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    7th Ed. Skaven Tactica vs ANY Foe!

    :rogre::rogre:PART TWO- THE RATS (THATS US!!):rogre::rogre:

    Remember that tactical match-ups start with army design and composition first, and continue intothe deployment phase- which is often crucial.

    Also, since most of our guys suck in combat they often need a flank charge to do anything. Again,

    if you dont know how to hit a flank then read this first:


    Lastly, dont forget to set up cross-fire units, especially against particularly valuable/important

    enemy units and against Mv.7+ enemy units. It would be a terrible shame for a Brettonian Lance

    with a Lord and a Damsel to escape and rally after being flanked simply because nothing was

    waiting to squash them

    9- Skaven Characters:

    9.1- Skaven Lords


    Warlords provide leadership 10 and some combat skills to a Skaven army. They upgrade any unit

    that they join from a decent unit to a hitty unit. Any unit that they join should be given a unit

    champion. The War Litter and Bone Breaker both seem too good to be left back at the warren: the

    former helps your armour save and protects against killing blow, but the latter hitshard. Both are

    US:4 (including the Warlord) and placed on a 40x40 base. A Pox Rat is only viable for a

    Moulder/Pestilens theme. Besides the 'must have' mount choices, a variety of decent item

    combinations are possible. Look here for ideas for safe (non-Fellblade) equipment options::



    Warlords (on a Litter/Bone Breaker and in a unit)with safe options on a frontal charge

    will help your decent infantry beat crappy or decent enemy infantry. Specifically, units with a

    Warlord will normally defeat enemy heroes or mages, artillery crews, skirmishers, fast cav, flyers,

    fully ranked crappy or decent infantry, and chariots.

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    Warlords (on a Litter/Bone Breaker and in a unit)with safe options on a flank charge will

    additionally beat unit monsters, heavy cavalry, and a rank or two of hitty/elite infantry.

    Warlords (with safe options) can also be used to fight enemy characters. They will even

    win sometimes In general: they should do fine against mages (unless Vampire/Tzeentch and

    Lord level) and OK against heroes, but should try to avoid Lords (this of course depends on how

    both he and the enemy character are equipped).

    A Warlordwith a Fellblade has a much better chance against enemy characters (even Lords, if

    he charges) and can, additionally, be used to attempt to take out enemy monsters (and unit

    monsters by the droves). The Fellblade allows a Warlord to take nothing besides mundane

    protection [3+ AS on a Litter/Pox Rat] (unless a buddy beside him uses a Rival Hide Talisman), so

    use tactics to ensure that hes the one doing the charging; and watch out for ASF! You'll also have

    to pray that you don't whiff. Now that the Banner of Burning Hatred is gone only two things can

    help: using your lucky dice for his to hit rolls, and Death Frenzy (which will add 2 attacks to both

    the Warlord and his mount [not recommended if he's in a smallish, expensive unit of Storm

    Vermin]). Against Lords that are mounted on nasty monsters you are usually better off directing at

    least three and probably even all four of your attacks against the monster- characters on foot are

    usually much less of a threat than surviving monsters.

    Note: In all combat situations a Warlord should always be watching out for ASF or Killing Blow

    (or both- EEK!).

    Also Note: Kitted up and off on his own (on a Bone Breaker) sounds like afun idea, and it is, but

    its not a good idea. For the same points you could (and should!) take an A-Bomb instead.

    Grey Seers:

    Grey Seers also provide leadership 10. Theyre useless in combat, but theyre great spellcasters. See

    section 17.1 (below) for spell targets. Up on a Bell theyll have a great line of sight (usually

    important only for Warplightning, but sometimes important for Cracks Call and Pestilent Breath,

    too), but a lot of rats will die if he rolls a 4 or less on the Miscast Table. There are many equipment

    options. Foul Pendant, Scrying Stone and Skalm all seem solid for protection (only the latter one if

    he's on a Bell [4+ ward save]); Power Stones are good for offence (especially if you want to try the

    Curse of the Horned Rat).


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    Grey Seers should be kept out of combat. Skitterleaping to aid in spell-casting is possible, but only

    recommended against armies that lack shooting.

    A Seer on a Screaming Bell is unbreakable but far from unkillable. Use the Bell mostly for flank

    charges, or none at all (see below, section 11.4).

    The Vermin Lord:

    Hes baaaack! Vermin Lords cant provide leadership 10 (cant be generals), but theyre immune-

    to-psych, great at magic, and solid in combat (they are monster wannabes).


    On a frontal charge a Vermin Lord will normally defeat enemy heroes or mages, artillery crews,

    skirmishers, fast cav, flyers, a rank or two of crappy or decent infantry (possibly by killing the

    hero or mage that it contains), unit monsters, chariots, and other monster wannabes (the latter

    three only because of his Doom Glaive).

    On a flank charge a Vermin Lord will additionally normally defeat fully ranked crappy or

    decent infantry, heavy cavalry, and a rank or two of hitty/elite infantry.

    9.2- Skaven Heroes


    Chieftains make good generals at lower points levels (leadership 9), and are BSBs at higher points

    levels. Either way, tactics should be used to keep them away from enemy characters (besides mages

    [exception: Plague Priests, Vampires, and Tzeentch mages are strong in combat]), and he should

    be kitted out to survive rank n file attacks. Units with a Chieftain should always include a unit


    Note about BSBs: Battle Standard Bearers make the biggest contribution to allowing your units

    to stay in combat even if they lose. More so than leadership 10. Statistically, they make an

    enormous difference- see here: http://underempire.net/index.php?showtopic=13585&hl=

    That said, 'pinning' the enemy in place (while losing combat) used to be the best tactic only at the

    centre of the enemy's line, where there wasn't enough room for other tactics/maneuvers. Now that

    we have some true steamroller/hammer units (mounted Warlord in a ranked unit, Furnace, A-

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    Bomb on a combined charge) there are other tactics available that make a BSB less than

    mandatory, even against the enemy's centre.

    Without a magic banner I would recommend giving him Warpstone Armour and a mundane

    hand weapon and shield (and possibly the Rival Hide Talisman). The 2+ bouncing armour save

    will heavily discourage S4 or lower troops from even bothering to aim attacks his way. Alternatively,

    you could give him the Enchanted Shield, Poisoned attacks, and a Tail Weapon (and again,

    possibly the Rival Hide Talisman): hell do a little more damage but will still have the 2+ armour

    save (it wont bounce, though). Finally, a Sword of Might with the Enchanted Shield (+ maybe

    Rival Hide) would allow still just a bit more damage, but only with a 3+ save. Personally I like the

    first option the best, as survival is usually the most important thing for a Chieftan, whether he's the

    low-points General or the BSB of a larger force.

