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9 Tactics to Drive Exceptional Webinar Attendance

Craig Rosenberg@funnelholic www.funnelholic.com


Email, email, email


So, lets look at the numbers

Email sent 12500000

Emails opened 276250

Click-through rate 21271

Registrations 319

Attendees (50%) 160


Content is king and queen


No one wants to hear you talk about yourself

Translation: Learn ALL about me. IT will be awesome. We will

spend the whole time discussing me and how I might be able to sell you something. It will

be incredible

Via @HJSewell


Valuable, helpful content wins

Side Note: Picture of Presenter Valuable and helpful



Star Power

101 Rotten Tomatoes$261,930,436

6 Oscars9 Oscar Nominations$49,230,772  


Star power in b2b: Thought leaders


The power of one (times 3)

4 Thought Leaders = Over 20,000 Followers


Get them working for you in social

Works for both regs and attendees


Have them write content

Helpful, remarkable content that helps drive




Think television network


Build following with “same time, same channel” philosophy

Branded Content Works

The host becomes a start

Promo Copy: “Game-changing technologies are transformational, exciting and disruptive for a reason. They shake up your status quo. They get you thinking about new ways to scale, compete and grow. They move you in amazing new directions.

If you’re not already having a weekly breakfast with game-changers, join us for valuable food for thought, inspiration and information. Learn how you can become the savvy innovator who takes your company across the finish line as you look ahead to the next breakthrough strategy. Coffee Break with Game-Changers, Presented by SAP, is broadcast live every Wednesday at 8 AM Pacific Time and 11 AM Eastern Time”

Consistent and constant

Focused on Role not technology


The mobility factor


Five facts about mobile I didn’t know until 2 weeks ago

1. Last year’s mobile data traffic was eight times the size of the entire global Internet in 2000.

2. Mobile video traffic exceeded 50 percent of all video traffic for the first time in 2011.

3. By the end of 2012, the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on earth, and by 2016 there will be 1.4 mobile devices per capita.

4. Nine in 10 young adults spend between one and five hours on their mobile devices daily.

5. 91% of mobile workers use a smartphone for work.

Support mobile from email to landing page


Mobile email best practices

1. Many mobile email readers are triaging their inbox, deciding whether they want to read your email now, later, or never.

2. Use a clear email subject line and recognizable name in the sender field to ensure you don't get deleted.

3. Then do your best to create a pleasant mobile reading experience by offering both plan text and HTML versions of your email,

4. Use very descriptive alt text in case your images don't display

5. Keep message brief.All of this has been completely lifted from these two blog posts:• http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/29362/6-Ways-B2B-Markete

rs-Should-Optimize-for-Mobile-Browsing.aspx#ixzz21nhpmZFR• http://b2bdigital.net/2012/05/09/10-things-you-need-to-know-about-b2b-



Three things I love about this landing page

Video PromoThought Leader star-

powerProminent Social Sharing

2 Fields in registration form


Conversion – Please stop doing long reg forms


New thoughts in reg page design….

powered by


I’m busy, remind me.

Via @noyes_jessehttp://blog.eloqua.com/reminders-boost-webinar-attendance/


Standard Reminder Format

Email: 24 hour reminder, a 1 to 2 hour reminder, and a 15 minute reminder.


Voicemail Reminders (Thank you)

Via @andrewspoethhttp://blog.marketo.com/blog/2011/04/5-ways-to-increase-webinar-attendance.html


SMS Text Reminders

Excellent Idea


Thought leaders and social drive attendance too

Get the hashtag working immediately to build


Have thought leaders get people pumped on the event


Have a content plan to drive attendance

Do blog posts leading up to the event

Release data leading up to the event


Create once, publish many

One Idea =• 1 Ebook• 12 white papers• 3 events• 25 blog posts


Do giveaways work?

Thx to @wittlake



1. Webinars ARE a key component to the content marketing revolution

2. Email still rules, but there are some things that drive more registrations and attendees

3. I wish I had all the answers, but darn it some things need to be tested

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