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Page 1: 6 TIMES NATION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2017 * …...* THE TIMES OF INDIA, JAIPUR 6 TIMES NATION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2017 Vol X, No. 197, Published for the Proprietors, Bennett, Coleman


Vol X, No. 197, Published for the Proprietors, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., by Harsh Vijay at8-9 Anupam Chambers, Tonk Road, Jaipur 302015, and printed by him at M/S Surya OffsetPrinters Pvt. Ltd., F 19-20, Sitapura Industrial Area, Sanganer, Jaipur 302022. Editor (JaipurMarket): Kunal Majumder - responsible for selection of news under PRB Act. Tel no.(Editorial):5192300; (Response): 5191300. Registration No. RAJENG/2008/25534

[email protected]

New Delhi: India welcomedthe much-awaited DonaldTrump strategy on Af-Pakpromising to continue pro-viding “reconstruction anddevelopment assistance” toAfghanistan after the USasked India to step up its in-volvement in the war-torncountry.

India has been most en-couraged by Trump’s em-phasis on “confronting is-sues of safe havens and oth-er forms of cross-bordersupport enjoyed by terror-ists”.

For a long time, India, Af-ghanistan and America’sown generals in the Af-Paktheatre have been clearwhere the problem lies. It isin the sanctuaries in Pakis-tan and in the support of ter-rorists by Pakistan’s power-ful army-intelligence com-plex.

But it is the first time a USPresident has laid out thecore of the US-India strategicpartnership, going beyondSouth Asia into the Indo-Pa-cific. While doing so, Trumpalso retained his attention onthe trade deficit, because, inan odd reference, he asked In-dia to help the US more in Af-ghanistan with all the “bil-lions of dollars” it makes intrade with it. “We appreciateIndia’s important contribu-tions to stability in Afghanis-tan, but India makes billionsof dollars in trade with theUS, and we want them to helpus more with Afghanistan, es-pecially in the area of eco-nomic assistance and devel-opment. We are committed topursuing our shared objec-tives for peace and securityin South Asia and the broad-er Indo-Pacific region.”

Nevertheless, Trumpkept his attention on the

core problem: For the sec-ond time since 9/11, Pakis-tan has been served with anultimatum: “The next pillarof our new strategy is tochange the approach and howto deal with Pakistan. We canno longer be silent about Pa-kistan’s safe havens for ter-rorist organisations, the Tali-ban, and other groups thatpose a threat to the region andbeyond. Pakistan has much togain from partnering withour effort in Afghanistan. Ithas much to lose by contin-uing to harbour criminalsand terrorists.”

Interestingly, Trumpmade a clear connection be-tween Pakistan’s terroristsand its nuclear weapons,highlighting the fears thatterrorists could lay theirhands on Pakistan’s nucleararsenal. “America’s inter-ests are clear: We must stopthe resurgence of safehavens that enable terror-ists to threaten America,and we must prevent nucle-ar weapons and materialsfrom coming into the handsof terrorists and being usedagainst us, or anywhere inthe world for that matter.”

The Indian governmentwill now work on its own Af-ghan strategy. The Indiangovernment had been given aheads-up by the White Houseon the substance of the new

South Asia policy, so it wasn’ta surprise to the governmenthere. In the coming weeks,sources said, India will rollout more projects and initia-tives in Afghanistan to en-hance what it has been doingfor the past 16 years, often un-der trying conditions andconstant terrorist threatfrom Pakistan-supportedgroups like Haqqani net-work and Lashkar-e-Taibaetc.

Foreign policy expertshave welcomed Trump’splainspeak. “This is the firsttime a US President has pub-licly reprimanded Pakistan.Second, he is very clear onthe key problem, that is, ter-rorists and their sanctuar-ies. The important aspect isthat development has to takeplace side by side. Other-wise, this strategy will notwork. The US, Japan, WestAsian countries and Indiahave to take the lead in this.The new approach is prag-matic and workable. It’s anopportunity for Pakistan tojoin in this publicly,” said SK Lamba, former PM Man-mohan Singh’s special en-voy to Af-Pak.

“...It is very important tosee the reference to India — itwas a positive reference, it ac-knowledges the central roleIndia has to play. And we see aclear diminution of our rela-tionship with Pakistan. Thisis the strongest language Ihave seen by an AmericanPresident on Pakistan,” for-mer US top diplomat Nicho-las Burns told TOI.

