display PDR from similar names list .............................REPDP*ABC123Place PDR on queue from similar name list..................REPDQ*ABC123Print PDR from similar name list ...................................WRA/REPDP*AGT6RY

    Note: The record locator is optional in the command.

    Note: Free text is useful whenPDR is received on queue, as there is not automatic sorting to

    personal categories. SeeSign sortation(Queues chapter) for more information.

    Note: PNRs are normally purged 3 days after the last itinerary segment is in the past (markedFLWN). In some cases this process fails, and it is still possible to retrieve the PNR. It is,

    however, not possible to make any updates. In these cases you will get error response:


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    PNR Change HE PNR

    PNR change - general description:

    It is possible to change the data in certain PNR elements. In order to do this, you specify the element

    number of the element to be changed, followed by a slash, and the new data to be inserted. In somecases, you will be resricted in what you can change - for example, you might only be allowed to

    change element data before end of transaction, or you may only be allowed to change certain parts of

    the data. Providers may also restrict some changes in segments booked for their services.

    PNR change - simultaneous changes to PNR - print or ignore:

    If you receive the above response at End of Transaction, it means that either someone else has

    updated the PNR and finished it before you, or that the PNR has been updated by the system (e.g. a

    confirmation) while you have been working on it. You will have to ignore your changes and redisplay

    the PNR. To avoid this situation you should never continue to work on a PNR in which you just sent a

    request (after ER). Responses to your requests are often returned within seconds.

    When you receive a SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES message do as follows:

    Print the changed version of your PNR.........................WRA/RTIgnore and retrieve the record.......................................IR

    Note: TheWRA/RT-entry will print the entire PNR (1 or more pages).

    The key only prints an image of the screen.

    PNR change - rearrange elements: HE RS

    Elements within the same category (e.g. RM-elements) can be sorted in whichever order you would

    like by rearranging them. Order of segments may be rearranged if the system is not able to sort themin the correct order automatically. See HERS for more details.

    Move line 8 behind line 5...............................................RS5,8- lines 6 and 10-12 behind line 4 ...................................RS4,6,10-12Add new element behind existing..................................RS6,FPCASH/P2

    Note: Car, hotel andMIS-segments are normally placed after air segments for the same date and

    same city code, which sometimes is illogical. These segments may be placed in required

    order by usingRS.

    Hotel segments may be rearranged plus/minus one day out of sequence, in case of extremely

    late arrivals (in-date is the date before flight arrival).

    PNR change - married segments:

    Some combinations of segments (married segments) may not be priced, ticketed or cancelled

    separately. This is indicated by -MSC- in first line of PNR.

    To see which segments are married, itinerary .............RTIM- air segments only........................................................RTAM

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    PNR Change, continued HE PNR

    PNR change - automatic rebook: HE SB

    The entry cancels existing segments and resells the segments using the new details. The original

    PNR data is replaced only if an exact confirmed sale is received.

    Change booking class to M, all segments.....................SBM- segment 2 only............................................................SBM2- flight number on segment 3, new date........................SBBA767*10DEC3Change travel date segment 2 ......................................SB12JUN2Combination ..................................................................SBM1/12JUN3-4Segment 4 to line 5 in availability, Y-class ....................SB4*Y5

    PNR change - cancellations and general modifications:

    Cancel element number 4 .............................................XE4 HE XE

    - elements 5 and 7 through 11 ......................................XE5,7-11- entire itinerary..............................................................XI

    Note: Always useXE and line number for hotel segments. SeeCancel hotel segment(Hotelchapter).

    Note: XI cancels all non-mandatory elements, exceptRM*-elements andTK-elements are changedintoTKOK.

    Delete segment .............................................................DL4 HE DL- segments 5 and 7 through 11 .....................................DL5,7-11

    The DL-entry will move segment to history but will not generate any cancellation message. You can

    use delete for segments containing status codes UN, NO, UC, HX in addition to HN- and HL-segments for non-Amadeus airlines.

