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7000 Morning Star Dr., The Colony, TX 75056 * Office: 972-625-5252 * Fax :972-370-5524 * www.holycrosscc.org

Parish Mission Statement

We, diverse members of Holy Cross Parish, seek to build God’s king-dom on earth. United in prayer, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in communion with the Roman Catholic Church, we will serve, teach, and evangelize throughout the community. Using our time, talent and treasure, for the honor and glory of God, we strive to lead all to the everlasting light of Christ.

Please Remember Holy Cross in Your Will

Pastor Rev. Joy Joseph, TOR

Deacons: Simon Torrez Richard Stalder Pastoral Admin. Asst: Martha Diaz Bookkeeper: Jeanne Gilton Religious Education: Karen da Costa Youth Ministry: Lisa Marie Benavides Music Director: Carol Stalder Pianist: Hammina Li Maintenance Technician: David Gramm Custodian: Aracely Astorga

Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (Spanish)

Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Mon - Sat) Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Or by appointment-Call Church Office Adoration Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. First Friday of the Month: 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Office Hours

& Fri.:

7000 Morning Star Dr., The Colony, TX 75056 www.holycrosscc.org Office: 972-625-5252 Fax: 972-370-5524


Calendar for the Week

SATURDAY, October 14 8:30 A.M. Mass - For the Volunteers of

Hurricane Harvey 10:00 A.M. Sacramental Preparation Class 12:00 P.M. Quinceañera: Brenda Flores 2:00 P.M. Quinceañera: America Nataly Limon 4:00 P.M. Confession 4:30 P.M. Rosary 5:00 P.M. Mass - † Mary McCook SUNDAY, October 15 8:30 A.M. Rosary 9:00 A.M. Mass - † Harold Murphy 10:30 A.M. Rosary 11:00 A.M. Mass - † Fernando Estonactoc 12:30 A.M. Rosary 1:00 P.M. Mass - Pro Populo 5:00 P.M. Youth Ministry MONDAY, October 16 8:10 A.M. Rosary 8:30 A.M. Mass - † Thomas Rubio 6:00 P.M. Language Ministry ESL 7:30 P.M. Zumba TUESDAY, October 17 8:10 A.M. Rosary 8:30 A.M. Mass - † Thomas Bonavita, Jr. 6:15 P.M. Religious Education Class 6:15 P.M. The Bible & The Sacraments 7:30 P.M. Cursillo-Ultreya WEDNESDAY, October 18 8:10 A.M. Rosary 8:30 A.M. Mass - For Contributors of

Hurricane Harvey 9:30 A.M. The Bible and the Sacraments 4:30 P.M. Religious Education Class 5:00 P.M. Sacramental Prep. Class (Youth) 7:00 P.M. Prayer for Busy People - Bible

Study 7:30 P.M. Bible Study (Spanish) THURSDAY, October 19 8:10 A.M. Rosary 8:30 A.M. Mass - For Doctors & Nurses of

Hurricane Harvey - For Benefac-tors of Holy Cross Gift Campaign

9:00 A.M. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6:00 P.M. Language Ministry ESL 7:00 P.M. Choir Practice 7:30 P.M. Zumba

FRIDAY, October 20 8:00 A.M. Rosary 8:30 A.M. Mass - For First Responders

of Hurricane Irma 7:00 P.M. Matachines Practice 7:30 P.M. El Coro de Adultos SATURDAY, October 21 8:30 A.M. Mass - Virginia Biernat 2:00 P.M. Quinceañera: Samantha Amador 4:00 P.M. Confessions 4:30 P.M. Rosary 5:00 P.M. Mass - † Wayne Scott SUNDAY, October 22 8:30 A.M. Rosary 9:00 A.M. Mass - † Vicente Salazar 10:30 A.M. Rosary 11:00 A.M. Mass - Pro Populo 12:30 A.M. Rosary 1:00 P.M. Mass - † Mr. Carmen Brioso 5:00 P.M. Youth Ministry

This week’s altar flowers were provided

This week’s sanctuary candle is offered In Loving Memory of: † Fernando Estonactoc Requested by: Sandra Murphy

7000 Morning Star Dr., The Colony, TX 75056 * Office: 972-625-5252 * Fax :972-370-5524 * www.holycrosscc.org

Next week, we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. Each year, the entire Church is invit-ed to support the young mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and parts of Latin America and Europe, where priests, reli-gious and lay leaders serve the poorest of the poor. This year, we are invited to “Chat With The Pope” to learn more about his missions. Scan this year’s World Mission Sunday post-er using Facebook Messenger for your mobile device, or learn more at Chat-WithThePope.org.

