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Page 1: A God who understands us!
Page 2: A God who understands us!

A God Who Understands Us! Heb 4:14-16 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us

hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us

therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find

grace to help in time of need.

Page 3: A God who understands us!

How many of you have ever beem misunderstood before?

♦We often say things like “they just don’t understand what it is like” or “they don’t understand how I feel and why it is important to me!”

♦We often feel misunderstood and often we are!

♦Many times it is hard to even try and really explain how we feel, because we don’t always even understand it!

♦Today we want to notice that we serve a God who understands us!

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The truth remains that God knows us better than we know ourselves!

♦There are times that we are unsure, uncertain and confused, but God is never any of these!

♦We often define God as “omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent” and He is!

♦Not only does God sympathize with us, but He also empathize with us!

♦Sympathy = feeling of pity & sorrow

♦Empathy = able to understand & share in

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I. God Invented Us!♦The very first words we read in the Bible are

“In the beginning God created!”

♦To create & make means to “invent!”

♦Invent = to create or design a new device, process, etc; to make up something new with creative ability (Oxford Dict.)

♦This is exactly what God did! He created, He made us, He invented us!

♦Truly no one understand something better than the one who “invented it!”

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Many would save themselves a lot of trouble if they would simply come to know the one who

invented them and listen to Him!♦The best way to come to understand

what is created, is to get to know the Creator!

♦God has provided for us a manual of why we are here, but we must take time to learn from it!

♦Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth!

♦The BIBLE yes that's the book for me!

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II. God Identifies With Us!♦Not only did God invent us, He also identifies

with us!

♦He knows what it is like to be human!

♦Joh 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

♦Php 2:7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

♦He has walked in our shoes!

♦“but was in all points tempted as we are”

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Keeping in mind that we were created in the “image & likeness of God!” (Gen.

1:26)♦Mankind is the only one out of all of

God’s creation that was created in His image & likeness!

♦We were created to have a closeness with God! (Gen. 3:8-11)

♦God has always desired that we walk with Him! (Gen. 5:21-24; 6:5-9 cf. 1 Jn. 1:7)

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III. God Instructs Us!♦When we come to understand that God

invented us & identifies with us, then it should reason that God is most qualified to “instruct” us! A-men!!!

♦God know what is best for us!

♦The Bible teaches that we “need” God to instruct us! (Pr. 14:12/16:25; Is. 55:8,9l; Jer. 10:23)

♦Pr 3:2 For whom the LORD loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights.

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I would imagine that each of us only wants what is best for our children, and

as this is true with us, it is true with God!

♦He knows what it is like to go through what we are going through and He knows what is best for us!

♦Let’s learn to really trust God with our lives!

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Conclusion:♦Truly we serve an amazing God! A-


♦A God that understands us!

♦He understands us because He...

♦Invented us!

♦Identifies with us!

♦Instructs us!

♦Have you come to know your Maker & Creator? Have you come to trust Him with your life? If not, then why not?

♦He alone knows what is best for us in life!

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