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Page 1: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and




Historical Holdings

In the

Eisenhower Library

A Guide to Civil Rights Studies

Compiled by Barbara Constable and Linda K. Smith

Revised by Barbara Constable (12/03)

(Library staff made additional revisions 9/04, 5/05, 4/08)

Page 2: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and


The decade of the 1950s was an era of significant advances in the movement for racial

equality for black Americans. It was the time of desegregation of the United States armed forces,

desegregation of Washington, D.C., Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, and the

Little Rock, Arkansas school integration crisis. This guide presents a survey of historical materials

in the Eisenhower Library that relate to the civil rights movement of the late 1940s and the 1950s.

Files documenting African-American experiences during World War II are also included as are

collections containing information on civil rights during the 1960s and 1970s.

The guide explores the extensive research potential for civil rights topics at the Eisenhower

Library. It is not a complete and comprehensive account, but rather a survey of manuscript

collections with high research potential, manuscript collections of lesser importance, oral history

transcripts, and audiovisual materials.

The guide should not be considered definitive, as the search for pertinent materials was

conducted primarily at the folder title level and not for individual documents. There are, no doubt,

additional references to civil rights topics in the papers of the Eisenhower Library, but locating them

will require a visit to the Library and an intensive search by the researcher.

A complete list of holdings is available upon request. Copies of finding aids for individual

collections are also available through interlibrary loan.

Persons who wish to use material held in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library are required to

submit an application form stating the scope and purpose of their research. Advance application to

the Director facilitates the processing of the request and allows staff archivists time to prepare

materials for the research visit.


Abilene, Kansas 67410

September 2004

Page 3: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and


Students of the civil rights movement during the Eisenhower Administration can find two

very valuable sources of documentation in Dwight D. Eisenhower's Papers as President, 1953-61

(Ann Whitman File), and his Records as President, White House Central Files, 1953-61. These

two collections contain a variety and a depth of coverage on civil rights topics which can be found in

no other collections at the Library.

Reflecting President Eisenhower's personal thoughts, as well as private meetings and

discussions with staff advisers, the Eisenhower Presidential Papers is the richest historical collection

in the Eisenhower Library.

The DDE Diary Series is an important body of material for students of civil rights. The

series contains diary entries and dictated correspondence which reveal the President's thinking on

civil rights topics in general and his private views on the Little Rock situation in particular. There

are memoranda of telephone conversations between the President and Attorney General Herbert

Brownell, as well as copies of official memoranda of the President's conversations in the White


The Administration Series is an important source of correspondence between Eisenhower

and his attorney general. It also contains several folders which deal exclusively with the Little Rock

school crisis. The Ann Whitman Diary Series contains diary entries, letters, memoranda, notes,

minutes, appointment records and other material. The series was created by President Eisenhower's

personal secretary, Ann Whitman, as a file for her daily diary entries which contain, in many cases,

her observations on the highlights of the President's day. In addition, Whitman filed in the diary

such varied material as copies of the President's own diary entries, memoranda of conversations,

including telephone conversations, and copies of correspondence. The Drafts Series is comprised of

drafts of a fairly representative sample of President Eisenhower's letters, messages and statements

written during his first administration. Civil rights topics appear frequently, especially in some of

the personal correspondence.

The Name Series reveals the President's personal views on civil rights through his

correspondence with various individuals such as the Reverend Billy Graham, James F. Byrnes, and

Swede Hazlett.

The Cabinet Series and the Legislative Meetings Series contain material which reflect

Eisenhower's views on civil rights as expressed during meetings with members of his Cabinet and

with congressional leaders. School construction and the Powell Amendment, voting by racial

minorities, racial tensions in the South, and civil rights legislative programs are a few of the topics

discussed and documented during the Cabinet meetings of the Eisenhower administration. Virtually

all legislative meetings from June 1956 to August 1957 deal with some aspect of the civil rights

issues, especially legislative programs.

Page 4: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

The public side of President Eisenhower's civil rights policies can be seen in the Campaign

Series, the Press Conference Series, and the Speech Series. The Campaign Series consists of

proposed statements by then presidential candidate Eisenhower on civil rights. The Press

Conference Series records not only the President's public statements, but also candid remarks on

civil rights made at pre-press conference briefings. The Speech Series contains drafts aid speeches

delivered by the President. This includes Eisenhower's famous September 24, 1957, address to the

nation on the Little Rock situation. The documentation shows that this particular talk underwent

considerable editing prior to delivery.

Eisenhower's Records as President (the White House Central Files) comprise the largest

single collection in the Library, totaling approximately 6,000,000 pages. As a result it is not

surprising that this collection should contain a very substantial quantity of material dealing with civil

rights during the Eisenhower administration. The White House Central Files are organized by an

alphabetical and numerical coding system which permits the civil rights scholar to go rapidly to

those folders which contain large concentrations of materials on his topic. There are five basic series

in the White House Central Files which contain civil rights material.

The Official File contains by far the highest quality and the largest quantity of materials on

civil rights in the White House Central Files. This file contains a substantial quantity of high level

materials reflecting the administration's position on civil rights issues. Some of the subjects

documented include the President's 1953 declaration that he would use his presidential powers to end

segregation in Washington, D.C., the Montgomery bus boycott, integration at the university level in

the South, the lynching of Negroes in the South, and the establishment of the Civil Rights

Commission. One topic which is especially well documented is the Little Rock school crisis and

Arkansas Governor Faubus' use of the National Guard troops.

