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“Customers Perception Towards Organized Retail sector”

Abstract: (80 words)  Service quality measures developed internationally

are often accepted as adequate in India. This study evaluates the Retail Service Quality Scale (RSQS) developed in the U.S. and considered valid across a variety of formats and cultural contexts. Confirmatory factor analysis of the component structures using SPSS 15.0 indicates the RSQS dimensions are also valid in India. We also found we factors does a customer considers before selecting a particular Super Market, and also association between consumer perception and association with demographic factor.

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To assess the internal reliability of the overall scale as well as its underlying dimensions;

This model tests the five dimensions/second-order factors, If an assessment of this model yields positive results, then Indian retailers can apply the same five dimensions to define strategic service focus areas

To find out which factor does a customer considers before choosing a particular Super Market

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To find out is there any is there significant difference of consumer perception towards organized retail sector

To find out is there is significance difference in the mean ratings of consumer perceptions towards organized retail in Ahmedabad region across different age groups of respondents

To find out is there is systematic association between education of respondents & degree of their perception for employees of Super Markets as to their knowledge for handling customer queries.

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Significance of the Study

The information and the findings obtained from the research can be utilized as information for Organized Retail malls in improving service quality.

Provide information and direction to related organization in order to improve the service quality.

To find out various factors which encourages customers to visit the particular Organized retail Mall.

To suggest measures for the Super Market owners based on the findings of the study.

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Scope of the Study

Scope of area: This minor thesis studies only perception of the visitors of the selected Super Markets only, that also in Ahmedabad region.

Scope of period: This study collected data during 15th of January to 28th February, 2009 only. So we could not complete the whole seasonal cycle.

Scope of demography: The study is limited only to customers of selected four Super Markets of Ahmedabad region.

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Retail Industry

For Indian retailing, things started to change slowly in the 1980s, when India first began opening its economy. Textiles sector (which companies like Bombay Dyeing, Raymond's, S Kumar's and Grasim) was the first to see the emergence of retail chains. Later on, Titan, maker of premium watches, successfully created an organized retailing concept in India by establishing a series of elegant showrooms.

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGYSample Selection400 retail shoppers.Data CollectionPrimary data The research methodology is a survey using

questionnaires to visitors, who visited Super Markets. Data was collected at four different places: Reliance Mart, Star Bazzar, Big Bazaar and Vishal Megha Mart.

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CONTD…Secondary Data The data was taken from difference

sources such as articles, journals, researches, website and information from ProQuest Information .

Research Design and Implementation The data was collected by filling up the

questionnaires from respondents who were the shoppers of the four Super Markets.

Research Instrument RSQSwe have used modified RSQS instrument

developed by Prof.DabholkarGP\questionnaire.xlsx

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Data Analysis The data were coded, computed, and

analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

Section 1: Personal Characteristic data is the analyzed by descriptive statistics, those are frequency and percentage.

Section 2 : We had done ANNOVA test, RANK ANAYSIS test, T-TEST, CHI_SQUARE test in order to find out consumer perception towards organized retail sector in Ahmedabad region

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Validated claims?As we had used RSQS instrument which was

Originated by Prof. Dhabolkar was we had done

Factor Analysis to find it is valid or not, from results we could find that it is valid.

Dimension 1 Physical Aspects Dimension 2 Reliability Dimension 3 Personal interaction Dimension 4 Problem Solving Dimension 5 Policy

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Data analysis and interpretation

Que_1.1 super market has modern looking equipments.

INTERPRETATION: From Above Pie Chart We Can See That Mostly Customers Of Super Markets Agree That Super Markets Have Modern Looking Equipments i.e. 63%.

strongly agree24%


can't say5%



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super market's physical facilities are visually appealing

INTERPRETATION: From Above Pie Chart We Can See That Mostly Customers of Super Markets Agree That Super Market’s Physical Facilities Are Visually Appealing i.e. 44%.


strongly agree30%


can't say18%


strongly disagree2%


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Materials associated with stores (such as pamphlets, or

statements) are visually appealing at super market.

