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Page 1: a — , r s ar =3 'Quench tower exit '200°F Scrubber exit ; U0 - 150°F : Stack exit 140 - 150°F : Mineral spirit stil* bottoml osr #2 fuel oil is used for auxiliary fuel. "Vastes

SDMS DocID 530171 • <B © O l

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Union Chrriral Cospasy Sooth Ecp*. Kara*

13 Jaacasy 1962

Superfund Records Centeij SITE: t/m'P* CNflniCft1

BREAK: _ OTHER: . "slon

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Iba KXTSZ Corporation 29 January 1982

Page 2: a — , r s ar =3 'Quench tower exit '200°F Scrubber exit ; U0 - 150°F : Stack exit 140 - 150°F : Mineral spirit stil* bottoml osr #2 fuel oil is used for auxiliary fuel. "Vastes

I I 1 f



Vaate Character ie t i c*

Incinerator Design Information

Incinerator Operating Condition*

Site Monitoring A*»ee«nent

Coit Information

Obnervatics and Conrmenta

Additional ComentK en F a e i l i t i e * and Operation*










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Table Itaeber f« t «

1 Union Chemical Company Coat Data 9


Figure Kusber Page

1 Schecuitic Flow Sheet 4

2 Site Plot 11

3 View of Incinerator from Facility Entrance Gate 12

4 Fiuidized Bed Combustion Chaaber and Tlaae Sight Fort 13

5 Combuntion Chaaber (on le f t ) and kxh Drop vith Hiring Tank in Foreground 14

6 Cyclone (on lef t ) and Quench Tower 15

7 Stack and Sampling Platform 16

8 Iaatrument Panel in Control Boom ' 17

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Union Chemical Company South Hope, Maine 04862

ID KED04214 3883

Tacil ity Contact*:

Dr. Raymond Eapoeito, Plant Mgr. Kr. Richard Brenner, Chief. Eng.

Sate of Via i t : January 13, 1982

Interviewers: Br. Irwin Frankel Hr. Cregory Vogel MITRE Corporation

Alao preaeut vere: Ma. Catherine McHair H i . F i t Eingle U.S. EPA, Region 1 Enforcement Siviaion

Incinerator Type: Fiuidized Bed

Beat Input: 6KM Btu/hr

Combuation Zone Temperaturea: 1500°F in bed 2100° in combuation zone

Beaidence Time: *2 aaconda

Page 5: a — , r s ar =3 'Quench tower exit '200°F Scrubber exit ; U0 - 150°F : Stack exit 140 - 150°F : Mineral spirit stil* bottoml osr #2 fuel oil is used for auxiliary fuel. "Vastes

Waste Chsracteri«tic«

Onion Chemical'i major effort* are directed toward ita aolvent recovery operation*. Tba incinerator wa* constructed to destroy a t i l l bottom* from the aolvent recovery di»tillation. Tbe incinerator waa in startup during the vi»it *o no hiatory of vaatea that have been incinerated exist*. Union Cheaical v i l l eventually accept hazardoua waste* for incineration aa a commer­c i a l disposer.

Tbe incinerator ia capable of handling vaste* in different physical atate*. Solid vaste* can be fed through a port located above the fiuidized bad and liquid weftes are injected into the bed. The liquid injector ia not a burner nor an atomizer. Sludges containing up to 25 percent ash can be fed through the injector. Watte* containing up to 50 percent water can be incinerated. Both chlorinated and non-chlorinated wastes will be incinerated and tbe two categories of waste* will be segregated aod fed to the incinerator separately. Ho caustic*, acidc, or pesticides will be accepted for incinera­tion.

A small analytical laboratory is located on site, staffed by one chemist. Instrumentation includes a ga* chromatograph equipped with flame ionization and electron capture detectors, a closed cup flash point tester, a bomb caloriv.iter, a pH meter, and other equipment. Preshipment samples of three drum* of waste are required to evaluate recycling cost*. The waste analyses conducted for nev customers include:

a Total ash

a Hon-volatiles content up to 150°C

• Beat content

• Volatiles content by head space gas chromatography

Union Chemical relies on the waste analyses supplied with shipment* from established customer*, occasionally checking the heat content and chlorine content of the wastes.

