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Page 1: 64 Types of Diksha

The Secrets of Diksha Why is Diksha obligatory for a disciple ? What are the fundamental basics of a Diksha ? What is the significance of the various Dikshas ? Which Diksha should I take ?

Please click here for another article containing details of various Dikshas.

Another article on Shaktipaat Diksha is listed here.

Diksha is a unique and rare process of making the life of a disciple more pure, more enlightened and more successful. Generally a human being remains under the sway of bad karmas of past lives which do not allow him to make the desired level of progress in spite of hard work and sincere efforts.

In such cases nothing can work better than Dikshas to remove the baneful effects of past Karmas and propel a Sadhak onwards on the path of success. Just as a cloth has to be washed thoroughly to free it of stubborn stains similarly Diksha is a method adopted by a Guru to free the disciple of his mental, physchological and physical drawbacks so that he could make good progress with a free mind in the spheres of spiritualism and materialism.

Diksha is the foundation of a disciple, fuel of the spiritual life, completeness of the mind, basis of the fusion with Shiva and the path to reach one's destination.

This type of soul has three shackles-body, age and pleasure, which can be completely subdued by the help of Diksha. New energy can be transferred into the Sadhak, thus enlightening him and helping him in the success of Sadhnas and the realisation of God.

Diyate Gyan Sadbhavan Shiyate Pashu Bhaavana,

Danshapan Sanyukta Diksha Teneh Keertita.

i.e. The act, by which teachings are given and by which all kinds of animal instincts are demolished, which is granted by Gurudev in charity is known as Diksha.

What actually is Diksha?

It is a subtle transfer of the divine energy of a Guru into the heart, soul and body of a disciple. This pure energy initiates a process of change in the person which ultimately leads to destruction of all evil and negative tendencies, and spurt of creative and positive

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powers which encourage him to strive for the highest and best in both the spiritual and material fields.

When the Guru gives Diksha a flow of energy takes place from Him to the disciple, which can be in any form - spoken words in the form of Mantras, subtle radiation emitted from the eyes or gentle warmth from a touch on the forehead with the thumb. But the Sadguru is not limited to these means. Instead He can transfer His energy across continents and give Diksha through the medium of a photograph as well.

But Diksha cannot be had so easily as it seems. Firstly only when one's good luck is running does one have the inclination to go in for spiritual initiation. Then secondly one has to find or come across a real Guru who can transform one's life. And even if one does one has to devote oneself fully to benefit from the Diksha.

Diksha is Important

Diksha Moolo Japah,Sarvah Diksha Moolam Param Tapah.

Diksha Mashoitey Nirset Yatra Kutrashrame Vasan.

(Kularnav Tantra)

Diksha is the foundation of every kind of worship and penance, therefore a Sadhak must always avoid long methods and adopt the easy way. Receiving Diksha is such a way. A Guru who cannot grant Diksha is not fit to be a Guru, he is a fraud. An Ashram without the tradition of Diksha is just like a desert. Unless there is arrangement of transferring spiritual energy, it cannot be called an Ashram. A real Guru is the one who knows the methods of Diksha, because it is the only power which transfers knowledge and wisdom into the disciple. Even though he is sinful, he is freed from all bondages.

Dikshya Moksha Deepen Chandalopi Vimuchayate

-Kularnav Tantra

In fact Diksha is the greatest treasure, boon of life, basis of the fusion with Shiva and a system by which a human being transforms into Maheshwar. The Sadhak not only achieves divinity, but also gets Gurudev's power.

Diksha, initiates the flow of true life

What is meant by Guru? The task of the Guru is to fuse himself with the soul of the disciple, so that his inner faults are demolished as quickly as possible, thus converting him into an enlightened being. The Guru can do this either by preaching, by giving Diksha or by the transfer of energy.

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First of all the Guru preaches about the original state of the disciple. In fact the disciple is full of faults and sins. He is totally impure. His soul is affected by all such shackles. As a result he comes under the influence of Maya, which is a barrier to his success in Sadhna and realisation of God. The Guru shows us that such kind of animal life is useless. The God has given us human form not to waste our life, but to know our potentialities. Only by wisdom can we understand how to make our life holy and sanctified. This wisdom itself is known as Diksha.

Diksha: A process of purifying life

Now a question arises, what the disciple must do to receive Diksha and the steps by which he must proceed? Is it necessary to take Diksha periodically or only one Diksha is enough?

Can the Sadhaks given to pleasure make their lives pure?

Can people living in adverse circumstances free themselves from the bondages of attachment, pleasure and sin?

Can a person avoid doing undesirable deeds?

It is not at all possible for a normal person to avoid such things. He has to literally struggle for the achievement of worldly happiness. He cannot live on wild-berries in a jungle. It is his wish to perform pure Sadhnas and to be successful in them, even when he is living in adverse atmosphere.

He wants to make his ambition come true with the help of Sadhnas.

It is possible because whenever the disciple thinks about Sadhna, it is clear that he has respect for Gurudev, has faith in the energy of Mantra and the techniques of Tantra, and thus wants to place, their fused energy i.e. Yantra, in his house, so that his wealth and success increase.

I have already cleared that Diksha is the greatest boon of our life, a charity given by Guru which is useful in laying the foundation and upbringing of life.

Diksha is differentiated into three categories according to the Tantra scriptures:

1. Shambhvi Diksha

2. Shaakt Diksha

3. Mantri Diksha

But these Dikshas are only suitable for people who have devoted their lives to Tantra. Hence they cannot lead a family life.

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What path should the worldly people follow?

The right and perfect balance between Siddhi and Pleasure (Bhog) can be attained only by following the path shown by the Sadguru because people related to one's life intentionally or unintentionally interfere into the personal life due to which the power of the Sadhna or its effects become feeble and minimised and success in the Sadhna keeps eluding.

