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  • 8/14/2019 6.18 Hindsight, part 2


    Season 6 Episode 18"Hindsight, part 2"

    1) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY.

    Vincent is running through the jungle when he stops at a suitcase and sniffs it. Suddenly,he hears a whistle. He runs over towards it and we see Christian Shephard.


    Come on!

    Vincent walks over to him.


    Come on, come here... Good boy.

    Vincent runs over to him and Christian pets him.


    Yes, good boy... come here, listen...

    Vincent licks his face.


    I need you to go find my son. He's over there, in that bamboo forest, unconscious. I needyou to go wake up him, Ok? Go on!

    Vincent runs off as Christian stands up and watches him go.


    He has work to do.

    The camera cuts to Vincent

    2) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY.

    The scene opens on the shot of some-one's eye. The eye abruptly opens and we see that

    it is that of Jack Shephard. The camera pulls back and we see him in the thicket of abamboo field. This is the same scene from 1.1 "Pilot." Jack looks over and we see Vincentstanding there looking at him. Vincent then runs off past Jack's head and Jack sits up. Hepulls out two bottles of vodka from his jacket and he feels his back where there is a wound.He stands up and looks around as he stumbles off into the jungle. He makes his waythrough the jungle until he comes to the beach. He looks around, but he doesn't seeanything. He turns and pushes some branches out of the way and he sees it: The PlaneCrash. He stands there for a moment and he is about to take a step towards it, but a voicestops him.

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    No, Jack.

    Jack turns around and he looks at who is standing there. His face shows total confusion

    as he just looks. We can't see who it is, but we hear them say:


    Not this time, Jack... this time you have a much more important job that will save them all.Now, please... come with me.

    Jack stands there and he grabs his head like he must be seeing things. The camera cutsto someone walking back into the jungle, but we can't see who it is. We only see their backand it appears as though they are wearing a skirt. It is a woman. Jack looks back towardsthe wreckage, but then he follows the woman into the jungle. Jack says:


    What is this? How... wh...


    You will find out in due time, Jack.

    Jack continues to follow the person into the jungle as the camera cuts to:

    3) EXT. BEACH. DAY.

    The scene is the plane crash as we see Sayid, as we saw him in his previous flash, tellingGary Troupe to move away from the engine.


    Get away from there, right now!

    The camera cuts to an eye. It abruptly opens up and the camera pulls back. It is JohnLocke, as he is looks down at his feet and he wiggles his toe. Someone puts their hand outto him as if to help him up. We can't see who it is, but we hear them.


    Come, John... I have to show you something.

    Locke just looks up at the person and says:




    Yes, John, me.

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    The camera shows the hand and it is that of a man. Locke grabs it and the man helpshim up.


    What do you have to ...


    Come on, John... they're waiting.

    Locke just looks at him. The camera cuts behind them as they walk into the jungle. Thecamera cuts to:

    4) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY.

    Richard is running through the jungle towards the sound of the plane crash until hecomes across Kate, Claire, Aaron, Zach, Emma and Walt. He stops dead in his tracks. He

    looks up at Kate and says:


    Kate... I think you should come with me.

    Claire and Kate look at each-other. Claire grabs Aaron and they head off towards thebeach, but Richard stops them.


    No. Just Kate. You all go to the Swan... we'll meet you there.

    They all look at Richard and seem a little hesitant. Kate looks at him and the two of themhead off into the jungle towards the beach.


    Tell, me, Kate... what is it you were doing on that plane.


    I uh... I was headed to Fiji, but... but Mars caught me outside of Melbourne.


    You were running.


    Yeah... why are you asking me this?


    Because, I'm trying to figure something out.

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    Richard stops and he moves a branch. Kate looks and her face shows that she is in

    complete awe. She shoots a look at Richard.


    What is this?


    I found her when I was headed back from the Swan Station. I thought this to be an oddsituation.


    I uh...


    So you were running? Perhaps, Kate... you need to stop running.


    Why does everyone keep telling me that?! You, Jack, Sawyer, even the damned captain....

    Richard's expression changes. He looks at Kate.


    Jacob told you that?




    Kate... I think... I think I know now what you need to do.

    Kate just looks at him.


    You need to stop running.

    Kate doesn't know what to say. She looks back at what Richard is showing her. Thecamera does a 180 to reveal what she sees and it is Kate! From the crash! The music buildsand the camera cuts to:

    5) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY.

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    Jack is following the woman into the jungle. The camera cuts to Locke as he follows theman into the jungle. Each of them stop. The camera focuses on Locke and his escort. Lockestops and says:


    What is this? You were on my plane?!


    No, John... I was not on your plane.

    The camera turns and it is revealed that the man who helped John up and into the jungleis Eddie Colburn from 3.3 "Further Instruction."


    I'm here, John, to help you decide if you are a hunter or a farmer.

    Locke looks at him wide-eyed and a bit freaked out. The camera cuts to:

    6) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY.

    Jack stops. His guide stops as well, with her back till towards us. He seems irritated anda but pissed off.


    What is this?! Those people back there... I can help them! I need to go back!

    Jack turns, but his guide says:


    I want to tell you what your tattoo means, what I saw when I looked into your soul.

    Jack turns back and we see who he guide is! It's Achara from 3.9, "Stranger in a StrangeLand." Jack spins back around. He stares at her.


    You weren't on the plane... were you?


    No, Jack... I was not on your plane.


    What... am I...


