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Page 1: A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study...A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study Claudio Antonini, Ph.D. Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP

A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study

Claudio Antonini, Ph.D.

Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP

New York

Page 2: A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study...A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study Claudio Antonini, Ph.D. Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP

Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 1 Data mining approach to build indices Deloitte.

In 2012, the FSA fined a bank for “failure to take reasonable care to establish and

maintain adequate anti-money laundering (AML) systems and controls [and to]

assess the level of money laundering risk posed by its customers.”

In particular, 46 of 68 accounts reviewed by the FSA “had been inappropriately

classified as normal risk.” [*]

[*] http://www.fsa.gov.uk/library/communication/pr/2012/055.shtml

Conclusion: The firm has to have a defensible way of assessing risk.


Page 3: A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study...A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study Claudio Antonini, Ph.D. Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP

Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 2 Data mining approach to build indices

• Basel AML Index – Origin

• Basel Institute on Governance

• Non-profit

• Corruption prevention, public/company governance

– Composition

• Various sources: indices, reports

– Methodology

• Relies on experts that determine weights

– Limitations indicated by reviews of the 2012 release

• Sources — Infrequent, some might be biased

• Methodology — no CI, uncertainty/sensitivity analysis

– Limitations not indicated by reviews

• Missing data

• Non-reproducible, some data difficult to locate

• Limited number of countries and regions covered

Expanding an Existing Index

“The Basel AML Index 2013,” at http://index.baselgovernance.org/index/Project_Description.pdf

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 3 Data mining approach to build indices




5% 5%

Money Laundering — Terrorist Financing

Financial Transparency and Standards


Public Transparency and Accountability

Political and Legal Risk

Expert Weightings — Risks

“The Basel AML Index 2013,” at http://index.baselgovernance.org/index/Project_Description.pdf

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 4 Data mining approach to build indices

Areas Covered — Sources

“The Basel AML Index 2013,” at http://index.baselgovernance.org/index/Project_Description.pdf

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 5 Data mining approach to build indices

Availability of Sources — Coverage

Organization Indicator 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Basel Institute on Governance

Basel_AML_Index x Jun-10

1.) Bertelsmann Stiftung Transformation Index

Rule of Law scores x

2.) Euromoney

Political Risk scores x

3.) Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Member countries Mutual Evaluation Reports sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp.

4.) Freedom House

Freedom in the World & Press Freedom Index x x

5.) International Institute for Democracy and Electoral

Assistance (IDEA)

Political Finance Database

6.) International Budget Partnership

Open Budget Index some x x x

7.) Tax Justice Network

Financial Secrecy Index x

8.) Transparency International

Corruption Perception Index x

9.) US State Dept. - Int. Narcotics Control Strategy Report

Money Laundering and Financial Crimes x

10.) World Bank - Doing Business Ranking

Business Extent of Disclosure Index x x x x x x x x

11.) World Bank

IDA Resource Allocation Index x

12.) World Economic Forum

Global Competitiveness x x x

International Monetary Fund

Compliance_w_AML_CFT x x x x x x

Sources 2 3 2 3 2 3 6 6 3

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 6 Data mining approach to build indices

Country Name Indicator Name 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Afghanistan Patent applications, nonresidents

Albania Patent applications, nonresidents 361

Algeria Patent applications, nonresidents 229 170 164 138 118 765 730

American Samoa Patent applications, nonresidents

Andorra Patent applications, nonresidents

Angola Patent applications, nonresidents 2

Antigua and Barbuda Patent applications, nonresidents

Arab World Patent applications, nonresidents 1499 1815 1780 4322

Argentina Patent applications, nonresidents 1955 1851 1919 2261 2820 4806 4781

Armenia Patent applications, nonresidents 30 79 5 4 11 6

Aruba Patent applications, nonresidents

Australia Patent applications, nonresidents 24122 23525 21187 22478

Austria Patent applications, nonresidents 670 544 517 513 516 287 329 292 249

Azerbaijan Patent applications, nonresidents 5

Bahamas, The Patent applications, nonresidents 25 27 29

Bahrain Patent applications, nonresidents 31

Bangladesh Patent applications, nonresidents 76 77 89 71 89 270 278 275 276

Missing Data in Most Circumstances

• In most regressions schemes, only data from a few countries or

regions would remain

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 7 Data mining approach to build indices

• It is desired to build an index:

– Maintainable in-house

– Reproducible

– Based on available sources of information

– Updated as sources are updated (not once a year)

– Informative (not only generating point values)

– Valid for new cases (not just previous ones)