INTERPRETATION: From Above Bar Chart We Can See That Mostly Customers Agree Materials Associated With Stores Are visually appealing i.e. 46%.

strongly agree


can't say


strongly disagree

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200



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when you have a problem super market shows a sincere interest in solving it.

INTERPRETATION: From Above Bar Chart We Can See That Mostly Customers Agree That Super Markets Shows Sincere Efforts In Solving It i.e. 168 Respondents.

1 2 3 4 5






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when super market promises to do something by certain time, it does so.


We Got Conflicting Results From The Above Graph. 112 Respondents Agreed To The Question While At The Same Instance 120 Respondents Disagreed To It. So We Can Not Conclude Anything Exactly.

strongly agree agree

can't saydisagree

strongly disagree







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super market has merchandise available when customer wants it.

INTERPRETATION: Here We Can See That Majority Are In Favour That Super Markets Has Merchandise Available When Customer Wants It

strongly agree


can't say


strongly disagree






Chart Title


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super market insist on error free records and billing.

INTERPRETATION: Here We Can Clearly See That Majority i.e140 Respondents Do Not Agree That Billing Is Error Free.

It Was Found That When Any Item Was Free With Other Goods They Were Charged For the Same, a Lot Of Errors Were Found In Billing

64 72



Chart Title


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super market provides its service at the time it promise to do.

INTERPRETATION: Here We Can Clearly See That Majority of Customers i.e. 164 Respondents Agree That Super Markets Provides Its Service When It Promise To Do So.

Again We Can See That There Are Some Incidents In Which Super Markets Failed To Do So, We Can See 92 Respondents Disagree For The Same.

strongly agree agree can't say disagree strongly disagree






Chart Title


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Employees in super market have the knowledge to answer your questions.

strongly agree14%


can't say28%


strongly disagree11%

Chart Title


From above graph it is concluded that 27% of the respondents agreed to the questions but 28% respondent said can’t say so we can conclude that employees of super markets do have knowledge to answer questions of respondents but again for some products they don’t have knowledge to answer customers questions.

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Employees in super market give you prompt service


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7






Chart Title


INTERPRETATION: Here we can see that mostly respondent were neutral, so we can assume that they have never faced such situation. 

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Employees in super market are always willing to help you








INTERPRETATION: Here from above graph we can conclude that employees in super markets are always ready to help you i.e. 47% of respondent agree upon above statement.

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Employees in super market tell you exactly when services will be performed.














INTERPRETATION: From above graph we can see that mostly customers disagree with statement that employees in super market tell you exactly when service will be performed.

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super market gives you individual attention.

strongly agree18%


can't say28%


strongly disagree4%

INTERPRETATION: From above graph we can see that 35% people agree that super market gives you individual attention.

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Employees in super market are never too busy to respond to your request.

strongly agree8%


can't say19%


strongly disagree


INTERPRETATION: From above table we can see that 33% people are agree on the statement that employees in the super markets are never busy to respond to your request.

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super market always considers customer demand.

strongly agree17%


can't say16%


strongly disagree5%


INTERPRETATION: From above table we can see that 41% people are agree on the statement super markets always considers customers demand.

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super market accepts all credit cards.



19% 2%


strongly agree agree can't say disagree strongly disagree

INTERPRETATION: Above table shows that most of the people agree with the statement that super market accepts all credit cards. 

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This store provides plenty of convenience parking for customers







INTERPRETATION: here from above table we can say that Super Market do provide plenty of parking facilities to the customers.

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Rank Analysis TestHere in rank test we have multiplied frequency with there

weighted mean and divided my total number of respondents.

1 Super market has modern looking equipment.



Interpretation of rank analysis: here from above analysis we can see that lowest rank is of statement number 1 i.e.

1) Super market has modern looking equipment.

So, we can say that customers are giving more weighted to modern looking equipment as a criteria for selecting Super Market followed by statements

16) Super market accepts all credit cards.

2) Super market’s physical facilities are visually appealing.

3) This store provides plenty of convenient parking for customers.

