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The  7  abili.es  of  a  Linchpin  

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Provide  a  unique  interface  between  members  of  the  organiza.on  

•  Help  lead  and  establish  human  connec2ons.  

•  Provide  a  link  between  your  customers  and  key  influencers  within  the  organiza2on  so  they  can  hear  what  consumers  think  and  feel  when  it  comes  to  your  brand  and  products.  

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Deliver  unique  crea.vity  

•  Be  passionate  enough  to  risk  rejec2on  by  bringing  new  thinking  to  problems.  

•  Stay  away  from  spreadsheet  “analysis  paralysis”  because  your  compe2tors  are  using  the  same  spreadsheets.  

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Manage  a  situa.on  or    organiza.on  of  great  complexity  

•  Linchpins  make  their  own  maps  and  blaze  new  trails  because  there  is  no  manual  for  rapidly  changing  business  environments.  

•  By  developing  new  processes  and  trails,  you  become  more  valuable  to  the  organiza2on.  

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Lead  customers  

•  Consumers  are  seeking  to  connect  more  and  more.  

•  The  new  model  is  interac2ve  and  decentralized  with  people  who  can  solve  customer  problems  without  requiring  tons  of  mee2ngs.  

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Inspire  Staff  

•  Understand  your  job  is  to  make  things  happen.  

•  Destroy  the  “it’s  not  my  job”  aKtude.  

•  Make  people  feel  they  are  part  of  the  greater  good  that  makes  things  happen.  

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Provide  deep  domain  knowledge  

•  Understand  the  issues  from  “what”  to  “why”  and  you’ll  be  able  to  provide  beMer  solu2ons  that  meet  your  customer  needs.  

•  Don’t  rely  on  data  alone,  always  ask  “what  is  this  telling  us  ?”  

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Possess  a  unique  talent  

•  The  more  unique  your  talent,  the  more  indispensable  you  are.  

•  Always  keep  learning  and  acquire  new  skills  and  talents.  

•  Be  thought  of  as  an  “expert”  in  certain  capabili2es.  

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Remember,  not  every  ar.st      creates  “a  work  of  art”  

“Most  ar.sts  can’t  draw,  but  they  can  see”  •  An  ar2st  is  someone  who  uses  bravery,  insight,  crea2vity,  and  boldness  to  

challenge  the  status  quo.  •  Art  is  a  personal  act  of  courage,  something  that  one  human  does  that  creates  

change  in  another.  

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About  me  Richard  Meyer  •  My  marke2ng  BLOG    hMp://www.newmediaandmarke2ng.com  •  MY  DTC  BLOG    hMp://www.worldofdtcmarke2ng.com  




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 Linchpin  Linchpin  

This  presenta2on  is  dedicated  to  Seth  Godin.    You  have  led  me  to  rethink  all  that  I  learned  and  I  use  your  books  as  a  reference  tool  to  apply  what  you  teach.    Thank  you      If  there  is  one  book  that  you  need  to  read,  this  is  the  book.    Purchase  it  here  at  Amazon  

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