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© Life Mastery International 2004 -2008 1

Do you love massage but are uncomfortable promoting yourself?

  Would you like to have more clients?

How about more money for doing what you love?

If so, this workbook is for you …



by Elizabeth Fletcher Brownwww.MassageBusinessCenter.com

PO Box 346Annapolis, MD 21035(410) 798 5745

[email protected]

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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Program Overview 4

Step One ... Know Yourself 5

Step Two ... Your Business Vision and Mission 8

Step Three ... Identify your target market 10

Step Four ... Stand out from the Crowd 13

Step Five ... Articulating what you do 15

Step Six ... A Marketing Plan Based on Your Authentic Passion 17

Step Seven ... Obstacles to Success 20

Step Eight ... Staying Motivated, Enthusiastic and Keeping it FUN! 22

The Next Step… 25

Recommended Resources 26

About Elizabeth 27

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Are you having a hard time in your massage practice attracting as many clients asyou would like? Are you putting in long hours but getting nowhere fast? Are youworking on clients you don’t really enjoy, but are hanging on to them anyway? Areyou concerned about the market for massage becoming saturated in your area? Areyou not making as much money as you know you could be?Then read on...this workbook is written for you.

The ProblemA major problem massage therapists make in trying to promote their services orbusiness is that they are mostly doing it the same way every other therapist is. Theproblem with that is that it makes their services indistinguishable from every othertherapist in town, and they have thus created for themselves a little problemcalled.... competition.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think that a little competition is all that bad,However when it comes to directly competing with other therapists in getting newclients there will always be someone who is cheaper, has more experience, knowsmore techniques, has a more convenient location, a nicer office, has better connec-tions in the community, is better at networking.... and so on.

When we feel like we are competing with other therapists it can create a sense of 

struggle within ourselves. We may find ourselves getting caught up in povertyconsciousness and lack. We may even find ourselves living in a constant state of comparison. Sometimes we think that we have to lower our prices to stay competi-tive, or accept clients that we don’t especially enjoy working on. Has that everhappened to you?

The Good NewsBut we don’t have to play that game. There is a solution, and it is to promoteyourself in a way that immediately separates you from the competition in the mindsof your prospective clients. Setting yourself up to stand apart from the crowd. To beseen as the only game in town.

But in a town full of massage therapists, many of whom are masterfully skilled intheir craft, how do you separate yourself from the competition and stand out fromthe crowd? How do you set yourself up as being unique, special, one of a kind?How can you have clients coming to you rather than you chasing them? How canyou charge more for your services and have clients willingly pay? How can you becompletely in control of your business instead of it controlling you? How can you doall of that and at the same time have more joy, fulfillment and satisfaction in yourmassage career?

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It begins by deciding to take an innovative approach and see things from a differ-ent perspective. It begins when you allow yourself to fully be who you are - quirksand all. When you bring all of your strengths, talents and passion to your work...When you let your uniqueness shine through...When you fully embrace all of whoyou are and allow yourself to integrate that into every aspect of your business youwill have eliminated the competition, because there is nobody in this whole worldexactly like you!

It also begins when you fully believe in yourself and trust that what you have tooffer will be of value.

So are you ready to create the foundation of a marketing plan that is based onyour own unique strengths, talents and abilities?

Then let’s go...

But first, may we suggest that you print out this workbook in its entirety, find acomfy chair, pour yourself a cup of tea ... and enjoy ...

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Program Overview

8 Steps to an Outrageously Successful Massage Practice

Step One Know yourself!

What’s your sense of purpose, the vision for your life, andyour personal values?

Step Two Have a clear sense of where you want your business to go.What’s your business vision and mission?

Step Three Identify your target market and paint a clear portrait of your ideal client.

Step Four Clarify what makes you stand out from the crowd.What makes you unique, different, special?

Step Five Articulate what you do in a memorable, compelling way.What is your client’s problem and how do you solve it?

Step Six Put together a marketing plan based on your authenticpassions, including having a system in place to measure if it is working.

Step Seven Eliminate obstacles. Explore your internal relationship topromotion and eliminate those limiting beliefs.

