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Page 1: A Brain Machine Interface Control Algorithm Designed from a …shenoy/GroupPublications/... · 2012. 9. 2. · while under brain control (Fig. 1b). However, under brain control a

A brain machine interface control algorithm designed from a feedbackcontrol perspective

Vikash Gilja1,2∗, Paul Nuyujukian3,4∗, Cindy A. Chestek2,5, John P. Cunningham5,8,Byron M. Yu5,6,9,10, Joline M. Fan3, Stephen I. Ryu5,11 & Krishna V. Shenoy2,3,5,6,7

Abstract— We present a novel brain machine interface (BMI)control algorithm, the recalibrated feedback intention-trainedKalman filter (ReFIT-KF). The design of ReFIT-KF is moti-vated from a feedback control perspective applied to existingBMI control algorithms. The result is two design innovationsthat alter the modeling assumptions made by these algorithmsand the methods by which these algorithms are trained.In online neural control experiments recording from a 96-electrode array implanted in M1 of a macaque monkey, theReFIT-KF control algorithm demonstrates large performanceimprovements over the current state of the art velocity Kalmanfilter, reducing target acquisition time by a factor of two,while maintaining a 500 ms hold period, thereby increasingthe clinical viability of BMI systems.


Many existing proof-of-concept brain machine interface(BMI) control algorithms are initially designed, tested, andfit offline using data collected without the BMI, or neuralprosthesis, in loop (e.g., [1]–[5]). For example, at the be-ginning of the session, cursor movement is controlled bythe native limb as illustrated in Fig. 1a. During this task,the arm movement kinematics (xt) and neural activity (yt)are recorded. These data are used to build a mathematicalmodel used for neural control. The underlying assumptionis that observations of neural signal outputs during armcontrol provide a good estimate of signal characteristicswhile under brain control (Fig. 1b). However, under braincontrol a new plant, defined by the dynamics of the neural

1Dept. of Computer Science, 2Stanford Inst. for Neuro-Innovationand Translational Neuroscience, 3Dept. of Bioengineering, 4School ofMedicine, 5Dept. of Electrical Engineering, 6Neurosciences Prog., 7Dept.of Neurobiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 8Dept. of Engineering,University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 9Gatsby Compu-tational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, London, UnitedKingdom; 10Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Departmentof Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA;11Dept. of Neurosurgery, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, CA

This work was supported by a Helen Hay Whitney postdoctoral fellow-ship (M.M.C.), Burroughs Welcome Fund Career Awards in the BiomedicalSciences (M.M.C., K.V.S.), the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Foun-dation (S.I.R., K.V.S.), Gatsby Charitable Foundation (B.M.Y.), StanfordGraduate Fellowship (C.A.C., J.P.C., J.M.F.), US National Defense Scienceand Engineering Graduate Fellowships (V.G.), National Science FoundationGraduate Research Fellowships (V.G., C.A.C., J.M.F., M.T.K.), StanfordMedical Scholars Program, HHMI Medical Research Fellows Program,Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship, Stanford Medical Scientist Training Pro-gram (P.N.), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency RevolutionizingProsthetics 2009 N66001-06-C-8005, US National Institutes of Health(NIH), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke CollaborativeResearch in Computational Neuroscience grant R01-NS054283, and NIHDirectors Pioneer Award 1DP1OD006409 (K.V.S.).


O�ine Perspective Online Perspective

Parameter Setting







Arm ReconstructionBMI Control

Parameter Setting







Arm ReconstructionBMI Control






yt yt

Fig. 1. A comparison of the offline and online perspectives for BMIdesign. (a) cursor control with native arm movements; neural data yt arecollected with arm kinematics xt to fit the BMI parameters. (b) online neuralcontrol, xt is now the BMI output. (c) hypothetical plot of parameter settingvs. quality/performance from the offline perspective. (d) same hypotheticalplot from the online perspective.

prosthesis, is presented to the user. This change in the controlloop likely alters the user’s strategy and neural signal outputcharacteristics.

Other studies have noted and addressed this change byholding model parameters constant and allowing perfor-mance to increase over days as the user learns [6] or byiteratively refining parameters during BMI experiments [7]–[10]. These approaches recognize that control strategies,and therefore model parameters, are best measured andunderstood during closed-loop BMI experiments. In thisstudy, we adopt this philosophy to develop a new neuralcontrol algorithm, the recalibrated feedback intention-trainedKalman filter (ReFIT-KF), taking into account differencesbetween offline arm movement reconstruction and onlineBMI control in both its algorithmic design and parameterfitting methodology. We test these algorithmic innovationsand demonstrate BMI performance gains.