La próxima semana celebraremos el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Cada año, la Iglesia entera recibe la invitación de apoyar a las dió-cesis misioneras jóvenes de África, Asia, islas del Pacífico, y partes de Latinoamérica y Euro-pa, donde los sacerdotes, líderes religiosos y laicos atienden a la población más pobre entre los pobres. Este año recibimos la invitación de “chatear con el papa” para conocer más sobre sus misiones. Escanea este cartel del Domingo Mundial de las Misiones usando Facebook Messenger para tu dispositivo móvil u obtén más información en el sitio ChatWithThePo-pe.org.

World Mission Sunday

Don’t Cook Tonight! Come to Church for

food, fellowship and prayer.

Prayer for Busy People, a book study based

on Vinny Fynn’s book 21Ways to Worship, will

be offered on the following dates: Wednes-

day, Oct. 18 and 25 and Wednesday, Nov. 8 and

Nov. 15.

Light snacks will be served from 6:15 -7:00

and the book study will start at 7:00 PM.

Cost for the snacks and the book and the

class is $20.00

Books will be available for purchase at the

first class.

Deacon Rich and Carol Stalder will be the

facilitators for this book study.

Registration for Prayer for Busy People will

be after all Masses this weekend.

For further information contact Ann Beckel

at the church office or email AnnBeck-

[email protected].

All Saints Day

Día de Todos los

Santos Wednesday

November 1st


8:30 AM

12:00 PM

7:00 PM - Bilingual


1ro. de Noviembre


8:30 AM

12:00 PM

7:30 PM - Bilingüe


Holy Cross Catholic Church

Breakfast Burrito & Sopes’ Plate

Served by Grupo Santa Cruz The weekend of November 4 & 5 Grupo San-

ta Cruz will be serving Breakfast Burrito

after the Sunday, 9:00 AM Mass and Sopes

Plate after the Saturday, 5:00 PM Mass

and the Sunday, 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM Mass-

es. The cost will be $7.00. All profits will

go to the Parish Building Fund and to Our

Lady of Guadalupe Celebration fund.

El fin de semana del 4 & 5 de Noviembre El

Grupo Santa Cruz estará sirviendo Desa-

yunos de Burritos después de la Misa de

las 9:00 AM del domingo, y Platillo de So-

pes después de la Misa de las 5:00 PM del

sábado y de las Misas de las 11:00 AM y

1:00 PM del domingo. El costo será de

$7.00. Todas las ganancias serán para be-

neficio del Fondo de Construcción de la

Parroquia y el fondo de ayuda para la

celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guada-


MAGNIFICAT, a Ministry to Catholic Wom-en welcomes Catholic evangelist, author, Ignatian certified retreat director, and radio host Kathleen Beckmann, L.H.S. on SAT OCT 21 2017 from 9 am to 12 Noon at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lewisville. Contact Elaine Norkett, Parish Liai-son, at 214-469-1933 for tickets and additional information. Cut off date for tickets is October 17, 2017.

Marriages / Matrimonios

Marriages require a six to nine months prepara-tion period. Please contact Martha Diaz at 972-625-5252, for more information. Los Matrimonios requieren un periodo de prepa-ración de seis a nueve meses. Comuníquese por favor con Martha Diaz al 972-625-5252, para más información.

Baptisms / Bautizos

Our next Baptismal Preparation class will be Oc-tober 14, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Please stop by the church office to register. La próxima clase de preparación para el Bautismo será el 14 de octubre del 2017 a las 9:00 a.m. Re-gístrese, por favor, en la oficina de la Iglesia.

Picture Directories Arrived! All families who participated in our Picture Directory are welcome to stop by the church office to pick up their copy. Parishioner who didn't participated in our Picture Directory and would like to purchase a copy, we have them available for $20 at the church office. Todas las familias que participaron en nuestro Directorio de Fo-tografías pueden pasar a la oficina de la iglesia a recoges su copia. Los feligreses que no participaron en nuestro Directorio de Fo-tografías y le gustaría comprar una copia, están disponibles en la oficina de la iglesia por $20.

7000 Morning Star Dr., The Colony, TX 75056 * Office: 972-625-5252 * Fax :972-370-5524 * www.holycrosscc.org

“As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though

many, are one body, so also Christ.” 1 Cor 12.

