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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of

SMA N 66 Jakarta in Academic Year 2019/2020)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education


Putri Indah Oktavia







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Endorsement Sheet

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Putri Indah Oktavia, 11160140000008, The Use of Affixes as Word Structure

Strategy on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research at

the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 66 Jakarta in Academic Year

2019/2020). A Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of

Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2020.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Keywords : Vocabulary Mastery, Affixes, Word Structure


This research aims to improve students’ vocabulary mastery through

the use of Affixes as Word Structure Strategy. This research was conducted on the

eleventh-grade students at SMA N 66 Jakarta in Academic Year 2019/2020. The

subject of the research was students of XI MIA 1 class, consists of 35 students.

This research was implementing a Classroom Action Research based on Kemmis

and McTaggart models by using both of qualitative and quantitative methods.

This research was addressed in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of four

phases: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Quantitative data gathered

from the tests, while qualitative data gathered from observation and interview.

The result of tests indicated that there was was a good improvement regarding the

students' development on vocabulary mastery. In the pre-test, there were only 17

students or 48.6% who could exceed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM), and

the average score was 66.1. In the post-test 1, that was conducted after cycle 1, the

students who passed the KKM increased. There were 22 students, or 62.9% of all

students who exceeded the KKM, and the average score was 72.9. Then, in the

post-test 2, that was conducted after cycle 2, 80% of students exceeded the KKM,

and the average was 77.7. Thus, it showed the improvement of students’

vocabulary mastery significantly, and it achieved the criteria of success.

Moreover, the results of observations and interviews indicated good students’

improvement from before implementing the strategy up to the end of CAR. The

students’ activeness in participating learning process, vocabulary understanding,

and motivation in learning English using this strategy had significantly improved.

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Putri Indah Oktavia, 11160140000008, Penggunaan Afiks sebagai Strategi

Struktur Kata pada Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

pada Siswa Kelas Sebelas SMA N 66 Jakarta Tahun Ajaan 2019/2020).

Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan

Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2020.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Dosen Pembimbing II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Kata Kunci : Penguasaan Kosakata, Affixes, Strategi Struktur


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata siswa melalui

penggunaan Affix sebagai Strategi Struktur Kata. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada

siswa kelas sebelas SMA N 66 Jakarta Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Subjek

penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIA 1 yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Penelitian ini

merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas berbasis model Kemmis dan McTaggart

dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini

dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dimana setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan

yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data kuantitatif

diperoleh dari tes, sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dari observasi dan

wawancara. Hasil tes menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang baik terkait

perkembangan penguasaan kosakata siswa. Pada pre-test hanya terdapat 17 siswa

atau 48,6% yang dapat melebihi Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM), dengan

nilai rata-rata 66,1. Pada post test 1 yang dilaksanakan setelah siklus 1, siswa yang

lulus KKM mengalami peningkatan. Ada 22 siswa atau 62,9% dari seluruh siswa

yang melebihi KKM, dan nilai rata-rata 72,9. Kemudian pada post test 2 yang

dilaksanakan setelah siklus 2, 80% siswa melebihi KKM, dan rata-rata 77,7.

Dengan demikian, hal tersebut menunjukkan peningkatan penguasaan kosakata

siswa secara signifikan, dan mencapai kriteria berhasil. Selain itu, hasil observasi

dan wawancara menunjukkan peningkatan siswa yang baik dari sebelum

penerapan strategi hingga akhir PTK. Keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti proses

pembelajaran, pemahaman kosakata, dan motivasi belajar bahasa Inggris dengan

menggunakan strategi ini telah meningkat secara signifikan.

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In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful.

All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has given the

researcher his blessing, guidance, and strength to finish this Skripsi well. Sholawat

and salam may Allah send them to our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),

his family, his companions as well his followers.

In this valuable occasion, the researcher would like to express her

gratitude and appreciation to many people who have provided motivation,

guidance, and support. First, to the researcher’s beloved parents, her mother

Susilawati for her endless love and support, and her father Tri Atmono, who has

become the researcher’s booster to keep continuing her study, especially at the

academic level. Also, for her sister, Desti Harniati, and her brother, Andri Yanto,

who have always been supporting the researcher.

Second, to Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as

the advisors who have helped the researcher patiently completing this Skripsi by

giving guidance, suggestion, correction, and support in completing this Skripsi.

Besides, the researcher would also deliver her special thanks to:

1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Didin N Hidayat, MA. TESOL., Ph.D., as Head of Department of English


3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of Department of English Education.

4. All lecturers in the Department of English Education who have given their

knowledge, experiences, and motivations to the researcher during the learning

process at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

5. Kusnyoto, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMA N 66 Jakarta.

6. Nunun Maslukah, S.Pd., the English teacher of eleventh-grade at SMA N 66


7. The students of XI MIA 1 of SMA N 66 Jakarta for the cooperation and

participation during research.

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8. Her closest friends, Yatni Fatwa Mulyati, Krisma Nurmaya, and Khaerunnisa,

who always give support, suggestion, strength while conducting this research.

9. All beloved member A class of Department of English Education 2016 “Alpha

Squad” for their support and helps from the beginning of the learning process

to the end of the semester.

10. For everyone who has supported and contributed to the completion of this

Skripsi that cannot be mentioned one by one.

In the end, the researcher expected that this Skripsi could be useful for

both the researcher herself and the readers. The researcher realizes that this

research is far from perfect, and there are still many shortcomings in this Skripsi.

Therefore, suggestions, constructive thought, and critiques are welcomed to make

this research better.

Jakarta, October 2020

Putri Indah Oktavia

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APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY ....................................................... ii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ x

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xi

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research ................................................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ................................................................ 4

C. The Focus of the Research .................................................................... 4

D. Formulation of the Research ................................................................. 4

E. Objectives of the Research .................................................................... 4

F. Significance of the Research ................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 6

A. Vocabulary Mastery .............................................................................. 6

1. The Conceptual Definition of Vocabulary Mastery ................. 6

2. The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery .................................. 7

3. Types of Vocabulary ................................................................ 8

4. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary ......................................... 8

5. Problems in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary ..................... 9

B. Word Structure Strategy ...................................................................... 10

1. Definition of Word Structure Strategy ................................... 10

2. Definition of Affixes .............................................................. 11

3. The most Commonly Affixes Used ........................................ 12

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4. The benefit of Word Structure Strategy ................................. 13

C. Teaching Vocabulary through Affixes as Word Structure Strategy ... 14

D. Relevant Research ............................................................................... 16

E. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 17

F. Action Hypotheses .............................................................................. 18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 19

A. Place and Time of the Research .......................................................... 19

B. Method and Design of the Research ................................................... 19

C. The Subject and Object of the Research ............................................. 21

D. Data Sources........................................................................................ 21

E. The instrument of the Research........................................................... 22

F. The technique of Data Collection ....................................................... 22

G. The technique of Data Analysis .......................................................... 23

H. Trustworthiness ................................................................................... 24

I. The Criterion of Action Success ......................................................... 25

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .............................................. 26

A. Data Description.................................................................................. 26

1. Finding of the Preliminary Research ...................................... 26

2. Finding the First Cycle ........................................................... 33

3. Finding the Second Cycle ...................................................... 45

4. Finding after Implementing the Action .................................. 55

B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 67

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 69

A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 69

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 70

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 71

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 76

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Table 2.1 The 20 Most Common Prefixes in Academic Texts ............................. 12

Table 2.2 The 20 Most Common Suffixes in Academic Texts ............................. 13

Table 4.1 The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Pre-Test .............. 31

Table 4.2 The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Post-Test 1 ......... 60

Table 4.3 The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Post-Test 2 ......... 63

Table 4.4 The Scores Comparison of Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2 .......... 65

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Figure 3.1 Kemmis and Mc. Taggarr Action Research Model ............................. 20

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students' Vocabulary Score in the 1st Cycle ...... 62

Figure 4.2 The Improvement of Students' Vocabulary Score in the 2nd Cycle ..... 65

Figure 4.3 The Percentage of Students who have Met and have not Met the KKM

Standard............................................................................................... 66

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Appendix 1a Observation Sheet in Preliminary Research .................................... 77

Appendix 1b Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 Phase 1 ............................................. 78

Appendix 1c Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 Phase 2 ............................................. 79

Appendix 1d Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 Phase 3 ............................................. 80

Appendix 1e Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 Phase 1 ............................................. 81

Appendix 1f Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 Phase 2 ............................................. 82

Appendix 1g Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 Phase 3 ............................................. 83

Appendix 1h Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 1 Phase 1 .......................... 84

Appendix 1i Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 1 Phase 2 ........................... 86

Appendix 1j Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 1 Phase 3 ........................... 88

Appendix 1k Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 2 Phase 1 .......................... 90

Appendix 1l Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 2 Phase 2 ........................... 92

Appendix 1m Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 2 Phase 3 ......................... 94

Appendix 2a Interview for English Teacher ......................................................... 96

Appendix 2b Interview for Students in the Preliminary Research ........................ 97

Appendix 2c Interview for Students in the End of Research ................................ 98

Appendix 2d The Result of Interview for English Teacher .................................. 99

Appendix 2e The Result of Interview for Students in the Preliminary Research 101

Appendix 2f The Result of Interview for Students in the end of Research ........ 105

Appendix 3a Instrument of Test and Answer Key in Pre-Test ........................... 105

Appendix 3b Students Score in Pre-Test ............................................................ 111

Appendix 4a The Instrument of Test and Answer Key in Post-Test 1 ............... 112

Appendix 4b Students Score in Post-Test 1 ........................................................ 118

Appendix 5a The Instrument of Test and Answer Key in Post-Test 2 ............... 119

Appendix 5b Students Score in Post-Test 2 ........................................................ 125

Appendix 6 1Blue Print of Test .......................................................................... 126

Appendix 7a Lesson Plan Used in Cycle 1 ......................................................... 129

Appendix 7b Lesson Plan Used in Cycle 2 ......................................................... 139

Appendix 81Photographs of Students’ Activity in the Class .............................. 149

Appendix 91Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi .............................................. 1500

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Appendix 101Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ............................................................ 1511

Appendix 11 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ............................................... 1533

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A. Background of the Research

Vocabulary is the primary component in language skills and

communication. Roche & Harrington (2013) stated that vocabulary knowledge is

a requirement for most other language skills (Dakhi & Fitria, 2019). Without

vocabulary, English Language Learners (ELLs) cannot use English properly as

their language. Hunt & Feng (2016) added that it is crucial that they have to

understand the words and they can use them in various situations. Aziez (2011)

discovered a standardized senior high school examination, national exam texts

consist of 4000 lines, with 2000 essential words (Noprianto & Purnawarman,

2019). Nurweni and Read (1999) added that the Indonesian English curriculum

sets the target for a senior high school student to have 4000 words to help them

handle English textbooks easily in college after finishing high school (Noprianto

& Purnawarman, 2019). Thus, vocabulary is crucial to be mastered by English

Language Learners.

However, the importance of vocabulary mastery seems not really

noticed in schools, because it is found that vocabulary learning seems to be

overlooked in learning English in Indonesia (Cahyono & Widiati, 2009).

Therefore, there were many students lack of vocabulary mastery, it is proven by

the observation at the eleventh-grade in SMA N 66 Jakarta and the previous

research, the students were unable to deliver their idea in writing or speaking

English well because of their limited vocabulary mastery. This problem could

have something to do with how teachers and students use vocabulary learning

strategy in the school to improve the students’ vocabulary.

In mastering the vocabulary, many vocabulary learning strategies are

applied to improve students' vocabulary mastery. Many experts suggest various

techniques and ways of learning vocabulary. One of which is Schmitt (1997) who

divided vocabulary learning strategies into two types, discovery strategies and

consolidation strategies (Asgari’ & Mustapha, 2012). Discovery strategies contain

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determination strategies and social strategies. On the other side, consolidation

strategies consist of memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and metacognitive

strategies (Asgari’ & Mustapha, 2012). Those strategies are useful for students'

vocabulary mastery.

As teachers, it is a must to guide their students in mastering

vocabulary. The most often applied technique for mastering vocabulary is

memorizing the vocabulary by the students look for the meaning of words in a

bilingual dictionary; this technique is a combination between determination

strategy and cognitive strategy (Noprianto & Purnawarman, 2019). This technique

is useful for students' ability to remember the meaning of the word they want to

know, but there are some disadvantages to this technique. Students only recognize

the meaning of the words they want to understand, and they will find difficulties if

they saw similar words in other contexts. They also will be slower in the

vocabulary learning process. The reading comprehension of the students will be

impaired if they do not know the meaning of the words, even if they able fluently

crack the words (Clemens et al., 2017).

On the other hand, some researchers found out that listening to the

English song is one of the effective ways to increase students’ vocabulary; this

technique is also called a metacognitive strategy (Asyiah, 2017). In the research of

vocabulary mastery by using the song (Kurnia & Setiawan, 2017), it is found out

that English songs could increase the ELLs in young learner’s vocabulary

mastery. Yet, using an English song is also has disadvantages; it cannot be applied

to all students' learning styles. Not all students could learn by listening to music,

and it cannot be implemented for non-auditory learning styles or students who

cannot learn by listening to something. In addition, some students may disagree

about some genre of song since they have different taste of music (Kuśnierek,


Some experts also use vocabulary teaching techniques by

understanding morphological knowledge which in this research is known as a

word structure strategy (Wysocki & Jenkins, 1987). This strategy is using affixes

as an alternative one for vocabulary learning strategy. Nation (2001) stated that

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most researchers revealed that there are three popular ways to improve ELL's

vocabulary. One of which is to get a comprehension of prefixes, suffixes, and

other word-building tools by intentionally studying or teaching and face-to-face

meaning (Kurnia & Setiawan, 2017). Some researchers also found out that affixes

technique shows the fruitful learning process in mastering vocabulary mastery and

appropriate for both teacher and students’ interaction (Akbulut, 2016), (Bowers,

2006), (Brown, Kraft, & Forbush, 2016), and (Davidson, 2019). Jennpattarakul

(2015) added that affixes as a vocabulary learning strategy able to solve

vocabulary problems because it can contribute to expand and to break down

learner knowledge vocabulary.

In this present research, the researcher suggests that affixes as word

structure strategy could help to solve the students' problem in learning vocabulary;

it will be an effective way to master students' vocabulary. Mountain (2007)

declared that the morphemic analysis of prefixes, suffixes, and root as an efficient

way of vocabulary building (Jenpattarakul, 2015). Jennpattarakul (2015) also

added that using morphological analysis, which is in the context of affixes, will

help students remember new words in their vocabulary learning approach.

Based on the problem above, the researcher tries to use affixes as a

word structure strategy to solve students’ problems in mastering their vocabulary.

Learning affixes has some advantages to make students learn vocabulary easier to

gain new words in mastering their vocabulary. According to Chatzisavvas (2005)

in Jennpattarakul (2015), it can be presumed that by using affixes, students could

quickly learn new vocabulary since they only have to know the structure of a

word, which is they already have several prior knowledge of affixes, such as re-,

un-, -er, dis-, -able, others. Affixes also can be combined with such games or song

techniques to make such variation of students’ learning. Knowing the advantages

of this strategy provides, this present research tends to see the use of affixes as

word structure strategy on students’ vocabulary mastery process.

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B. Identification of the Problem

From the background of the research above, the researcher identifies

several problems as below:

1. Vocabulary learning is neglected in learning English in Indonesia

2. Students lack of vocabulary mastery

3. Students were unable to deliver their idea in using English well

4. The difficulties in choosing a vocabulary learning strategy which is

appropriate overall the students

C. The Focus of the Research

This research is focusing on strategies used in improving students’

vocabulary mastery, which is the scope of senior high school. Moreover, the

vocabulary learning strategy is conducted by affixes as Word Structure Strategy.

D. Formulation of the Research

Regarding the focus above, the researcher formulates the research

question as follows; how does the Use of Affixes as Word Structure Strategy

improve vocabulary mastery at the eleventh-grade students of SMA N 66 Jakarta?

E. Objectives of the Research

The objective of the research is to find out how the Use of Affixes as

Word Structure Strategy improves the students’ vocabulary mastery at eleventh-

grade of SMA N 66 Jakarta in the academic year 2019/2020.

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F. Significance of the Research

The significance of the research lies as follows; students could have a

new insight into their strategies in helping their vocabulary mastery. The

researcher expects that students will be more comfortable understanding the

meaning of vocabulary they learned. Also, it is expected they will enjoy the

strategy in their learning progress. Therefore, they could use English as the

language well, and a teacher could see this strategy as a helpful way in the

learning process. The teacher also could combine this strategy with other

procedures to make the learning process more varied and not monotonous.

Moreover, this research could help the researcher comprehend the way of affixes

as word structure strategy that could help improve students' vocabulary mastery.

The researcher also hopes that this research could help people who are interested

in doing research related to vocabulary learning strategies.

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A. Vocabulary Mastery

1. The Conceptual Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

Before discussing the vocabulary mastery, it is necessary to know

what vocabulary itself. Vocabulary is well known as the meaning of the word.

Hiebert & Kamil (2005) defined that vocabulary is the awareness of the

meanings of words. Hatch & Brown (2001) declared vocabulary is a collection

or set of words that might be used by specific speakers of a language for a

particular communication. Wardani (2015) also explains that vocabulary is

one of the English elements that is defined as the total number of words in a

language. Alqahtani (2015) added that a new item of vocabulary might be

more than just a single word, such as ‘police-officer' and 'mother-in-law' that

consist of two or three words but express a unique idea. Not much different

from Santosa & Andriyadi (2019) pointed out that vocabulary is one of the

facets of language that should be mastered so that one can speak, write, and


Based on some theories of vocabulary above, it can be concluded

that vocabulary is not only a list or set of words. Yet also more than just a

single word which is express a single idea and have to be acquired the

knowledge to enhance the understanding of a language.

However, having a significant number of pieces of vocabulary

knowledge is not enough to make learners use language well. Hence, success

in learning English requires the acquisition of vocabulary. Mastering

vocabulary is necessary for learners in learning English. Greene (2012) states

that mastery is the impression that we, other people, and ourselves, have

greater control of truth. Harmer (1991) explains that knowing a word that is

vocabulary itself means knowing its meaning, its use of terms, its composition

of words, and its grammar (Santosa & Andriyadi, 2019). It can be concluded

that mastery is defined as understanding something entirely, and having a

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great skill to do something has no difficulties. Therefore, vocabulary mastery

is the ability to comprehend words, the amount of words learners knew, and

they know how to pronounce and use the words, both oral and written


From the definition above, we can conclude that vocabulary

mastery is having a high skill in vocabulary that does not just know the words

yet able to use it as language; speak, write, and listen.

2. The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery

As the researcher has mentioned above, vocabulary mastery

enables students to use language well, especially the English one. Santosa &

Andriyadi, (2019) point out that vocabulary proficiency aims to allow students

to have excellent language skills. Clarke (1980) added that vocabulary

learning enables learners to reach the threshold level, which helps them to

engage in real communication and gain a strong understanding of the second

language (Kocaman et al., 2018). Supported by research conducted by Liu and

Nation (1985) verified that students must comprehend 95% of foreign words

to understand the reading or the context they are dealing with (Yurtbaşi,

2015). It means that vocabulary mastery is necessary for English language

learners to comprehend the language. However, mastering the vocabulary is

not enough by only learning a particular number of English words in their

language with the meaning of such terms. Celik and Toptas (2001), in their

research, believe that lexical competence is the central position of

communicative competence, which is influenced by the mastery of vocabulary

(Mengistie, 2019).

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3. Types of Vocabulary

Kamil and Hiebert (2005) in (Terasne, 2017) distinguish

vocabulary into two types, namely receptive vocabulary and productive


a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary refers to learners who recognize or

comprehend the meaning of a word. Yet, they are cannot to use the

vocabulary in other contexts, or they are cannot produce into speaking and

writing (Stuart Webb, 2009 in Alqahtani, 2015).

b. Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary refers to learners who understand and

able to use the word well and in speaking and writing (Asyiah, 2017).

Productive vocabulary can therefore be addressed as an active process,

since learners can generate words to express their thoughts to others

(Stuart Webb, 2009 in Alqahtani, 2015).

4. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

Studying English Education in college, the researcher very well

knows how essential vocabulary is in English language learning. English

teacher also recognizes that students have to learn vocabulary at the beginning

of the learning process to gain the students’ understanding of English. Since in

recent research, the researcher focused on senior high school students, so

teaching and learning vocabulary discussed is based on the standard of Senior

High School student abilities.

Moreover, some experts have provided the method or technique in

teaching vocabulary to make English teachers easier to deliver knowledge of

vocabulary to their students. Allen (1983) in Awaludin (2013) elaborated

some techniques of vocabulary teaching that can be prepared and chosen as


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a. The demonstration; a teacher could use real objects and commands,

such as things in the classroom, something that students bring in their

bag, and others.

b. Visual aids; Teachers use the visual aids to activate students' ability

and interest to observe and to identify the objects. The teacher could

provide a picture to show what the thing means.

c. Verbal explanation; a teacher can explain the words in students' first

language, defining in simple English, and describing by another

vocabulary that students have already known to show the meaning. For

instance, the word ‘cupboard’ can be explained by describing what it

looks like and the use of it.

d. Wordlist; a teacher should select the word appropriately, and it means

the teacher should connect the vocabulary taught to the students' needs

or what they are learning.