The ReFIT-KF is composed of two design innova-tions applied to a Kalman filter based neural con-trol algorithm (Fig. 2a). The kinematic state vector, xt,represents position and velocity of the cursor (xt =[pvertt , phorizt , vvertt , vhorizt , 1]T ), with a constant element toaccommodate baseline firing rates. yt is the measured neural

34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBSSan Diego, California USA, 28 August - 1 September, 2012

1318978-1-4577-1787-1/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE

Page 2: A Brain Machine Interface Control Algorithm Designed from a …shenoy/GroupPublications/... · 2012. 9. 2. · while under brain control (Fig. 1b). However, under brain control a

xt-1 xt xt+1

yt-1 yt yt+1

. . . . . .a

vt-1 vt

yt-1 yt

. . . . . .

. . . . . .pt-1 pt

. . . . . .c

vt-1 vt vt+1

yt-1 yt yt+1

. . . . . .

. . . . . .pt-1 pt pt+1

. . . . . .b

Basic Kalman Filter

Position/Velocity Kalman Filter

Position/Velocity Kalman Filterwith a causal intervention

Fig. 2. Kalman Filter Graphical Models. (a) Basic model, xt iskinematics and yt is neural output at time t. (b) The position (pt) andvelocity (vt) Kalman. (c) The position and velocity kalman filter modelingposition feedback through causal intervention.

signal, which is binned spike counts. Typical bin widthsused in studies range from 10 ms to 100 ms. The systemis modeled as linear-Gaussian:

xt = Axt−1 + wt (1)yt = Cxt + qt (2)

where A ∈ IRp×p and C ∈ IRk×p represent kinematic andoutput model matrices, and wt and qt are additive Gaussianuncertainty and noise, defined as wt ∼ N (0,W ) and qt ∼N (0, Q). A models kinematic state transition for one timestep and C models the mapping from kinematic state toneural output. In practice, we constrain the form of the Aand W matrices so that integrated velocity perfectly explainsposition:

A =

1 0 dt 0 00 1 0 dt 00 0 avhoriz,vhoriz avhoriz,vvert 00 0 avvert,vhoriz avvert,vvert 00 0 0 0 1


W =

0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 wvhoriz,vhoriz wvhoriz,vvert 00 0 wvvert,vhoriz wvvert,vvert 00 0 0 0 0


After fitting, avvert,vhoriz and avhoriz,vvert are typically closeto 0 and avhoriz,vhoriz and avvert,vvert are less than 1.The resulting model introduces damped velocity dynamics.Therefore, given no neural measurements, we expect a cursorin motion to smoothly slow down. If we fit the full C matrix,then the neural output model incorporates both position andvelocity. If we constrain the position terms to be 0, the

a b



Brain Control Kinematics

Estimated Intended Kinematics

Fig. 3. Generating an “intention-based” kinematic training set. (a) theuser is engaged in online control with a neural cursor. The neural decoderdrives the cursor with a velocity (red vector). The assumed intention is togenerate a velocity towards the target. Thus, in the training data velocityvectors are rotated, generating intended velocity estimates (blue vector),used to fit ReFIT-KF parameters. (b) is an example of this transformationapplied to data from one trial.

model is a velocity kalman filter (Velocity-KF), used onlinein previous studies (e.g., [11], [12]).

Fig. 2b is a graphical representation of the posi-tion/velocity Kalman filter. xt has been split into two compo-nents, pt for position variables and vt for velocity variables.As defined by the constraints on the A matrix, position doesnot have a direct influence on velocity.

A. Innovation 1: Parameter Fitting

Kalman filter parameters found to explain arm kinematicsfrom neural outputs can be for used brain control. Thehypothetical plot in Fig. 1c shows the relationship betweenparameter setting, offline reconstruction quality, and controlperformance suggested by this perspective. Suppose we wereto systematically sweep one of the Kalman filter parametersand measure the filter’s effectiveness. For arm kinematicreconstruction quality, this is a measure of correspondencebetween observed and reconstructed arm movements, whichcan be fully quantified and understood offline. For BMIcontrol performance, we wish to measure the user’s abilityto complete task goals during online control. The offlineperspective assumes that both applications have the sameoptimal parameters and so the offline and online measuresshare the same global maximum (black arrow).