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Contd…4) Materials associated with service. (such as pamphlets or

statements are Visually appealing at the super market).14) Super market gives you individual attention.15) Super market always considers customers demand.12) Employees in Super market are always willing to help you.5) When you have a problem, super market Stores shows a

sincere interest in solving it. 7) Super market has merchandise available when the customers

want it.13) Employees in Super market tell you exactly when services

will be performed. (after sale services)6) When super market promises to do something by certain

time, it does so.9) Super market provides its service at the time it promise to do

so.11) Employees in Supper market give you prompt service.10) Employees in super market have the knowledge to answer

your question.8) Super market insists on error free records and billings.17) Employees in Super market are never too busy to respond to

your request. 

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Hypothesis Testing.Hypothesis testing no 1 t-test

HO: There is no significant difference in the mean rating of consumer perception towards organised retail sector

Ha: there is significant difference in the mean rating of consumer perception towards organised retail sector

Interpretation: significance value for statement no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17 is 0.00 which happens to be less than .05 this significe that the consumers perception for organized retail is different

thus we reject the null hypothesis meaning that the various ratings of consumer perceptions towards organized retailing is different

However in case of statement no 7,14 the significant value is 0.13 and 0.410 respectively however this values are greater than 0.05 therefore this shows no significance difference in the mean rating of consumer perception towrds retail mall, hence this case we may accept null hypothesis specifying that there is no difference in the mean rating of consumer for the above statements.

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Hypothesis testing 2 ANNOVAHO: There is no significance difference in the mean ratings of

consumer perceptions towards organized retail in Ahmedabad region across different age groups of respondents

HA: There is significance difference in the mean ratings of consumer perceptions towards organized retail in Ahmedabad region across different age groups of respondents

Interpretation of hypothesis Here from above table we can see that F probability value in

Anova table is 0.05. From the output table for one way anova we can see that

probability value of F is 0.236,0.999,0.403,0.586,0.214,0.520,0.348,0.618,0.311,0.297,0.162,0.333 & 0.943 respectively for perception of super market in Ahmadabad region.

Here in our case all the values of F test are greater than 0.05 which are not significant & therefore we accept null hypothesis & conclude that mean ratings of perception across different age groups for Super Markets in Ahmadabad region are not different.

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Hypothesis testing no 3 (chi-square test)HO: there is no systematic association between education of respondents

& degree of their perception for employees of Super Markets as to their knowledge for handling customer queries.

HA: there is systematic association between education of respondents & degree of their perception for employees of Super Markets as to their knowledge for handling customer queries.

INTERPRETATION: The Chi-square test does not reviles that there is significance association between educational background of the respondents and their ratings of the knowledge of the employees of the super market to handle queries of the customers.

From the chi-square test output table we see that our significance level of 0.63 has been achieved. This means the chi-square test is not showing significance association between the above two variables, even at 60% confidence level at thus we accept the null hypothesis and conclude that consumer perceptions with different educational background does not have different view related to the knowledge of employees of super market to handle the queries.

As this case being between nominal variable and scale variable that is likert scale, we have also measured directional measures called ETA to find out direction and strength between the above variables. The ETA value is 0.059 which closer to 0 than 1 signifying no association between above two variables that is educational background related to knowledge of employees of super market of Ahmedabad region.

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Conclusion & Recommendation From rank analysis test , you can see that more weighted is

given to physical appearance of a super market. So we can say that super market owner should also considered

physical evidence while providing retail service.

It was found that majority shoppers are female that to housewives. From this we have to provide discounts and offers which attracts women interest.

From t-test we can see that there is significance difference in mean ratings of consumers toward organized retail sector. So we need to consider each and every aspects of consumer expectations.

Here we can see that still there is provider gap-3 which can be reduce by hiring right people providing them proper training and support systems and also by retaining them.


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Limitations of the study

The main limitation of the study was time period, so we could not cover festivals like Diwali, and other festivals that do affect perception of customers in sense of availability, crush at stores, and physical appearance.

We could cover only four super markets due to time constrain.

As our study was on consumer perception and it may differ according to situations.

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