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We are all part of God's vine and are rooted in His rich soil. We are nurtured and supported so that we may grow and spread out into the world to love and to serve.

Home Learning Guidelines:

Use the grid below to help structure your child’s home learning. We would encourage children to complete at least 2 activities from each column and record their learning experience in their challenge book. This could be done in a variety of ways. For example, writing a few sentences about what they learnt, drawing a picture, sticking in a photograph, completing a thought bubble etc.

To support your child at home with reading we ask that your child reads at least 4 times a week. Remember there are lots of resources to support reading on our website.

There is no expectation that your child completes the home learning challenges if they are unwell or if circumstances at home are such that the completion of the tasks cause unnecessary stress and anxiety to the household.

The highlighted activities on the learning grid show which activities the children will complete in school.

Year 6 Week 9 - Home Learning Grid – Week Commencing 08.06.20Weekly theme: FoodReading English Expressive Arts

Using words, poetry, drawing, painting and other mediums to describe our inner and outer responses to the word around us.

STEMScience, technology, engineering and mathematics.

People & CommunitiesPersonal and social development, well-being and religious education.Understanding the world in which we live.

Choose a recipe from 3 different sources. You might like to compare the same recipe or look at different ones. You could choose recipes from different cook books or websites. Rank them in order from the best to the worst.

Shakespeare’s plays are broadly categorised as tragedies, comedies (like A Midsummer Night’s Dream) and histories.

Cut out the sorting card activity using the resource below, can you sort the cards into two

In a Midsummers Night’s Dream, Shakespeare uses magic, both to embody the almost supernatural power of love (symbolised by the love potion) and to create a surreal world. Misused, the magic causes chaos, but it ultimately

Use a web browser (such as Google) to search Hour of code Course 4. Click on the link Course 4 – Studio code.orgClick on lesson 15: Play Lab: Functions with parameters, puzzle 1.Complete puzzles 1 to 11.

Watch Mrs Wheatcroft’s Collective Worship video.

Listen and sing along to one of the songs from Out of the Ark.

Out of the Ark S ongs

Think about if the recipes are easy to follow, the layout, if it recipe entices you to make it etc.

Share your favourite recipe with a family member.

categories:‘Features of a Shakespearean comedy’ and ‘Not features of a Shakespearean comedy’.

resolves the play’s tensions by restoring love among the four Athenian youths.Freeze frames - children are to act out falling asleep and waking as an animal/creature. What are they? How would you react? What will you do as the animal?

ORPick a lesson from Course 3 or Course 4 that you found challenging and have another go.

You could complete the suggested activities too.

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Look at the image below called ‘Cakes In The Window’ and answer the accompanying questions.

Design your own Puck. The animated Puck in this adaptation is cute and friendly and acts as our guide through the story. Puck has been portrayed in many ways over the years and is sometimes a malevolent and dark character. Use the internet to find images of Puck from stage and screen.Print some of these rank them according to preference. Why do you prefer some versions of Puck to others? Is a dark and terrifying Puck more or less effective than a light-hearted and mischievous Puck?Design and write a character description of your own Puck.

Design a fairies home in a large tray or in an outside space in your garden, be creative and think carefully about all the items they would need. Think about what they would eat and drink too.

Are you eating a balanced diet?Have a go at the pie chart activity shown below.

You have five minutes to write a list of all the things you typically eat in a week.

From your list, divide the foods into the correct groups.

Add up the amount of food in each column of your table.Then add up every single food item you have written down. This will be the total.Use this data to help you calculate the angles for each food group, and draw your pie chart.

See the slides below to help.

Shakespeare’s sonnet 75 starts:

“So are you to my thoughts as food to life,”

In this line Shakespeare is explaining how important someone, in his life, is to him; he couldn’t live without them – like food which we need to live.

Who in your life could be described by this line, maybe you could write a short letter of thanks to them for caring for you.

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Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Using BBCTeach watch the first episode of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Welcome to Athens. In this episode we are introduced to the mischievous sprite Puck, who acts as a storyteller, linking the different worlds of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (fairies, Athenians and Mechanicals). He tells us of the impending marriage of Duke Theseus and the Amazonian queen, Hippolyta. Their nuptial plans are interrupted by the arrival of Egeus, furious that his daughter Hermia is disobeying his orders to marry the man he has chosen for her.Prediction: What kind of story is this going to be? What type of characters will we meet? What might happen next?Link making: Does it remind you of anything else you have seen or read? Clarification: Is there any part of it that you didn’t understand? Was any of the vocabulary confusing? Questioning: What will the themes of the story be? (Love, magic…) What are the qualities of a dream? Are dreams always enjoyable?

Inspired by the magic theme In Shakespeare’s a Midsummers Night’s Dream, write a recipe and instructions for a creating a love potion for making characters fall in love with each other.

Create a Word and Image collage inspired by food and drinks that you love, see the attached artworks to inspire you.

In “The Tempest” by Shakespeare, Prospero creates the tempest, causing his enemies' ship to wreck with the help of Ariel. Now Ariel’s fascinated with creating storms and wishes to create an even bigger one. Help him to conjure up spells to try out different storms… Work out how much of each ingredient is needed for the storm potion by using long multiplication, see the problems below.

