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A Conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf,Trustee of The One People's Public Trust

Hello everyone Brian here from the American Kabuki ground crew. I am so incredibly thrilled to be here celebrating this beautiful moment of Now with all of the amazing beings who will be listening to this call over the course of the coming days and weeks. Words couldn’t possibly express the level of gratitude I feel for being blessed with the opportunity to play a part, even if just a small one, of this recent unfolding events that have been taking place in this grand cosmic shift that we are currently undergoing.

Now, whether everyone in the world realizes it yet or not, it truly is the most exciting time to be alive in the history of humanity and I thank my Creator everyday for sending me front row, VIP seats to all the action.

Now, from an inner knowing that goes beyond mental comprehension, I know that we all chose to be here at this time to experience the journey we all are embarking on right now, altogether as one people united. While we may have not been shot heralding into the new age on the 21st at least consciously, like a great many out there predicted, we absolutely are experiencing an enormous shift in energies and massive transformations to our inner as well as outer worlds. I know I speak for many when I say that I fully believe that the shift of the ages, which all the Ancients prophesized would occur in 2012 is in fact unfolding right before our eyes on a myriad of levels on each moment.

Now, Ascension isn’t what we are here to discuss today, what we are here to discuss is the liberation of the planet, and the 7 billion of us that call the earth “home”.

Now over the past year, talk of prosperity funds, whether it be in the form of NESARA, the St Germaine Trust, the Leo Wanta Funds, the Reagan-Mitterand Protocol, all of the above have become a hot topic being discussed across every blog site and discussion board across the internet, leaving many very frustrated and losing hope that one day one of these funds could break into mainstream media and pave the way to a New Age for peace and prosperity.

Now, I am here to share with everyone that the moment we have all been waiting for is finally and very divinely upon us. A few days ago, on December 25, an organization called The One People’s Public Trust, came exploding onto the scene with their first official “announcement.” This document appears to be announcing that the United Nations, the IMF, BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the Hague, the World Bank and others have been legally and officially foreclosed upon. The next part of the

document which I will read here has triggered an absolute tsunami of response, as well as very much heated debate and discussion across all the blogs and online forums all over the internet.

And this passage reads, ” The people, all people equally on earth, have an individual, duly-verified sum certain of 5 billion (that’s billion with a “B”) in lawful money of the United States of America gold and silver. Over 3 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, (which, by the way is a 3 and a 5 followed by 17 zeros) just and duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There is an additional duly-verified sum certain of 5 billion in lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the debtors, over 3 quadrillion lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, in duly-verified debt of damages against the debtors.”

Now, what this means exactly has been left to lots and lots of speculation, obviously, so today we are here in full transparency to discover the truth of this official announcement. Now, these passages are just a few short highlights to what has now become multiple announcements by The One People’s Public Trust headed by the organization’s front man, or front woman I should say, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf.

B: Hi Heather, welcome to the call, are you there?

H: I am Brian, thank you. How are you this evening?

B: I am doing well, Heather. How are you?

H: It’s good, it’s good, thank you for having me.

B: Absolutely, and we also have on the call a special guest, we have D from the Removing the Shackles Blog site. D are you with us?

D: I am with you Brian. Hi Heather! Nice to talk to you again as well.

H: Hi D. Good to talk to you, too.

B: Welcome to you both. Before we dive in here ladies, let me give a little background. I have had the opportunity to get to know Heather a little bit over the last few days. I truly feel like we have known each other for a lot longer than that, but consciously speaking, our paths crossed for the first time last Friday, the 28 of December and since then we’ve exchanged a mountain of emails back and forth.We were actually supposed to do this talk yesterday, but we ended up talking on Skype for about five hours so we weren’t able to get to it and get it in. So, talking to Heather has personally answered so many questions I have had for myself, and now, in the spirit of full transparency and absolute truth, which are the watchwords as of late, it’s time to share that information with the people. What do you say, Heather? Sound like a plan? OK, perfect.

So for the purpose of this call today, Heather, my role and D’s role in this is going to be to give the public, or the people, I should say, a voice, and due to the scope of the subject matter we are dealing with here, which is obviously global in nature with the potential of effecting every person on the planet and because of that the people are obviously and rightfully so have lots and lots of questions.

So, over the last couple of days, I have gathered many of those questions from Kauilapele’s blog, American Kabuki’s blog. You also sent me questions from emails that you have received; I know D’s probably got plenty of questions from her readers as well. So I will be using these to navigate the chat here as best we can. Does that sound good?

So Heather for the purposes of the, we’re gonna call this a conversation, this is not an interview, it’s a talk. It’s informal. My role in this, D’s role in this is gonna be to give the people a voice, the “People”, for everybody that’s been following this story since last Friday. Obviously, due to the scope of the subject matter we’re dealing with here which is beyond, you know, It’s global, it’s universal in nature really. It has the potential of affecting everyone on the planet. So there’s a lot of questions that have been flowing in consistently since last Friday, and over the last couple of days we’ve gathered these questions from various blogs, D’s blog, Breaking the Silence, or I should say Removing the Shackles, Kauilapele, American Kabuki and emails that you’ve sent me.

So, we’re gonna use these questions that people have to kind of guide us through the conversation that we have here. But before we start, I have one little request of you, Heather.

H: OK(laughter)

B: Based on what we know of you so far…What’s that?...

H: I said, I’ll agree to it when you tell me what it is.

B: OK, here it is, you are obviously very well educated, you have a very uncanny ability to articulate and express yourself around anything that you have done with your legal background. I know you have been a lawyer for ten years . . . But, you know as good as I do that a lot of the feedback that we’ve received thus far is that the format is too “legalese” or legal talk for the average show to understand. So, you put out an announcement too that that was for very good reason, because this was drafted in an attempt to, – the people weren’t the intended audience of the very legal stuff that you put out. But I really want to try to keep this as street level and in a style and format that everyone’s gonna be able to understand. Is that fair?

H: That’s excellent, that’s more natural.

B: Very good, alright. So I already know the answer to this first question, but we need to hear it from you, because everybody hasn’t been present on the talks that you’ve had so far but . .there’s a lot of people who want to believe with their entire heart and soul that the story we are here to discuss is true, or because they have never heard of you or The People’s Trust organization there’s been a fairly substantial amount of resistance. So why don’t we start out with who is Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and how on earth did you get involved in all this?

H: Ok, well, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is just one of the people, I mean when it boils down to it, all of the roles that I play, I’m just one of the people, just like all of you guys, just like everyone else that’s on the planet. And as to why I got involved, I got involved for the same reasons all you guys got involved. I was searching for the truth. And here we are, I am on this call. And then, as far as when did I get involved? I was working overseas basically, in high levels of Banking, Trade and Finance and International Law and we all made a choice. We made a choice to go in and clean things up, and it wasn’t just me, it wasn’t just the people I was working with, it was a whole slew of people within what we term as the “slavery systems”. And that happened, basically, the choice was made on how it was going to go in March of 2009. Does that answer that question? Basically enough.

B: So, what happened in March 2009?

H: Actually we had been working on an investigation for approximately, I think 3 months, maybe less, regarding mirror loans at the World Bank. And we found through that mirror loan investigation that we were doing, regarding Panama, the Republic of Panama, we found Freddie/Fannie paper, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae fraudulent paper, significant amounts of it, and out of curiosity, for one of the people that was on the investigation team, I went back behind the screens and went all the way back to... I had randomly selected some of the houses out of the Freddie and Fannie Paper, and went all the way back to the homes and found that this paper, these securities of about ($)50 million, I think it was about, yea ($)50 million, and it was probably based on property that was worth, maybe, if you were lucky, 10 percent of that amount, maybe less. So with that, that is basically what started it. It was a personal issue, a personal matter, a person, one of the people, helping another one of the people.

And from there, we just kind of sat there, we adjusted, we prioritized, we really just reflected. What are we doing, why are we doing it and what can we do about it, do we want to do anything about it? So, people really kind of sat there and thought about it and a choice was made. So we made a choice to go in, and how do we help people understand,

NO loans were made? There’s no such thing as lawful current funds. There is lawful money, but there is no lawful current funds.

So these are the decisions we had to make. We were watching everyone suffer, we were suffering. Even those in the highest levels of banking suffer… in the highest levels of purported government are suffering. All the way down. You just, you get tired of it. So that was the very beginning. Does that

answer that? I mean as far as what ended up to this phone call.

B: Absolutely, and you know Heather, from talking to you yesterday for as long as we did, I know that your story and your background . . we could sit here and we could talk about it for hours if not days really, but from here, what I want to kind of, the direction I think everybody wants to see us go is... The next phase in your journey was the decision to start the investigation that culminated in the putting out of the Paradigm Report. Is that accurate?

H: Yeah, in fact, I mentioned the Fannie/Freddie papers, and basically it was just taking the culmination of all of the investigations we’d worked up to at that point and when we made the decision in between the time that we found the Freddie/Fannie papers and the decision to do the investigation, we needed to figure out exactly what needed to be done, and so it was sort of like a (muffled word) type of protocol where we had to go in and to figure out the many aspects to the investigation and alter them based on the results, real time. So that’s what the Paradigm Report was, it was a field (muffled) report, yea there are lots of mistakes in there, typing wise, grammatical, spelling, the point is the substance inside the report. That was the important part.

Really we were asking can the private system be saved? Is it worth saving? and the answer is no, it could not be saved. And why put energy into something that cannot be saved?

B: Ok, so what was it that went into develop, you know, the Paradigm Report, that was research that for spanned over the course of a matter of, I think you said it was, 2 years? What were you researching and what was the final outcome? I know people can obviously read this document for themselves, but really what people want to know is what went into it, what was the outcome and. . . Ultimately what was the objective that you were looking to accomplish with you and the people that were involved in getting that paper put out?

H: What went into it? Body and soul of many (giggle). As far as the goal was, like I said, to go in and find a solution. Identify the problems and identify a solution. And could it, could the solution incorporate some of the frame work that was already existing? Or did it have to be completely mowed down and built from scratch? That was basically the essence. It had to deal with banking, that was obviously the nexus point for every problem on the planet. So the problem at that point needed to be identified back to, well, then how did that problem then come into existence? And you go back to the history, you go back to the history of America and the first two central banks that they attempted to do, and the report identifies that more (muffled words) so that people can refer to that part. But looking at the past allowed us to figure out, okay how did they maneuver? Using Education and the Judicial system. And then after that it was a matter of OK, well what right now is their biggest fear? Which is communication between people, so the internet. Identifying these markers or these factors allowed us to go in and say OK we need to go in further, because a paper trail needs to be made where no paper trail currently exists, at least not one that connects all the dots. At that point we had a few people that had offered to go ahead use their house as a test case, and all that. And since I knew I would be running the investigation It ended up being a logical choice that I would have to just use my house as a test case, so

that I could control all the different factors. It’s one thing to try to help someone who is freaking out, while you are trying to do an investigation, It is much easier to just control yourself and go through the factors.

B: So. . .

H: I have the most information. I have the most, well-rounded database out of all of us. So, that’s how it started.

B: So essentially you put yourself up for allowing your home to go to foreclosure and, in order to be a test subject for tracing the fraud that needed to be committed against you to get you out of your property back to the source of where the fraud was coming from? So, you could accurately track that paper trail, correct?

H: Yeah, that’s right, essentially I was headed over to Switzerland anyway to take over presidency of a company and they were currently looking for a house. I had gone in with someone else and, basically it was kind of like, okay this is like her pet project. . .we all have projects that we would each, had close to home that we were cultivating. Some were agricultural projects... helping feed humanity... some were energy projects, getting clean energy to everyone... and those are very quiet projects you did that ruffled a lot of feathers. Mine went along with (muffled – fate?) and the experience that I’d had, and the training I’ve had which was corruption, Law, it had to do with Law. And what it came down to as of this moment, people have the opportunity to see that the conjunction of Law with the financial system, with the purported government system, with these private systems, that we believed have been for the people by the people, everyone can see where it all has to go back to the Law. It has to go back to the Law of One.


H: Does that answer your question?