The disciples should keep obtaining Dikshas in the same sequence as given in Shastras, because each Diksha helps in sanctifying a part of his soul and this must be continued until all of some specific Dikshas are obtained namely- The Ten Mahavidya Dikshas - including Kamala, Kali, Matangi and Tara etc. For accomplishing the Sadhnas of the Mahavidyas, obtaining their individual Dikshas is essential, because during the Diksha the Guru transfers to his disciple a part of his infinite divine powers which help in the awakening of the dormant Shakti (energy) in the disciple.

Stages of Diksha

The first Diksha a Guru gives is called Guru diksha in which the Master takes upon Himself all responsibility of the disciple. But this is in now way a one way process. If the Guru assumes total responsibility it also becomes the duty of the disciple to devote himself fully in the feet of the Guru, to immerse himself in His love, to have full faith in Him and to regularly chant the Guru Mantra given by the Guru as specified by Him. This might seem a very easy thing to do but it is most challenging to keep up with this practice lifelong. And this regular spiritual communication proves to be a very subtle yet strong link between the disciple and the Guru through which all desires, problems, thoughts of the disciple are conveyed to the Guru and thus it enables Him to transmit solutions, suggestions and warnings regarding future dangers back to the disciple.

The more one devotes one self in the Guru after having had this Diksha the more benefit one gets of the immense divine powers of the Guru.

Then besides Guru Diksha the master can give many more Dikshas depending on what specific problem one faces in life or what sort of success one desires in life. Among some of such Dikshas are Lakshmi Diksha for wealth, Manokamna Poorti Diksha for fulfilment of wishes, Kundalini Jagran Diksha for spiritual upliftment and activation of Kundalini, Kayakalp Diksha for perfect health, Sheeghra Vivah Diksha for quick marriage, Sammohan Diksha for a hypnotic personality, Karya Safalta Diksha for success in some particular task, Sarva Baadha Nivarann Diksha for riddance from specific problems, Shatru Daman Diksha for victory over foes in disputes etc.

Thus it can be seen that there are Dikshas for all purposes and through them the Guru transfers a particular type of power which enables the disciple to overcome the very problem he faces.

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The power transferred by the Guru also acts in another manner when it nullifies the evil effects of his past Karmas, bad stars or misfortune that are causing him or her trouble. And once this happens then not only is the problem easily solved rather one makes swift progress in life.

Besides Sadhanas for material gains there are Dikshas for the specific purpose of spiritual upliftment too. Such Dikshas ensure success in Sadhanas and Mantra rituals and could enable one to have the divine glimpse of one's deity.

But this does not imply that once the disciple obtains Diksha, he should feel that now rest of the task, of soul awakening, is of the Guru and neither should he start to lead a life of indulgence. Just as a body is cleansed daily by taking a bath, the same way in order to cleanse the soul and to enlighten it, it is necessary to keep obtaining new Dikshas.

When a Guru feels that his disciple wants to get success in Sadhna through his continuous service for the Guru and he has also performed some Sadhna practices but due to certain reasons he is not getting success in his Sadhna.

The reason for his failure may be the influence of his previous life or he may be committing some kind of error during Sadhna or he may not have concentrated his mind thoroughly during Sadhna, necessary for success. In a nut shell this implies that the disciple is facing failure in his Sadhna due to some obscure reasons and his body has not yet attained as much spiritual strength as is essential for the achievement of success.

In that situation, a Guru with his kind grace imparts in his disciple, forcibly, some power of penance and spiritual strength assimilated in his own body so that the disciple is able to achieve full success or Siddhi in the field of Sadhna practices.

Shaktipaat Diksha

This procedure of transferring the spiritual power is termed as Shaktipaat. This procedure is not so easy as it appears. A Guru also acquires spiritual power with tenacious efforts and then accumulates it inside his body. This procedure of transfer of spiritual strength can be accomplished only by a Guru, whose intention is to uplift his disciple in every aspect, to provide him totality and to give him strength so that the disciple can emerge successful in his Sadhna and can realise the authencity of Mantra and Tantra. The disciple can also conquer his material obstacles through his divine powers and in this way can attain fulfillment in his life.

Shaktipaat Diksha is one of the most powerful forms of Diksha. The Guru through His gaze or by touch of His thumb on the Third Eye of a disciple activates certain points in this part which enable the latter to gain much in the area related to that particular point.

There are actually 32 subtle points on the spot known as the Third Eye on the forehead. 16 of these relate to spiritual accomplishments and 16 to material accomplishments. Very similarly there are 16 points of each in the Thumb of the Guru and by matching similar

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points in His thumb and on the forehead of the disciple Guru can activate all or some points and bestow specific benefits on the disciple by making some of His energy to flow into a specific point or points.

Only the Guru knows well which point has to be pressed in which way so as to help the disciple gain what he wishes to. This process is actually nothing but the Guru's method of transmitting His divine energy through the Third Eye into specific centre's on the Kundalini of the Sadhak. Every centre of the Kundalini has special powers and if even one capability is awakened it can prove enough to make a disciple uniquely successful in life.

Diksha: when and which

There are no auspicious or inauspicious moments as far as the Guru is concerned and whenever a person approaches Him with full faith and some problem to be solved a true Guru would never hesitate to give Diksha. But as far as the disciple is concerned for him the best moments are when he has fully devoted himself in the Guru, for then if he obtains some Diksha he is able to imbibe the flow of energy fully.

Also although one should feel free to relate one's problems openly to the Guru, yet it is always better to let the Guru decide which Diksha would suit one the best because a Guru can easily peer into the future and He would be more aware than the disciple how the latter should be equipped to tackle the current problem and those that might arise in the future.