5. Problems in Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

In every learning process, there must be obstacles faced by

learners. Common barriers faced are usually in the pronunciation and the

connotation. Moreover, learning vocabulary needs students' interest in

reading. So, if students do not have an interest in reading something, it will be

a problem in learning vocabulary. Other issues faced in teaching and learning

vocabulary, as stated by Thornbury (2002), are pronunciation and spelling;

length and complexity; grammar and meaning; and range, connotation, and

idiomaticity. Those are explained as below:

a. Pronunciation and spelling, research reveals that words that are hard to

pronounce are harder to learn. Particular spelling word patterns also can

cause the difficultness to differ where pronunciation is concerned. For

example, ‘meat’ and ‘meet,’ ‘bean’ and ‘been.’

b. Length and complexity, as we know, usually long words are more

challenging to remember that the short one. But as a rule of thumb, some

words in high frequency tend to be quick in English as the base word. It

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would be the longer word when it added affixes. Such as in word family,

like 'necessary,' 'necessity,' and 'necessarily.'

c. Grammar and meaning will be a problem when it is associated with the

word, especially if it is compared with the first language of the learner.

Such as the word 'heavy rain,' in L1, the word is reversed to 'hujan lebat'

where if it translated in English only based on the word, it would be ‘rain


d. Range, connotation, and idiomaticity, the word that can be used in a wide

range of ways, are usually seen as more accessible than their synonyms

with a smaller scale.

B. Word Structure Strategy

1. Definition of Word Structure Strategy

When we discuss word structure strategy, it means to talk about

morpheme, which makes word-formation. Lieber (2009) states that morpheme

refers to the minimal meaningful units that are used to form a word. A

morpheme is the smallest significant unit of language that consists of a free

and bound word. Free morpheme means the base word that we have usually

seen, for example, 'dog' as a noun, 'beautiful' as an adjective, and other base

words. On the other hand, bound morpheme means that it is attached

exclusively to a free morpheme. For example, 're-' will has a meaning if it is

bounded with 'play,' which will make a word form that is 'replay' to play

again. Bound morpheme has two categories, namely affixes and roots. The

root may or may not have a meaning; therefore, sometimes root also called as

a base word. 're-' is one of the affixes in the English language, and play as the

root or the base word. Therefore, the bounding of affixes to base form means

the word structure. In short, what we call as word structure strategy is a

strategy or method that can be used to master vocabulary by analyzing the

structure of the word, which is consists of affixes and roots or base word.

Mountain (2007) agrees that the study of the morphemes of

prefixes, suffixes, and roots as a way to build vocabulary (Jennpattarakul,

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2015). Not far different from what Paiman et al., (2015) say that morphology

awareness will also help learners develop their vocabulary learning strategies

and increase their vocabulary inventory. Thus, this term will be an alternative

strategy on students’ vocabulary mastery.

2. Definition of Affixes

In daily communication or reading, we usually meet some words

that are added to other forms. Such as 'unhappy', 'teacher', and 'available'.

Those words are formed with affixes morpheme and free morpheme. The

morpheme of 'un-,' '-er,' and '-able' are called affixes. Affixes refer to the

bound morpheme, which cannot stand alone as a word. Affixes consist of

prefixes, an affix that is added before a base word, and suffixes, an affix that is

added after base word. Lieber (2010) points out that in general, prefixes and

suffixes have special requirements for the kinds of bases that they can bind.

Not much different from Carstairs-mccarthy (2002), he stated that only root

morphemes could be free, so affixes must be attached.

Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that an affix is

a bound morpheme that has two types, namely suffix and prefix, that cannot

stand alone without connecting to a base word.

Affixes have two categories, namely inflectional affix, which has

no change in the meaning, such as ‘game-s’ and ‘teach-es,’ that only differ by

the singular or plural form. Another one is a derivational affix, which is

changing a definition of a word, such as 'game-r' and' teach-er.' Hence, when

learners know the knowledge of affix and the roots, it will make them easier to

see the definition of a word; as Jennpattarakul (2015) said, understanding the

meaning of the roots, the prefix, and the suffix also indicates the meaning of a


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3. The most Commonly Affixes Used

There are lots of affixes formed in English; hence, frequency is

needed in selecting affixes. The following are the list of prefixes and suffixes

that have high frequency adapted from Alice Thomas, which is ranked by

Thomas (n.d.)

Table 2.1

The 20 Most Common Prefixes in Academic Texts

Rank Prefix Meaning

1 un- not; opposite

2 re- again; back

3 in-, im-, ir-, il-, ‘not’ not; into

4 dis- not, away, apart, negative

5 en-, em- cause to

6 non- Not

7 in-, im-, in, into, not

8 over- too much

9 mis- Wrongly

10 sub- Under

11 pre- Before

12 inter- between, among

13 fore- Before

14 de-, opposite of, not

15 trans- across, move between

16 super- Above

17 semi- Half

18 anti- Against

19 mid- Middle

20 under- too little; not enough

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Table 2.2

The 20 Most Common Suffixes in Academic Texts

Rank Suffix

Meaning 1 -s, -es more than one

2 -ed in the past

3 -ing in the present

4 -ate Become

5 -en become, to make

6 -ify, -fy make or become

7 -ize, -ise to make; to become

8 -ly how something is

9 -acy state or quality

10 -ance, -ence state or quality of

11 -dom place or state of being

12 -er, -or, -ist, -ian one who; what/that/which

13 -ism doctrine, belief

14 -ist one who

15 -ity, -ty quality of

16 -ment condition of

17 -ness state of being

18 -ion, -sion, -tion state of being; quality

19 -able, -ible able to be, worthy of

20 -less Without

4. The benefit of Word Structure Strategy

In the previous discussion, the researcher has stated some of the

advantages of using the word structure strategy. Here, the researcher will

discuss more specifically. Many researchers have indicated the benefits of

word structure strategy in their research. Paiman, et al. (2015) reported in their

research that morphemic analysis proved to be effective in promoting the

acquisition of vocabulary. Nation (2006) stated that there are three ways to

increase learners’ vocabulary, one of them is the recognition and construction

of new words by gaining control of roots, prefixes, and suffixes

(Jennpattarakul, 2015). He also added that knowledge of affixes and roots has

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two meanings for learners of English. This knowledge can be used to help

them learn unfamiliar words by linking them to known words or familiar

prefixes and suffixes and can be used as a means of ensuring that an unknown

word has been successfully conceived in context. Nonetheless, this can only

happen if students understand morphemes in compound words. In a research

conducted by Carlisle (2007) showed that students are less able to recognize

morphological signs or what we call the word structure in "switch words" that

change pronunciation and spelling due to suffix patterns in similar forms

(Bowers & Kirby, 2010).

Based on several articles above, it can be concluded that the

benefits of word structure strategy on students' vocabulary are a) practical to

promote students' acquisition vocabulary, b) increase learners' vocabulary by

gaining control of roots. Prefixes and suffixes, c) help students learn

unfamiliar words by linking them to known words, and d) as a means of

ensuring an unknown word that has been successfully conceived in context.

C. Teaching Vocabulary through Affixes as Word Structure Strategy

Before using the strategy of word structure, teachers need to know how

they will apply the strategy to their students. Teachers should know how far their

students' knowledge about affixes and base words so that teachers could apply the

appropriate technique in the learning process. Bower & Kirby (2010) proposed

guidelines for using word structure as a strategy for vocabulary improvement as


1. Learners should try not to memorize the meanings of prefixes or roots

separately because attempting to learn definitions in this manner will often

lead them to recognize a word rather than logical sense at the beginning


2. Components, such as content, only express a vague definition, so that this

extra step may be necessary and beneficial for learners to understand a

word or a sentence.

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Here are some process approaches for integrating word parts in

Hanson & Padua (2011) vocabulary learning:

1. In focused subjects, students are provided with knowledge of prefixes,

suffixes, and base words.

Before learners add prefixes, suffixes, and base words to discover the

meaning of words, they first need to learn what these structures of the

word say. The teacher can start by explaining the meaning of prefixes,

suffixes, and base words and how each of them supports the meaning of


2. Explicitly teach substantive word structures, as included in the reading


Similar to the explicit teaching of individual words, teachers are

encouraged to teach word structures in the context of explicit vocabulary

lessons when meaningful word structures appear and to teach separate


a. Teaching prefixes

The first step determines which prefixes will be learned based

on the curriculum during the year. The next step is to prioritize which ones

should be taught first. Upon prioritization of the prefixes, the following are

steps used to teach them.

1) Present an individual prefix and provide four words that contain

the prefix.

2) Define the prefix.

3) Use the whole words in sentences.

4) Define the words.

5) Give students the chance to find other words that contain the


6) Have students start a notebook which they will use to keep track of

vocabulary combinations words and prefixes.

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b. Teaching suffixes

Similar to prefixes, the first step is to prioritize the suffixes that

students will frequently encounter. Moreover, the next step is used as

prefixes do.

3. Teach the students a technique to interpret the word structures.

The researcher recommends that students learn a sense of words instead of

memorizing a set of rules.

D. Relevant Research

Many kinds of research have been conducted related to the present

research which examined about word structure strategy on students' vocabulary

mastery, The Effects of Morphemic Vocabulary Instruction on Prefix Vocabulary

and Sentence Comprehension for Middle School Students with Learning

Disabilities is a research conducted by Brown et al., (2016) which was

investigated the effect on word knowledge and understanding of reading for

students with learning disabilities of morphemic vocabulary. The research was

conducted by two studies in which the second study is a replication of the first

study with further guidance to participants on how to use prefixed words meaning

in sentences. There are four participants assigned to this research. In Study 1, 60

root words and four prefixes were taught, and their precise definition of unlearned

prefixed words increased. Nevertheless, the transition to understanding reading

was limited at the sentence level. In Study 2, they replicated the Study 1

procedures and then added an instructional element to teach students how to apply

to sentences the meaning of the prefixed word. The result shown after initial

sentence context instruction, three of four participants increased their readability

scores. Performance improved for the last participant after repeated sentence

context instructions.

Another research that is conducted by Akbulut, (2017), in a research

Effects of Morphological Awareness on Second Language Vocabulary

Knowledge. This research was carried out to see if increased awareness of second-

language learners leads to more excellent knowledge of vocabulary or not. This

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research enrolled fifty-two preparatory class students as the second language

environment. The participants have been allotted into two groups as an

experimental and control group. The findings were built upon vocabulary pre-and

post-test elements, including morpheme categories such as prefixes and suffixes.

The author revealed that the experimental group students were much higher than

the control group students who did not take any morphological vocabulary

handling. Moreover, this research has found that morphological knowledge and

vocabulary are strongly related to each other.

From the relevant researches, it is discovered that both of the

researches are focused on knowing the effect of vocabulary learning strategy

using the morphological analysis of the students' language learning. However,

recent research has some similarities with those related researches, except that this

research has a different variable from those studies. Moreover, this research is

emphasizing the students' improvement of vocabulary mastery using affixes as

word structure strategy.

E. Conceptual Framework

Vocabulary is a fundamental component of language learning. English

language learners are necessary to have a mastery of vocabulary to gain their

ability to use the language well. As a teacher, it is essential to guide the students

to have some strategies that are useful to make them easier to master the

vocabulary. It will not be easy for a teacher to encourage students' willingness to

gain their vocabulary knowledge, especially the students from different

backgrounds. Therefore, the appropriate strategy and technique play a vital role to

the learners to achieve their vocabulary mastery, which will be beneficial to

comprehend much simple English text and conversation or even the complex one

in daily life.

Moreover, many students have a lack of vocabulary knowledge

because they are not emphasized the vocabulary teaching in the first learning

progress. Thus, when they are reading some English texts, many of them are less

interested in continuing the reading because of the lack of vocabulary knowledge.

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Another obstacle of the less interest of students in learning vocabulary is the

difficultness to pronounce and comprehend a word when it is transforming to a

sentence because the differences grammatical structure between their first

language and the language they want to learn. These will be a challenge for the

teacher also to grow the students' motivation in learning vocabulary.

By considering the problems above, applying the affixes as word

structure strategy is expected as a problem solution. Word structure strategy

facilitates students who need to master their vocabulary by recognizing the

morphological analysis of the words. When they can recognize it, the researcher

expects they could know the meaning of words without checking the definition

from a dictionary, and they could remember the word by understanding the

formation of a word that is affixes and the base word. Besides, students also can

recognize the meaning of a word when it is placed in other contexts, whether in a

text or daily communication.

F. Action Hypotheses

The action hypothesis proposed in this research has a formula as

follows: the implementation of using Affixes as Word Structure Strategy can

improve students' vocabulary mastery at the eleventh-grade students of SMA N 66

Jakarta in the academic year 2019/2020.

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A. Place and Time of the Research

This research took place at SMA N 66 Jakarta in Bango III Street,

Pondok Labu, CIlandak, South Jakarta the second semester of the eleventh-grade

academic year 2019/2020. The research is held for about two months from

February 2020 until March 2020.

B. Method and Design of the Research

This research was implemented Action Research Design, namely

Classroom Action Research (CAR). Narmaditya et al. (2017) defined that action

research is one of the problem-solving strategies that use specific actions and

processes for capacity building to identify and resolve the problems. Therefore,

action research design is set of actions for teachers which the purpose is to collect

information on how their specific educational environment operates, and improve

their teaching and their student learning (Mills, 2011 in Creswell, 2012). As in

O’Connor et al. (2006), action research focuses on the researchers’ teaching,

practical and relevant.

Classroom Action Research in this research used both of quantitative

and qualitative methods. Qualitative method used in this research are used to

collect data from participants in their natural situations (Daniel, 2016), while

quantitative method are used to add more exactness to data presented in tables or

images (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004 in (Wisnewska, 2011). Classroom Action

Research used in this research to discover what works best in the classroom to

improve the eleventh-grade students in mastering vocabulary through Word

Structure Strategy. Hence, this research design was to discover the outcome of the

improvement of the students' vocabulary mastery at the 11th grade of SMA N 66

Jakarta by applying Affixes as Word Structure Strategy.

Kemmis and Taggart (1988) stated four steps in conducting action

research; planning, action, observation, and reflection (Khasinah, 2013).

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Therefore, the researcher tries to do the research using these four steps

in the classroom. Phases of this method can be seen in the following illustration


Figure 3.1 Kemmis and Mc. Taggart Action Research Model (Kemmis &

McTaggart, 2014)

The researcher explained each phase as an explanation below to make them clear

about the planning in each cycle and each phase.

1. Planning

In the planning step, the researcher prepared the scenario of

learning by collaborated with the English teacher. This planning also included

the preparation of the research instruments; observation sheet, the interview

guidelines before and after the implementation, and tests. The preparation of

this plan was aimed to be integrated to the class accordance with the goals that

want to be achieved.

2. Acting and Observing

After making a plan, then it was followed by implementing the

action and conducting the observation. The researcher acted as a teacher in

giving the treatment and observing when activity is conducted. Information

and knowledge about affixes as Word Structure Strategy was delivered and

explained in this phase. The researcher observed the students' activity using

the field notes. While the English teacher who acted as an observer used

observation sheet.

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3. Reflecting

Data was compared to the criteria of action success and the

research question in this process. The observation was the instrument to

discover the result of using affixes as word structure strategies in this class.

Post-test was used to help in this phase. The result of the instruments was

discussed attentively by the teacher and the observer. If the result of the first

cycle achieved the criteria, then the research will be stopped. Conversely, if

the result does not acieve the criteria, the second cycle of Classroom Action

Research will be conducted.

C. The Subject and Object of the Research

1. The Subject of the Research

The subject in this research is a class of the eleventh-grade students

of SMA N 66 Jakarta in the academic year 2019/2020 assigned as the

participants. The amounts of students were 35 students in a class.

2. The Object of the Research

The object of this research was Affixes as Word Structure Strategy

to improve high school students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Data Sources

The data sources of the research were collected from observation sheet,

pre-interview and post-interview guidelines, pre-test, post-test 1, and the post-test

2. The observation and interview were collected as qualitative data. Mean while,

quantitative data were collected from pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2 of the

11th grade students at SMA N 66 Jakarta.

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E. The instrument of the Research

This research was using three instruments in collecting data;

observation, interview, and tests. The observation was addressed before and

during the Classroom Action Research. The interview was done in two phases,

pre-interview and post-interview, there were six students who were interviewed

about this research in both phase Furthermore, for the tests, it was similar with the

interview, which were conducted before the implementation (pre-test) and after

the implementation (pos-test 1, and post-test 2).

F. The technique of Data Collection

1. Observation

As cited in Creswell (2012), observation is the process of

collecting open-ended, direct information by observing individuals, and

locations at a research site. The observation was used to keep track of

students’ English learning and how do they improve their vocabulary in

learning. In this technique, the researcher's role was as a nonparticipant

observer; in other words, the researcher played as a teacher to observe the

participants. The data was collected in written form (observation sheet). This

technique was conducted to take field notes before and during Classroom

Action Research is implemented.

2. Interview

The interview was used to collect information directly from the

participants and their teacher. In this research, the researcher tried to gain

information about English learning, especially in the vocabulary of their

learning process. Participants were asked in open-ended questions related to

the research. Open-ended questions were used to allow the participants to

create the options for responding to the question. Thus, there will be no

response possibilities. Moreover, the interview was conducted after they were

given the treatment to gain their perspective about affixes as word structure

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strategy to master their vocabulary in learning English. The interview was

recorded in audio to collect the data, and later it was transcribed in a script.

3. Test

The test technique was collected quantitatively. The test model that

is usedwas an achievement test, a test that measures the individual's grade how

well they have done in comparison with a large group of test participants

(Creswell, 2012). This test was used to see the achievement of each participant

after the treatment that had been given. The pre-test and first post-test were

given the same question of 40 numbers, and for the second post-test, which is

in cycle 2, was a different question but in the same affixes selected.

G. The technique of Data Analysis

1. Describing the Data

After the data have been classified, they are described as follows:

a. The data gathered using the technique of observation and interview is

described as a narrative form.

b. Pre-test and post-test data are represented in the form of table and


2. Findings

In acknowledging the formulation of the problem, all the data

collected will be used to compare students' vocabulary mastery before and

after the research. By comparing each data, we can see if there are any

changes in students' vocabulary mastery using affixes as word structure


To gain the mean of students’ vocabulary mastery in pre-test and

post-test, researcher use formula as follows (Ananda & Fadhli, 2018)


M : Mean

x : Individual Score

N : Number of Students


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Moreover, to discover the students who pass and who do not pass

the minimum score (KKM), 75 is used the formula as follows (Ananda &

Fadhli, 2018)


P : Class percentage

f : Frequency being sought for the percentage

N : Number of participants

The researcher evaluated if there are any changes in students'

vocabulary scores from pre-test to the average score of the students in cycle 1

and cycle 2 after having mean of the score of the students per action. The

formula used is as follow (Meltzer, 2002):


P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : pre-test

y1 : post-test 1


P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : post-test 1

y1 : post-test 2

By knowing the mean and the percentage that passes and does not

pass the minimum score is seen if affixes as word structure strategy could

improve students’ vocabulary mastery or not.

H. Trustworthiness

In getting the validity of the data, triangulation is used. In educational

research, triangulation is used to enhance the credibility and validity of the result.




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Triangulation is how an otherwise viewpoint is used to validate, challenge, or

extend existing findings (Turner & Turner, 2009)

Denzin (1978) in Turner & Turner (2009) outlines four different forms

of triangulation; there are:

1. Data triangulation (Includes the use of miscellaneous data sources in a

study including time, space, and persons)

2. Investigator triangulation (includes the use of diverse researchers in

empirical research)

3. Theory triangulation (includes using more than one theoretical context in

the data analysis)

4. Methodological triangulation (includes collecting data using more than

one method)

In this present research, the researcher used two of the four

triangulation form. The researcher used data triangulation, which obtains data

from various sources such as National Examination and SBMPTN for the test.

Another triangulation used is methodological triangulation since this research

using different methods and different instruments to gather data. Various forms of

triangulation are used for validity tests based on different variables (Mishra &

Rasundram, 2017). Then, the validity will be increased as the data of the study

balanced one another.