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    No, you aren't hallucinating, Jack. Now come, we are here...

    Jack swallows hard. He turns back towards Achara and he walks with her through thebushes. He reaches a clearing where there is a fire pit in the center. Across from the firethere is a man standing there with his back to him. Just then, Locke and Eddie walk out ofthe jungle to the same exact spot. Achara motions for Jack to sit down as Eddie does the

    same for Locke. Locke and Jack look at each-other and they take their seats across fromeach-other while the fire is in the center. Finally, we hear the voice of the man on the otherside of the fire.


    I'm sorry it has to be this way... but I figure this was the most effective way to bring youtogether.

    The man turns around and it is Christian Shephard. He turns and looks at Jack, who iscompletely shocked as he jumps up and then to Locke as he watches Jack. The camera cutsbehind Christian and we see that Achara and Eddie are gone and in their place we see theSmoke Monster!!! The music builds as Christian says:


    I'm very sorry.

    The music builds and the Smoke Monster surrounds Locke and Jack!!! There is severeflashing and howling and screeching and we can see Christian watching on, but he has toturn away as the music builds and the camera cuts to:


    7) EXT. JUNGLE. DAY.

    The camera is focused on Kate's eye as it stares up into the sky from the ground below.It pulls back and we see Kate on the ground and she appears dead and has what appears tobe red hand prints around her neck like she was strangled. The camera cuts to Richard ashe hovers over her body. He hears something and he looks towards the beach then he runsoff into the jungle. This is what we saw in 6.6, "The Grey Area," when Sun's unstuck selfwalked into the jungle. The camera cuts to Richard as he makes his way into the jungle andthrough a small patch of bushes and comes out on the other side where he seesSayid running away from Kate towards the wing that is about to explode. (as we saw inSayid's previous flash).


    I believe your job as a factor is complete, Kate.

    Kate, with tears, looks up at him and says:


    I'm the leader.


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    Yes, you are. You chose to stop running and what you did... for all of them... was veryheroic.



    Kate wipes her tear away. Richard just killed plane-crash Kate as her job was to stay onthe Island and be the leader.


    Now what?


    What did Sayid just say?


    He said there's a roll of film in the Swan that I need to see.


    Then I believe we need to go to the Swan.

    Richard puts his hand on Kate's shoulder.


    I believe you may have saved them all.

    Richard puts his hand out and Kate grabs it. The two of them turn towards the Swan. Thecamera cuts to:

    8) EXT. BEACH. DAY.

    There is mass chaos as everyone is running around the beach helping each-other afterthe crash. The camera cuts to Sawyer who is just watching everything. He doesn't seem tobe willing to help. He turns and we see Boone and Rose. Boone is over top of her as hetakes apart a pen and looks around like he is unsure of what he is doing. He closes his eyesand then he jabs it into Roses' throat! Blood squirts out then Boone presses on Roses' chestand she begins to breath and her eyes shoot open and the camera focuses on Boone asthe flash sound begins...

    9) --FLASH-- EXT. BEACH. DAY.

    The camera is focused on Boone as he stares out over the water. Just then, Sabrinawalks up behind him and puts her arm around him. She smiles and says:


    Come on, let's go say Goodbye.

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    Boone and Sabrina walk towards the 815 Memorial and they pass Nadia as she finishesup talking to Margo as seen in the first flash of this episode. They walk past and up to theMemorial where Boone stands there and reads down over the names. On that list we seeJohn Locke. Sabrina puts her finger over it and Boone says:


    Who's that?


    He's just an old friend.


    You knew him?!


    Boone... it's the strangest... did you happen to speak to him prior to the crash, Boone?


    No. Why would I have? Seriously, mom... we're not here to talk about some guy you usedto sleep with. We're here to say goodbye to Shannon.

    Sabrina shoots a look up at Boone and it looks like she's about to spill the beans, but shestops herself and smiles.


    You're right... I'll leave you to it.

    Sabrina walks off and stops and watches as Boone looks at Shannon's name.


    I'm so sorry, Shan. I... should have been there for you this time, but... the girl, she... sheneeded help. I didn't know you were...

    Boone starts to cry. He puts his hand on the memorial. Margo walks over and she putsher hand out.


    Here... you look like you could use this.

    Boone looks up and Margo is handing him a tissue. He smiles and says:


    Thank you.

    As he takes the tissue he bumps her bag and a pamphlet falls out.

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    It's hard to believe it's been a month already.


    You were on that flight, weren't you? Your the one who saved that African American woman.




    My son, Jack, he would have been proud of your bravery. He was a doctor.

    At the name Jack, Boone looks at Margo strangely because Sayid had mentioned Jack tohim. Margo just smiles as the flash sound begins...


    The camera focuses on Jack and Locke as they walk off into the jungle as Christianstands there and watches them go. Jack and Locke are both wearing the clothes that theywere in the crash, but it is obvious that it isn't the Jack and Locke that were on the plane.The camera cuts to:


    Kate and Richard arrive at the Swan Station to find Claire, Walt, Zach, Emma, and Aaronoutside waiting for them. Walt says:


    What was that back there? Was that...


    Did our plane just crash?


    Yeah... (she nods and looks down) Yeah... it did.


    Were we... on it?




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    What's going on, Kate?!


    We're going to get them off the Island.


    What about us?


    I don't think... I don't think you can go, Claire. I don't think any of us here can leave.


    Where are you getting this information?!


    Nadia said that Hawking thinks the final factor, Aaron, has to be born off Island for this toall end.