It could be that these two maxima are not necessarilyaligned, such as in the hypothetical plot in Fig. 1d. Moreconcretely, a model designed for offline reconstructions maynot necessarily translate to a good online controller. Thus,we pursued a different approach and fit model parametersfrom data collected during online control. One such strategy,which has been previously employed [9], [11], is to regressneural activity against neural cursor kinematics. Anotherstrategy is to randomly seed decoder parameters and toprovide assistive control during the training procedure [9].In this assistive control scheme, the prosthetic output isdriven by a mixture of decoder output and task relevantmovements, such as precomputed trajectories directly to thetarget. At each iterative refinement the decoder’s contributionis increased, until the prosthesis is fully driven by the


Page 3: A Brain Machine Interface Control Algorithm Designed from a …shenoy/GroupPublications/... · 2012. 9. 2. · while under brain control (Fig. 1b). However, under brain control a

decoder. This scheme works well in practice, especially wheneasing monkeys into performing the task.

The initial decoder can be seeded with either random orlearned parameters. Since prosthetic systems typically aimto record from arm related motor areas, it is possible thatthe global maximum is close to the parameter set fit by theoffline perspective (the black arrow versus the gray arrow,local maxima, in Fig. 1d). Thus, instead of a random seed,the decoder can be seeded with this reasonable choice ofparameters. Previous reports have employed this approach byhaving the prosthetic user observe movements to establishan initial model fit [9], [11], [13]. Then iterative trainingprocedures fit the model with either the kinematics of anobserved [11], [13] or controlled [9] cursor. The kinematicsof the observed cursor are subject to the same limitationsas arm kinematics: since the control algorithm is not in thefeedback loop during this initial observation stage, the modelfitting procedure is still fundamentally offline. Regressingagainst the kinematics of the controlled cursor is, therefore,perhaps a step in the right direction, since it regresses againstmeasurements of the neural control signals during onlinecontrol. However, this approach will tend to carry forwardaspects of model misfit acquired during the initial seedingof decoder parameters. As a simple example, consider aninitial decoder that rotates the user’s desired velocity by 90degrees. All measured movements of this cursor will retainthis bias and when we refit the decoder parameters this biaswill remain.

To address the limitations described above, we develop anew method for training BMI parameters. Initially, the BMIsystem is fit from neural and cursor data, where the cursormoves along with the native arm. Next, the monkey is placedin online brain control mode with this “offline perspective”control algorithm. Training data are collected during braincontrol and are transformed to estimate the user’s intendedcontrol command. The details of this transformation aresummarized in Fig. 3. The kinematics of the neurally drivencursor at each time-step may not be the best estimate ofthe user’s intentions. The monkey generates intentions byapplying knowledge of the task goal, in this case “acquirethe green target,” to the current state of the cursor. We makethe simple assumption that the monkey intends to generate avelocity oriented towards the target at every time-step, sincethis is the most direct path to the goal and should lead to mostrapid trial completion and reward. Thus, for model trainingpurposes only, we rotate the velocity vector of the neuralcursor (in red) to orient towards the goal, resulting in a newset of “intention-based” kinematics (in cyan). Additionally,when the cursor is on target, we assume that the user wishesto instruct zero velocity. We believe that this new set ofkinematics are a better estimate of the user’s intention thanthe original neural cursor kinematics, effectively cleaning upnoisy training data. Importantly, after refitting the model inthis way, the resulting decoder can be used with neural dataalone and no knowledge of the target or task goal. A similarmanipulation to training data was used in a rat study to adapta one dimensional neural controller over time [8].

B. Innovation 2: Decoding Algorithm

Existing work typically decodes either position (e.g., [1],[4]) or velocity (e.g., [9]). In a comparison of position andvelocity decoders, tetraplegic patients demonstrated higherperformance control with velocity decoders than with po-sition decoders [11]. However, we find that when positiondecoding is removed, decoded velocities tend to be lessstable. Colloquially put, the cursor appears to get caughtin “force fields” resulting in “orbiting” around the targetand getting “stuck” in parts of the workspace. This is notsurprising, given that firing rates in the recorded brain areasare correlated to cursor position.

One approach is to decode both position and velocity.However, the Kalman filter described in Sec. II (Fig. 2b)with a position and velocity output model describes therelationship between position and velocity in a mannerthat produces an undesired high frequency jitter in cursorposition. Although the kinematic model is physically based,with the cursor effectively modeled as an object moving withdamped velocity, these constraints are not preserved when themodel is applied online.