    With a magic banner he can still be given stuff from the scrap pile, and he could be placed in a

    spare unit of slaves just behind your battle line. I recommend giving magical banners to unit

    standard bearers- theyre harder to kill (especially in unbreakable units). Of course, this isnt

    possible if you want two magical standards in the same unit, or you want the Sacred Standard of

    the Horned Rat.


    Chieftains dont add enough punch to upgrade the fighting level of the unit that they join.


    Assassins that are hidden in units can be a nasty surprise, and can be used to try to protect

    Grey Seers (even on a Bell!), Warlocks, and BSBs. Unfortunately they dont really have the

    stats/options to take out anything better than a mage or a weak hero. Since they come with

    poisoned XHW and cant take a shield it is a bit of a waste to equip them with a magical weapon

    (especially since they only have 3 attacks), but note that their poison is 'from the book' andwill

    combine with a magical weapon. Nevertheless, it's more efficient to just give them a Tail Weapon

    and be happy with 5 poisoned attacks. Maybe add the Rival Hide Talisman.

    NOTE: Hiding an assassin in a unit of GR or in a small, flanking unit of NR would add a nasty

    surprise and is a sneaky idea, but it's not a good idea. The unit may panic and take him with them.

    For warmachine-hunting both a lone assassin OR lone GR unit are perfectly sufficient. And on a

    flank, for less points, you could (and should) take a Doom Wheel instead.

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    Assassins that are off on their own (+possibly skitterleapt) can be a lot of fun, but note that

    they are now only Leadership 7. Warpstone Stars are a great choice, Musket OK, and the Infernal

    Bomb should be a blast (!). Taking the Bomb still leaves room for a tail weapon, but can only be

    combined with Smoke Bombs if the Assassin joins of unit of Gutter Runners who have a champion

    (Infernal Bomb and Smoke Bombs are both 'enchanted').


    Assassins dont add enough punch to upgrade the fighting level of the unit that they join.

    Assassins that are hidden in units can be used against enemy heroes in an attempt to protect

    your Grey Seer/Warlock/BSB, especially if the enemy hero is poorly armoured. As aforementioned,

    giving them a magical weapon isnt a great use of points (though some will help against well-

    armoured foes).

    Assassinswith Warpstone Stars are best used against multi-wound models (chariots, unit

    monsters). They can also try to take out non-shooting fast cavalry. Skitterleap may help them get

    into position, and note that even Warpstone Stars benefit from their poison!

    Assassinswith Smoke Bombs and a tail weapon (or magical weapon) can be used to

    pluck mages that are hiding in units. Make sure that you dont get a unit champion or other hero

    into base-to-base. Theyll issue a challenge and youll miss your opportunity to off the mage. They

    can also be used to take out Artillery Crews. In both cases, infiltrating/skitterleaping could

    obviously help.

    But note that Assassins cant charge on the turn that they infiltrate or are skitterleapt, so they

    shouldnt try this against Bolt Throwers of any kind, Dwarven and Empire Hewers, and Empire

    Helblasters (all of which have a good chance of turning them to goo in the one round of shooting

    that they will have.

    Also note: that most cannons can fire a flame template of grapeshot. Position your assassin 10

    away from cannons on the turn that they emerge/skitterleap (thereby being beyond grapeshot but

    within charge range). He will still need to hope for a poor cannon bounce or a successful ward save

    (failing that a D6 wounds roll of 1 would also save the lucky rats life!).

    Plague Priests:

    Ahh the Skaven Vampire- solid in combat and a solid spellcaster. Can also provide solid

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    leadership (9) as a low points level general. Again, their inability to carry a shield makes it

    inefficient to give them a magical weapon (all of our non-Moulder magical weapons are one-

    pawed). You could keep it pretty simple with poison, a tail weapon, and an XHW. You could keep

    it really simple with a flail or plague censor [Censor not recommended if hes on a Furnace- too

    many tests]. Or you could do a mix: flail/censor with poison and tail weapon.

    In any case its more efficient to spend your magical allowance on arcane goodies. Dispel Scrolls

    arent a bad idea, and Power Stones will give your Priest an added boost for casting Cloud of

    Corruption and Plague.

    Mounting your Plague Priest on a Plague Furnace turns a decent unit into an extremely

    hitty/elite unit that is capable of running over and breaking almost anything. Give your Priest a

    simple flail and arcane goodies (and maybe poison and a tail weapon), and always include a

    champion to try to protect your Priest. A unit standard bearer with the Shroud of Dripping Death

    is also a good idea (it can remove models that are in base-to-base, before combat happens). A

    musician is not such a good idea, theyll only help in a drawn combat or if your Furnace gets

    smashed. And thats just negative thinking, we dont like that!

    Note: Unless used as a scroll caddy, Priests should always get the level 2 upgrade. They will get

    an extra dice and extra spell and, most importantly, will be able to throw three dice at a spell

    [meaning they'll be able to throw the optimum number of dice for 4 of the 6 spells in their lore]. It

    would be a shame to roll-up 'Wither' and then be forced to try casting it all game with only twodice...

    Also note that a Plague Priest on a Pox Rat and in a unit of Monks could possibly be drawn out

    of the unit (to his near-certain doom) due to his frenzy and higher movement rate.


    Without a Plague Furnace Priests dont add enough punch to upgrade the fighting level of the

    unit that they join.

    That said, with a Plague Censor (and the Pestilent Breath spell) they make great skitterleaping

    candidates. They can march-block and then charge heavy cavalry, psychotic little motor-psychos

    that they are. brings tears to my eyes ~sniff~

    On a Plague Furnace the unit will normally defeat enemy heroes or mages, artillery crews,

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    skirmishers, fast cav, flyers, fully ranked infantry of any sort that doesnt include a fighting Lord,

    unit monsters, heavy cavalry, chariots, monster wannabes, and even some brutal monsters. Thats

    almost everything in the game. Charging a flank will help, but is hardly necessary. Between all of

    the damage that this thing can do [impact hits, gas tests, Dripping Death attack, Priests flail,

    monks attacks, and the Wrecker Attack] you only need to roll well once or twice and most enemy

    units will need to roll insane courage to stick around.

    Note that many Lords and Brutal Monsters will survive the charge, and that some of them will

    then eat your Furnace for breakfast. Also, units that are unbreakable, stubborn, Daemonic, or

    undead wont flee (but Daemonic and undead ones should pop or crumble pretty badly).

