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6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Major decisions included using these key websites and softwares in order to construct our production throughout all stages:

Blogger YouTube Final Cut Pro Pixlr Google documents

Even before production, I knew that these would be fundamental and provide us with the building blocks for advancing the development of Enslaved.

What key decisions did you make about technology during

pre-production/production/ post production?

Before we beganto even conceive ideas for our finalfilm we first did lots of research into our chosen film genre and audience to determine what key elements we’d need if we were to propose a plot and craft characters.

For me, much of this research was done by looking up common elements on TvTropes and then expanding my depth of knowledge by researching those individual themes. (Eg. by watching clips of relevant media texts on YouTube such as The Conguring in order for these to play a role in inspiration for the story)

Microsoft Office was used in various ways; Word was generally used most often throughout the

project in order to type up things before organising them on blogger.

I used Excel to generate some relevant graphs from questionnaires. I hadn’t used excel in several years prior to this so it was tricky to create graphs and I got quite frustrated at one point as I’m useless at new technology.

PowerPoint was used a lot to craft my ideas into a basic presentation and of course, during these evaluation questions.

To use blogger I had to learn basics of <html> coding such as <center> to frame something in central position and <br> add a space. I also had to learn how to embed codes from sites such as YouTube and Prezi amongst others. This was a very helpful and useful new skill to obtain.

Blogger was irritating to use as you cannot position images exactly where you want them or size images exactly how you want them either.

I feel that Blogger whilst has a lot of limitations it is good for making a group project and building fundamentals.

Firstly, Youtube was used to watch clips of relevant film clips and trailers to gain information.

Later on YouTube was used to export our final film and so I had to learn how to do this. This was a fairly simple process and I’ve exported films before so I hadn’t learnt anything new by doing this although the process was a little different from several years back when I last exported something.

We also exported our initial filming tasks using YouTube.

I also used ArtOfTheTitle in order to watch videos pertaining to opening sequences so that I could analyse them.

Art of the title is great as it has heaps of texts and genres to choose from including mega- hit horror titles.

To create title sequence images for Enslaved I used photographs I’d taken of my sister in a sinister fashion. To make things look more creepy I edited these photos on Online Editing site - Pixlr, adding additional shadows and highlights using the various tools such as the droplet tool and ‘curves’.Pixlr is similar to Photoshop in a lot of aspects and I enjoy using it to create various effects and play around with photographs. I use Pixlr a lot in everyday life so nothing new was learnt in this editing process.

In this menu I added the various transitions and audio effects

I generally used ‘cross dissolve’ but I also used ‘flash frame’ in some parts of the Opening sequence.

Final Cut Pro is the software we used to edit our film

Final Cut Pro

I learnt so much from using Final Cut Pro! It was my first time using such a high spec software so it was incredible tricky and frustrating at first as I encountered so many problems such as rendering the video format constantly and not knowing where the correct buttons were.

Even simple things such as finding out how to do transitions seemed impossible to do, however when I figured it out things flowed well and I’m proud of the end result!

I also feel that through this I’ve matured as a person because I didn’t give up on the project because I couldn’t do something. I thought about it with a calm mindset and powered through even though it was hard.

This is the basis layout of Final Cut Pro.

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