At time t we have a previous estimate of the kinematicstate, x̂t−1 and a new neural output, yt. Next the filter appliesthe dynamics model to estimate xt with all neural outputsup to time t− 1. This is the a priori estimate of xt:

x̂t|t−1 = Ax̂t−1 (5)

The model also estimates the a priori covariance (or uncer-tainty) of x̂t|t−1:

Σt|t−1 = AΣt−1AT + W (6)

W is the uncertainty introduced by the trajectory modelupdate. Even if W adds no uncertainty to position, suchas in the constrained structure of equation 4, AΣt−1A


translates previous velocity uncertainty into current positionuncertainty. This makes sense: if we do not know the pre-vious velocity with certainty, we do not know the integratedvelocity with certainty and so our position estimate mayhave error. Thus, in practice, there is uncertainty in the apriori estimate of every kinematic variable. This uncertaintyin position translates to jitter in the decode, as noise in theneural outputs will now filter into position.

We must distinguish online and offline use of the Kalmanfilter. In the online setting, the user is presented with the aposteriori estimate of cursor kinematics at every time-step. Ifwe believe that the user sees and internalizes the presentationof the cursor on the screen at each time-step, then the wayin which we model a posteriori covariance no longer makessense, as the user accepts the presented position as the currentposition state. By presenting the decode to the user, we createa causal intervention, that explicitly sets the value of thekinematic variable. This operation is defined by probabilitytheory and is well described by causal calculus [14] (see also[15], [16]).


Page 4: A Brain Machine Interface Control Algorithm Designed from a …shenoy/GroupPublications/... · 2012. 9. 2. · while under brain control (Fig. 1b). However, under brain control a

As a first step to modify the filter to incorporate thisfeedback, we presume that the user internalizes the filter’s es-timate of cursor position, p̂t, with complete certainty at timet. Accordingly, pt is explicitly set to p̂t, with no uncertainty.We are assuming that the user knows the previous cursorposition via feedback and that his forward model is exact.This is shown graphically in Fig. 2c, where the intervenedvariable is in green. Note also that the arrows coming into pthave been removed, to indicate that pt has been externallyset and uncertainty is not propagated.

The result of this intervention is to remove uncertainty inpt. All parameter fitting methods described in previous sec-tions remain unchanged. To implement this position feedbackfilter, we only have to alter estimation of the a posterioricovariance describing uncertainty in kinematics. Previously,we had:

Σt|t−1 = AΣtAT +W : Σt|t−1 =

Σp,pt|t−1 Σp,v

t|t−1 0

Σv,pt|t−1 Σv,v

t|t−1 0

0 0 0


where each block of the matrix Σt|t−1 represents the uncer-tainty propagated from previous kinematic estimates (posi-tion to position, position to velocity, and so on). Each one ofthese sub-matricies of Σt|t−1 is 2 x 2, representing horizontaland vertical components. The bottom row and right columnof zeros encodes the fact that the bias or constant offsetterm of xt, the last element of the state vector, is knownwith certainty. Since we have intervened and set pt withfeedback, this matrix becomes:

Σt|t−1 =

0 0 00 Σv,v

t|t−1 0

0 0 0

. (8)

We are zeroing out all a priori position uncertainty, as weare explicitly assuming that the monkey and the controlalgorithm have matching beliefs about the position of thecursor at time t. Otherwise, this filter is run in the samemanner as the standard Kalman filter. This modified Kalmanfilter, together with innovation 1 described above, comprisethe ReFIT-KF control algorithm.


All procedures and experiments were approved by theStanford University Institutional Animal Care and Use Com-mittee (IACUC). Experiments were conducted with an adultmale rhesus macaque (L), implanted with a 96 electrodeUtah array (Blackrock Microsystems Inc., Salt Lake City,UT) using standard neurosurgical techniques [17]. MonkeyL was implanted 19-33 months prior to the experiments.The electrode array was implanted in the dorsal aspect ofpremotor cortex (PMd) and primary motor cortex (M1), asestimated visually from local anatomical landmarks.