Step Eight Get and stay in action, while you maintain enthusiasm,

motivation and have FUN!

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Step One ... Know Yourself 

All successful practitioners agree that it is important to look at what you want foryour LIFE before you start doing any planning for your BUSINESS. You need toexplore what it is that really makes you tick? What makes you jump out of bedevery morning? What helps you keep going when the road gets tough? What fillsyou with excitement and enthusiasm?

When you have a clear sense of purpose and vision for your life making decisions iseasier, as your purpose becomes your “north star”. It can also give you hope, faith,confidence, energy and a deeper sense of meaning and satisfaction in the variousareas of your life.

Your life purpose taps into the very core of your being. It is not something that youfind or invent. It is part of who you are.

Here are some questions to help you tap into your purpose, visions and values.

What would you do with your time if you didn’t have to work?

What would an ideal day in your life look like?

What are you most proud of having accomplished at this point in your life?

If you were able to retire one year from today, what would you begin work-ing on to prepare for that?

What specifically would you most like the people at your funeral to say aboutyou?

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Who in history do you most admire and why?

If you could solve a world problem what would it be?

Complete the following with 10 different answers:

 “I Know I’m Being Successful When…” 

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Step Two ... Your Business Vision and Mission

So now that you know what you want out of your life, it is time to take a look atwhat you want out of your business. Where do you want it to take you?

Successful practitioners see their business as a means rather than an end. It be-comes a vehicle to enrich their life, rather than one that sucks the life out of them.

Having a clear vision for your business helps you clarify the direction you want togo in, helps you maintain focus, unlocks your potential, and generates excitementand drive.

Without a business vision, it is easy to spend a lot of time reacting to situations andcircumstances, and always putting out fires. You have no clear way to make deci-sions.

Being clear on your vision and values can transform you in powerful and unexplain-able ways. Setbacks are minor in the face of a larger vision.

With a vision in place that looks at your business 5, 10, or even 20 years from now,you may recognize the need for skills that you do not yet have that you will need todevelop. When you have a vision you know where are going and can put a plan inplace to get there.

It is important to have your business vision and mission source from your personalsense of mission and purpose, and connect deeply to your inner core, to who youare and what you are about. There is a profound sense of excitement and adven-

ture that arises when you connect with your unique purpose and a deep satisfactionfrom fulfilling it.

Vision and mission are often used interchangeably, but our definition is:

Your Vision Statement is the future you want to create for your business. In otherwords, what is the highest possibility that you can see in the future regarding yourbusiness.

Your Mission Statement addresses how  you are going to get there.

For example, Bill Gates vision is “A computer in every home!”. Oprah Winfrey’smission is “To bring hope”. The vision of MassageBusinessCenter.com is “to beknown and respected internationally as a leader in empowering massage therapiststo build outrageously successful practices”. Our mission is “to inspire hope, evokemastery and empower transformation.” Do you get the idea?

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So take a moment now and think about where you want your business to be 1, 5,10 or even 20 years from now.

My Business Vision is…

My Business Mission is…

The Values that are important to my business are:






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Step Three ... Identify your target market

Almost every therapist is looking for a way to expand their market. They want tocover as wide a market as possible, so they can have the very best chance at evenmore business.

It is very time consuming, and expensive, to build a business that is set up to helpany and all people within your entire town or city.

It’s this mindset of needing only a small portion of a BIG pie that creates this desireto EXPAND instead of focus. But every other massage practitioner in town is tryingto get a piece of the same pie. However, how would you like to have a smaller pie,but have it all to yourself?

You see, the real key to growth… is to think NARROW, not wide. Niche marketing isalways easier and more profitable than generalized marketing.

The mindset you want to have for success in building your solo business is not… “I just need a small percentage of all the business in my town or area”. It’s aboutthinking in terms of DOMINATING a very specific segment of your possible market.

So, how do you do that? First, you must identify a market segment to focus on.

Why have a niche or target market?

Here’s what some of the marketing “experts” say:

Cherie Sohnen-Moe, Business Mastery:

 “The biggest mistake I see people make is overextending themselves: they try tobe the practitioner for everyone. One person cannot fill all the needs of every cli-ent. Effective marketing involves targeting the appropriate people and informingthem of the benefits they’ll receive from your services…… The purpose of choosingspecific target markets is to make your practice more enjoyable, simplify yourmarketing, and increase the success of your promotional endeavors.” 

