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Page 1: 7 Reasons To Build Your Mlm Online

“7 Reasons to Build your MLM Online”

Page 2: 7 Reasons To Build Your Mlm Online

Imagine…Imagine being an internet marketer who uses the

web to build a MLM business. More and more savvy network marketers are building their businesses online. More and more network marketers are generating significant income with their online MLMs.

The technical skills to do so are becoming more accessible and cost effective. They are within reach of most people who have basic computer skills like using blogs and email, or even shopping online. There are very good reasons for building online.

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Michael Dell once observed that there are three things needed for building a successful online business. They are: content; commerce; and community.

Content is your product and information. Commerce is your online or internet technology systems. Community is the people you reach and who reach out to you. You reach them through the internet to introduce them to yourself and your content.

There are good reasons to use the internet to do this.

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Reason # 1 - Leverage the Internet

MLM is a people business. As you connect with more people you increase your success. You can leverage the web to reach huge numbers of prospects. You can generate leads online. Many of the things you can do to reach people with your MLM message are absolutely free.

You can literally generate free leads. Once you develop the core skills to do online network marketing, you can leverage those to reach internationally. While there is a learning curve, it is a cost effective learning curve. You leverage your computer skills online to reach more people. You leverage the online environment for cost effective promotion.

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Reason # 2 - Create PostureYou can increase your posture by building online.

People who are looking for a new MLM opportunity, often make a decision to join based upon finding an upline who has skills that they want to learn. They want an upline mentor that can lead them to success. You can increase your

posture by building online. People who are looking for a new MLM opportunity, often make a decision to join based upon finding an upline who has skills that they want to learn. They want an upline mentor that can lead them to success.

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Reason # 3 – Filter Unqualified ProspectsGoing online allows you to filter out prospects who

unmotivated or undisciplined and focus on those who are specifically looking for the kind of opportunity you have.

You can establish an online process that lets you filter out those who are not serious about building. The best thing is that it allows you do this automatically, before you spend your time trying to develop someone who isn't willing to grow or work.

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Reason # 4 – Target Market OnlineThere are people out there are specifically

looking for a prelaunch or start-up opportunity. Others might be looking for a binary compensation plan. There are customers who are looking for anti-oxidants, or green cleaning products.

Going online allows you to specifically reach those with specific interests and even target specific geographic locations. You can target specific demographics.

This allows you, as an online network marketer to expand your personal market share.

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Reason # 5 – Expanded Market ShareIn a traditional MLM that relies are personal contacts

and invitations to hotel meetings, network marketers often run out of warm contacts. Warm contacts are people they already know or are meeting on a daily basis. Its important to be able to meet new people. The communication skills required to build with that model will serve a networker in building online.

Imagine you are in Pennsylvania and do not have anyone you know in Hawaii but want to establish a market share there. Going online allows you to build community with people in Hawaii, who may be interested in your opportunity, once they get to know you..

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Reason # 5 – Expanded Market…(cont)

Younger people who are internet savvy are a market share that is often not interested in traditional network marketing but may be a market segment that would be highly motivated to participate in an online system.

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Reason # 6 Maximize through SystemsRobert Kiyosaki in his Cash Flow Quadrant

book promotes the idea that the best way to wealth generation is to build a business system - something that does not require your constant input of effort to make it work.

  You do the work once, and then the system keeps generating income for you. It's like an author who writes a book and then gets residual income through royalties.

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Reason # 6 Maximize…(cont)Learning to build an MLM online gives you

two systems to leverage. One is the online system that keeps

promoting you or your business. The other is the MLM system where downline continue to build underneath you.

One internet marketer recently observed that a system means "saves you stress, time, energy, money". Online you can build that system. It takes time - but anything of value does.

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Reason # 7 Enjoy ScalabilityThis is really an extension of Reason # 6. When

you have the right system, what you have done in one venue you can do in another.

What you did with 10 people you can do with 10,000. What you taught 1 person, you can teach 100.

When you learn the skills needed to build an online MLM, you can use those skills to scale up.

It's only limited by your willingness to learn, apply, and then consistently work it.

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Start where you are. Assess you current internet skills; list the things you know how to do and those you do not. Do not worry if you do not have all the skills today. You can freelance some skills out at a very reasonable cost through the web resources.

Learn how internet marketing operates so you do not waste money. There are many podcasts and products to teach you the basics of internet marketing; many of them are free. Everyone has to start at the beginning.

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“7 Reasons to Build your MLM Online”

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