The General File, which consists largely of public opinion correspondence, contains material

on the Bi-Partisan Committee on Civil Rights, the Civil Rights Division of the Department of

Justice, and race riots. This correspondence covers a wide range of public opinion in the Eisenhower


On the whole, the Confidential File contains the highest level of material in the White

House Central Files, but civil rights materials are scattered. There is a small amount of

correspondence dealing with discrimination in housing and desegregation of the National Guard.

The President's Personal File consists mainly of social correspondence and human interest

letters. However, there are several folders such as the United Negro College Fund, Little Rock and

Racial Affairs which should be consulted as should files for numerous organizations listed in the

PPF 47 section of the President’s Personal File.

The final central files series which contains documentation on civil rights is the Alphabetical

File. This series, which is largely unprocessed, consists of routine letters from the general public,

referral sheets indicating that certain letters were forwarded to government departments for reply,

and cross reference sheets. Those folders which have been reviewed and are available for research

include the names of such important figures as Martin Luther King, Jr., Elbert P. Tuttle, Richard B.

Page 5: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Russell, and J. Strom Thurmond. The folder on the Autherine Lucy case is particularly significant

because it contains most of the materials available on this case in the Library. A list of reviewed

folders, subject to periodic updating, is available at the Library. Files for specific individuals or

topics can be reviewed by the Library staff upon request.

Although the Bulk Mail segment of the White House Central Files is not clearly a series in

its own right, it might be important for some topics. Bulk Mail consists entirely of public opinion

correspondence on such general topics as Little Rock, Governor Faubus, segregation and integration.

Approximately 68,000 pages could be useful to a student compiling a statistical or demographic

study on civil rights.

Students of civil rights should by no means confine their research on the Eisenhower

Administration to Dwight D. Eisenhower's Papers and Records as President, for a variety of other

sources are available at the Library. Of substantial importance are the records of various White

House offices and presidential committees.

The Records of the Office of the Staff Secretary offer the scholar an inside look at the

Little Rock Central High School crisis. Of greatest importance are two volumes of Little Rock

situation reports dating from October 1957 to February 1958. These reports, which were created by

General Edwin A. Walker's staff, give detailed daily accounts of the duties performed by the troops

of the 101st Airborne Division and incidents that occurred at the school.

The Records of the Special Assistant for Personnel Management contain a substantial

quantity of material on the establishment of the Commission on Civil Rights in 1959, school

desegregation, discrimination in housing, and a 1959 study on employment of Negroes in America.

The Records of the Staff Research Group document the progress of school integration in the South

as well as the population shifts of Negroes from rural agricultural areas to large industrial cities.

Of lesser importance are the Records of the President's Advisory Committee on

Government Organization, which includes a limited quantity of material on civil rights issues and

the impact of civil rights upon school construction.

The student of civil rights should also examine the Library's collections of personal papers

and records. The Papers of William P. Rogers span his years as Deputy Attorney General

(1953-57) and as Attorney General (1957-61) and contain extensive documentation on the Little

Rock school crisis, school integration in Alabama, and federal aid to states with segregated school

systems. Of particular note is the correspondence with Little Rock city and school officials and a

Handbook for U.S. Marshals in dealing with anti-civil rights demonstrators.

The Records of E. Frederic Morrow offer a unique perspective on civil rights in the

Eisenhower White House. Morrow, who was Administrative Officer of the Special Projects Group

in the White House from 1955 to 1961, was also the only black member of the White House staff.

Reflecting his unique status, his materials include correspondence with leaders of such influential

organizations as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Subjects covered

include the Civil Rights Bill of 1957, the Commission on Civil Rights, sit-in controversies and the

Page 6: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Little Rock crisis. Researchers should also consult the Papers of E. Frederic Morrow which

contain material on Morrow's book, Black Man in the White House.

The papers of Eisenhower's press secretary, James Hagerty, cover a variety of topics on

civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft

press releases and speeches for the entire Little Rock crisis. Civil rights was also a political issue for

the Eisenhower administration, and this particular concern is especially well represented in the

Records of Bryce N. Harlow, Deputy Assistant to the President for Congressional Affairs

(1958-61). Topics discussed include the Civil Rights Bill of 1957 and the political impact of the

Negro vote. The Records of Wilton Persons, Assistant to the President (1958-61), deal with the

Civil Rights Program of 1959 and the law enforcement difficulties inherent in civil rights


An overview of civil rights materials would not be complete without mentioning a few of the

collections which contain small but important amounts of materials. These collections include the

Papers of Philip Areeda, Special Counsel to the President (1958-61); the Papers of John Foster

Dulles, Secretary of State (1953-59); the Papers of Frederic E. Fox, Special Assistant to the

President (1957-61); the Records of David Kendall, Special Counsel to the President (1958-61); the

Records of I. Jack Martin, Administrative Assistant to the President (1953-58); the Papers of

Robert E. Merriam, Deputy Assistant to the President (1958-61); the Papers of James P. Mitchell,

Secretary of Labor (1953-61); and the Papers of Fred A. Seaton, Secretary of the Interior

(1956-61). Some of the topics documented include the Powell Amendment to school construction

legislation, discussions of congressional leaders on civil rights, proposed civil rights programs to

assist local police in enforcing federal civil rights laws, equal opportunity in housing, the NAACP

convention of 1956, and urban renewal.

Additional collections which contain small, important amounts of civil rights material are the

Records of the Cabinet Secretariat, 1953-60; the Records of the Special Assistant far Executive

Appointments, 1952-61; the Records Officer reports to the President on pending legislation,

1953-61; the Records of the White House Telegraph Office, 1953-61 and the FBI Series of the

Records of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, 1953-61.