Allison Bliss, marketing consultant with Bliss Marketing:

 “I find increasingly often that if business owners position their businesses based on

their own unique spirit or passion, they feel more comfortable in their marketingefforts. They derive a deeper and more meaningful experience by integrating theirbeliefs into their business, and become more successful over time in balancing thegrowth of the business with their lives. It becomes easier for their clients or cus-tomers to understand what they offer, and they begin to attract the customers theydesire.

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CJ Hayden, Get Clients Now:

 “…. instead of trying to be all things to all people – the most common marketingmistake I see among small businesses – the reality is that using your uniqueness inpositioning and promoting a business will gain a better market share, and attractthe clients with whom you want to conduct business.” 

One of the biggest mistakes massage therapists make is they think that focusing ona target market will limit them as they will be excluding potential clients. Thinkinstead that you are not limiting yourself, but organizing yourself.

When you have a focused niche you can direct your marketing efforts towardsthem. But that doesn’t mean that if someone who is not in your target marketshows up you don’t do business with them. All we are talking about here is focusingyour marketing efforts so that you can be more effective.

How to identify your target market

One of the first things to think about when choosing a market to focus on is... whoare the people you really care about and enjoy spending time with? Think aboutsome of your absolutely favorite clients… are there any common threads?

The next thing to consider is how easy are they to find? If you told us your market,and we asked you how you would find them, you should easily be able to answerthat… specifically . If not, you haven’t defined it clearly enough.

Here are some additional questions to consider:

Who do you really enjoy working with?

Who could use your services the most?

Who is able to pay what you need to charge?

Who is likely to become a regular client?

Whose problems and issues do you really care about?

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Who is likely to refer other clients to you?

Who would be most fun and satisfying to work with?

Where do you already have contacts?

Who would be the easiest clients to get?

Who do you love being around?

Who could benefit the most by working with you?

What is not  yours to do?

What difference do you make in the lives of your clients?

Remember, the narrower the focus the more you get the prospects’ attention.

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Step Four .. Stand out from the Crowd

Now we build on the previous steps and look at what you have to offer your chosenmarket that is unique. Remember, no two professionals will ever be exactly alike,even with the exact same training. Not even close!

So, let’s look at some of the things that make you stand out from the crowd.

First, let’s review what we did in step number one, and then continue on fromthere.

My key strengths are…

The things I value most in life are…

My most significant accomplishments in life are…

The most important life lessons I have learned are…

I would describe my personal style and approach to life as…

People often seek me out for…

The main focus of my work is to…

The results my clients most often leave with are…

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I have specialized knowledge or skills in the area of…

My office / location is unique because…

The ambience of my office is…

What’s unique about my background is…

My overall philosophy towards life is…

The 3 feelings a client will likely experience as a result of working with meare…

The easiest client for me to do great work for is…

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Step Five ... Articulating what you do

Being able to speak about what you do in a clear, compelling way is essential for allaspects of marketing. Your service description can also be the basis of numerousmarketing tools.

Most of what we do when talking about our services is to speak in terms of fea-tures, for example, how long we have been in business or what training and certifi-cation we have.

However, people are generally not very interested in what you happen to do, butare much more interested in what might be in it for them!

Our prospective clients have busy, complicated lives. They have problems. Andwhat they are searching for, more than anything else, is a solution to a pain orpredicament in their lives.

When you can address a prospect’s problems or predicaments it shows that youunderstand them. You’re talking their language and they want to know more. Theywant the promise of a solution that works. Now  you have their attention!

So you should spend virtually no time talking about what you DO or what youKNOW. Instead learn about what they  need. And what you’ll discover is that what clients want… are solutions that make a bottom-line difference. What they want toknow is if you can solve their problem, or at least make things a whole lot betterfor them.

To recap, you need to know three things:

1. Who your clients are- Be very specific

2. What’s their problem- What are the most common challenges thatyour ideal client faces in their life? You might want to consider what is theroot cause of the stress that your ideal client is experiencing?