I. The Criterion of Action Success

Classroom Action Research can be considered successful if it can

achieve the determined criteria and fail if it is unable to complete determined

criteria. In this research, the research will be considered successful if 75% of the

students could achieve a minimum of target score from the test in cycle one until

cycle two, or they can pass the minimum score. The minimum score (KKM) of

SMA N 66 Jakarta is 75 (seventy-five) for English subject. If the action criteria

are achieved, it means that the following action from action research will be


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A. Data Description

1. Finding of the Preliminary Research

The researcher addressed the preliminary research on 5th February

2020. This initial research was conducted in the first two weeks before

beginning the investigation. This preliminary research’s objective is to get the

information and to observe the English teaching and learning process in SMA

N 66 Jakarta, especially the eleventh grade. The researcher addressed

preliminary research by observing the students' English learning process in the

class and interviewing students of XI MIPA 1 and the English teacher about

the process of English learning, especially on vocabulary. Furthermore, the

researcher conducted a pre-test for the students to measure their vocabulary


a. The result of Pre-Observation

The researcher addressed an observation in the preliminary

research on 4th February 2020. The purpose of pre-observation is to know

the English learning process and situation in the class. From the

observation, the students have less interest in learning English; it can be

seen from their reaction to English subjects. Some of them preferred to do

their own business or chose to be silent and did not pay attention to the

material given at that time. They were distracted by their smartphones;

even the teacher had disallowed them to use smartphones while the teacher

was teaching. Two other students did not like being in the class, so they

often permit the teacher at a time.

However, some other students were seen interested to learn

English. It can be observed that they were active enough in class. They

often ask their friends to be silent and pay attention to what their teacher

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said to them. They also did not be ashamed of asking something that they

did not understand the material given. When the assignment was given,

some of them did not do it on their own, and others did it on their own.

b. The Result of Pre-Interview

The researcher addressed the pre-interview on 5th February 2020

to both an English teacher and her students in XI MIPA 1. There were six

students that the researcher interviewed.

1) Interview with Teacher

The researcher interviewed the English teacher with

concern about the English teaching and learning process in XI MIA 1,

especially in vocabulary learning. The first few questions were

discussed about students' conditions during studying. The teacher

stated that all learners learn actively. Their score gained after learning

English from the first semester were various. Some were good above

the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM), some were fitting for KKM,

and some were under KKM.

The next questions were about students' ability to learn

vocabulary. The teacher appointed that students' ability was various.

Some could understand vocabulary quickly, and some who took a long

time. Furthermore, the teacher stated that there were still many

students who lack understanding in learning to use synonym and

antonym to enrich their words. Therefore, the students' ability to

understand vocabulary was uneven. The teacher also had not tried to

use other strategies to teach vocabulary to the students.

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The following interview transcript shows the teacher’s

statement of students’ condition in learning vocabulary.

The last questions were about the teacher's opinion towards

the application Affixes as Word Structure Strategy in the classroom.

The teacher considered that it would be useful if the strategy is applied

to the students. The teacher added that it would help students to

increase their mastery of vocabulary. Also, students' understanding

will develop if they use this strategy, but by additionally using body

language so that they more easily understand.

R : Strategi atau metode apa yang Ibu gunakan dalam mengajarkan

kosakata untuk siswa? (What strategies or methods do you use

in teaching vocabulary to students?)

BN : Strategi yang saya gunakan memakai sinonim dan antonim. (The

strategy I use by applying synonyms and antonyms)

R : Apakah strategi atau metode tersebut efektif dalam

meningkatkan pemahaman vocabulary siswa? (Is the strategy

effective in improving students' vocabulary understanding?)

BN : Ya, efektif. Namun tetap saja ada beberapa siswa yang belum

bisa memahami vocabulary meskipun menggunakan sinonim

seperti yang saya ajarkan. Jadi kemampuannya masih belum

merata. (Yes, it is effective. Still, there are some students who do

not understand the vocabulary although use synonyms as I teach.

Therefore, the students' ability to understand vocabulary was


(Appendix 2d The Result of Interview for English Teacher/11-02-20)

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R : Menurut kamu, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas biasanya

seperti apa? (In your opinion, how usually is learning English in


K : Karena beliau jarang masuk, jadi saya merasa kurang puas.

Kemudian beliau menjelaskannya tidak interaktif dengan siswa,

jadi tidak memastikan apakah seluruh siswa mengerti dengan

apa yang beliau jelaskan. (Because the teacher rarely goes to

class, so I feel unsatisfied. Then the way she explained the

material was not interactive with students, so it was not sure

whether all students understood what she explained.

Appendix 2h The Result of Pre-Interview for Students/KAE/11-02-20

2) Interview with Students

The researcher interviewed the students with some

questions about the English teaching and learning process in the class,

especially in learning vocabulary. The first few questions were

discussed learning English in the classroom, as usual. Most

interviewees answered that in class, they did not get learning that could

be easily understood by students due to the teacher factor that rarely

entered the classroom. So, they did not get optimal knowledge. The

following transcript shows one of the students’ statements about the

learning condition in the class.

Furthermore, in the aspect of English skills, some of the

interviewees were not so difficult in mastering vocabulary. Still, some

also experienced difficulties, especially when reading English and

making texts in English. However, to overcome this difficulty, they

chose to use online translate features such as 'Google Translate' to find

vocabulary meanings that they did not understand.

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R : Selama pembelajaran, apakah guru pernah memberikan

strategi tertentu untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kosakata

bahasa Inggris? (During the lesson, have the teacher ever

provided a particular strategy to develop English vocabulary


A : Tidak pernah, tidak pernah diberi strategi. Tapi dari saya

sendiri biasanya dengan menonton film dan sosial media, saya

banyak mengikuti akun luar negeri seperti BBC. (Never, never

given a strategy. But from myself, I usually watching movies

and social media, and I follow a lot of foreign accounts like the


Appendix 2g The Result of Pre-Interview for Students/AZA/11-02-20

Moreover, most of them did not get a specific strategy from

their teacher to develop their vocabulary in English skills. There were

only a few of them who felt that they had obtained a particular strategy

from their current English teacher or at the previous grade. The

strategy provided includes, among other things, a lot of readings and

always provide a dictionary to understand the new vocabulary. The

rest of them try on their own without the guidance of others, such as

watching English films and following foreign social media accounts

like BBC. In terms of the tasks given by the teacher, they were more

often given the assignment of making power points and presenting

them. The following transcript shows one of the students’ statements

about the method used in increasing vocabulary.

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c. The Result of Pre-Test

The aim of the pre-test that was conducted before the research

begun is to identify the students' knowledge in understanding vocabulary.

This pre-test was held on 12th February 2020. In the pre-test, students were

asked to answer 40 multiple choice questions about vocabularies contained

suffix and prefix patterns. The researcher calculated the score of the pre-

test after giving a pre-test to the students. The pre-test result obtained

below is.

Table 4.1

The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Pre-Test

No. Students' Number Pre-Test Score

1 Student 1 47,5

2 Student 2 62,5

3 Student 3 65

4 Student 4 47,5

5 Student 5 85*

6 Student 6 62,5

7 Student 7 42,5

8 Student 8 82, 5*

9 Student 9 82,5*

10 Student 10 70

11 Student 11 30

12 Student 12 87,5*

13 Student 13 92,5*

14 Student 14 87,5*

15 Student 15 90*

16 Student 16 90*

17 Student 17 67,5

18 Student 18 82,5*

19 Student 19 20

20 Student 20 70

21 Student 21 67,5

22 Student 22 77,5*

23 Student 23 52,5

24 Student 24 77,5*

25 Student 25 85*

26 Student 26 60

27 Student 27 75*

28 Student 28 85*

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29 Student 29 72,5

30 Student 30 87,5*

31 Student 31 30

32 Student 32 85*

33 Student 33 62,5

34 Student 34 27,5

35 Student 35 85*

Mean 66,1

*student who passed the KKM

To get the result of the pre-test, the researcher calculated the

mean score at first:


Furthermore, the researcher used the following formula to calculate

the percentage of students who passed the KKM score:

Based on the pre-test results, the data showed that the mean

score of the pre-test is 66.1. Moreover, there were seventeen students or

48.6% who got a score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion (Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal), and the other 18 students were below the criterion.

From the analyses, it can be seen that more than half of the eleventh grade

of SMA N 66 Jakarta still had a lack of vocabulary knowledge.

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2. Finding the First Cycle

The process of teaching and learning in the first cycle was

conducted on 19th February until 4th March 2020. The cycle was divided into

three meetings. The description of the research result is elaborated as follows.

a. Planning

In the first cycle, the researcher collaborated with the advisor

lecturer and the English teacher to arrange lesson plans and instructional

materials. The researcher focused on vocabulary learning using affixes as a

word structure strategy to develop students' vocabulary mastery.

Somehow, the learning process was using a lesson plan based on the

existing syllabus. The material learned for the eleventh grade in the second

semester was Explanation Text. Therefore, the researcher applied affixes

as word structure as a strategy for comprehending and mastering students

of the explanation text.

Besides, to prepare the lesson plan, the researcher also made an

observation sheet. The observation sheet was used to observe the students'

learning process during the use of affixes as word structure strategy in the

classroom. Besides, the researcher also prepared a vocabulary test based

on some National Examination questions (80%) and a few TOEFL tests

(20%) related to the vocabulary using affixes as the first post-test. This test

is used to gain data on the students' development on vocabulary after

affixes as word structure strategy was implemented.

Eventually, the researcher determined the criteria of action

success based on the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) set by the school towards English subject that has been

set as 75. In this research, there must be 75% of the students or above who

have a vocabulary score achieved the Minimum Mastery Criterion.

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b. Acting and Observing

The action and observation of the first cycle were addressed on

19th February until 4th March 2020. In this phase, the researcher acted as

the teacher and observer to the students' reaction to the treatment given,

and the English teacher represented as an observer of the researcher's

teaching process. The researcher implemented the use of affixes as

vocabulary learning strategies based on the lesson plan that had been

formulated. The English teacher was observing the researcher during

teaching and learning activities using the given observation sheet. The

following is the explanation of what the agendas in every meeting were:

1) First meeting

(Wednesday, 19th February 2020 at 8.15 a.m – 9.45 a.m)

a) Action

The researcher addressed the teaching and learning

process based on the lesson plan about explanation text. The

researcher began the learning process by showing a video about the

life cycle of the butterfly, which has downloaded from YouTube.

After they watched the video, the researcher asked them some

questions about the video. The questions were "What phases are

there in the life cycle of a butterfly?", "In the video, is it explained

how an egg could develop into a butterfly?" "If the type of text is

in English, what is this text called?"

Furthermore, the researcher explained that what they

have watched was an explanation text in the form of video.

Hereafter, the researcher told them about types of explanation text,

which has two kinds, namely sequential explanation text and cause

and effect explanation text. After explaining the types, the

researcher asked them a question of what types of explanation text

of the life cycle of a butterfly. Then the students answered that

what they have watched was a sequential explanation.

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Afterward, the researcher continued the general

structure and grammar used in the explanation text. In the

explanation text, present tense and passive voice is used. After

delivering the explanation and ensured that they had understood

the material about explanation text by allowing them to ask some

questions about the content, the researcher gave them an

assignment. The researcher divided the students into six groups;

then, the researcher asked them to make a poster that contained an

explanation text whose topic they had determined themselves from

the recommended YouTube video.

In the end, after they finished their work, the researcher

started to explain passive voice and told them that in each poster

they had created, there must be at least one or two sentences, which

are the passive voice. After explaining it, the researcher began the

introduction of prefixes and suffixes. Since the verb in passive

voice is using the past participle – most of them are contain

suffixes – the researcher delivered an explanation that the addition

of "-ed" in the past participle is called a suffix. Furthermore, the

researcher delivered a further explanation of affixation consisting

of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Then, the researcher gave them

some words contained prefixes and suffixes and explained how

each of them supports the meaning of words. The researcher also

told them about the strategy to interpret an unknown word by

understanding the affixation. When 10 minutes before the lesson

ended, the researcher took some conclusions from the discussion

and asked the students to bring their posters for the next meeting.

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b) Observation

1. Observation from the researcher's side to the students

Based on the observation in the first meeting, the

researcher found out the response of the students were curious

when they were watching the video, and all of their eyes were

directed at the video displayed. After the video ended up, the

researcher asked the question about the video, and they were

answered with enthusiasm, they scrambled to raise their hands

to answer the question asked by the researcher. Some

responded that the video was descriptive text, but many also

answered that it was an explanation text.

After delivering the explanation of the material, the

researcher divided them into groups, and the classroom

condition was a bit noisier during the division of the group

because some proposed to choose their group of friends, some

did not agree. To be fair, the researchers decided them to count

one to six, and they had to gather to their friends according to

the same number. The researcher continued to explain what

they should do to the task, most of them understood what was

ordered, but some did not understand. Most of them did not

know about the poster form, so the researcher re-explained that

the poster was following the shape of the topic discussed; for

example, if the issue is about the plastic pollution, they could

draw a plastic bottle and write the explanation text in it.

After the researcher explained passive voice and the

use of affixes, some students did not understand the material

because they were still asked some questions like “What is the

meaning of ‘packed’? Yet, after the researchers gave the

example of words, they seemed to have begun understood and

want to learn more about affixes. It was proven by their

reaction “Aah I see”, “please give us some more examples”.

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However, some others were difficult to understand what

prefixes and suffixes were, it was proven by they were still

asked more question. Also, five students did not seem

interested in learning. It was seen from their attitude that was

busy by themselves and did not pay attention to the researcher

when explaining the material in class.

2. Observation from the English teacher's side

The researcher was able to prepare the material and

the media thoroughly and systematically. The researcher also

could handle the classroom condition and prepared students to

follow the learning process. The purpose and benefits of the

material were delivered indirectly. In other words, implicitly,

students understood the design and advantages of the learning.

Moreover, by assigning the students to write an explanation

text in a poster, it was encouraging students to develop their

writing and reading ability. It created active, interested, and

enjoyable in the learning process. The researcher did not forget

to ensure that all students understood the instructions and

direction of the researcher.

Furthermore, the researcher was good enough in

delivering the explanation of using affixes as word structure

strategy, seen from how students paid attention to the

description of the researcher. The explained strategy made

students seem to understand more about the vocabularies they

encounter. However, because this kind of strategy is new to

students, some students appeared to lack understanding and

paid less attention to affixation. Unfortunately, the researcher is

less able to manage such students.

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2) Second meeting

(Wednesday, 26th February 2020 at 8.15 a.m – 9.45 a.m)

a) Action

In the second meeting, the researcher and the students

reviewed the last meeting discussion. The researcher continued a

further explanation of affixation. The researcher also gave four

examples of common words that have prefixes and suffixes. Such

as “re-touch”, “de-active”, “mis-read”, “over-heat”, “rapid-ly”,

“banana-s”, “name-less”, and “cook-ed”. The researcher invited

students to define the affixes based on the word context. Then,

some students were asked to use the words in a sentence. Right

after that, the researcher asked the students to define the words.

Later, the researcher asked some other students to

mention other words containing suffix or prefix to make sure they

understood what was explained. Moreover, they were taught the

meaning of each prefix and suffix to make them easier to

remember the meaning of vocabularies contain affixes. The

researcher gave some examples such as "uncover," which "un-"

here means something opposite, so if "cover" means something to

protect, then "uncover" is the opposite of cover. Right after that,

the researcher emphasized that most of the text they come across

must have prefixes and suffixes.

After they were given a further explanation about

affixes, the researcher asked them to put their posters on the

classroom wall and explained to them that that day would be an

activity called the gallery walk. Then, the researcher explained the

mechanism of the gallery walk. During the gallery walk, the

students were like taking part in an exhibition where the poster was

an exhibition of each group work. Each group must choose one of

its group members to maintain the exhibition booth that acts as a

guider or who explains the purpose of the poster displayed in

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English. In contrast, other group members went around to other

poster booths to look for information that had been assigned by the

researcher. Then they are assigned to look for sentences in the form

of passive voice and vocabulary that have suffixes and prefixes in

other group posters.

Due to insufficient time to write the vocabulary on the

whiteboard that they found as planned in the lesson plan, the

researcher decided to ask them to submit their work in a textbook.

Vocabulary they have written must be included in definitions that

appeared in the prefixes or affixes without the use of a dictionary.

In the end, the researcher and the students made a conclusion and

reflection about the material on that day.

b) Observation

1. Observation from the researcher's side

As the researcher delivered a further explanation

about prefixes and suffixes, I observed the students' responses.

Some of them were paying attention to my explanation, and

still, did not pay attention. However, the students who did not

pay attention were overcome because the researcher asked

them a question about the material, then they asked to their

friends what they did not understand.

When they started working on their assignments,

some of them came forward to ask whether what they were

doing was what they were commanded to do or not. Most of

them have done it as instructed, but some wrote vocabulary

with prefixes and affixes that are not in the list that has been

given, but it is still acceptable. That means they have

understood that they can define the meaning of the new

vocabulary they encounter by looking at the word structure,

which is prefix, suffix, and roots.

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This section was done as expected. The researcher

could see which one understood the material given. Some of

them were able to know how to interpret the definition of a

word using affixes when I asked the meaning of a word.

2. Observation from the English teacher's side

In the second meeting, the researcher had begun to

make the students more familiar with what the strategy on

using affixes was in mastering vocabulary. It was seen when

the researcher presented a table of 20 common prefixes and

suffixes, along with their meanings and examples. The

response of students who looked at the table looked active

enough by took a note in their textbook and began to

understand the purpose of the affixation better.

The researcher also can handle the learning process

well and systematically. The unique one in this learning

process is the researcher made a gallery walk in this class. With

this inter-group exhibition, students can explore their

knowledge of the passive voice and vocabulary they encounter

and can find out the definition of the vocabulary using the

strategy applied. In this way, it can also indirectly develop their

ability to read and speak in English. Overall, the learning

process was running well, and there was an increase in student


3) Third meeting

(Wednesday, 4th March 2020 at 8.15 a.m – 9.45 p.m)

a) Action

As usual, the researcher and the students reviewed the

last meeting material. In this meeting, the researcher tried to

concern about students' activity by an interaction between students

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to students. The researcher divided their textbook that they had

submitted in the previous meeting and gave them feedback on their

task. The results of the assignments they did overall were quite

good and by the instructions provided. Even though the meaning of

the vocabulary they wrote, there were some errors. Right after that,

the researcher asked them to gather to their group and directed

them to count one to six in each group to make a new temporary

group. The purpose of creating a new group is to make the students

could share their vocabularies that they had gotten to their friends

from the other groups. After they got the new group, the researcher

asked each of them to share with their friend what vocabularies

contain affixes that they understood and asked their friends to

guess the meaning. So, other students could know other words that

contain affixes.

During the sharing and discussion session, the

researcher went around visiting each group to monitor the course

of their discussion. In each group, some are noisy, and some were

calm. After the sharing and discussion were over, the researcher

asked some students to mention what vocabulary they had gotten

from their friends. By doing so, they were more familiar with other

new vocabularies that contain prefixes and suffixes.

b) Observation

1. Observation from the researcher's side

The researcher observed the students' reactions to

the feedback of the result of the assignment. It appeared that

after they get the book back, they checked the results of their

work, whether it was right or wrong. But not all students did

the same thing; some seemed indifferent to the effects of his

work, he immediately put his book on the table and returned to

play his cellphone. Seeing a rather noisy classroom situation,

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the researcher tried to refocus their attention, and the class

calmed down.

When the researcher explained that there would be a

division of new groups, the class was noisy again because some

students felt comfortable with the group they had and did not

want the group to be changed again. However, the researcher

tried to condition the class again and told them the purpose of

this new grouping, and students could understand and quiet


During sharing and discussion, some students in a

group looked active and interacted with their friends using

English, while others still used Indonesian. However, there was

one student in a group who looked less active, and he just

listened to the explanation from his friend who was discussing.

On the other hand, some students did not follow the

instructions. Instead, they played their handphones when their

friends shared and discussed them. Overall, most of them were

already understand how to know the word meaning using

affixes as word structure strategy. Yet still, there were few

students cannot differ where prefix as plural or as because of

grammar or gerund.

2. Observation from the English teacher's side

As in the previous meeting, the researcher was able

to handle the condition of the class. The researcher has also

explained the purpose of the learning activity. Clearly and

systematically. The learning process at the third meeting was

also quite impressive. The researcher made students active in

interacting with friends about the material being studied with

new methods. With this sharing and discussion, students

mastered more vocabulary and can understand the meaning

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directly. However, the researcher was less assertive towards the

students who still played their handphones while learning took


Besides, after the teaching and learning process

finished in the first cycle, the first post-test was addressed to

find out the students' development of their vocabulary mastery.

This first post-test was conducted on 4th March 2020.

Based on the result of the first post-test, the mean

score of the class was 73. There were 22 of 35 students, or

62.9% who got a score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion.

Meanwhile, the other students were below that criterion. It

implied that the result of the first post-test has not fulfilled.

c. Reflecting

After all, phases were addressed, the researcher and the English

teacher discussed to take a conclusion on the result obtained in this first

cycle. Based on the result, it was found that there were 62.9% of students

had achieved the KKM score, which was 14.3% higher than the results of

the pre-test. It means there is an increase in vocabulary mastery in

students, even though it has not reached 75% of the total students. By

doing so, it still needs to be implemented again from the use of the Affixes

as Word Structure Strategy to improve the students' vocabulary mastery,

which will be done in the second cycle.