Defensible Process Desired to Value Risk

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 8 Data mining approach to build indices

• Included more time-series

– Basel AML Index, IMF AML+CFT Index, WDI, WGI

• Treatment of missing data

– Missingness

– Imputation

– Create complete cases

• Modeling

– Decision Trees

– Random Forest

– Linear Models

Process Followed

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 9 Data mining approach to build indices

Most of the Data is Gaussian

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 10 Data mining approach to build indices


Most relevant variables

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 11 Data mining approach to build indices

Correlations with Basel AML Index

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 12 Data mining approach to build indices








1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41

Missingness vs. Indicators (WDI = 1 to 31, AML = 32 to 45)



Indicators — Missing Data


Less data

More data

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 13 Data mining approach to build indices








1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41




Indicators — Missing Data


Less data

More data

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 14 Data mining approach to build indices






















Missingness vs. Indicators (WDI = 1 to 31, AML = 32 to 45)




Indicators — Missing Data


Basel AML I

Less data

More data

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 15 Data mining approach to build indices

Missingness Map (246 countries, 2011/2)

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 16 Data mining approach to build indices Deloitte.

Few Changes in the Index from 2012 to 2013








1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146

Country Rank 2013, ordered by compliance score (lowest = Afghanistan, highest = Norway)

BASEL AML Index 2013 - 2012 Positive difference --> getting better (=more compliant)



Algeria Guyana

Norway Kazakhstan

Moldova Georgia

Slovak Rep.


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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 17 Data mining approach to build indices

• Slow process

– y(t) = a(t) + β(t) * x(t)

– y(t+1) = a(t+1) + β(t+1) * x(t+1)

Assume that a(t) ~ a(t+1), β(t) ~ β(t+1)

– y(t+1) = y(t) + β(t) * Δx(t->t+1)

• Can also forecast the individual time-series.

• No new series until Jun-10


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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 18 Data mining approach to build indices

Data collection is usually limited in less developed countries modeling bias

Decision Tree Model (143 countries)

43% of the rows were deleted due to

missing data. The model was built

with data from only 82 countries.

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 19 Data mining approach to build indices

Decision Tree Model (246 countries)

After imputation, all 246 rows

are used to create the model. A

more detailed tree is obtained.

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 20 Data mining approach to build indices

Decision Tree Model (246 countries)

2 3 4 5 6 7








Linear Fit to Points


Pseudo R-square=0.8357

Predicted vs. Observed

Decision Tree Model


Rattle 2013-Jun-13 22:38:32 Patricia

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 21 Data mining approach to build indices

Random Forest Model (246 countries)

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 22 Data mining approach to build indices

Linear Model (246 countries)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8









Linear Fit to Points


Pseudo R-square=0.9276

Predicted vs. Observed

Linear Model


Rattle 2013-Jun-14 09:58:44 Patricia

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 23 Data mining approach to build indices

Linear Model (246 countries)

Initial 143 countries

Index extended to

additional 103

countries and




ex V



Initial (143) and imputed (103) index values (in red), and their (246) estimates

[1] Original 143 countries (red)

[2] Estimates of 143 countries

[3] Imputed values (red)

[4] Estimates on imputed values

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 24 Data mining approach to build indices

Item Other Indices Our Approach Options

Experts Use of non-reproducible,

‘arbitrary’ weights

Regression, decision

trees, Random Forest

Various models,

supervised learning


N/A (The index is

generated, not used as a


Still need a reference

for modeling

We can select from a

growing number of


Sources Potentially biased Public data We can select from a

growing number of

data sources

Data Sporadic, difficult to

obtain, categorical

• Select sources

• Imputation

We can select from a

growing number of

imputation methods

Countries Limited number Unlimited, and

extended to regions

Estimates Only point values t-stats, CI

Different approaches

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Copyright © 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. 25 Data mining approach to build indices

• Limitations of the Current Procedure to Create an AML Index

– Reproducibility

– Reliance on experts

– Estimates restricted to point values

– Limited modeling options due to missing data

– Many data points are deleted, resulting in biased estimates

– New points (in our case, countries) cannot be scored

• Given the amount of public data available

– The index can be easily replicated and extended

– Other related indices can be used

– No need of expert weights

– No need to rely on sporadic or potentially biased sources

• The process can be applied to other indices/scores

– Use one index as a reference to determine variables

– Identify relevant variables with various models

– Impute data (do not delete variables to create model)

– Create various models for different purposes


Page 27: A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study...A Data Mining Approach to Build AML Indices A Case Study Claudio Antonini, Ph.D. Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP

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