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Broader objectives

(A person can write it or leave it, as in the beginning most of it has beencovered)

 These are those objectives of case work which define what a case worker

should achieve in overall process. These help worker to maintain conformity

and protect him for any deviation. These are in short panoptic goals of case


1. To study problems of client which are psychosocial in nature faced by

him in all dimensions?

2. To chalk out possible reasons for clients dysfunction.

3. To help client to resolve problems, cope with it and promote effective


4. To link client with needed resource.

5. To promote delivery of social service network.

6. To develop and use case work practice in the context of diverse

problems and continuously evaluate the results for further


In social case work there are also specific objectives which deals with

particular situations which arise in case work practice from time to time.

 These objectives are framed or modified by the case worker according to

situation and need of the hour while dealing with the client.


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The Beginning:

 The Client Miss Sumaira, aged 15 years, a student of class 10th in Delhi Public

School was referred to me by my friend and her teacher Mr. Rouf Khanda.

Nature of the Problem:

Every day, children enter their classrooms bringing backpacks, pencils, paper

—and their unique views of the world. Every child has his or her own

expectations and insights, formed from experiences at home, in the

community, and at school. When children witness violence between their

adult caregivers or experience abuse or neglect, they can enter the

classroom believing that the world is an unpredictable and threatening place.

Children look to their parents for stability and protection. When a parent is

the source of violence, the child’s sense of security and safety can be

compromised or destroyed, replaced instead by fear and anxiety. Lacking a

sense of security, a child can have difficulty in exploring the world through

play, developing self- confidence, and maintaining motivation. A parent’s

unpredictable or violent behavior can lead to difficulty in forming personalattachments and may foster relationships that are based on fear and


According to my friend the client faces difficulties in class to understand

things and most of the time she use to be day dreaming. She has no friend

in the class or in school and she never likes to make friends which again

leads her is isolation.


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•  Though I did not interacted that much with the client but it was visible

from the client that she is suffering from the problem and she wantshelp to come out of it.

• As in school there are limitations of time and also we have to follow

rules so it will be a great challenge to intervene in this problem.

 Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To seek permission from principal.

•  To build rapport with client.


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Second Interview:

 Today I reached to the school of my client and initially I had a meeting with

the Principal and Mr. Rouf teacher of the client. I explained the principalabout the process which I will be following and the requirements in it, after

explaining him how the process and progress will take place, he got satisfied

and assured me to provide full support.

After the meeting was over and we went out, I generally tried to get more

information about the behavior of my client. In the third period Mr. Rouf 

called my client and we headed to M.E. Room of school.

Now I had one on one interaction with my client and initially she does not felt

comfortable and does not responded and I also do not compiled her. I started

by the question what they have read from the morning in the school, and

slowly she also started talking, and I paid full attention whatever she said,

slowly I started conforming from her about her siblings and their occupation.

She mentioned that her elder brother is pursuing B.S.C in College and her

younger sister is studying in class 8th in the same school. After conforming

about her peer group she said she does not like to make friends, this took

me little bit surprise but I showed no reaction to my client and continued

listen her carefully. After some time she opened up and talked to me with

ease, but at the same time she played smart by hiding the actual problem,

we started general discussion about the school and teachers and I observed

she do not have much interest neither in school nor in teachers, meanwhile I

asked her that by her speaking way she seems to be a bright student then

what is the reason that you get low marks in you subjects, after listening tothis question she gave a long pause. After that I do not feel good to ask her

same question so I changed the topic and started asking about her likings

and disliking, she replied that she like to be alone all the time and want to

live far away from her home, when I asked why she again went for a pause.


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It was now lunch time in school so I asked her do she has to take lunch and

she said yes, so we stopped discussion and I asked her I want to discuss with

her once again and she said she too. So we fixed time that we will meet

again on ____________________________.


•  Today it was nice to interact with the client in open atmosphere and

she too feels relaxed.

•  Though she did not opened up too much but the response she gave

was good enough to build a good rapport with her.

• She many a times indicated that problem lies within the home by

putting pause on few of my question.

 Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To build rapport and bring client into “comfort zone”

•  To make client talk about her problem and try to gain insights about

the same.

Important to mention:

“I was introduced to client as carrier counselor and because she is

weak in studies she is first to interact.”