For printed sources on the civil rights movement, researchers should consult the news

clippings and publications of the Republican National Committee, 1932-65. Mostly clippings and

some printed material, this collection contains information on such topics as civil rights, integration,

segregation, Negroes, and the Civil Rights Commission.

The Eisenhower Library also has the Papers of Arthur Flemming, Secretary of Health,

Education and Welfare (1958-61). Black civil rights material is scattered throughout Flemming's

papers reflecting his interest in the topic throughout his public service career which spanned six

decades. The highest concentration of material is Flemming's service on the U.S. Commission on

Civil Rights. The material spans the years 1973-1975, and includes approximately 3,200 pages on

Commission studies and reports, congressional testimony, and minutes and briefing materials related

to meetings of the Commission. Flemming’s file reflecting his involvement with the National

Council of the Churches of Christ (NCCC) contains numerous references to racism, poverty, urban

Page 7: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

affairs, equal opportunity and other topics of interest to scholars studying civil rights during the


While the bulk of the civil rights materials in the Library pertain to Eisenhower's presidential

years, there is also documentation from the 1940s. Dwight D. Eisenhower's Pre-Presidential

Papers, 1916-52, and the Papers of Courtney Hicks Hodges contain small amounts of material on

discrimination in the armed forces during World War II. The U.S. Army Unit Records, a duplicate

set of records (originals in the National Archives) contains records of numerous African-American

Units such as the 92nd

and 93rd

Infantry Divisions, the 761st Tank Battalion and many others. The

Papers of Henry Aurand include correspondence concerning African-American troops in World

War II and during the post war period while the Papers of J. Lawton Collins contain pertinent

documentation on race relations during World War II and during the Korean War. The major

collection on civil rights in the 1940s is entitled "Documents re Gillem Board and Negroes in the

Armed Forces, 1945-51." This collection consists of copies of the official War Department Board

Report on Negro Manpower, transcripts of testimony by General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr. and John H.

McCloy before the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed

Forces, March 17, 1949, and pamphlets and news releases on blacks in the armed forces. It is an

excellent source for the student researching the official Army position on the utilization of Negroes

in the armed services.

Although Eisenhower’s Post-presidential Papers are only partially processed, there are

numerous civil rights references in those segments available for research. The civil rights scholar

should consult the Appointment Books Series, Augusta-Walter Reed Series, Special Name

Series, Convenience File, the Secretary’s File and the Principal File Series for each year from

1961 through 1969 for civil rights information. Processing is complete for the Principal File Series

through 1966 with those series for 1967 to 1969 to be reviewed as staff time permits. Please consult

the Library staff for further information on the current status of various series within General

Eisenhower’s Post-Presidential Papers.

Other collections which should also be consulted include the Bertha Adkins Papers,

1907-83; American Assembly Reports, 1960-76; Jack Z. Anderson Papers, 1952-68; Leonard

V. Finder Papers, 1930-69; Gordon Gray Papers, 1946-76; Jarold E. Kieffer Papers, 1953-71

(microfilm); Henry R. McPhee Records, 1953-61; Gerald D. Morgan Records, 1953-61; Merlo

J. Pusey Manuscript and material re Eisenhower the President, 1952-60; and the Records of

the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (Leonard Hall), 1953-57.

In addition to its manuscript holdings, the Eisenhower Library possesses over 500 oral history

transcripts. While the transcripts range in subject matter from Dwight D. Eisenhower's boyhood to

every major topic of the Eisenhower Administration, over twenty-five oral history transcripts deal

with Little Rock. The bulk of these oral histories were furnished to the Library by agreement with

Columbia University and most require permission from the donor before citing or quoting. Many of

the persons interviewed were either school officials, state or federal officials, or members of local

citizen groups. Taken as a whole, these oral histories present a unique and intimate record of the

Little Rock school integration crisis. In addition to the Little Rock oral history transcripts, there are

Page 8: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

numerous other transcripts in the Library holdings which discuss civil rights. For a complete listing

of these transcripts, please refer to the appendix to this guide.

The Eisenhower Library's audiovisual collection, consisting of still photographs, motion

picture film, and audio tapes and discs, also is important for studies of civil rights. There are

photographs of President Eisenhower meeting with various civil rights leaders, signing the Civil

Rights Act of 1957, swearing in the Civil Rights Commission, and delivering his address to the

nation on the Little Rock situation. The Library has most of Eisenhower's major addresses on civil

rights on film and/or sound recordings. Over 12,000 feet of motion picture film deals with civil

rights in general.

Hopefully, this description demonstrates that any scholar of the postwar civil rights

movement should investigate the holdings of the Eisenhower Library, because the Library's

manuscript collections, oral history transcripts, and audiovisual materials include resources that are

vital to understanding the development of one of the most important social movements in our

nation's history.