The monkey was trained to make point-to-point reachesin a 2D plane with a virtual cursor controlled by the con-tralateral arm or by a neural decoder [18]. The virtual cursorand targets were presented in a 3D environment (MSMS,MDDF, USC, Los Angeles, CA). Visual presentation was

provided via two LCD monitors with refresh rates at 120 Hz,yielding frame updates within 12 ± 4 ms. Two mirrorsvisually fused the displays into a single 3D percept, cre-ating a Wheatstone stereograph (see Fig. 2 in [18]). Handposition data were measured with an infrared reflective beadtracking system (Polaris, Northern Digital, Ontario, Canada).Behavioral control and neural decode were run on separatePCs using the Simulink/xPC platform (Mathworks, Natick,MA) with communication latencies of 3 ms. This systemenabled millisecond-timing precision for all computations.Neural data were initially processed by the Cerebus recordingsystem (Blackrock Microsystems Inc., Salt Lake City, UT).An analog bandpass filter with a 0.3 Hz to 7.5 kHz passbandwas applied to each channel. Channels were sampled at30 kSamples/second and were filtered with a 250 Hz to7.5 kHz digital bandpass filter. A threshold detector wasapplied to each bandpassed channel. The threshold valuewas set automatically to −4.5 times the measured root meansquared value of the channel. When the signal value wasless than threshold a spike event was registered for thatchannel and was received by the behavioral control systemwithin 5 ± 1 ms. The number of spike events are counted innon-overlapping temporal bins (typically 50 ms). The countsfor each channel over time are the inputs to the controlalgorithm.

For all sessions reported in this paper, the monkey acquiredtargets in a center-out-and-back task in which a uniformring of 8 targets was 8 cm from the center target. Targetacceptance windows were square boxes with sides 4-6 cm inlength. Successful acquisition requires a 500 ms hold period,during which the cursor must remain within the acceptancewindow. Acquisition times do not include this hold period.


Taken together, the innovations described in Sections II-Aand II-B increased performance relative to a velocity Kalmanfilter (Velocity-KF), that is state-of-the-art for current BMIs(e.g., [11], [12]). Fig. 4 shows representative cursor traces forthe different neural control modes and native arm based con-trol. Fig. 5 shows the relative contributions to performancemade by each innovation; Fig. 5a shows performance withVelocity-KF (green) compared to the Velocity-KF with onlythe first innovation (yellow) and Fig. 5b shows the Velocity-KF with the first innovation compared against the ReFIT-KF(both innovations).

ReFIT-KF Velocity-KFNative Arm


2 3









2 3





5 cm

Fig. 4. Continuous center-out-and-back traces for 3 cursor control modes.The order in which the radial targets appeared is indicated by the adjacentnumbers.


Page 5: A Brain Machine Interface Control Algorithm Designed from a …shenoy/GroupPublications/... · 2012. 9. 2. · while under brain control (Fig. 1b). However, under brain control a

We tested algorithms in succession, switching betweenthem on the same day against identical task conditions. Theacceptance window was 5 cm for Fig. 5a and 4 cm for Fig. 5band the monkey had 3 s to acquire the target. The acceptancewindow was larger in Fig. 5a because acquisition of smallertargets with Veloicty-KF control was incredibly difficult andthe monkey would lose interest in the task.


b0 200 400 600






n A


re T



Success Rate:

83% 99% 83%

0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000





n A


re T



Trial #

Success Rate:

100% 99% 99%

Fig. 5. (a) Velocity-KF (green) vs Kalman filter with innovation 1 only(yellow) (L-2010-01-13) (b) Kalman filter with innovation 1 only (yellow)vs ReFIT Kalman filter (red) (L-2010-08-19)

Table 1 shows average acquisition times for the threecontrol modes during four different sessions. During all ofthese sessions, the task parameters were the same as thosespecified above, except the acceptance box was expanded to6 cm to allow for high success rates across all three controlmodes (>95%) permitting direct comparison of acquisitiontimes. Note that ReFIT-KF reduces acquisition times by afactor of 2.

Dataset Native Arm ReFIT-KF Velocity-KF2010-10-27 487 581 17362010-10-28 441 650 16532010-10-29 453 605 13292010-11-02 496 549 1089Mean 469 596 1452



We present two control algorithm innovations developedfrom a feedback control perspective. Each of these inno-vations results in an increase in BMI control performance,as measured by success rate and/or acquisition time. As

demonstrated across multiple datasets, the ReFIT-KF controlalgorithm results in a large reduction in acquisition time rel-ative to Velocity-KF control, approaching native arm controlperformance for the tested cursor control task.


We thank M. Risch & S. Kang for surgical assistance & veteri-nary care, D. Haven for IT support, S. Eisensee for administrativeassistance, Mark M. Churchland & Matthew T. Kaufman forinsightful comments & suggestions, and P. Ortega for mathematicalinsight.


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