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Third Interview:

 Today I went to the school, and met with Mr. Rouf, we had a bit discussion

regarding my client and after that he called her at same place in the school

M.E. Room she greeted me and I too responded to her. Then Mr. Rouf left the

room, and we started our discussion, I asked her about these day’s activities

and other simple things so that we can start discussion easily. Today I found

change in her and I found she have trusted me by now so she started

opening up, after asking a question regarding her parents as how do they

do? She first took a pause and then said it does not affect them how we are

so why should we waste our time in thinking how they are. It brings a smile

on my face and she asked why it is so? I replied her it is good to see her back

and it is nice that she share her feelings with me. I asked her, that I feel

there is something wrong at her home which makes her very much disturbed

is it so? And then she started telling me all about the problem, she

mentioned that her father is a DSP and mother a government teacher but

she (my client) has never been able to see her parents in prospers manner,and this directly affect them (my client and her siblings), she told me now

her elder brother also shifted to Srinagar for studies and he did it to live far

from parents. She told me already her parents had very less time to spend at

home with them and during that time they use to fight with each other and

sometimes use very bad language, they do not understand how much that

affects their children and their studies. She said that once upon a time she

use to top the class but slowly because of family tension her studies got

affected and now she is unable to understand anything and also cannot

properly concentrate on the studies and other parts of life. I conformed from

her why doesn’t she have any friend? She replied she fears they may not like

to continue friendship if they come to know about her family and she does

not want to tell anyone this thing. I told her in very light manner that


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friendship happened to be with a person not with family. After a healthy

discussion with her, I asked her does she want me to help her in overcoming

this problem and she with very innocent look answered yes if I can help her

she will be thankful to me. Then I said her we need to meet again and we

fixed the day for next session.


•  Today my client opened up and discussed her problem with me. She is

developing trust on me and I also responded in positive manner.

•  The problem with my client is because of parental problem and as we

have seen in such cases children are more affected and same is with

my client.

Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To arrange meeting with either parent of the client.

•  To start initiating intervention plan for client.


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Fourth Interview:

As I have already told Mr. Rouf to arrange a meeting with Sumair’s father at

school, and once you fix it just give a call. Mr. Rouf called last evening and

today I went school to have meeting with my client’s father. As I reached

school it was around 10:10 AM and prayer was going on in the school so I

waited in visitor’s hall, after prayer were over Mr. Rouf came and told me

that her father will be coming and we were discussing casual thing with each

other and by that time her father reached school, Mr. Rouf and I went to

principal’s room and her father was later on called there, now in presence of 

principal and Mr. Rouf we had general discussion about her child and her

studies later on Principal of school told him about me and also asked him to

have a meeting with me. He agreed and we went to school conference room

we had one on one discussion. I explained the trauma from which his child is

suffering from and the reason about it. He responded by blaming my client’s

mother for the reason of problem, I discussed many aspects of this problem

and its impact on their children. I even warned him about bad consequenceson the psychological and physical development of their children. He being

Police officer and educated person agreed about the fact, but at the same

time he was unable to understand what he can do about it, I provided him

with few suggestions that are as:

1.If you feel that problem will take place by any action you should move

to other room or go out for a walk,

2.Try to avoid any problem or fight with your wife in front of children.

3. Try to understand her stand and if she will be wrong try to keep silent

at that time and then once she become cool explain her what wrong

she has done.


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4. I also advice him to spend more time with daughters so that they will

not feel alone and most importantly they are growing one so they

need more parental care.

5. I also recommended him to perform yoga, or to use water therapy

whenever he feels angry.

After this I told him that I may need to talk with him further any time, he

happily gave his phone number and told me that I can contact him anytime

whenever needed. He also promised me that he will try level best to

implement these things. I thanked him for his time, and he in response

thanked me for all this.


•  Today I had meeting with my client’s father regarding their family

problem and its impact on my client, it seems me that her father

responded in well manner, but as a human nature he put blame on his


• I observed that he was very flexible and was very worried about her

daughter, these were very good signs for me to progress in this case.

Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To visit school of the client.

•   To arrange meeting with client’s classmates and engage them in

helping her out.

•  To extend further intervention plan.


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Fifth Interview:

  Today after few days I went to school, and met with my client, we had

discussion in M.E Room of school, today mainly discussion remained about

the observations and changes felt by the client from last few day. My client

told me that she feels a bit relaxed from past few days but she was not sure

why and how it is so? I enquired from my client about her studies and she

replied in very good manner that she is not happy with studies and is not

able to concentrate on studies. This was the real concern for me. It means

that she is still struggling with problem. I shifted the discussion and

encouraged her to make friends as human being is a social animal. Though

earlier she showed that it does not work for her but I motivated her and she

promised me that she will think about it. After discussion with my client I

conformed about her mother, where she is working and what she is teaching

etc. after conforming this we decided that, we will again have a session and

after that she left to have lunch. I met with Mr. Rouf and requested him to

manage a meeting with my client’s classmates. So that I will also discuss

with them, after seeking permission from principal he told me that I can have

a meeting with them in their sixth period as it is Art class and I waited till

sixth period and in sixth period I went to their class (X) and Mr. Rouf 

introduced me to all of them. I felt that class responded in very good manner

as it was just enjoyment for them by not attending their regular class that is

Art class. I discussed with all of them about their hobbies and interests andslowly I managed to make atmosphere where in I can now talk to them about

