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A facile approach

Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Fine Chemi

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Cite this: RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 60152

Received 27th April 2015Accepted 29th June 2015

DOI: 10.1039/c5ra07651j


60152 | RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 60152–6016

to prepare strong poly(acrylicacid)/LAPONITE® ionic nanocomposite hydrogelsat high clay concentrations

Juan Du, Jinlong Zhu, Ronglan Wu, Shimei Xu,* Yun Tan and Jide Wang

A facile strategy was developed to prepare mechanically strong LAPONITE®-based ionic nanocomposite

(NC) hydrogels at high clay concentrations. Based on the thixotropy of an acrylic acid (AA)/LAPONITE®

dispersion, a series of ionic poly(acrylic acid) (PAA)/LAPONITE® NC hydrogels were successfully

prepared without the addition of additional dispersing monomers. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)

spectroscopy and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis demonstrated the composition and thermostability of

the NC hydrogels, respectively. The network of the hydrogels was examined by scanning electron

microscopy (SEM), and the dispersion of LAPONITE® nanoplatelets in the ionic hydrogels was

investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The hydrogels

exhibited viscoelastic solid-like properties, as revealed by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) within a

linear viscoelasticity region, and demonstrated that the network structure was formed with the junction

of the ionic AA monomer and the LAPONITE® platelets. The hydrogels showed improved mechanical

properties (i.e. tensile strength: 308 kPa, elongation at break: 1110%), which were due to more effective

cross-link points provided by the high content of LAPONITE® and the entanglements among the PAA

chains. This approach is synthetically simple and dramatically increases the choice of strong hydrogels

for applications.

1 Introduction

Over the last few years, the utility of inorganic nanoscaleparticles as llers to enhance the performance of polymer hasbeen established. Of particular interest is nanocompositetechnology consisting of a unique organic (polymer)/inorganic(clay) network structure, because they oen exhibit remark-ably improvedmechanical properties as compared with those ofvirgin polymers or conventional composites (micro/macro-composites).1–11 These concurrent property improvements arewell beyond what can be generally achieved through the prep-aration of micro/macro-composites. It is well known that theclay content plays an important role in the mechanical prop-erties of nanocomposite (NC) hydrogels. An increase inLAPONITE® content usually enhances gel strength.2,3,5,10,12

LAPONITE®, carrying strong negative charges on the surfaceand weak positive charges on the rim, can form a clear andcolorless colloidal dispersion in water, which is stabilized by therepulsive electrostatic interaction.10,13–16 However, it is hard toprepare high concentrations of LAPONITE® aqueous disper-sions, even using special mixers, due to the high viscosity

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caused by the electrostatic attraction among surfaces and edgesof different clay discs. Thus, the LAPONITE® concentrationduring the preparation of reported NC hydrogels was usuallybelow 10 wt% (against water). To combat the problem, Zhu et al.used Na4P2O7-modied LAPONITE® to successfully prepare apoly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/clay NC hydrogel under a clayconcentration of 15 wt%, since the edge of the clay discs werenegatively charged aer modication and thus prohibited theformation of a ‘House of Cards’ structure.10 Occasionally, aspecial fractional step method was reported to produce a claydispersion of 20 wt% (25 mol%, against water) and fabricate aseries of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)/LAPONITE® NC hydro-gels. However, a complex mixing process and temperaturecontrol was needed before polymerization.17

Typically, NC hydrogels have been composed of nonionicmonomers crosslinked by LAPONITE® due to the specialcolloid properties of LAPONITE®.8,10,12,14,18–22 There has beenlimited success in the preparation of ionic NC hydrogels.Aggregation and gelation occurred when ionic monomers wereadded to the clay dispersion, therefore resulting in poor opticaland mechanical properties of the ionic NC hydrogels.Numerous attempts to overcome the problem have beenreported thus far, in which two main strategies were developed:(1) using nonionic monomers to pre-adsorb onto the surface ofLAPONITE® before further polymerization of ionic

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monomers;13,23–28 (2) choosing specic ionic monomers torealize good dispersion of LAPONITE®.29–31