    Master Moulders:

    Master Moulders, though now merely unit champion upgrades, can boost the leadership and

    hitting power of the pack that they travel with. Add a great weapon for hitting power (or an

    electro-whip if youve got the spare points and don't want to waste his initiative, but note from the

    FAQ that he has to be in the front rank). The Shock-Prod and Things Catcher are a little expensive

    for a model with only 2 attacks.


    Master Moulders dont add enough punch to upgrade the fighting level of the unit that they join.

    Warlock Engineers: are crappy in combat and generally dont add any leadership, but they are

    effective and cheaply priced spellcasters. Their lore is great and theyre guaranteed to know


    One of them should surely be given the Warp-Energy Condenser. Power stones will help to cast

    Scorch and Cracks Call, and the Doom Rocket is a lot of fun, but there are many options for

    Warlocks. Check this out for ideas:


    Note: Unless used as a scroll caddy, Warlocks should always get the level 2 upgrade. They will get

    an extra dice and extra spell and, most importantly, will be able to throw three dice at a spell

    [meaning they'll be able to throw the optimum number of dice for 4 of the 6 spells in their lore]. It

    would be a shame to roll up 'Death Frenzy' and then be stuck trying to cast it with 2 dice the whole


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    Also note that youll need to upgrade your Warlock at least to a level 1 in order for him to be a

    scroll caddy.

    Finally, note that if they are added to a unit of slaves out on a flank they will be well protected

    and will, in fact, improve the slaves leadership, making for an effective spell casting unit out on

    that flank.


    Warlocks dont add any punch to upgrade the fighting level of the unit that they join.

    Warlocks are great skitterleap candidates; they should be given the Warp Energy Condenser and a

    shooting option or two (Doom Rocket!) [note that they can take a ranged Skavenge Pile item and

    another ranged magical weapon].

    9.3- Skaven Special Characters

    Ikit Claw:

    Ikit is a Lord level spellcaster (level 3) from Clan Skryre who can bestow leadership 10 upon your

    army. In close combat his weapon ignores armour saves, but he lacks the attacks (and weapon

    skill) to make this significant.


    Treat Ikit like a level 3 Grey Seer who has a ranged attack and (powerful) bound spell.

    Throt the Unclean:

    Throt is a combat Lord from Clan Moulder. Regeneration makes up for his lack of armour, and he

    allows a couple Ogre units to be taken as core units. His weaponry makes him a decent character

    or unit monster hunter.


    Treat him like a Fellblade-less Warlord with some extra proficiency against characters and unit

    monsters. Also, in larger games he can provide some much needed leadership outside of your

    generals umbrella. His ravenous hunger makes adding him to an Ogre unit a pretty bad idea.

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    Queek, the Head Taker:

    Queek is a combat Lord from Clan Mors. His leadership is great, you only need two ranks to get to

    10. His equipment and attack profile make him an excellent hunter of Heavy Cavalry.


    Treat him like a Warlord with Warpstone Armour, a Warpforged Blade, a couple of extra attacks,

    and a hate on for challenges. His upgraded Storm Vermin are still merely decent infantry.

    Lord Skrolk:

    Skrolk is a spellcasting Lord (level 3) from Clan Pestilens. His Rod of Corruption is great.


    Treat him like a Warlord that is a level 3 wizard (with a bound spell). Hes a great choice against a

    poncy Dark Elf that has that ridiculous reverse ward save.

    Thanquol and Boneripper:

    Thanquol is a Grey Seer with an unbreakable bodyguard and a few other twists.


    Treat Thanquol like a Grey Seer (with a ward save) and Boneripper as an unbreakable Rat Ogre

    (with low initiative!). Also, Thanquols warpstone addiction makes him the best choice for

    attempting to cast the Curse of the Horned Rat (13th Spell), regardless of the fact that his re-rolls

    can neither prevent a miscast nor cause irresistible force.

    Skweel Gnawtooth:

    Skweel is a Master Moulder with a verminous bodyguard and a nasty whip. He also adds a random

    upgrade to whatever unit he joins, probably best used with Rat Ogres.


    Treat Skweel as a Master Moulder that stands a good chance of offing a heavy cavalry model or an

    enemy hero.

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    Tretch Craventail:

    Tretch is a cutthroat fighting hero from Clan Rictus. He has a really cool special rule, a ward save,

    and our old Warpstone Charm.


    Treat Tretch as a Chieftan who should have poisoned his five attacks (but didnt), prefers ward

    saves to armour, and who has the ability to inspire the truly treacherous to achieve ever greater

    dastardly feats. Even on flank/rear charges he doesnt add enough punch to upgrade the fighting

    level of the unit that he joins.

    The Deathmaster, Snikch:

    Snikch is a hero level Assassin from Clan Eshin. He has certainly fallen from the heady heights that

    he used to occupy, and doesnt come near to matching his fluff. For nearly all intents and purposes

    he is merely a normal assassin who has Weeping Blades and a few extra attacks.


    Due to his additional attacks (and D3 wounds), Snikch is better at killing enemy heroes than

    normal assassins (and Lords, too, I suppose, though I wouldnt count on it). No Smoke Bombs,

    however, means he is less likely to get away after doing the deed...

    Like any other assassin he can also be used against artillery crews [see 'enemy artillery' in Section 7,

    above]. The lack of Warpstone Stars, which is appalling considering his cost, means that he is of

    nearly no use for hunting multi-wound models (which is doubly terrible as that is when his Cloak

    of Shadows and extra point of Leadership would be of most use).

    10- Skaven Infantry:

    The Rats have crappy infantry and decent infantry. Neither Plague Monks nor Storm Vermin

    have what it takes to be called elite/hitty infantry. Not by a long shot, in fact.

    10.1- Crappy Skaven Infantry

    Our crappy infantry consists of slaves, obviously, and also swarms (partially for lack of a better

    place to put them). They are both core units.

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    Slaves are the crme de la crappe. Absolute rubbish in combat. Almost everything has a higher

    WS, out-hits them, and out-armours them. Generally totally outclassing them.

    That said, slaves are, of course, the best unit in Warhammer.

    Take minimum-sized units with either nothing at all, or a musician (they explode instead of

    breaking, but can rally after panic or a successful flee; near the General they'll rally on a 7 or 8 [9 if

    the General is Queek!]). For a mere 40 points (42 with music) you get a unit that can be used to set

    up all-important flank charges by our better units. Slaves will never cause a panic test (except in

    other slaves), and if they are ignored (enemy unit steers around them) then they will have

    leadership 10 (near Warlord/Seer general) and a +5 starting combat resolution (assuming flank

    and outnumber bonuses). And now when they lose they explode!

    a gotta love em! But just in case you dont love em their expendable [aka Life is Cheap] rule

    means that you can blast or torch em with a ranged weapon.

