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Page 1: 98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.eh.uc.edu/mythfactchoices/crosswords/98_cancer_fighting... · 2013. 4. 19. · for better health Breast Cancer Risk
Page 2: 98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.eh.uc.edu/mythfactchoices/crosswords/98_cancer_fighting... · 2013. 4. 19. · for better health Breast Cancer Risk
Page 3: 98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.eh.uc.edu/mythfactchoices/crosswords/98_cancer_fighting... · 2013. 4. 19. · for better health Breast Cancer Risk

98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.It represents a small fraction of the total choice available to us.Keep track of how many nutritious items you consume regularly

CROSSWORD PUZZLESfor better health


Windows ofSusceptibility


CincinnatiDept of Env Hlth


Page 4: 98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.eh.uc.edu/mythfactchoices/crosswords/98_cancer_fighting... · 2013. 4. 19. · for better health Breast Cancer Risk

1. Dark green fruit shaped like an oval, high in omega 3 fatty acids,2. Smooth leafed firm aromatic herb and medicinal weed tastes similar to anise,4. This rhizome or root is a delicacy, a medicine, and a spice,5. Aromatic seeds used in rye bread,6. Very common fruit found in red, green and yellow,7. Pull the leaves off this vegetable one at a time to eat,8. Great fruit to cut into slices and dry in the oven slowly for three hours,9. Large family of many legumes which have great anti-cancer properties,10. Dark red roundish tuberous vegetables with tons of good betalain,11. Small round berry that is a great source of fiber, Vit C, and manganese,12. Member of the cruciferous family with a Asian sounding name,13. A hybrid vegetable cultivated as a cross between brocolli and kai-tan,14. Part of the Brassica family with little green edible buds,15. Native spice to india and part of the ginger family,16. Given its name because of its horn shape which is the Greek word for karaton,17. Small pale heart shaped tree nut that develops inside a large inverted pear shaped carp,18. Small sweet red fleshy drupe,19. A common name for many species of fruit in the genus Rutaceae,20. Aromatic dried flower buds from a type of Myrtle tree,21. Recently popularized small round orange citrus fruit easy to peel,22. Very mild large white radish,23. Grown mostly in India, its leaves are a vegetable, seeds a spice, and dried leaves are an herb,24. Also known as french beans, string beans, snap beans and ejotes,25. Another name for this Myrtle fruit is pera because though smaller it is a look alike,26. A member of the Brassica family but the white tapered root is eaten,27. Another name for sorgum an important crop for dry land farming,28. Black seed spice in Asian cooking,29. Yellow citrus needs no introduction and is a made into a favorite summer drink,30. Small nearly round citrus used for flavor on melons,31. Fruits and vegetables from the family Curcurbitaceae eaten world wide in massive quantitites,32. Yet another leafy plant from the family Brassica resembling headless cabbage such as kale,33. Genus and species are Allium cepa and popularized by cutting in rings and deep frying the least healthful way to eat them,34. A spice made from ground peppers both bland and spicy,35. A ground growing nut which is ground into a paste and used in baking or as a spread,36. A variety of grain called Zea mays that has more nutrients than its yellow or white cousin,37. A leafy chicory with dark red outline on its leaves seen when it is cut,38. little round redish root vegetable that grows quickly,39. A root vegetable that originated as a cross between cabbage and turnip in the family Brassica,40. A grass grown as a grain but also as a forage crop and is closely related to wheat and barley,41. Known also as the Garden Orache is a food known from the late mesolithic era,42. This flowering plant seed has one of the highest oil content of any seed and is very drought resistant,43. Fresh, steamed or quickly boiled this leafy green is high in antioxidants,44. A botanical fruit but called a vegetable this one originated in America but has spread worldwide,45. Grows in temperate climates and has a white and purple bulbous taproot,46. A citrus created as a hybrid of grapefruit an orange and a tangerine,47. A south American tuberous vegetable second only to the potato,48. A plant grain originally from the near east and from Ethiopia,49. An edible tuber with many common cultivars and a deep orange flesh,