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Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Papers, Pre-Presidential, 1916-52

Box 1: American F- ANC (misc.) [Memoranda re use of Black Amphibian trucks

at Iwo Jima]

Box 71: John C.H. Lee [Draft statement issued by DDE re use of

volunteers for combat 1/4/45]

Box 80: Marshall, George C. [Letters, DDE to Marshall, January 7 & February 9,


Box 85: NAS-National (Misc.) ltr, DDE to Walter White transmitting message

commending Negro troops’ service under fire on Normandy beaches

Box 87: OD-OE (Misc) memo by William Tryer re problem of segregation and


Box 115: TRE-TRIB (Misc). [correspondence between Eisenhower and Rudolph

Treuenfels regarding segregation in the US armed forces]

Box 149: Messages - Conference For Total Peace, July 12, 1944 [DDE message re

contribution of Negro troops]

Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Papers as President (Ann Whitman File): 1953-61

Administration Series

Box 1: Adams, Sherman (2) [possible appointees to the U.S. Civil

Rights Commission]

Box 8: Brownell, Herbert, Jr. 1955-56 (l)-(3) [civil rights]

Box 8: Brownell, Herbert, Jr. 1957 (l)-(4) [school desegregation]

Box 15: Flemming, Arthur S. 1958 [integration]

Box 19: Hobby, Oveta [ending segregation in schools on federal posts]

Box 19 : Hoover, Jr. Edgar [church bombings in Atlanta]

Box 23: Little Rock, Arkansas (1) (2) [racial integration of Little Rock Central

High School]

Box 24: Lodge, Henry C. 1957-58 (3) [Little Rock]

Box 28 : Nixon, Richard, 1953-57 (5) [DDE's views on civil rights; Gov. James

Byrnes; President's Comm. on Govt. Contracts]

Box 29: Racial Segregation

Boxes 31-32: Rogers, William 1958 (l)-(5) [Little Rock school controversy; civil


ACW Diary Series

Box 3: Aug. 1954 (2) [blacks—note re first attendance of a black

at a cabinet meeting in the history of the nation]

Box 4: ACW Diary March 1955 (4) [industry recruitment and

promotion of minorities]

Box 5: April 1955 (1) (2) [civil rights]

Box 5: May 1955 (5) [DDE conversation with Adam Clayton

Powell on Powell’s attendance at the Bandung

Page 10: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Conference—includes discussion of racial matters]

Box 5: June 1955 (5) [military reserves legislation and segregation

amendments thereto]

Box 8: March 56 Diary ACW (1) [civil rights; Billy Graham and


Box 8: April '56 Diary –acw (1) [Supreme Court and


Box 8: Aug. 56 Diary (1) [the Administration’s position on Brown

vs. Board of Education; DDE’s preferred alternative

solution (vis-à-vis Brown vs. board) to segregation]

Box 8: Aug. 56 Diary (2) [civil rights issue and GOP platform]

Box 8: Sept. 56 DIARY – acw [integration]

Box 8: Oct. 56 DIARY acw (2) [civil rights]

Box 8: Nov 56 DIARY ACW (1) [school integration]

Box 8: Jan '57 Diary (1)

Box 9: July – 1957 ACW DIARY (2) [civil rights bill]

Box 9: August - 1957 – ACW DIARY (1) (2) [civil rights bill]

Box 9: SEPTEMBER – 1957 – ACW DIARY [Little Rock]

Box 9: October ‘57 – ACW DIARY (2) [Little Rock]

Box 9: November ’57 A.C.W. DIARY (1) (2) [Little Rock]

Box 10: ACW Diary Nov 1958 [integration; meeting DDE & Al

Gruenther discussing blood banks and Negro blood,

Louisiana law requiring segregation of blood, and Black

Troops to Australia in WWII]

Box 10: ACW Diary Feb. 1959 [civil rights]

Box 11: [ACW] DIARY March 1960 (1) [civil rights—DDE on

principle at stake in Little Rock]

Cabinet Series

Box 2: Cabinet Meeting of January 4, 1954 [Negro housing loans]

Box 3: Cabinet Meeting of March 12, 1954 [fair employment board]

Box 4: Cabinet Meeting of January 28, 1955 [ report by Attorney General on

Administration’s efforts re discrimination]

Box 6: Cabinet Meeting of March 9, 1956 [racial tensions & civil

rights—report by J. Edgar Hoover at meeting; civil rights program]

Box 7: Cabinet Meeting of March 23, 1956 [civil rights]

Box 9: Cabinet Meeting of May 10, 1957 [school construction &

Powell Amendment]

Box 9: Cabinet Meeting of August 2, 1957

Box 13: Cabinet Meeting of February 27, 1959 [Civil Rights

Commission—copy of presentation by Gordon

Tiffany on Civil Rights Commission

Box 14: Cabinet Meeting of November 6, 1959 [harm to foreign

relations caused by racial discrimination]

Box 15: Cabinet Meeting of December 18, 1959 [Government

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Contracts Committee & racial discrimination]

Box 15: Cabinet Meeting of March 25, 1960 (1)-(2) [Committee on

Government Employment Policy & Discrimination]

Campaign Series

Box 6: Campaign – Suggestions (1)-(3) [civil rights]

Box 6: Civil Rights

Box 8: Eisenhower on Civil Rights [including DDE’s views on

FEPC; testimony by DDE before Senate Committee on

Armed Services, April 2, 1948]

Box 10: Basiline – Beardsley [civil rights and FEPC]

Box 15: Fasano-Ferguson [statements by Senator Lehman on FEPC

and civil rights]

Box 24: Riley – Roberts [including suggestions for statement on

civil rights]

Box 27: Williams – C. Wilson [Negro voting and progress]

DDE Diary Series

Box 3: DDE Diary, Aug.-Sept. 1953 (1) (2) [James Byrnes &

Desegregation; Attorney General’s responsibility for

providing brief to Supreme Court on segregation;

President’s Committee on Government Contracts]

Box 3: DDE Diary – November 1953 (1)-(3) [racial discrimination

in District of Columbia]