Based on observations, the researcher and the English teacher

found out that several factors were resulting in students still not achieving

scores above the KKM. After three meetings, there were still some

students who seemed ignorant and did not pay attention to the researcher

when explaining the material. Some were less active in learning activities.

Then, some of them did not understand the meaning of some prefixes or

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suffixes. Even though they have been explained, such as "pre-," "il-"

"under-" and "-ence /-ance."

Moreover, they have not been able to distinguish the kinds of

parts of speech in a text, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. when added

a prefix or suffix affix. Furthermore, there were still some who cannot

distinguish the addition of the suffix "-ing" which is used as a sign of

continuous tense or as a gerund, that is why they are still mistaken in

interpreting a word. Therefore, there are still many who have not been able

to use this word structure strategy in their vocabulary mastery.

Judging from these problems, the researcher and the English

teacher decided that Classroom Action Research will be continued in the

second cycle. In this second cycle, the researcher designed a new lesson

plan to solve the problem faced in the first cycle.

d. Revision of the First Cycle

Based on the overview of the students' score accomplishment

in the first cycle, the implementation of The Use of Affixes as Word

Structure Strategy had not given satisfactory results on the development of

students' vocabulary mastery. The researcher and the English teacher have

therefore concluded several revisions before conducting the next cycle to

attain criteria of success in this research.

The first thing that must be revised was the learning method

used in explaining the material. As the results of observations in the first

cycle, there were still many students who were less interested in

participating in learning activities. So, when doing to test their abilities,

there were still many who had not yet reached the specified criteria.

Therefore, the researchers planned to modify the learning methods by

using more video media. Ma’rifah, (2013) said that using interactive video

would increase students ' motivation to learn English. Hence, researchers

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will use some exciting videos as learning media to attract students’

attention and facilitate students' comprehension of the material.

The second revision was the students' lack of understanding of

the differences in each part of speech in a text, so this became one of their

obstacles to using affixes as the word structure strategy. Therefore, the

researcher will explain the part of speech along with an example. The

explanation was in the form of videos that will make it easier for students

to understand the material.

The last revision was the students' understanding of the

definition of each prefix and suffix that they were learning. Still, many of

them did not understand the meaning prefixes such as "over-," "en-,"

"inter," "fore-," and others, also the suffixes such as "-en," "-ify," "-

ance/ence," "-ism," '-ist,' and others. So, in the next cycle, the researcher

will explain the form of an exciting video so that they better understand

the definition of each prefix and suffix. Moreover, the researcher will

provide a table of 20 most common prefixes and affixes in academic tests

along with a part of speech in each prefix and suffix.

3. Finding the Second Cycle

The second cycle conducted teaching and learning on 11th March

until 1st April 2020. The cycle was also divided into three meetings. The

description of the research result is elaborated as follows.

a. Planning

In the second cycle, the researcher also collaborated with the

English teacher to arrange the lesson plans and instructional materials. The

researcher focused on the revision of the teaching and learning process in

the first cycle, which is revising the teaching methods to develop students'

vocabulary mastery—however, the lesson plan in the second cycle, also

based on the existing syllabus. The material learned was Meaning Through

Music. Also, the researcher delivered an explanation of the part of speech

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to make it easier for students to apply the use of affixes as word structure


Moreover, the researcher made an observation sheet that was

used to observe the students' learning process during the implementation

of the class. The observation sheet is also divided into two perspectives,

from the researcher's side and the English teacher's side. The researcher

also prepared a vocabulary test that will be used as the second post-test.

The test was adjusted based on the results of the first post-test, which still

referred to the National Examination questions (80%) and TOEFL test

(20%). This test is used to obtain data of the students' development on

vocabulary mastery after affixes as word structure strategy was performed.

b. Acting and Observing

The action and observation of the second cycle were conducted

on 11th March until 1st April 2020. In this phase, the researcher acted as the

teacher and observer of the students' activity during the treatment given.

Besides, the English teacher is represented as an observer of the

researcher's teaching process. The following is the explanation of what the

agendas in every meeting were:

1) Fourth meeting

(Wednesday, 11th March 2020 at 8.15 am – 9.45 a.m)

a) Action

The researcher applied the class based on the lesson

plan about Meanings through Music. The course was begun by

showing a photograph of a famous singer. The students were asked

to guess the name of the renowned singer. After some of them

were guessing the figure, the teacher informed that on that day,

they would learn about meanings through music. Then, the

researcher presented a video clip and its lyric with the title "A

Whole New World" by Zayn Malik. While they watched the video

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clip, students were asked to pay attention to the lyrics that were on

the reflection of the projector. The researcher also asked the

students to understand the meaning of the song's lyrics at a glance.

The researcher invited students who wanted to become volunteers

to explain the meaning of the song.

Furthermore, the researchers began to explain the

material about Part of Speech, which later the content would help

students understand the meaning of new vocabulary based on word

classes. Part of Speech will also make it easier for students to use

affixes as word structure strategies. The researcher showed a video

about the explanation of the Part of Speech material. After the

video is shown, the researcher invited students to ask a part of the

content that they did not yet understand.

After all students understand the material about Part of

Speech, the researcher divided students into five groups and

divided the lyric of "A Whole New World" into five parts for each

group. The researcher asked each group to classify the vocabularies

in the lyric into 8 Parts of Speech in a table form. During the

discussion, the researcher went around monitoring the discussion.

After all groups had finished discussing and doing the assignment,

the researcher asked the students to submit their work. After that,

the students and the researchers did a reflection on the benefits of

the learning activity. Finally, the researcher closed the learning

process by praying according to their respective religions and


b) Observation

1. Observation from the researcher's side to the students

Based on the observation in the fourth meeting, the

researcher saw the students' interest in following lessons when

the researcher conducted a brainstorm, which was to display a

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photo of a famous singer. All students know who the character

was and scrambled to answer the researcher's questions. The

researcher also asked the students to mention the song sung by

the character. They struggled to respond to it, and almost all

students knew what songs were popularized by the character.

When the researcher informed that on that day, they

were going to study Meanings through Music, students looked

noisy because they were happy with the topic they seemed

liked music. After the researcher conditioned the students to be

peaceful again and played the video clip, the researcher

discovered that the students’ eyes were focused on the video

they watched. Also, many of them joined in singing the song

while looking at the lyrics because the song sounded familiar to


After the video finished, the researcher asked the

students whoever wanted to be a volunteer to explain the

meaning of the song. However, no one raised their hands to

become a volunteer. Finally, the researcher called three

students' names chosen at random to be asked to explain the

meaning of the song. Then the three students answered

according to their respective interpretations.

When the researcher showed the video explanation

of the Part of Speech, some students were getting bored. It was

proven by their reaction by not paying attention and many of

them just busy with their own business. But some others are stil

active to follow this lesson. Then during the discussion, the

researcher found out that most of all students were active in the

discussion. Some groups were dividing the task for each

member. After their work had been collected and corrected, the

results had, on average, already begun to understand part of

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speech. Yet still some groups were found wrong in placing


2. Observation from the English teacher's side

In the fourth meeting, the researcher made the class

more active than usual. It seemed that at the apperception stage,

that was before the lesson began, the researcher displayed a

photograph of someone very familiar to teenagers that were the

same age as students. This method made students more enthusiastic

about learning. Moreover, the researcher had her way to make

learners more active, which was to encourage students who

appeared to be more silent than their peers to be engaged in class

by giving simple questions about what they have learned. Besides,

the researcher also provided explanations of the material clearly

and systematically.

2) Fifth Meeting

(Wednesday, 18th March 2020 at 8.15 am – 9.45 a.m)

a) Action

In the second meeting, the researcher began the meeting

by playing a game. The game was matching word into its part of

speech. The researcher asked the students to gather in their group

as the previous meeting. Right after that, the researcher explained

the technique of playing the game. The activity was each

representative group had to put a word that the researcher

mentioned on the whiteboard that has been prepared. The word

must be placed according to the classification of 8 parts of speech

as the word "rewrite" must be put on the verb table. The wrong

group will miss, and the opportunity will be given to another

group: the group that placed the many words correctly, they who


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Right after playing the game, the researcher explained

how to understand the meaning of vocabulary in song lyrics using

affix affixes as word structure strategies. The researcher presented

a unique video about prefix and suffix explanations and examples.

After explaining, the researcher invited students to ask questions

that were not yet understood. One student asked, "Do all the words

with a suffix "-ing" has to mean "doing right now"?" The

researcher explained that not all verb added with the suffix "-ing"

means "doing in the present," there were some words like that

become gerund (verb turns into a noun). So, to distinguish it, we

have to take a look at the context of its sentence.

After students understood more about affixation, the

researcher played the song "Blank Space," which was popularized

by Taylor Swift, and displayed the song's lyrics on the projector.

The researcher asked the students to search vocabulary that had

prefix or suffix to the song's lyrics. Also, the students were asked

to write the definition of the vocabulary they obtained by using

word structure strategies, then discussing with their peers about the

meaning of the song's lyrics as a whole. After finishing the

discussion, the students submitted their works to be checked.

b) Observation

1. Observation from the researcher's side to the students

As the researcher explained that the day's beginning

activity was playing a game, the students' reaction was excited.

They were very active about playing the game. However,

during the game, there were still students in one of the groups

who seemed not interested in participating in the game. It was

seen from they were not really active. Therefore, the researcher

decided to call his name to come forward and placed the word

that the researcher mentioned. After he came forward, he

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become active in the game and involved with his friends. After

the game was finished, the students asked to continue playing,

but the researcher must stop it due to limited time and must

keep explaining the learning material.

When explaining the affixation material, they

seemed to understand more than some previous meetings.

Students who were usually not interested in learning, this time,

they noticed the explanation well because the researcher also

presented a video explanation of the prefixes and suffixes. In

the video, there were also exercises, so students were more

active in participating in learning. After the explanation is over,

the researcher invited students to ask questions that they did not

yet understand. At first, no one raised their hands to ask, but

when the researcher wanted to deliver the next discussion, there

was one student who asked.

After they genuinely understood the use of affixes

as word structure strategy material, the researcher played a

song using the class's audio speaker. It was also intended to

make them more relaxed in learning. Some of them joined in

the singing. Some chose to keep quiet listening. When

discussing in pairs to find vocabularies that have prefixes and

suffixes, they were seen to be active and working together.

2. Observation from the English teacher's side

In the fifth meeting, the researcher was also

successful in getting the students' attention to the learning

process because students were usually happy to be invited to

play games. The game was also related to the subject matter, so

in addition to students actively playing, they could also sharpen

their knowledge about parts of speech. So, the existence of

games in learning activities makes students not feel bored to

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learn. Researchers could also apply the use of Affixes as Word

Structure Strategy on the topic of meanings through music

thoroughly and systematically. Therefore, students could better

understand the meaning of the song by using this strategy.

3) Sixth Meeting

(Wednesday, 1st April 2020 at 8.15 am – 9.45 a.m)

a) Action

In the third meeting, the researcher also began the

meeting by playing a game. The name of the game was Hum a

Song. The researcher asked each group to choose the group in

selecting one of the six-song titles that had been prepared. Then the

representative hummed the song, then a group of friends guessed

the song's title or continued the song's lyrics. If the group could not

answer, then the opportunity will be given to other groups.

After they were doing the game, the researcher gave a

table of 20 common prefixes and affixes with additional parts of

speech information in each prefix and suffix again. When students

paid attention and understood the contents of the table, the

researcher explained that the table was to facilitate students in

using affixes as word structure strategies in mastering vocabulary.

After teaching, the researcher invited students to ask the material

that they had not understood.

Each group was asked to look for vocabularies that had

prefixes and affixes, yet only affixes were in the table that needs to

be searched. In addition to finding vocabularies, they were also

asked to understand the meaning of the vocabularies they got.

After being explained, each group began to discuss and worked the

results of the discussion in the form of soft files on Ms. Word. The

researcher monitored them while they were discussing it. After

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completion, the teacher asked students to send the results of the

discussion via e-mail.

b) Observation

1. Observation from the researcher's side to the students

The observation on the sixth meeting the same as in

the previous session. They like to start learning by playing

games. When playing, the scene was hectic because when the

selected group cannot answer the question, then the other

groups scrambled to respond to it. But the researcher still

conditioned the class so that it did not interfere with other

classes that are learning. Besides, the students also seemed

happy with the songs provided because most of them had

recognized the song.

When the researcher explained the tables contained

twenty common prefixes and affixes, they still did not

understand even though they had studied the material part of

speech. Therefore, the researcher invited them to ask questions

they did not understand. One of them asked, "does each prefix

or suffix word have one type of speech?" The researcher

explained that not all affixes only have one class of words but

can be modified variously. Therefore, to understand their

meaning, it is also necessary to understand the context of the


After the researcher made sure all students

understood the material, the students were doing the discussion

as the researcher told. As the researchers observed, they looked

active as usual, but still, there was one student who did not join

the group, he stayed playing his cellphone himself. Therefore,

during their discussion, the researcher did not just stay quiet in

front of the class. The researcher was yet monitoring the

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discussion so that all students can actively participate in group


2. Observation from the English teacher's side

The observation in the sixth meeting was also

running well. The researcher could control the class to be

conducive. By playing games at the beginning of learning is

also a good thing because it could foster student enthusiasm

and focus students on learning activities. Also, the method used

by the researcher to teach was creative and fun, so students did

not feel bored to learn. However, when the researcher

explained the material, there were still some did not paid

attention. Nevertheless, the existence of group activities that

involve the work process of each student could make them

better-understood affixes material as a word structure strategy

on meaning through music.

c. Reflecting

After implementing the second cycle and seeing the results, the

researcher and the English teacher felt quite satisfied with the development

of students' vocabulary mastery. They were seen in student activity in

learning activities in class. They were better at doing group work with

each other, and the results from what they had done were satisfying. They

were also active when working on assignments in pairs to find

vocabularies contained prefixes and suffixes. By seeing this development

of students' reactions to the treatment given, this showed that there was an

increase in students' understanding of the vocabulary by using word

structure strategy.

The students' comprehension in the meaning of prefix and

suffix was improved, so do they able to distinguish each part of speech. It

can be seen from the games and group work activities in classifying

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vocabularies in the appropriate part of speech. In addition, in the final

post-test, the results showed an increase in their vocabulary mastery using

this strategy. Proven by there were 80% of students passed the score of the

second post-test. According to Scruggs and Mastropieri”s (1998) in

Davidson & O’Connor, (2019) if the result of students’ test is 90% - 100%

of the total amount of students, it indicates the treatment is successful,

between 70%-90% is success, and below 70% is not success. In this

research, as considered with advisors and English teachers, the

investigation will be successful if 75% of the targeted students could

achieve the minimum score of targets from the test. It can be deduced that

the results of the test indicated success in learning activities using affixes

as word structure strategy.

Therefore, the Classroom Action Research was stopped in the

second cycle because more than 75% of students met the graduation

criteria. In contrast, 23% of students who have not reached the criteria will

be given further treatment by the English teacher by using this strategy.

4. Finding after Implementing the Action

a. The Result of Post Interview

The researcher addressed an open-ended interview after

Classroom Action research. The post-interview was held on 8th April 2020,

starting from 8.00 a.m. until 10.00 a.m. The researcher interviewed the

same targeted learners as in the pre-interview. The questions asked were

about their perspective on the English learning process after implementing

Affixes as Word Structure Strategy on their vocabulary mastery. There

were ten questions with five criteria of questions asked in this interview.

The first criterion was about their condition in learning

vocabulary after using the strategy. Did the students still have difficulties

in understanding the meaning of the new vocabulary or not. From the six

selected students interviewed, five of them answered that they had no

more problems learning vocabulary. However, some students said that it

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also depends on the conditions and delivery of teachers who teach. If the

teacher explains well, they will understand better. In contrast, the one who

answered is still difficult to learn the vocabulary because she did not learn

it repeatedly to understand better.

The second criterion was about their opinion on the activities

by applying the strategy. Most of them answered that the activities were

exciting, creative, and helpful for them. They felt they were not bored in

learning and were easy to understand. Because for someone reluctant to

ask the teacher, with these activities, they could ask friends who were

more understood. But some students need additional time to understand

vocabulary better using these strategies. With the activities carried out

while learning to use the strategy, they also felt happy in learning.

Furthermore, 5 out of 6 students were also motivated to use the word

structure strategy in understanding the new vocabulary they encountered.

While one of them felt more comfortable using their way, namely by

memorizing new vocabulary repeatedly. The following transcript shows

one of the students’ statements about the learning condition in the class.

The following interview transcript shows one of the students’ opinions

about the learning activity using affixes as word structure strategy.

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R : Bagaimana menurut kamu tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan

selama belajar menggunakan Affixes sebagai strategi untuk

meningkatkan penguasaan kamu terhadap kosakata? (What do

you think about the activities we did when learning using Affixes

as a strategy to increase your mastery of vocabulary?)

D : Itu membantu saya kak, karena terkadang butuh penjelasan dari

teman juga. Jadi dengan adanya kegiatan membuat poster dan

melakukan pameran di gallery walk itu membuat saya tidak

sungkan untuk bertanya. (It helps me, because sometimes I need

an explanation from a friend too. So, with the activity of making

posters and holding exhibitions on the gallery walk, I didn't

hesitate to ask questions.)

R : Apakah kamu merasa senang terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan

selama belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan strategi tersebut?

(Do you feel happy about the activities you did while learning

English using these strategies?)

D : Senang kak. Karena sebelum belajar dengan kakak, kita

belajarnya pasif karena hanya membuat power point. Sedangkan

belajar dengan kakak kami lebih aktif. (Yes, I felt happy. Because

before studying with you, we learned to be passive because we

only made power points for the assignment. Meanwhile, studying

with you was more active.

(Appendix 2o The Result of Post-Interview for Students/BSHS/08-04-20)

On the other side, their perspectives on the researcher's way of

teaching and delivering the material were variated. Some interviewees

responded that the researcher was still stiff and less assertive towards

students who did not pay attention to the lesson. In comparison, some

others said that the researcher was good enough to deliver the material and

easy-going so that they could comprehend the material quickly. Moreover,

they were responded that this strategy is sufficient to be applied in learning

Page 72: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


English vocabulary. Yet some students argued that it also depends on the

teacher in delivering the material and the students' method in learning

vocabulary. If the teacher can provide the material well, the students will

be motivated, and if the students enjoy learning vocabulary using this

strategy, it will be effective.

The third criterion was their problem during the learning

process with the strategy. Most of the learners felt hard to distinguish the

part of speech so they could not determine which meaning was suitable for

the vocabulary they met. Besides, there were also difficulties because they

did not know the root word/base word, so even though using this strategy,

it is still challenging to determine the definition of the word. Yet some

students already understood and had no difficulty when using this strategy.

The fourth criterion was their level of mastery of vocabulary

after implementing the word structure strategy. All of the interviewees

responded that their vocabulary mastery was increasing. They felt they had

more vocabulary that they master after using this strategy. Furthermore,

they can also understand the new vocabulary definitions that they

encountered using the strategy without having to open a dictionary. The

following interview transcript shows one of the students’ statements about

their improvement of vocabulary mastery.

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The last criterion was their suggestion to the future application

of Affixes as Word Structure Strategy on their vocabulary mastery. Most

of them were suggested that this strategy must be applied repeatedly. So,

they were easier to remember prefixes and suffixes. Also, some suggested

adding activities and media used in learning so that they will not get bored

quickly when studying. Based on the description of the interview above, it

can be concluded that the result of the post-interview has a positive

perspective on the strategy applied. Although there are some problems for

them in using this strategy for learning, this strategy is effective in

improving students' vocabulary mastery, especially with the advice they


R : Apakah kamu merasa lebih mudah mengingat kosa kata baru dan

kosa kata yang telah kamu memiliki, ketika belajar menggunakan

strategi ini? (Do you find it easier to remember new vocabulary

words and vocabulary that you already have, when you study using

this strategy?)

A : Ya kak. Saya lebih mudah kalau mengingat kosakata baru karena

saya dapat memahami maknanya dari struktur kata seperti yang

kakak ajarkan. (Yes. It is easier for me to remember new

vocabulary words because I can understand their meaning from the

word structure as you taught.)

R : Menurut kamu, setelah belajar menggunakan strategi ini, apakah

ada peningkatan pada penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

(In your opinion, after learning to use this strategy, is there any

improvement to your vocabulary mastery?

A : Ya. Saya merasa lebih mudah memahami teks ketika saya membaca

novel maupun berita berbahasa Inggris di media sosial. (Yes, I

felt much easier to understand the text when I read novels and

news in English on social media.)

(Appendix 2m The Result of Post-Interview for Students/AZA/08-04-20)

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b. The Result of Post-Test

The aim of the post-test that was conducted after Cycle 1 and

Cycle 2 is to measure the students' vocabulary mastery development

during and after implementing affixes as word structure strategy. The first

post-test was held on 4th March 2020, and the second post-test was held on

8th April 2020. Students were also asked to answer 40 multiple choice

questions about vocabularies contained suffix and prefix patterns in the

post-test. The researcher calculated the score of the post-test after giving

the test to the students. The post-test result obtained below is.