B: Yea it absolutely does. So you have this, because I am trying to put the pieces together in a chronological order. . .so you have this Paradigm Report, let’s call that Phase I. What was the expectation to, now that you’ve got this Paradigm Report that has these findings that the system is broken, essentially, in a very rudimentary way of saying it, and it can’t be fixed without making some major changes to the structure of, the way that society is managed by all of the people at the top, correct?

H: Yeah, I mean essentially, and when that report went out, what really excited me Brian was in December 10th of 2010, or December 11th, I was introduced to someone who was involved with this thing that was called the Public Trust. And, I am not a history buff or I’ve never traditionally been a history buff, and I was introduced to concepts, basically, Founding Fathers, I mean of course we all know, that to some degree is the Constitution, I mean, yes, we’ve probably all at least looked at a copy,

if not read one.. Yet to go in and really feel it, you know, they just sort of moved my world, and I was looking for that clean spot, where can you clean this from, because you have so many people in the slavery system who are trying to clean it up, and they have all the power to do it, but the question was why weren’t they doing it? Well there has to be a clean spot to do it from so that nobody can rebut it, so it is unrebuttable, and therefore unrebutted. And that is where I found the Public Trust to be an amazing tool, because it did go back in time, but then we had to go back even further, we weren’t moved all the way back to Prime until this last summer. And that was all the way back to Creator.

B: You’re going to have to talk about what you mean in regards to taking it all the way back to Prime.

H: Sure, you know, it’s just kind of simple, we have notice of it everyday, everyday that a child is born, everyday that a body leaves this earth. You know, it’s a matter of Creation. There’s these bodies, and yet who’s the architect? Who’s the original architect? I work a lot with patent law, trademark law. And yet at the same time I watch that all these patents and all these technologies are stolen. Where? From within the Patent Office itself. So when you go back to Prime. You’ve gotta go all the way back to Prime! Who is the Creator? In the instance of science, or a patent, it would be the person who actually thought up the darn thing, you know, wanted to apply it…they know the DNA of it. They were inspired enough to create it. Well, it’s the same thing here. Who created the people? And, If you look at every religion across the board. . .every religion proper, it’s the Creator. So, I had to go back in and really kind of look at that. I was raised in a Jesuit Catholic home, but studied many religions, and I found it a useful tool, not only that, but it was also a loophole for certain banking families to also protect their things from the systems that they were enforcing against everyone else against their will.

So Creator is the Prime. Nobody can come up and say,” I own your body, I own your mind,” because first off, you do. . .and second off, who are you a servant to? You know, and then you take that into a commercial world, which is where they hid everything, either someone is going to claim you as their servant, or you’re gonna claim yourself as owning yourself, you are free.

Anyone that you serve, it would be your creator, whether you want to call him Creator, God, Source, Yahweh, Allah, it doesn’t matter the point is, going back to Prime And nobody can rebut that. It is unrebuttable, and it is unrebutted.

B: Ok.

H: Does that answer your question?

B: Absolutely, so essentially what you are saying is that we as the people have handed over, or bowed down to laws and rules that have been put forth against us illegally. The only reason that they have been able to manage them this long is because we have given our consent. So, I mean is that kind of in a real basic way of saying it, kind of what’s happened here over the course of the last hundred years, if not way longer?

H: Yeah, I would say that’s a very accurate truth, the way that you just stated it.

B: Ok, So you got this Paradigm Report. And what was the…, you went in and you laid a lot of groundwork, you let your home go into foreclosure. You did this great amount of research and study into these systems and how corrupt they are, what are you now doing with this document? Like, I’m trying to bring it forward to present moment so we can dive in to where we are today, but, there’s obviously this big vision from you and the People’s Trust that you are working toward. And I’m just trying to figure it out for everybody that’s listening to this what that was and what your road map was to ultimately get there?

H: Yeah, I mean, I’d worked in banking, in basically putting people in tight positions, ferreting things out, vetting assets, vetting out people, doing background checks, and all that, so I had a lot of information about how things worked. And while we’re going in and trying to figure out this clean up, I wanted to make sure we were under the radar. Once the banks had figured out, that you had gone in to squeal or tell on them, an exorbitant amount of pressure is applied, or more. So we go in and work all this stuff out. I hadn’t been in a courtroom for quite some time, I had no idea about ( muffled) so my job allowed me in the Paradigm Report basically to figure out how to go in and ferret everything out and be able to sort of test out different areas of solution. So, in banking, I was responsible for vetting assets, I was responsible for vetting people, I was responsible for creating policies, structures, contracts, all for banking and financing. And so I know the exorbitant amount of pressure they put on people and the methods they do that, which are pretty distasteful, so I knew what to expect, so I designed the investigation so I could be under the radar while I was trying to work out the on ground part, bring the investigation from the bottom up without the banks knowing.

B: Ok. So at what point, around what time, as far as what month and what year was all of this going down? Because, I am trying to get a little bit of history here. You put out your announcements on December 25th, you’ve had a couple of announcements since then, what ground work were you laying during that, from when you finished that Paradigm Report until where you are today? I mean, what was going on in the background? Behind the scenes of all this, what were all the puzzle pieces that were getting put into place in order for everything that we are going through right now, everything that we’re experiencing right now, to become a possibility?

H: OK, well, I had already investigated for a couple of years and been a part of the banking structure, so we knew where the nexus was. The next part was just to figure out how to go in and make it...since the banks control everything...was to how to go in, where to go in, number one, how to go in and basically unwind, or unbound their support structure. So the BAR, the Judicial, and of course, the Education. Media was another one, however, we did not want the media, we didn’t want any of that, because if people knew what we were doing, we knew we never would have finished our job, ever.

So with the Judicial, that was the most important and probably the easiest point for me to go in and start, in the trenches, to build the investigation from the bottom up, or from street level to Wall Street level. OK. So with that, using my house as a test case, I went in, and I don’t even know how many cases

that were actually filed, or how many briefs were actually tested to get to the final brief that I sent in “approved”, which was a Deceptive Act and Practices brief; so that’s basically what I did for almost a year, I was in the trenches, actually a year and a half, was in the trenches testing the Judicial to see how corrupt they were, how closely connected they were with banks,- was it direct contact, were there people in between, were there handlers, um, how much access do the banks have to the systems that were actually used in Judicial, meaning like courtsmart, which is a communications recording system that the courts use during hearings? How much access they have to the Clerks; office? What I discovered was pretty mind blowing for someone who has been an attorney for 10 years, and during this investigation I actually had to make a choice, especially when I received Intel and reports on ongoing investigations regarding the BAR, which I was a part of. And I ended up cancelling my BAR license during the investigation. So that was the main meat of it, and we just finished that basically this July of 2012. Well the end of June, I think, the end of June of 2012.

And then the third part, the third phase, was coming over here and working with the “Powers that Were” to go in and implement a solution that was the easiest and the less stressful for the people, because I was told at one point, in fact right before I left for overseas, that there was going to be a war. There was going to be a war of such a kind that it has never been seen or known of in existence. And that was unacceptable to me.

So out of the Trustees, I was the one that was most suited to go overseas, so that people knew that this wasn’t about just “America,” or about “People on the American Soil”, this is about the people all over the globe. That is what I have been doing over here and I actually had a job, we were using, I was offered a job as a director of a Bank. (Muffled) And that was arranged through, in fact one of the main clients is the Rothschilds. So that was supposed to be our quiet room behind doors, where we could actually go in and try to hammer out a solution for implementation. When the time came it didn’t go right. I never made it to (muffled)bank. I didn’t go there. After some long discussions with the Trustees, we felt that it just, it wasn’t right.

B: Heather, real quick, not to interrupt, there are going to be some people who have some confusion based on a couple of things you just said. You said you were working with the “Powers That Were” and you were working with the Rothschild family to find a solution. There are many people who perceive the “powers that were” there that that’s the cabal, that’s the bad guys, the Rothschilds are part of those dirty Illuminati family bloodlines but you were working with them, can you explain how that works?

H: Well, we weren’t working with them, we were opening our doors to be able to go in with the “Powers that Were” to start to hand over back to the people. We physically went to their houses, we physically opened our doors so that there could be an open communication. They were very fearful of that because they just, they didn’t want to let go of the power, of the control and in some cases they still don’t but it’s already done.

B: Okay, alright, so you said, when we talked last night you said something big happened on the 4th of July. There is some big turning point event that happened on the 4 th of July and I believe there was

another one in December. What were those, and those would be good lead-ins to everything that we’ve seen come out from yourself and The People’s Trust in the last couple of days? What were those?

H: Yeah, July 4th, basically what we did was announce that we were going to do the “equity call”. They’d had so many chances and there was so much communication going back and forth trying to hammer this out and make sure that everything was returned to the people, that on July 4th the Trustees just said, you know we can either sit here and wait for somebody to do something, especially from a bunch of folks who just were fearful of giving control back, you know, and being found out, that we decided that is was time to do instead of waiting for others to do. So, we issued the order, and there was an order issued on July 7th and it was delivered to them. And actually it was pre-issued as a notice the month before. So this time we registered, we registered that into the system. So that was July 4 th. October, it was funny because everyone was talking about an October Surprise. And we were surprised, because we thought we were very being very, very quiet. And we kept everything quiet, but in October we actually foreclosed on all the private systems, the slavery systems which included private arms of the slavery systems of the United Nations, the purported United Nations, purported Hague, purported I.M.F. I.C.C., I.C J. and all of the corporate corporations under the guise of government. That was in October.

B: Ok, that was in October? D has a quick question, and I want to know, once D asks her question, under what authority all the foreclosures were made? And where those were registered? But D, why don’t hop in, do you have a question?

D: Okay, I have just a tiny question. You were talking about, you were just talking about the different cases of who was, some were not maybe falling into place or maybe not playing nicely, could you maybe tell us who it is that wasn’t playing nicely? (giggle)

H: Okay, well basically you had what we called the Texas Camp?

D: Ha Ha, Okay, which consists of who?

H: Well,I don’t mind, that fine. Traditionally, Texas Camp consists of Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton, Rumsfeld, and Cheney for the most part. There’s others, but those are probably the names that everybody would be most familiar with. No, not J.R. Ewing, ha!

So that’s Texas, then another faction was of course the Rothschilds, and that would be the Zurich Rothschild we found just lovely, to be very, very lovely and we had a fun time with the Rothschilds London, but they weren’t having such a fun time. So it was really the London Rothschilds and the Rothschilds in France, those were the two on that side.

And then there was The Old Man in the Asian family, they’re very supportive, they wanted everything to come out. The Old Man in Asia wanted everything to come out and wanted all the truth. And it was a particular man named General Wong, Wong Xui Long (?) that was always interrupting and messing

things up. I would like to state that I have met him and found him quite pleasurable, just on a personal level, but what it comes down to what is happening in the world (muffled), it is just unacceptable. So, those were the main parties and maybe, hopefully that will help put into perspective a few questions that people have regarding the Asian side.

D: Yes, definitely. As I said to you earlier on today, Heather, what you were saying with Gen. Wong definitely rings with what I have been getting for Intel, back in October especially, when he was on American soil and apparently screwed everything up quite royally while he was there!

H: You know, it’s funny because most people do not know, and I don’t even think Fulford knows, but a lot of our communications regarding negotiations of how to kind of reset everything, was done using Fulford. So, I would sit there and wait for his things to come out so I could see what kind of proposal came next. And everything was always set in, what Japan!? So, I sat there and when you were talking about General Wong we were supposed to have meetings with the Old Man, it didn’t matter where in the world, he was actually going to come to Europe, and we were headed to Switzerland anyways for B.I.S., so anyways, we didn’t have the meeting, something had happened. And I didn’t find out till just before we decided, you know what, we’re gonna go to Switzerland, but that it was General Wong who was in the middle of that as well, and supposedly General Wong has been removed from the situation, not so, he has been kind of swept to the side and, you know, you’re no longer, you’re no longer captain of the team here. And although they had done that, we had already made the plans and we went. We went to Switzerland and we gave him a chance, we gave him the opportunity to be in it, and It turned out that our particular presence and our work that we were doing that day or that week was used to kind of force the hand of one side of the family so that things could get reset. But, anything less than returning everything to the people was still not acceptable. So, here we are and things are finishing, yes, but everything was already done. The people hold and own everything..

B: Real quick, Heather, a question coming up is, I know we talked about it before but, there’s gonna be a lot of people that are confused by who you mean by the “Old Man”?