Box 4: DDE Diary, Dec. 1953 (1) (2) [DDE to James Byrnes re

pending school desegregation cases]

Box 5: Phone Calls, July-Dec. 1953 (1) (2) [segregation ruling]

Box 5: Phone Calls, Jan.-May 1954 (1)-(3)

Box 9: Diary - Copies of DDE Personal [1955-56] (1)(2)

[conversation with Hobby on segregation and politics]

Box 9: Diary - Copies of DDE Personal 1953-54 (1)-(3) [James

Byrnes on segregation]

Box 9: Phone Calls - Jan.-July 1955 (1)-(3) [segregation]

Box 12: Jan '56 Diary [diary entries re school desegregation]

Box 13: Feb. '56 Miscellaneous (1)-(6) [segregation]

Box 14: March '56 Diary [DDE-Senator George on race relations;

conversation DDE, Humphrey, Mitchell, David McDonald

on racial problems]

Box 14: March '56 Miscellaneous (1)-(6) [DDE to Billy Graham re

race relations; memo re civil rights statement; E. Frederic

Morrow memo to Hauge re Republicans and racial

situation; notes on legislative conference re civil rights]

Box 14: Apr ’56 Miscellaneous (1)-(5) [legislative conference notes

re public housing, civil rights legislation]

Page 12: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 16: June ’56 Miscellaneous (1)-(5) [legislative notes re civil

rights legislation, housing, school construction]

Box 16: July ’56 Miscellaneous (1)-(3) [legislative conference re

civil rights; notes on legislative meeting re school


Box 17: Aug. ’56 Diary – Staff Memos [Senator Bush re platform

discussing civil rights]

Box 19: Oct ’56 Diary—Staff Memos [DDE conversation with

Adam Clayton Powell]

Box 21: Jan ’57 Miscellaneous (1)-(4) [school construction; civil


Box 22: Mar. ’57 Miscellaneous (1)-(4) [notes on legislative

conference re civil rights]

Box 23: Apr ’57 Miscellaneous (1)-(4) [pre-press conference

briefings re civil rights, etc.]

Box 24: May ’57 – Miscellaneous (1)-(5) [press conference

briefings re school construction, civil rights]

Box 25: June '57 - Phone Calls [calls re LBJ and civil rights bill]

Box 25: July 1957 - Phone Calls [DDE to Knowland re civil rights

Bill; to Russell re Neil McElroy, civil rights; DDE to

Brownell re civil rights]

Box 25: July 1957 - DDE Dictation [DDE to James Byrnes re civil

rights & Supreme Court decision; Supreme Court decision

of 1954 and integration]

Box 25: July 1957 – Miscellaneous [pre-press conference notes re

civil rights; legislative conference summary notes re civil

rights; pre-press conferences briefing re civil rights, etc.;

legislative leaders meeting re housing, civil rights, etc.; pre-

press re civil rights, etc.]

Box 25: DDE Diary - 7/1/57 - 8/31/57 [DDE’s views on civil rights

& school segregation case of 1954]

Box 26: August 1957 – Telephone calls [conversations between

DDE & LBJ re civil rights; LBJ re civil rights bill]

Box 26: August 1957 – DDE Dictation [list of possible individuals

for Civil Rights Commission; DDE to Robert Woodruff re

civil rights; DDE to Knowland re civil rights bill]

Box 26: August – 1957 – Memo on Appts. (1)(2) [DDE breakfast

with LBJ re civil rights bill; compromise Justice Dept. civil

rights proposal; legislative leaders’ supplementary notes re

civil rights bill; pre-press notes on civil rights, etc; other

information re civil rights bill]

Box 26: September - 1957 - DDE Dictation [DDE to Harold

Engstrom re Little Rock plus other material on Little Rock,

including interview DDE & Faubus]

Box 27: September 1957 Telephone Calls [Knowland on Little

Page 13: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Rock; DDE to Max Taylor re federalization of National

Guard; several conversations with Brownell, Adams, re

Little Rock, Faubus, etc; memorandum for Hagerty re Little


Box 27: September 1957 Toner Notes [world reaction to US racial

integration incidents]

Box 27: October 1957 Phone Calls [DDE to Hobby re Little Rock;

Brownell re Little Rock]

Box 27: October 1957 Staff Notes [DDE conversation with Faubus;

DDE conference, H. Alexander Smith, re integration]

Box 28: October 1957 DDE Dictation [letters re Little Rock]

Box 28: November ’57 D.D.E. Dictation [DDE to McGill re

Southern situation (civil rights)]

Box 29: November '57 Phone Calls [Kevin McCann re Little Rock

student project]

Box 32: Staff Notes April 1958 (1)(2) [bombing of synagogue &

Negro school]

Box 33: June 1958 - Staff Notes (1)-(3) [list of accomplishments in

field of civil rights & civil liberties; memoranda re DDE

meeting with Negro leaders; “Unfinished Work” exhibit

at Brussels Fair]

Box 35: Staff Memos - July 1958 (1) (2) [DDE & John Hannah of

Commission on Civil Rights; DDE meeting—Harry Byrd re

reciprocal trade & school integration]

Box 35: August 1958 Telephone Calls [Attorney General Rogers re

Little Rock & integration]

Box 35: August 1958 - Staff Notes (1)-(3) [staff notes re integration;

Flemming re integration]

Box 36: DDE Dic Sept. 1958 [DDE to Ralph McGill re equality


Box 36: Telephone Calls - Sept. 1958 [to Attorney General Rogers

re Supreme Court decision on schemes to prevent

integration; to A.G. Rogers re integration & attempts to

exclude Negroes from voting]

Box 36: Staff Notes – Sept. 1958 [memoranda re racial

discrimination in voting in Georgia]

Box 36: DDE Dictation - October 1958 [edited draft letter, school

desegregation, addressed to a Mr. Miller]

Box 37: Staff Notes Nov. 1958 [notes on pre-press briefing re

integration, etc.]