Although Guru Diksha links one subtly to the Guru's soul still from time to time one should personally meet the Guru even though one might not be facing any problem. And if the Guru suggests some Dikshas it means that He wishes to prepare you for some future eventuality. So never hesitate to take the Diksha even though at present you might not feel it to be necessary.

Without doubt Diksha is the greatest boon of life and through it one can not just fulfil one's worldly wishes rather one could also attain divinity. Another very important purpose of Diksha is to ensure success in Sadhanas or Mantra rituals.

If one has had Diksha before one starts some Mantra or Tantra Sadhana then success becomes 99% assured, for the Guru takes upon Himself the responsibility of making one succeed. By putting in just 1% effort one could thus achieve success in a Sadhana amazingly fast.

The boons of Dikshas are limitless and one could go on enumerating them till ever. In short this is a quick, easy and unfailing path to success and glory in life provided of course one has unmoving faith in the Guru and His powers.

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The Diksha is granted free of cost by Pujya Gurudev. The prayer expenses money goes towards charitable causes through Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society.

Guru Diksha is the initial, starting base. Special Diksha means that you can get your desires and wishes fulfilled through it - like getting rich, famous, popular, getting a good life partner, good children etc. In short whatever you wish for can be fulfilled only through special Diksha. However, taking Diksha once is not enough. One might need to take Dikshas again and again to achieve success, as each time, it will remove some past bad karmas and one might have a big stock of past bad karmas. It is preferable to take Diksha in person, but taking Diksha on a photograph also has some good effects. The scriptures have quoted many different Dikshas covering the variety of spheres in life. Different people, with different desires and wishes can take recourse to different types of initiation. Each Diksha has many stages. Some of these Dikshas are-

1. Guru Diksha becoming a disciple through the first initiation.

2. Gyan Diksha to attain extraordinary knowledge and increase in brilliance.

3. Jeevan Marg Diksha to make the life lively. 4. Shambhavi Diksha to attain "Shivamaya" after receiving "Shivatava".

5. Chakra Jagran Diksha a Diksha to awaken all "Shata Chakras" (six chakras).

6. Vidya Diksha to transform an ordinary child into intelligent being.

7. Shishyabhishek Diksha complete surrender of oneself to become a perfect disciple.

8. Aacharyabhishek Diksha to attain the totality of knowledge.

9. Kundalini Jagran Diksha An extraordinary personality can be attained by this Diksha having seven stages.

10. Garbhastha Shishu Chaitanaya Diksha

To enlighten an offspring in the womb.

11. Shaktipat Yukt Kundalini Jagran Diksha

Transferring of Guru's Tapa-Energy into the disciple's body to attain the "Ultimate Truth" of the life.

12. Kundalini Jagran Diksha through a photograph

Kundalini Jagran Diksha is attained on a photograph of a disciple.

13. Dhanvantri Diksha to attain the perfect state of health. 14. Sabar Diksha to get success in a Tantrik Sadhana. 15. Sammohan Diksha to acquire extraordinary attraction in the body. 16. Sampoorn Sammohan Diksha to acquire the art of attracting everyone. 17. Mahalakshmi Diksha to get the monetary benefits and attaining prosperity. 18. Kanakdhara Diksha a Diksha for incessant flow of money. 19. Ashta Lakshmi Diksha a special Diksha to get unusual opulence. 20. Kuber Diksha to attain the riches and prosperity permanently. 21. Indra Vaibhav Diksha to attain fame and wealth. 22. Shatru Samharak Diksha to overcome the enemies. 23. Apsara Diksha to Siddh (to control) an Apsara.

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24. Rin Mukti Diksha to get rid of debts. 25. Shatopanthi Diksha to attain the extraordinary power of the Lord Shiva.

26. Chaitanaya Diksha a Diksha to invigorate and to attain full enlightenment.

27. Urvasi Diksha to attain youthfulness and get rid of aging. 28. Sondaryottama Diksha to increase the beauty. 29. Menaka Diksha to attain the physical success in life. 30. Swarnprabha Yakshini Diksha

to get the unanticipated money.

31. Poorna Vaibhav Diksha to get all types of luxuries and wealth. 32. Gandharva Diksha to attain perfection in music. 33. Sadhana Diksha to link the previous birth Sadhana to this birth. 34. Tantra Diksha to get success in Tantrik Sadhanas. 35. Baglamukhi Diksha to overcome the enemies.

36. Raseshwari Diksha to attain perfection in chemistry and mercury science.

37. Aghor Diksha to get full success in Shiv Sadhanas. 38. Shighra Vivaha Diksha for early marriage. 39. Sammohan Diksha an important Diksha having three stages. 40. Veer Diksha to do the Veer Sadhana. 41. Sondarya Diksha to attain the rare beauty. 42. Jagdamba Siddhi Diksha to please the goddess Jagdamba. 43. Brahma Diksha to attain the divine powers. 44. Swasthaya Diksha to attain the disease free health. 45. Karna Pisachini Diksha to know the past and present of an individual. 46. Sarpa Diksha to get rid of snake bite and life security from it. 47. Navarna Diksha to siddha (control) the Tripower (Trishakti). 48. Garbhastha Shishu Kundalinin Jagran Diksha

Offspring in a womb gets the samskars of a Superhuman.

49. Chaakshusmati Diksha to increase the eye vision. 50. Kaal Gyan Diksha to attain the knowledge of Time (Kaal). 51. Tara Yogini Diksha to get the unexpected money. 52. Rog Nivaran Diksha to get rid of all the diseases. 53. Poornatava Diksha a Diksha to attain the Totality in the life. 54. Vaayu Diksha to make oneself as light as air.

55. Kritya Diksha to attain the Siddhi (to control) to ruin somebody completely.

56. Bhoot Diksha a Diksha to control ghosts completely. 57. Aagya Chakra Jagran Diksha to attain the rare vision. 58. General Vaital Diksha to get control over Vaital. 59. Special Vaital Diksha to get control over Vaital completely. 60. Panchanguli Diksha to get perfection in the palmistry. 61. Anang Rati Diksha to attain beauty and youth power.