socialization in their class. I encouraged all of them both boys and girls to

have good relationship with each other because school days never come

back and good relationship here will get carried on for life long. And I


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particularly encouraged girls to have friendship with each and every other

member of their class particularly among themselves. I managed to talk few

of girls separately and I urged them to engage Sumaira with them and help

her out in studies and other social aspects and I found good response from

these young girls of my client’s class.


•  Today I found my client a bit relaxed but at the same time still not sure

about situation.

• Her classmates showed interest really to help her out from her problem

and they promised to lend their help to her.

Specific objectives for next meeting:

•   To have meeting with younger sibling of client and involve her in

helping process.

•   To have one more meeting with classmates of client and analyze



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Sixth Interview:

 Today I visited the school only with the purpose to meet with the class mates

of my client and with her younger sister, to know more about my client and

her over all behavior. I first had a session with her younger sister who is

studying in class 8th in same school. I met her during their games period she

was sitting ideal so I got good chance to interact with her, as children use to

found me in their school off and on so it was easy for me to start discussion

with her. After formal introduction and knowing about her likings and friends

etc after this I asked her about her sister and about their relationship. She

responded in very normal way initially, and said that it is fine she has as

usual relationship with her sister as any other will be having. When I

conformed about her behavior at home and elsewhere, she said her sister

used to play with her and use to treat as every elder sister treats her

younger sister but from last some time she has changed, she speak very

less, and do not play with her, she use to sought on her and most of the time

she use to spend alone. I asked my clients sister does she has friends and

she answered yes and even she introduced me with them, and it was a nice

feeling to see this young girl not being affected with family problem till date.

I conformed about their parent’s behavior and she was a bit sad and replied

that is okay, and I did not tried to push her for more so I thanked her for

spending time with me.

After a session with my client’s sister I managed to take lunch with the class

mates of my client and we all together took lunch even along Mr. Rouf 

accompanied us. We had general and very funny discussion and I tried to

find out about the progress of my client in managing to build social

relationship or not, and I found some encouraging signs as she shared jokes


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with classmates and we all took our lunch in very enjoyable manner. I

thanked all of them for such a wonderful lunch and put forward my hope that

they will continue doing things like this all the time.


• While talking to sister of my client I felt she being young does not have

that much impact of family problem but I also observed that she too is

getting involved in it. The changes mentioned by her regarding my

client are very important for me to design my strategy for proper

intervention, so that my client will be benefited.

• This was nice to see that my client has started enjoying her group and

encouraging sign for me to carry on with my intervention.

Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To arrange meeting with mother of the client and involve her in the


•  To know her understanding about the client.


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Severn Interview:

 Today I decided to meet with the mother of my client who is a teacher by

profession and is posted at Awantipora district Pulwama. I went to her school

after conforming about the school from local people I reached there by 11:

00 AM; she is posted at Boys government high school Awantipora. I met with

her and introduced myself to her and also explained my motto to visit her

school, she was surprise and shock and initially her attitude was very much

negative but slowly when we progress in discussion she became calm. Her

reaction was very negative when I explained her that I am counseling her

elder daughter, she initially reacted as layman, but when I explained her why

her daughter’s school approached me, then she started understanding the

matter. I discussed generally about her daughter. First about her activities

and about studies, she told me that her daughter was good at studies and in

other activities but suddenly god knows what happened to her, now she do

not take interest in studies and other activities and also at home she remains

confined to herself and likes to sit only in her room. While conforming from

her does she has asked her daughter about this change or has she ever

taken interest to know why it happened and reason about it. She responded

in very light manner and said yes she asked her two- three times but she

does not answer and then she (mother) does not feel good to ask her. It took

me by surprise; I told her do you know that you are losing your daughter she

replied by saying what and why? I told her your daughter is in deep shockbecause of your fight with your husband and vice versa. She took a pause

and then replied with wet eyes that yes her husband use to fight with her,

she blamed her husband for the entire problem, and I gave same advice to

her as I have given to her husband and requested her to control such clashes


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with her husband in front of her children, this act make children very

affected and sometimes led them to take very strange action. At the end she

being women showed very much worries about her child and I promised her

that everything will be fine if both of them will try to avoid fighting and

creating problems in front of their children.