1) The Result of Students' Vocabulary Improvement in Post-Test

1 (Cycle 1)

Table 4.2

The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Post-Test 1

No. Students' Number Post-Test 1 Score

1 Student 1 17.5

2 Student 2 72.5

3 Student 3 70

4 Student 4 70

5 Student 5 70

6 Student 6 85*

7 Student 7 30

8 Student 8 87.5*

9 Student 9 95*

10 Student 10 75*

11 Student 11 32.5

12 Student 12 95*

13 Student 13 92.5*

14 Student 14 92.6*

15 Student 15 75*

16 Student 16 92.5*

17 Student 17 75*

18 Student 18 75*

19 Student 19 75*

20 Student 20 30

21 Student 21 65

22 Student 22 92.5*

Page 75: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


*student who passed the KKM.

To get the result of post-test 1, the researcher calculated the

mean score at first:

Furthermore, the researcher used the following formula to

calculate the percentage of students who passed the KKM score:

23 Student 23 77.5*

24 Student 24 87.5*

25 Student 25 92.5*

26 Student 26 50

27 Student 27 90*

28 Student 28 95*

29 Student 29 65*

30 Student 30 92.5*

31 Student 31 72.5

32 Student 32 90*

33 Student 33 67.5

34 Student 34 15

35 Student 35 92.5*

Mean 73

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Cycle 1

The Mean Score

Based on the first post-test outcome, the data showed that the

mean score of the first post-test was 72.9. Moreover, there were 22

students, or 62.9%, who got a score above KKM, and the remaining 13

students were below the criterion. Thereupon, it can be shown that there

has been an improvement in the average students' performance from the

preliminary research to the first cycle. The average score from preliminary

research was 66.1, while in the first cycle was 72.9. It means that there

was 10.2% of mean score improvement. The improvement score obtained

from the following formula:

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students' Vocabulary Score in the 1st Cycle

Page 77: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


2) The Result of Students' Vocabulary Improvement in Post-Test

2 (Cycle 2)

Table 4.3

The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Post-Test 2


*student who passed the KKM.

No. Students' Number Post-Test 1 Score

1 Student 1 60 2 Student 2 62.5 3 Student 3 75* 4 Student 4 77.5* 5 Student 5 75* 6 Student 6 85* 7 Student 7 75* 8 Student 8 87.5* 9 Student 9 85* 10 Student 10 80* 11 Student 11 77.5* 12 Student 12 72.5 13 Student 13 87.5* 14 Student 14 75* 15 Student 15 80* 16 Student 16 75* 17 Student 17 80* 18 Student 18 67.5 19 Student 19 80* 20 Student 20 75* 21 Student 21 75* 22 Student 22 67.5 23 Student 23 80* 24 Student 24 87.5* 25 Student 25 85* 26 Student 26 72.5 27 Student 27 90* 28 Student 28 95* 29 Student 29 75* 30 Student 30 62.5 31 Student 31 75* 32 Student 32 75* 33 Student 33 80* 34 Student 34 75* 35 Student 35 92.5* Mean 77.4

Page 78: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


To get the result of post-test 2, the researcher calculated the

mean score at first:

Furthermore, the researcher used the following formula to

calculate the percentage of students who passed the KKM score:

Based on the second post-test result, the data showed that the

mean score of the second post-test is 77.7. Besides, there were 28 students,

or 80%, who got a score above KKM, and the remaining 7 were below the

criterion. Analyses indicated there has also been an increase in the average

students' rate from the first cycle up to the second cycle. The mean score

from the first cycle was 72.9, while in the second cycle was 77.7. It means

that there was 5.6% change in the mean improvement. The improvement

score obtained from the following formula:

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Cycle 1 Cycle 2

The Mean Score

Figure 4.2 The Improvement of Students' Vocabulary Score in the 2nd Cycle

The comparison of all the tests result can be seen in the table as


Table 4.4

The Scores Comparison of Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2

No. Test


Vocabulary Score Average Percentage

Lowest Highest

1. Pre-Test 20 92.5 66.1 48.6%

2. Post-Test 1 30 95 72.9 62.9%

3. Post- Test 2 60 95 77.7 80%

Page 80: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


The comparison is also presented in the following diagram. Below is the

figure of learners' percentage who passed the KKM:

Figure 4.3 The Percentage of Students who have Met and have not Met the KKM


Students who have

met the KKM



Students who have

not met the KKM




Students who have

met the KKM standard


Students who have

not met the KKM



Students who have

met the KKM standard


Students who have

not met the KKM



Page 81: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Based on the figures above, it can be shown that there has been a

significant improvement in the percentage of students’ test results passing the

KKM. In the pre-test, only 48.6% of students, or 17 students who passed the

KKM, while the rest of the students who were 18 students' scores were under

KKM. Also, there was a tremendous difference in the first post-test due to the pre-

test. There were 22 students out of 35 or 62.9% of students who could pass the

KKM. Finally, in the post-test 2, the students who could exceed the KKM also

increased than in the first post-test. There were 28 students, or 80% of students

who passed the KKM score. It can be concluded that the second post-test was

succeeded because it exceeded the criterion of success in CAR, which is 75% of

the total students in the class, and using affixes as word structure strategy could

improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

B. Discussion

There were lots of researches have been conducted related to the

present research which examined about word structure strategy on students'

vocabulary mastery. Several researchers suggest that teaching using an explicit

and systematic intervention approach of this strategy, including root word

training, may lead to positive vocabulary and comprehension outcomes for

students (Brown et al., 2016). Mountain (2007) agrees that the study of

morpheme, suffixes, and roots as a way to build vocabulary (Jennpattarakul,

2015). Teaching vocabulary items in terms of prefixes, suffixes or roots helps

learners to maintain long-term memory of their vocabulary knowledge (Akbulut,

2017). Hence, this strategy is essential for learners to improve their vocabulary


In this research, the researcher implemented the use of Affixes as

Word Structure Strategy on the eleventh-grade of SMA N 66 Jakarta. The result

showed that there was a lot of progress in the vocabulary learning process,

especially in the improvement of students' vocabulary mastery. It is proven by the

results of some data used in this study; observations, interviews, and students' test

scores. This research is also consistent with Davidson & O’Connor (2019),

Page 82: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Mccutchen & Logan (2011), Ramirez et al. (2010), Buddingh (2009), and Ku &

Anderson (2003) researches which revealed that learners who use the affixes as

word structure strategy could increase their score on vocabulary achievement.

The observation data results showed that there was progress in students'

vocabulary mastery levels and their activeness in the process of learning English

in class. It is because the implementation of Affixes as Word Structure Strategy

involves students in being active in class and activities that make them feel free to

communicate and write in English. Also, their level of understanding of the new

vocabulary showed positive results. Based on this observation, this showed that

there were quite a several positive changes that happened. From the conducted

interview, the participants conveyed that they were motivated to learn new

vocabulary by using the strategy. They also stated that they could learn

vocabulary quickly, and their vocabulary mastery increased. Brown et al. (2016),

stated that in the overall participants in their research showed that their vocabulary

got an improvement, their reading understanding increased.

Based on the result of students' vocabulary tests, it was discovered that

there was a good improvement regarding the students' development on vocabulary

mastery. The students' average score in the pre-test was 66.1, the average score in

the first post-test was 72.9, and the second post-test was 77.7. Furthermore, 80%

of students had successfully passed the KKM and achieved the criteria of success,

which means that the students 'results of the test also showed the progress of

students' scores in vocabulary accomplishment. This is in line with research

conducted by Khoshkhoonejad et al. (2016), whose results revealed that the

morphological analysis strategy affects the students’ vocabulary learning process,

and their vocabulary mastery increases.

Therefore, the implementation of using Affixes as Word Structure Strategy

can improve students' vocabulary mastery at the eleventh-grade students of SMA

N 66 Jakarta in the academic year 2019/2020.

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A. Conclusion

After conducting the Classroom Action Research, to improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery through Affixes as Word Structure Strategy at the

eleventh-grade of SMA N 66 Jakarta in the academic year 2019/2020, the

researcher finds out that there are several techniques that can improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery using this strategy. Explaining the categories of

vocabulary that is introducing part of speech to the students is the first conducted

technique. So, by understanding the part of speech, students could use the affixes

as word structure strategy. Afterwards, providing the students with knowledge of

prefixes, suffixes and base words; and giving the students chance to find other

words and use it in sentences by creating interesting class activities that is by

doing the Gallery Walk and playing educational game. It can make the students

enjoy in following the learning process, and it can make them understand in

learning vocabulary using the affixes as Word Structure Strategy. Video is also

used as the media when teaching affixes as Word Structure Strategy in order to

attract the students’ attention to the material given, so it can facilitate the students’

comprehension of learning vocabulary. Thus, there have been a lot of progress in

the vocabulary learning using this strategy, especially in improving students'

vocabulary mastery. It is proven by the results of some data used in this study;

observations, interviews, and students' test scores.

The result of observation and interview showed good students’

improvement from before implementing the strategy up to the end of CAR. The

students’ activeness in participating learning process, vocabulary understanding,

and motivation in learning English using this strategy had significantly improved.

The teacher’s response also stated that the strategy would be an effective way of

improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

The last, the students’ scores from pre-test to the final post-test showed

a good improvement. In the pre-test, there were only 17 out of 35 students or

Page 84: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


48.6% who could exceed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM), and the

average score was 66.1. Furthermore, in the first post-test that was conducted after

cycle 1, the students who passed the KKM were increased. There were 22

students, or 62.9% of all students who exceeded the KKM, and the average score

was 72.9. Then, in the second post-test that was addressed after cycle 2, 80% of

students exceeded the KKM. It means that there were more than 75% of students

who could pass the KKM, and it achieved the criteria of success.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research findings, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions for the English teacher, students, and other researchers that might be

beneficial for the further teaching and learning process as follows:

1. In teaching English, especially in vocabulary, the teacher is expected to be

more creative and communicative in a learning activity. So, it will make

students interested and not get bored during the learning process.

2. The students are expected to be able to master vocabulary using the

strategy that has been given to support their ability in English, namely

reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

3. For further research, this strategy is expected to be used for other

researchers who want to address similar research.

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Appendix 1a Observation Sheet in Preliminary Research

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date: 4th February 2020 Time: 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic: Personal Letter Address: XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase: Preliminary Research

Phase Summary

The students have less interest in learning English; it can be seen from their reaction to

English subjects. Some students have less excitement for the lesson. Some of them

preferred to do their own business or chose to be silent and did not pay attention to the

material given at that time. They were distracted by their smartphones; even the

teacher had disallowed them to use smartphones while the teacher was teaching. Two

other students did not like being in the class, so they often permit the teacher at a time.

However, some other students were seen interested to learn English. It can be observed

that they were active enough in class. They often ask their friends to be silent and pay

attention to what their teacher said to them. They also did not be ashamed of asking

something that they did not understand the material given. When the assignment was

given, some of them did not do it on their own, and others did it on their own.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1b Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 Phase 1

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date : 19th February 2020 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic : Cause and Effect Address : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C1/P1

Phase Summary

The students were curious when they were watching the video. After the video ended

up, the researcher asked the question about the video, and they were answered with

enthusiasm. They scrambled to raise their hands to answer the question asked by the


Then, the researcher divided them into groups, and the classroom condition was a bit

noisier during the division of the group. To be fair, the researchers decided them to

count one to six, and they had to gather to their friends according to the same number.

The researcher continued to explain what they should do to the task, most of them

understood what was ordered, but some did not understand. After the researcher

explained passive voice and the use of affixes, they didn't understand the affixation.

Yet, after the researchers gave the example of words, they seemed to have begun

enthusiastic and curious to learn more about affixes. However, some others were

difficult to understand what prefixes and suffixes were, and five students did not seem

interested in learning.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1c Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 Phase 2

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date : 26th February 2020 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic : Cause and Effect Address : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C1/P2

Phase Summary

Today I delivered a further explanation about prefixes and suffixes. Some of the

students were paying attention to my explanation, and still, some others were had not

understoond and others did not pay attention. However, the students who seemed did

not understood were overcome, because they looked to remain paid attention and

asked their friends what they did not understand.

When they started working on their assignments, some of them came forward to ask

whether what they were doing was what they were commanded to do or not. Most of

them have done it as instructed, but some wrote vocabulary with prefixes and affixes

that are not in the list that has been given, but it is still acceptable. That means, they

have understood that they can define the meaning of the new vocabulary they

encounter by looking at the word structure, which is prefix, suffix, and roots.

This section was done as expected. The researcher could see which one understood the

material given. For some of them were able to know how to interpret the definition of

a word using affixes when I asked the meaning of a word. So, they could understand

other vocabulary that they will be faced with.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1d Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 Phase 3

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date : 4th March 2020 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic : Cause and Effect Address : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C1/P3

Phase Summary

Today I gave the feedback of their assignment. It appeared that after they get the book

back, they checked the results of their work, whether it was right or wrong. But not all

students did the same thing; some seemed indifferent to the effects of his work, he

immediately put his book on the table and returned to play his cellphone. Seeing a

rather noisy classroom situation, the researcher tried to refocus their attention, and the

class calmed down.

When the researcher explained that there would be a division of new groups, the class

was noisy again because some students felt comfortable with the group they had and

did not want the group to be changed again. However, the researcher tried to condition

the class again and told them the purpose of this new grouping, and students could

understand and quiet again.

During sharing and discussion, some students in a group looked active and interacted

with their friends using English, while others still used Indonesian. However, there

was one student in a group who looked less active, and he just listened to the

explanation from his friend who was discussing. On the other hand, some students did

not follow the instructions. Instead, they played their handphones when their friends

shared and discussed them. Overall, most of them were already understand how to

know the word meaning using affixes as word structure strategy. Yet still, there were

few students cannot differ where prefix as plural or as because of grammar or gerund.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1e Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 Phase 1

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date : 11th March 2020 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic : Explanation Text Address : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C2/P1

Phase Summary

I saw the students' interest in following lessons when the researcher conducted a

brainstorm, which was to display a photo of a famous singer. All students know who

the character was and scrambled to answer the researcher's questions. When the

researcher informed that on that day, they were going to study Meanings through

Music, students looked noisy because they were happy with the material they seemed

liked music. After the researcher conditioned the students to be peaceful again and

played the video clip, the researcher discovered that the students were enthusiastic

about watching the video, even many of them joined in singing the song while looking

at the lyrics because the song sounded familiar to them.

After the video finished, the researcher asked the students whoever wanted to be a

volunteer to explain the meaning of the song. However, no one raised their hands to

become a volunteer. Finally, the researcher called three students' names chosen at

random to be asked to explain the meaning of the song. Then the three students

answered according to their respective interpretations.

When the researcher showed the video explanation of the Part of Speech, some

students were getting bored. But some others are still enthusiastic to follow this

lesson. Then during the discussion, the researcher found out that most of all students

were active in the discussion. Some groups were dividing the task for each member.

After their work had been collected and corrected, the results had, on average, already

begun to understand part of speech. Then, the division of vocabulary to each part of

speech. Yet still some groups were found wrong in placing vocabulary.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1f Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 Phase 2

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date : 18th March 2020 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic : Explanation Text Address : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C2/P2

Phase Summary

Today the researcher began the class by playing a game. Then, the students' reaction

was excited. They were very enthusiastic about playing. However, during the game,

there were still students in one of the groups who seemed not interested in

participating in the game. Therefore, the researcher decided to call his name to come

forward and placed the word that the researcher mentioned. After he came forward, he

seemed interested in the game and actively involved with his friends. After the game

was finished, the students asked to continue playing, but the researcher must stop it

due to limited time and must keep explaining the learning material.

When explaining the affixation material, they seemed to understand more than some

previous meetings. Students who were usually not interested in learning, this time,

they noticed the explanation well, because the researcher also presented a video

explanation of the prefixes and suffixes. In the video, there were also exercises, so

students were more active in participating in learning. After the explanation is over,

the researcher invited students to ask questions that they did not yet understand. At

first, no one raised their hands to ask, but when the researcher wanted to deliver the

next discussion, there was one student who asked.

After they genuinely understood the use of affixes as word structure strategy material,

the researcher played a song using the class's audio speaker. It was also intended to

make them more relaxed in learning. Some of them joined in the singing. Some chose

to keep quiet listening. When discussing in pairs to find vocabularies that have

prefixes and suffixes, they were seen to be active and working together.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1g Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 Phase 3

Observation Sheet for Students’ Activity

Date : 1st April 2020 Time : 8.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Topic : Explanation Text Address : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C2/P3

Phase Summary

Today I also began the meeting by playing a game as a brainstorming. The students

like to start learning by playing games. When playing, the scene was hectic because

when the selected group cannot answer the question, then the other groups scrambled

to respond to it. But the researcher still conditioned the class so that it did not interfere

with other classes that are learning. Besides, the students also seemed happy with the

songs provided because most of them had recognized the song.

When the researcher explained the tables contained twenty common prefixes and

affixes, they did not understand even though they had studied the material part of

speech. Therefore, the researcher invited them to ask questions they did not

understand. One of them asked, "does each prefix or suffix word have one type of

speech?" The researcher explained that not all affixes only have one class of words but

can be modified variously. Therefore, to understand their meaning, it is also necessary

to understand the context of the sentence.

After the researcher made sure all students understood the material, the students were

doing the discussion as the researcher told. As the researchers observed, they looked

active as usual, but still, there was one student who did not join the group, he stayed

playing his cellphone himself. Therefore, during their discussion, the researcher did

not just stay quiet in front of the class. The researcher was yet monitoring the

discussion so that all students can actively participate in group discussions.


Putri Indah Oktavia

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Appendix 1h Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 1 Phase 1

Observation Sheet of Researcher as the Teacher in Cycle 1 Phase 1

School : SMA N 66 Jakarta

Class : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C1/P1

Day/Date : Wed, 19th February 2020

Berilah tanda check list () pada kolom sesuai pengamatan anda. Mohon diisi

dengan sebenar-benarnya.

1 = excellent 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = not satisfactory


Aspek yang diamati


The researcher (as the teacher)





1 Mempersiapkan materi dan media yang sesuai

dengan pembelajaran.

2 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti peopes


3 Menyampaikan pembelajaran secara jelas dan


4 Menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat dari materi yang


5 Melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran dan

mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis.

5 Menjelaskan terkait pembelajaran strategi struktur

kata affixes untuk meningkatkan penguasaan siswa

terhadap Vocabulary

6 Pengaplikasian penggunaan affixes sebagai strategi

struktur kata dalam meningkatkan penguasaan

Vocabulary siswa.

7 Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengajukan pertanyaan.

8 Memberikan feedback dan masukan kepada siswa.

Page 99: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


9 Memastikan seluruh siswa mengerti tentang

instruksi dan arahan dari guru.

10 Menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, menarik, dan


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

(T=hings to Consider):

1. Lebih tegas dalam menangani siswa

yang tidak memerhatikan penjelasan materi.

2. berikan kesempatan lebih banyak

untuk siswa yang ingin bertanya.

3. Lebih santai dalam menyampaikan

materi karena masih terlihat kaku.


Nunun Maslukah

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Appendix 1i Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 1 Phase 2

Observation Sheet of Researcher as the Teacher

School : SMA N 66 Jakarta

Class : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C1/P2

Day/Date : Wed, 26th February 2020

Berilah tanda check list () pada kolom sesuai pengamatan anda. Mohon diisi

dengan sebenar-benarnya.

1 = excellent 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = not satisfactory


Aspek yang diamati


The researcher (as the teacher)





1 Mempersiapkan materi dan media yang sesuai

dengan pembelajaran.

2 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti peopes


3 Menyampaikan pembelajaran secara jelas dan


4 Menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat dari materi yang


5 Melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran dan

mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis.

5 Menjelaskan terkait pembelajaran strategi struktur

kata affixes untuk meningkatkan penguasaan siswa

terhadap Vocabulary

6 Pengaplikasian penggunaan affixes sebagai strategi

struktur kata dalam meningkatkan penguasaan

Vocabulary siswa.

7 Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengajukan pertanyaan.

8 Memberikan feedback dan masukan kepada siswa.

9 Memastikan seluruh siswa mengerti tentang

Page 101: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


instruksi dan arahan dari guru.

10 Menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, menarik, dan


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

(Things to Consider):

1. Di pertemuan kedua ini sudah cukup

bagus, banyak perkembangan baik dari

peneliti maupun murid.


Nunun Maslukah

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Appendix 1j Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 1 Phase 3

Observation Sheet of Researcher as the Teacher

School : SMA N 66 Jakarta

Class : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C1/P3

Day/Date : Wed, 4th March 2020

Berilah tanda check list () pada kolom sesuai pengamatan anda. Mohon diisi

dengan sebenar-benarnya.

1 = excellent 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = not satisfactory


Aspek yang diamati


The researcher (as the teacher)





1 Mempersiapkan materi dan media yang sesuai

dengan pembelajaran.

2 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti peopes


3 Menyampaikan pembelajaran secara jelas dan


4 Menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat dari materi yang


5 Melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran dan

mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis.