    Name update last and first name ..................................NU1/1FOX/ED MR- first name only.............................................................NU1/ED MR- several names.............................................................NU1-3/5/4FOX/ED/SUE/KEN/DANName change (passenger)............................................1/1FOX/SUE MRS- first name only.............................................................1/SUE MRSChange or add passenger code....................................3/(ID12JUL78)Remove passenger code (including INF)......................3/Name change and keep passenger code .....................3/KEN(CHD)

    Note: Amadeus has established a name change controller table, where the airlines can reject all

    illegal name changes. Either all name changes are restricted, or rules are set up to control

    which changes are acceptable or not. This verification is only available for participants of the

    name change controller product. Verify inGGPCALNCC if airline is using the table or not,before changing names. If not, always check with airline if name change is allowed. If name

    change is performed on a segment where the airline does not allow this, the airline will return

    US, UU orUC with an SSR-element explaining the reason. It is the travel agents

    responsibility to verify name change rules.

    Additionally there are restrictions for name change in PNRs with*SSR FQTV elements and

    when Electronic Ticket has been issued.

    A name change will cancel elements that are passenger associated.

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    PNR Change, continued HE PNR

    PNR change - change advice code to correct status code, and/or delete inactive


    Change advice codes and End of Transaction .............ETK- and retrieve PNR.........................................................ERKChange manually one element:

    - confirmation ................................................................KK 3/HK- confirmation from wait-list ...........................................KL 3/HK- schedule change confirmed segment .........................TK 3/HK- wait-listed segment .....................................................TL 3/HL- requested segment .....................................................TN 3/HN- sold out, have wait-listed.............................................US 3/HL- sold out, have wait-listed.............................................UU 3/HL- no action taken (see explanation in SSR)...................NO DL3- sold out, unable to wait-list..........................................UC DL3- flight cancelled ............................................................UN DL3- class/service does not operate ...................................UN DL3

    Note: Airlines reserve the right to return aUS (wait-list) within 12 hours after bookings made in

    Standard Access. Use the best access type possible to avoid US. Amadeus Access and

    Direct Access bookings are guaranteed immediately.

    Note: When an airline returns advice codeNO, the message should be accompanied by an SSR-

    element explaining why. Re-request the seats according to the instructions given via the SSR-


    Note: SeeGGCODE for complete list of status/action/advice codes.

    PNR change - other status codes and segment updates:

    Temporary status code (enables you to display airline record

    locator - RL-input) once changed to HK ......................NKRe-request segment still showing HN...........................3/INChange or add passenger association..........................5/P2,3Change remarks line 5..................................................5/NEW REMARK/P1- address line 8..............................................................8/NEW NAME,ADR,CITY- OSI-text line 6 .............................................................6/LH NEW TEXTAdd passenger association ...........................................4/P2- to several elements.....................................................4-6/P2Remove passenger association ....................................4/P- alternative queue and change to TKOK.....................4/OK/Q HE TKChange TK-type (keep date) ........................................4/TLAdd segment association ..............................................4/S2Remove segment association .......................................4/SReconfirm segment.......................................................3/RR HE SS

    Note: It is not possible to changeTK toOK without removing alternate queue placement, if entered


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    PNR Change, continued HE PNR

    PNR change - copy PNR: HE RRN

    From a retrieved PNR you can copy segments and elements into a new PNR Hotel segments booked

    in Complete Access Plus cannot be copied. Options elements must be passenger selected inindividual PNRs to be included.

    Overview of which elements that are copied depending on copy command:


    PNR element: RRN RRA RRI RRPGroup name element x x xName elementAir segments x x x

    Car segments (CCR) x x x

    Hotel segments (HHL), except CA+ x x x

    Auxiliary segments (ATX,MIS,CAR,HTL,TUR) x x xAP-elements x x x x

    TK-elementsFare elements (FE,FM,FO,FP,FS,FT,FV,FZ) x x x x

    Fare elements (FD) x

    SSR-elements (except SEAT and GRPS) x x x

    OSI-elements x x x

    Option elements (OP) x x x

    Remarks elements (RC,RM,RM*,RQ) x x x

    Billing and mailing address (AB,AM) x x x

    Itinerary remarks (RIR,RIM) x x xAccounting elements x x x

    Copy all segments, same number of passengers.........RRN- 7 days later..................................................................RRN/DP7- 3 days earlier...............................................................RRN/DM3- different number of passengers ..................................RRN/4- and 7 days later...........................................................RRN/4/DP7- change date specific segment ....................................RRN/S2D15JUN

    By using RRA instead of RRN the PNRs will be associated to each other via AXR.