    Rat Swarms:

    Now that they dont skirmish, Rat Swarms can roughly be classed as infantry. And they are clearly

    crappy, but with their points cost reduction they are now clearly viable. They never gain a rank

    bonus, but they can break enemy ranks (US 3 so youll need 2+ bases). Unbreakable means thatthey can be used for neither the flee n flank nor the sacrifice, but they can divert enemy units and

    large swarms are our most reliable choice for pinning enemy units to wait for the cavalry (ie- A-

    Bomb) to arrive on their flank.

    A large Rat Swarm is the only unit that will 'pin' or 'divert' an enemy unit with complete reliability

    (because they are unbreakable). But they crumble and suck in combat, so they will definitely die

    when they do this...


    Slaves on a frontal charge will normally defeat lone enemy heroes or mages, artillery crews,

    most chariots, a rank or two of other crappy infantry, most skirmishers, most fast cav, and most

    flyers (though good luck getting the latter three to stop within your charge range- you are better

    off simply trying to limit their movement instead). Also note that Slaves have poor leadership out

    on the flanks away from their general.

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    Slaves on a flank charge will additionally normally defeat fully ranked crappy or decent

    infantry, heavy cavalry, unit monsters, and a rank or two of hitty/elite infantry. Not bad for 40

    points, eh?

    Swarms on a frontal or flank charge will normally defeat lone enemy heroes or mages,

    artillery crews, most chariots, a rank or two of other crappy infantry, most skirmishers, most fast

    cav, and most flyers (though, again, good luck getting the latter three to stop within your charge

    range- you are better off simply trying to limit their movement instead). They are actually a very

    good choice for taking on artillery crews as most artillery wont cause them great harm and swarms

    will never panic even when they do take a solid hit (though they may be destroyed outright!).

    Large swarms on any sort of charge will additionally tie up almost anything for a combat

    round or two. Theyll last a lot longer against infantry, fast and heavy cavalry, unit monsters, and

    chariots if you manage to make it a flank charge.

    10.2- Decent Skaven Infantry

    Now that Rats fight from the second rank (even on the charge) and Night Runners dont skirmish

    we have a whole bunch of decent infanty. All of it is core, with the exception of Monks. Also, the

    Rats dont count for the purpose of fulfilling your core choice requirements. Note: since all of our

    decent infantry has roughly the same (fairly poor) combat potential, the match-ups are listed

    altogether under one heading at the end section this section.

    Giant Rats:

    These have got to be one of the best deals in Warhammer right now. You can have a 25 or 30

    model unit with 14 to 17 attacks (even on the charge) for a mere 95 or 115 points (respectively).

    Master Moulders are fine but clearly optional. Perhaps they are most beneficial when added to

    flanking units of Giant Rats, beyond the generals leadership, where they will provide a leadership

    increase. They should be equipped with a great weapon/electrowhip [note that FAQ says they must

    be in front rank].

    Clanrats are a good deal, too, but when Clanrats are given spears (which they cant use on a

    charge) and compared to Giant Rats, they have to pay a lotfor their 5+ AS (which is totally

    negated by S5+ weapons).

    The Rats are also faster, but they have a few disadvantages in that they depend on the packmasters

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    for leadership (and control), and can take neither musicians nor standards. I am currently

    scrounging rats from every old sprue that I can find, hoping that their extra attacks (also possibly

    reducing return attacks) will usually make up for their lack of a standard and armour save. If

    thats so and the combat resolution generally balances out then thats actually another advantage

    in favour of the rats: they wont give up an extra 100 VPs when they are broken, whereas Clannies


    Note that there is no rule which forces Packmasters to be placed in the rear rank, so you can put

    them all in the second to fourth ranks (allowing them to attack with their whips) regardless of how

    many ranks you actually have.

    Clan Rats:

    Our bread and butter, and a now an even better value than they used to be (though perhaps not as

    good as Rats). Units should have 25 to 30 or more furry bodies, shields are a must, and spears add

    to their flexibility and deserve serious consideration (especially if youll have a decent chance of

    casting Death Frenzy [and Bless with Filth!]). Music and standards are also must haves, as are

    champions if youll be running any kind of hero of in the unit.

    Another advantage Clannies have over Giant Rats is that they can take weapons teams along. This

    is obviously a critical advantage if youre partial to weapons teams (see Skaven Shooting in sections

    14 and 15 [both below]).

    Storm Vermin:

    Our black-furred blighters are now a slightly better value than they used to be, and are still one of

    the only two units that can take one of our (excellent) standards. Units should have 20 to 25 or

    more furry but heavily armoured bodies. Full-command is a must (assuming theyre escorting a

    character or two). Shields should also be taken, for the combat flexibility they provide and for extra

    protection from ranged attacks (even if you almost always use their halberds in combat). The

    superior armour save and increased WS of Storm Vermin couldbe the difference in some combats

    (especially against enemy hammers that have WS 4 [like Minotaurs and Lizardmen Cold One

    Riders, for example]). Also, they should be included for fluff reasons or for their ability to take a

    magical standard.

    Night Runners:

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    Instead of ranting about the tragically ridiculous loss of the ability to skirmish, we have to look at

    the bright side: Night Runners are now a decent ranked infantry option. Away from the general

    they have better leadership than other Skaven infantry, but they are pricey and lack both armour

    and the ability to take a standard bearer or a musician. Their two attacks per model frontage is the

    only thing that makes them decent infantry, and note that theyjust barely make it into that

    category. Their champions get a ward save- Bloodthirsters beware!!!

    Seriously, besides fluff the only reason to take a large unit of Night Runners is because they can

    tunnel up wherever you want them to and cause a whole bunch of mischievous mayhem. A unit of

    15 or 20 should do it, and of course youll need the WarpGrinder (which will add to their combat

    output). The champion upgrade doesnt even add an attack, so dont bother with it (youll want

    this unit in combat). And obviously don't bother with slings for a ranked unit, either.

    The beauty of this unit is that it needs no help to get in a flank or even rear charge, and the tunnel

    marker can be placed wherever you think youll need the extra help. Artillery crews are a likely

    candidate, of course, but since tunnelers can charge on the turn that they emerge they could even

    be used to charge (and beat) skirmishers, fast cavalry, and flyers (three units that are normally able

    to stay well out of the charging reach of ranked infantry). Of course they may not show up until its

    way too late, since their odds dont increase each turn. And they may not show up at all

    Note that smaller units of Night Runners are maneuverable units and light shooting units

    (sections 13.3 and 14.1, respectively, below), and that these are the units that the Slinking Advancerule will most benefit.