• I observed that same like her husband she was not ready to accept

mistake and blamed her husband for it.

•  This was quite amazing that she has not taken any step to find out why

there is change in her daughter.

Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To have meeting with my client and aware her about the previous

sessions with her parents.

•  To canvass the progress made by client and encourage further change

in her.

 To continue with my intervention.


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Eighth Interview:

 Today I went to my client’s school and had a session with her, we both went

to conference room of school and started initially with general discussion and

later on grab it into the main discussion, I updated my client about meeting

with her father and mother but did not disclosed what happened or what was

discussion between them and me remembering principle of confidentiality,

though she reacted in strange way and initially was not happy and after I

explained the need of my visit and meeting with her parents she was relaxed

but did not asked about comments made by her parents. Then I conformed

from her has she managed to make any friend or not yet and she happily

replied yes she has a friend in class namely Anjeela and she was very much

excited about it. I motivated her to speak about now a day’s atmosphere at

home and she still was not very interested to speak it out, but she

mentioned that her father from last few days is showing care about them

(her & her sister) and also asks about their day to day activities and school

work. But she also mentioned that still her parents use to fight with each

other and that makes her very disturbed. Today it was really heart breaking

but I managed to control my emotions and remembered myself about

principle of Controlled emotional involvement, when my client asked for my

help to find out any hostel for her to live in, this happened when she break

into tears after telling me about fight between her parents and their attitude

and language used by them just 2 days ago. I somehow managed tomotivate her for not crying and told her that she can trust me and she should

be quit hopeful that things will be fine soon, I remembered her that how her

father started taking care of them. And also remembered that she has a

good friend now so she should be very much hopeful that she will turn things


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and will changed her parents for herself as well as for her younger sister.

After I told her these things she laughed and started discussing her activities

from last few day I gave her patient listening as well as active listening, I

found that she was feeling relaxed after telling me all these things. We

decided that we will have again a meeting session very soon and by that weended today session and my client went for her lunch.

I waited for Mr. Rouf as I wanted to discuss about my client and her parents,

so after lunch time was over in the school, I met him and luckily it was his

vacant period, I discussed about improvement in my client and he told me he

has seen a good improvement in her. After discussing about my client I

asked Mr. Rouf can he manage a meeting with my client’s parents and he

responded, that they have a system in the school, that by the end of every

month they hold parents teachers meeting and on that day he can fix a

meeting between them and me. I told Mr. Rouf it is important that both her

parents should come. So I will be looking forward for this meeting, so that I

can discuss with my client’s parents and try to make them understand what

they are doing with their children in un- noticed way.


• I observed many visible changes in my client and she seemed more

confident and optimistic.

•  The problem of parental conflict still persist which hamper client’s

progress and rehabilitation.

Specific objectives for next meeting:

•  To arrange meeting with both the parents of my client.

•  To update them about the progress of case work with their child.

•   To motivate and encourage change in them through technique of 



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Nine Interview:

  Yesterday Mr. Rouf called me and informed about the parents teachers

meeting, which will be held today, so I went to the school today with a motto

to have a brief discussion and counseling session with the parents of my

client. I reached to the school early so that I will get good time to discuss

with her parents, I met with Mr. Rouf, and he informed me that her (my

client’s) parents are yet to reach the school, so I joined Mr. Rouf and I found

a good response from other student’s parents, they asked me about carrier

counseling for their children and also were very interested to know how to

deal with their children about different matter, and I felt quite happy to share

my views with them. After some time both the father and mother of my

client came as they have both specially asked to come by Mr. Rouf so that Ican hold a meaningful meeting with them. After normal greeting and after

they conformed about progress of their ward, Mr. Rouf told them that they

have a meeting with me regarding their ward. So we went to Conference

room of the school and I had a meeting, and detailed discussion with them

for around 2 hours. I upgraded them about the image framed by their

children regarding present situation at their home and its direct impact on

their personality and education. I tried my level best to motivate both of 

them to solve their problems with each other as soon as possible and if that

will not happen at least avoid fighting in front of their children. We discussed

many things and at a point I felt both of them were feeling what they have

done and what will be the result if this will continue, but saying this that they

have completely changed is just foolishness as it is not possible just having a


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open discussion or advices by someone will bring great change. But I am

quite hopeful that there will be some impact and hopefully they will restrict

themselves fighting in front of their children.


* Both the parents seemed willing to change their attitude and behavior for

the well being of there child.

* I observed the positive change and improvement in attitude and

behavior of my client I deiced to terminate the Case work process in next


Specific objectives:

* To arrange meeting with my client and access her change.