62. Krishanatava Guru Diksha to get the powers of the spiritual masters of the world.

63. Hairamb Diksha to please the Lord Ganapati.

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64. Haadi-Kaadi Diksha to get control over sleep, hunger and thirst. 65. Aayurved Diksha to attain special distinction in the field of Aayurved. 66. Varahmihir Diksha to attain special distinction in the field of Astrology. 67. Tantrokta Guru Diksha to get the powers from the spiritual Master (guru). 68. Garbha Chayan Diksha to get the desired pregnancy. 69. Nikhileshwaranand Diksha to get special powers of Sanyasi. 70. Deerghaayu Diksha to get a big span of life. 71. Aakash gaman Diksha The soul travels in the sky by this Diksha. 72. Nirbeej Diksha to end the shackles of life, death and Karma. 73. Kriya Yog Diksha to attain the knowledge of Jeeva (soul) and Brahma. 74. Siddhashram Pravesh Diksha paves the way to enter into Siddhashram. 75. Sodash Apsara Diksha to get every type of comfort and wealth in the life.

76. Shodasi Diksha a diksha for attaining sixteen Kalas "Tripur Sundari " Sadhana.

77. Brahmanand Diksha to attain the knowledge of infinite secrets of the Universe.

78. Paashupaateya Diksha to fuse oneself with the Lord Shiva. 79. Kapila Yogini Diksha to get control over Kapila Yogini.

80. Ganapati Diksha to please the Lord Ganapati and getting their special blessings.

81. Vaagdevi Diksha to get the capacity to speak profoundly.

In reality it is only by good fate that a person is able to get Diksha, and he/she are initiated into a process of coming close to his Guru by obeying His instructions.

One should become the disciple of such Guru and get various Dikshas from Him so that the completeness of the soul and the life can be attained, which are the actual manifestations of the process of getting Diksha.

Note: http://www.siddhashram.org/diksha.shtml

Secret of Shaktipaat Diksha

Human life is the greatest boon from the side of Nature. According to the text Vivek Chodamanni composed by Bhagwatpad Shankaracharya it is very difficult to be born as a human and still more difficult to become a Purush or a complete man. Only a person who becomes curious about the spiritual world and the science of Mantra and Tantra can be called truly fortunate because for him can open the doors to totality.

But only a person who has found a Sadguru in his life can hope to make spiritual progress and attain to such an elevated state.

The highest aim of human life is realisation of the self and of the Supreme. Till he does this he has to go through the cycle of birth and death again and again.

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But for this realisation to occur it is necessary to free the body and the mind of all impurities. Only when one is physically and mentally pure does the divine energy that is within spurts forth and one has the glimpse of the immortal soul. It is very difficult for an ordinary person in the present age to become free of these evil tendencies on his own. For this he needs the help of an accomplished master who could instil his own spiritual power into the person and destroy his weaknesses. This is an act of kindness and love which the master does and it cannot be repaid by wealth or gifts. In return the master only asks for true love for the Divine and unwavering faith. The process of instilling of his divine power into a disciple by a master is called Shaktipaat Diksha which can be done by a touch of the hand on the forehead, a mere look or even by gazing at a photograph for a person remotely situated. Not every Guru is capable of performing Shaktipaat. He has to be a Sadguru who is one among the elite Rishis and Yogis of the holy spiritual land of Siddhashram. One such great Guru worshipped even by the gods and goddesses and revered by all Yogis and Rishis is Paramhans Sadgurudev Swami Nikhileshwaranand who has transferred the elixir of his divine powers into millions of lives and saved them from perils and whose divine work on earth continues to be done by the three revered Gurus at present.

In his own words – “I have given Shaktipaat Diksha to millions. There have been individuals who have never even read or heard about Yogic practices and Prannayam and yet after having got Shaktipaat they automatically started to perform amazing Yogic practices with the greatest ease. And more importantly each Sadhak performed the practice that would ensure his spiritual progress and none else.”

Through Shaktipaat Diksha amazing results have accrued for different Sadhaks – riddance from incurable diseases, debts and problems; banishment of poverty and gain of wealth; employment for those without jobs; marriage of those who were earlier unable to find the right match and many more. What more those desirous of spiritual progress have attained to the awakening of the Kundalini and gain of powers like clairvoyance and telepathy. In fact nothing is impossible through Shaktipaat Diksha and it is a sure way of completely transforming ones life for the better.

Details of Some Dikshas

Diksha is the basic initiation, it is a sort of agreement between a disciple and his Guru in which the disciple accepts him as his Guru, with a promise to strictly adhere to his instructions and orders, and similarly the Guru takes upon Himself the entire responsibility to take the disciple to the highest levels of success and perfection. The Guru watches over the disciple continuously, and keeps on guiding the disciple all the time to perfection.

The chances of success in Sadhanas are increased manifold by taking Special Shaktipaat Diksha as during Shaktipaat Diksha, Revered Gurudev transfers a part of His own

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spiritual penance power into the disciple to steer him towards success. Guru Diksha is the basic foundation for spiritual and material success.

Whenever one finds a true Guru in life one should take Diksha from a Guru and give place to him in one's heart. Only thus can one achieve spiritual and material totality in life.

The Shaktipaat Diksha is a special Diksha. There are various types of Shaktipaat Dikshas for various purposes. One normally takes Shaktipaat Diksha to solve some personal problems (marital, financial, domestic etc. ), activation of Kundalini, get success in some Sadhana, spiritual upliftment, success in meditation, Aayurveda etc. etc.