H: Yeah, I know. People outside of banking do get confused about The Old Man. In fact, I think one question was: “Is that George Bush?” No, that’s not George Bush Sr. The Old Man is basically China. He is the head of at least what I know to be the Elders, sort of like a chairman. He was formerly seen last, from my information, as an emperor in China. So the Communist government, I kind of giggle when I hear people talk about the Communist government in China, although I do respect the people that I’ve worked with over there, the Communist regime is just an illusion as much as Democracy, OK, Anything that divides is dividing in order for management and control. There is just the people and there is just the Creator, that is Prime. So, when I talk about The Old Man that’s who I’m talking about, and I met with his daughter in 2008, which is when I met General Wong, when I had a meeting with Gen. Wong. So, that’s where we are in kind of explaining. He is very, very old, don’t ask me his exact age, he is very, very old.

B: Hence “the Old Man.”(laughing) Got it. So, why don’t you, real quick, there’s some questions I’m

gonna bring up here from some of the readers… Give a background on all this money. You know, where… How much is there? Where is it sourced? Where is it, I mean, what’s the full story, for anybody that’s coming on that’s talking about, you know we’re talking about here that these funds are about to be released, some people have no idea what any of this means, they have no idea what the background is on the sources of this Gold and Silver. Can you just kind of bring us up to speed and give us maybe a Cliff’s notes version on your knowledge of that or the history of that or however it is that you want to explain it?

H: OK, Well first off, the value itself, the absolute underwriting of the value is the people, all over the planet. The value and the power is what you guys are actually giving them in order for them to underwrite what they call paper money, current fund, currency, so those are just representation. OK, and then the Gold and the Silver was a representation of value that was accepted, specifically it was accepted within the Constitution of the united States of America. And it was agreed to. Because, for instance, all the central banks around the entire world, people don’t know that all the countries and all the banks are all under one umbrella. And then, there’s different families that operate under that umbrella and with a family there’s sibling rivalry. OK. So with the Gold and Silver there, it was held in various locations, things have been relocated as of recent, probably for good last year, and hardcore with the remaining amount for about the last four months

B: Ok, because anybody that follows , that’s read David Wilcock’s “Financial Tyranny” , the story that he put out on Divinecosmos.com, I mean you can literally go in and look at pictures, all sorts of pictures with vaults of gold and just stacks and stacks of gold bars, but how have you determined how much there is? I mean, it sounds like we are now in control, well we the people, or the people who are about to release this gold to humanity are in control of it, but how do you know how much there is out there?

H: The number that I put, or that I used, doesn’t reflect the actual number that is out there, there’s more, that’s one. Number two, you are seeing a lot of tungsten/gold wrapped tungsten that is out there floating around at the street level at this point, well they’ve been in the banking levels forever. That as a huge, huge concern, that’s why with gold bars in gold transactions, first off, just to get a bank to even transfer physical gold is like going to hell, it is very difficult; they don’t want to let it go, part of the reason they don’t want to let it go is because it is gold-wrapped tungsten in a lot of cases. And that’s because the gold was actually ferreted away into different locations.

B: Ok.

H: I know that, there was a joke about, I think American Kabuki posted that, it wasn’t a joke actually, I meant it, regarding the Gold-wrapped tungsten bars and all of a sudden, we went to B.I.S. October, October 22nd to the 24th we actually went in to go inspect the gold holdings and after we came home, October 27th, all of sudden everyone was demanding to see their gold holdings. And then American Kabuki posted something that I did with Jonathan, a bet (?), and a couple days later the Queen, purported Queen of England went to check her gold holdings. So, this is, there is no problem, the gold

is safe, it’s secure. And, It is going to be released, but I believe from what it sounds like is that they would like to have a representation of that gold. And remember, the gold and silver is just a representation of the true value, which is inside every person.

B: Ok, and so here’s where the people, the readers of all the blogs, are gonna want us to dive as deep as we can go to bring some clarity, because this is where all the questions are coming up: how, what people want to know is how can everyone know for sure that what you are talking about is real? And by real, what I mean is that it’s actually gonna do some good, that this money is really gonna come out. I mean many are really skeptically at this point, rightfully so, it’s a lot of money. Because they’ve seen things like the Neil Keenan lawsuits, Drake’s so-called Green Light prediction, come and go, without anything to show for it as far as in the public eye, based on our conversation and I now know that yesterday something did happen on July 4th, but nobody’s been able to see anything yet. So, there’s a lot of people out there that are wondering this is all, is this all a fairy tale or is this for real? So, what makes what we’re dealing with different? What can you take, what can you tell people that will help them walk away from this call with a feeling that, in their gut, that something big is about to go down here? I mean, what assurances do, do people have or does it all boil down to that it’s just gotta be blind faith until the writing’s on the wall?

H: No, actually It’s all out there. It’s already out there. So , we heard all along, OK, we weren’t ignorant to everyone going – we want transparency, we want to know, we want disclosure, we want an event, we want money, we need help, we want our, we want to fire all of Congress, whatever it was, we heard it all. And, the best way that we knew how to help was to go in and secure everything, so that it could be right there for the people to go ahead and use, lawfully and legally. Nobody can contradict it. So when we went there, if you look at all the documents that we filed, every single one of them that we posted, you even have records, or American Kabuki, and I gave it to D for Removing the Shackles as well, and it belongs to the people, that record shows when everyone had notice There’s the filing date, and believe me it took me about, sometimes two to three days max to get the UCC verbiage ready, and there were a number of times where we sent it over email, which is heavily monitored thanks to our server going through Microsoft exchange, Microsoft works very closely with the private system, because it is a part of the private system.

So they had notice of what we were doing, what we were intending prior to us even filing. But, if you look at the filing dates and then you piece together those dates, and then you go back and you look at any Intel or any... D and I talked about this. She went back and looked at her Intel, looked at significant dates which I know are significant in her arena, she would be able to perhaps, and we already did a couple, was to correlate the filing dates with Intel dates that she had that were pretty close. The filing dates were happening before the dates where she was receiving Intel, which is normal..

D: Yes. Absolutely.

H: And, If you go and you do that for each and every filing I think you gonna find, and even look at just the open, public recording, even mainstream media, what you guys call mainstream media, you’ll see

different reports. D, I love when you posted, it helped me, because I didn’t have to go fishing for the information, all the different government “officials”, and “governments”, whole “governments” that were resigning. American Kabuki, and I’m not sure if he did this too, where you guys kept a track of all the bankers that were resigning. If you go back and look at the dates when the resignations started, the jumping of ships so to speak, I think, I know you’re gonna find that they correlate to certain kinds of filings within the past that we posted and that are available to everyone.

B: D go ahead with your question.

D: When A.K, when American Kabuki published all the initial reports and papers, I immediately got flooded with emails and, of course, comments on RTS asking – Oh, my goodness does this mean that the St. Germaine Trusts isn’t real, or that the Prosperity Packages, the Wanta money, the World Global Settlement, and you and I talked about this a little bit this afternoon, and I’d like it, if you could just address that because I know that really panicked people when they read some of the information, that this meant that all of sudden these other things that we have been waiting for are not gonna happen. I’d just like it if you could address the people and let them know a little more about that.

H: First off, I worked on most of that stuff. In one form or another, I worked on it, including Heritage Funds, any kind of account, I’ll have to go back and look through my email. I have someone within the old slavery system who was trying to get us to open up certain of the “Collateral Accounts.”, which I know are watched 24/7. There are certain alarms that go off globally, whenever they try to touch them. So here’s the problem, I went back during the investigation, and kind of looked at, OK what are the problems? Why can’t they touch this, why can’t they touch that, who’s got a hold of this, who’s trying to get in that? It’s messy. It’s really messy. Yet the value is there. Ok, value is real. It is the problem of the structure that it was being held in. So in order to assist those that are the custodians and wipe away all of the rubbage, all of the barnacles that were growing on it, whether it be Texas camp, whether it be any of them, OK, was to take it back to Prime. Now all the value is still sitting there, it is still sitting where it was before, but the only thing is, it is in a clean spot. An absolutely impenetrable spot, where it is safe, and it can now be used. It can be released because we have all the legal and lawful basis in documentation to show ownership, to be able to show authority, standing and the value. It’s still all there and it is actually in a much better spot than it ever was prior to this happening.

D: Thank you that is fantastic. I hope all my Readers out there are all cheering and jumping up and down now.

B: Based on reading the comments on your blog, D, I am sure, I’m absolutely sure they are. Here’s a question for you, Heather, that came from a woman named Charlene. She writes - I would like to know when we can expect this to start affecting our current system. What steps can body of state’s take so it doesn’t get swept under the carpet? And with all those great email addresses published, Rothschilds, SBJ, DoJ, Federal Reserve, etc., is there a time when states of bodies should make themselves known with these entities? And lastly, are the possibilities of recourse from the cabal? That’s a lot of questions all tied into one. Why don’t we start with the first one, the first one was when can we start to expect to

see this effecting our current system? Obviously that’s a huge one.

H: It already is affecting our current system if you look at the “governments” that have been reorganizing or just completely going away, it’s already started. In order for there to be a mass distribution, I mean you’re talking about over 7 Billion people, Brian. So you have got to have a system that will be able to do that. Now there are systems that are currently existing and we actually put all of the legal and lawful tools and documentation that they need to be able to have the standing and authority to be able to go in and repossess those to use them. In our group, we always used the term “In the twinkling of an eye”. It could be done in a twinkling of an eye. And it can be still, and it looks like it is moving into that particular framework. I know that the monetary system, they knew what we were doing months ago, so they have got it all ready to go. That’s why the move was so hard and maybe not in the twinkling of an eye for some, but in a twinkling of an eye for what we have had to unwind, OK? So, at this point, I want to make sure that I answered that particular part of the question.

B: Yes you did, but there’s gonna be a lot of people that say, “Well, ok, that’s great, that’s good and dandy and all but when is this stuff going to become public knowledge, as opposed to having to dig into the blog sites to find it? That’s kind of the burning question that everyone wants to know. Everybody is waiting to wake up and turn on CNN for Anderson Cooper to come on saying “ Breaking News. Nobody’s gonna believe this, here’s what’s goin on.” I mean, that kind of where everyone is at, because in their opinion, for me, the way I look at it is that over the course of the last year there’s been so much that’s been accomplished behind the scenes that it’s all paving the way in order for everything to be made public, but I guess, everybody’s waiting for that tipping point to where this now is out there. For the neighbors that have no idea what’s going on, for the people that are at work, for our friend and family, they can see it with their own eyes and they know that – oh my gosh change is upon us.

D: Yeah, that is literally one of the most driving questions of the day, I’ve found on RTS. Everyone is broke, everyone needs money, looking beyond that though, the real driving question is when are the announcements coming, when will people know?

H: I don’t even think that that’s it, I don’t know if that’s it D, because from where I can understand, they don’t need to know when the announcements are, the real question is when am I going to be able to rub a couple of coins together and buy a cup of coffee or a tank of gas or a loaf of bread? Right?

D: Yes.

H: That’s what they want to know.

D: I also think that there’s a lot of people out there who have been waiting, who have been waiting for that moment of vindication, of “See, I was right, I’ve been trying to tell you how corrupt everything is, you wouldn’t listen, I just want to know that I was right, that I am not crazy.”

H: I was just talking to Brian about this. It’s sort of like that joke, Brian, and Bill and I were talking about.

You know, a guy is stranded on an island and a boat comes by and offers help and he says, no, God’s going to save me. Then all these vehicles come forth to help him off this island, and he says, no, no God is going to save me. And he actually eventually dies and he gets up to God and says, “Why didn’t you try to help me?” And God’s like, I sent you a boat, I sent you a helicopter... that’s sort of where we are. The people if they’re going to sit and wait for someone else to do something for them, are they standing in responsibility? Are they standing with liability? And, I guess then, the question would be that they would ask, ok, I am really, I’m ready to stand in responsibility and liability, how do I do that?

