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Page 1: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.

Dr Hans Bruyninckx, 8 May 2017, Conference on Sustainable Tourism, Valletta.

Page 2: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

The European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency is an EU body that operates at the interface of science and policy. With a network of more than 400 institutions in 39 European countries, the EEA provides timely, reliable and relevant information to support sustainable development. The EEA’s work is targeted at EU institutions, EEA member countries, civil society and the general public.

Page 3: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Europe – 1st tourism destination in the world (2011)

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 2011

Inbound tourism by region of destination International Tourist Arrivals, million



1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030







800 Europe


Asia and the Pacific

Middle East



Page 4: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Europe – main source of tourists (2011)

Source: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 2011



1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030








900 Europe


Middle East


Asia and the Pacific

Outbound tourism by region of origin International Tourist Arrivals generated, million

Page 5: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Tourism: a key and growing part of the European economy

The tourism industry directly generates over 5 % of EU GDP - can rise up to 10 %. 2.2 million companies employ 12 million people. 21.5 % of persons employed in the services sector are linked with tourism based activities. (source: Eurostat)

Image credits: from left to right Comrade King, pixabay.com, William Murphy.

Page 6: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Tourism needs a clean and attractive environment

Image credits: ©altournativ.com

Page 7: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Pressures and impacts

Image credits: clockwise from top left: Foundation for Environmental Protection, pixabay.com, IHA Holidays.

Page 8: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Impacts from such growth are significant

Increases in water and land use, food supply, energy consumption and GHG emissions are expected.

Domain Estimated increase over the 2010-2050 period

Energy 164 %

GHG emissions 164 %

Fresh water use 92 %

Land use 189 %

Food consumption 108 %

Source: EEA elaboration from S. Goeesling, P. Peeters, 2015.

Page 9: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

The EU policy response

• European tourism policy is mainly focused on boosting competitiveness.

• No specific legislation related to EU tourism and environment related areas.

• References are found across various sectors and legislation - affects collection and availability of data.

Page 10: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

The European Environment Agency’s work on tourism

• From 2013: development of a reporting mechanism

from indicators linking tourism and environment.

• Topics include water consumption, biodiversity disturbance, environmental certification schemes, potential for eco-tourism.

• EEA report on tourism due out summer 2017.

Page 11: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

EEA Tourism and environment reporting mechanism (TOUERM) indicators DPSIR TOUERM indicators

Drivers D1 - Tourism arrivals D2- Overnights spent at tourism accommodation establishments D3 - Seasonality of tourism D4 - Tourism related modes of transport: number of trips D5 - Tourism related modes of transport (I): Airplane D6 - Tourism related modes of transport (II): Cruises D7 - Most attractive places

Pressures P1 - Tourism density P2 - Tourism intensity P3 - Occupancy rate in tourist accommodation establishments P4- Tourism and leisure pressure on protected areas P5 - Water abstraction by tourism

State S1 - Bathing water quality Impacts I1 - Spatial impact of tourism facilities (I): Golf courses

I2 - Spatial impact of tourism facilities (II): Marina ports I3 - Spatial impact of tourism facilities (III): Ski resorts

Responses R1 - Percentage of destination that is designated for protection R2 - Tourism enterprises using environmental certification / labelling R3 - Blue Flags for beaches and marinas

Page 12: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Tourist arrivals (2014)

Source: Own elaboration from Eurostat, and Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Switzerland, and Turkey national tourism statistics. UK and Belgium data are from 2013.

Page 13: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Percentage of protected areas (2015)

Source: Own elaboration from Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) and EEA data. NUTS 2 applied for Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany.

Page 14: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism awarded parks per country (2016)

Source: Own elaboration from Europarc Federation data

Page 15: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Marina port capacity in the Mediterranean (2015)

Source: Own elaboration based on Plan Bleu, Spanish Yatching Club Association, PortBooker, and EEA data.

No marina data

Page 16: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Share of marina port capacity with Blue Flags (2015)

Source: Own elaboration from Blueflag.global, Plan Bleu, Spanish Yatching Club Association, PortBooker, and EEA data.

Page 17: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Precipitation versus total water use (2016)

Source: EEA, ETC ICM, 2016

Page 18: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Passengers per airport (2013 and change 2009 – 2013)

Source: Own elaboration from Eurostat, EASA, EEA and EUROCONTROL

Page 19: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Cruise passengers (2013 and change 2009 – 2013)

Source: Own elaboration from Eurostat data and MedCruise Statistical Yearbook 2013.

Page 20: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Eco-labelling (2016)

Source: Own elaboration from European Commission’s data 2016

Source: Ecotrans

Page 21: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Environmental management (2016)

Source: Own elaboration from European Commission’s data (2016).

Page 22: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Solutions for individual sectors

Image credits: Clockwise from top left: Edilportale.com, Pixabay.com, Pixabay.com, F. Ceragioli

Page 23: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

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Page 24: A greener tourism sector? Key trends and opportunities.ec.europa.eu/environment/emas/pdf/STC/1. Hans Bruyninckx presentation... · Tourism: a key and growing part of the European

Transport, mobility, accessibility: a systemic issue

A “hypermobile” society. Demand for transport in Europe higher than in 2000. By 2050 passenger transport is projected to grow by more than 50 %. Car transport is the dominant mode in world tourism (77 % of all journeys).

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