Since 2001, India has beenthe fifth largest aid providerto Afghanistan, there are16,000 Afghan students study-ing in India, and 4,000 Afghanarmy officers who have beentrained in India. This year,India has already committedan extra $1 billion to Afghan-istan’s development.

Trump missile hitsPak, boosts IndiaPanchkula/Chandigarh:

Over 10,000 followers of theDera Sacha Sauda sect haveentered Panchkula despiteprohibitory orders ahead ofa court verdict this Friday inan alleged rape case againstchief Gurmeet Ram RahimSingh, and police personnelare on alert amid apprehen-sions of unrest.

According to intelligenceinputs, around 10 lakh derafollowers are expected togather in Panchkula, Chan-digarh, Mohali — or Tricity

— on the day of the verdict.The special CBI court has or-dered the dera chief to bepresent in court.

Panchkula deputy com-missioner Gauri PrasherJoshi told TOI that all hotels,

guest houses and dharam-shalas were being checkedas part of the security drive,adding that no one was al-lowed to rent a room in thedistrict without police veri-fication.

In Chandigarh, a cricketstadium at Sector 16 thatserved as the trainingground for the likes of KapilDev and Yuvraj Singh will beconverted into a temporaryjail on August 25 to detain de-ra followers who arrive forthe verdict. They will be re-leased, a cop said, when the“situation normalises”.

Spread over 15.32 acres,the stadium can accommo-date over 20,000 people.Chandigarh has imposedSection 144 of CrPC, and SSPNilamabri Vijay Jagdalesaid, on Friday, over 3,500cops would be deployedin the city and on borders ad-joining Punjab and Haryana.

Seven companies of pa-ramilitary forces have beenrequested from the Centre,and leaves of all cops can-celled till August 31. Thoseon leave have been asked tojoin back immediately.

Pre-MSG-verdict jitters for C’garhTIMES NEWS NETWORK

London:India’s most wanted terrorist Da-wood Ibrahim remains the only “Indian na-tional” on an updated list of financial sanc-tions released by the UK which also listed 21aliases for the criminal.

Dawoodappears on the UK treasury depart-ment’s ‘Consolidated List of Financial Sanc-tions Targets in the UK’ updated on Monday,with three recorded addresses in Pakistan,where he is reportedly based. “Kaskar DawoodIbrahim” is recorded to have lived at: House No37, 30th Street - Defence Housing Authority, Ka-rachi, Pakistan; Noorabad, Karachi, Pakistan(Palatial bungalow in the hilly area); and WhiteHouse, Near Saudi Mosque, Clifton, Karachi,Pakistan. A fourth address on record until lastyear — House no.29, Margalla Road, F 6/2Street no.22, Karachi, Pakistan — is no longerpart of the records.

Dawood, main accused in the 1993 Mumbaiblasts that killed around 260 people, fled Indiaafter the terror strike and is understood to behiding in Pakistan. Pakistan has repeatedly de-nied his presence in the country. The treasurydepartment mentions his recorded Indianpassport (now revoked) and goes on to list astring of Indian and Pakistani passports ac-quired by him and misused.

Hizbul Mujahideen and a series of affiliatesof al-Qaida and the Islamic State are also re-corded on the list. Financial sanctions in forcecould apply to individuals, entities and govern-ments who may be resident in the UK orabroad. The measures include prohibiting thetransfer of funds to a sanctioned country andfreezing the assets of a government, the corpo-rate entities and residents of the target coun-try to targeted asset freezes on individuals/en-tities. It is a criminal offence to breach a finan-cial sanction, without an appropriate licenceor authorisation from the UK Treasury. PTI

UK listsDawood’s 3addressesin Karachi

18 injured in Kashmir busaccident: Eighteen personswere injured, three of themcritically, in a road accident inJammu and Kashmir's Kupwaradistrict, police said. IANS

According to intelli-gence inputs, around 10lakh dera followers areexpected to gather inPanchkula, Chandi-garh, Mohali — or Tric-ity — on the day of theverdict

An Afghan reads a report aboutUS President Trump the day heoutlined his Af-Pak strategy


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Delhi To Step Up Involvement In Afghanistan

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