3. What is the solution you offer- What specifically do you do that helpsthem resolve or make the most of those challenges? For more ideas here,review what you wrote in Step 4, Stand Out From the Crowd.

So let’s look at a 3-step recipe for articulating what you do in a way that will get

your prospective client’s attention.

I work with (who your market is)who (what’s their problem)by (explain your solution).

Here is an example of what works and what doesn’t.“My name is Elizabeth Fletcher Brown and I am a small business coach.” 

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This doesn’t set Elizabeth apart from her competitors, nor does it tell you muchabout what she does.

Let’s try again….

“My name is Elizabeth Fletcher Brown and I work with massage therapiststo help them build successful practices.” 

This tells you who Elizabeth works with, and a little about what she does, but itdoesn’t address a problem, nor is it very compelling.

“My name is Elizabeth Fletcher Brown and I work with massage therapistswho love what they do but are uncomfortable promoting themselves. What I have found is that when I help them to articulate what they do in a com- pelling, authentic way, marketing becomes a natural extension of who they are, and they are easily able to attract their ideal clients like magnets.” 

Can you see how that is more compelling and memorable? We have “tweaked” therecipe a little so that it is two sentences, not one, but I think you get the idea.

So let’s try it…..

Hi, my name is…

I work with (your ideal client) …

Who (their problem) …

By (your solution) …

This aspect of the business building process (articulating what you do in a compel-ling way) is so important to your business success. Let’s face it... If you can’t talkabout what you do in a compelling way that gets you clients, who can?

If you would like help in this crucial area, please contact us [email protected] visit our website at http://www.MassageBusinessCenter.com for additionalinformation.

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Step Six ...A Marketing Plan Based on Your Authentic Passion

Marketing is very simple. It involves telling people what you do….over and over andover. The key to successful marketing is consistency.

First, let’s look at the difference between marketing a service and marketing aproduct.

Products are tangible…. you can touch and see them before you buy. However,when a prospective client is considering your services, until they actually work withyou they don’t know for sure if you are the right person to help them with theirspecific situation. For that reason, the first thing your prospect has to buy is you,before they buy what you are selling. It is important to remember this in all of yourmarketing endeavors.

Secondly, we would like to address the difference between advertising and market-ing, because all too often when we ask therapists about their current marketingplan, they tell us about an advertisement in a local newspaper, or in the yellowpages. Advertising is just that… the placement of an ad, whether it be radio, printor web-based, in the hope that the prospect will call you as a result. Howevermarketing is relationship based. It is about building a relationship between you and your prospect over time.

Putting a Marketing Plan in Place

In order to put an effective plan in place you first have to ask yourself, where areyou now, and where do you want to be 6 months, or one, three, five, or ten yearsfrom now.

Deciding Your Goals

Then you have to decide how you are going to measure your progress.You couldmeasure:

Your total number of weekly sessionsThe number of new clientsYour billable hours worked weeklyThe dollar amount of salesThe dollar amount invoiced

Or some other measurement that you choose.

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So let us begin:

My current status is (Where are you now?)…

I want to have (i.e. number of new clients, dollar amount)…

By When...

Choose Your Strategies

In choosing which marketing strategies to focus in it is essential  to choose thingsthat you enjoy doing, otherwise you will find ways to sabotage yourself. So if youare terrified of public speaking, don’t pick that (unless you plan on doing somework in that arena).

Review your strengths and passions and take those into account when you arechoosing your strategies. This is a time to have fun and get creative!

Direct follow up and contactNetworking and referral building

Public speakingWriting and publicityPromotional eventsAdvertising

The two strategies I will focus in are....



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Develop Your Action Plan

Your Action Plan involves the specific marketing and sales actions you plan tomake, for example, how many calls a day, how many personal letters or invitationsa week. Remember, marketing is about simple effective things that you do consis-


Map out your action plan on a calendar, and commit to it.

Tracking System

It is important to have a system in place to track your efforts and results. Havingsuch a system in place provides you with focus to stay on track, evidence that what

you are doing is working, a clear sense of direction as to where you are going, andthe motivation to hang in there until you reach your goals.