5 Menjelaskan terkait pembelajaran strategi struktur

kata affixes untuk meningkatkan penguasaan siswa

terhadap Vocabulary

6 Pengaplikasian penggunaan affixes sebagai strategi

struktur kata dalam meningkatkan penguasaan

Vocabulary siswa.

7 Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengajukan pertanyaan.

8 Memberikan feedback dan masukan kepada siswa.

9 Memastikan seluruh siswa mengerti tentang

Page 103: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


instruksi dan arahan dari guru.

10 Menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, menarik, dan


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

(Things to Consider):

1. Harus lebih peka terhadap siswa

yang tidak memerhatikan penjelasan materi.


Nunun Maslukah

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Appendix 1k Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 2 Phase 1

Observation Sheet of Researcher as the Teacher

School : SMA N 66 Jakarta

Class : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C2/P1

Day/Date : Wed, 4th March 2020

Berilah tanda check list () pada kolom sesuai pengamatan anda. Mohon diisi

dengan sebenar-benarnya.

1 = excellent 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = not satisfactory


Aspek yang diamati


The researcher (as the teacher)





1 Mempersiapkan materi dan media yang sesuai

dengan pembelajaran.

2 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti peopes


3 Menyampaikan pembelajaran secara jelas dan


4 Menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat dari materi yang


5 Melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran dan

mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis.

5 Menjelaskan terkait pembelajaran strategi struktur

kata affixes untuk meningkatkan penguasaan siswa

terhadap Vocabulary

6 Pengaplikasian penggunaan affixes sebagai strategi

struktur kata dalam meningkatkan penguasaan

Vocabulary siswa.

7 Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengajukan pertanyaan.

8 Memberikan feedback dan masukan kepada siswa.

9 Memastikan seluruh siswa mengerti tentang

Page 105: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


instruksi dan arahan dari guru.

10 Menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, menarik, dan


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

(Things to Consider):

1. Sudah lebih baik, aktivitas yang

dilakukan juga kreatif dan membuat siswa

lebih aktif.


Nunun Maslukah

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Appendix 1l Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 2 Phase 2

Observation Sheet of Researcher as the Teacher

School : SMA N 66 Jakarta

Class : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C2/P2

Day/Date : Wed, 4th March 2020

Berilah tanda check list () pada kolom sesuai pengamatan anda. Mohon diisi

dengan sebenar-benarnya.

1 = excellent 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = not satisfactory


Aspek yang diamati


The researcher (as the teacher)





1 Mempersiapkan materi dan media yang sesuai

dengan pembelajaran.

2 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti peopes


3 Menyampaikan pembelajaran secara jelas dan


4 Menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat dari materi yang


5 Melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran dan

mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis.

5 Menjelaskan terkait pembelajaran strategi struktur

kata affixes untuk meningkatkan penguasaan siswa

terhadap Vocabulary

6 Pengaplikasian penggunaan affixes sebagai strategi

struktur kata dalam meningkatkan penguasaan

Vocabulary siswa.

7 Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengajukan pertanyaan.

8 Memberikan feedback dan masukan kepada siswa.

9 Memastikan seluruh siswa mengerti tentang

Page 107: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


instruksi dan arahan dari guru.

10 Menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, menarik, dan


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

(Things to Consider):

1. Lebih bagus dari sebelumnya.

Namun jangan sampai siswa keasikan

bermain games yang membuat pelajaran jadi

tidak tersampaikan.


Nunun Maslukah

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Appendix 1m Observation Sheet of Researcher Cycle 2 Phase 3

Observation Sheet of Researcher as the Teacher

School : SMA N 66 Jakarta

Class : XI MIA 1

Cycle/Phase : C2/P3

Day/Date : Wed, 4th March 2020

Berilah tanda check list () pada kolom sesuai pengamatan anda. Mohon diisi

dengan sebenar-benarnya.

1 = excellent 2 = satisfactory 3 = good 4 = not satisfactory


Aspek yang diamati


The researcher (as the teacher)





1 Mempersiapkan materi dan media yang sesuai

dengan pembelajaran.

2 Mengkondisikan situasi pembelajaran dan

mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti peopes


3 Menyampaikan pembelajaran secara jelas dan


4 Menjelaskan tujuan dan manfaat dari materi yang


5 Melibatkan siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran dan

mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan

kemampuan menulis.

5 Menjelaskan terkait pembelajaran strategi struktur

kata affixes untuk meningkatkan penguasaan siswa

terhadap Vocabulary

6 Pengaplikasian penggunaan affixes sebagai strategi

struktur kata dalam meningkatkan penguasaan

Vocabulary siswa.

7 Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk

mengajukan pertanyaan.

8 Memberikan feedback dan masukan kepada siswa.

9 Memastikan seluruh siswa mengerti tentang

Page 109: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


instruksi dan arahan dari guru.

10 Menciptakan pembelajaran yang aktif, menarik, dan


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan

(Things to Consider):

1. Jauh lebih baik dari pertemuan-

pertemuan sebelumnya. Peneliti juga sudah

bisa mengkondisikan kelas dengan baik.

Juga menciptakan pembelajaran yang

inovatif di setiap pertemuannnya


Nunun Maslukah

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Appendix 2a Interview for English Teacher

Interview Guidelines for Eleventh-Grade English Teacher of SMA N 66


1. Selama ini, bagaimana antusiasme dan keaktifan siswa pada pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris?

2. Berapakah standar nilai KKM yang ditentukan dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa

Inggris dan bagaimana hasil perolehan nilai siswa pada semester 1?

3. Menurut Ibu, bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata atau

vocabulary Bahasa Inggris?

4. Apa sajakah kesulitan yang Ibu temui saat mengajarkan vocabulary kepada


5. Strategi atau metode apa yang Ibu gunakan dalam mengajarkan kosakata atau

vocabulary untuk siswa?

6. Apakah strategi atau metode tersebut efektif dalam meningkatkan

pemahaman vocabulary siswa?

7. Apakah Ibu sudah pernah mencoba cara lain untuk mengajarkan vocabulary

kepada siswa?

8. Apakah Ibu pernah mengenalkan penggunaan imbuhan (prefixes & suffixes)

untuk mengetahui makna dari suatu kata dalam vocabulary?

9. Menurut Ibu, apakah akan efektif apabila strategi pembelajaran vocabulary

menggunakan Affixes as Word Structure Strategy?

10. Akankah pemahaman vocabulary siswa berkembang jika menggunakan

strategi pembelajaran itu?

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Appendix 2b Interview for Students in the Preliminary Research

Interview Guidelines for Eleventh-Grade Students of SMA N 66 Jakarta

before Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Menurut kamu, pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas biasanya seperti apa?

2. Paling sulit belajar bagian apa dalam bahasa Inggris?

3. Kalau belajar vocabulary ada kesulitan tidak? Jika ya, kesulitannya seperti


4. Kalau membaca suatu cerita atau teks atau membuat teks, ada kesulitan dalam

menggunakan kosa kata tidak?

5. Selama pembelajaran, apakah guru pernah memberikan strategi tertentu untuk

mengembangkan vocabulary bahasa Inggris?

6. Tugas apa yang biasanya diberikan guru kepada siswa?

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Appendix 2c Interview for Students in the End of Research

Interview Guidelines for Eleventh-Grade Students of SMA N 66 Jakarta

after Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Apakah kamu masih memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami arti vocabulary

baru ketika membaca atau mendengarkan teks?

2. Bagaimana menurut kamu tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan selama belajar

menggunakan Affixes sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kamu

terhadap vocabulary?

3. Apakah kamu merasa senang terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan selama belajar

Bahasa Inggris menggunakan strategi tersebut?

4. Bagaimana cara kakak menyampaikan materi saat pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris berlangsung?

5. Apakah kamu termotivasi untuk menggunakan strategi tersebut ketika

menemukan kosa-kata yang belum pernah kamu ketahui maknanya?

6. Apa bagian tersulit dalam memahami vocabulary menggunakan strategi ini?

7. Apakah kamu merasa lebih mudah mengingat kosa kata baru dan kosa kata

yang telah kamu memiliki, ketika belajar menggunakan strategi ini?

8. Menurut kamu, setelah belajar menggunakan strategi ini, apakah ada

peningkatan pada penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

9. Menurut kamu, apa saran tambahan dalam penggunaan strategi ini untuk

meningkatkan penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

10. Apakah kamu merasa kalau Affixes as Word Structure Strategy ini cocok

diterapkan dalam belajar kosa kata Bahasa Inggris?

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Appendix 2d The Result of Interview for English Teacher

The Result of Interview for Eleventh Grade English Teacher of SMA N 66


Interviewer : Putri Indah Oktavia

Interviewee : Nunun Maslukah, S.Pd.

Day, Date : Wednesday, 11th February 2020

Time : 10.00 – 10.20 a.m.

Place : Vice Headmaster Room

(R = Researcher, BN = Bun Nunun)

R : Selama ini, bagaimana antusiasme dan keaktifan siswa pada pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris?

BN : Mereka aktif semua anaknya.

R : Berapakah standar nilai KKM yang ditentukan dalam mata pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana hasil perolehan nilai siswa pada semester


BN : Nilai KKM nya disini untuk Bahasa Inggris 75. Terus kalau nilai siswa

kelas XI MIA 1 itu bermacam macam, ada yang bagus di atas KKM, ada

yang pas, dan beberapa ada yang di bawah KKM.

R : Menurut Ibu, bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam mempelajari kosakata

atau vocabulary Bahasa Inggris?

BN : Ada yang bisa cepat dalam memahami kosa-kata nya, tapi ada juga yang

kurang. Jadi tidak merata.

R : Apa sajakah kesulitan yang Ibu temui saat mengajarkan vocabulary kepada


BN : Kalau mengajar kan bukan hanya per kata, jadi saya mengajarnya bisa

dengan mengenalkan sinonimnya.

R : Strategi atau metode apa yang Ibu gunakan dalam mengajarkan kosakata

atau vocabulary untuk siswa?

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BN : Strategi yang saya gunakan memakai sinonim dan antonim.

R : Apakah strategi atau metode tersebut efektif dalam meningkatkan

pemahaman vocabulary siswa?

BN : Ya, efektif. Namun tetap saja ada beberapa siswa yang belum bisa

memahami vocabulary meskipun menggunakan sinonim seperti yang saya

ajarkan. Jadi kemampuannya masih belum merata.

R : Apakah Ibu sudah pernah mencoba cara lain untuk mengajarkan

vocabulary kepada siswa?

BN : Belum pernah. Tetapi dengan menggunakan sinonim itu bisa merambah ke

strategi lainnya.

R : Apakah Ibu pernah mengenalkan penggunaan imbuhan (prefixes &

suffixes) untuk mengetahui makna dari suatu kata dalam vocabulary?

BN : Belum pernah. Tetapi mereka bisa belajar dengan sendirinya dari strategi

yang telah ibu berikan.

R : Menurut Ibu, apakah akan efektif apabila strategi pembelajaran vocabulary

menggunakan Affixes as Word Structure Strategy?

BN : Ya, menurut saya sangat efektif. Itu akan membantu siswa menambah

penguasaan mereka terhadap kosa-kata.

R : Akankah pemahaman vocabulary siswa berkembang jika menggunakan

strategi pembelajaran itu?

BN : Ya, saya rasa pemahaman siswa akan berkembang kalau menggunakan

strategi ini. Namun jika ditambah dengan bahasa tubuh agar mereka lebih

mudah memahaminya.

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Appendix 2e The Result of Interview for Students in the Preliminary Research

The Result of Interview after Classroom Action Research (CAR) for

XI MIPA 1 Students of SMA N 66 Jakarta

Interviewer : Putri Indah Oktavia

Interviewee : Benedicto Sena Hasudungan Silalahi

Day, Date : Wednesday, 8th April 2020

Time : 11.10 – 11.20 a.m.

Place : In front of class XI MIPA 1

(R = Researcher, D = Dito)

R : Apakah kamu masih memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami vocabulary baru

ketika membaca atau mendengarkan teks?

D : Saya sudah cukup bisa kak, jadi tidak begitu merasa kesulitan.

R :Bagaimana menurut kamu tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan selama belajar

menggunakan Affixes sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penguasaan

kamu terhadap vocabulary?

D : Itu membantu saya kak, karena terkadang butuh penjelasan dari teman

juga. Jadi dengan adanya kegiatan membuat poster dan melakukan

pameran di gallery walk itu membuat saya tidak sungkan untuk bertanya.

R : Apakah kamu merasa senang terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan selama

belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan strategi tersebut?

D : Senang kak. Karena sebelum belajar dengan kakak, kita belajarnya pasif

karena hanya membuat power point. Sedangkan belajar dengan kakak

kami lebih aktif.

R : Bagaimana cara kakak menyampaikan materi saat pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris berlangsung?

D : Dalam menyampaikan materi menurut saya sudah bagus kak, tidak ada

yang kurang.

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R : Apakah kamu termotivasi untuk menggunakan strategi tersebut ketika

menemukan kosa-kata yang belum pernah kamu ketahui maknanya?

D : Kemungkinan iya kak, tapi saya akan memakai strategi itu jika belajar

bareng dengan teman-teman.

R : Apa bagian tersulit dalam memahami vocabulary menggunakan strategi


D : Saya tidak begitu merasa kesulitan menggunakan strategi ini.

R : Apakah kamu merasa lebih mudah mengingat kosa kata baru dan kosa kata

yang telah kamu memiliki ketika belajar menggunakan strategi ini?

D : Ya, karena pada saat gallery walk, setiap teman yang menjelaskan

terkadang ada kosa kata baru dan saya langsung paham maksud dari kosa

kata itu.

R : Menurut kamu, setelah belajar menggunakan strategi ini, apakah ada

peningkatan pada penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

D : Ada kak, kosa kata yang saya miliki jadi lebih banyak dan lebih mudah

paham ketika menemukan kata baru.

R : Menurut kamu, apa saran tambahan dalam penggunaan strategi ini untuk

meningkatkan penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

D : Mungkin lebih diperinci apa yang harus dijelaskan ketika kami bekerja

kelompok, atau tema dari suatu bacaan, agar vocabulary nya lebih banyak.

R : Apakah kamu merasa kalau Affixes as Word Structure Strategy ini cocok

diterapkan dalam belajar kosa kata Bahasa Inggris?

D : Cocok kak, soalnya membantu kita untuk lebih mudah menghafal kosa-

kata baru.

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The Result of Interview after Classroom Action Research (CAR) for

XI MIPA 1 Students of SMA N 66 Jakarta

Interviewer : Putri Indah Oktavia

Interviewee : Tangguh Akbar Hadityo Sambodo

Day, Date : Wednesday, 8th April 2020

Time : 11.20 – 11.30 a.m.

Place : In front of class XI MIPA 1

(R = Researcher, T = Tangguh)

R : Apakah kamu masih memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami vocabulary baru

ketika membaca atau mendengarkan teks?

T : Sebenarnya, tergantung guru yang mengajar kak. Kalau gurunya enak

mengajarnya, saya lebih mengerti.

R : Bagaimana menurut kamu tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan selama belajar

menggunakan Affixes sebagai strategi untuk meningkatkan penguasaan

kamu terhadap vocabulary?

T : Bagus, untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan kreativitas siswa.

R : Apakah kamu merasa senang terhadap aktivitas yang dilakukan selama

belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan strategi tersebut?

T : Ya, saya senang. Saya merasa lebih paham teorinya pada saat belajar

menggunakan strategi ini.

R : Bagaimana cara kakak menyampaikan materi saat pembelajaran Bahasa

Inggris berlangsung?

T : Baik, jelas, dan kakak tidak membosankan.

R : Apakah kamu termotivasi untuk menggunakan strategi tersebut ketika

menemukan kosa-kata yang belum pernah kamu ketahui maknanya?

T : Ya. Saya merasa lebih mudah untuk menjawab soal ketika diadakan tes.

Jadi saya sudah paham pola vocabulary yang menggunakan prefix dan

suffix itu.

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R : Apa bagian tersulit dalam memahami vocabulary menggunakan strategi


T : Mungkin pada pembentukan kata nya yang sesuai dengan prefix dan suffix,

jadi saya merasa harus lebih dibiasakan lagi agar lebih mudah


R : Apakah kamu merasa lebih mudah mengingat kosa kata baru dan kosa kata

yang telah kamu memiliki, ketika belajar menggunakan strategi ini?

T : Ya kak, saya lebih mudah mengingat kosa kata baru.

R : Menurut kamu, setelah belajar menggunakan strategi ini, apakah ada

peningkatan pada penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

T : Iya kak, pelan-pelan saya mulai mengerti bagaimana cara pembentukan

suatu kata. Jadi saya merasa kosa kata yang saya kuasai meningkat.

R : Menurut kamu, apa saran tambahan dalam penggunaan strategi ini untuk

meningkatkan penguasaan vocabulary yang kamu miliki?

T : Menurut saya lebih ditambahkan dalam media dan kegiatan saat belajar di

kelas. Seperti menggunakan video seperti materi song, gambar, atau

bermain game.

R : Apakah kamu merasa kalau Affixes as Word Structure Strategy ini cocok

diterapkan dalam belajar kosa kata Bahasa Inggris?

T : Pendapat saya sih cocok kak. Tapi setiap orang kan punya pendapat

masing-masing. Misal, ada orang yang mudah menguasai vocabulary

memakai strategi tersebut, ada juga yang memang harus memakai teori

maupun hafalan. Itu juga tergantung pembawaan guru yang menjelaskan,

jadi jika penjelasannya bisa diterima siswa, itu akan cocok diterapkan.

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Appendix 3a Instrument of Test and Answer Key in Pre-Test


Name :

Class :

A. Choose the correct meaning of

the underlined word.

1. The patient was having

intermittent pains in his side.

a. Greatly varied pains

b. Pains occur at intervals

between two times

c. With strong pains

d. With soft pains

e. With hard pains

2. The emperor’s armies subjugated

the surrounding lands.

a. let them free

b. bring them independent

c. separated them from others

d. released them

e. bring them under control

3. Hart was reconciled with James

after they were fighting for so


a. To bring back a close

relationship between

b. To move away from each


c. To make their relationship


d. To disturb their relationship

e. To make each of them upset

4. Her refusal to go out with him

infuriated him.

a. Frightened him

b. Angered him

c. Saddened him

d. Pleased him

e. Angerless him

5. Just after midnight on April 15,

1912, one of the most dramatic

and famous of all maritime

disasters occurred.

a. The beginning of night

b. The end of night

c. The middle of night

d. The last of night

e. Over night

6. Because of the misuse pesticides,

our environment is now in


a. Use too much

b. Mistaken use

c. Not using

d. Always use

e. Never used

7. Our new president is much more

popular than is predecessor.

a. One who came before

b. One who came after

c. One who came with

d. One who came out

e. One who did not come

8. The undertaker waited three

months after the funeral for his

bill to be paid.

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a. One who does not take the


b. One who does not care

c. One who will not pay

d. One who never take the risk

e. One who takes the risk

9. The number of illiterate young

people in her country continues

to rise.

a. Unable to read and write

b. Without children

c. Sports participants

d. Wealthy

e. poor

10. Distracted driving endanger life

so it is not an acceptable action.

a. Make the driver safe

b. Make the driver benign

c. Make the driver not safe

d. Make the driver harmless

e. Make the driver secure

11. She has the freedom to do as she


a. State of being isolate

b. State of being alone

c. State of being anxious

d. State of being likes

e. State of being free

12. Some believe that the treatment

for alcoholism is complete

abstinence from alcohol.

a. The practice of avoiding


b. The practice of consuming


c. The practice of using alcohol

d. The practice of being

hedonism of alcohol

e. The practice of drinking


13. He felt he achieved a certain

intimacy with her.

a. Relate to her

b. Being friend to her

c. Ignorance of her

d. State of being intimate to her

e. Against her

14. We are again in mourning over

the Air Force plane crash in


a. One who mourns

b. Mourning already happened

c. Mourning will happen


d. Mourning is happening now

e. Mourning is canceled

15. Capable employee

a. Not skilled of working

b. Lack of quality

c. Not expert

d. Having the required skills

e. Not suitable to the position

16. Aero planes are playing a very

important role to associate one

place to another.

a. To divide

b. To separate

c. To connect

d. To split

e. To cut off

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17. The kitten’s pathetic cries

awaken us.

a. Forcing us slumber

b. Take a rest

c. Make us realize

d. Make us sleep

e. To rouse from sleep

18. An octopus has two big eyes, so

it has very good vision.

a. It has no eye

b. It has one eye

c. It has more than one eye

d. It does not have eye anymore

e. It never had eye

19. Having a good friend is


a. the state of being happy

b. the state of being sad

c. the state of being angry

d. the state of being anxious

e. the state of being mad

20. Through ecology we try to

restore the balance in the

ecological system, and thus save

the world from devastation.

a. bring to destroy

b. bring to good condition

c. bring to settle

d. bring to fix

e. bring to be formed

B. Choose the best answer to fill

the blank!