    Plague Monks:

    Monks are rough, tough, diseased, and full of frenzy. They are our only infantry option that takes

    up a special slot. Full infantry units should have 20-25 or more frothing-mouthed bodies, with

    standard-bearers being a must have command option. A champion is another must have if theyll

    be escorting a character of some sort. They can never flee due to panic or as a charge reaction, somusicians should be taken only if youre planning for them to be broken in combat (or if you just

    love that little dude with the bells).

    Their frenzy is what makes Monks unique among our infantry units. It gives them lots of attacks

    per model frontage, but dont expect miracles against anything with 4+ toughness and/or decent

    armour. More importantly, frenzy means that Monks will never panic or fail a fear/terror test. This

    is an advantage that makes them great against undead and better than our average decent

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    infantry against anything that causes fear or terror. The disadvantage of frenzy is that it can make

    Monks harder to control. Figuring out the proper position to put them in can be more difficult for

    monks than for our other infantry units.

    Note that smaller units of Monks can be used as hammer units (see section 11.1, just below).


    On a frontal charge any fully ranked unit of our decent infantry will normally defeat lone

    heroes or mages, artillery crews, chariots, crappy infantry (even fully ranked), a rank or two of

    decent infanty, most skirmishers, most fast cav, most flyers, some weaker heavy cavalry (especially

    those that rely on lances), and a lot of monster wannabes (though good luck getting the latter five

    to stop within your charge range- you are better off simply trying to limit their movement instead).

    On a flank charge any fully ranked unit of our decent infantry will additionally normally defeata rank or two of hitty/elite infantry, fully ranked decent infantry, all cavalry (fast or heavy,

    doesnt matter), and unit monsters. Thats a lot! The only things theywontbeat are brutal

    monsters, character-supported infantry, and some fully-ranked hitty/elite infantry (and note that

    the last one of these is expensive and pretty rare).

    10.3- Doom Flayers

    A Doom Flayer can be added to Clanrats or Stormvermin, adding to their combat potential.However, they are unlikely to do so consistently. This is partially because of the random number of

    hits that they generate but especially since its Whirling Death attacks are distributed like shooting

    hits and therefore don't eliminate return attacks (making it likely to be destroyed in the first round

    of combat against any decent enemy unit).

    Note that impact hits are at S4 and armour-piercing.


    Doom Flayers dont consistently add enough punch to upgrade the fighting level of the unit that

    they join to upgrade their unit from 'decent' to 'elite'.

    11-Skaven Hammers:

    With the improvement to Rat Ogres and the addition of Warlord mounts we now have no shortage

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    in the hammers department. There are six of them! And thats notincluding our three monsters!!!

    11.1 Plague Monks:

    Small units of Monks (10 or 12 ranked 2x5 or 2x6) are a decent hammer option because their lack

    of ranks isnt much of an issue. They never need to take panic/fear/terror tests and they hit pretty

    hard. Forgo all command options unless youve spare points for a champion. They are best used toprovide a supporting flank charge against a unit that is already engaged to its front against a fully-

    ranked and standard-bearing unit of rats.


    On a frontal charge ten or twelve Monks will normally defeat lone heroes or mages, artillery

    crews, most skirmishers, some fast cav, and some flyers (though good luck getting the latter three

    to stop within your charge range- you are better off simply trying to limit their movement instead).

    On a stand-alone flank charge ten or twelve Monks will additionally beat enemy chariots, all

    fast cavalry, and crappy infantry (even fully ranked).

    On a supporting flank charge, helping out a fully-ranked and standard-bearing unit of rats,

    ten or twelve Monks will additionally normally help to defeat fully ranked decent infantry. That

    doesnt sound like much (its only one unit type), but mostinfantry in the game is merely decent

    so its actually better than it sounds.

    11.2- Plague Censor Bearers:

    These guys were on speed and well worth their points in the last edition. Now theyre on crack!

    Gas-fuming flail-wielding hell-bent crazed fanatical nutters who hate absolutelyeveryone. Perfect.

    Ive always loved these guys. They still skirmish (!!!) and their flexibility has increased just as

    dramatically as has their effectiveness now that theyre not attached (and in fact can be taken

    even without a 'parent' unit of Monks at all!). But note that they become stubbornandhave higher

    leadership near monks (though you can't use both!), and also note that taking PCBs without

    Monks is about as fluffy as a dentists drill after your anesthetic has worn off.

    Units of 6 to 8 are best, if youve got the extra points an extra PCB is a much better use of them

    than a Plague Chanter (champion) is. Thats the only option for these psychos, which is just

    peachy- they dont need any options and are fine as they are.

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    PCBs hit like a tonne of bricks, and with hatred they do it pretty reliably, but they lose most of their

    effectiveness after the first combat round (and hence are less useful against anything that is

    stubborn/unbreakable or that is undead/Deamonic). They are best used in support of fully-ranked

    units. Since they dont break ranks (because they skirmish), when PCBs provide these supporting

    charges it should be the fully-ranked unit and not the supporting PCBs that hit the enemys flank.


    On a stand-alone charge PCBs will normally cream lone heroes or mages, artillery crews,

    chariots, some heavy cavalry, skirmishers, fast cav, and flyers (though of the last three, skirmishers

    will often shoot them first and the latter two will normally be the ones doing the charging). They

    can also be used to try to finish off any kind of monster that has already been wounded.

    On a supporting charge, helping out a fully-ranked and standard-bearing unit of rats that is

    already in the enemy units flank, PCBs will additionally normally help to defeat unit monsters, any

    heavy cavalry unit, most monsters (even brutal ones!), and any infantry unit (though be careful

    around hitty/elite infantry that are equipped with spears, against these units you should try to

    support with a second flank charge, or a rear charge). Basically, anything that is hit in the flank by

    any fully ranked Skaven unit and in the front by a unit of PCBs is probably going to break,

    crumble, or pop. Only exceptions are units having a strong ASF attack and/or are


    11.3- Rat Ogres:

    The addition of frenzy prevents these guys from panicking and combines with their sleight cost

    reduction to make them a respectable option. Units should have two to four Ogres. In my opinion

    if you have two or three Ogres then you can have two Packmasters, and if you have four Ogres then

    you can have three Packmasters (FAQ failed to clarify this! :angry: ). Regardless, both the Master

    Bred (champion Ogre) and Master Moulder are solid options. If you take a Master Moulder then

    stick him in the front with a great weapon- he should be pretty safe because rarely will there beanything left to swing back at him.