    The music builds and the camera cuts to Claire as she is standing there looking at Kate.


    What... what's that mean for us now?!


    I think that means that there is only supposed to be one of you in existence at a time...otherwise, the loop will stay open.


    I'm sorry, Claire...

    Claire's expression changes to horror as she runs off into the jungle with Aaron. Waltturns back to Kate.


    Should we go after her?!


    No, we got something more important to take care of right now.


    What's that?

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    Kate turns and she knocks on the hatch door. Richard looks at her and she looks back athim. The music builds as we see Desmond run towards the door and we see his face lookingout of the window. The camera cuts to:



    Desmond is at the door and he looks out the window. Standing there is Zach, alone.Desmond just stares out, unsure what to do. He screams:


    Who are you, lad?! What are ya doin' out there?

    Zach doesn't answer. He just stands there. Desmond looks torn at what to do, but thenZach points down and we see Emma laying on the ground. Desmond shuts his eyes and heunlocks the hatch door. He takes a step outside. He says:


    What happened? Who are ya, mate? Where'd ya come from?

    Desmond walks up to Zach, but as he does this, Kate comes out from the side and shehits him over the head with a thick stick! Desmond falls to the ground. It was a trick. Thecamera cuts to:

    13) EXT. BEACH. DAY.

    Boone has Rose propped up against the wing. We see Hurley walk over and sit down nextto them.


    Dude, how is she?


    I think she's ok... for now... but if help doesn't come soon...

    The camera is focused on Rose as Michale walks past and he walks up to Charlie.


    Have you see a boy? 10 years old... he's my son.


    No, sorry mate.


    Walt!!! Walt!!!!

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    Charlie walks past Michael and towards Boone and Hurley. Hurley makes eye contact withCharlie and the flash sound begins...


    Hurley walks into his parent's mansion and he says:


    Mom?! You here? Dad?!

    Carmen and David Reyes come walking out of the kitchen. Carmen runs up to Hurleywith a look of urgency in her eyes.


    Is he here?! Is he here?!


    First, you have to say it.


    Hugo Reyes, you are the best son a mother could ever have!




    ...and you can eat all the Mr. Cluck's chicken you want for the rest of your life. Is he here?!


    He's here. Dude, come on in!

    The camera cuts to the doorway as we see Charlie walk in the house. Carmen screamsand she runs up to him and kisses him on the cheeks.


    Ohhhh Hugo! It is him!! I bought all of your records!!!


    I'm glad to hear it.


    Please, come on in, Charlie!

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    Charlie walks in and he sits down. Carmen sits down right beside him and just stares athim as he looks awkwardly towards the kitchen. Suddenly, Carmen busts into song:


    We all everybody! We all everybody! Wearin' your 'spensive clothes...


    Mom... it's "you" all, everybody...


    And I think that maybe that song is in reference to people like us...

    The camera pulls back and shows off their posh living-room.


    Oh... where is that girl with our iced teas?!

    Carmen looks down as Hurley stands up and says:


    Well, I'm here to make an announcement.

    Everyone looks at him.


    I've decided to use some of our lotto winnings to finance a tour for Charlie.


    Oh, my... Hugo... are you sure? (she turns and whispers to him) He is a cocaine addict...are you sure he can do this?


    It's heroin, and yes... Hurley has agreed to keep an eye on me... so I don't screw up again.


    It's going to be his debut solo album. Tell them what it's called, dude!


    It's called "Drowning Sorrow."


    Oh that is wonderful!!!

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    Yeah, we should.


    Jin, can you handle something for me?




    Stay here with the kids. Don't let anyone in but me... do you understand?


    Yes. I do.

    Kate pulls Daniel aside.


    Daniel, are you all right? What she did... was very brave... she may have saved us all.


    Yeah... what can I do to help?


    You can watch that film. Kaname thought it was important.


    Where is he?

    Kate looks down. Daniel shakes his head and looks irritated and pissed that everyone isdead. Kate turns, but Daniel grabs her. She spins around. He says:


    This is the only reason I didn't kill myself up there in the Orchid... so maybe you should

    take a look at it.

    Daniel hands Kate his notebook. Kate looks at it and reads. She turns to Richard andsays:


    Juliet found a way.


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    Why are you wearing the same thing you were on the plane?


    I needed... uh...


    He needed a source of transportation... so we took his body.


    How's Rose? And Claire... are they safe? I wasn't there this time to....


    They're fine, Jack. Does this mean... you're...


    Yeah... when the meteor... you know.

    Kate's eyes well up with tears. Richard looks down at his watch. Locke says:


    We'll have plenty of time to catch up later, but now... we all have something very importantto do.


    About Claire, Jack... her and Aaron ran off into the jungle.


    We'll take care of them... now go. Do what you have to do.

    Richard turns back and he grabs Desmond, who is still tied up. He walks over to Jack andhands him the box that he retrieved from the Black Rock.


    This may help you in stopping him.


    What is it?


    It's what needs to be done... and Jack... he's in the Swan. You'll need him for this.

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    Jack looks at the box then he looks at Kate.


    Good luck, I'll see you soon, all right?



    Kate nods and they go their separate ways. Kate stops and looks back at him. She saysto Richard:


    Where'd Daniel go?


    He said he had to make a pit-stop first. He'll meet us there.

    The music builds and the camera cuts to:


    Kate and Richard sneak through the Barracks towards a house. Kate whispers:


    Good thing you came, I wouldn't have known the code.