There are various stages of each Diksha and ideally one should discuss about Diksha personally with revered Gurudev. Ideally, you should meet Revered Gurudev personally to discuss about problems, plans, Dikshas etc. You may either get Diksha from Gurudev personally or the Diksha may be granted on a photograph. The photograph should be a recent one, and can be of any size. However the face should be clearly visible on the photograph.

The Diksha is granted free of cost by Revered Gurudev. However, a token amount is charged for each Diksha which goes towards charitable causes through Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society.

Revered Gurudev has written various books You should read the booksDetailed description about Dikshas Revered Gurudev Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimaliji has various books in simple, easy to understand language about Diksha. Some of these books are "Diksha", "Diksha Sanskar", "Vishwa Ki Shreshtth Dikshaayen" etc. The books are available in English, Hindi and other languages. A partial catalog of these books is available at our website at www.siddhashram.org/booklist.shtml

Some Dikshas :








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Guru Diksha is the first step of spiritual initiation. You need to take Guru Diksha before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha. Once you get Guru Diksha, you will receive a Guru Pitambar (shawl), consecrated Gurudev’s photograph and detailed instructions on Guru Mantra, Chetna Mantra & Gayatri Mantra. You should chant at least four rosary rounds of Guru Mantra, one rosary round of Chetna Mantra and one rosary round of Gayatri Mantra daily with Sfatik Rosary.

The Guru Pitambar (shawl) is a special Mantra energised shawl which is sanctified by Mantras to grant protection . You should always wear the Guru Pitambar (shawl) while performing Sadhana and chanting Mantras . You may wear it other times also to get protection. However, you need to take care to maintain the sanctity and should not take it to a non-pious place.



It is the dream of every person to get rich in the shortest possible time and without much effort, so that he could enjoy all pleasures and take proper care of his family. It is not a wrong wish at all.

Whether one is engaged in spiritual tasks or material ones, one needs money. Money is a power through which 90% of one;s problems get solved automatically. It won't be an exaggeration to state that a person has no value in the present times if he is poor, no matter how intelligent he is. No ancient text says that poverty is a virtue. One should try to get rich. And Mahalakshmi Diksha is a means of changing one's fortune and to get rid of poverty. Remember Diksha is the basis of success in a Sadhak's life.



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Instead of just leaving things to one's deity or to luck a person should also try to put in the best of his efforts. Even the gods do not help those who do not help themselves or who just sit idle leaving everything to one's stars. But many times a person is not able to achieve the desired success even after trying his level best. Then what should he do?

If you have a particular goal on mind and till now you have failed in attaining success in it for any reason like - lack of resources, lack of propoer guidance, stiff competition, obstacles or past Karmas then this Diksha can help you reach your goal in no time. All obstacles simply vanish after this Diksha is had and one soon fulfils one's aim provided one has full faith in powers of the Guru.



It is said that a Sadhak who has achieved the Siddhi of Goddess Tara is gifted with 24 grams of gold daily. When he wakes up in the morning he finds the gold at his bedside. Tara is one of the most benevolent of the ten divine forms of Goddess Shakti, called the Mahavidyas.

Having obtained Tara Diksha a Sadhak never has to face any monetary problems or poverty in his life. He has sudden and unexpected monetary gains quite often. Not just this, there occurs a spurt of divine knowledge in him due to which he is able to look even into the past and future. Gaining Tara Diksha also makes a Sadhak make quick progress on the path that leads to the holy land of Siddhashram.



Gaining Dharma (righteousness), Arth (wealth), Kaam (pleasure) and Moksh (spiritual success) is the chief aim of human life. And most important is wealth, for one needs it constantly in life. The Goddess of wealth is Kamala. She showers her motherly love on her Sadhaks and bestows upon them all pleasures and comforts of life. For those wishing for material comforts must try Kamala Sadhana or get Kamala Diksha. Kamala Mahavidya is capable of removing poverty from life and bestowing wealth and prosperity upon a Sadhak. Due to Her blessing one has all round success in business. one gets a job if one so desires and one even gets promotions in jobs. Experts of Tantra prefer Kamala Sadhana and Diksha because She is more powerful when it comes to banishing poverty.

This Diksha is the bestower of all worldly boons, for Goddess Kamala assimilates all the virtues and boons like fame, power, intelligence, health, victory and wealth. Getting Kamala Diksha means gaining all that life has to offer.


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If there is life there are bound to be obstacles, problems and enemies even though one might wish to lead a peaceful and contented existence. A human has to fight poverty, hunger, problems in business and at job. Even though one might be peaceful by nature, enmities crop up for no apparent reason. This can create fear and problems in life. What then is the way of becoming totally fearless and safe ?

And remember even tensions, worries, problems in life and diseases can be enemies which can rob one of one's peace. Even poverty or lack of resources can be an enemy and make life hell. The best and most effective means of tackling all enemies of one's life is Baglamukhi Diksha and Sadhana.



Bhuvan means world and Bhuvaneshwari is the Mahavidya who rules this world. Her Beej Mantra is Hreem and she is worshipped even by Brahma. She is one amongst the ten powerful Mahavidyas and she assimilates both knowledge as well as power. The Third Eye of the Sadhak who successfully accomplishes her Sadhana gets activated on its own. Besides he gains true knowledge and intelligence. He also comes to gain a razor edge memory. Bhuvaneshwari also blesses one with all comforts of life. She is the destroyer of poverty and the bestower of wealth, prosperity, pleasures and comforts. For riddance from poverty, gain of wealth and happy married life Bhuvaneshwari Sadhana is the best. The voice of her Sadhak becomes powerful and blessed with the powers of Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and learning.



On obtaining this Diksha the three subtle channels of the Kundalini, namely Ida,Pingala and Sushumna that control the mind, brain and heart are activated. The three spiritual planes Bhu, Bhuvah and Swah have originated from the form of the Goddess, hence she is known as Tripur Sundari.