Our new big question for this term is “Can we know what God is like?”

Choose a celebrity and describe her or him. Where do you get your information from? How well do they know the person? Are there any surprises about this person? Talk about what it would be like actually to know someone. What difference would it make? What kinds of things are added to your relationship if you talk with them, or go through events or activities with them? If they see you when you are up and when you are down? Make the link with the idea that for Christians, knowing God is a personal journey, a relationship not an intellectual exercise.

Write down all the words they might use if they were to describe a being who could be ‘God’ — including god’s power, character, and actions.

BBC Teach - Midsummer Nights DreamTick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Read the abridged script of Oberon and Titania’s argument from “A Midsummers Night’s Dream” attached. Discuss what is going on in the scene. The animation says that they are arguing over a fairy that Oberon wants. But the Shakespeare script explains it in more detail. Who is the fairy? Why is Titania so adamant that she should keep the child?

Can you write a poem inspired by the one below:

When Larry made Lasagne

When Larry made lasagneall his neighbours stopped and stared.His lasagne was the largestthat had ever been prepared.

He used ninety yards of pastaand a half a ton of cheese,and the sauce, he spread with spatulasthat looked a lot like skis.

With a hundred pounds of vegetablesand wagon-loads of meatplus a tiny sprig of parsleyhis lasagne was complete.

So he lifted that lasagnewith a forklift and a craneand he placed it in an oventhat was longer than a train.

For a week, while it was baking,its aroma filled the town,till he took it from the ovenpiping hot and golden brown.

All the neighbours came and tasted itbut frowned at him, and thenthey complained, “It needs a bit more salt.You’ll have to start again.”

 — Kenn Nesbitt

Read the poem by Kenn Nesbitt 'Breakfast in Bed' below. Choose the best word in brackets to complete each rhyme. Write the correct word on the line.

Percentages - The sign % stands for 'per cent' which means 'out of 100'. 40% means 40 out of 100 11% means 11 out of 100. To change a percentage to a decimal, divide by 100. Change 48% to a decimal: 48 ÷ 100 = 0.48 To change a decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100. Change 0.67 to a percentage: 0.67 x 100 = 67%.

With this knowledge please help Ariel work out the volumes required to create the sleep spell.

Useful videos:Percentages: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znjqtfr/articles/z8ws3k7

How to calculate percentages: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znjqtfr/articles/zcfyw6f

Foodbanks have become a big part of British society and even more so since the arrival of Covid 19. Can you find out about the local foodbank in Wallingford and think about how you can support them in the future.

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Tick the box if you chose to complete this task

Physical DevelopmentMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Go to Joe Wicks’ website and join in his daily workout activities.Joe Wicks

Standing long jump and long jump with a run up.Practice your long jump from a standing position. Then practice with a run up. Focus on improving the distance you can jump by swinging your arms and bending your knees before jumping. You could measure how far you have jumped and record your longest distance in your challenge book.

Team GB’s most decorated gymnast, Max Whitlock, is posting regular gymnastics workouts from on his You Tube channel. Try one of his sessions using the link below:Max Whitlock's Gymnastics Sessions

Paper Football ChallengeSee instructions and record sheet below.

Climb the Ladder• Place 3 targets on the floor in a line, 1m away from each other.• Using a small object, can you throw the object and hit the first target.• When you have hit the first target, only then can you move onto the next target.• How many throws does it take to hit all 3 targets?• If you are playing against a partner, the first player to hit all 3 targets is the winner.

Top Tip: Throwing UnderarmStep forwards with one foot, releasing the ball from low to high using your opposite hand.

I completed today’s challenge

I completed today’s challenge

I completed today’s challenge

I completed today’s challenge

I completed today’s challenge

hat is the boy doing? Why? Why hasn’t he gone inside the shop? Will he? Do you think he’s a good or bad character? What do you know for certain about him? What can you infer? Imagine that the shopkeeper sees him at the window. Role

play the conversation they might have. Now try it again, this time with a different outcome.

How do you feel towards the boy?


My summary of the episode:

My predictions: Selected words and phrases and what I think they mean:

Links I can make with other texts I have read or seen:

Any other notes:

For using to make notes while watching BBCTeach’s first episode of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Welcome to Athens.

PAPER FOOTBALL CHALLENGEFor all of these you’ll use a piece of paper as a ball!

1. Keep Ups – Using a piece of paper (make it into a ball) aim is todo as many keep ups as you can in 1 minute!2. Bin Shot - Set up a bin (or something that a piece of paper into)take 5 big steps away and see how many shots it takes for you toget it in! Do it as a volley so drop the paper from your hand andkick it in.3. Toilet Roll Challenge – This time instead of using paper to dokeep ups with you will use a toilet Roll! 1 minute off you go!4. Volley Challenge – Set up a target somewhere in your house andmove to another room, you have to volley the ball to try and hitit in as few hits as you can!5. Bottle Hit – Set up a bottle and take 5 big steps away again. Aimis to try and hit the bottle in as few hits as possible!6. Neck Catch – Throw the ball up into the air and the aim is to tryand catch it again on the back of your neck. To make it harderyou can flick the ball up with your feet.7. Foot Balance – Try to balance a ball on your foot for as long as

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