    They won't need that code for long.

    Kate just looks at him, but then she turns back towards the house they are running to.They reach the door and Kate knocks. She looks at Richard with a bit of worry in her eye asthe door swings open. Standing there is Juliet! She looks at the two of them and says:


    What the... who are you?!


    We're your friends, trust us.

    With that, Kate punches Juliet in the head and knocks her out! The camera cuts to:


    Walt is sitting on the couch as Jin finishes loading the projector. Jin turns it on as we hearthe Dharma music playing. Then we see Pierre Chang pop up on the screen:

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    (crackles as the film splice comes together) and in case of failure or breach of the otherstations, there will be a necessity for supplies. There is a way to trigger a lock-down within

    the station that will allow the Island to be seen from the outside world and will trigger afood supply drop. This can only be done once every 7 months as the dam is only built to

    withstand a certain amount of extra electromagnetic energy.


    This must be why Richard said Mikhail took the film.


    Be very careful. The Island will be seen from the outside world for a short 15 minutewindow. Anyone, if looking for the Island or something on it, will be able to locate theIsland. To do this, you simply...

    Jin looks at Walt.


    Pen! Get a pen!

    Walt jumps up and runs into the other room. When he gets there we see Jack and Lockestanding there. Walt stops dead in his tracks and looks at the two of them. His jaw dropsand he says:


    Mr. Locke?!


    Hello, Walt.


    Walt, we need you to come with us.

    Walt just looks at them and the camera cuts back to Jin. Jin turns back and looks forWalt, but he isn't coming. He shouts:


    Walt! Walt!

    Emma walks in and says:


    He left with Jack.


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    Oh... no.

    Just then, the computer starts to beep. Jin looks around and then walks into the room.Sitting there is the computer, but Jin has never pressed the button before. He franticallylooks around and on the desk and everywhere, but he can't find anything to put into the

    computer. He grabs a paper and a pen and runs back into the other room. He starts the filmover and he begins to take notes frantically. Zach runs into the other room and looks at thetimer and it says: "3:23" The camera cuts to:


    Kate and Richard make their way with a tied up Juliet to Ben's cottage at the Barracks.Richard nods as Kate hides around the side of the house. Richard walks to the door andknocks. He stands there for a moment until Ben opens the door and says:


    Richard, what are you doing here?


    Ben, I believe we need to talk.

    Richard walks inside and Ben shuts the door behind him.


    This is a very unexpected visit, Richard... considering...

    Ben shows Richard into the living-room where we see Richard already sitting there!


    ...considering you've been here for the past 30 minutes... what the hell's going on here,Richard?

    Ben comically looks back and forth between both Richards as the music builds and thecamera cuts to:


    Jin rushes into the computer room and he looks up at the clock and it says ":22" as thecountdown beeper beings beeping louder and louder. Zach and Emma, terrified, run out of

    the Swan hatch and Jin turns and shouts:


    No!!! Come back!!!

    He looks back towards the machines and he closes his eyes and decides to run towardsthem and start the process to trigger a lockdown. He starts ripping open the back of themachine and he pulls some wires and he starts to connect them as the timer has nowreached ":05" He quickly turns back and he connects the remaining wires and BEEP BEEP

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    BEEP! The lockdown doors begin to drop one by one. Jin looks panicked as he rushes to getout of the chamber! He runs and he slides under the door as the music builds and thecamera cuts to:


    Ben is standing there as the Richard who was already there starts to stand up. Suddenly,the phone rings. Ben walks over to it and picks it up. We hear an automated voice say:

    Automated Voice:

    Code 443. Code 443. Swan in Lockdown. Swan in Lockdown.

    Ben slams down the phone and turns to the Richard who had just came in.


    What the hell's going on down there? They managed to initiate a lockdown!!!

    Just then, Kate walks in with Juliet at gunpoint. Ben turns around to her.


    What's happening is you're going to help them get off this Island, but first, we have sometalking to do.

    Ben, not afraid of Kate or the gun to Juliet, marches right up to her and says:


    Talking?! If they're looking for that black box on that plane, then they just found it... they'llbe here in the matter of hours!!!

    Kate looks at Richard and Juliet looks panicked. The music builds and the camera cuts to:



    Ben is standing there staring at Kate who has a gun to Juliet. Ben eyes Kate up and triesto grab the gun, but Kate pulls it away and she kicks Juliet into the middle of the livingroom. Richard, the one who was already there, starts to untie her. Ben looks at Kate withfury as he says:


    I suggest you start talking.


    My name is Kate Austen and we've been through all of this before.

    Richard 2:

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    She's right.

    Richard 1 will be the Richard who was already there with Ben. Richard 2 will be the other.Richard 2 looks at Richard 1.

    Richard 2:

    Outside you will find Desmond Hume tied up, I suggest you get him to the Orchid Stationnow if you want this to all work out smoothly for everyone involved.

    Richard 1:

    When did you come from?

    Richard 2:

    I'm the last one, 109. And listen to me, if we want this loop to end, you need to go now!

    Richard 1 looks at Richard 2 and nods. He rushes out of the house and Ben shouts after



    Is this what my future self was talking about in those notes he left for me?


    Yes... not exactly, but that led us to this point. There is a way to avoid all of that though...and for you to live.


    I'm listening.


    We need you to allow these people off this Island. There is a woman that needs to give birthto a baby on the outside.