Through this Diksha one attains fulfilment in all spheres of life besides achieving success in the spiritual field too. If one is not able to achieve success in any Sadhana like Apsara Sadhana, Shiv Sadhana, Veishnnav Sadhana or Sadhana related to any Goddess then through the grace of Mahavidya Tripur sundari one is able to get quick and resounding success.


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On obtaining this Diksha one's body becomes really healthy and powerful. Any ailment or physical problem that may have afflicted the individual gets removed forever through the power of the Dhoomavati Diksha. After Diksha a hypnotic look appears in one's eyes powerful enough to defeat even the worst of foes. The Diksha also works wonders in neutralising the evil effects of lowly rituals and spirits. One is filled with fearlessness on obtaining thisDiksha and then no person or situation can make one feel afraid. One starts to automatically gain deeper knowledge of the science of Tantra after obtaining this Diksha and many subtle facts regarding this pure science start to become clear to the Sadhak.



Spirits and ghosts can sometimes destroy one's life. In villages and backward areas and even in civilized areas, there have been many cases when families reach the verge of destruction due to mischief created by evil spirits. The Tripur Bheiravi Diksha is an enfailing remedy for such cases. Through it one is not just freed of the evil influence of ghosts, rather physical weakness starts to disappear and one becomes hale and hearty again. One's self confidence also gets boosted after this Diksha and one is able to overcome the most adverse circumstances and accomplish even the impossible looking tasks very easily. After having had Diksha the Sadhak can go to any haunted place without fear, for then the spirits start to fear the Sadhak.



This is an age of stiff competition. You may do no wrong and yet negative forces keep trying their best to rob you of your peace. Insults prove more harmful to people with simple nature in comparison to cunning and evil minded ones. There is no person today who does not have an enemy. And enemy means not just another human adversary, rather diseases, pain, tensions are also enemies which keep the person ever troubled. To get rid of these a person tries many things which prove to be waste of both time and money. And still he is not able to get rid of these enemies. Through Mahakali Diksha a person can end all enmities and attain victory over all enemies both outside and inside. This Diksha instils a divine energy due to which he is ever protected from all foes.


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If one looks at the form of Goddess Mother Chhinamasta one feels frightened on beholding her severed head. But in fact She is a very kind and powerful Goddess. If one is facing problems from the enemies, if one feels that some evil ritual has been tried against one then this Diksha is the best remedy.

Not just this through this Diksha one's business starts to flourish, financial problems end and one becomes healthy and robust. All physical problems are banished and one feels a surge of divine energy within. Through this Diksha one can open the doors to success in several other Sadhanas. One remains healthy throughout the year and the seasonal changes have no adverse effect.

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The Saivite saint Manickavachagar, who was first known as Vadavuran, was a minister under the Pandya King. But despite the high post he held, his mind was restless, and was constantly searching for something. One day he saw a guru teaching his disciples. Upon seeing the guru, Manickavachagar's heart melted like butter placed near a fire. He had goose bumps, and he decided that he too would seek instruction from this guru. In fact Manickavachagar's heart began to melt even before he saw the guru. He had the feeling that something of significance was about to happen. And in accordance with his expectations, he came across the guru seated under a tree. The guru was wearing rudraksha beads. The teacher was none other than Lord Siva Himself.

The teacher beckoned to Manickavachagar, and blessed him. The Lord, who was in the guise of a teacher, placed His feet on Manickavachagar's head, and offered him deeksha. There are three types of deeksha — maanasa deeksha, nayana deeksha and sparsa deeksha. Manickavachagar got all the three types of deeksha at the same time. Prahlada too got all the three types of deeksha from Lord Narasimha. Prahlada approached Lord Narasimha, and the Lord saw him with kindness in His eyes. He then lifted the child and seated him on His lap. The Lord's affection was the reward Prahlada received for his bhakti, said Damodara Dikshitar.

Manickavachagar had been entrusted with the task of buying horses for the king. But using the money Manickavachagar built a temple for Lord Shiva. When the king learnt of what had happened, he was furious. Manickavachagar's guru, that is Lord Shiva Himself, instructed Manickavachagar to tell the king that the horses would be delivered to him. And on the said day, the Lord converted all the jackals in the forest into horses and sent them to the king. The king was impressed. But even as he was telling queen about the horses he heard the howling of jackals. The horses had turned back into jackals, and were making their way to forest! How the Lord made the king and the world aware of the greatness of Manickavachagar forms the rest of the story.

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Srividya is a Shastra in itself and like every other Shastra, has the associated anubandha chatuShTaya –

adhikAra, abhidheya, sambandha and prayojana. adhikAra describes the qualifications required to obtain

initiation into shrIvidyA. Abhidheya is the subject matter of Srividya. Sambandha describes its relation with

other Shastras. Prayojana describes the fruits obtained by studying Srividya. A guru should understand

these four concepts well. As Srividya Shastra in essence advocates Nivrtti, it is also termed parA vidyA.

Srividya is moksha Shastra or the science of liberation, which can be approached in five different levels, the

upAsyas for which are lalitA, mahAtripurasundarI, rAjarAjeshwarI, parA bhattArikA and ahaMtA or

sadakhyA. All these are generally termed as `shrI'. That Shastra which describes `shrI' is called shrIvidyA.

Or, shrIyate sarvairiti shrIH – she who is worshipped by all is shrI.

As there is no difference between Brahma Jnana and Brahmi Bhava [brahmavidApnoti param], there is no

difference between the upAsya [shrI] and it's vidyA. Thus, Srividya refers to that vidyA or mantra which is of

the form of shrI and refers to shrI. Also, as described in Siddha Yamala, Parashakti has two chief forms:

Rakta Kali and Shyama Kali. Rakta Kali is called Vidya Rajni and Shyama is associated with Dakshina Kali

and Sundari. Thus, Srividya refers to Sri + Vidya – Srividya, which encompasses the worship of both these

forms and hence of Purna Parabrahma Shakti. Also, that vidya which has the ramA bIja as its core is

referred to as Srividya. That which grants shrI i.e. purushartha chatushtaya is called Srividya. The term

Srividya has been explained in 108 ways by Brahmasri Sri Tadepalli Veeraraghava Shastrigal.