* To have a meeting with principal, classmates of my client, and her



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Tenth Interview:

 Today after many days I went to the school to see my client, I reached to the

school at around 11:00 AM and met with the principal of the school and

conformed about my client’s progress and behavior, the principal gave a

brief description about the present progress and behavior of my client and

showed his faith that I can put more efforts to modify her behavior a bit

more. After the meeting with the principal of school, I met with Mr. Rouf class

teacher of my client and my friend; I conformed about the progress of my

client in her studies and also about her behavior. After meeting with these

people I met with my client in M.E. Room, she was happy to see me after a

long time, I greeted her and she thanked me, I asked for what she is

thanking me, she narrated the story of past few days at her home,

mentioned that there is a bit change in attitude of her parents, and this

makes her relaxed and also thanked me for making her realize how

important friend is in one’s life. I gave a smile to her and explained her that

it is joint efforts from her side, parent’s side and most importantly from herschool side. She continued telling me about happenings of past week or so,

and her dealing with people, I very actively listened to her and appreciated

her to speak more and more, today I gave her some tips, which she should

use at home to avoid facing any problem related to her parents.


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Eleventh Interview: (Termination phase)

 Today, I met my client at her school during lunch break and we both went to

conference room to have a case work session. I started with general things and

encouraged her to speak more and more. She told me that things have now

changed around her I asked her how she react to it, she told me she is feeling good,

happy and now more optimistic and confident .As per her “I am the most lucky and

happiest person in this world and how insane was I that I didn’t realized it prior”.

  Then I took her attention towards the core issue of her parent’s behavior and

atmosphere at home. She “smiled” and said now things are far better than what it

used to be earlier. She said both her mother and father took more care of them

especially her and nowadays they don’t quarrel with each other. She said “my home

has now become place to live and now I feel I have a mother and father like other

children who care and are concerned about their children.” I felt happy and rejoiced

when she communicates it. After that I enquired about her school and about her

friend, she told me that now not only Anjeeli but others classmates have become

her friends too and she really enjoy their company and school atmosphere too. I

told my client that she has now overcome the problem almost, so she needs to

carry on with this. I told her that I cannot continue for long with counseling her, so

she should take care of herself more efficiently. Firstly she reacted in very odd

manner and she told me that can I be with her for some more time. I explained to

her everything about my profession and especially about case work and time frame


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in it besides my academic commitments. But at the same time assured her, that I

will fallow ups till she and I get satisfied with result. She realized it as she herself 

being a student after it we both started analyzing the realistic goals which we have

achieved during sessions of case work.

At the end I encourage my client to continue with this attitude and tried to instill inher information about future course of action and also if she faced any such

problem in time to come. She thanked me for everything which I rendered to her I

also appreciated her motivation, willingness and cooperation.

I thanked principal, teachers especially Mr. Rouf and classmates of my client for

their support. With all such developments I terminated my case work.



 The below listed points will give brief look to the evaluation process of this

case work:-

1) Theoretical knowledge is necessary for working in field

2) I was able to understand root cause of the problem of client.

3) I was able to intervene properly to resolve her problem.

4)   To bring change environmental modification (family, school,

community, peer group) are of utmost importance in this case.

5)  To initiate any process client should be willing and ready to change.

6) Family played important role in modification of behavior of client and

support for life time.

7) Client’s dignity and worth should be respected which help and

motivate him to change.

8) Client’s decisions should be respected and honored.


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9) While dealing with client a case worker should be able to know his/ her


10)   Theoretical part of case work many a times differ from its

implication in the field.

In this case work I (student counselor) used both verbal and non verbal

communications to communicate with my client. The medium of verbal

communication with my client was Urdu/ Hindi whereas medium of 

communication with her parents was Urdu/ Kashmiri / English and medium of 

communication with her peer group/ classmates and with her younger sister

was Urdu/ Hindi. The communication between school authorities and me was

English and Hindi.

Initially the case seems very difficult one but as the time progress it started

becoming interesting and at the same time challenging. Sessions with my

client’s parents proved fruitful and hence helped in positive change in my

client. As a class 10th student my client herself was aware that she is not

living normal life and her day to day activities are getting hampered. Her

own willingness made it possible to intervene in this case and progress

forward and school atmosphere particularly her classmates provided heremotional and moral support which helped in behavior change and

socialization of the client.

“Even after termination I visited my client twice and observed and analyzed

the status of my client. As per her class teacher she is progressing fast and is

showing keen interest in studies”.


8/8/2019 A Case Work With a Child

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