21. Half of enjoyment of a vacation

is the _____ of it.

a. Insert

b. Direct

c. Object

d. Anticipate

e. subject

22. Some pollutions are ______

because they are everywhere.

a. Avoidable

b. Unavoidable

c. Avoided

d. Avoidance

e. Avoiding

23. The sentence requires a(n)


a. Fullcolon

b. Uncolon

c. Noncolon

d. Undercolon

e. Semicolon

24. The prefix fore in foresee means


a. At the same time

b. Before

c. In favor of

d. Beside

e. After

25. Dedi _____ in joining his friend

because he hates fishing.

a. Agreed

b. Agreeing

c. Disagree

d. Agreeability

e. Agreeably

26. My mom wanted milk without

fat. She wanted __fat milk.

a. Non-

b. Pre-

c. Re-

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d. Un-

e. Over-

27. I decided to __activate my

Iphone account so that no one

could use it.

a. Semi-

b. Mis-

c. Sub-

d. De-

e. Fore-

28. I spend my weekends at my

beach house, far from the noise

and ______ of the big city.

a. Overcrowded

b. Outcrowded

c. Becrowded

d. Crowdfund

e. Crowdless

29. The men had to _____ their

canoe through the woods to the

river’s edge.

a. Airport

b. Transport

c. Support

d. Import

e. Disport

30. Since his wound was _____, only

a small bandage was required.

a. Official

b. Superficial

c. Edificial

d. sacrificial

e. Artificial

31. I know you have ____ beaches in

the U.S.

a. Experience

b. Experienced

c. Experiencing

d. Experiences

e. Experiency

32. When you make something

stable, you _____ it.

a. Stability

b. Stabilize

c. Stabilization

d. Stabilizer

e. Stabilized

33. They are already working to

_____ the errors after the films

are cannot be played.

a. rectification

b. rectify

c. direct

d. incorrect

e. correction

34. _______ defined as heroic


a. Heroism

b. Heroical

c. Heroicize

d. Heroically

e. Heroicizing

35. Martin’s mother is a _____ She

teaches students at the Gajah

Mada University

a. Lectured

b. Lectures

c. Lecturer

d. Lectureship

e. Lecture

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36. _____ is a person with no money.

a. Pennies

b. Penniless

c. Penning

d. Pennilessly

e. Penni

37. He is a famous _____ in the city.

a. Therapist

b. Therapy

c. Therapeutic

d. Therapies

e. Therapeutics

38. The condition of being sane is


a. Insane

b. Sanest

c. Sanely

d. Sanity

e. Saner

39. Newspapers have an_____ part

to promote some products.

a. Adverted

b. Advertency

c. Adverting

d. Advertiser

e. Advertisement

40. They lived ____ after they got


a. Harmonious

b. Harmoniously

c. Harmony

d. Harmonic

e. Harmonies

The test is adapted and adopted from National

Examination and Seleksi Bersama Masuk

Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN)

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A. Choosing the Correct


1. B

2. E

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. E

9. A

10. C

11. E

12. A

13. D

14. D

15. D

16. C

17. C

18. C

19. A

20. A

B. Choosing the Best Answer to

Fill the Blank

21. D

22. B

23. E

24. B

25. C

26. A

27. D

28. A

29. B

30. B

31. B

32. B

33. B

34. A

35. C

36. B

37. A

38. D

39. E

40. B

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Appendix 3b Students Score in Pre-Test

The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Pre-Test

No. Students' Number Pre-Test Score

1 Student 1 47,5

2 Student 2 62,5

3 Student 3 65

4 Student 4 47,5

5 Student 5 85*

6 Student 6 62,5

7 Student 7 42,5

8 Student 8 82, 5*

9 Student 9 82,5*

10 Student 10 70

11 Student 11 30

12 Student 12 87,5*

13 Student 13 92,5*

14 Student 14 87,5*

15 Student 15 90*

16 Student 16 90*

17 Student 17 67,5

18 Student 18 82,5*

19 Student 19 20

20 Student 20 70

21 Student 21 67,5

22 Student 22 77,5*

23 Student 23 52,5

24 Student 24 77,5*

25 Student 25 85*

26 Student 26 60

27 Student 27 75*

28 Student 28 85*

29 Student 29 72,5

30 Student 30 87,5*

31 Student 31 30

32 Student 32 85*

33 Student 33 62,5

34 Student 34 27,5

35 Student 35 85*

Mean 66,1

*student who passed the KKM

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Appendix 4a The Instrument of Test and Answer Key in Post-Test 1


Name :

Class :

A. Choose the best answer of the

definition on the underlined


1. The patient was having

intermittent pains in his side.

a. Greatly varied pains

b. Pains occur at intervals

between two times

c. With strong pains

d. With soft pains

e. With hard pains

2. Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez,

who robbed the banks disguised

in a false beard and wig.

a. Changed the appearance

b. Revealed the appearance

c. Discovered the appearance

d. Showed the appearance

e. Exposed the appearance

3. The emperor’s armies subjugated

the surrounding lands.

a. let them free

b. bring them independent

c. separated them from others

d. released them

e. bring them under control

4. Her refusal to go out with him

infuriated him.

a. Frightened him

b. Angered him

c. Saddened him

d. Pleased him

e. Angerless him

5. Miscarriage of justice.

a. Competent

b. Failure

c. Success

d. Truth

e. Rightness

6. Our new president is much more

popular than is predecessor.

a. One who came before

b. One who came after

c. One who came with

d. One who came out

e. One who did not cam

7. She became an overwrought

child when she knew that she

was the winner.

a. Giving little for pleasure

b. Extremely excited

c. Feeling plain

d. Stay calm

e. Has no pleasure

8. Men consider women drivers

incompetent, inattentive, and

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even dangerous behind the


a. Watchful

b. Careful

c. Not paying attention

d. Open-eyed

e. Mindful

9. If your teacher asks you to

rewrite something, you…

a. Write it for the first time

b. Erase it

c. Write it again

d. Write more

e. Not to write

10. When something doesn’t make

sense, you say it is nonsense. So

the prefix non- most likely


a. Lots of

b. Full of

c. Not

d. One who

e. Repeat something

11. I did not recognize you at first

with your new haircut.

a. To identify as unknown


b. To identify as known before

c. To identify as misconceived


d. To identify as a new people

e. To identify as a stranger

12. Some believe that the treatment

for alcoholism is complete

abstinence from alcohol.

a. The practice of avoiding


b. The practice of consuming


c. The practice of using alcohol

d. The practice of being

hedonism of alcohol

e. The practice of drinking


13. They need to practice their

passion from restriction.

a. The condition of being free

b. The condition of being

c. The condition of being


d. The condition of being


e. The condition of being


14. Any given conversation can

drastically alter the tone of


a. Have a rapid effect

b. Have a weak effect

c. Have a doubtful effect

d. Have a soft effect

e. Have a low effect

15. The hurricane caused

incalculable damage in New


a. Very little

b. Very soft

c. Very great

d. Very high

e. Very secure

16. Although they had never met

before the party, Roger and

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Gina felt a strong affinity to

each other at first glance.

a. Allergy to each other

b. Disliking to each other

c. Attraction to each other

d. hateful to each other

e. noninterest to each other

17. Russian researchers believe

that the efficacy of the garlic

preparation is sue to garlic’s

high content of sulfur


a. The quality of being


b. Not producing the proper

c. Lacking the power to


d. Producing no useful

e. The power to produce a

desired result

18. His arm is motionless

because of the car accident.

a. Can move

b. Unable to move

c. Ready to move

d. Always moving

e. Never move

19. They intensify their efforts to

increase sales.

a. Lessen their efforts

b. Make their efforts


c. Limit their efforts

d. Make their efforts weaker

e. Reduce their efforts

20. To accelerate the economic

growth, social progress and

cultural development is one

purpose of ASEAN.

a. To make speed up

b. To make slow down

c. To make it high

d. To make below average

e. To make it hard

B. Choose the best answer to fill

the blank!

21. Since his wound was _____, only

a small bandage was required.

a. Official

b. Superficial

c. Edificial

d. sacrificial

e. Artificial

22. Many people now have a card

which ____ them to withdraw

money from a cash dispenser.

a. Disables

b. Liables

c. Enables

d. Stables

e. Unables

23. She has ________ behavior. So

her behavior is immoral.

a. Ethical

b. Unethical

c. Preethical

d. Bioethical

e. Metaethical

24. I just have a sandwich at 12

o’clock in the noon. The

underlined word is called as ____

a. Midnight

b. Overnight

c. Payday

d. Midday

Page 129: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


e. Weekday

25. _____ is the definition of beneath

the earth.

a. Underground

b. Stoneground

c. Aboveground

d. Battleground

e. Showground

26. There seems to be a natural

_____ between cats and dogs.

a. Telepathy

b. Allopathy

c. Cytopathy

d. Theopathy

e. Antipathy

27. Geranium thrive if you _____

them from indoors to your garden

in the hot weather.

a. Multiplant

b. Transplant

c. Houseplant

d. Underplant

e. Interplant

28. We must be ready to _____ our

enemies in battle.

a. Defeat

b. Feat

c. Featly

d. Feature

e. Featlier

29. Being next to the last in an

elimination tournament is called


a. Equifinal

b. Quarterfinal

c. Semifinal

d. Affinal

e. Nonfinal

30. The prefix fore in foresee means


a. At the same time

b. Before

c. In favor of

d. Beside

e. After

31. Yesterday, when I ____ home, a

boy asked me to give it to you.

a. Walk

b. Walked

c. Walking

d. Walks

e. Walkout

32. Everybody is ______ very

cheerful, when a very thin young

man come into the room.

a. Getting

b. Got

c. Gotten

d. Gets

e. Getty

33. ______ is a state of being weary

and restless through lack of


a. Freedom

b. Kingdom

c. Stardom

d. Boredom

e. Wifedom

Page 130: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


34. The city is going to ____ the


a. Widely

b. Widest

c. Widen

d. Statewide

e. Wideband

35. _____ is an act which one is

purified, sanctified, initiated or


a. Baptize

b. Baptist

c. Baptizer

d. Baptized

e. Baptism

36. The _____ is happy because rain

is coming.

a. Farmed

b. Farmhand

c. Farming

d. Farmer

e. Farmstead

37. A little ______ before an

important test is normal.

a. Nerve

b. Nerveless

c. Nervous

d. Nervously

e. Nervousness

38. The _______ among the senators

was that the bill would not be


a. Agreeable

b. Agreeably

c. Agreement

d. Agreeing

e. Agreed

39. I have an appointment this

afternoon with my ___________.

a. Chiropodist

b. Chiropodial

c. Chiropodies

d. Chiropodiment

e. Chiropodiness

40. Provincial police offer Adipong

Tapee said of the 42 _____


a. Travels

b. Travelers

c. Traveling

d. Traveled

e. Travelog

The test is adapted and adopted

from National Examination and

Seleksi Bersama Masuk

Perguruan Tinggi Negeri


Page 131: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...



A. Choosing the Correct Meaning

1. B

2. A

3. E

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. C

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. A

15. C

16. C

17. E

18. B

19. B

20. C

B. Choosing the Best Answer to

Fill the Blank

21. B

22. C

23. B

24. D

25. A

26. B

27. B

28. D

29. C

30. B

31. B

32. A

33. D

34. C

35. B

36. D

37. E

38. C

39. A

40. B

Page 132: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Appendix 4b Students Score in Post-Test 1

The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Post-Test 1

*student who passed the KKM.

No. Students' Number Post-Test 1 Score

1 Student 1 17.5

2 Student 2 72.5

3 Student 3 70

4 Student 4 70

5 Student 5 70

6 Student 6 85*

7 Student 7 30

8 Student 8 87.5*

9 Student 9 95*

10 Student 10 75*

11 Student 11 32.5

12 Student 12 95*

13 Student 13 92.5*

14 Student 14 92.6*

15 Student 15 75*

16 Student 16 92.5*

17 Student 17 75*

18 Student 18 75*

19 Student 19 75*

20 Student 20 30

21 Student 21 65

22 Student 22 92.5*

23 Student 23 77.5*

24 Student 24 87.5*

25 Student 25 92.5*

26 Student 26 50

27 Student 27 90*

28 Student 28 95*

29 Student 29 65*

30 Student 30 92.5*

31 Student 31 72.5

32 Student 32 90*

33 Student 33 67.5

34 Student 34 15

35 Student 35 92.5*

Mean 73

Page 133: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Appendix 5a The Instrument of Test and Answer Key in Post-Test 2


Name :

Class :

A. Choose the best answer of the

definition on the underlined


1. If you get up early in the

morning, you will see

unusual sight.

a. Strange

b. Popular

c. Regular

d. Common

e. Traditional

2. If you are dissatisfied with

your pictures, please call us

at 665-5676.

a. Pleased

b. Not happy

c. Glad

d. Gratify

e. Cheer up

3. The dysfunctional regulation

of PCM1 by irregulated miR-

128 impairs brain

development which causes


a. To rebuild

b. Harmful

c. To hurt

d. To injure

e. To make worse

4. An aloof and supercilious


a. Less than the norm

b. Exactly as expected

c. Speaking in a measured

d. Haughty, with an air of


e. Afraid of something

5. A sudden influx of people

into the exurbs.

a. A coming out

b. Not coming

c. Before coming

d. Coming in the past

e. After coming

6. People used to believe that a

comet presaged a major

event, such as the death of a


a. To send a message

b. To pressure

c. To age gracefully

d. To refuse

e. To warn in advance

7. You should not be so

nonchalant about something

that is so important to your


a. Challenging

Page 134: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


b. Done with the intent of

harming another

c. Not showing anxiety or


d. Reversing a previous


e. Not challenging

8. This curious fact significantly

underestimates the

importance of air freight.

a. Estimate as being over

than the fact

b. Not able to estimate

c. Have no estimation

d. Estimate as being less

than the fact

e. No one could estimate

9. The car rental company

considered the scratches on

the driver’s door to be caused

by a minor mishap.

a. Fortunate accident

b. Unfortunate accident

c. Miracle event

d. Success

e. Achievement

10. An antilock braking system.

a. Designed to continue

wheels locking

b. Designed to relock the


c. Designed to stop wheels


d. Designed to put wheels


e. Designed to put wheels


11. She was known to be a

woman of great wisdom.

a. able to wise

b. without wise

c. wise in the past

d. a state of being wise

e. wise in the present

12. Common believes unify the

two very different people.

a. An action to make into a


b. An action to break up

c. An action to separate

d. An action into unlink

e. An action into spread out

13. The narrator shared a house

with an old man.

a. More than one who


b. Narrating in the past

c. Able to narrate

d. Without narrates

e. One who narrates

14. Here are some tips ton how to

be a successful English


a. No tip

b. One tip

c. More than one tip

d. Do not have tip

e. Empty tip

15. The director of the Goethe-

Institute Sao Paulo may offer

you an accommodation in her


a. A place to go

b. A place to stay

Page 135: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


c. A place to move

d. A place to walk

e. A place to run

16. The carelessness of driver

caused the accident.

a. The state of being does

not care

b. The state of being care

c. The state of being aware

d. The state of being


e. The state of being


17. The Red Cross made an

equitable distribution of the

meals to the starving


a. Nonobjective

b. One sided

c. Not equal

d. Fair

e. Shady

18. Wikileaks chief Julian

Assange says his website,

which once featured a

nameless anonymous

electronic drop box for secret

document, has been

effectively mothballed by a

US financial blockade.

a. Meaningful

b. Full of name

c. No name

d. Able to identify

e. Able to recognize

19. In 1511, Magellan and Serrao

participated in the conquest

of Malacca.

a. Participate in the present

b. Participate in the future

c. Participate in the next few


d. Participate later

e. Participate in the past

20. This notification does not

cause any financial liability


a. Benefit of financial

b. minus of financial

c. profit of financial

d. surplus of financial

e. development of financial

B. Choose the best answer to

fill the blank!

21. A new cream that claims to

_____ sun-damaged skin.

a. Devitalize

b. Vitalize

c. Revitalize

d. Nonvitalize

e. Subvitalize

22. Most of the teachers ____ the

students to speak English


a. Discourage

b. Encourage

c. Accourage

d. Supercourage

e. Semicourage

Page 136: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


23. Under someone else’s

authority or control is the

meaning of _______.

a. Disordinate

b. Coordinate

c. Inordinate

d. Subordinate

e. Incoordinate

24. I heard you will be _____ to

the production division.

a. Inferred

b. Deferred

c. Referred

d. Conferred

e. Transferred

25. The Euro has _____ but the

dollar is up.

a. Depreciated

b. Appreciated

c. Misappreciated

d. Inpreciated

e. subpreciated

26. Be careful not to _____ the

food, it will be burnt.

a. Overheat

b. Preheat

c. Reheat

d. Afterheat

e. Ultraheat

27. The ________ airport in

Jakarta will be opened, so

people could go abroad


a. Supranational

b. Transnational

c. Subnational

d. Nonnational

e. International

28. He _____ his death will be on


a. Unknown

b. Misknow

c. Foreknow

d. Acknow

e. Reknow

29. The students sat in a ____.

So, they formed like a half


a. Encircle

b. Semicircle

c. Recircle

d. Circumcircle

e. Supercircle

30. The students are having a

____ test before the final


a. Misterm

b. Preterm

c. Interterm

d. Midterm

e. Subterm

31. The mount climber are ____

the beauty of Mount Lawu.

a. Admirable

b. Admired

c. Admires

d. Admire

e. Admiring

32. Insulin which helps the body

_____ sugar is made in the


a. Metabolism

b. Metabolic

Page 137: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


c. Metabolome

d. Metabolize

e. Metabolomics

33. I didn’t like the show since

the host seemed to _____ the

most time.

a. Dominate

b. Dominant

c. Dominantly

d. Domination

e. Domineer

34. The little girl is taking care of

the puppy with ______,

affection, and kindness.

a. Patient

b. Patience

c. Patiently

d. Patients

e. Patientless

35. Charles Dickens was an

English writer and social


a. Criticize

b. Critical

c. Criticism

d. Critic

e. Critically

36. The merger of the two

companies was funded by a -


a. Capitalist

b. Capitalize

c. Capital

d. Capitalism

e. Capitally

37. In the event of an emergency,

please go to your seat and

_____ your seatbelt.

a. Fast

b. Fasten

c. Fasting

d. Faster

e. Fastly

38. The ______ of this village

has increased these last few


a. Develop

b. Developed

c. Developing

d. Developer

e. Development

39. We are looking to hire an

assistant with a high level of

digital ____.

a. Literate

b. Literal

c. Literacy

d. Liter

e. Literary

40. We had to go very slowly and


a. Cautiousness

b. Cautious

c. Caution

d. Cautiously

e. Incautious

The test is adapted and adopted

from National Examination and

Seleksi Bersama Masuk

Perguruan Tinggi Negeri


Page 138: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...



A. Choosing the Correct Meaning

1. A

2. B

3. E

4. D

5. A

6. E

7. C

8. D

9. B

10. C

11. D

12. A

13. E

14. C

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. C

19. E

20. B

B. Choose the best answer to fill

the blank!

21. C

22. B

23. D

24. E

25. A

26. A

27. E

28. C

29. B

30. D

31. E

32. D

33. A

34. B

35. C

36. A

37. B

38. E

39. C

40. D

Page 139: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Appendix 5b Students Score in Post-Test 2

The Result of Students' Vocabulary Competency in Post-Test 2

*student who passed the KKM.