In our previous work, transparent ionic NC hydrogels cross-linked by LAPONITE® XLG were successfully synthesized via thein situ free radical polymerization of AA with the assistance of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulphonic acid (AMPS)29 andsodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS),32 and the ultimate tensilestrengths could reach 189 kPa and 162 kPa, respectively. Theaddition of AMPS or SDS can successfully avoid the aggregationof LAPONITE® in the ionic AA monomer. During the researchprocess above, we found that LAPONITE®/AA aqueous disper-sions under high clay concentrations had remarkable thixot-ropy. The monomers tightly stuck onto the clay discs withoutprecipitation because of the high viscosity of the dispersion.However, under constant stirring, the mixtures exhibited ashear thinning behavior. This made it possible to obtain auniform reaction system by simply mixing all the reagentsunder stirring. Then the homogeneous mixture underwentpolymerization without stirring to get an ionic PAA/LAPONITE®NC hydrogel. Being intrigued with this phenomenon, wedeveloped a facile one-pot process to prepare ionic NC hydro-gels at high clay concentrations in the presence of ionicmonomers without additional dispersing monomers. To thebest of our knowledge, this is the rst report in which strongionic PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels are prepared by the directaddition of AA into a LAPONITE® dispersion followed by in situpolymerization. The NC hydrogels exhibited improvedmechanical properties and would have potential applications inbiomedical and tissue engineering.

2 Experimental2.1 Materials

LAPONITE® XLG (Mg5.34Li0.66Si8O20(OH)4Na0.66, Rockwood,USA), acrylic acid (AA, Tianjin Fuchen Chemical ReagentsFactory, China), N,N0-methylenebisacrylamide (BIS, TianjinGuangfu Institute of Fine Chemicals, China), potassium per-sulfate (KPS, Beijing Beihua Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., China),sodium hydroxide (NaOH, Shanghai Kechang Fine ChemicalsCompany, China), and tetrasodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7,Shanghai Kechang Fine Chemicals Company, China) were usedas received. Deionized water was used in all experiments.

2.2 Synthesis of the hydrogels

Typically, 1.12 g LAPONITE® was dispersed in 8 mL of deion-ized water under stirring for 20 min to make a 14 wt%LAPONITE® dispersion (against H2O). Then, a desired amountof Na4P2O7 was added into the dispersion to reduce theviscosity. The mass ratio of Na4P2O7 to LAPONITE® was kept at0.0768 : 1.10 Whereaer, 6.0 mL AA, which was neutralized to adegree of 40 mol% by 30 wt% NaOH solution in an ice bathbeforehand, was added into Na4P2O7-modied LAPONITE®dispersions. The mixture was ultrasonicated for 5 min, andaerward stirred for 20 min followed by the addition of 8.7 wt%KPS (relative to the weight of AA). Polymerization was per-formed in airtight glass tubes in a water bath at 50 �C for 72

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hours. Aer polymerization, the as-prepared hydrogels wereremoved, cut into disks, and then soaked in a large amount ofdeionized water for 1 week. The water was exchanged every 2days for the removal of monomers and oligomers which werenot actually incorporated into the hydrogels. Aer at least 1week, the PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels were dried in an oven at80 �C until a constant weight was obtained.

As a control, organically crosslinked gels were preparedaccording to the procedure above, except 0.04 wt% BIS (relativeto the weight of AA) was used instead of Na4P2O7 andLAPONITE®.

2.3 Characterization

Rheology measurements were carried out on a stress-controlledDiscovery HR-1 rheometer using parallel platelets of 25 mmdiameter at 25 �C. A thin layer of silicon oil was laid on the rimof the xture to prevent water evaporation and CO2 dissolution.The viscosity of the dispersion was measured with a shear rateof 50 s�1. Before every measurement of thixotropy, all the AA/LAPONITE® dispersions were preliminarily aged for 1 hour,followed by a 300 second steady pre-shear at 10 s�1 to achieve areproducible initial state. Then, the steady ow measurementsof the AA/LAPONITE® dispersions were carried out in the rangeof shear rates from 10�3 s�1 to 3000 s�1 to determine the shearviscosity and shear stress.

