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Download - 9.) godzilla


9.) Godzilla Analysis

This opening clip of a cave drawing represents the age and origins of

what might be at hand. This image is one of the few clips revealing

what might be installed. The rest of the sequence is mainly vague. The head of the creature is blackened

out and isn't shown. This leaves any identity hidden.

This second image shows different sorts of bibliography and myths and legends. The shot is quite simple and just shows the image with little


The closeup of the jaw implies danger and an attack of some sort. Animals often use their

mouths to kill. The names are being crossed out as they appear. This is to show the government trying to cover up something or

hide something.

This document states that ‘many killed and wounded’ and

the word ‘blown’ is slightly shown. The document is quite

old due to the font and the condition of the paper.

This the report states that the government are trying to

cover something up and that they are ‘denying’ something.

This is backed up by the covering up of the words.

There is dim light and little is revealed.

This clip which is in black and white which sets a date or an era, shows a natural-like structure in the water. From the size of the

waves we can see that it is quite large. Only the back of it is

revealed, coming out the water.

In this extreme closeup of a time writer typing the word ‘monster’. This specific use of wording is key due to

Godzilla’s title being ‘king of the monsters’. The type writer reveals that

the clip is old and so are the others, giving a background to the film first.

This image shows a solider of some sort taking a picture with a group of people.

The people look Asian and from the houses in the background look quite

poor. This lets the audience know where the film might be set or where the

origins may have come from.

Most of the sequence is a collection of different documents and footage from the early 1900’s. This article states that there was a lost submarine. The size of the creature that we saw in a previous clip

implying that that might have been the cause. The use of of the official documents show that what they are dealing with is important and very dangerous.

This clip is in colour and this implies that time has passed and nothing has been done about it. The nuclear

bomb shows that what ever the creature is they are trying to destroy is large and not easy to kill. The face

on the bomb is of a animal not know to man. The helicopters in the background also show re-

enforcements juts in case.

This found footage clip shows the explosion and the size. The wave of water coming towards the shore implies that it may be the cause of several natural disasters that the government have tried to cover up, linking the previous

clips. The trees show that the destination may be somewhere tropical of hot and from other clips it is implied

that it may be Japan, China or Korea.

At the very end of the sequence the title is finally revealed. The font is clean and crips showing it may be quite modern. The title doesn't take up

much of the screen which is a juxtaposition to the size of the creature. The use of the word ‘god’

implies something great and powerful hinting back to the myths and legends drawings.

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