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6 Signs Your Building Needs Commercial Roof Repair

6 Signs Your Building Needs Commercial Roof Repair

You may not have to actually walk up on your commercial property’s roof to diagnose the need for commercial roof repair.

The rest of your building could be sending you signals that point toward repair, or tear-off and replacement.

Recognizing seven signs early enough could prevent a small repair from growing into an expensive roof replacement.

Moisture Problems

If your roof is not absolutely watertight, moisture can infiltrate and wreak havoc with your building’s environmental controls.

High humidity, water stains on ceilings and increasesin insect or rodent problems or populations could mean water is entering through the rooftop, soaking into insulation, and coming down inside walls.

Climbing Energy Bills

Your roof may have lost a lot of its reflectivity, forcing your cooling system to work harder to maintain comfortable interior temperatures.

This is a huge money drain and means you need commercial roof repair quickly.


To see this sign, you must be on the roof. Most roof bubbles in built-up roofing and chemically adhered single ply roofing come from moisture building up under the top layer.


Sagging or low spots indicate a problem that may be below the top surface of your roof. Previous ponding may have compressed the roof insulation or a roof deck joist may be broken.

Open Seams

Anytime you see failure of the chemicals or mechanical fastenings holding seams together, water will find its way in. You need to consider commercial roof repair when seams are no longer sealed.

Clogged Drains

During the next downpour, look at your exterior downspouts. If you are not seeing a volume of water roughly equal to what is landing on your roof, you may find ponding and clogged rooftop drains.


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