    I'm sorry, Richard, but once that lockdown ends the timer will be reset to 108. This island isgoing to be swarming with people looking for them... and then, they'll find us.


    Not necessarily. How fast can you get boats to both crash sites?


    How many people are we talking?


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    After lockdown it resets the clock to 108. None of us will make it there in time for anyone topush that button, Kate. That hatch is going to implode and this Island... you better have it

    moved before that rescue plane gets here.


    Damn it... where's Jin?

    Kate turns on her walkie and radios to Jin, but he's not answering. The camera cuts to:


    The walkie is on the ground and we can hear Kate:


    Jin! Jin! Where are you, Jin!?

    The camera pans across the floor, then we see it. Jin's body is halfway through thelockdown door as the neon blue lights shine on him. He was crushed in his attempt toescape. The camera cuts to:

    24) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT.

    Everyone is asleep around the fire as someone wakes up and looks out over the water.There is a boat! Michale jumps up and screams:


    Everyone!!! A boat!!! We're rescued!!!! Wake up!!! We're rescued!!!

    We see Shannon and Boone walk to the beach, then we see Jin and Sun get up and theysmile as they watch the boat. Charlie and Hurley jump up as well. Michael rushes over toWalt, who is asleep, but before he gets there he hears Rose say:



    Michale turns and looks at her.


    What did you say?


    Lloyd, Susan's last name.


    How'd you know that?!

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    She's my daughter.

    Michael looks at her and he smiles as the flash sound begins...

    25) ---FLASH--- INT. CHURCH. DAY.

    The camera is focused on a casket and it slowly pans up and we can see a portrait ofRose hanging above it. Sad music plays as we hear a voice coming from the podium:


    Rose was a great woman. A strong woman. We met 6 years ago in Buffalo when her car wasstuck in a snow drift... she thought she could get it out on her own, but I knew I'd have to

    fight to get her to let me help her... and I did.... she was strong all right...

    The camera pans over to reveal Bernard standing at the podium.


    She was strong... not afraid of anything. Not afraid of cancer, not afraid to get married at56 years old.

    There is a quiet laughter from the audience as the camera cuts to Boone, who is sitting inthe front row.


    Not afraid when we crashed 4 years ago on Flight 815 and thanks to a crafty young manwith a pen, Rose got the chance to fight for 4 more years against that cancer. There weresome weak times, but she wasn't afraid... because on that dreadful flight, Rose found her

    strength to motivate her to fight. She found her grandson, Walt...

    Camera cuts to Walt sitting in the front row. Sitting to his left is Michael and Mrs.Dawson. To his left is Frank.


    ... though most would call that flight a disaster, Rose called it fate... she called it a blessingin disguise. But that's just how Rose was... she always found the good in people. Rose was

    one of a kind... we'll miss you, Rose...

    Bernard walks over to the casket and he kisses Rose on the forehead. He whispers:


    I love you Rose...

    The camera cuts to the outside of the service where Boone walks up to Michael andshakes his hand.


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    How's it goin' man?


    Not bad, not bad... you?


    Not bad myself... I'm getting married in a few months, your invite is in the mail... fromCarlyle Weddings, of course. How's the art?


    Oh, well... it's goin'... it's goin'... but, I've been spending time with Walt. That settlementthat Oceanic gave us... I could live off that for a while.

    Walt walks up and he says:


    Hey, Boone!


    You're getting tall, dude!


    Can we go now, dad?

    Michael looks down at him.


    Yeah, you've had a long day... we should get goin'... thank you for coming, Boone.

    Michael shakes Boone's hand. Walt shakes Boone's hand and quickly pulls it away. Boonelooks down at him.


    Don't marry that girl...




    Don't marry that girl... Shannon says she's only marrying you for your money...

    Boone's eyes get really wide and he just looks at Walt. Walt turns and walks off withMichael. Boone stands there as the music builds...

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    Walt, Locke and Jack are walking through the jungle and they come upon Jacob's cabin!Locke looks at Jack and says:


    This is it.


    This... this is where Jacob spends all his time? In this shack?


    He doesn't like technology.


    I can see that... how do you plan on stopping a dead guy?


    That's where you come in, Walt.




    You are special, Walt... they knew that all along... they knew you had what it took to put anend to this.


    I... I don't..

    Jack hands Walt the box that Richard gave him. Walt looks at it. He looks up at Jack andsays:


    No freakin' way...


    You can do it, can't you?


    I... I think so...

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    The camera cuts to Jack as he looks at Locke and he says...


    Ok, let's go.

    The camera cuts to:

    27) EXT. BEACH. NIGHT.

    Everyone from the mid-section of the plane is loaded into the boat. Charlie helps Claire inas Hurley, with the help of Boone and Michael carry Rose aboard. The camera pans over thegroup and we see familiar faces such as Dr. Arzt, Kaname, blue striped shirt girl, Jin, Sun,Sawyer, Redshirt John, Shannon, Beth and Vera and all the others. They are all loaded inand the camera cuts to Tom sitting at the steering wheel as he shouts:


    Everyone on?!


    Yeah, buddy... roll out!


    Wait! Where's Kate?


    Someone said she's with the tail section...

    Sawyer just sits there and he slouches back in his seat as the flash sound starts...

    28) ---FLASH--- EXT. MANSION. DAY.

    The scene picks up where it left off at the end of 6.9, "Last Train to Clarksville," whereSawyer is standing in the doorway with Juliet looking at him. He screams:



    Juliet looks at him and says:


    Thank you for doing this, James...