Box 37: Toner Notes - Dec. 1958 [Oklahoma Governor Raymond

Gary & integration]

Box 38: Staff Notes - Dec. 1958 (1) (2) [comments on State of

Union draft—includes school integration; DDE meeting

with Senator Clifford Case re civil rights, urban renewal,

Page 14: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

etc.; meeting with H. Alexander Smith re civil rights &

school integration, school construction]

Box 38: Toner Notes - January 1959 [school integration]

Box 38: Telephone Calls - Jan. 1959 [call to Judge Robert Story re

civil rights; to Attorney General Rogers re Warren &

Supreme Court decision]

Box 39: Toner Notes February 1959 [Virginia desegregation]

Box 39: DDE Dictation February 1959 [DDE letter to Ralph McGill

on race relations; to Robert Woodruff re proposed bill (civil


Box 39: Staff Notes February 1959 (1) (2) [Legislative leaders

meeting re housing, extensive discussion or civil rights,


Box 40: Toner Notes March 1959 [Civil Rights Commission


Box 42: Staff Notes - July 1959 (l)-(4) [Javits meeting with DDE re

civil rights & housing]

Box 42: Staff Notes - August 1959 (1) (2) [legislative leaders

meeting minutes re civil rights, etc.]

Box 47: Staff Notes -January 1960 (1) (2) [DDE meeting—Senators

Cooper and Javits re school construction, civil rights,

depressed areas; legislative leadership meeting minutes—

discuss civil rights, etc.]

Box 48: Telephone Calls March 1960 [to Herter re US race

problem, etc.]

Box 49: DDE Dictation April 1960 [civil rights bill]

Box 49 Toner Notes May 1960 [civil rights—voting]

Box 50: Toner Notes - June 1960 [civil rights]

Box 52: Toner Notes - September 1960 [civil rights]

Box 52: Telephone Calls September 1960 [to Attorney General

Roberts re schools & nonviolent desegregation]

Box 54: Diary - November 1960 [telegrams re New Orleans school


Box 55: Staff Notes, December 1960 [memo of President’s meeting with Vice

President Nixon, RNC Chairman Thurston Morton re outcome of 1960

Presidential Campaign, includes critical comments on Black civil

rights as a campaign issue]

Legislative Meetings Series

Box 1: Meeting of January 26, 1953 [price and rent controls;


Box 1: Meeting of March 23, 1953 [rent controls; public housing]

Box 1: Meeting of March 30, 1953 [civil rights]

Box 1: Meeting of June 15, 1953 [public housing]

Box 1: Notes on Legislative Leadership Conference, December 17-

Page 15: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

19, 1953 [housing program]

Box 1: Meeting of March 30, 1954 [memorandum on public


Box 1: Meeting of April 5, 1954 [housing]

Box 1: Meeting of May 24, 1954 [housing bill]

Box 1: Meeting of June 7, 1954 [housing bill]

Box 1: Meeting of June 14, 1954 [housing program]

Box 1: Meeting of July 14, 1954 [housing]

Box 1: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting December 13,

1954 [housing]

Box 2: Meeting of June 28, 1955 [housing program]

Box 2: Meeting of July 13, 1955 [housing]

Box 2: Meeting of August 2, 1955 [memorandum re housing]

Box 2: Legislative Leaders Meeting, December 12, 1955 [civil

rights; housing]

Box 2: Meeting of March 20, 1956 [memorandum re civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of April 9, 1956 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of April 17, 1956 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of April 24, 1956 [housing]

Box 2: Meeting of June 26, 1956 [civil rights]

Box 2: Minutes of Legislative Meeting held in Gettysburg, July 10, 1956

[housing, civil rights]

Box 2: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, December 31, 1956 [Justice

Department Program – civil rights, etc.]

Box 2: Meeting of January 8, 1957

Box 2: Meeting of January 23, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of January 29, 1957 [civil rights legislation]

Box 2: Meeting of February 5, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of February 26, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of March 12, 1957 [civil rights; Supplementary

Notes re civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of March 26, 1957 [civil rights legislation]

Box 2: Meeting of April 2, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of April 9, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of May 1, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of May 14, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of May 21, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of June 4, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of July 2, 1957 [civil rights debate]

Box 2: Meeting of July 9, 1957 [detailed Supplementary Notes re

Housing—Budget; Civil Rights Bill; memorandum re

housing bill; civil rights legislation]

Box 2: Meeting of July 16, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of July 23, 1957 [civil rights; Supplementary

Notes re civil rights]

Page 16: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 2: Meeting of July 30, 1957 [civil rights; Supplementary

Notes re civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of August 6, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of August 13, 1957 [memorandum re civil rights;

Supplementary Notes re civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of August 20, 1957 [civil rights]

Box 2: Meeting of August 27, 1957 [civil rights bill]

Box 2: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, December 4,

1957 [Supreme Court decisions]

Box 3: Meeting of March 4, 1958 [memorandum re housing]

Box 3: Meeting of March 11, 1958 [detailed notes of discussions

re housing]

Box 3: Meeting of April 29, 1958 [nomination of Gordon Tiffany as staff

director for Civil Rights Commission]