So, those are really the kind of questions that I get and I bring this up, because when we were doing the solution, in our part of the whole, complete solution, that’s unfolding now, was, we had to recognize Universal Law and accept it and part of that Universal Law is free will choice. There were a lot of people that made choices, that if they had the opportunity to be abundant, live in harmony, know that someone wasn’t gonna come knock on their door, stealing them, gagging them, I mean, it’s ridiculous what banking does. However, they would make a choice that’s much different than the one they had to make based on where they were. They imposed limits on themselves or allowed others to impose limits on them. So it is important that everyone is able to make a new choice, to make a different choice.

So if I sit here and I go – OK, it will be in three weeks, it’ll be in two weeks, it’ll be in two days, OK, it’ll be in the twinkling of an eye. I tell you it can be in the twinkling of an eye, but I am also going to set a timeframe here by doing that, that forces people to make a choice to conform to that timeline. And right now there are choices being made, there are remaking choices within that slavery system. The ones that have been hiding in that slavery system to allow, and help manifest this new now are coming out. And they’re ready to become transparent. They’re becoming transparent. So, you have to be aware and open your eyes so you can see them, number one. Number two is those that were in the slavery system felt they had no other choice, they’re actually considering and making different choices now.

So it is unfolding right now as we speak, and you guys are making that happen. Not just American Kabuki, not just Brian, not just D and Removing the Shackles, all those people who are commenting! They are seeing all those comments. They are seeing the energy of the acceptance of this now, this new now that is manifesting. They are seeing that the people, that the people choose, the people decide. So, I hope that everybody understands that. As far as the timing, I would love to tell you what the timing is. I know that for us, we just decided to go ahead and do. Instead of waiting for the Old Man to come over and do this meeting, or instead of waiting for Texas camp to back off and let this go, these collateral accounts to be released, we just went in and said – Ok, what action can we do to make this safe? We realized nobody’s moving, or people who are moving in ways they shouldn’t., because the right tools aren’t in place. So what tools can I do to help them move? That’s what every one of us asked, so we went in and did it.

B: Ok. Here’s the question: Something called the “announcements” keeps getting brought up. When are the “announcements”, when are the “announcements going to be? One of the questions that came in from Kauilapele’s blog, this guy named Steve, he asked, “Can somebody please tell us, the people, in

good old fashioned 3D English, how all of this grand language is actually going to be implemented? What are the protocols and procedures that are developing behind the scenes that allows the people to take their freedom back from the corrupt slavery systems that have controlled us for so long?1:0142H: The freedom is already back. First you can just recognize and accept that. Hey, I’m free! OK, that’s one. Two is be free. If you are free, act like you’re free. And the tools that we were talking about, was, yea, if I be free, and I am free, I going to act free, what do I do when a senior cop pulls me over? You know, first, be gentle, be kind. be respectful, because, number one, he is a human being. Regardless of what his hat is that he is wearing and all of that, he is a human being. Now, he may be a not so nice human being, and that’s something to deal with later but, just go in and be. And then ask questions. Ask the right questions. – You know, that’s great. What’s your name, what’s your badge number? Perfect, now can you write that down for me? You want everything in writing. These are the tools, but other than that there is nothing left to file in the UCC for all the old stuff. There’s nothing left in the UCC that you need to file to say, “I am a being. I am alive. I am this or that, common law is my law, it’s already done. All you have to do is know that declaration of facts so that you are able to incorporate it into whatever matter is before you right now.

[AK NOTE: Heather has some additional protocols she will be posting, we recognize there's much to fill in here yet, but the key point is be decent to people. See them as other manifestations of Source like you. The police are just doing the best they can.]

That’s what one of our advisors is gracefully allowing here for me to go in and alter, so I can sanitize if, take out personal information, is the template of how she is using it, to test it in the past (it’s been refined, so now it’s in the final version) is to be able to go in and say - OK, the UCC declaration, filed by The People’s Trust number, whatever it was, they just put UCC number, put the number and then say “I am free”. And then they can look back at that. But it’s already in the system. It is already notice to all the required parties. It’s already cured. And there’s already a commercial bill that has already been done. But you refer to it in whatever personal matter pops up after the fact.

B: Got it. Ok. It makes sense, but here’s the lingering question, from a lot of people is, and Katie, I got part of this from an email you forwarded me between you and Katie, Katie asks; "You can take the people out of slavery, but how do you take slavery out of the people?" You know, because there’s so many people right now, I mean, D’s got a big following on her blog, AK’s got a big following on his blog, Kauilapele’s got a big following on his blog, but, for all of us, there’s still millions of other people out there that are completely blind to all of this information. And, until they know that something has changed, they’re not gonna be in a position of being able to say, hold on, wait a minute, you don’t have any authority over me, I am my own authority, because the only person I answer to is God. So, until that happens and the people are made aware of that, this has, I mean the UCC filings, all this stuff, it’s all great but until that’s made public on a mass level, we, they’re, how can people be expected to take those kinds of actions to stand up for their rights?

H: Yeah, that’s an excellent question. So, what I would like to do is use a real time example. If that’s OK

with you guys. You know, it’s a, you have O.W.S., the big report that came out regarding the collaboration between the banks, the big banks and the FBI and all that, regarding the people, well most people don’t know…The Public Trust met with Occupy Wall Street. We spoke with the founder, well one of the main founders, architects of Occupy Wall Street… Now Occupy Wall Street was started by the banks. It was started by the banks in order to incite riots so they could implement certain agendas and protocols and policies that they needed in place. Except for it got out of control. Why? Because the people are more awake today than when they formulated the plan. And the plan was formulated decades ago. OK. They have been testing it throughout those decades up until the present moment. So, when we told the founder, and basically he was a good guy, good intent, all of that stuff, yea, they know how to pick the right one to be the face, and I’m not the face of the Public Trust, I mean that’s the whole point of it, it’s about the people! So they used this guy with his intent, his good heart, and wanting to fix the system, they put him out in the front, and, here’s OWS, but yet they fed it, they fed it with some financing, they fed it with plants (?). So that’s essentially what it is. You’ve got to look around and support each other - I am free, you are too, and how can I help you understand that?

B: I mean, Heather, that makes a lot of sense, it does. You know this is, I guess the reason I am so passionate about this is because it’s something that I personally have been getting hung up on it for so long, which is, the people don’t know they are free yet. So we can have every single one of us talk to ten other people and that still doesn’t scratch the surface of the entire population of the world. You’ve said it a million times, this is not an American thing, it’s a global thing. There’s obviously, there’s this plan that has been in development for a very long time behind the scenes with the CIA, with the Federal Marshalls and the positive military groups, and the new governance that has been forming. I guess, what people are gonna want to know… And you don’t have to give a time, a lot of people have gotten themselves in a lot of trouble by giving a date, and that date coming and going and nothing happening. So, moreso than what people are looking for in a date, is that it’s coming, there’s gonna be a point in time where everything is going to come out and it’s going to explode onto the scene, and all of these protocols are now in place to come and take out the old and bring in the new. And they are already there, the old systems are gone per what you are saying and the new systems are already in place, but people still are operating under the illusion that the old systems are still there.

H: Ok.

B: The media is still controlled, that’s a big one, and that’s a big reason, part of the reason why there’s not a lot more people that know about this.

H: You know, let’s address this here, and then if what I ask people to go do, doesn’t work and they want more confirmation, then let’s readdress it and create a new solution to it, OK? First, if you go back and look at those dates, you will see it has already started. It’s not going to start tomorrow, it’s not gonna start in four days, that’s why I said, they really just want to know when are they gonna be able to rub coins together? Ok? And that’s fine, I am not saying that’s wrong, it’s just for some people, they have a certain trigger of when they can finally believe. It’s like an authorization, yea, you can start believing now.

Everything’s already started. It’s been happening, it’s just been happening quietly. So what I would suggest is people do what I asked D to do, go back through those filings just for the dates. OK. Go back to the filings for the dates, and D, you sharing what dates you received certain intel, or what dates were significant, actually helps them kind of identify – oh, what do I look at? Because someone else might go – oh, you know what, during this time in my brokerage field, or in this time in my legal field or my education field or whatever it was, they’ll be able to say - hey you know what , there are facts here that support this. So, you build on the foundation. But, you go back and at least look at the dates of the filings. You will see that it has already started. And, a significant one is all of these resignations of the purported governments, all the arrests of these finance ministers, resignations of ministry officials, bankers jumping ship, go back and look it already started. It just started quietly, and you saw events that you didn’t have the complete context. It’s already started and a lot of it is…

D: And it is steamrolling now. Now it really is steamrolling. When you talk, look at the arrests and the resignations especially, people need to understand that probably 90 percent of the resignations that are happening, within business, within banking, and finance, they’re not being reported by the mainstream media. So look at the reports we are getting, and times that by a hundred and you probably got a better idea of just exactly what’s happening. The rats are jumping ship. And they are doing it as fast as they can. The last month, it’s been insane.

H: Yeah, we did something this last month that kind of sealed the new, you know, - What can you do now? So, we dealt with all the old, but the new was kind of – what we do? The people have these governments that they think are the people, “by the people, for the people”, all over the world. OK, yet they weren’t. They were corporations. So we went in and we made sure had that everything was secure, that people had a tool, just a temporary tool, one that the other, the private systems could recognize, and they couldn’t rebut. So, we actually filed that, what was it D, I think it was November 28th?

D: I think you said November 28th, yes.

H: November 28th, and we sent it off to the White House, and the BIS so the principals, agents and beneficiaries of the private systems had notice at least on December 1st, if not earlier, that the People’s Government, temporary government was set in place. Plus they have the “Declaration of Facts” that they knew we were going to give to people to be able to use as they saw fit, if they wanted to. But, everything was secured. So, December 1st was a big date, November 28th to December 1st and everyday thereafter.

B: Got it. D did you have a question, I know you have to go pretty soon, did you have a question that you wanted to throw in, I mean, the big thing, I mean, the consensus across the board is that everybody wants to understand what the money aspect of this whole thing means to them. You know, we talk about rubbing two coins together to buy a cup of coffee, the numbers that are given on the announcements that have gone out, I mean, those are some very big numbers, and based on the way that it is written...

H: Hold on Brian, I’m sorry to interrupt you, you brought up this point and I meant to address it earlier, so you brought it up again. You guys, it looks like big numbers to you, it looks like big numbers to most people. It is NOT big numbers! It is a fraction, a very small fraction. And it’s sort of like JP Morgan paying 500 million dollar fine and criminal charges for the fraud they committed, and everyone saying – Wow, look at the huge fine, it was 500 million! They made over 300 trillion on those transactions. So 500 million was the cost of doing business and basically it was the cost of "a cup of coffee".

B: Sure. Ok.

H: So I would like for everyone to put that into perspective, but, let’s go forward on the question.

B: So, the way that it is written, it says that it’s duly verified equity debt against the debtors. So there’s enough gold and silver, well more than enough, you said over 3 quintillion 500 quadrillion, there’s over that amount but, it also has to say in there that it’s duly verified equity debt against the debtors. So somebody commented that this is more a statement of debt owed rather than a promise to pay, and if there were some repayment that would occur, it might include things like water and atmosphere clean up. Can you speak to that, I mean, people, everybody wants to know, are they going to get a check? And how exactly does this part of the, this element of this whole operation come together? Can you speak to that?

H: Yeah, the funny thing, OK so, a debt versus a promise to pay, they actually promised to pay in Gold and Silver any debt because they set up the whole debt system. They made that promise and it was recorded inside the Constitution, and when they issued U.S. Dollars, anytime someone would use U.S. dollar, they agreed that it represented the debt and that it was going to be paid in gold and silver. Well, the only person who is responsible for an instrument is the issuer. Unless it’s, It’s going to be a fine, and someone else may collect it, but the issuer is responsible for paying. The only ones that are responsible for paying for a Federal Reserve note is the Federal Reserve. And major shareholder of the Federal Reserve? Rothschild, London and Paris. Then you have the Rockefellers. You have other groups and organizations, but there it is in a nutshell. So they are all responsible. The gold and the silver, they already agreed to. That’s why they needed the gold and silver to be moved out. If you look at a promissory note, it says: I, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, agree to repay a loan of $200,000.00, in re.., which I agree that I have received in return for payment in lawful money of the United States of America. No one would, I guess really, kind of connect that those are two very different things. Lawful money of the United States of America is something different. And when they would issue money, that’s why the Federal Reserve sent what $16 billion, more, it was more than that, overseas during those secret issuances that the people found out about. They had to send them over because the banks over there needed those deposited in order, as an underwriting for their local currencies, whether it was the Euro, the Pound, you name it, all of them. Their system that they created made it so that the Federal Reserve was the number one underwriting to everything.