You may choose to track:

The exact source of each prospectHow many prospects each strategy generatedHow many new clients from each of those prospectsDollar value of these sales

What would you like to track?

I will keep track of...

Remember to periodically evaluate the results you are getting, and make anyadjustments to your plan as necessary until you reach and maintain your goal.

For more information on Marketing, see our websites at:www.MassageBusinessCenter.com or www.MassageMarketingMarathon.com.

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..... action step .....

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Step Seven ... Obstacles to Success

You have clarified your personal life purpose and values, written a powerful visionfor your business, defined your target market and what makes you stand out fromthe crowd. You can clearly articulate what you do in a compelling way that is au-thentic and natural, and you have a systemized marketing plan in place, based onyour passion and skills ….. and yet you do NOTHING!!!!

Many of us, especially in the healing arts fields, have “conditioned aversions”  to themarketing / selling process.

We have our….

Attitudes about marketing ourselvesFeelings about marketing ourselvesBeliefs about marketing ourselves

So now it is time to look at how you might be sabotaging your success. Take sometime to ponder the following questions:

What do I think about promoting myself?

What is the truth about self-promotion for me?

What do I know about promoting myself?

What are the basic rules I have made up regarding self-promotion?

What were my parents’ favorite sayings about self-promotion?

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In what areas does self-promotion come easily?

In what areas do I have trouble promoting myself?

Do I deserve to promote myself? (and the success that it will bring?)

What is my current relationship with promoting myself?(Describe fully and accurately.)

How would I describe the relationship I would like to have with self-promo-tion?

Remember, with awareness comes liberation!

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Step Eight ... Staying Motivated, Enthusiastic andKeeping it FUN!

The most important thing that will keep you motivated is having a clear vision of 

why you are doing this - and keeping that vision in the forefront of your mind.

If I had the level of business success I want, that would give me…

And that  would give me…

And the reason that  is important is …

Try to get to the core of why this matters to you.

Success, just like failure, is the result of the little “habits” that make up our dailylives. We would like you to stop for a minute and think about the one thing that youcould do on a daily basis that would make the success of your marketing effortsand of your business much more of a probability. For example, for someone it maybe meditating, for another it may be working out at the gym, or a peaceful walk innature, or reading an affirmation. Do you get the idea?

My daily success habit that I commit to every day is …

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It is also important to regularly reward not just your results, but also your efforts.Go back to Step Six and review your marketing plan action steps.

Then answer the following.

The efforts that will help me achieve my desired results (i.e. making 2 callsto prospective clients a day, sending out one personalized letter to a prospecta week) are…

I will reward these efforts by …

It is also helpful to break down your marketing goals into bite-sized chunks that aremeasurable, and to have ways of acknowledging yourself each time you reach anew benchmark. For example in Step Six, you identified your marketing goals.Now, break these goals down into smaller “stepping stone” goals, with a date bywhich you plan to achieve each one.

(date) (your goal)

By ……………… I will have achieved …

By ……………… I will have achieved …

By ……………… I will have achieved…

By ……………… I will have achieved....

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You will also want some way of being accountable for what you declare that you willdo. If you are already working with a coach they would be the ideal person to dothis with. If you are not, then you may want to buddy up with a partner who willhold you accountable to what you commit to.

My accountability partner is …

And finally, it is also important to take the time to acknowledge yourself each timeyou reach one of your benchmark goals. We can’t tell you how often this step isskipped, and how important it is. Acknowledging yourself is a way of affirming thatyou did it, and deeply nourishes your well-being. It also clears the way for you tomove on to the next level of success. It can be something as simple as taking abreath and saying “I did it!”, or it could be a trip to Hawaii. You choose.

I will acknowledge myself as I reach key benchmarks along the way by …

 . . . . .  a  c   t   i  o  n   s

   t  e  p  . .

 .   .


 . . . . .  a  c   t   i  o  n   s

   t  e  p  . . .   .


