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Page 1: 8 NOW speakout Elementary UNIT 8fabianatcui.weebly.com/uploads/4/9/9/6/49963929/video_podcasts_u… · Have you seen any of the films the people talk about? ... 4 Johnny Depp D I

NOW8speakout Elementary


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OverviewWatch the video podcast. Have you seen any of the films the people talk about?

1 Write Finn’s questions in the correct order. Watch the video podcast again and check. Notice the pronunciation of the questions and practise saying them aloud.

1 often to how the you do cinema go? How ________________________?

2 what saw was film you the last? What ________________________?

3 films kinds do what of you like? What ________________________?

4 favourite who’s actor your? Who’s ________________________?

2 How often do they go to the cinema? Look at the people below and read their answers. Then watch the video podcast from 0:20-0:56 and underline the correct answers in italics.

1 …probably only get there once a week/month.

2 I do go sometimes/occasionally.

3 …probably once or twice a month/year.

4 …about once/twice a week during the summer time.

5 … probably twice/once every month or two months.

6 I go to the cinema about once every week/fortnight.

Glossary: Once = one time; twice = two times; fortnight = two weeks

3 Watch the video podcast from 0:58-1:45 and number the films in the order you hear them.

Terminator Goldeneye Star Trek The Departed

Bruno 1 The Graduate The Proposal Australia

Sweeney Todd Quantum of Solace Slumdog Millionaire


Page 2: 8 NOW speakout Elementary UNIT 8fabianatcui.weebly.com/uploads/4/9/9/6/49963929/video_podcasts_u… · Have you seen any of the films the people talk about? ... 4 Johnny Depp D I

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4 Look at the people below and read the things they talk about 1-8. Then watch the video podcast from 1:46-2:44 and match the people A-C to the answers. There are two extra answers.

5 Who’s their favourite actor? Look at the list of famous actors 1-6 below and what the people say about them A-F. Watch the video podcast from 2:45-3:23 and match 1-6 to A-E.

1 John Wayne A very funny and lively 1 B

2 Daniel Craig B my favourite actor

3 Angelina Jolie C very good-looking and talented

4 Johnny Depp D I look like him

5 Brad Pitt E very good at showing emotions

6 Robert de Niro F very beautiful and plays lots of different roles in films

Glossary: lively = full of activity; talented = has a natural skill (for acting); emotions = feelings

6 Look at the people below and watch the video podcast from 2:45-3:23 again. Write their answers to Finn’s questions. Watch the podcast again if necessary.

1 Star Trek A

2 India

3 Quantum of Solace

4 The new Terminator movie

5 The Graduate

6 Helena Bonham Carter

7 Musicals

8 Sweeney Todd


1 How often Once or twice a month.

2 Last film he saw _________________________

3 Kinds of films he likes _________________________

4 Favourite actor _________________________

1 How often ________________ a fortnight

2 Last film he saw _________________________

3 Kinds of films he likes _________________________

4 Favourite actor _________________________

1 How often ________________ a fortnight

2 Last film he saw _________________________

3 Kinds of films he likes _________________________

4 Favourite actor _________________________

Page 3: 8 NOW speakout Elementary UNIT 8fabianatcui.weebly.com/uploads/4/9/9/6/49963929/video_podcasts_u… · Have you seen any of the films the people talk about? ... 4 Johnny Depp D I

NOW8speakout Elementary


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The way we speak7 The people below describe films they like in different ways. Watch the video podcast from 1:46-2:44 and complete what they say.

1 I always like romantic comedies. Slumdog Millionaire was a __________ movie.

2 I’d probably __________ the new Terminator movie.

3 I really liked it. It was really ___________, it was a really __________, romantic comedy.

4 It’s a James Bond film and I think the _________ scenes are just absolutely ____________ in it.

Glossary: movie = film [Am.Eng], absolutely = completely

8 Write your answers to the questions.

1 How often do you go to the cinema? __________________________________________________.

2 What was the last film you saw? __________________________________________________.

3 What kinds of films do you like? __________________________________________________.

4 Who’s your favourite actor? __________________________________________________.

5 Which films from the video podcast did you see? Did you enjoy them? Why/ Why not? __________________________________________________.

The red carpet at the Oscars is 152 m long. To find out more about the Oscars go to the BBC link below.http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/entertainment/newsid_7900000/7900911.stm

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