B: OK.

H: Does that answer, it answers at least part of your question doesn’t it, so, what part didn’t I answer?

B: D, you, your, I’ve followed your blog, you have one question left because you have to be, you have to leave in five minutes. Jump in whenever you’d like. If you’re still there, D you there?.

D:Yes, I keep muting my microphone. Here is the overwhelming question I’ve been getting today:

H: Ok

D: What can we do to help you? What can the people do to help? I have had, I haven’t even checked my emails in the last four hours, I have before then at least 17 or 18 emails, I have got Skype messages coming out the wazoo, of people are saying - I want to help, I want to be involved. How can I be involved, what can I do?

H: I know, it’s overwhelming, and on a personal level for me, I can only speak for me, is that they’ve been helping me just by them reaching out. Their energy is the value, OK. So I recognize what that value is, that’s why it’s so important for me to return it. But, they’re doing it. They don’t even realize they are doing it. It’s sort of like asking when’s it gonna start? Well, honey, it started awhile ago. And you can go back and verify how it already started. At this point, it’s just the same thing with - what can they do? They’re doing it. Everytime they write a comment on your blog, D for instance, or on American Kabuki or on any of them, they’re showing that they are interested. Not only are they interested, but they are saying – we want to help, now. Everybody needs to stand up to take responsibility. All they need to do is say, “I Am.” And then Be, because with that, they’re going to do. Just do. Don’t be afraid. I am here, you’re here, everyone is here and we are not afraid. The more there is, the less fear there is, isn’t there?

D: Well said.

H: So we’ll figure out the mechanics of what can be done, but people - don’t have limits! Don’t have fear, don’t limit yourself. Be creative, and if anyone makes a mistake, we can always correct it. Just figure out the ways to do. I’m so excited about the ways they are going to figure out to do, I can’t wait. I’m the one that’s asking, Ok, D ask your readers, when are they gonna do and what are they gonna do? That’s what I would like to know.

D: Well there you go!

H: I am so excited, because I see absolute potential.

D: I think that you have just set me up for my next article tomorrow morning.

B: H: & D: (Laughter)

D: All of you Removing The Shackles readers out there, there is a test tomorrow morning, you better study up tonight.

B: Ha, ha. You know, your readers are in there 30 times a day checking for your most recent post.

D: I have the most awesome readers!

H: Ok here is a moment of clarity that I would like to share with you both, to see what you feel. I really want to answer all of their questions, and I really want to answer them in a clear, concise manner that fires something up that lets them know how much, how important they are. And so they don’t really want to know who I am or who Caleb is, or who Randall is, what they are looking for is proof that some little guy was able to go in and do something and that means that we can do it too.

AK: Empowerment.B Yea

H: What I’d like for you guys to do is for you guys to go through the “interview”...

B The conversation, the conversation.

H: First off, I would like for all our conversations to be recorded, because I would be more comfortable knowing that I don’t have to think about it. And then you guys can pick, at any time, what you think - hey, this is what our readers want to know.

AK: OK, that’s interesting.

H: And that way I’m more comfortable because I’m not thinking about it and it’s more, it flows better and I put that out there for you guys, I’m more than willing to do that, I just ask that things be clear and concise. I really want the people to get what they want at this point, because they’ve never gotten it before.

B: Yea, and the funny thing is, what I think we should do as far as like what we put together for the end of this year is… we haven’t really gone to the whole, down the path of the spiritual aspect of this whole thing.

H: That’s a key component. I mean, that’s actually the foundation of it all anyways! We had to get through all the crap to get to the spiritual, to get to the solution.

B: Yea, and that’s the difference between, I mean there’s a myriad of differences between what has come out over the course of the last few days. and like with the Keenan law…A lot of people when they, when they first got their first taste of this, their minds instantly triggered to the Keenan lawsuit, the trillion dollar Keenan lawsuit, because there’s a lot of legal stuff and that was the association that their minds made. But the difference between this and that is, this is from a purely, a foundation of

spirituality. And people being, having connection to their Source Creator, and having the power to control themselves and not give that control anymore over to anybody else. I think that might be part of an “Aha” moment that people have once they realize, because … You know, a lot of the questions that I was asking, the only, the biggest reason I was asking was because I knew that they were pressing questions that people really wanted to know. But I think that the element so far that is missing is: that, that…here’s what we now have with the people: It’s time to stand up and move forward as one united. And that’s part of what we still need to address, in my opinion.

H: Are you recording now?

B: Yep.

H: Ok, So that is a huge example. If you, what we learned was: Contracts. Contracts actually help you figure out what the solution is. If you don’t have one without the other, how are you going to know one even, that any of them exist? And I’ll give you a case in point: You know, the law is all a fraud, as far as the Legal systems, I should say, are all a fraud. So to go in there and try to find a recourse or remedy, when the system is designed so you don’t have a remedy at all - How do you deal with that? I knew that was a danger for the people to even try to navigate that stuff. So, alleviate it, take it out, put it in its place of truth. That’s what the paperwork, and the documents and the actions that we took did. Nobody has to deal with the courts again. Not if they don’t want to. But if they want to create a system of accountability, I am so excited to see what they come up with. However, the old stuff, it’s gone!

B: Ok, so when are people going to be granted the tools to be able to empower themselves to stand up? Because the fact of the matter is, I could go out and I could get a DUI today, and I could get arrested and I could get thrown in jail. And I could tell them all I want – Look, you don’t have the authority! I didn’t hurt anybody, you don’t have the authority, I didn’t sign off on these laws, and so you don’t have the authority to enforce them upon me. I’m still gonna get arrested and there’s people that have been training on this very kind of thing, on how to maneuver around the laws and be able to get out of hot water when you find yourself in it, but without the tools, the systems are still there, the courts are still there, I’m still gonna get a DUI. I’m still gonna have to pay $5000 in fines and there’s, I mean there might be something I can do about it but I definitely don’t have the tools to be able to stand up for, and have the ability to represent myself in such a way where I can convince them that I know the Law better than they do, I know how to, that there isn’t really a law and the whole things really an illusion and farce to begin with, so I’m gonna walk away but that’s, without knowing what you’re doing that’s not gonna get you very far.

H: Yeah, absolutely. And that was the whole key was that I wanted to make sure that people were able to go in and have what they needed to be able to handle that kind of situation. So, first, number one, the first ingredient of this formula is to have no fear. OK. Number two, is to make sure you have the tools that, to make sure that that fear, that lack of fear is rooted. So when you get arrested Brian, you

just said, the way that you said what you said, I can arrive at the same goal that you have just put in your intent but by asking different questions. I am me, here’s who I am. I’m putting it in writing, you know, OK, so, - you say you’re this, OK, Great. Show me, show me, number one, your employment contract, Because I would love to know who I’m talking to, unfortunately there are so many people pretending. I mean, that’s essentially what it is. I just sent you guys the Declaration of Facts. OK, The Declaration of Facts is actually how someone goes about using what’s been done but in a current, personal matter.

B: Ok, so here’s my question.

H: Ok, so

B: That brought up a question for me, but go ahead, I’ll let you finish

H: No, go ahead, deal with the question.

B: Ok, so there is all of these people pretending, right, they’re playing a part, they’re pretending... When do those people, when does the system change so much so that the pretending can no longer be tolerated and those people that are playing those parts, playing those roles, whether consciously aware of the fact that they’re just playing a role or not, no longer have the ability to stand there and have to step aside?

H: It’s already happening. It is already happening. When we went in and did the investigations, believe me, I went into a courtroom which they all knew me because I was a former prosecutor there and I had at least a couple of years of (?) quality, that they could see so they knew I wasn’t just some “nutter”, they couldn’t even paint me as a “nutter”. OK. So what happened was I just started asking the right questions. And it took me some time, OK, because I had never had to question the field that I was trained in. You know, if someone asked me – OK, under what authority are you an attorney? Well because I’ve got a bar card. – Well great, OK, on the bar card that you have where’s the agreement that says that you can represent the State? Well, I don’t know, let me go ask my boss, and then all of sudden my boss can’t even answer that question. He can’t show me the agreement where the State of Washington says the Prosecutor’s office is allowed to represent the, a County Prosecutor’s office is allowed to represent the State of Washington. And then my boss is freaking out because – wait a minute, you know, and we went in and tested on all of that. But to have the people have to go through and test all of that, or to try it, and believe me there are people out there that have done it. However the difference between me doing it and between the rest of them doing it was that the County I was in, and the courts I was working in were in a really tight spot because everyone in that County knew me. Everyone in that County knew that there was something going on, because I was there. And I was putting myself knowingly in these positions, when I could have just walked right out. And it got to the point where the banks had to finally just sort of get the judges out of the situation of the cases by offering, like one judge’s daughter got offered a job to work at a bank, then all of sudden he had to recuse himself. And then none of the other judges, I think there’s 19 in the county, all of them recused themselves, one right after the other. If you look at the case you’ll see all these recusal letters. You know why? Because all of sudden they realized, - Holy Shit, something is going on. But this was months

after I had been in the County testing all of these cases, everyone making fun of me. It didn’t matter, I didn’t care what they thought. You see I had information that the regular person just doesn’t have.

So the question to ask is – what can you do? Brian, there’s a very simple way and that’s the draft that I am sending out to you guys here shortly, it is basically a list of questions that you ask them in a very kind and gentle and respectful manner. Because I know, and they know, and if they don’t know, they are going to have to find out real quick when they have to go to their bosses to try and get the information, and it’s not provided. All of a sudden they are told to drop the case. Just let it go - Dismiss this, refund this, whatever it may be, that’s the result that happens. I need to send out that script, basically is what we did, but we needed the document that’s used in the UCC to put these guys in that position, they are absolutely liable. So, it’s already done.


B: Ok.

H: It’s just a matter of the people knowing how to do it, and that’s what I’ll work with you guys on, on getting that out.

B: OK, got it. So, I am going to review this document and that will give me a better idea as to the tools that are gonna be put out there so that people can start standing up for themselves. But, the hot question is gonna be, when are people not going to have to resort to this document anymore? When is the residue and the remnants of this slavery/corrupt system going to be a part of the past and not still part of the present, this present moment of now which to many people these systems still exist and if they don’t know how, if they don’t have this information they can’t have the empowerment to stand up for themselves. They can, but they don’t know that they have it. So, we can’t expect them to use it and so they could still, they potentially will still be playing out through these old paradigms with absolutely no knowledge of what’s taking place and what’s being illegally enforced upon them by systems that as you say, no longer exist.

H: Yeah, I mean, it’s already done. The systems are actually changing themselves now. And that’s why I say it’s important for people to go back and look at those documents because the more they look at those documents and look at the dates, and they can start to connect the dots, number one, and number two, they can see that the dots were already connected, but they can put them in full context. That’s going to be a huge part of building up their confidence and taking the slavery out of the people. That’s one. Two is them BE-ing, them doing, them writing on the comments in the blogs, I can’t express how much difference that is making and how that is changing and dissolving the systems that have been enslaving them for all of this time. They are actually doing it right now, whether they know it or not. I am asking that they know it consciously, instead of doing it unconsciously. The only way they can do that is if they just go and look. Does that make sense?

B: Ok, yeah, that makes sense. I am going to review these documents, ha ha.

H: You’ve just got to be aware. You’ve just got to really look. And what’s funny is, is when you go in and look at those and you see the dates, that go back to the people that promised this, and promised that, and then they look at the dates, they can recognize, they have the opportunity to recognize - Oh My God, it did happen! It just happened quietly. Because I needed and the Trust needed to make sure that the slavery system that actually saw these had an opportunity to make a different choice in order for the foreclosure to be absolute and unrebuttable, meaning they can’t come back and say anything to rebut it. They can’t come back and say – Oh no, this didn’t happen – because if they do challenge it they open the door for all the discovery and they can’t afford that.

So right now, anything that the people want to declare, (giggle) and state, it’s it. It’s it because they don’t want to open the door to show all the bad deeds and what’s been going on.