Page 5: 98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.eh.uc.edu/mythfactchoices/crosswords/98_cancer_fighting... · 2013. 4. 19. · for better health Breast Cancer Risk

1. A more nutritious lettuce than iceburg,2. This white vegetable gets it name from the Latin word for cabbage and the word flower,3. Furry fronds of a young fern plant,4. The fruit of a small straggling bush with fruit that is small and a little bit hairy and green,5. Soft, small fleshy fruit with a big pit,6. A small pale grain that looks kind of round and is great for soups,7. Small black lentil, good for soups and looks like caviar, hence the name,8. Great dark colored fruit that when googled comes up with an electronic device,9. Cruciferous vegetable that is most common and green,10. The smallest species of edible onions (genus Allium),11. This spice (herb) is green and is also known as coriander,12. A popular spice for pies and cookies made from the bark of Cinnamomium trees,13. Favorite cooking spice with some stimulatory effects from theobromine,14. _______-greens are a lose leafed cultivar related to the cabbage family Brassica,15. An annual herb condiment also called cilantro,16. A western generic name for an assembly of Indian spices,17. This sweet fruit which is eaten dried was first cultivated about 6000 bce in middle Asia18. Very large with a strong odor of smelly socks and is covered by horns,19. A small green bean often used in 15 bean soup,20. Can be ground into flour and stems of the plant are stronger than cotton,21. From the same family (Allium) as leeks and onions,22. Favorite of all kids this fruit is sweet round and either green red maroon or dark purple,23. Leafy Brassica which does not make a head like the other varieties,24. This plant has the name German turnip and is also in the family Brassica,25. Same species as the common turnip also known Japanese mustard spinach,26. Common pale green leafy vegetable with California the main grower,27. Large grain-plant developed by indigenous peoples in mesoamerica,28. Fruit from a flowering tree in Malaysia with a white flesh and a large seed,29. Green to orange tropical fleshy stone fruit of the family Mangifera in south Asia,30. A fruit about the size of a tangerine with white arils and a fruit that is quite mild,31. A group of highly variable small seeded grasses used for meal and also for fodder,32. A grain that is rolled for human consumption but also used as livestock feed,33. Vegetable known in many countries as lady fingers, gumbo, or bhindi,34. Round but often dyed citrus with many varieties including naval,35. Spanish style legume or lentil,36. Leaves are eaten fresh or dried as an herb and taproot is stored for winter,37. High protein fruit or seed of the plant of the family Leguminosae,38. Fruit named for its resemblance to a pine cone,39. Archiologists have found this common nut in cultures as early as 7000 years ago,40. Nutritious dark red fruit with 400 to 1000 arils,41. Starchy tuberous vegetable with loads of vit C and whose origin may have been south America,42. The most widely consumed staple grain food in the world,43. Perennial herb with fragrant needle like leaves,44. A group of Cucurbita vegetables loosely sorted into summer and winter varieties,45. Aggregate accessory fruit used in pies jams jellies and ice creams but more nutritions fresh,46. Spice from a rhizomatous plant Curcuma which is part of the ginger family of plants,47. Nut which is a highly dense source of nutrients and essential fatty acids,48. Fast growing leafy vegetable one of the oldest known to be consumed by humans,49. Courgette or summer squash which can grow even to 30 inches in length,


Page 6: 98 great food items in this crossword puzzle for better health.eh.uc.edu/mythfactchoices/crosswords/98_cancer_fighting... · 2013. 4. 19. · for better health Breast Cancer Risk

Boiling and or prolonged microwaving decreases anticancer contents of cruciferous veggies (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbabe caluliflower..etc.


It is clear that fruits, vegetables, condiments and spicesthat are available to us as fresh produce in most parts of the world have great anticancer benefits. It is just asclear that it is our whether or not to eat them. CHOICE

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