    Rat ogres, like all hammers, lack static combat resolution and are best used in support of fully-

    ranked units. They arent quite the great deal that PCBs are, but they have two advantages that

    shouldnt be underestimated: they swing at S5 in every round of combat, and they can break ranks

    on a flank charge.

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    Note about high-strength attacks: High strength attacks (S5 or S6 [or higher]) make combats

    much less predictable. Almost everything comes down to the 'to-hit' rolls, after that you're looking

    at rolling to-wound on a 2+ and little to no armour save. When it all basically all comes down to

    one roll the results tend to vary to the extremes of possible outcomes much more often [same thing

    is true of chariots/impact hits]. Three Kroxigors (9 S6 attacks, WS 3), for example, can 'roll well'

    and kill 8 clanrats or 'roll poorly' and kill only 1. Five Monks (15 S3 attacks, WS 3), on the other

    hand, will very reliably kill 2 or 3 Clanrats almost every round [in a civil war, mind you!]. If they

    roll well to-hit, then this will probably be balanced out by poor to-wound rolls and/or poor armour

    saves [or vice versa].

    What this means is that, to be safe, you should assume high-strength enemies (such as most unit

    monsters) will do significantly more wounds than the average would suggest. Also, to be safe, you

    should assume that your own high-strength units (Ogres [and PCBs- to a lesser extent due to

    hatred]) will do significantly less wounds than an average would suggest.

    Note, too, that while hatred means that PCBs don't 'suffer' from this effect as much as Rat Ogres

    do, Abominations certainly do 'suffer' from something similar to this effect- because of their

    random attacks table and the random number of attacks/hits within various sections of that table.

    And their random impact hits! But they're still absolutely awesome!


    On a stand-alone charge, three to four Rat Ogres will normally cream enemy heroes or mages,

    artillery crews, chariots, most heavy cavalry, skirmishers, fast cav, and flyers (though of the last

    three, skirmishers will often shoot them first and the latter two will normally be the ones doing the

    charging). Units of three or four (but not two) may additionally be able to beat crappy infantry (it

    helps a lot if they have WS 2). And any unit of Ogres could also be used to try to finish off any kind

    of monster that has already been wounded.

    On a supporting charge, helping out a fully-ranked and standard-bearing unit of rats, RatOgres will additionally normally help to defeat unit monsters, any heavy cavalry unit, most monster

    wannabes, some brutal monsters, and any infantry unit (though be careful around hitty/elite

    infantry that are equipped with spears, against these units you should try to support with a second

    flank charge, or a rear charge).

    11.4- The Screaming Bell:

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    Screaming Bells (unless joined by a combat character) only fit here because of their impact hits. If

    the Grey Seer that came with it is still alive then they are best left out of combat or in combats

    where the enemy is nearly sure to break immediately.

    The addition of a Doom Flayer will help slightly in this regard, but note that Mortars have great

    symmetry with Screaming Bells: they can hide behind the large target for protectionanduse the

    Seers 360 line of sight.

    The addition of a mounted Warlord will help appreciably. This of course is only possible at 3000

    pts. or higher, but it is at those points levels that the Bell really starts to shine. Its cost remains the

    same but its effects impact a lot more units.

    Note: Screaming Bells attract cannon balls like football (ahem, soccer) attracts beer-drinkers. If

    you have one (or more) in your army list then you should also have a unit (or two, or three) that

    can be used as an anti-artillery unit (whether it be GR, NR, small units of Rats, an assassin.).

    Just something! Make sure you have something that can assault artillery


    On a frontal charge a Screaming Bell will break (or kill) lone enemy heroes or mages, artillery

    crews, a rank or two of crappy infantry, chariots, skirmishers, fast cav, flyers, and some monster


    On a flank charge OR on a frontal charge with a mounted Warlord a Screaming Bell will

    additionally usually break fully ranked crappy or decent infantry, a rank or two of hitty/elite

    infantry, heavy cavalry, units monsters, and most monster wannabes.

    On a flank charge AND with a mounted Warlord a Screaming Bell will additionally usually

    breakany infantry unit that lacks a solid ASF attack.

    Note: Give the Warlord a Fellblade and even brutal monsters are likely to go down.

    11.5- The Plague Furnace:

    These things are so awesome theyre broken. Too good. The pushing unit should be 20 to 25

    monks or more. Youll only need 10 left to push it (and merely 8 provide a full rank bonus if theyre

    5-wide!), but theyll be attracting a lotof enemy fire (so 5-wide is recommended- the extra few S3

    attacks will hardly make a difference). Music is nearly useless, but standard-bearers and

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    champions must be taken (andjustfit when its 5-wide). The Shroud of Dripping Death is a good

    option. Plague Priest on top should get a normal flail and a combination of magical goodies and

    protection (Rival Hide, Scrying Stone).

    Note (per the FAQ) that it can march and still 'Billow Death'!

    Between the impact hits, gas tests, Dripping Death tests, monk and crew attacks, Priests attacks,and wrecker attack a Plague Furnace will run over almost anything. You would have to roll poorly

    our or five times for it to 'whiff', and all Warhammer players know that that neverhappens ;).

    But remember that it's frenzied and dont let it get flanked!!! It loses nearly everything if it gets

    flanked (but at least its unbreakable and will be able to wait for the cavalry [PCBs?] to (hopefully)


    To compare: for similar points we could have:

    A- [498 points]: a Warlord on a Litter with a Fellblade and shield, in a unit of 20 Storm Vermin

    with an attached Doom Flayer (full command + Shroud of Dripping Death).

    B- [499 points]: A Priest on a Furnace with a Flail and 50 points of magical stuff, in a unit of 20

    Monks (standard bearer, champion).

    Note that the Warlords unit was given the Shroud of Dripping Death to compare to the Furnaces

    toughness tests but left out of the Monks unit, for the sake of comparison.


    Impact hits: D3 @ S4..................D6 @ S5

    Tests:...2 or 3 @ S3 [~AS] (shroud).......D6 toughness tests (but monks will have to test, too,

    needing 5s or less).

    RnF:.5 @ WS4, S4..................14 @ WS3, S3

    Character.4 @ S10, 4 @ S4.............4 @ S6

    Wreck/Flay....artillery @ S4...............artillery @S5.

    The Furnace is clearly the harder hitting option. Its also immune-to-psych, unbreakable, will hold

    its rank bonus for a long time, has MR:2, and includes two spellcasting levels. But its highly

    vulnerable to a flank charge, monks will get gassed too, and its targetable attacks wont usually do

    much (especially in second and subsequent rounds of combat [which will, admittedly, be pretty

    rare]). Note that the Furnace unit could be improved by adding Dripping Death or a second Priest

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    (give this one a Censor!), but no non-Pestilens characters can be added.