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were obtainedusing a Bruker Eqinox 55 spectrometer with milled dried NCgels by the conventional KBr disk method in the range of 400–4000 cm�1 with 2 cm�1 of spectral resolution. X-ray diffraction(XRD) patterns were performed using a Bruker D8 Advance X-raydiffractometer (40 kV, 100 mA) equipped with Cu Ka X-ray (l ¼0.154 nm) scanning in a step of 1� min�1 from 2� to 15�.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was conducted with aHitachi H-600 transmission electron microscope with anaccelerating voltage of 100 kV. Ultrathin lms were prepared forTEM observation by cutting dried gels embedded in epoxy resinusing an ultramicrotome. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)images of the samples were obtained using a LEO-1430VP at anaccelerating voltage of 20 kV. The hydrogels were allowed toreach equilibrium in deionized water overnight prior to freeze-drying (FD-1C-50) for 48 hours. Then, the hydrogels were coatedwith gold prior to SEM analysis. Thermogravimetric (TG) anal-yses were carried out using a TG/DTA STA-449F3 (NETZSCH)instrument, heating samples from 30 to 800 �C at a heating rateof 10 �C min�1 in an air ow. The clay content in the NC driedgels was evaluated from the residual weight at 800 �C. All thehydrogels for the TG test were neutralized by 36 wt% HCl for 24hours rst, then ltered, and nally washed with deionizedwater until no Cl� was found in the ltrate. The residue wasdried in an oven at 80 �C before the test until a constant weightwas obtained.

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was conducted on theas-synthesized NC gel samples to estimate the viscoelasticity ofPAA/LAPONITE® NC hydrogels with a dynamic mechanicalanalyzer (DMA Q800, TA Instruments) with a tension xture.The gel sample stuck well to the xture without any slippage.

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Fig. 1 Time dependence of viscosity for: (a) LAPONITE® andNa4P2O7-modified LAPONITE® dispersion (the LAPONITE® concen-tration is 8 wt%), (b) Na4P2O7-modified and AA/Na4P2O7-modifiedLAPONITE® dispersions with different LAPONITE® concentration. Allthe samples were measured just after preparation.

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Silicone oil was laid on the edge of the xture platelets toprevent solvent evaporation. First, the dynamic strain sweepwas carried out at a constant frequency of 1 Hz to determine thelinear viscoelasticity region. Then, the frequency sweep wasperformed over the frequency range of 0.01 to 100 Hz. Thedynamic frequency sweep was measured at a constant strain of0.1%. All dynamic mechanical tests were carried out at 30 �C.

Tensile measurements were performed on as-prepared gelsof the same size (5.5 mm diameter � 60 mm length) with astatic mechanical tester (H5KT, Tinius Olsen, USA) at 25 �C. Thesample length between the jaws was 20 mm and the crossheadspeed was 100 mm min�1. The tensile strain was taken as thelength change related to the original length and the tensilestrength was estimated on the cross section of the originalsample. All the samples were performed in triplicate, and theaverage values are reported.

3 Results and discussion3.1 Interaction between clay and AA

When the LAPONITE® XLG was dispersed in water at a clayconcentration higher than 2 wt% for a denite time (differenttimes for different concentrations), the clay discs would form a‘House of Cards’ structure, due to the electrostatic attractionamong the surfaces and edges of different discs, whereupon themixture became very viscous.10,13–16,33 This made it hard to mixwith monomers or other reagents by normal mixing methods,which was the reason why most of the NC hydrogels wereprepared at low clay concentrations. Besides, direct addition ofeven a small amount of ionic monomer into the LAPONITE®dispersion induced gelation and the clay dispersion quicklybecame subsided and opaque due to the decrease of the Debyedistance for the electrostatic repulsion.13,23–26,29,32–34 So it hasbeen challenging to synthesize ionic NC hydrogels at highLAPONITE® concentrations.

LAPONITE® XLG had a certain uidity when theLAPONITE® was modied by Na4P2O7, even at high clayconcentrations (above 8 wt%), which made it possible to obtaina uniform dispersion of LAPONITE® and monomers by mixing(Fig. 1a). The viscosity increased with increasing concentrationsof LAPONITE® because of the electrostatic interaction amongthe surfaces and edges of different LAPONITE® platelets. Theaddition of AA induced the instability of the dispersion, andshowed a slight increase in viscosity with measurement time(Fig. 1b). The transparent LAPONITE® dispersion (Fig. 2a)showed a steep decrease in transmittance and became opaque,while the viscosity simultaneously increased steeply (Fig. 2b).These facts suggested that aggregates formed in the dispersionbecause of the decreased electrostatic repulsion among theLAPONITE® platelets caused by increased ionic strength. Themixtures will separate into two layers aer standing for severalhours when the LAPONITE® concentration was less than 8 wt%in AA/LAPONITE® system (Fig. 2c). However, further to increaseLAPONITE® concentration to 8 wt% or more, the dispersionremained stable without stratication and settlement aerstanding in 50 �C water bath more than 12 hours. Moreimportantly, the dispersion exhibited quite good owability

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under stirring (Fig. 3). This made it possible to mix all reactantsto obtain uniform precursor system. As a result, homogeneousionic NC hydrogel can be produced via in situ copolymerizationof AA in the Na4P2O7-modied LAPONITE® dispersion withoutthe help of other dispersing reagents (Fig. 2d and e).