You might also want to check out our 90 Day Marketing Marathon for Massage

Therapists at www.MassageMarketingMarathon.com. In addition to 90 clearlywritten marketing lessons delivered by email every other day for 180 days, you alsoget an assessment to help you clarify what motivates you to success (called ESSI).Be sure to also check out www.MassageBusinessCenter.com for great freeresources.

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The Next Step…

This workbook is your starting point for developing an outrageously successfulmassage practice. One that is based on your unique sense of purpose, passions and

values. A practice where you consistently attract the ideal clients that you love towork with.

This workbook is designed to get you thinking, and gives you a format to follow.However, if you would like to delve a little deeper into the process, here are somesuggestions.

A great next step would be our 90 Day Massage Marketing Program. You can learnmore about it at: www.MassageMarketingMarathon.com.

Also don't forget to check out www.MassageBusinessCenter.com where youwill be able to sign up for our online newsletter, full of great practice building ar-

ticles and resources. Our website will also have additional articles, free reports andebooks, and free assessments and teleclasses.

Or you may want to consider our coaching gym, a coaching and mentoring programthat leads you through these 8 steps (and more). You will have someone to bounceideas off and collaborate with you as you develop your own outrageously successfulmassage business. This is a also a great place to network!

You might want to sign up for one of our “teleclass” programs. These are interac-tive classes that you take via telephone in the comfort and convenience of yourhome or office. The teleclasses are often accompanied by lessons via email, withassignments to complete between classes. This is a very effective way to develop

your marketing plan and get in action fast. We often have free classes that you cansample. Check them out now at www.MassageBusinessCenter.com.

You may prefer to immerse yourself in the process over a 2-day live workshop orlonger retreat. These will be held in various parts of the country. If you have inter-est in either attending or helping to host a workshop in your area, please let usknow.

And lastly, we have some availability for a limited number of one-on-one coachingclients (either in person or by telephone) for those of you who are either on a fasttrack, or who prefer the one-on-one attention that personal coaching andmentoring provides. Contact us if you are interested in this and we will set up a “collaborative interview” to see if we would be a good match working together.There is no charge for this initial session. You can email us [email protected] .

If you have any other questions or comments about information in this workbook,please don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected] you can currently reach Elizabeth at (410) 798 5745 (eastern time zone).

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Recommended Resources

Prince Charming Isn’t Comingby Barbara Stanny

Get Clients Nowby CJ Hayden

Business Masteryby Cherie Sohnen-Moe

Nichecraft, The Art of Being Special

by Dr. Lynda Falkenstein

For an extensive list of marketing and business building resources visit:http://www.MassageBusinessCenter.com

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About Elizabeth

Elizabeth Fletcher Brown, the founder of the Massage BusinessCenter, has successfully made a living as a solopreneur, doing what sheabsolutely loves, for over 20 years.

She understands the massage profession from the perspectives of thera-pist, clinic or spa manager, and business owner as she and her husbandFrancis have been all three.

As well as building successful massage practices in Maryland, Hawaii, Vir-ginia, Arizona, Washington and Washington DC, Elizabeth and Francis havetraveled throughout the US and Europe teaching workshops designed to callforth the highest potentials of participants in their personal and professional


Her company, Life Mastery International, is dedicated to supportingentrepreneurs in establishing an inspiring compelling vision of their future business success, and developing a strategic framework to get there.She also loves helping self-employed professionals stand out from thecrowd and be recognized as masterful in their field.

Elizabeth believes that we each have something unique to share with theworld, and doing so will lead us to being more vibrant, dynamic and enthu-siastic in all areas of our life. She integrates this philosophy into everyaspect of her work.

As an accomplished public speaker and facilitator, since 1980 Elizabeth’sworkshops and seminars have acted as catalysts, assisting others in practi-cal ways of bringing greater purpose to their lives, exploring new possi-bilities, and cultivating the skills and confidence in themselves to go afterwhat they really want.

In addition to being licensed as a massage therapist since 1989, Elizabeth isa graduate of Success Unlimited Network one of the oldest coach train-ing programs in the US, and is a Certified Success Coach. She is also alifetime member of Coachville's School of Small Business Coaching and is a

member of the International Association of Coaches.

Elizabeth currently lives in Annapolis, MD with her husband, Francis andtheir dog, JJ.

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