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Presentation by

Jacquie, Kellie & Hasanthi

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• Science of Life

• Deals with body, mind and the spirit

• Dates back 5000 years

• Part of the Vedic tradition in India

What is Ayurveda?

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Origins of Ayurveda • Vedic Sages compiled medical treatises

• Atreya Samhita – the oldest medical book!

• Ayurvedic physician-surgeons were priests, sages, seers or holy people.

•Knowledge of healing through Divine revelation

• Health was an integral part of spiritual life.

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• Devine revelations on healing were transcribed into book form

• Became a widely accepted system of healing in India. • Atreya- the school of physicians • Dhanvantari - the school of surgeons

Evolution of Ayurveda

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The Vedic deity who presides over Ayurveda is known as Dhanvantari

Ayurveda &


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Ayurvedic Healing Therapies


Cleansing and elimination procedures


Supporting therapies

Pancha Karma


„Caring therapy‟



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Development of Ayurvedic Massage

• Developed along with a form of martial arts

• Initially used for promoting the wellbeing of early warriors

• Became available to all through Pancha Karma treatments

• Can be used independently of Pancha Karma

• Many variations of Abhyanga exist today

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Abhyanga is intimately linked to the profound harmony of the Earth.

The ancients believed every movement of the cosmos to be filled with

universal Abhyanga.

Abhyanga Philosophy

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Benefits of Abhyanga –

the Ayurvedic Oil Massage •Increased circulation, especially to nerve endings

•Toning of the muscles and the whole physiology

•Calming for the nerves

•Lubrication of the joints

•Increased mental alertness

•Improved elimination of impurities from the body

•Softer, smoother skin

•Increased levels of stamina through the day

•Better, deeper sleep at night

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The “Marma” Points

Abhyanga is based on the knowledge of “Marma” points or reflex anatomical sites where junctions of „prana‟ or life force are located.

Knowledge of these vital points were applied:

• to fatally wound opponents;

• for surgical procedures;

• in healing through Ayurvedic acupuncture; and

• in revitalizing the body through Abhyanga therapies.

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Types of Abhyanga Massage

There are three main types of Abhyanga massage:

• Active massage - strong pressure is applied

• Passive massage - delicate stroking is performed

• Persuasive massage – uses pinching and kneading techniques

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General Techniques

General techniques used during the massage include: • Soothing rubbing movements • Pinching technique • Kneading technique • Pressing technique • Small circular thumb movements applied to Marma points

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Massage Oils for Abhyanga

• A wide variety of Ayurvedic oils are used to soothe, stabilize and nourish the body. •Sesame oil is used as the dominant base oil

• Formulas for massage oils include herbal decoctions, herbal infusions, or oils combined with fresh herbal juices and gels.

• Sometimes essential oils are also added

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Ubtans for Abhyanga

• Freshly ground flours or Ubtans are also applied

• Usually made from a various beans and occasionally from grains.

• They have inherently astringent and antiseptic properties.

• Used for enlivening the skin tissue as a final measure to the Abhyanga therapy

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•Abhyanga involves energy bodywork

•It is important for the therapist to be able to touch and perceive the pranic, or energy body, of the patient.

• The key to Abhyanga is to remain centered and follow the movement of prana.

Energy Bodywork

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References Florida Vedic College, 2007: The History of Ayurveda, www.floridavediccollege.edu (accessed 11 April, 2007)

Gogia, B., 2003: The Ayurvedic Energy Bodywork, www.naturalhealthweb.com (accessed 11 April, 2007)

Maharishi Ayurveda, 2007: Abhyanga – The Ayurvedic Daily Massage www.mapi.com (accessed 11 April, 2007)

Tiwari, M., 1995: Ayurveda Secrets of Healing, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd, Delhi

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