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Page 1: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor

Market Analyses

Carli A. StraightResearch Analyst

Kendrick A. DavisResearch Analyst –

Special Projects

2011 RP ConferenceApril 15th, 2011

Page 2: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Why Do We Conduct Labor Market Analyses?

Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Requirement• Demonstrate labor market need

Program and Services Review• Alignment between academic programs and

labor market need

Program Relevance for Students• Students prepared to meet labor market


Page 3: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Requirements

Five criteria used by CO to approve credit and noncredit programs and courses:

1. Appropriateness to Mission

2. Need

3. Curriculum

4. Adequate Resources

5. Compliance

Page 4: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Requirements

Evidence of Labor Market Need May Be Submitted in the Form of: Statistical projections of growth from the

Employment Development Department’s Labor Market Information system

Recent employer surveys Regional economic studies Letters from employers Minutes of industry advisory committee

meetings Job advertisements for positions in the

individual college’s service area

Page 5: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Program and Services Review

Page 6: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Challenges to Producing Labor Market Analysis Reports

Time Intensive – lack of user-friendly online labor market data resources

Labor Intensive – lack of staffing to devote to labor market research

Limited budget – lack of funds to obtain up-to-the-minute labor market data

Page 7: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Chaffey College Labor Market Analyses

Description of Data Sources and Calculations

Definitions of Key Terms and Concepts

Purpose and Goals of the Report

Background Information • Description of Academic Program• Description and List of Typical Tasks

of All Occupations Associated with Program

Regional Job Outlook• 10-year job projections• Wage data

Page 8: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Chaffey College Labor Market Analyses, continued

Largest and Fastest Growing Industry Employers

Regional Graduation Summary

Core Indicator Performance

Map of Regional Employers and Competitor Institutions

Page 9: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Developing a Labor Market Analysis Report

Step One: Identify the program for which you wish to conduct a labor market analysis

Step Two: Identify the TOP Code associated with the program you have selected

Step Three: Use the Chancellor’s Office TOP-CIP-SOC Crosswalk to identify CIP Code (national program classification) and SOC Codes (national occupational classification) associated with the program you have selected

Page 10: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

TOP-CIP-SOC Crosswalkhttp://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/commcolleges/

Taxonomy of Programs (TOP): a standardized state level course and program classification system for the California Community Colleges

Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP): a federal level system for tracking, assessment and reporting of field of study and program completion

Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): a system used by the federal statistics agency to classify workers into occupational categories

Page 11: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

TOP-CIP-SOC CrosswalkLabor

Market Informatio

n• Local,

Statewide, & National Wages & Demand

• Staffing Patterns

• Employing Industries

• Specific Employers

• Employer Size

• Education & Training

Source: Employment Development Department

Page 12: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Developing a Labor Market Analysis Report, continued

Step Four: Explore Background Information for the program and occupation(s) associated with the program you selected• see Step-By-Step Guide to Obtaining

Background Information

Step Five: Explore Regional Job Outlook data for the occupation(s) associated with the program you selected• see Step-By-Step Guide to Obtaining

Occupational Data

Page 13: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Developing a Labor Market Analysis Report, continued

Step Six: Explore Industry Data for the occupation(s) associated with the program you selected• see Step-By-Step Guide to Obtaining

Industry Data

Step Seven: Explore Completions Data at other California postsecondary institutions associated with the program you selected• see Step-By-Step Guide to Obtaining

Completions Data For Other Institutions

Page 14: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Developing a Labor Market Analysis Report, continued

Step Eight: Explore Core Indicator Data for the program you selected• see Step-By-Step Guide to Obtaining

Core Indicator Data

Page 15: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

Free-Access Online Data Sources

Employment Development Department: http://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov

Occupational Information Network (O*Net): http://online.onetcenter.org/find

Bureau of Labor Statistics: http://www.bls.gov/OCO

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/

GPS Visualizer: http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/geocoder/

Page 16: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

What Each Data Source Contains

Employment Development Department

http://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.govOccupation Descriptions Top Job Skills

Hourly wage statistics Top Job Abilities

10-year employment projections Top Work Values

Staffing patterns of the largest industry employers Top Work Interests

Top Job Tasks

Page 17: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

What Each Data Source Contains continued…

Occupational Information Network (O*Net) http://online.onetcenter.org/find

Occupation Descriptions Skills Used

Similar Job Titles Abilities Used

Typical Job Tasks Work Activities

Tools and Technology Used Work Context

Knowledge Used Education and Training Requirements

Page 18: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

What Each Data Source Contains continued…

Occupational Information Network (O*Net)

http://online.onetcenter.org/findInterests Related Occupations

Work Styles National Wage and Employment Trends

Work Values

Page 19: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

What Each Data Source Contains continued…

Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/OCO

Education and Training Requirements Working Conditions

National Wage Data Expected Job Prospects

Worker Tasks

Page 20: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

What Each Data Source Contains continued…

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System


Enrollment Data Retention and Graduation Rates Data Completions Data

Page 21: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

What Each Data Source Contains continued…

GPS Visualizer http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/geocoder/

Converts multiple addresses to longitude and latitude coordinates

Maps address locations using Yahoo! or Google Maps

Creates a GPX file as an output option

Page 22: A Cost-Effective Approach to Producing Labor Market Analyses Carli A. Straight Research Analyst Kendrick A. Davis Research Analyst – Special Projects 2011.

To View Completed Chaffey College Labor Market Analysis Reports

Visit the following url:http://www.chaffey.edu/research/research_reports_CTE_01.htm

Please contact us with any questions or comments!

Carli Straight: 909-652-6471 [email protected]

Kendrick Davis: 909-652-6459 [email protected]

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