    Copy and create AXR, different number pax................RRA/4

    Note: When usingRRA, you have to enterER before booking additional segments.

    Copy itinerary, change date...........................................RRI/S2D15JUNCopy passenger data, specific passenger ....................RRP/P3-4

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    PNR Change, continued HE PNR

    PNR change - change agent sign association (personal categories)

    Change agent sign association .....................................RFXX/-1234XX

    Note: SeeSign sortation(Queues chapter) for more information.

    PNR change - responsibility change: HE RP

    Responsibility change to different office........................RP/LONYH3678Responsibility change to one PNR of several

    in same AXR .................................................................RPS/OSLYZ2345Change queuing office to another office .......................RFSUE/BOOYX2248 HE RF- back to your own office ...............................................RFSUE/QChange queuing and responsible office........................RP/LONYH3678/Q- responsible, queuing, TK-elements............................RP/LONYH3677/QTK

    - responsible office + TK/OP/RCF/RX/OPQ..............RP/LONYH3678/ALL

    Note: Remember to change queuing office when changing responsibility. If the PNR contains an

    ES-element, and the responsibility is changed back to the originating office, remove theES

    before theRP-change

    Note: It is not necessary to change responsibility to give e.g. an airline office access to the PNR, as

    anES-element is sufficient. SeeSecurity elementfor more information.

    Note: Reconfirmation (RR) is required by many airlines; checkAIS-pages. The passenger oftenneeds to reconfirm flights en route in order to keep the reservations.

    Note: If queuing office field contains a non-Amadeus office (airline address), change queuing office

    to your own office ID before making any modifications to the PNR.

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    Print PNR HE WRA

    Print PNR: HE WRA

    Print the entire retrieved PNR .......................................WRA/RT

    Retrieve PNR and print .................................................WRA/RTACKP13Print the entire PNR-history...........................................WRA/RH- the entire past date record (from Q96)........................WRA/QU

    Note: The easiest way to print an entire PNR with the entire PNR-history is to place the PNR on a

    queue for print purposes only (e.g. QE30), and then print the queue (QH30). The queue

    should be empty before this procedure.

    Non-Homogeneous PNR HE PNR NON HOMO

    Non-homogeneous PNR - general description: HE PNR NON HOMO

    When creating a new PNR it is possible to book different itinerary for each passenger. When finalising

    the PNR with ET, the system will create separate PNRs for each separate itinerary. The PNRs will be

    cross-referenced (AXR) to each other, and may be retrieved separately or merged together. A list of

    cross-referenced PNRs may be retrieved.

    Note: NHP is only allowed when creating a new PNR. NHP is not allowed on existing PNR.

    Retrieve non-homogeneous PNR:Retrieve AXR from active PNR.....................................RTAXR- AXR by passenger name ............................................RTAXR/FOX/E- AXR by a record locator..............................................RTAXR CD32E2- name 3 from AXR display ...........................................RT3

    Cancel non-homogeneous PNR:

    Cancel all PNRs in AXR (repeat to confirm) .................ETX- and redisplay AXR (repeat to confirm)........................ERX

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    Split PNR - general description:

    If you want to modify a pnr that has already been stored, you will need to split it. As the word split

    implies, you then create two separate pnrs, the original or parent pnr, and the associate pnr. You splita pnr when you wish to rebook a separate itinerary for one or more passengers. In so doing, you

    separate them from the original pnr, because all passengers in a pnr must have identical flight


    The difference between a split PNR and a non-homogeneous PNR is that a non-homogeneous

    condition is always temporary, and is automatically resolved by the system at end of transaction. Split

    PNRs continue to be linked as long as they are active, in the same fashion as the non-homogeneous


    Split PNR commands:

    Split name 7 from PNR .................................................SP7 HE SP- several names.............................................................SP2,4-7

    End of transaction split PNR: HE EF

    End and file split PNR ...................................................EFEnd of Transaction and split PNR.................................ET or ER

    Retrieve commands (segments and/or names) split PNR:

    Retrieve segments ........................................................RT- individual names and numbers ...................................RTN

    - names and segments..................................................RTWRetrieve PNR with all names displayed.........................RTW-ABC123- from flight number .......................................................RTW-LH400/28JAN-ABC TOUR

    Cancel split PNR: HE ETX

    Cancel all PNRs in AXR

    - step 1 ETX- step 2 ERX

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    Groups HE GROUP

    Groups - general information and mandatory elements:

    To handle bookings for large parties of between 10 and 99 passengers, a group PNR, has to be used.