B: Yeah, this is making, this is bringing up that story that I told you briefly, about my, the experience that I had yesterday, going over to Target to buy the webcam for this call. And was walking away in the electronics department and I was passing by all the people that were in the store who were completely oblivious to all this stuff, you know, at least 99% of the people In the store, I know, aren’t up to speed with everything that’s going on. And I was thinking about how everybody is going to be affected by it, by all this, there is no way not to be. At that moment, I looked up and saw a sign in the women’s clothing department and it said: “put all the pieces together”. Obviously talking about women’s clothing, but all of a sudden I understood that there’s this, you know if there is any doubt or any fear at all that this is real, admittedly even, you know, my little devil, there’s that little devil in the back of my head that’s saying – is this all really happening? – I get that every once in awhile. That’s been because there’s this disconnect between the documentation that’s been put out and released and how it will all be enforced. The answer I got, instantly, from my own inner-knowing which corresponds to all the emails that we’ve been sending back and forth, and a lot of the information that we’ve been covering really is that it’s up to us, it’s up to “we the people” to enforce it.

Once everybody knows, once it’s mainstream, once everybody knows that they have been set free, then the slavery system no longer has any power because the illusion of it fades away. OK, when you shine a spotlight on a shadow, the shadow ceases to exist, And what that does is, it creates the foundation to, where now the people have the opportunity for to Be, it has no power and the system no longer has any power over us. So, I guess where I’m going with all this is on a mass level, when does the realization that the systems are gone start to become a factor, as opposed to what now appears, like it’s the inner circle of the people with the inside information, we’re the only ones who know, so we’re the few that can benefit from this whereas there’s, there’s a lot of people out there that are broke, hungry, living in poverty, dying in jail for reasons that they shouldn’t be, facing all sorts of catastrophic issues in their lives that are as a result of this system running their lives...when does all this change?

H: You know, it’s already changing. That’s the point. It already has changed, it’s changing. It is going to continue to change. The speed with which it changes and the visibility with which it changes is with the people. And let me give you an example: In Morocco, you know, most people don’t know, they’re just

not privy, or they’re just not interested I guess; In Morocco, Morocco was occupied, it depends on who you talk to, they were either occupied or they were a protectorate, OK. So France is over here sitting in Morocco and basically Morocco got pieced apart between a private agreement between France, England, and Spain. And they picked which parts of Morocco they wanted to take. OK, so the people were sick of the slavery, they were sick of the occupation, in their minds, and they got together and they did what was called the Green March. There was NO violence, NO nothing, it makes Occupy Wall Street look like a bunch of unruly teens. These guys got together and they walked from north to south, all of Morocco, and in that particular case, they were armed with a Koran. These people got together and their energy, and their solidarity, and their unity. . .within a very short period of time, France left Morocco. Because they saw the power, they saw the unity and there is just nothing greater than the People.

I met with China, in Hong Kong and they were dealing with a whole bunch of uprisings in the employment sectors. People were very tired. That was one thing the military was very, very fearful of, they can’t handle an uprising of, what, 3 billion people. Not even if they brought in aid from outside, they still can’t handle that. So if the People just unify, and figure out how to unify and I am watching them unify, you have people sending emails saying they’ve started a discussion group, they started a community, your blogs are communities already and they’re sitting there having a discussion. They’re figuring out ways to be a part of it, ways to do. Well, do, be yourself and then be yourself with your neighbor, and then be yourself with their neighbor, so that until everyone is together and they’re unified, yea, they are gonna fly like a rat out of the water as soon as they see the people unifying a that’s what they are watching very, very closely right now.

B: Got it. So, becoming conscious, having more and more and more people become conscious of all this is the key to the information and the awareness that sets us all free, essentially.

H: Absolutely. Disclosure is the one thing that they are scared of, but the thing they are more scared of is the people, the people knowing who they are and then unifying together for a common goal.

B: Ok, I have two questions on here that I skipped over earlier, and I realized, KP sent them to me from his readers that we’ll address and there’s a couple of things that we’ve gotta talk about too, also, but, here’s the first one it says - You have said the people do not need to apply for funds that are already theirs, so to put it bluntly, will the People actually be receiving actual currency? If so, how and when will that take place? – and I know that we’ve already touched on this a little bit but, you know, there’s still some misnomers out there as to how that part of the process is going to work.

H: Sure. When we went in and to set up everything, take everything was back to Prime, it was all set in Gold and Silver, and it was set in Gold and Silver specifically because that was the mechanism, the value representation that all the private systems had agreed to, and had been working with and holding the people to. Just by your self-declaration that you would pay them back in Gold and Silver, nobody has Gold and Silver sitting in their pockets or sitting in their homes for the most part, but because you signed a piece of paper saying that, declaring that you would pay them back in Gold and Silver, everything had

already been agreed to Gold and Silver.

When we set up a new government, the new temporary government, for the people, for them to use, just in the interim while they figure out if they want a government, even, OK, was that, one of the terms was that no currency could be issued. It had to all be in Gold and Silver and there is a specific reason for that. Currencies are typically owned by a private system or a private organization, or a private entity, or a private group, or a private individual. OK, and we didn’t want that to happen. We wanted to make sure that the people had in their possession what was duly returned to them. And then if the people decide – Hey, Brian, we come together and I say, you know - I don’t want to carry the Gold and Silver around in their pocket, what I would like to do is let’s issue a currency based on that Gold and Silver. I am not saying that it shouldn’t be a currency, I’m just saying that first people need to make a decision. And the people should be owning that currency wholeheartedly, because it’s their Gold and Silver behind it. So yea, my, I want to make sure that people, and so did Caleb, Randall, and others wanted to make sure the people have the choice and knowingly, willingly, intentionally, set that representation.

So our intent was that all the value was returned. A value they could rub together and buy a loaf of bread and put a tank of gas in the car, you know, and pay for services. That was the goal. And to build value off of that by growing agriculture, food with actual nutrients in it, ones that weren’t, didn’t have nanotechnology in it or that were already set with different markers for diseases so that the big Pharma could actually sell stuff to you later, as that stuff went from dormant to active. These are the kinds of things that we were thinking of – How do the people get their value, how can they do this of that? First, you’ve got to reset it, and then you can issue currencies from there. So if the people say - Tomorrow, issue a currency - you can do it. But it has got to be the decision of the people.

B: Got it, Ok, so let’s say that happens, and the people say – OK, let’s issue a currency so that we have the ability to go out and put the tank of gas in our car, or buy some groceries, whatever it might be, the question that came in from Marlena, Kauilapele’s site, she said – If everybody gets this kind of money, whether it be 500 million, whatever the dollar figure, if there’s that much money that’s in reserve for every person on the planet, wouldn’t the next thing that needs to happen simultaneously be that there’s disclosure, that there’s no need for money anymore? She said – Because if I have 500 million, I will quit my job, and believe almost everybody is going to do the same, so what’s going to happen to the hospitals, grocery store, pharmacies, airports, you name it? People will still need those, how would we be avoiding utter chaos? And I know you’ve gotten that question before, but, it’s important that we put that out there, and I know that we have a question that came up in regards to the temporary government, so we’ll talk about that next. But, why don’t you speak to this first if you can please.

H: OK, let me use the medical field as an example to answer that question. First off, you have hospitals that haven’t been functioning. Definitely not in the service of the people, or the clients that come in. And the doctors are unhappy because of malpractice insurance, all the worries, long hours, just lack of technology, lack of whatever. Here’s what I can tell you is that here’s an example of how this is going to work. All of sudden you have this, it’s not an influx of money, guys. There’s no change in the actual base. [the total money supply is not increasing - which is the true source of inflation -AK] It’s just being

put into different hands and it’s actually even out into all those different hands. OK. And those people are going to be re-prioritizing. Of course they are. However, if I am a doctor working at a hospital and, all of a sudden, I have access to all of this technology that’s always, it’s been hidden, I mean really mind blowing technology. Yea, I want to go take a vacation, I maybe I might for a week or so, or maybe even a month, I don’t know. But I do know this, my head is going to be spinning thinking about all of these incredible new technologies and how can I implement them and wanting to see them being used healing people. So there’s gonna be these new, it’s not that the systems that serve the people right now as far as those kinds of systems are gonna crash, there not gonna exist, you’re not gonna be able to go to the hospitals because none of the doctors are not gonna be there, there is so much excitement at what is going to become available and what can be used that there’s gonna be more doctors on call and they’re gonna have to force them to go take a break. Does that answer your question and give you an example of how things are gonna go?

B: Yea, it does. And I asked you because I asked a similar question to the Poof when I did my consultation with him, and he said, I asked him, I said – When can I go, when can I comfortably go quit my job, and so that I can move into something that is more in alignment and attunement to why I came here, you know, why I chose to incarnate into the being that I am now? And he said - there will be so much opportunity out there that, he didn’t say when - he said, - Shoot, don’t shoot until you see the whites in the peoples’ eyes. But he did say that - When everything happens, whenever that may be, and all of this becomes the new reality, of the New Age, if you will, then everybody is going to have so much opportunity to go be a part of these new technologies or new developments or new fields, that there’s going to be so much opportunity for everybody to get involved in their own way depending on what they are passionate about that there’s gonna be absolutely no shortage of jobs. So, would you agree with that?

H: Absolutely. And there’s going to be no shortage, nobody’s gonna want for anything. That’s the kind of the fear that I hear here there is - How am I going to get my bag of bread? How am I, who’s gonna pick up my garbage? Who is gonna do this or that, because then they would have to do it, or then they would have to, they feel a lack. This isn’t about lack, this is about abundance.

All of a sudden you’re gonna have these, there’s already a technology out there, we call it a “cooker” in banking, it’s a ”cooker” that basically you can put things into this thing and it gives you fuel. Now that’s old school. That’s actually old technology now. But you never heard about those. You never saw them come out or be produced, not even in minor production. But they were there. So, I’m telling you that there is going to be an abundance of everything, I agree with Poof on that point, whoever Poof is, I agree with him on that point. There is going to be abundance everywhere and so much possibility. People are going to think about, they’re gonna actually THINK about what they’re passionate about now, because nobody gets to think about what they’re passionate about. When I was in college it was – Oh, don’t do that kind of field because that doesn’t pay very much. You won’t be able to pay your loans back. (Laughing) You won’t be able to do this or that. You know, so you picked a field that was gonna be able to do something for you. And in reality that wasn’t what I was really passionate about. I changed into law way afterwards. I went into accounting. How boring is accounting, you know?

(Laughter) In Spain, and I am terrible with numbers as a lot of your viewers have seen.

B:Well it’s funny, and that’s really why, and I can only speak for me personally, is why I’ve now gotten to the point where I’m not hung up on the whole money aspect of this whole thing. I mean, it’s easy for me to say I have a stable job, I’m, you know my basic needs are met so it’s not as big of a concern for me personally as it is for many of the people who are gonna listen to this who are facing very hard times. But I think that once these things happen, I mean there’s that guy, I can’t remember his name but, he runs the Venus, I think it’s called the Venus Project and it’s based on, right, so it’s based on society that they trade goods and services back and forth and that’s how everybody get’s their needs met and is able to live a life of abundance. And when you have that kind of money that’s on the table that’s now… The biggest distribution of wealth since the creation of humanity is happening right now, so for me, I’m like – Well I want to get to the point where we don’t even need money anymore, where money is a non-issue.

H: Yea, I love the Venus project. In fact I worked on that financing early on in my career. And I watched it get buried. I watched it intentionally – Yea, bring in the applications, bring in their architects, bring in their strategists, bring in all of them. And they did that to figure out how they were going to do it and then they buried the whole thing. So these poor guys are thinking that they were going to get financing so they could actually help humanity, they had really good hearts. They still have really good hearts. So that’s kind of actually the point is, everyone sits there and goes – What’s gonna happen to loans? What’s gonna happen to student loans? What’s gonna happen to mortgages? Guys! NO LOANS WERE EVER MADE. I don’t care if it was a student loan, a private loan or commercial loan, whatever, it never was made. Not unless someone had two coins which they could show how they earned it, then they loaned it over to you know, Joe Smith so he could go buy his bag of bread. No loans were made. So there’s nothing to pay back. And the same goes for these debts. You know government debt or the debt of the United States of America, it’s all contrived, there is no loan. No debt can exist unless a loan was made. That’s a key question to ask. = OK, great, I have no problem paying back a debt but first show me where the loan was made. Show me the loan.