3.2 Formation of the network structure

FT-IR studies were conducted to investigate the gel formationbetween PAA and the LAPONITE® platelets (Fig. 4). Theabsorption bands of LAPONITE® at 1012 and 461 cm�1, couldbe ascribed to Si–O stretching (in-plane) and Si–O bendingmodes, respectively (Fig. 4a).35,36 Compared with the FTIRspectrum of LAPONITE® (Fig. 4a), the absorption bands ofLAPONITE® at 1172–1177 cm�1, 1074–1105 cm�1 and 465–469cm�1 were obviously observed in the spectrum of the PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogel, suggesting that LAPONITE® is incorpo-rated in the hydrogel. Besides, small additional peaks appearedbetween 600 and 800 cm�1, which conrmed the presence ofmetal-oxide stretching vibrations in the PAA/LAPONITE® NChydrogels (due to clay).37,38 In Fig. 4c–e, a series of newabsorption bands at 1717–1726 cm�1 (C]O stretching of–COOH group), 1568–1572 cm�1 and 1453–1457 cm�1 (asym-metric and symmetric stretching –COO� groups) appeared inthe spectra of the PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels (Fig. 4c–e), indi-cating the existence of PAA chains. We had not found anyabsorption peak of unsaturated C]C bonds at 1630 cm�1,which gave an eloquent proof that AA was successfully poly-merized. Furthermore, the absorption bands of –COOH groupsand –COO� groups generated an obvious blue shi effect (from1717 to 1726 cm�1 for the –COOH group and from 1568 to 1572cm�1 for the –COO� group, respectively) with the increase of

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Fig. 2 Photographs of: (a) different LAPONITE® content (from 3 wt%to 20 wt%) dispersed homogeneously by the addition of Na2P2O7, (b)the Na4P2O7-modified LAPONITE® dispersions upon addition of AA,(c) the AA/Na4P2O7-modified LAPONITE®mixtures left to stand for 12hours, and (d) knotted, and (e) elongated cross bended PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels.

Fig. 3 Shear viscosity and shear stress vs. shear rate for the dispersionsof AA/Na4P2O7-modified LAPONITE® at different LAPONITE®concentrations (from 8 wt% to 20 wt%).

Fig. 4 FT-IR spectra of (a) clay, (b) AA, and PAA/LAPONITE® NChydrogels at different LAPONITE® concentrations: (c) 8 wt%, (d) 14wt% and (e) 20 wt% (the degree of neutralization is 40 mol%).

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LAPONITE® concentrations from 8 wt% to 20 wt% (Fig. 4c–e),which suggested that the cross-linked network had formed.These results indicated that the carboxylic groups of PAA weredissociated into COO� groups, which formed a complex withLAPONITE® through electrostatic interaction during the poly-merization procedure.

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The microstructure of freeze-dried hydrogels was analyzedvia SEM (Fig. 5). We noticed that the hydrogels presented largeinterconnected pores with pore size of 20–120 mm, while thethinness of the pore walls were in several micrometers.Furthermore, the pores tended to be connected to each otherand formed some open channels, which could remarkablyfacilitate the migration of water in and out of the NC gels whenthe gels swelled in the water.

Fig. 6 shows the XRD patterns of the PAA/LAPONITE® NChydrogel to observe the distribution of LAPONITE®. PureLAPONITE® exhibited a diffraction peak at about 2q ¼ 4.88–6.89�, corresponding to a basal spacing between theLAPONITE® platelets.28 In the case of the ionic NC hydrogelswith different concentrations of LAPONITE® (from 8 wt% to 20wt%), no distinct diffraction peaks were observed in the rangeof 2q from 2� to 8�. This meant that there was no regularstacking of LAPONITE® in the dried NC gels. The peaks near 10�

were due to the existence of polyacrylate in the ionic NChydrogels.39,40

The dispersion of clay platelets in the hydrogels was furtherinvestigated by TEM measurements (Fig. 7). It was shown that,even in the dried gel, LAPONITE® was substantially exfoliatedand dispersed uniformly by the polymer matrix when the claycontent was low (Fig. 7a), while part of the clay nanosheetsexisted as small aggregates when the LAPONITE® content washigher than 8 wt% (Fig. 7b and c). This phenomenon was moreobvious in a concentration of 20 wt% LAPONITE®. The exfoli-ated clay platelets or small aggregates were coexistent in thePAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels. According to the mechanism forthe NC hydrogels suggested by Haraguchi,18 the clay particlestended to cleave into single disk-like units that were 30 nm indiameter and 1 nm thick when dispersed in water.41,42 Thesethen acted as multifunctional crosslinkers, which interactedwith nonionic polymers by polar or coordination interaction.However, in our work, two mechanisms coexisted for theformation of the ionic NC hydrogels because of two dispersingstates of LAPONITE® in the polymer matrixes: mono-nanosheets and small aggregates (Scheme 1). The exfoliatedclay platelets or small aggregates and AA monomer were

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Fig. 5 SEM photos for freeze-dried PAA/LAPONITE® NC hydrogels at14 wt% LAPONITE® and 40 mol% degree of neutralization ((a) originalmagnification 300�, (b) original magnification 1000�).

Fig. 6 XRD patterns for LAPONITE® and PAA/LAPONITE® ionic NChydrogels at different LAPONITE® concentrations (the degree ofneutralization is 40 mol%).

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dispersed homogeneously in the initial reaction system. Theinitiator, KPS, was closely associated on the clay surfacesbecause of the strong ionic interactions between the KPS andclay. As a result, a free-radical reaction occurred on the claysurfaces, and thus the PAA chains were attached to the clayplatelets forming a network structure by polar or electrostaticinteraction. In contrast, the crosslinking of LAPONITE® inmechanism II was not as effective as the one in mechanism I,due to the partial aggregation of LAPONITE®.

Fig. 7 TEM of PAA/LAPONITE®NC hydrogels at different LAPONITE®concentrations: (a) 8 wt%, (b) 14 wt% and (c) 20 wt% (the degree ofneutralization is 40 mol%).

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3.3 Thermogravimetric analysis

The thermal stability of the PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels wasinvestigated using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The TGcurves of the samples prepared under different concentrationsof LAPONITE® (from 8 wt% to 20 wt%) are shown in Fig. 8. TheTGA traces indicated that there were three major steps duringthe decomposition of the hydrogel. The differentiated TGA(DTGA) traces displayed two large and one small peak above 200�C for all the hydrogels. The peak at around 280 �C (279 �C for 8wt% LAPONITE®, 281 �C for 14 wt% LAPONITE®, and 276 �Cfor 20 wt% LAPONITE®) and a small peak at 360 �C (355 �C for 8wt% LAPONITE®, 365 �C for 14 wt% LAPONITE®, and 352 �Cfor 20 wt% LAPONITE®) were coupled to decomposition stepone and two, which were attributed to the evaporation of waterand decomposition of some functional groups, such as carboxylgroups in the polymer chains, accordingly. The other peaks ataround 500 �C (503 �C for 8 wt% LAPONITE®, 517 �C for 14 wt%LAPONITE® and 494 �C for 20 wt% LAPONITE®), came fromthe decomposition of the polymeric network. The nal residualchar yields were 7.88 wt%, 13.60 wt% and 13.89 wt%. It could beconcluded from all the above results that the NC gels containing13.60 wt% clay possessed higher thermal stability than those of7.88 wt%, which indicated that the thermal stability of the PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels was enhanced by the incorporation ofonly a small amount of clay nanolayers. It implied that most ofthe clay platelets in the NC hydrogels acted as crosslinkers andthe polymer chains were attached on their surface. However, thegels prepared under a concentration of 20 wt% LAPONITE®contained a clay content of only 13.89 wt%, which did notexhibit better thermal stability than the ones under a concen-tration of 14 wt% LAPONITE®, as we predicted. This wasprobably because that the clay discs at high concentrations wereinclined to stack together and formed small aggregates. As aresult, the small aggregates cannot show as effective cross-linking as exfoliated ones. During the washing aer polymeri-zation, some soluble inorganics were eluted away, resulting inthe lower than expected char yields. Generally, there was nosignicant difference found in the thermal stability of thehydrogels. This indicated that the effective crosslinking anddispersing states of LAPONITE® acted as important roles in thethermal properties of the NC hydrogels.