On the day of the v i s i t , a slurry containing fine iron particles va* fed Co tha incinerator. S t i l l bottom* from the recovery of mineral spirit* va* used as the auxiliary fuel. The iron va* contaminated vith trace* of titanium, lead, chromium, and cadmium. Tha heat content of the waste slurry va* 8,000 to 10,000 Btu/lb and the ash content was about 25 percent.

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Th* fiuidized bad Incinerator at Union Cheaical vat designed and built by Dr. Esposito and hit acaociatet. Tha incineration unit contitta of the following major piece* of equipment in aeriet, aa illustrated in Figure 1:

• Combuation chamber

a Aab drop chamber

• Reactor for neutralization of acid gases

a Cyclone

a Quench tover

a Induced draft blower

• Vet scrubber packed with Tellerette?;

• Zihsust stack

The combustion chamber is vertical, rising to a height of 25 feet. The fiuidized bed section is 32 inches in diameter, increasing to a diameter of 42 inches in the freeboard space above the bed. The fiuidized medium is a fine mesh silica sand; the fiuidized bed is about 24 inches high when quiescent, and about 30 to 32 inches high when fiuidized. The bed is fiuidized by a 2830 scfm forced draft blower rated at 41 inches v.c. The blower is equipped with a silencer asd is housed to provide further noise protection. The blower alao feeds into the freeboard above the bed; the proportion of air flowing to the bed and to the freeboard is controlled by dampers. The exact ratio of air" flow rates is considered confidential by UnionChemical. The combustion air is not preheated prior to introduction to the combustion chamber zones. Tha combustion chamber is equipped with a sight glass in order to observe the flame in the freeboard space. The combustion chamber is lined with four inchea of Harbison-Walker eastable refractory, rated at 2800°F. The combus­tion chaaber is equipped vith a "Ray" oil burner, an injector for liquids and slurries, and a port for feeding solid wastes. Stalactites forming on the injector during operation are removed with pulses of 30 to 35 psi compressed air. KXT'.F. estimatea the beat release rate for the entire combustion chamber to be 26.000 Btu/hr-ft3. 1

Th* u'.i drop ia essentially a settling chamber for large particles. I t ia lined vif.h che same refractory used in the combustion chamber. Solids are removed through a rotary valve and f a l l into a 55-gallon drum placed under­neath. Some acattering of ash outside the drum was noted in a 10 to 15 mph breeze. •

Page 7: a — , r s ar =3 'Quench tower exit '200°F Scrubber exit ; U0 - 150°F : Stack exit 140 - 150°F : Mineral spirit stil* bottoml osr #2 fuel oil is used for auxiliary fuel. "Vastes

Slaked Line Slurry


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Quench Hater,

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Waste Feed & Fuel





Scrubber Wattr


Sump Water to recycle


Sump Water to recycle; Purge to Incinerator


Schematic Flow Sheet Union Chemical Company Incineration Facility

South llopa, Malno

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Page 8: a — , r s ar =3 'Quench tower exit '200°F Scrubber exit ; U0 - 150°F : Stack exit 140 - 150°F : Mineral spirit stil* bottoml osr #2 fuel oil is used for auxiliary fuel. "Vastes

W e n t . T r « « i t . dilute and cool tb. f l u . ga*e. in order to prevent I w L . L i m a " , not .died -hen non-h.logenat.d vaste. . re incxner.ted. *> ^ " e n t ; venting or re l i e f . u r t i . iost . l led on the incxnar.tor.

e . . t 2 l e e r : ^ r v ! ' ^ Z ^ X ^ ^ ™ ^

•n open head 55-gallon droau

Th"e quench tover ia approximately 30 feet high v i th about a A fe«e^ ia»f t ­t «r I t i» not refractory lined. Quenching liquxd i s recycled f r o . the acrubber U tank and accented vith fresh makeup vater.

The pri^a mover i s « induced draft blover rated at 9220 acf= at 41 inche*

v .c . The liquid scrubber manufactured by Ceilcote x. packed vxth _

Teller!ttes The FEF exit x« housed in a cinder block buildxng *<U*"=t » Ihe . C c " Th?no=i=al ga. flov rate i s 12,000 acfm at 200°F and the Jxquxd

r ol iov"ate i s U0 gall-— per minute, for a L / C ratxo of « " ~ » f ' ^ J

f f u e T a . " . S n g Quench and scrubber l iquid , are either recycled or vaporiied in the combustxon chamber.