B: Can you define a loan, Heather. What is a loan, I mean in legal terms? Define a loan so people understand what a loan is. Because there’s a lot of people out there right now that are raising their eyebrows, because they got a lot of loans, and they’re drowning in payments to keep up with them, to keep their balance, not even to bring it down, just leave it the same because their interest rates are so high. So I think that if you could explain that a little bit, so that people will understand how this is going to affect them, then I think that would be very helpful.

H: Yea, I mean, and don’t worry about it. People don’t, may not know what the definition is, but I can personally, from personal experience guarantee that judges don’t even know the difference between a loan and a debt. OK, so we’ll go through, and basically a loan is, it’s the sum of money that is lent to someone else, it’s the act of giving money for property or whatever it is, just another party, another person, in exchange for a promise that they will pay it back or return it. That’s what a loan is. The debt is an amount of money that has been loaned that is due for payment. So one is actually the action of

giving money or property or whatever it is, the other one is a debt, a credit on someone’s book and a debit on another book. It’s something that was actually loaned to you, that you borrowed, that you have to pay back. And you can show the transactional records or the history of what was given and what wasn’t given. Right?

B: Got it, yea.

H: Well that’s why they were stuck in all the investigation and all the case load that we did, there was one specifically with Key Bank (?), that we did. And the Federal Reserve in San Francisco was involved and they freaked out the minute that the alleged account holder, the alleged debtor asked them – Hey great, I’ll pay this back or I’ll extend it, I’ll put my house on it as soon as you show me that a loan was made. And there’s a specific way to show that a loan was made, three things. So they couldn’t do that, and they started to freak out and they actually went in and, it was my dad and my mom that offered to go ahead and try it, to test it out. And they got hit hard because of the work. They recognized what was going on at that point, the banks did.

B: Wow

H: So, to answer your question, there is no “loans” to pay back. There is NO “national debt”. There is no “State debt”. None of it.

B: Ok, so Federal Reserve notes, are those money? That’s not money, that’s debts, right?

H: Yea, that’s the awesome thing. Is that who issues the Federal Reserve note? It’s all over the paper. It says Federal Reserve Note. They are the issuer, they’re liable for it. However, through a series of deceptive acts and practices, they made it so that the people consented to take on that liability. That’s why they print up money like it’s nothing, because it is nothing.

B: Got it. Ok, alright, that all makes sense. Thank you for clarifying that. You mentioned, before, you mentioned temporary governments.

H: Yes

B: And I believe in your papers you, is that what you refer to as the CVAC. CVAC was the acronym? Are those the same things? Can you speak to that a little bit?

H: Yea, basically we wanted to make sure that… the people believe their government exists, right? That serves the people, it’s “by the people and for the people”? - Where as in reality, in commerce I should say, the slavery system, the Principals and Beneficiaries, set it up to where everything was a corporation and hidden within commerce. And so, the only way that you could actually go in and make sure that the people had what they wanted or an opportunity to create what they wanted, was to go in and insure, in that slavery system, the registry that the slavery system was using I should say, was to register the

ownership in commerce of the people’s governments. So we created, it actually, see that we used, yea, “Creation’s Value Asset Centers” (CVAC). It actually was a solution that I had worked on with some of the Trustees. The original solution that was proposed and reviewed by the Principals, Agents and Beneficiaries was a claims process. And it was called the Creditors Value Asset Claim. And then when this all went back to Prime, and we realized where the solution really was, it was all the way back to Prime - Zero Point, I just, had already created the logos, had created the structures, so I went in and changed it from Creditors Value Asset Claim to Creation’s Value Asset Centers. So it’s just something representative of what we’ve got. So the government, we needed to make sure that it was a framework that was fluid, nonrestrictive, non-limited, except for what the people wanted. One, was that the People were owners of it, two, that the sole purpose of the government was to serve the people, and nobody else, no special interest, no self interest. And three, that it would not abrogate, subordinate, subjugate, violate, invade, or assert the people’s standing, authority, and value. (Muffled) That’s basically your framework. So we just went in and registered what the people already thought was.

B: Ok, so are those, are these new temporary governments… I’m sorry, go ahead….OK, so you were talking about the temporary governments and the fact that why they needed to be set up, I think.

H: Yea, Essentially what we did was went in and registered in commerce what the people thought had always existed, their governments! “For the people, by the people.” That’s what we registered. That’s the whole (muffled) formula was registering what already is.

B: OK, so are these temporary governments that are set up, are these already in place, are they already functioning, or are they just still being set up behind the scenes right now?

H: Well, the people, see that is actually set up. That is what they’ve been using as a legal precedent, the lawful precedent for this new restructuring.

B: So, Heather, can you talk a little bit about, we read about the UCC in a few of the documents that you put out. Can you talk about what exactly is the UCC and what kind of tools that they have that you guys are using to implement a lot of the stuff that The One People’s Trust have been working on?

H: Yea, I mean essentially the UCC is a commercial registry. And it also has uniform commercial code that the registry is operated by to register property, to transfer property, to assign property. Ok? It also secures rights. Everybody is under Commerce. Commerce runs everything. So what happened was, they established this commercial registry, these commercial codes and the people paid for it. They prepaid for it. The Commercial Code…there is a private owner, right now the private owner is all the people equally on the planet. However, prior to that, little known to anyone, was that there was a former private owner. However, that private owner would never show forward, because then it was absolute proof of the slavery that they had everybody under. So that sort of, that’s the approach we took to everything. Put them into a corner where they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. And then by the grace of the people a new choice could be made.

B: Ok, alright, so who’s left that’s still fighting against all the, I mean, we’ve talked about it before, everything that needed to be done is done. But there’s, it appears to me, I mean I don’t watch, I try to avoid the news and watching CNN at all cost, but, obviously there’s somebody out there that still controls the media, based on all the garbage they’re still putting out, who’s left that is still fighting tooth and nail against all of this and what’s left to be done in order to get these last, you know, the last of these people out of the way?

H: Yea sure. OK, first you have to understand that all the Principals, Beneficiaries and Agents of the former systems, the private systems, used against the People, people are falling on their sword right now as Poof, whoever Poof is, went in and put it, they are falling on their swords. They would rather fall on their swords but still have that private system up so they have some chance of getting some kind of benefit and not have to worry about the accountability. So it’s really the whole system, the whole group of Beneficiaries, however there’s actually people within the Principal, the Beneficiary and the Agent that no longer want to live by that system, and actually if they had known when they were born that they had a choice they may have chosen differently, but they are so indoctrinated and brainwashed with the system and then they are put into a position where they are compromised, to where they have to work with that system. Well, it’s no longer that way now, and that’s because of the people, the people waking up. Not just to themselves, but also to the games that are played. I mean, watch, look at the Connecticut issue, people have been dissecting that thing down to the ground. And there is actually nothing left for them to dissect. They already know the answer. So it’s the people. Right now, everything rests on the people... Being, and making a choice to do. So just be aware of everything. Call it in to your consciousness. Say – What do I know? And you’re gonna get all the information you wanted and didn’t want, so that you know. Does that answer your question?

B: Yes, it does. Yea, I mean, It takes knowledge and power to a whole other level, because we’re not just talking knowledge here, it’s wisdom. And it’s really is as simple as being. That’s it, and you know, your, reading your emails back and forth, back and forth, I mean, if I had a dollar for every time that the word “being” was in there, I probably wouldn’t need my 5 billion. (Laughing)

H:No, you’d actually have way more.

B: But it’s so true, and you know, we talked about it a few minutes ago, and I want to make sure that’s included in the call, that the spiritual aspect of this whole thing is so tremendous and it’s really what creates the foundation for all of it to even exist, because the people don’t, they never had to answer to anybody. You said in a conversation that we had the other day – Did these people, they didn’t come out of the womb with flags on their butts - I think you said, and that - they never had to sign a contract to answer to anybody - so, everybody only really needs to answer to themselves and to their Creator. There is no, everybody else that’s been put in the middle of that to create this illusion, is simply that, just a part of the illusion. So when you talk about this from a spiritual standpoint, where we’re headed is, we’re headed in that direction where the foundation has now been set for everybody to step into the power of who they truly are and be the nature of and the essence of what they are at their core, which is soul and spirit. Right?

H: Right. That’s the core. That’s the Prime. That’s what they can’t rebut.

B: Yeah. I’m getting a question from American Kabuki right now, on Skype it says - the CVAC document mentions 500 million per person, is that a separate sum?

H: 500 million, in order to get the temporary governments up, you gotta have some kind of backing, right?

AK: Right.

H: So out of everyone’s 5 billion, plus every, almost every person on the planet, except for the, what they refer to as the (?), has an extra 5 billion in Gold and Silver on top of that so really it’s 10 billion…well, you’ve gotta have some kind of funds to start your governments right?

AK: Right.

H: So 500 million from every person on the planet was appropriated to be able to fund their government so they could go in and start the repossessions, they could go in and start the system of treasury, the systems of protection, the systems of education, technology, you’ve got to have something so 500 million was just the number that we chose. It can always be changed by the people.

AK: Ok.

H: 500 million was for what they allocated out of their holdings to start their systems or to have their systems run that they always thought were running.

AK: So this is for the organic government.

H: Yes, but I had to register the government, we had to register their in a commercial system in order, so the old commercial system couldn’t run anymore.

AK: Ok, got it. So this is the one that is taking hold of the assets of the old government.

H: This is the one that collapsed all of the other corporations operating under the guise of government. However this is, like I said, temporary so the people could establish their organic governments, if any.

AK: So we are removing a legal fiction, right?

H: Yep, absolutely, we had to collapse the legal fictions by stating the legal fictions as the property and ownership of each of the people individually and collectively, equally.

AK, B: I got it.

B: That makes sense. Heather, you mentioned earlier, we’re on the record but this isn’t gonna go on the conversation, on the, what we put out on the blogs. About the Gold, you made mention to the fact, of your conversation with Vets (?) about the Gold and the whole teleporting thing, I meant to ask you about that the other night. Are you gonna, we didn’t, I mean, that was the most, out of everything that I read, that and the communications back and forth about the whole Sheldan Nidle thing, and the Council meeting were the two things that floored me the most, but I didn’t ask you at all about it yesterday. I don’t know why. Are you gonna tell us a little story, the whole story with that?

H: Yea, I mean, essentially in doing the work that we did, going back to Prime, once you went back to Prime and really absorbed it so that you remembered it and you knew it, all of a sudden all these doors opened up that actually every being on the planet has been engaging in mainly when they’re in a state of sleep. So I was able to see Universal Contracts of the true being of each and every person. And that what actually helped me understand the different roles in trying to figure out how to establish the framework for the system of accountability. OK, because I’m sitting in a courtroom where a judge that is so dirty, because of taking bribes or because of participating in the enslavement knowingly and willingly, that how do you have a person like that sit there and judge somebody else for what they may have done or didn’t do. So I had to be able to go back, so I asked to remember what I knew.

And all of a sudden, all this information started to come forth and I was able to, you’re right, I don’t sleep, because when I’m sleeping I’m still working but in a different area. And I’m actually remembering what’s done, and I’m actually consciously there and setting forth what I want to set forth. So it’s basically almost a fusion of every part of your being in every existence of Creation’s Universe. So, you know, you hear about multiple “yous”, right? It actually exists. And it’s the same basis – “As above so below, as below so above”. And they’ve used this template to establish the slavery systems because it’s something that is inherently inside, within us, resonates in order for us to absorb it and accept it, whether it was knowingly or unknowingly.

So, when you go in and you start to ask yourself – What do I know? – you’re gonna get the answers. But you’ve got to make sure your intent is truly set and that your set with the alignment and all of sudden you’re gonna start knowing things that Sheldan, for instance, is bringing forth. And you’re gonna find out that you were actually participating at a whole other level.

B: Got it. How much Gold did you teleport out of there?

H: (giggling) Everything.

B: All of it. So one night they went to bed and had a bunch of Gold and the next day they woke up with one tungsten bar with a love, with a love note attached to it.