    The Warlords unit, on the other hand, can't be 'frenzy-baited' and has higher leadership. And it

    may need it, because its neither immune to psych nor unbreakable. It also lacks both MR and

    spellcasting level, will lose its rank bonus quickly (though a 40x40 Litter will help a little), contains

    a sword that will kill its wielder sooner or later, and it must be said that the Doom Flayer is a lot

    more vulnerable to any form of attack than the Furnace is. However, the Flayer and Warlord can

    both be moved to accept a flank charge and be in base-to-base, and the four S10 attacks from the

    Warlord stay at S10 every combat round and do D6 wounds. So the Warlords unit is better at

    fighting back against flank charges (though I dont recommend it) and also better at dealing with

    enemy characters and multi-wound monsters, especially brutal monsters [and note that since the

    Furnace is a 'brutal monster', in a one-on-one match-up between these two units the Warlord's

    unit would indeed eat the Priest's Furnace for lunch...].

    If you have the luxury of having each of these units in your army, point the Furnace at an

    expensive but character-less unit, and point the Warlords unit at enemy characters/monsters (and

    use tactics to make sure that he gets the charge [careful of ASF]).

    Note: Plague Furnaces attract cannon balls like fast motorcycles attract fast women. If you have

    one (or more) in your army list then you should also have a unit (or two, or three) that can be used

    as an anti-artillery unit (whether it be GR, NR, small units of Rats, an assassin.). Just

    something! Make sure you have something that can assault artillery


    On any kind of charge a Plague Furnace will cream lone heroes or mages, artillery crews,

    chariots, skirmishers, fast cav, and flyers, and should beat (and usually break) heavy cavalry, unit

    monsters, wannabe monsters, most brutal monsters, and any infantry unit that doesnt have

    strong ASF attacks and a lord-level fighting character. Thats pretty much everything. Hitty/elite

    ASF infantry with a Lord should be reduced to a rank or two by shooting and then flanked. Somebrutal monsters have to be shot or given the Fellblade treatment (see next entry!).

    11.6- The Mounted Warlord:

    As aforementioned, the addition of a Warlord upgrades any of our decent infantry units to

    hitty/elite units that can be used as a hammer [assuming hes on a Litter/Bone Breaker and has a

    decent weapon (Fellblade , Warpforged Blade, or Warlock-Augmented Weapon)]. Adding a Doom

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    Flayer adds even more to the equation.

    Note that a simple great weapon is also fine on the charge, but if the enemy unit doesnt break hell

    be wasting his high initiative, swinging last in subsequent rounds, and normally needing to rely on

    whatever protective items he has (not including a shield). With the effective loss of Lead from the

    Back its probably worth it to fork over the points for one of those decent weapons.

    See preceding section for a comparison of Warlord-led infantry vs. Plague Furnace.


    On a frontal charge Warlord-led infantry will normally beat (and often break) enemy heroes or

    mages, artillery crews, chariots, heavy cavalry, unit monsters, monster wannabes, skirmishers, fast

    cav, and flyers, fully ranked crappy or decent infantry, and two or three ranks of hitty/elite

    infantry that doesnt ASF. Against unit monsters try to get your Warlord in base-to-base with onlyone (which hopefully dies) to prevent return attacks. Only enemy units that include fighting Lords

    and some brutal monsters will pose problems with any regularity. Stubborn/unbreakable units will

    normally be ground down.

    On a flank charge Warlord-led infantry will beat the above units even worse, often leaving little

    besides the hope of insane courage. Elite/hitty units with ASF and/or a fighting Lord, and some

    brutal monsters may pose problems.

    With a Fellblade you have a great chance of taking out those problem units (fighting Lords and

    brutal monsters). Get the charge and pray that you don't whiff. Now that the Banner of Burning

    Hatred is gone only two things can help: using your lucky dice for his to hit rolls, and Death

    Frenzy (which will add 2 attacks to both the Warlord and his mount [not recommended if he's in a

    smallish, expensive unit of Storm Vermin]). Also remember to watch out for ASF. Against Lords

    that are mounted on nasty monsters you are usually better off directing at least three and probably

    even all four of your attacks against the monster- characters on foot are usually much less of a

    threat than surviving monsters.

    12-Skaven Monsters:

    We have two [V-Lord is in 'characters' section], and theyre a match made in heaven: The Doom

    Wheel and the Hellpit Abomination (A-Bomb).

    12.1 The Doom Wheel:

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    Although the Doom Wheel does impact hits and maneuvers like a chariot it is not classed as one,

    so I'll call it a "monster". This gives it two big advantages over a real chariot:

    1- Its unit strength is five, which is crucial (it breaks ranks).

    2- It is immune to S7 hits. Ha ha! Not really- but at least it isnt auto-destroyed by them

    To move a Doom Wheel you roll its distance first and can then maneuver it like a chariot (spinningin circles if you so desire) OR proceed to run into something, which counts as a charge and

    effectively gives it a 360 degree charge arc (note that it can only pivot once during a charge and

    must charge the enemy arc that it started in). And it hits hard. If charged it gets to Grind anything

    in close combat- before charge attacks are worked out- and its furry crew will manage 2D6 attacks

    in close combat. These qualities (and a 3d6 pursuit) make it excellent against enemy flankers

    (skirmishers, fast cav, flyers), most of which will struggle mightily to dent its T6 chassis, even if they

    overcome their fear/terror. After dealing with them it can help against ranked units with rank-

    breaking flank charges.

    It can also Zzzap! anything within 18 (and will occasionally zap rats even when you dont want it

    too). Its kind of like three WLCs in one deadly Wheel (though it allows armour saves). The Zzzap!

    is excellent against enemy monsters of all sorts (unit monsters, monster wannabes, and even

    brutal monsters). Works in combat, too!

    And its immune-to-psych! Awesome! I love this thing

    Only problem is that it has a 1/6 chance of going 'out of control' each time it takes an unsaved

    wound, and that's it...and the flip-side of that problem it that the 'loss of control' chart doubles as

    the mis-fire chart, and it's easily the friendliest mis-fire chart in the book!

    The worst thing about the Doom Wheel may be the hair-pulling that you have to do as you are

    deciding to deploy it out on a flank (where its brilliant) or more towards the centre to try to Zzzap!

    a big nasty gribbly monster (its brilliant at this, too). Hmmm perhaps you should take two!?!?

    Note: Doom Wheels attract cannon balls like push-up bras attract attention. If you have one (or

    more) in your army list then you should also have a unit (or two, or three) that can be used as an

    anti-artillery unit (whether it be GR, NR, small units of Rats, an assassin.). Just something!