The carbon steel stack i . 60 feet high and 2 fee* in ' f - " " ; " ^

» £-sirr-2£= j^rss ITS.1-— aaapling platform.

There are a number of tanks at thia facility, a l l above ground, and moat

monitoring v e i l , are maintained xn the area.

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I _»*< r • ml

Incinerator Operating Conditions a 7 . 3 I

' The following operating teepereturea are maintained during operation of tbe incinerator: I

Combustion chamber - in fiuidized bed 1500O-F

Combuation chamber - above fluidised bad 2000 ­ 2100°?

Reactor 1300°T

Quench tower exit '200°F

Scrubber exit U0 - 150°F

Stack exit 140 - 150°F

Mineral sp i r i t * s t i l l bottoms or #2 fuel o i l is used for auxiliary fuel. "Vastes are cot fed to the incinerator until a temperature of 1129°F ia attained in the freeboard above the fiuidized bed.

Excess a i r rates up to 200 percent are ust-d. On the day of the v i s i t , total excess air usage wa* 12C to 130 percent. Dr. Esposito said that per­sonnel in Heine's Department of Environmental Protection had estimated a 2-second residence time in the combustion chamber. Dr. Esposito did not offer his own estixate of tbe residence time. MI TRI estimates a 1.4 second combus­tion chamber residence time assuming stoichiometric air and 1500°F in the fiuidized bed, and 200 percent excess air and 1800°7 in the freeboard section. Additional residence time at elevated temperatures ia gained in the ash drop, reactor, and ducts.

The total operating pressure drop across the incinerator system was leaa than 27 inches v.c. and is itemized aa follows:

Incinerator Component Pressure Prop

. Fiuidized bed 30 inches v.c. (provided by fluidizing blower)

1 inch Combustion chamber freeboard

Ash drop and reactor negligible

S inches Cyclone

Scrubber 1 inch

When the incinerator is fully operational, i t v i l l operate 5 day* per week, 24 hours per day, for 45 veeks per year (5400 hours per year). Routine and preventative maintenance v i l l be accomplished on weekends and during


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I non-operating week*, waste feed rate* v i l l be 600 to 1200 noose's par hour, or' about 60 to 120 (allocs per boor. The unit i s alao capable cf vaporizing 300 gallon* per boor of waste water. Tba incinerator asb has been tested and found to ba non-toxic osier currant tCt i regulations. Tbe aah ia aent ce B.C.A. in Hew Tort, state for land disposal. Ko aqueous effluent ia discharged fro* tha incinerator.

The staff w i l l include taw operators per sh i f t , with a third operator during the day shift to prepare feed atoeka. The etaff i s well equipped to handle emergen;ia* and f i r e s . Toaa extinguisher*, SCOT a i r pacts, cod other emergency equiptaent are en hand. The local f i re departaent i s one block «v*y and many of tha fac i l i ty esplcyees are trained volunteer firemen and members of the departaent. Tire d r i l l * are held periodically at the plant.

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Site Monitoring A»se**ment

Union Chemical would velcomt • stack sampling program at tbair f a c i l i t y and they would cooperate fully i f selected for such testa. Soma sampling and analysis of tbe incinerator waste* and ash are being conducted by John Fancy of Weldoboro, Maine, particularly for metals. Three ambient air aaaplera ve: re act up around the incinerator and iton, present in the aab in th* highest concentrations, vaa not detected. Sampling and analysis are praaently being conducted in order to obtain a state permit for operation. The f a c i l i t y i s operating under a temporary permit._

Tbe incinerator ia equipped vith a control room, The following condition* are monitored:

* Temperature throughout the system

• Pressures throughout the system Connected with vaste feed cut-off

* Fuel flow rate

• Air flow rate

• Total hydrocarbons Stack monitors are continuously

* Carbon monoxide recorded

a Carbon dioxide

* pH of scrubber *usp liquid - controls lime feed rate to reactor

During the v i s i t , a carbon monoxide level of AO ppm and a carbon dioxide^ concentration of 1 to 2 percent were noted. The carbon dioxide reading ia^ believed to be very low by both Onion Chemical and MITRE personnel. Ceramic coated Type K. (chromel-aluael) thermocouple* are used.

Cost Information

The cost information supplied by Dr. Esposito on the fluidised bed incinerator i * summarized i n Table 1.