    The following elements are mandatory, in addition to minimum one booked segment:

    NG Name element

    AP Contact element (see Contact element)

    TK Ticketing element (see Ticketing element)

    SSR GRPF Group fare basis

    Groups are handled according to each airlines specific instructions. Therefore always check

    GGAIRyyGROUPS (replace yy with carrier code) for procedures.

    Note: Several airlines require agents to make all group arrangements via telephone. If no

    procedures are available, please check with the airline directly.

    Group name element:

    Group name (from 1 up to 99 passengers)...................NG25AMOR TOURS

    Note: Please avoid using slashes in the group name.

    Segment booking - groups:

    Some airlines require booking code SG .......................SS20M1/SGLong sell........................................................................SSAF042C15DECMIACDG SG20

    Some airlines permit wait-list code PG .........................SS20M1/PGLong sell........................................................................SSSK400C20DECCPHSTO PG20

    SG will generate HN status code, which will change to KK once all seats are confirmed. PG willgenerate HL status code and KL will be returned for the number of seats that can be confirmed. The

    remainder stays with HL until KL is returned.

    Group fare basis element:

    Group fare basis............................................................SR GRPF-GV10- passenger and segment associated ...........................SR GRPF-GV10/S5-6/P1-4Group fare basis............................................................SR GRPF-GV10

    Complete party indicator if several PNRs......................SR GRPS YY TCP40Reference to other PNRs ..............................................SR GRPS-SPECIFY REF NBR

    Group seating:

    Best group seating, all non-smoking .............................STG- all smoking ..................................................................STG/S- certain segments.........................................................STG/S/S4-6- 25 non-smoking, 10 smoking......................................STG/25N10S/S4-6Request specific seats (total party) ...............................STG/R/23A-25C/S2- multiple ranges (less than total party) .........................STG/R20/27ABCDE/34A-35K/S4 - ranges and individual seats.........................................STG/R14/28A-28F/31ABD/32A-C

    Note: PNRs containing group seating cannot be split, group seats must be cancelled first.

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    Chapter 6 Amadeus PNR

    Groups, continued HE GROUP

    Retrieve commands (segments and/or names) - groups:

    Retrieve segments ........................................................RT

    - individual names and numbers ...................................RTN- names and segments..................................................RTWRetrieve PNR with all names displayed.........................RTW-ABC123- from flight number .......................................................RTW-LH400/28JAN-ABC TOUR

    Cancellations, modifications, split and copy PNR - groups:

    Change group name (prior to first ET) ..........................0/NEW GROUP NAMECancel individual names, keep seats............................2/4-6G- names and seats.........................................................XE2-4- 5 unassigned seats .....................................................XE0.5Split seats without names..............................................SP0.10

    - seats with and without names.....................................SP0.7,1,3,6- 7 unassigned and 3 assigned seats, 6 from

    HK-segment 4, and 4 from HL-segment 5...................SP0.7,1,3,6,4.6,5.4Copy PNR, 10 seats, and associate, 0 names..............RRA/10- same number of seats, two names added..................RRA/P2,P4

    Note: When cancelling individual names, it is mandatory toER the PNR before you are allowed to

    add new individual names.

    No-name items - groups:

    For a non-homogeneous group PNR you must enter no-name items for each different part of the

    group and afterwards associate the relevant segments to these no-name items.

    Enter no-name item, 8 passengers...............................NP8- several no-name items................................................NP12,8,3Remove all no-name items ...........................................NP0

    Add 10 no-names..........................................................INP10

    Note: Adding passengers is restricted by some airlines. All airlines in the PNR must permit the

    increase functionality.

    Reporting of individual names - groups:At End of Transaction the individual names are sent to the Amadeus System User airlines (see

    GGPCA). For other airlines the name list is automatically sent 30 days prior to departure. Check eachairlines procedures for group bookings, as the rules may vary.

    To generate the name list earlier ..................................NTSend name list to specific airlines .................................NTLH,AA

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