3.4 Mechanical properties

Stress–strain curves of the hydrogels are shown in Fig. 9(mechanical factors are given in Table 1 accordingly). Themaximum strength reached 308 kPa with elongation at break of1110% for the NC gels at a LAPONITE® concentration of 14 wt%(Fig. 9a). This was much higher than the chemically crosslinkedhydrogels, which exhibited poor mechanical properties andbroke at a low stress of 87 kPa with a relative low strain of 408%(0.04 wt% BIS content) (Fig. 9a). The tensile strength was alsomuch higher than the poly(AMPS-co-AA)/LAPONITE® NC gels(189 kPa) recently prepared by our group.29 In this NC gelsystem, LAPONITE® acted as a multi-functional cross-linker tofabricate a unique polymer/clay network structure.1,43 Generally,an increase of LAPONITE® content in the hydrogel led to an

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Scheme 1 The proposed mechanism for the ionic PAA/LAPONITE® NC hydrogels.

Fig. 8 Thermogravimetric analyses and the differential curves of thePAA/LAPONITE® ionic NC hydrogels at different LAPONITE®concentrations (the degree of neutralization is 40 mol%). All the gelswere treated with HCl before the test.

Fig. 9 Stress–strain curves: (a) the NC gels at different LAPONITE®concentrations and organic crosslinked hydrogel with 0.04 wt% BIS(the degree of neutralization is 40 mol%); (b) NC hydrogels at aconcentration of 14 wt% LAPONITE® with different degrees of

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increase of the crosslinking density. As a result, the tensilestrength was enhanced. However, further to the increase of theLAPONITE® concentration to 20 wt%, a decrease in the tensilestress of the hydrogel was observed instead. According to theTEM morphology (Fig. 7), some clay discs stacked together andformed small aggregates in higher LAPONITE® concentrations,which reduced the efficiency of crosslinking and caused thedecreased tensile strength.

In contrast, the hydrogels prepared at a concentration of 14wt% LAPONITE® showed the highest tensile strength but in alow elastic modulus.

The degree of neutralization of AA caused an effect not onlyon the dispersion of LAPONITE®, but also on the mechanicalproperties of the hydrogels. Fig. 9b shows the stress–strain

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curves of the hydrogels prepared with 14 wt% LAPONITE®. Thetensile strength increased from 186 kPa to 308 kPa when thedegree of neutralization increased to 40 mol%, and then fellrapidly to 132 kPa when the neutralization degree was furtherincreased to 80 mol%. At a low neutralization degree, polymerchains were curly since more –COOH groups existed, which wasnot conducive to hydrogel strength. Along with the increasingdegree of neutralization, –COOH groups in the polymer chainswere deprotonized and the polymer chains were expanded andentangled to some degree, whichmade a big contribution to thehigh gel strength. A further increase in the neutralizationdegree (larger than 40 mol%) made the electrostatic interactionof charged groups on the elastic free energy decrease. Thus, thetensile strength decreased.44 Generally, the ionic PAA/

neutralization: 0 mol% (without neutralization), 40 mol% and 80mol%.

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Table 1 Themechanical factors of the PAA/LAPONITE®NC hydrogels with different LAPONITE® concentrations (the degree of neutralization is40 mol%)

Clay concentration(wt%)

Fracture stress(kPa)

Fracture strain(%)

Elastic modulus(kPa)

Dissipated energy(MJ m�3)

8 159.23 1131.20 157.51 1.2911.5 240.37 1089.00 131.25 1.8114 308.00 1110.00 75.70 2.1917 297.56 1114.10 127.00 1.9420 219.82 1109.90 131.48 1.54

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LAPONITE® NC hydrogels exhibited a robust mechanicalbehavior under large deformations.

Fig. 10 Frequency dependence of the storage modulus, loss modulusand tan d for the NC hydrogels at different LAPONITE® concentra-tions, measured at a strain of 0.1% (the degree of neutralization is 40mol%).