    I have to admit, when you showed up at my door tellin' me that I had a son with you, Ididn't buy it.

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    Thank God for paternity tests, huh?


    You're lucky you found me when you did. If I didn't have that Oceanic settlement, then Iwoulda never agreed to this.


    Well, good thing.


    When'd you say you would be back from your little doctor trip to Canada?


    I'll be back in two months, don't worry.

    Just then, we see Cassidy walk up to the door and she is holding the hand of Julian. Julietbends down and she puts her arms out as Julian rushes up to her and hugs her. Julietchokes back her tears as she says:


    I love you very much, you know that? I'll be gone for a long time, but I'll be checking up onyou and I'll write you, I promise, ok? I love you.

    Juliet hugs Julian close and then she stands up and looks at Sawyer. He looks saddenedby the situation as he says to her:


    You be careful now... I hear Canada is real dangerous place...

    He leans in and he hugs her. Juliet hugs him back as she turns and she goes to her carand gets in. She gets on her phone and dials.


    Richard, it's me. I'm ready...


    You don't have to honor this arrangement, Juliet. You can just run. You don't have to goback to that Island just because Kate promised him you would back when we got all those

    people off.


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    It's because of me, Richard, I wrote that note to Daniel. I told him to have Kate use me asleverage. I knew that's what Ben wanted... and he won't let this end until I come back

    there... I've got to do this, Richard.

    Juliet looks up at the door and Sawyer is just standing there watching her. She putsthe car into drive as the flash sound begins...

    29) ---END OF FLASH---

    The camera is focused on Sawyer as the boat pulls off into the ocean away from theIsland. The music builds as the camera cuts to:



    Jack and Locke walk up to the door of the cabin. Locke looks at Jack and Jack looks back.The nod at each-other and Jack kicks in the door. They walk in and sure enough, Jacob issitting in the rocking chair. He looks at Locke and Jack and he looks broken as he simply



    I did this... for her.


    You did it for all the wrong reasons.


    Aye, that may be... but look what you're doin' for love. You two have given up your lives...sacrificed sons to right my wrongs. What makes you any different from me?


    We haven't ruined the lives of hundreds of people and haven't put countless more throughhell for the sake of selfishness. What you've done is unforgivable, Jacob... and we're here to

    stop that.


    You haven't ended anything yet. This Island is still special whether you want it to be ornot... there's no ending that.


    That's why, once you're gone, we're going to be taking your place. Isn't that why I'm afactor?


    Isn't that why you made a back-out plan? In case Ms. Hawking wanted out of all this?

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    Aye, but I never thought this day would come...


    Why us?


    I sought out two men on each end of the spectrum. One at each extreme... one black, onewhite. Only until those men could come to a middle ground, a grey area, could this Island

    ever be at peace. You two were the ideal candidates as this Island's protectors...


    Then why don't you just back down now... without any trouble?


    I'm not one to ever back down, Jack... not without a fight...

    With that, Jacob stands up and a gust of wind rushes through the cabin! Jack and Lockefly backwards and the camera cuts to the outside where Walt is standing. He stands therewatching in amazement as the cabin fills with light and and there are strange loud noisescoming from within. In the background, we see Claire and Aaron walk up.


    Walt! What's going on?!


    Claire... you might want to get out of here....


    What is it?!



    The cabin door swings open and Jack and Locke are flung out! Jack runs towards Walt

    and he screams:


    Now, Walt! Now!!!

    Walt closes his eyes and he starts to think really hard. This looks exactly like what he didin 5.10 to make a polar bear appear to attack the "Others." Jack and Locke rush out of thecabin and run to the side of the clearing just as we see the Smoke Monster come out of thejungle. Walt thinks harder and the camera cuts to the Hydra Island where we see the

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    Smoke Monster from that Island rise up near the polar bear cages. This is the SmokeMonster we saw Walt create in 6.4, "A Boy and His Dog." The Smoke Monster from thatIsland rises and it gains enormous proportions as it charges towards the beach! It getsbigger and bigger as we see it completely stretch over the waters in between the twoIslands. The camera cuts to Jack as he says to Locke:


    What happens when these two touch?!


    I think we're about to find out!!!

    The Smoke Monster of the Main Island circles around the cabin as the Smoke Monsterfrom the Hydra comes barreling towards it!!! The two Smoke Monsters come head to headas they completely run into each-other!!! There is a horrendously loud HOWL followed by anextreme bright light as the two monsters collide! Just then, everything in the jungle beginsto be sucked and pulled towards the mass of light and the combined Smoke Monsters! When

    two entities, much like Kaname and Baby Kaname of 5.16, touch the matter collapses ontop of itself! Trees and logs start getting sucked into the massive cloud as Jack and Lockeattempt to grab Walt and run, but it is too late! Walt falls and he is being dragged into theentity! Locke turns to Jack and says:


    We've got to go, now!

    Jack turns back and he sees Claire and Aaron as they begin to be pulled into the entity.Locke says to Jack:


    This is how it has to be! It's Aaron's job to be born off Island! Now come on!!!

    The two men book it for the jungle as the camera focuses on Claire and Aaron as theyget sucked inside and the flash sound starts...


    The camera is focused on Claire as she lay on a hospital bed with a doctor beside her. Helooks at her as she is screaming and he says:


    I can see the head! Claire! I can see the head! Keep pushing!!



    The doctor reaches down and says:


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    One last push, Claire!