Srividya Diksha differs with the Sampradaya. In Ananda Bhairava Sampradaya, which involves Kaula Marga

(note: as described in Badabanala Tantra, there is no Vamachara path prescribed for Srividya. Only Kaula is

prescribed by the Tantras and it is this path that is described as adakShiNa, savyApasavya etc in Rahasya

Sahasranama). To understand the qualification for obtaining Srividya diksha, one needs to examine Dasha


1. Guru Parampara – this forms the core of Srividya Upasana and the other nine Bhedas are primarily

offshoots of this first bheda.

2. Sampradaya – Dakshinamurti, Hayagriva and Ananda Bhairava. Once again, there is NO Dattareya

Sampradaya that is being claimed ignorantly. Dattatreya is one of the 32 Upasakas of Srividya and hence is

included under Guru Parampara and not Sampradaya. Guru of any authentic Srividya lineage should

necessarily belong to one of these three Sampradayas.

3. Diksha – depending on the disciple's eligibility and the Guru's capability, varna, sparsha, vedha and other

forms of diksha are imparted.

4. Peetha – there are two peethas described in the Tantras. First is related to the Peethadhikara of the Guru

and involves shrIpeetha, mahApItha, sAmrAjyapItha etc. This discussion is beyond the scope of the present

context. As described in Uddamareshwara Tantra, Srividya is also related to one of the four shAnkara pIthas

or AmnAya mathas, which bear close relation with the four AmnAyas (pUrva, dakShiNa, pashchima, uttara)

called the praveshAmnAyas (the gate of entry into Sripura), respectively signifying Vaidika, Shaiva,

Vaishnava and Shakta Amnayas.

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5. yAga Bheda – antaryAga, bahiryAga, mahAyAga and rahoyAga. Guru initiates the disciple into one or

more of these paths depending on the qualification.

6. Varnashrama Bheda – as discussed in Sruti, Smrti and Agamas

7. Devata Bheda – Depending on the Samskara and Vasana of the Shishya, he is initiated into worship of

Kali or Sundari (one of her five forms, progressively leading to Sadakhya).

8. Achara Bheda – again depending on Shishya's Samskara and Adhikara – Samaya, Dakshina and


9. Mantra Bheda – bAla, panchadashi, shodashi, parA shodashi and Guhya shodashi.

10. Yantra Bheda – depending on Sampradaya, Mantra and Achara, shishya is told to worship, Bhu –

Kurma or Meru Prshta Yantras, with other specifications as prastara (kailasa etc).

Based on these dasha bhedas, a Guru who understands Sanketa Traya (Puja – Mantra – Chakra Sanketas)

initiates the disciples. These days, any one who recites Sri Lalita Sahasranama or has upadesha of

panchadashi or shodashi mantras (or have read the mantra from somewhere) refers to himself as upAsaka.

This is an incorrect usage of the word `upAsanA'. Though the zeal of Gurus and Shishyas who are trying to

spread Srividya through public platforms needs to be appreciated to some extent, this cannot lead either the

Guru or the Shishya anywhere. Guru who is expected to be `shishya-hrit-tApa-hAraka', is unfortunately more

often `shishya-vitta-apaharaka' in the current times. But this is again according to the Yuga Dharma, as

clearly stated by Lord Mahadeva in Meru Tantra.

There are six Dikshas described in the Tantras, depending upon the eligibility of the disciple – samayA,

putrikA, sAdhikA, vedhikA, pUrNAchArya and Nirvana. Based on the ingredients used in kriyA diksha, there

are several types like kunda, kalasha, mantapa etc. Based on Anugraha and Parigraha (transmission and

reception), there are seven Dikshas: Samskara, Varna, Kala, Sparsha, Vak, Drk and Manas. Vak, Drk,

Sparsha and Manas Dikshas are classified under Shambhavi Diksha. Again Varnamayi Diksha has three

classifications and Kala Diksha is again classified into five types: Nivrtti, Pratishtha, Vidya, Shanti and

Shantyatita. Kala Diksha is again granted in Srshti – Sthiti – Samhara kramas as also in Anuloma and

Viloma schemes. Mano Diksha is again classified into two types: tivrA and tivratarA. A Siddha Guru grants

Maha Vedha diksha to a highly advanced disciple, propelling him instantly into a state of Samadhi. Sparsha

Dikshas like Gandusha etc. are peculiar to Kaula Marga and are considered inferior.

Karma Diksha is the highest Diksha and Upasana marga in Srividya. Here, the Sampradaya followed is that

of Sri Maha Dakshinamurti. The Upasana karma involves the worship of:

1. Twelve Amnayas (Six Amanayas taught to a normal Purnabhishikta, four Upamnayas, Adharamnaya and


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2. Sixteen Avaranas in the Srichakra – corresponding with the Chakras in the body from AdhaH Sahasrara

to Shodashanta Mahabindu

3. ChatuH Samaya

4. Pancha Samaya

5. Shodha Samaya

6. Pancha Simhasani

7. Pancha Panchika

8. Dasha Maha Vidya

9. Dasha Maha Bhairava

10. Navaratna Sundari

11. Navaratna Kubjika

12. Shodasha Chakreshwari

This scheme of Diksha, starting from Tarini to Anuttaravedini, sixty-four in number, is called Krama Diksha.