No. Students' Number Post-Test 1 Score

1 Student 1 60

2 Student 2 62.5

3 Student 3 75*

4 Student 4 77.5*

5 Student 5 75*

6 Student 6 85*

7 Student 7 75*

8 Student 8 87.5*

9 Student 9 85*

10 Student 10 80*

11 Student 11 77.5*

12 Student 12 72.5

13 Student 13 87.5*

14 Student 14 75*

15 Student 15 80*

16 Student 16 75*

17 Student 17 80*

18 Student 18 67.5

19 Student 19 80*

20 Student 20 75*

21 Student 21 75*

22 Student 22 67.5

23 Student 23 80*

24 Student 24 87.5*

25 Student 25 85*

26 Student 26 72.5

27 Student 27 90*

28 Student 28 95*

29 Student 29 75*

30 Student 30 62.5

31 Student 31 75*

32 Student 32 75*

33 Student 33 80*

34 Student 34 75*

35 Student 35 92.5*

Mean 77.4

Page 140: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Appendix 6 1Blue Print of Test


No. Prefix &

Suffix Meaning Words

Question Number




test 1


test 2

1 Un- not; opposite Unavoidable, unethical,


22 23 1

2 Re- again; back Reconciled, rewrite,


3 9 21

3 In-, im-, il- Not Illiterate, inattentive,


9 8 3

4 Dis- not, away Disagree, disguised,


25 2 2

5 En-, em- cause to Endanger, enables,


10 22 22

6 Non- Not Non-fat, nonsense,


26 10 7

7 in- in, into Infuriated, infuriated,


4 4 5

8 Over- too much Overcrowded,

overwrought, overheat

28 7 26

9 Mis- Wrongly Misuse, miscarriage,


6 5 9

10 Sub- Under Subjugated, subjugated,


2 3 23

11 pre- Before Predecessor, predecessor,


7 6 6

12 inter- between, among Intermittent, intermittent,


1 1 27

13 fore- Before Foresee, foresee,


24 30 28

14 de-, opposite of, not Deactivate, defeat,


27 28 25

15 trans- Across Transport, transplant,


29 27 24

16 super- Above Superficial, superficial,


30 21 4

17 semi- Half Semicolon, semifinal,


23 29 29

Page 141: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


18 anti- against Anticipate, antipathy,


21 26 10

19 mid- middle Midnight, midday,


5 24 30

20 under- too little; not


Undertaker, underground,


8 25 8

21 -s, -es more than one Eyes, travelers, tips 18 40 14

22 -ed in the past Experienced, walked,


31 31 19

23 -ing in the present Mourning, getting,


14 32 31

24 -ate Become Associate, accelerate,


16 20 33

25 -en become, to make Awaken, widen, fasten 17 34 37

26 -ify, -fy make or become Rectify, intensify, unify 33 19 12

27 -ize, -ise to make; to


Stabilize, recognize,


32 11 32

28 -ly how something is Harmoniously,

drastically, cautiously

40 14 40

29 -acy state or quality Intimacy, efficacy,


13 17 39

30 -ance, -


state or quality of Abstinence, abstinence,


12 12 34

31 -dom place or state of


Freedom, boredom,


11 33


32 -er, -or, -

ist, -ian

one who;


Lecturer, farmer, narrator 35 36 13

33 -ism doctrine, belief Heroism, baptism,


34 35 35

34 -ist one who Therapist, chiropodist,


37 39 36

35 -ity, -ty quality of Sanity, affinity, liability 38 16 20

36 -ment condition of Advertisement,

agreement, development

39 38 38

Page 142: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


37 -ness state of being Pleasantness,

nervousness, carelessness

19 37 16

38 -ion, -sion,


state of being;


Devastation, restriction,


20 13 15

39 -able, -ible able to be,

worthy of

Capable, incalculable,


15 15 17

40 -less Without Penniless, motionless,


36 18 18

Page 143: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Appendix 7a Lesson Plan Used in Cycle 1



Sekolah : SMA N 66 JAKARTA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/Genap

Materi Pokok : Explanation Text

Alokasi Waktu : 3 Minggu x 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan

perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan

lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan


2. KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural

pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

3. KI4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Page 144: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

explanation lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait gejala alam atau

sosial yang tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas XI, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

1. Mengidentifikasi persamaan dan

perbedaan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan explanation text

2. Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian struktur

explanation text

3. Memahami struktur explanation text

dalam memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang

tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di

kelas XI

4. Mencirikan unsur kebahasaan dari

explanation text dalam memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait gejala alam

atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas XI

5. Mempelajari imbuhan yang terdapat

dalam kosa-kata explanation text

4.8 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks explanation lisan

dan tulis, terkait gejala alam atau

sosial yang tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas XI

6. Membuat teks tentang fenomena alam

pendek dan sederhana

7. Membuat teks-teks tentang fenomena

sosial pendek dan sederhana

8. Menampilkan dan mempresentasikan

teksnya kepada teman-temannya

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan explanation text

2. Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian struktur explanation text

3. Memahami struktur teks explanation dalam memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di

kelas XI

4. Mencirikan unsur kebahasaan dari explanation text dalam memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata

pelajaran lain di kelas XI

5. Mempelajari imbuhan yang terdapat dalam kosa-kata explanation text

6. Membuat teks-teks tentang fenomena alam pendek dan sederhana

7. Membuat teks-teks tentang fenomena sosial pendek dan sederhana

Page 145: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


8. Menampilkan dan mempresentasikan teksnya kepada teman-tem an yang

datang membaca

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial

Menjelaskan, memberi gambaran alasan terjadinya suatu fenomena

2. Struktur Teks

a. Title

b. Introduction (opening statement)

c. Order of paragraphs (explanation sequences)

d. Conclusion

3. Unsur Kebahasaan

a. Menggunakan chronological connection ( first, then, following, finally)

b. Hubungan sebab-akibat (if –then, so, as a consequence, since, due to,

because of, thanks to

c. Kalimat pasif, dalam tenses yang present

d. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

4. Topik

Benda-benda non manusia, seperti air, penguapan, hujan dengan

paparan yang menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI

5. Metode Pembelajaran

a. Model Pembelajaran : Content Based Learning (PBL)

b. Metode : Diskusi, bermain peran, strategi struktur kata

E. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

(Pertemuan Pertama: 2 x 45 menit) Media Durasi


1. Membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan berdo’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

2. Menayangkan sebuah video tentang siklus hidup

kupu-kupu (Apersepsi)

- Projector

- Laptop


3. Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk menjelaskan

maksud dari video tersebut.

- Projector

- Laptop

- Gadget /



Page 146: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Kegiatan Inti 4. Guru menginformasikan kepada siswa bahwa akan

belajar tentang explanation text.

5. Siswa diminta untuk membuka buku Bahasa

Inggris KemendikbudRI 2017. (mengobservasi)

6. Guru menjelaskan materi explanation text.

7. Guru menjelaskan struktur teks dan tata bahasa

(grammar) yang digunakan dalam explanation text,

yaitu present tense dan passive voice.

8. Guru mempersilakan siswa untuk menanya hal

yang belum dipahami. (menanya)

9. Guru membagi siswa menjadi 6 kelompok.

10. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat poster yang

berisi explanation text yang topiknya mereka tentukan

sendiri dari video youtube yang direkomendasikan

guru. (mencoba dan mengasosiasi)

11. Siswa berdiskusi dan membagi tugas dalam

membuat poster. (mengkomunikasikan)

12. Guru memonitor selama siswa berdiskusi.

13. Guru menjelaskan materi affixes yang

berhubungan dengan passive voice.

14. Guru memberikan penjelasan dan perbedaan

mengenai prefiks, sufiks dan kata dasar menggunakan


15. Guru memberikan contoh beberapa prefiks dan

sufiks yang umum digunakan beserta artinya dan

menjelaskan bahwa setiap prefik dan sufik itu dapat

memengaruhi makna suatu kata.

16. Guru menginformasikan bahwa dengan adanya


- Paper

Page 147: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


materi affixes tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai strategi

untuk memahami kosa-kata bahasa Inggris.




17. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi manfaat dari

kegiatan pembelajaran.

18. Guru meminta siswa untuk membawa kembali

poster yang sudah dibuat di pertemuan selanjutnya.

19. Menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a sesuai dengan

agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

(Pertemuan Kedua: 2 x 45 menit) Media Durasi


1. Membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan berdo’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

2. Mengisi presensi siswa

3. Mengulas (review) materi yang telah disampaikan

sebelumnya (Apersepsi).


Book /



Kegiatan Inti

4. Guru menjelaskan materi lanjutan affixes dan

memberi contoh empat kosakata yang memiliki

imbuhan prefiks dan empat kosakata yang memiliki

imbuhan sufiks yang umum digunakan. (re-touch, de-

active, mis-read, over-heat, rapid-ly, banana-s, name-

less, cook-ed).

5. Guru memancing siswa untuk mengartikan

imbuhan tersebut sesuai dengan konteks kata.

6. Beberapa siswa diminta untuk menggunakan

kosakata tersebut pada sebuah kalimat.

7. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengungkapkan

- Projector

- Laptop

- Gadget /



- Paper


Page 148: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


definisi dari kosakata tersebut.

8. Guru mempersilakan siswa untuk menanya hal

yang belum dipahami (menanya)

9. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan siswa selanjutnya yaitu

gallery walk.

10. Memulai gallery walk menggunakan poster yang

sudah digambar siswa yang berisi explanation text.

11. Selama kegiatan gallery walk, siswa yang sedang

berjaga booth menjelaskan informasi yang ada pada

poster masing-masing. (mengkomunikasikan)

12. Siswa lain diminta untuk mengidentifikasikan

kalimat yang mengandung passive voice dan kosa-kata

(vocabulary) yang mempunyai imbuhan sufiks dan

prefiks yang ada pada poster. (mengobservasi)

13. Siswa dieminta untuk menuliskan passive voice

dan vocabulary yang mereka dapat beserta definisi dari

kosa-kata tersebut. (mencoba & mengasosiasi)

14. Guru memonitor proses kerja siswa.




15. Siswa menuliskan di papan tulis hasil yang


16. Siswa dan guru bersama-sama membuat

kesimpulan tentang materi pembelajaran hari itu.

17. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi manfaat dari

kegiatan pembelajaran.

18. Menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a sesuai dengan

agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.


Page 149: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

(Pertemuan Ketiga: 2 x 45 menit) Media Durasi


1. Membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan berdo’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

2. Mengulas (review) materi yang telah disampaikan

sebelumnya (Apersepsi).


Book /



Kegiatan Inti

3. Guru meminta siswa untuk kembali bergabung

dengan kelompoknya seperti pada pertemuan


4. Guru membuat kelompok baru yang bersifat

sementara untuk melakukan kegiatan Jigsaw dan

meminta siswa untuk berkumpul dengan kelompok


5. Setiap siswa diminta untuk berbagi pengetahuan

kepada kelompok baru mengenai vocabulary yang

mereka dapat pada pertemuan sebelumnya.


6. Guru menginstruksikan setiap kelompok untuk

menebak definisi kosa-kata yang disebutkan oleh salah

satu temannya. (mencoba & mengasosiasi)

7. Guru meminta siswa untuk mencatat kosakata

yang mereka dapatkan pada diskusi tersebut.

8. Guru memonitor proses kerja siswa.

9. Guru mempersilakan siswa untuk menanya hal

yang belum dipahami (menanya)



Book /






11. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi manfaat dari

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Page 150: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


12. Guru memberitahu bahwa akan diadakan Ulangan

Harian tentang explanation text untuk pertemuan


13. Menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a sesuai dengan

agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.

Jakarta, 4 Februari 2020


Guru Pamong Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Bahasa Inggris

Nunun Maslukah Putri Indah Oktavia

NIP. 197403122000122002 NIM. 11160140000008

Page 151: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


1. Screenshot of the video “Life Cycle of Butterfly”

Taken from https://youtu.be/DdM71jKNuk-M

2. Example of Explanation Text

Taken from Bahasa Inggris / Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

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3. Poster Guideline

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Appendix 7b Lesson Plan Used in Cycle 2



Sekolah : SMA N 66 JAKARTA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/Genap

Materi Pokok : Meanings Through Music

Alokasi Waktu : 3 Minggu x 2 Jam Pelajaran @45 Menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. KI-1 dan KI-2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang

dianutnya. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab,

responsif, dan pro-aktif dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan

perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan

lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional, dan kawasan


2. KI 3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural

pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

3. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan

unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan remaja


1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur

kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan


2. Memahami makna lirik lagu terkait

kehidupan remaja

3. Mencirikan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan

remaja yang memiliki imbuhan prefiks

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dan sufiks

4.9 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial

dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu

terkait kehidupan remaja


4. Menulis teks lirik lagu dengan

mendengarkan lagu terkait kehidupan


5. Menyebutkan bagian-bagian yang terkait

dengan pesan-pesan tertentu

6. Menyebutkan arti lirik lagu yang berisi

imbuhan prefiks dan sufiks menggunakan

strategi struktur kalimat

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan


1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait

kehidupan remaja

2. Memahami makna lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

3. Mencirikan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja yang memiliki imbuhan

prefiks dan sufiks

4. Menulis teks lirik lagu dengan mendengarkan lagu terkait kehidupan remaja

5. Menyebutkan bagian-bagian yang terkait dengan pesan-pesan tertentu

6. Menyebutkan arti lirik lagu yang berisi imbuhan prefiks dan sufiks

menggunakan strategy struktur kalimat

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial

Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif

2. Unsur kebahasaan

a. Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu

b. Kosa kata berupa imbuhan prefiks dan sufiks dalam lirik lagu

c. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

3. Topik

Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku yang

termuat di KI

4. Metode Pembelajaran

a. Model Pembelajaran : Content Based Learning (CBL)

b. Metode : Tanya jawab, diskusi, strategi struktur kata

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E. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

(Pertemuan Pertama: 2 x 45 menit) Media




1. Membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdo’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

2. Membagi hasil nilai Ulangan Harian sekaligus

mengisi presensi siswa.

3. Menampilkan sebuah foto Zayn Malik (seorang

penyanyi internasional), dan meminta siswa untuk

menebak siapa tokoh tersebut (Apersepsi)

Sumber: twitter.com/zaynmalik

- Projector

- Laptop



Kegiatan Inti

4. Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk menyebutkan

lagu lagu yang mereka ketahui yang dinyanyikan oleh

penyanyi tersebut.

5. Guru menginformasikan kepada siswa bahwa akan

belajar tentang Meaning Through Music.

6. Guru menampilkan sebuah klip video beserta liriknya

yang berjudul “A whole New Wolrd” yang

dinyanyikan oleh Zayn Malik.

- Projector

- Laptop

- Paper



Page 156: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


7. Siswa diminta untuk memerhatikan lirik yang ada

pada klip video tersebut. (mengobservasi)

8. Guru meminta siswa untuk memahami makna lirik

lagu tersebut secara sekilas.

9. Guru mulai menjelaskan materi part of speech untuk

membantu siswa memahami makna kosa kata baru

berdasarkan kelas kata. Ini juga akan memudahkan

siswa untuk menggunakan affiks sebagai strategi

struktur kata.

10. Guru menayangkan sebuah video mengenai

penjelasan materi part of speech.

11. Guru mempersilakan siswa untuk menanya bagian

dari materi yang belum mereka pahami. (menanya)

12. Guru membagi siswa menjadi 5 kelompok dan

membagi lirik lagu “A Whole New World” menjadi 5

bagian untuk setiap kelompok.

13. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk

mengklasifikasikan vocabulary yang ada pada lirik

lagu tersebut ke dalam 8 part of speech dalam bentuk

tabel. (mencoba dan mengasosiasi)

14. Siswa berdiskusi dan membagi tugas dalam membuat

tabel part of speech. (mengkomunikasikan)

15. Guru memonitor selama siswa berdiskusi.




16. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan hasil

kerja kelompoknya.

17. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi manfaat dari

kegiatan pembelajaran.

18. Menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a sesuai dengan


Page 157: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

(Pertemuan Kedua: 2 x 45 menit) Media Durasi


1. Membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdo’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

2. Mengisi presensi siswa

3. Membagi hasil kerja kelompok pada pertemuan


4. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan


5. Guru menjelaskan teknis bermain game, yaitu

menyiapkan tabel part of speech di papan tulis, guru

menyebutkan beberapa kosa kata dan setiap perwakilan

kelompok yang ditunjuk maju ke depan untuk

menempatkan kosa kata tersebut di tabel sesuai

bagiannya secara bergantian. (Apersepsi)

-papan tulis



Kegiatan Inti

6. Guru menjelaskan cara memahami arti kosakata pada

lirik lagu menggunakan imbuhan afiksasi sebagai

strategi struktur kata.

7. Guru menampilkan video unik mengenai penjelasan

prefiks dan sufiks beserta contohnya. (mengobservasi)

8. Guru mempersilakan siswa untuk menanya hal yang

belum dipahami. (menanya)

9. Guru memutar lagu “Blank Space” yang dipopulerkan

oleh Taylor Swift dan menampilkan lirik lagu tersebut

pada proyektor.

- Projector

- Laptop

- Speaker

- Gadget /




Page 158: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


10. Siswa diminta untuk mencari kosa kata yang

mempunyai imbuhan prefiks atau sufiks pada lirik

lagu tersebut (mencoba dan mengasosiasi)

11. Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan definisi dari kosa

kata yang mereka dapat dengan menggunakan strategi

struktur kata, kemudian mendiskusikan dengan teman

sebangkunya mengenai makna lirik lagu secara

keseluruhan. (mengkomunikasikan)

12. Guru memonitor proses kerja siswa.




13. Siswa diminta untuk mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa.

14. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi manfaat dari

kegiatan pembelajaran.

15. Menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a sesuai dengan

agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

(Pertemuan Ketiga: 2 x 45 menit) Media Durasi


1. Membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdo’a bersama sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

2. Guru membagi buku hasil kerja siswa pada

pertemuan sebelumnya.

3. Guru membuka pelajaran dengan melakukan


4. Guru menjelaskan teknis bermain game, yaitu

meminta setiap perwakilan kelompok untuk memilih

satu diantara 6 judul lagu yang sudah disiapkan,

kemudian perwakilan tersebut untuk

menyenandungkan (humming) reff dari lagu tersebut,

- 10’

Page 159: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


kemudian teman sekelompoknya menebak judul lagu

atau melanjutkan lirik lagu tersebut. Jika

kelompoknya tidak dapat menjawab, maka

kesempatan akan diberikan kepada kelompok lain.

Kegiatan Inti

5. Siswa melakukan kegiatan permainan dan guru

memandu berjalannya permainan.

6. Guru memberikan tabel berupa 20 prefiks dan sufiks

umum yang sering ditemui beserta arti dan


7. Siswa memahami tabel yang ada pada hamalan

tersebut. (mengobservasi)

8. Guru menjelaskan isi tabel tersebut dan digunakan

siswa untuk memudahkan mereka sebagai strategi

memahami kosakata.

9. Guru mempersilakan siswa untuk menanya hal yang

belum dipahami. (menanya)

10. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk mencari lirik

lagu yang sudah dipilih oleh perwakilan tadi.

11. Setiap kelompok diminta untuk mencari vocabulary

yang memiliki imbuhan prefiks dan sufiks, namun

hanya yang terdapat pada tabel yang telah diberikan.

(mencoba dan mengasosiasi)

12. Setiap kelompok berdiskusi dan diminta untuk

mengerjakan hasil diskusinya ke dalam bentuk soft

file Ms. Word beserta makna dari lirik lagu yang telah

mereka pilih. (mengkomunikasikan)

13. Guru memonitor proses kerja siswa.

14. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengirimkan hasil




Page 160: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


kerjanya melalui surel.




15. Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi manfaat dari

kegiatan pembelajaran.

16. Menutup pelajaran dengan berdo’a sesuai dengan

agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing.


Jakarta, 4 Maret 2020


Guru Pamong Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Bahasa Inggris

Nunun Maslukah Putri Indah Oktavia

NIP. 197403122000122002 NIM. 11160140000008

Page 161: (A Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade ...


1. A Whole New World – Zayn Malik

I can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, princess, now when did You last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us, "No" Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here It's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you (Now I'm in a whole new world with you)

Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world (don't you dare close your eyes) A hundred thousand things to see (hold your breath, it gets better) I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far I can't go back to where I used to be A whole new world With new horizons to pursue I'll chase them anywhere There's time to spare Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world (a whole new world) A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us, "No" Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming A whole new world (every turn, a surprise) With new horizons to pursue (every moment, red-letter) I'll chase them anywhere, there's time to spare And then we're home (there's time to spare) Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world (a whole new world) That's where we'll be (that's where we'll be) A thrilling chase (a wondrous place) For you and me.

Sumber: LyricFind

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2. Blank Space – Taylor Swift

Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things Magic, madness, heaven, sin Saw you there and I thought Oh my God, look at that face You look like my next mistake Love's a game, wanna play? Ayy New money, suit and tie I can read you like a magazine Ain't it funny, rumors fly And I know you heard about me So hey, let's be friends I'm dyin' to see how this one ends Grab your passport and my hand I can make the bad guys good for a weekend

So it's gonna be forever Or it's gonna go down in flames You can tell me when it's over, mm If the high was worth the pain Got a long list of ex lovers They'll tell you I'm insane 'Cause you know I love the players And you love the game 'Cause we're young and we're reckless We'll take this way too far It'll leave you breathless, mm Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex lovers They'll tell you I'm insane But I've got a blank space, baby And I'll write your name Cherry lips, crystal skies I could show you incredible things

Stolen kisses, pretty lies You're the king, baby, I'm your queen Find out what you want Be that girl for a month Wait, the worst is yet to come, oh no Screaming, crying, perfect storms I can make all the tables turn Rose garden filled with thorns Keep you second guessin' like "Oh my God, who is she?" I get drunk on jealousy But you'll come back each time you leave 'Cause darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream So it's gonna be forever Or it's gonna go down in flames You can tell me when it's over, mm If the high was worth the pain Got a long list of ex lovers They'll tell you I'm insane 'Cause you know I love the players And you love the game 'Cause we're young and we're reckless (oh) We'll take this way too far It'll leave you breathless, mm Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex lovers They'll tell you I'm insane (insane) But I've got a blank space, baby And I'll write your name

Sumber: LyricFind

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Appendix 81Photographs of Students’ Activity in the Class

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Appendix 91Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi

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Appendix 101Surat Bimbingan Skripsi

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Appendix 111Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian

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