    Claire screams and she pushes one last time. There is silence, then we hear a babycrying. The doctor holds up baby Aaron as he says:


    It's a boy, Ms. Littleton, it's a boy.

    He hands the baby to Claire. The camera cuts to:

    32) --FLASH CON'T-- CHURCH. DAY.

    Claire walks into a church some time later and she is with her mother, who must havecome out of the coma. Carole looks at Claire and says:


    Are you sure you want to be here?


    Of course... I wouldn't have flown you from Australia if I hadn't.

    Carole and Claire walk to the front of the church and take a seat at one of the pews.


    This maybe very hard, Claire... it's unorthodox for the mother who gave up her baby foradoption to be a part of it's life.


    I'm sure...

    The camera cuts to the front of the church and we see baby Aaron in the arms of thepriest. The camera pulls back and we see that the priest is none other than Mr. Eko!

    Mr. Eko:

    We've gathered here together today, to welcome this wonderful little miracle into the eyesof God. We shall baptize this baby to protect him from sin and grant him everlasting life.

    Will the parents please join me...

    The camera cuts to the audience where we see Jin and Sun sitting in the first row. Theystand up and walk up to the alter. Carole turns to Claire.


    Where did you find them again?


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    They were on my flight. They were coming to America for a new life... when Sun said theywere unable to conceive... Mom, that crash was a miracle that brought us together so Aaron

    would have a good life...

    The camera cuts to Jin and Sun as they look down on Aaron as Mr. Eko pours the holywater over his head... the flash sound begins...


    The light from the Smoke Monster can be seen from the boat a few miles off shore. Thereis a sudden blast of air that rushes from the Island and it knocks the boat almost completelyover! Several people fall off the boat and into the water! Pregnant Claire is one of them! It'salmost as if it was Jacob's last act of defiance to make sure the loop isn't stopped. Boonesees this and he decides to jump into the water and try to save her! When doing so, hecompletely misses the fact that Shannon was one of the people who fell in the water aswell. Michael and Kaname jump into the water to help save them as well and as Boone getsClaire back to the boat, Charlie screams:


    The blonde girl! Your sister! There!

    Charlie points, and Boone sees her. He attempts to swim out to get her, but Shannongoes under. He swims out to where she was as the camera cuts to:


    Kate, Ben and Richard along with several others are standing outside as the the lightfrom the Smoke Monster pierces the sky. Ben turns to Kate and says:


    We have to do this, now! Your friends better be at the Orchid!

    Kate pulls out her walkie and says:


    Daniel, you there?!

    The camera cuts to the Orchid where we see Daniel, Richard 1 and Desmond. Danielanswers the walkie.


    I'm here, Kate.


    Do it now!

    Daniel turns to Desmond and says:


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    Widmore takes Desmond by the shoulder and as they walk he says:


    You've managed to change my opinion of you, Hume...


    Well, I suppose the Island had something to do with it then, now didn't it?


    You helped save a lot of people, Hume, you are a greater man than you'll ever know.


    You mean a great man that has been sworn to never mention the Island to anyone everagain.


    Indeed, you are a smart man too... if you know what's good for you...

    Widmore smiles and they stop at the bar where Widmore has poured two glasses ofMacCutcheons. He hands one to Desmond and they both drink. Penny interrupts and says:


    It's the first dance... sorry to break up your party, boys...

    Penny takes Desmond's hand as the two of them begin to dance. In the background wesee Charlotte approach Daniel and ask him to dance. The camera cuts back to Widmore assomeone walks up to him and says:


    It's over now. The girl has just given birth to the final factor...

    Widmore turns and we see it is Hawking. She smiles at him and says:


    It's finally done.

    Widmore raises his glass as the flash sound begins...


    Daniel unshields his eyes. He looks at Richard 1 and he says:


    There's one more thing I've got to do.

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    Richard 1:

    What's that?

    Daniel holds up a remote control.


    I need to make sure this Island can never move again.... I made a little stop at the BlackRock on the way over...

    Daniel holds up the remote as Richard 1's eyes widen and the camera cuts to the outsideof the Orchid where we see an explosion, BOOM!!! Flames rush out of the top of thegreenhouse as the camera cuts to:

    38) EXT. OCEAN. DAWN.

    All of the survivors of the two sections of the planes are in the middle of the ocean ontheir respective boats. We see Cindy make eye contact with Gary Troupe across the boats

    as well as Rose with Bernard. The camera cuts to Boone as Charlie sits beside himcomforting him as Shannon must had drown. Hurley sits with Vincent as Michael holds on toWalt and Rose. Dr. Arzt is in the front of the plane as he points to a much larger ship just inthe distance coming towards them. Kaname sits up and smiles as the camera cuts to Cindywith Emma and Zach who are holding a photo of Christine, who they will be with again soonenough. There is a wide shot as we see helicopters lift off from the rescue boats and thecamera cuts to:

    39) EXT. BEACH. DAWN.

    We watch as Kate sits on the beach looking out over the water. Someone walks upbehind her and sits down. She turns around and it is Jack.





    Jack looks up and he sees Alex sitting down the beach alongside Rousseau and Karl. Theyare all smiling and laughing.


    I had one last demand from Ben....

    Kate looks at the 3 of them down the beach as she said that.


    So... today, huh?


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    Yeah, today.


    You think you can handle it?


    Do you?


    I've made my peace... I'm done running.


    Where I'm going... well... I don't have that option.


    So you and Locke, huh? Side by side for... what? Eternity?