The disciple progressively undergoes shAktAbhisheka, pUrNAbhisheka and kramAbhisheka. After these

three Dikshas, sadhaka can wear Yagnopavita in the Niviti fashion. If the shishya is an uttamadhikari, he is

further initiated into medhA, sAmrAjya medhA and mahA sAmrAjya medhA dikshas. One who has

undergone these six Dikshas is called mahA pUrNAbhishikta and such a Sadhaka resides forever in Soham

state, attains Guru Bhava and is a Paramahamsa. He resides in the Turiyatitashrama, untouched by the

rules of Varna and Ashrama. Without Mahapurnabhisheka, those who discard Varna and Ashrama are

Karma Bhrashthas who attain hells such as Raurava.



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As mentioned in the ancient scriptures there are 64 types of Deekshas (Deekshas).

In ancient times as part of the culture Deekshas were taken from their elders, like guru gives to his disciples and parents to their children on all auspicious occasions like birthdays, festivals and other holy days during different months.

SNO Deeksha Purpose

1 Guru Deeksha becoming a disciple through the first initiation2 Gyan Deeksha to attain extraordinary knowledge3 Jivan Marg Deeksha to make the life lively

4 Shambhavi Deekshato attain “Shiva Maya” after receiving “Shiva Tatva”.

5Chakra Jagran Deeksha

a Deeksha to awaken all “Shata Chakras” (six Chakras).

6 Vidya Deekshato transform an ordinary child into intelligent being.

7Shishya Abhishek Deeksha

complete surrender of oneself to become a perfect disciple.

8Acharya Abhishek Deeksha

to attain the totality of knowledge.

9Kundalini Jagran Deeksha

An extraordinary personality can be attained by this Deeksha having seven stages.

10Garbhastha Shishu Chaitanaya Deeksha

To enlighten an offspring in the womb

11Shaktipath Yukt Kundalini Jagran Deeksha

Transferring of Guru’s Tapa-Energy into the disciple’s body to attain the “Ultimate Truth” of the life.

12Kundalini Jagran Deeksha through a photograph

Kundalini Jagran Deeksha is attained on a photograph of a disciple.

13 Dhanvantri Deeksha to attain the perfect state of health.14 Sabar Deeksha to get success in a Tantrik Sadhana.

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15 Sammohan Deeksha To acquire extraordinary attraction in the body

16Sampoorn Sammohan Deeksha

to get the monetary benefits and attaining prosperity.

17Maha Lakshmi Deeksha

a Deeksha for incessant flow of money.

18Kanakdhara Deeksha

a special Deeksha to get unusual opulence

19Ashta Lakshmi Deeksha

to attain the riches and prosperity

20 Kuber Deeksha to attain the riches and prosperity

21Indra Vaibhav Deeksha

to attain fame and wealth

22Shatru Samharak Deeksha

to overcome the enemies

23 Apsara Deeksha to siddh an Apsara (Nymph)

24 Rin ‘Mukti Deekshato get rid of debts, to attain the extraordinary of Lord Shiva

25Shatopanthi Deeksha

a Deeksha to invigorate

26 Chaitanaya Deeksha to attain full enlightenment27 Urvashi Deeksha to attain youthfulness and get rid of aging

28Sondaryottama Deeksha

to increase the beauty

29 Menaka Deeksha to attain the physical success in life

30SwarnaprabhaYakshini Deeksha

to get the unanticipated money

31Poorna Vaibhav Deeksha

to get all types of luxuries and wealth

32 Gandharva Deeksha to attain perfection in music33 Sadhana Deeksha to link the previous birth Sadhana to this birth34 Tantra Deeksha to get success in Tantrik Sadhanas

35Baglamukhi Deeksha

to overcome the enemies

36 Raseshwari Deekshato attain perfection in Chemistry science or Alchemy Science.

37 Aghor Deeksha to get full success in Shiv Sadhanas

38Shighra Vivaha Deeksha

for an early marriage if marriage is delayed or denied

39 Sammohan Deeksha an important Deeksha having three stages

40 Veer Deekshato do the Veer Sadhana – to be valorous in all undertakings

41 Sondarya Deeksha to attain the rare beauty, charm and elegance

42Jagdamba Siddhi Deeksha

to please the goddess Jagdamba (Devi Durga)

43 Brahma Deekshato attain the divine powers and bring manifestation in life

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44 Swasthaya Deeksha to attain the disease free health and long life

45Karna PisachiniDeeksha

to know the past and present of any one – to become an fortune teller or psychic.

46 Sarpa Deeksha To get life security from snake bite47 Navarna Deeksha to siddha (to control) the Tripower (Trishakti)

48Garbhastha Shishu Kundalini Jagaran Deeksha

Offspring in a womb gets the samskaras of aSuperhuman

49Chaakshusmati Deeksha

to increase the eye vision and more

50 Kaal Gyan Deeksha to attain the knowledge of Time (Kaal)

51Rog Nivaran Deeksha

to get rid of all the diseases

52 Poornatava Deeksha a Deeksha to attain the Totality of life

53Aagya Chakra Jagaran Deeksha

to attain the rare divine vision (Divya Drishti)

54Panchanguli Deeksha

to get perfection in the Palmistry.

55Krishanatava Guru Deeksha

to get the powers of the spiritual master of the world

56 Hairamb Deekshato please Lord Ganapati – remover of all obstacles

57 Aayurved Deekshato attain special distinction in the field of Ayurveda

58 Varahmihir Deekshato attain special distinction in the field of Astrology

59Garbha Chayan Deeksha

to get the desired pregnancy

60 Nirbeej Deeksha to end the shackles of life, death and Karma

61 Kriya Yoga Deekshato attain the knowledge of Jeeva (soul) and Brahma

62 Brahamand Deekshato attain the knowledge of infinite secrets of the Universe

63 Pashupati Deekshato please the Lord Shiva and get his special blessing

64 Vakhdevi Deeksha to get the capacity to speak profoundly

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