This verse captures our parish. Each family is a vital part to our success. Including

events, about 40%, have made a financial commitment to the future of Holy Cross by

pledging $2.7 million While about 870 families have not yet pledged to the GIFT cam-

paign, you can see our construction progress and our commitment to expand.

A body cannot function properly, nor thrive, when over 50% of its parts are not fully

engaged. We need everyone’s love, prayers, support and financial commitment

to continue moving forward. It is up to all of us, especially those who have not

pledged to raise the remaining construction costs of $6,000,000! Pledges can be made online at www.holycrosscc.org/GIFT or follow the links on our

website to the GIFT Campaign. Donations can also be made to the GIFT Campaign in

the envelopes in the pews, which can be placed in the collection basket. Give In Faith Today. “Del mismo modo que el cuerpo es uno, aunque tiene muchos miembros, y todos los

miembros del cuerpo, con ser muchos, forma un cuerpo, así también Cristo.” 1 Corintios,

12. Este verso describe nuestra parroquia. Cada familia es una parte vital para nuestro

éxito. Incluyendo los eventos, cerca del 40%, ha hecho un compromiso financiero para

el futuro del Holy Cross con promesas que han alcanzado un total de $2.7 millones Mien-

tras, cerca de 870 familias no han hecho su promesa para la campaña GIFT. Ustedes pue-

den ver la construcción en progreso y nuestro compromiso para ir creciendo. Así como

el cuerpo no puede funcionar apropiadamente y prosperar cuando más del 50% de sus

partes no están totalmente activas, nuestra parroquia tampoco. Nosotros necesitamos

de todo su amor, sus oraciones y su apoyo financiero para continuar adelante. De-

pende de todos nosotros, especialmente de los que todavía no hacen su promesa

para completar los costos de construcción de $6,000,000. Usted puede hacer su promesa en line en www.holycrosscc.org/GIFT o en nuestra pági-

na de internet yendo a GIFT Campaign. También puede hacer donaciones para la cam-

paña GIFT usando los sobres que están disponibles en las bancas de la iglesia y ponién-

dolos en la canasta de la colecta regular. Dé con Fe Hoy para Nuestro Futuro


Holiday Craft Bazaar – is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 2 and Sunday Dec. 3 after all masses. Like last year we are asking parishioners to make and donate craft items. All proceeds will benefit our building fund. We will also have a craft booth at Saint Francis in Frisco on October 28 so if you have any fall items that you would like to donate please let me know. For more information con-tact Kim Proctor at [email protected] or call 972-467-3632. Holiday Craft Bazaar – Esta programado para el Sábado, 2 de Diciembre y Domingo, 3 de Di-ciembre después de todas las Misas. Una vez mas, como el ano pasado, estamos pidiendo a nues-tros feligreses que hagan sus manualidades y las dones para nuestro Holiday Craft Bazzar. To-das las ganancias serán para beneficio de nuestro fondo de construcción. Nosotros también ten-dremos un stand en el bazar de Saint Francis in Frisco el 28 de octubre, así que si usted tiene ma-nualidades que le gustaría donar, por favor avísenos. Para mas información comuníquese con Kim Proctor en [email protected] o al 972-467-3632.


Dear Friends, I am very glad to welcome Carol Stalder, our new choir director. I hope and

pray that with the direction and guidance of Carol we will have a wonderful

choir for our liturgy. On my request Carol shares with us the following:

Music experience: Lead 3 different ladies trios in High School and College.

Directed after school choir at Dunlap elementary in Santa Maria for 4 years.

Directed church choir at St. Louis de Montfort church in Santa Maria for 8

years. Directed one and then 2 choirs at La Purisima Concepcion church in

Lompoc for 7 years. Directed children's choir at La Purisima for 4 years.

Musical skills: Can play piano and guitar. Read and write music. Can arrange 2, 3, and 4 part har-

monies. Understand Music Theory and can spell chords. Can take music dictation from per-

formed music and can hear all parts, including most instruments. Can harmonize by ear, and can

harmonize with harmony. Church Music Philosophy: Music is a ministry. It lifts up the hearts of the People of God to our

Lord and enhances our worship and prayer. It is NOT a performance. Anyone who can sing on

key can sing in a choir. Outside Mass preparation and practice is required. Choirs are a team who

must learn to work together and minister to the parish, the clergy, and especially to each other.

Music is not just a gift, it can be a Charism, used for building God's Kingdom on earth. He de-

serves our First Fruits, not our spare time. Our parish family wishes the very best to Carol and our choir members. Thank you for all that you do for

the glory of God. Fr. Joseph.

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