Dr. Esposito wishes this information to be classified as "business confidential", due in part to plana to market tbe incinerator.

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• r a s a ­• —• -»

Observation and Comments c o „ 3

A sketch of tha facility layout ia presented in Figure 2. Figurea 3 3 «* 2" =r through 8 are photographs of tha site and equipment. The facility ia located a m *" m on a 3 acre plot, on tha south aids of State Highway 17, and about 17 nilea northwest from the coastal town of Rockland. Tht snail community surrounding tha plant is called South Hope and this ia a part of tha town of Hope (incorporated). The site ia rectangular in shape (about 400' along the highway sad about 300* deep), and includes a parking area. Tbe fenced area of tha aita is "L" shaped and the incinerator is located on a grade three feet lower than the rest of the facility. The terrain ia gently rolling, and h i l l s about 500 to 800 feet high are within eight. There are no recent instance* of flooding, ground movement, subsidence or other geological activity in thia area.

Although the solvent recovery operation was not inspected, two d i s t i l l a ­tion column): «-re operated. The column reboilers are heated vith steam generated by cwo boilers, each rated at 2 million Btu/hr, which operate on waste solvents xuch as mineral spirits, alcohol, and methyl ethyl ketone. These boilers furr.i*h apace heat as well as process heat*. When a customer has a new waste for recovery a test run i s conducted on one of the s t i l l s , using 3 drums of the material. On production runs, the s t i l l s are shut down and atarted up between batches. Thus, material from one batch i s never contami­nated by material from another batch.

o o


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Site Plot Union Chemical Company

South Hope, Maine (plot drawn front njcraory)

parum 6u|«q tuatunoop am ;o /Jiitnb em 0} anp 8| )| *»3|iou ami \n\\% jtap st»| t|

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In addition to tha taporc of Vlait to tha above f a c i l i t y , tha following comments are offered:

• Our recaption by Onion Cheaical peroonnel was cordial. Both management personnel interviewed vera technically competent and answered nearly a l l questions.

• Sr. Esposito seema pleased to have EPA's interest in his operations, and he would be especially happy to have a stack test conducted at hia f a c i l i t y . At preaent the f a c i l i t y ia in startup, therefore the EPA or i t s contractors should ensure that the plant ia fully on— stream before c one itting to additional studies.

• Much of the incineration f a c i l i t y was designed, constructed, and installed by tbe plant ataff. Keverthelees, tbe quality of installation appears fully professional.

e Hourly personnel staffing the facility appear considerably above average both in attitude and ability.

• Housekeeping around the facility was only fair,

e There were several unsafe conditiona:

(a) Ho guard r a i l on the platform where one can observe combustion in the incinerator. Also no guard r a i l on the atepa to tbe platform.

(b) Incinerator Feed ia conducted in an open rectangular vessel near the incinerator (within t>15') on the day of tbe v i s i t . The open top of the vesael

' was covered with plaatic film to prevent entry of anew or rain into the vessel. This situation repreaenta a fire/explosion hazard. I t ia our guess that thia i s a temporary "fix" for start-up purposes, and that safer mixing operationa v i l l be provided in the future. Nevertheless, ve believe the above situation ia fairly high-risk.

(c) Ko ladder to the sampling platform on the stack has been constructed. This v i l l be rectified i n tbe near future.

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The MITRE Corporation MroekMrbfaa

tt» DoTtoy Uidkn >M*mi4 MCLMS. Vacate BUS


W9. 8 7W00066

Subject s i t e V i s i ' : Report , Cnioa Chemical Company, South Hope, Kaine

Tec Dabaey C. Har t * Contract No^ 63-03-3021

Sponsor: IEXL-Cine iana t i

Frooc I r w i a F ranke l , Creg Vogel ProjectNa: 1069E

0e?U W58

| Drtc 2 February 1S82

Approved tor MITRE VssbuvoK ,


This document i s a r e p o r t o f a a i t e v i s i t t o the Galon Cheaical Company o f South Hope, Maine. This coopany has constructed and i s i n s t a r tup o f a hazardous vaste I n c i n e r a t i o n f a c i l i t y based on a f l u d i d i t e d bed i n c i n e r a t o r . S i t e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , equlpaeat design, aad operat ing parameters are described i a the r e p o r t , aad a H a l t e d amount o f cost data i s presented. This cost data I s considered t o be business c o n f i d e n t i a l .


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