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Page 1: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.
Page 2: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.
Page 3: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.


Not a tutoring program Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s

own pace

Students don’t learn from textbooks, but with ability-matched Kumon Worksheets

Kumon Instructors don’t lecture or tutor — they guide and motivate

Exclusive focus on math and reading The two most important subjects in school

The foundation for future academic success

Emphasis on helping students first master the basics — the fundamental building blocks of math and reading — from preschool up to college.

Page 4: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Equally effective as a remedial or enrichment program

Helps remedial students recover missing skills

Helps students advance beyond current school grade (advanced study)

Helps all students reach their full potential and remain challenged

A unique, individualized method that fosters solid study habits, learning skills, and confidence


Page 5: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Focused on the development of “the whole child” Fosters valuable character traits that serve the child in every facet of life

– Self-confidence

– Initiative

– Perseverance/patience

– Goal-setting


Page 6: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.
Page 7: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

We believe that children learn best when:

The material corresponds exactly to their current ability and they can complete it successfully

Their progress is determined solely by their performance, rather than by age or school grade

They are actively involved in setting goals, evaluating their own progress, and understanding what they are studying


Page 8: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.
Page 9: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.


Comfortable Starting Point An individual placement test pinpoints the level at which

each child can complete work quickly and accurately

Based on ability, not age…which may sometimes be below a parent’s expectations


– Gives the student a boost of confidence by experiencingsuccess immediately

– Polishes basic skills by increasing speed and accuracy

– Helps student establish a daily study routine using work that is manageable

– Facilitates “self-motivated learning”

Page 10: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Comfortable Starting PointDetermined by Placement Test


STUDENT A STUDENT A Starts at a level where he/she can solve 100% of problems in a given time Moves forward, filling in any skill gaps Builds confidence by succeeding immediately Builds a solid foundation by mastering work before moving on


STUDENT B Starts with work that he/she has not mastered Has no opportunity to fill in skill gaps Continues to struggle in problem areas Becomes discouraged and demotivated




Page 11: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.


“Practice Makes Perfect”

Students practice math and reading daily — just as they would a musical instrument or athletic skill

Repetition of basic skills is critical to success

Students learn and advance in small, manageable steps

Each assignment has a specific time/accuracy target

Only when students master a concept — in both speed and accuracy — do they move on to the next

Through gradual advancement, students attain and then surpass their school grade

Page 12: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Self-Motivated Learning

Students learn better when they are active learners, rather than being passive learners

Kumon students learn by doing Kumon Worksheets…not studying textbooks

They learn each new concept by studying a sample exercise, then they immediately try it: Learning by doing

Kumon students are actively involved in setting goals, evaluating their own progress, and determining what they have to do to move forward


Page 13: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Self-Motivated Learning

Kumon Instructors aren’t lecturers or tutors

– They guide, instruct, and motivate as students progress through the Kumon curriculum

– They work with students to develop and monitor expectations, goals, and progress

Kumon students develop self-reliance and self-motivation as a result


Page 14: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Students complete Kumon Worksheets daily at home, and visit a Kumon Center once or twice a week

Worksheets introduce new concepts with an example problem and explanation

Students then solve several problems modeled closely on the example

Students quickly gain confidence working with new concepts

Successive Worksheet problems gradually become more challenging (less like the original example), encouraging students to apply what they’ve learned


Page 15: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Goal: Advanced Study

Kumon strives to advance every student beyond their current school grade

– Advanced students challenge themselves with materials beyond their school grade

– Advanced study gives students tremendousadvantages in school

Kumon’s objective: Make high school study easier and more productive


Page 16: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.
Page 17: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

As a Kumon Student, your child will…

Visit the Kumon Center one or two times each week

– Bring completed Kumon homework to be assessed and recorded

– Complete assignments for approximately 20-30 minutes per subject with total concentration

– Correct any mistakes, receive guidance from your Kumon Instructor, Sue McLean, and review goals

– Have scores recorded and progress monitored

– Collect new homework assignments

Practice at home with Kumon Worksheets for about 15-20 minutes on all other days


Page 18: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

As a Kumon Parent, we encourage you to…

Help your child establish good study habits by supporting and enforcing a daily “Kumon time”

Get involved and help motivate your child by participating in home grading of his or her Kumon Worksheets

Work in close partnership with your Kumon Instructor to monitor and evaluate your child’s progress

Praise and encourage your child regularly


Page 19: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.
Page 20: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Thoroughly screened and trained by Kumon North America

Engaged in ongoing training through workshops, seminars, and conferences

Responsible for instruction, planning and assessing the work and goal setting for each and every student

Works with a trained staff of assistants

Always available (preferably not during busy times at class) to answer questions and discuss your child’s progress


Page 21: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

The founder, Mr. Toru Kumon, was a high school math teacher who wanted to help his own children improve their math skills

Kumon Institute of Education, founded in Japan in 1958

Kumon North America, established in 1983

Now the world’s largest and most established supplemental education company, helping almost 4 million students in 43 countries worldwide


Mr. Toru Kumon, Founder of Kumon

Page 22: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

Placement Testing (complimentary)

Enrollment Fee $380 per subject covers all fees for the first

three months

Monthly Tuition $110 per subject


Page 23: A DIFFERENT KIND OF AFTER-SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM Not a tutoring program n n Kumon study is self-directed, and proceeds at each student’s own pace n.

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