3.5 Dynamic mechanical analysis

DMA is a nondestructive method used to characterize theviscoelastic properties of materials. To further study the effectof LAPONITE® on the mechanical performance of the PAA/LAPONITE® hydrogels, the dynamic viscoelasticity of thehydrogels was examined by a dynamic mechanical analyzer. Todetermine the linear viscoelasticity region, a strain sweep from0.1% to 100% strain was then conducted at a frequency of 1.0Hz and 30 �C on the fully formed NC hydrogels. Aer strainsweeps, a strain of 0.1% was selected for subsequent frequencysweeps to ensure the availability of the linear viscoelasticity andenough sensitivity.45

Dynamic frequency sweep tests were performed in the linearviscoelastic range to determine the frequency dependence ofthe storage modulus (G0) and loss modulus (G00).46 The storagemodulus G0 describes the stiffness or elastic character of amaterial and the loss modulus G00 describes its viscous prop-erties. In this section, G0, G00 and tan d (loss factor) of the NChydrogels with different concentrations of LAPONITE® arepresented in Fig. 10 as a function of the testing frequency. Thefrequency sweep using an appropriate strain of 0.1% (asdetermined in the preceding section), allowed us to choose afrequency to ensure that the sweeps reected the formation ofthe hydrogel network. G0 was higher than G00 over the frequencyrange analyzed when the frequency swept from 0.01 to 100 Hz at30 �C (Fig. 10). The G0 and G00 of all the hydrogels were slightlydependent on the frequency. This was attributed to the rela-tionships between the chain segment movement and thechange of frequency. When the frequency was low, the PAAmacromolecular chains could keep up with change offrequency, and the hysteresis effect was very low.

As the frequency further increased, the chain segments werestretched and orientated. Therefore, G0 increased withincreasing frequency. In the NC gels, cross-links were formed bynon-covalent bonds such as electrostatic interactions andhydrogen bonding. As the frequency proceeded, there was aregional monotonic increase in modulus. Simultaneously, G0

was gradually getting closer to G00, suggesting the entanglementof polymer chains and indicating that the crosslinked networkshad already formed in these hydrogels.43,47 It can be observedthat the G0 of the gels at clay concentrations of 8 wt% and 20wt% exceeded 5 � 106 Pa, while the G0 of the other ones

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remained slightly below this value, indicating that the existenceof different forms of clay could impact on the dynamic visco-elasticity of the NC gels. However, the G0 of the NC gels with 14wt% clay concentration (2.5� 106 Pa) was about 300 times morethan the G0 of the biocompatible adhesive PAA/LAPONITE® NCgels in Shen’s work, in which the clay concentrations were in therange of 1–2 wt%.5

The tan d of these NC gels with different clay concentrationsvaried with respect to the frequency applied. At rst, adecreasing trend was observed until 0.04 Hz, and then anincreasing trend, due to the enhanced inuence of the viscouspart. Over the whole frequency range, tan d grew rapidly whenthe frequency was greater than 0.04 Hz, along with a slightlysteeper increase of G00 with the frequency than that of G0. Thehydrogels at 8 wt% and 20 wt% clay concentrations were slightly

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more elastic than the samples at 14 wt%, which was consistentwith the elastic modulus. This was most probably due to thedifferent morphologies and PAA average molecular weight ofthe prepared hydrogels, which have an effect on the energydissipating mechanism during the deformation process of theNC hydrogels.

4 Conclusions

We have successfully demonstrated a facile one-pot strategy toprepare a series of strong nanocomposite hydrogels at high clayconcentrations. These PAA/LAPONITE® NC hydrogels revealeddesirable mechanical properties with LAPONITE® as the cross-linker and reinforcing agent. FTIR and SEM analysis suggestedthat a cross-linked network composed of PAA and LAPONITE®was formed. Combined with the results of XRD, TEM, TG andthemechanical property analysis, we can draw a conclusion thatin the gel matrix, LAPONITE® existed in two forms, mono-nanosheets and small aggregates, which led to someabnormal behaviors in the thermostability and mechanicalproperties. However, this method made it possible to obtain auniform ionic NC hydrogel with high clay content only in thepresence of ionic monomers by a facile one-pot process. DMAwithin linear viscoelasticity conrmed that the network struc-ture was formed with the junction of the ionic AA monomer andLAPONITE® platelets. In summary, this combination ofimproved mechanical properties and facile preparation prom-ised these hydrogels broad potential applications, such asbiomedical and tissue engineering in the future.


Financial support for this work was provided by the Interna-tional Science and Technology Cooperation Project (20146008)and the Excellent Doctor Innovation Program of XinjiangUniversity (No. XJUBSCX-2014011).

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