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Page 1: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.






Ma journée

L’objectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend.

Present tense verbs + times

Page 2: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

À quelle heure?

Page 3: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me réveille

Page 4: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me lève

Page 5: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Je me lave

Je me douche

Page 6: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Je me brosse les dents

Page 7: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je prends mon petit-déjeuner

Page 8: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je m’habille

Page 9: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me peigne

Page 10: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me maquille

Page 11: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me dépêche

Page 12: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Je vais au collège

Page 13: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je rentre chez moi

Page 14: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je dîne

Page 15: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me déshabille

Page 16: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

je me couche

Page 17: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Mais le week-endLes jours d’école, c’est pas ______. J’habite assez _____ de l’école et je dois me lever à _____ heures et demie. Le week-end, ____ ______, je me lève ______- je fais la grasse-matinée.

En ______, quand j’ai cours, je suis tellement _______ que je me couche très ______- normalement _____ dix heures- tandis que le week-end, c’est plutôt à ______ ou une heure du matin.

Les jours d’école, j’ai tant de ______ que je passe la plupart de la ______ à les faire. J’essaie de les terminer en semaine pour avoir le week-end _______. Comme ça, je peux ______ avec mes copains, ce qui n’est pas possible en semaine.

Page 18: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Write a few sentences to contrast your week days with your weekend. Try to include interesting connectives and opinions.

ensuite= then/nextpuis= thenmais=butpar contre= on the other handpourtant= howeverles jours d’école= on school daysen semaine= during the weekle week-end= at the weekendune demie heure plus tard= half an

hour laterune fois rentrée= once I’m home…plus tard dans la soirée= later in the

eveningaprès ca= after that…normalement/d’habitude=


Je me réveille / Je me lève

Je fais la grasse-matinée

Je me lave / je me douche

Je me brosse les dents

Je m’habille

Je me maquille/Je me rase

Je me peigne

Je prends le petit déjeuner

Je vais au collège

Je me dépêche

Je sors

Je mange

Je dine

Je me déshabille

Je me couche

Page 19: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Mais le week-end…

Les jours d’école Le week-end

1 se lève à 6h30 se lève tard/

fait la grasse-matinée






Page 20: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

Mais le week-end…

Les jours d’école Le week-end

1 se lève à 6h30 se lève tard/

fait la grasse-matinée

2 se couche vers 22h se couche vers minuit/ 1h

3 fait ses devoirs le soir a temps libre

4 se rase ne se rase pas

5 mange à la cantine mange la cuisine familiale

6 ne voit pas ses copains se retrouve et s’amuse bien avec copains

Page 21: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.




Page 22: A B C D E F G Ma journée Lobjectif: to be able to describe our morning routine during the week and at the weekend. Present tense verbs + times.

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