H: We didn’t even wait for them to go to bed.

B: OK, so one moment it was there, the other moment, the next moment it was gone with a tungsten bar in its place with a love note attached to it.

H: Yea, and I’ve gotta find the love note for you guys.

B:OH, it just, it’s just such a crazy story, I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around it.

H: How it happened was this. How it happened was this, I was sitting there thinking about the distribution, OK. And I’m sitting there going there’s, this happened actually right after I got your interview with, excuse me, your conversation with Poof. I sat there and I listened to it and I understood that there were, that they had gone in and cut deals. And I said – OK, what kind of deals, how far did these deals go? Because there were things that were being reported that just didn’t resonate with me as far as - Hey this is a local, a planetary thing – because it’s not, not with the stuff we took back to Prime. You know, you’re talking about all of Creation’s Universe and inside of Creation’s Universe are all the Multi-universes, Super-universes, whatever you want to call them. OK, there’s only one Universe, it’s Creation’s Universe with all these bits and parts. And I do know that my particular role in all of this that’s going down now, was known a long time ago. And I at least know that it’s been known for 10 years.

I was offered a job, out of the blue, in Banking, Trade and Finance. No history in Banking, Trade and Finance other than working for a pension-consulting firm which was owned by a good Greek family friend of ours. Other than that, you know, no history. And I took the job because it was overseas and I really wanted to get out of here. And as I looked at the opportunities that were set up and then I was actually steered and told to go take the job at the Prosecutor’s Office, in order to assist with a bigger plan. All I knew was I was supposed to go to the Prosecutor’s Office and establish myself and do really excellent work. And that’s what I did. It wasn’t until after I was done with that and went back into Banking, Trade and Finance that I figured out what the purpose was. And so here we go, here it unfolds, that’s why I was able to get the job I did and use my house as a test case and go in there with the confidence that I have and the lack of fear.

So when I go in and I’m looking at all this stuff, you will all start to remember who you are, not just here but at the core-center of Source. And that you’ve actually been playing multiple roles in multiple Universes. And you have access to that knowledge, you just gotta accept it.

AK: That’s mind-blowing, it’s…I keep wondering when that will happen, you know and, but yet it keeps coming in bits and pieces.

H: And that’s how it usually comes. It builds that, it’s sort of how collective consciousness works. You know, everything sort of inches it way, right? So at one point they say you could live to be 35 years old. OK, I expect to live to be 35 years old, well all of sudden you have someone who lives to be 40 years old and then, all of sudden, the age-limit moves to, let’s say, 45. And it inches. That’s sort of how this part works as far as the acceptance of who you are. But I know, I just know that I am in so many different parts of the Universe. I accepted it. I knew it from within. I may not know the mechanics, I many not remember the different parts, I just know that that was the truth for me, so I accepted it. And then at

that point I chose, with absolute responsibility and liability, to remember all of it. And that’s what’s been happening, and I’ve been speechless more this last week than my entire life.

AK: Is that just an inability to talk or just something like awe, being awe-struck.

H: I literally could not form sentences. No matter what language I tried. OK, I couldn’t form sentences, I had a real hard time focusing because I wanted to, it’s like reading a book, you get, you really get involved in this book and you just can’t put it down. I go and I hide in the bathroom from my kids, from my husband, from any responsibilities – and say God, I gotta read this book, gotta finish it, because I feel it within me. That’s the kind, that’s the only way I can describe it and it doesn’t do it justice. OK. And you get so absorbed with it, all of sudden, everything seems, you see the relevance of everything. Yet you see the beautiful relevance in the irrelevant, to get you to that place of knowledge, that place of knowing. It took every irrelevance for you to get to relevance. So I understand this “veil” now, “of forgetfulness”.

And I actually dealt with that in November and we filed it in December. Caleb and I were the only ones that chose to because it just didn’t resonate with Randall, but Randall is older than us and he has a different paradigm that, paradigm parameters that he has to deal with. Just in the mechanics of it, OK. But it still the same kind of thing that we have to deal with. And I made a conscious choice. I knew it only took one, because we’re all One anyways, we’re all part of Self which is Creator. So it only took one, however Caleb stood up and said – Hey, I know this to be true – and he signed on it too. And we were able to do something and register it in there that we set everything, we gave everyone a chance to make a different choice and ledger-out their liabilities from their past choices.

AK Grace.

H: Absolute grace. We called it the “Grace Mandate” in the last part of this Phase

B: So Heather, we have covered a lot of ground today, obviously, I, I can’t thank you enough for your commitment and service and years of blood, sweat, tears and absolute truth and effort that you’ve put toward everything that you’ve done. And I know that we, the work is just getting started. There is going to be a whole lot more to do. And people, you know, like we talked about with you earlier there, are gonna want to know what they can do to help. And we’re gonna do, we’ll do a lot more of these calls, these conversations with Heather, and we can do it in a round-table fashion where we can bring in live questions. Is that something you’d be interested in being a part of Heather?

H: Yes, I would also offer that Miles.. people want to know, they want to see examples, they want to know someone who got in the water, splashed around and proved that it is safe to go in and that there was no sharks. OK. So what I would say is that – Give people examples. That we tested everything in our personal lives, so that we took the brunt of it and we would take the liability if we made a mistake. And I think that people would really benefit just from hearing the example, and inspire them to know that they’re just as significant, they hope…I have a real hard time with the word Hope, because Hope indicates something that you don’t already possess. And the thing is, the people are their own hope. So

accept that hope served its purpose, now let it go, because it already is. It is when they “Be” and it is when they “Do”. And I just ask that in their quest for figuring out how they want to do it - have no fear. Don’t fear mistakes. You’re gonna make them and they can be fixed. And if people do that with absolute love, and grace and gratitude then we gonna all help each other, to figure out how to do this in harmony and in oneness.

B: Great. OK, perfect. Now, what can you say to – Where are we headed? Can you paint a picture of what you think that, what people have to look forward to? I mean, obviously, we’ve already talked about it, a lot of the changes have already been implemented, this is the reality we are living in now, but what do the people have to look forward to as far as how this world is gonna be different from, once their freedom is totally and absolutely removed, excuse me, the slavery systems have been totally and completely removed? What’s the world gonna look like at that point? What do people have to look forward to? What, what…I’m trying to avoid using the word ‘hope’ here but, what should people be excited about?

H: First off, have no expectations, because most of the expectations will not match what they experience. It’s actually gonna be something that they cannot fathom right at this moment, for most of them. Some can, and some have seen it, some have actually experienced it already. And at this point, when people stand in responsibility and liability, it changes how they function and it changes what you can understand to actually be happening. So, Brian, you would act differently if you knew that we were sitting there watching every step, right, that you make. As opposed to just being in a room by yourself and not being held accountable to anyone. That right there is a ground shaking element to everything that’s been done, because now, at this point, people feel safer, they start trusting, and there’s no need, disrust is going to be removed from their verbiage. Hope is going to be removed from their verbiage. Need. Want. Those are all words that indicate they don’t have something yet and they are going to start realizing they already have it and they actually had it all along. So you are going to have, you’re gonna have incredible new architecture, you’re gonna have incredible new agriculture systems, you’re gonna have incredible new amounts of creativity and inventions.

B: So would free energy already be included in that, Heather?

H: Yea, all the free energy stuff has been shelved. I mean, when people would bring those kinds of inventions in and a lot of them were inspired from a whole different part of the Universe, Creation’s Universe. And when that technology started to show up, people needed funding for it, and the banks were able to go in and maneuver, and I can’t tell you how many times I heard stories, and then actually they helped some people with Rumsfield going in and taking the, (giggle) taking those particular inventions, and then either buying them out, or make it so the person was in jail and the patents would run out.

So all of that stuff is sitting there, and you’re gonna have free energy, you’re gonna have no want for healthy food. People are going to end up having magnificent gardens in their own home. The whole system of how we live is changing. The whole system is going to be self-sustaining.

B: Sounds like there’s people that are behind the scenes working around the clock tirelessly to make sure that all these things are in order and in place to go live when a lot of this stuff comes out into the open. Is that, would that be accurate?

H: Yeah, it’s already ready to go, it’s actually been ready to go for, at least I’ve been made aware of, it was ready to go about four months ago. And that’s why we needed to make sure the foreclosure was done and that there was an opportunity for them to come in and basically say, “No that’s not how it is”. They never did. So the foreclosure was done and said, that was the end of October, so once November hit it was a matter of – OK, what tool can we use to be able bring this in. So that was the importance of securing the government, the people’s government to the People. So that they could have the tools to do what they needed to do without a legal recourse-type of action from the “Powers that Were” in these purported courts. So everything is ready to go. And at this point it was a matter of disclosure and it naturally happened. Disclosure really naturally happened, this is just the start of it. And it so that people have an opportunity to can go back and look and say – Wow, you know, we were so disappointed that certain dates didn’t meet our expectation - and yet they’re gonna find those dates actually did happen. They had to happen quietly though in order, so that the “Powers that Were” couldn’t use old methods to discredit of bury them before they were actually finished.

B: Got it. Everything had to be quiet or else the information would be too, if it were out in the public then the people that were working against it would have a greater ability to defeat some of the stuff that had to get done. Is that pretty much the way it went down?

H: Yeah, you know, we did this so quiet behind the scenes that the only ones that knew were the “Powers that Were” and we experienced really severe pressure, really severe pressure. And I can’t even imagine what it would have been had we even tried to go public with it. And we would have been spread so thin trying to go public with it all that it just wouldn’t have gotten done. So, I’m really happy actually, really satisfied with the way that things were done. People are now gonna have the opportunity to see that it was actually done and then, all of sudden they’re gonna say – Wait a minute, we’re ratified. Not only that but the people who actually went out and gave that information, believing that information to be true are now going to be vindicated because it actually was true. And now you’re gonna see that the military, the, what did you call it, the..?

B: Uhh, the Federal Marshalls? Oh, the positive military?

H: The positive military. You’re gonna see that they’ve actually been moving for a couple of months now, getting into position, at least since September. And it’s just this symphony, a magnificent, divine symphony that’s being played out, so that people have a chance to make different choices that were in the former system. Some of them are “checking out”, and we’re seeing them right now. You are watching it happen, you just don’t know the context that it’s happening in.

B: Well, I am going to go out on a limb and say we have a lot to look forward to here! (Laughter) But I

think that from the gist of what you’re putting down and gosh, so much of what I’ve learned from you over the course of last couple of days is, you know, the more we can stop worrying about everything that’s happened, and stop trying to anticipate or create some expectation for the way it’s gonna look like sometime in the future, that it’s in everybody’s best interest just to start living in the moment and “Be this change, now”, like Gandhi said, “that we want to see in the world”. And the real change happens inside of us and when we all change from the inside we, our outside world automatically transforms in every facet around us, because the real reality is that the outside world is inside of every, each and all of us. You know, we create, everybody has their own perception of the world and we create the world around us, so it’s time for everybody to stand up. And I understand that whether you realize it or not this is happening, it’s happening now and it’s time for us to be aware of it and just be, just be in this moment and take it in, because it’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve been floored over the last few days by how much I’ve learned as a result of our discussions and I’m really hoping that we have the opportunity to continue these and we’ll create a forum that allows us to take questions that people have. I know there’s gonna be a lot of unanswered questions, and that’s OK, there’s a lot to cover, but if your questions weren’t answered as a result of this call, don’t worry, we’re gonna have an email that we’re gonna put out where you can email your questions and make sure that we get to those on our next conversation. So Heather, I really appreciate you being here and gosh, it’s been so awesome to get to know you and I know that our conversation and our work together is gonna continue. And I’m just so grateful and I thank you so much for being on this call. Is there anything else that you want to close with?

H: Just that all of this is done without prejudice and with absolute gratitude and with absolute Love and unconditionally always.

B: I want to thank everybody for being here on the call. Thank you to D from Removing the Shackles, and to American Kabuki for everything that he does and we’re gonna go ahead and get this up on the blogsite. [email protected] is where to send your questions to so we can get to them on our next talk with Heather and others.

Brian here from the American Kabuki ground crew. Thank you for the time. And I look forward to moving forward on this journey with each of you. I Love You, good night.

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