    Make sure you have something that can assault artillery

    Also note: Doom Wheels are quite susceptible to poison (though their 4+ armour save will help).

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    Finally note: the Zzzap! shooting section is hard to understand. For an explanation see section

    15.4 ('heavy shooting' by the Doom Wheel).

    Combat Match-ups (see heavy shooting in 15.4 for shooting match-ups):

    On a stand-alone charge a Doom Wheel will usually cream lone heroes or mages, artillery

    crews, skirmishers, fast cav, flyers, chariots, and most heavy cavalry. It will often win combat evenif its on the receiving end of a charge by anything but the last two (chariots and heavy cavalry

    [and a few exceptions from the skirmisher, fast cav and flyers categories: our PCBs, Flamers, Squig

    Hoppers, Cairn Wraiths, Beast Herds (lots of static CR), Marauder Horsemen, Wild Riders of

    Kurnous, and Pegasus Knights]- try to charge and/or shoot these units, or avoid them altogether).

    Doom Wheels should also be used to try to finish off any kind of monster that has already been

    wounded. The Zzzap! may do the job even before you get a chance to roll the impact hits

    On a supporting charge, helping out a fully-ranked unit of rats, Doom Wheels will additionally

    normally help to beat or break unit monsters, any heavy cavalry unit, monster wannabes, brutal

    monsters, and nearly any infantry unit (though it is recommended that you stay away from

    infantry with S5 [or higher] attacks).

    Note: Doom Wheels pursue with 3d6, making them a superior choice for taking out any enemy

    unit with a 7+ move rate.

    12.2- The Hellpit Abomination:

    Ahhthe incredible A-Bomb! I could hardly believe its specifications when I first read them. Great

    profile, impact hits, regeneration, stubborn, 3d6 pursuit rolls, nasty random attacks and the Too

    Horrible To Die! is just brilliant! Random movement is a disadvantage, to be sure, but the 360

    degree charge arc that comes with it is pure gold. The Warpstone Spikes option should normally be

    taken, if only for the MR and the opportunity to model them into your A-Bomb.

    Of its random attacks the Feed result is the worst one as it will only provide 4 hits against

    infantry and fewer against bigger things. However, 4 hits is actually the equivalent of 8 attacks

    (assuming enemy has a WS between 3 and 6) and the Feed result provides D3 wounds against

    bigger things. So Feeding is still a respectable result. The second and third results can do

    ridiculous damage. Make no mistake, the Hellpit Abomination is clearly a brutal monster.

    Being stubborn means that it is the Skaven unit that will benefit the most from the presence of a

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    BSB. Even though it is a nasty brutish beast it will still 'whiff' on occasion and will normally be

    facing significant static combat resolution. That re-roll will significantly reduce the odds of it

    breaking on these occasions.

    Note that it is notimmune-to-psych!

    Also note: A-Bombs attract cannon balls short skirts attract stares [and both can causeaccidents!]. If you have one (or more) in your army list then you should also have a unit (or two,

    or three) that can be used as an anti-artillery unit (whether it be GR, NR, small units of Rats, an

    assassin.). Just something! Make sure you have something that can assault artillery

    Finally note: A-Bombs are quite susceptible to poison and/or fire.


    On a stand-alone charge an A-Bomb will cream lone heroes or mages, artillery crews, chariots,

    skirmishers, fast cav, flyers, and heavy cavalry. They will usually beat unit monsters, most

    wannabe monsters, many brutal monsters, and up to two or three ranks ofany infantry unit that

    doesnt have strong ASF attacks and/or a lord-level fighting character. Fully-ranked infantry will

    be beaten if they are hit in the flank. Thats pretty much everything- you just need to watch out for

    some fighting Lords, a few brutal monsters, and infantry with high strength attacks and a 5+

    initiative (theyll swing first if they dont break from the initial charge). If it is fighting a brutal

    monster with a rider and you roll the Flailing Fists result you should allocate your attacks against

    whatever the biggest threat is OR against whatever you will damage the most [remembering that

    you will need 5s to hit any Lord with a 7 or higher WS].

    On a supporting charge, alongside a fully-ranked unit of rats, an A-Bomb will help to beat or

    breakanything, especially if it is a combined frontal+flank charge. It is THAT good. Note that

    'squeezing' your units together for a combined frontal charge will kill more of your lesser Rats than

    it will the enemy if you roll a 1 or 2 ( Feed) attack [and that the 'Avalanche of Flesh' result (5+6)

    is also weakened by a combined frontal charge], so 'squeezing' your units together for a combined

    charge is a big risk compared to combined frontal+flank charges . And just watch out for some of

    the most brutal monsters (Bloodthirster, Chaos Lord on a Dragon), and for some anti-monster

    weapons (Fellblade, Blade of Realities). If you have a champion in your ranked unit and can

    challenge a fighty Lord who may have an anti-monster weapon then you should obviously try to

    do so, thereby keeping your A-Bomb safer and allowing it to lay a beat-down on the enemy Rank n

    File instead.

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    30 March 2009

    There is passing mention of it several times but as far as I saw no specific part of the text about it in


    I think its mostly because it is considered more a upgrade to the melee potential of your unit than a

    stand-alone weapon team.

    Mutate: Or did I just plain miss it too?


    Jan 2 2010, 09:59 AM

    Wow this is amazing. I just had a read though and its loads of help for a new

    Skaven player.

    Mutate. I feal stupid for asking but I can't find anything on the doom-flayer.

    What section is it in?

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    Topic Started: 2nd December 2009 - 09:25 AM (13,876 Views)

    29th April 2010 - 02:25 AM Post #31

    And, wolfatbar, I read this over the holiday and I must agree, it's amazing!

    Thank you very much! You given me alot of insights in things I usually wouldn't have had untill

    some humiliating defeat in battle.

    99.9% and a holiday with my best friends sister in Fiji is what I would give you!

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    7th Ed. Skaven Tactica vs ANY Foe!; Die Die! Any and Every Things!!!


    Retired fat dude


    You've been cited:


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    19th July 2010 - 04:43 PM Post #32

    20th August 2010 - 04:48 AM Post #33



    Lords of Decay




    27 April 2004

    Mostly harmless





    Skaven Slave




    29 June 2010


    thanks so much, i would be hopeless without you


    'All tunnels lead to Skavenblight'



    So how much of this still squeaks in 8th?

  • 8/2/2019 7th Ed. Skaven Tactica vs ANY Foe! s6.zetaboards


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    Skaven Slave




    20 August 2010

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