    Jack laughs, Kate follows.


    Well, when you say it like that...

    The two of them fall into silence as they both look out over the water.


    You hear that?


    No, what?


    Nothing. That's the sound of silence. Wonderful, isn't it?


    Yeah... yeah, it sure is. (they sit in silence for a moment) Jack, if we could... have done thisall again differently, would you...


    Most definately.

    Kate smiles at Jack. He smiles back. In the background we see Locke standing there.

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    Everything is always easier in hindsight...

    Kate turns around and looks at him.


    Thanks John... for the always wise words...

    She turns back around and rolls her eyes at Jack and smirks again. Jack laughs and looksdown.


    Jack! It's time.

    Jack turns to Kate. He says:


    You take care of things on this end... all right?


    Yeah... I don't think I'll have to worry though... no one out there knows about this place...


    Let's keep it that way.

    Jack starts to get up, but Kate pulls him back down. She leans in and gives him a longpassionate kiss.


    Goodbye, Jack.


    Goodbye, Kate.

    Jack gets up and we watch as Kate turns back towards the water and Jack walks off intothe jungle with Locke. Kate closes her eyes and smiles as a tear falls from her face. The

    camera cuts to:

    39) EXT. MANSION. DAY.

    SUBTITLED: "3 Years Later."

    The camera is focused on Sawyer as Juliet's car pulls away. He walks in the house anddown the hall. The camera follows him as he turns a corner and walks into a study. He shutsthe door and he walks over to a bookcase where he pulls a book down and opens thebookcase door. The music starts to build as Sawyer walks inside and he flips the lights on.

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    The camera is focused on his face as it pulls back we see the room is filled with globes,maps on the walls and photos of all of the people who were on that plane. He walks over toa photo of Juliet and he looks at it and says:


    Canada my ass...

    The camera focuses on Sawyer's face as the flash sound begins...

    40) --FLASH-- MONTAGE.

    40A) The camera is focused on Sawyer as he hears Libby talking to herself in the hotel roomsaying that she has to stop him.

    40B) The camera is focused on Sawyer as he slips something under the door of a hotelroom and walks off. Someone opens the door and we see it is the Sawyer who should be in2004 and he is wearing a blue shirt. He looks down at the note and it says "This man knowswhere the real Sawyer is. Scare the whereabouts out of him. He's at the hotel..."

    41C) The blue shirt Sawyer goes to the hotel where Jack is staying and we see him followhim to Jack's door. He lifts the gun and is about to scream "hey," but unfortunately Libbypulls the trigger first.

    42D) We see Sawyer , the one who time tripped walk down the hall as Libby runs from thescene. Blue shirt 2004 Sawyer is dead.

    43F) We see Sawyer at the airport as Libby bumps into him.

    44G) We see Sawyer boarding Flight 815.

    45H) We see Sawyer crash on the beach.

    46I) We see Sawyer being rescued and asking about Kate.

    The flash sequence ends. We see Sawyer put the photo of Juliet down and he looks up atthe wall of all the faces of the people who were on 815. In the very center is Kate. Below allof that is a map of the world with circles and push-pins all through it. He sits back in a chairand sips a glass of scotch as he says:


    Where are you this time....

    The music builds and the camera cuts to:


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    Cast in order of Appearance:

    Mikhail Bakunin.........Andrew DivoffKaname Tanizaki.......Steve TanizakiDaniel Faraday..........Jeremy DaviesSayid Jarrah.............Naveen Andrews

    Jin Kwon..................Daniel Dae KimCharlotte Lewis.........Rebecca MaderJi-Yeon Kwon............Song Yun-ahSebastian Radzinsky..Djimon HounsouKate Austen.............Evangeline LillyNadia Abed Jazeem....Andrea GabrielClaire Littleton..........Emilie de RavinAaron Littleton.........William BlanchetteVincent...................VincentWalt Lloyd...............Malcolm David KelleyEmma.....................Kiersten HavelockZach......................Mickey GraueMargo Shephard.......Veronica Hamel

    Jack Shephard..........Matthew FoxJames "Sawyer" Ford.Josh HollowayRichard Alpert..........Nestor CarbonellLeonard Simms.........Ron BottittaCaptain Jacob Hume..Thaao PenghlisChristian Shephard....John TerryHugo "Hurley" Reyes..Jorge GarciaMalcolm..................Adam LeadbeaterCindy Chandler.........Kimberley Joseph"Libby" Staples.........Cynthia WatrosAna Lucia Cortez......Michelle RodriguezJuliet Burke..............Elizabeth MitchellRachel Carlson.........Robin WeigertJulian Carlson..........???Charles Widmore......Alan DaleSeth Norris.............Greg GrunbergJoseph Stewart.......???Conor Baulzack........NinoMs. Hawking............Fionnula FlanaganKelvin Inman...........Clancy BrownBoone Carlyle..........Ian SomerhalderShannon Rutherford..Maggie GraceRose Nadler............L. Scott CaldwellGary Troupe...........Laird GrangerLiam Pace..............Neil Hopkins

    Charlie Pace...........Dominic MonaghanBen Linus...............Michael EmersonDesmond Hume.......Henry Ian CusickChristian Spehhard..John TerryEddie Colburn.........Justin ChatwinAchara..................Bai LingSabrina Rutherford...Lindsay FrostMichael Dawson......Harold Perrineau Jr.Carmen Reyes........Lillian HurstDavid Reyes...........Cheech Marin

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