Box 3: Meeting of May 27, 1958 [housing]

Box 3: Meeting of June 10, 1958 [housing]

Box 3: Meeting of July 22, 1958 [housing]

Box 3: Meeting of August 19, 1958 [housing]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, December 15, 1958

[housing; civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting January 20, 1959 [housing]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, January 27, 1959 [housing]

Box 3: Notes on legislative Leadership Meeting, February 3, 1959 [housing;

civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, February 17, 1959 [housing;

civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, April 28, 1959 [housing]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, May 12, 1959 [housing]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, May 19, 1959 [housing]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, June 2, 1959

[civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, June 9, 1959

[civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, July 7, 1959

[housing bill]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting July 14, 1959


Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, July 28, 1959

[civil rights; housing]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, August 11, 1959

[housing; civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, August 25, 1959

[civil rights; housing]

Page 17: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, September 8, 1959

[housing; civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, February 2, 1960

[civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, February 9, 1960

[civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, February 16, 1960 [civil


Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, March 8, 1960

[aid to education & anti-segregation amendment; civil


Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, March 15, 1960

[civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, March 22, 1960

[Civil Rights Bill]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, April 5, 1960

[civil rights]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting, April 26, 1960

[civil rights; housing bill]

Box 3: Notes on Legislative Leadership Meeting August 16, 1960

[civil rights; housing]

Miscellaneous Series

Box 2: Memoranda re Politics [civil rights]

Name Series

Box 3: Byrnes, James F. (1) (2) [school integration; President’s

Committee on Government Contracts]

Box 12: EISENHOWER, Edgar – 1959-60 (2) [civil rights in the


Box 16: Graham, Billy [race relations]

Box 17-18: Hazlett, Swede [check all folders for relevant material]

Box 23: McGill, Ralph [civil rights; southern politics]

Box 33: Thompson, Col. and Mrs. Percy [civil rights]

Box 34: WOODRUFF, R. W. (2)

Press Conference Series

Box 1: Press Conference 12/16/53 [civil rights legislation]

Box 2: Press Conference 8/17/54 [civil rights]

Box 3: Press Conference 12/8/54 [civil rights]

Box 3: Press Conference 6/8/55 [housing; segregation ruling]

Box 4: Press Conference 1/19/56 [civil rights & Powell


Box 4: Press Conference 2/29/56 [segregation & Alabama

University; Montgomery boycott; Stevenson’s proposals for

Page 18: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

White House Conference on Negroes and Whites]

Box 4: Press Conference 3/21/56 [civil rights]

Box 4: Press Conference 4/4/56 [civil rights]

Box 4: Press Conference 4/25/56 [segregation – DDE comment re

Supreme Court]

Box 5: Press Conference 8/8/56 [civil rights platform]

Box 5: Press Conference 9/11/56 [segregation]

Box 5: Press Conference 11/14/56 [Supreme Court and

desegregation on intra-state buses, and DDE’s comments]

Box 5: Press Conference 3/7/57 [civil rights]

Box 5: Press Conference 3/27/57 [civil rights]

Box 6: Press Conference 4/10/57 [civil rights]

Box 6: Press Conference 5/15/57 [civil rights]

Box 6: Press Conference 6/5/57 [amendments to civil rights


Box 6: Press Conference 6/19/57 [civil rights bill; decisions of

Supreme Court]

Box 6: Press Conference 7/3/57 [civil rights bill]

Box 6: Press Conference 7/17/57 [civil rights]

Box 6: Press Conference 7/26/57 [Supreme Court decisions]

Box 6: Press Conference 7/31/57 [civil rights]

Box 6: Press Conference 8/7/57 [civil rights]

Box 6: Press Conference 8/21/57

Box 6: Press Conference 9/3/57 [integration in Arkansas]

Box 6: Press Conference 10/3/57 [Little Rock—considerable


Box 6: Press Conference 10/9/57 [Little Rock; Ghana Minister of

Finance victim of racial prejudice in Delaware]

Box 6: Press Conference 10/30/57 [Little Rock]

Box 7: Press Conference 4/23/58 [Little Rock]

Box 7: Press Conference 8/6/58 [integration esp. in Virginia]

Box 8: Press Conference 11/5/58 [integration]

Box 8: Press Conference 7/8/59 [veto of housing bill]

Box 9: Press Conference 7/15/59 [Civil Rights Bill]

Box 9: Press and Radio Conf. 8/12/59 [civil rights and Little Rock]

Box 10: Press Conference 8/17/60 [civil rights & kneel-ins]

Speech Series

[There are many speeches that include references to “civil rights,”

in general. The following are some that the staff have identified,

but the list should not be considered comprehensive.]

Box 3 State of the Union 2/2/53

Box 4 Speech—Young Republicans Convention—6/11/53

Box 4 Role of the Republican Party 9/21/53 Boston (1)(2)

Page 19: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 4 AF of L, St. Louis (Delivered by Nixon) 9/23/53

Box 14 State of the Union Jan. 1956 (1)(2)

Box 17 Cleveland 10/1/56

Box 17 Lexington 10/1/56

Box 18 Seattle 10/17/56

Box 18 Hollywood Bowl 10/19/56 (1)(2)

Box 19 New York, Madison Square 10/25/56

Box 19 Final Campaign TV Appearance 11/5/56

Box 20 State of the Union 1/10/57

Box 22 Integration-Little Rock, Ark. 9/24/57 [President’s TV and

Radio Speech on the sending of troops to enforce

integration at Central High School]

Box 23 Republican Breakfast 1/31/58

Box 26 National Newspaper Publishers 5/12/58

Box 27 Los Angeles October 20, 1958

Box 27 Televised Panel Discussion Chicago, Ill. 10/22/58

Box 28 Baltimore, Md. 10/30/58

Box 28 State of Union—1959

Box 28 Address before National Press Club (State Planning &

Development Agencies) 1/14/59

Box 30 National Conference on Civil Rights 6/9/59

Box 32 State of Union—Jan. 7, ‘60

Box 35 Message to Congress 8/8/60 (1)(2)

Box 38 Republican Dinner Rally Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Phila.


Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Records as President (White House Central Files)

Confidential File, Subject Subseries

Box 4: American Nationalist

Box 27: Federal Housing Administration (1)(2)

Box 32: Housing and Home Finance Agency [re minority housing]

Box 44: National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, Inc.

Box 61: Racial Affairs [segregation in the National Guard]

Box 62: Russia (1)-(5) [religious, racial and political purges in

Eastern Europe]

Box 99: United States Information Agency (3) [public opinion in

foreign countries of U.S. treatment of Negroes]

Confidential File, Name Subseries

Box 3 Terrell, Mary Church

Official File

Box 2 OF-1 November 1957 (1)-(3) [alleged discrimination in USDA]

Box 84-85: OF 3-M Courts Martial & Pardons – (B) (D) (H)- cases

Page 20: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Involving Robert Burns, Herman Dennis and Isaac Hurt

Box 161: OF 21-D-2 Public Health Service, Freedmen’s Hospital

OF 21-I Howard University

Box 172 OF 25-H Urban Renewal Administration

[NOTE: You may wish to check the entire OF 25 code for

the Housing and Home Finance Agency.]

Box 200 OF 53-A Fair Employment Board

[NOTE: You may wish to entire OF 53 code for Civil

Service Commission]

Box 239: OF 71-U Segregation in D.C.

Box 245 OF 72-A-2 Morrow White House Office, Aides to the

President, Morrow, Everett Frederick

Box 245: OF 72-A-2 Rabb White House Office, Aides to the

President, Rabb, Maxwell M.

Box 246: OF 72-A-2 Siciliano White House Office, Aides to the

President, Siciliano, Rocco C.

Box 272-273: OF 72-A-12 Mail Room Reports

Box 292: OF 85-I Human Rights Commission

Box 321: OF 100-B-4 Fourth Judicial Circuit –nomination of

Simon E. Sobeloff as US Circuit Judge [may want to

Check entire OF-100 –B file for information on

Judicial appointments bearing on civil rights

Box 368: OF 102-B-1 Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights

OF 102-B-2 Constitution of the United States, Freedom of Speech

Boxes 368-69 OF 102-B-3 Constitution of the United States, Civil Rights-Civil

Liberties (1)-(4)

Boxes 369-70: OF 102-B-3-A Constit of the U.S., Civil Rts-Civil Liberties,

Comm on Civil Rts. (1)-(4)

Box 370 OF 102-B-3-A Releases Constit of the US, Civil Rts-Civil

Liberties, Equal Opportunity Day

Boxes 372-378: OF 102-I Government Contracts 1953-1960

Box 378: OF 102-I-1 Government Contracts, President’s Committee on

Contract Compliance

Boxes 378-380: OF 102-I-2 Government Contracts, Government Contract

Committee (1)-(24)

Box 380: OF 102-I-2-A Government Contracts, Government Contract

Committee, National Youth Training Incent Conf

Box 380: OF 102-I-3 Government Contracts, Commission on Equal Job

Opportunities Under Government Contracts

Boxes 406-407 OF 103-U President’s Committee on Govermentt Employment


Boxes 466-67: OF 111-C-1 Schools and Facilities [Note: may see the

entire OF 111-C code for Education]

Box 500: OF 116-N Slavery and Slave Trade

Boxes 523-5: OF 120 through 120-C Housing

Page 21: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 570: OF 133-M Psychological Warfare 1952-53 [Paper by Captain

John D. Silvera, “Color – A Factor In U.S. Psychological

Warfare: An Appraisal and Approach to the Use of The Negro

as PsyWar Themes”

Box 582 OF 138, Indiana [Adam Clayton Powell in support of Eisenhower

in 1956 election]

Box 591: OF 138-A-6 Elections and Voting, Negro Voting

Box 597 OF 130-C-4 Republican Party, Republican Presidential Election (3)

[9/20/52 analysis by Fred Morrow of African-American

attitudes toward DDE]

Boxes 613-14: OF 142 Racial Affairs [Please note: the segment OF 142 through

142 C, Boxes 613-616 constitute one of the most important

bodies of documentation in the Library’s holdings pertaining

to Black civil rights]

OF 142-A Negro Matters-Colored Question (1)-(4)

OF 142-A-1 Negro Matters-Colored Question, Emancipation

Proclamation (Nat’l Freedom Day)

OF 142-A-2 Negro Matters-Colored Question,


OF 142-A-3 Negro Matters-Colored Question, Race Riots

OF 142-A-4 Negro Matters-Colored Question, Segregation (1)-(2)

Boxes 615-16: OF 142-A-5 Negro Matters-Colored Question, Integration Program

for Public Schools, Colleges and Universities (1)-(2)

OF 142-A-5-A Negro Matters-Colored Question, Integration

Program for Public Schools, Colleges & Universities, Little

Rock, Ark School Integration-Gov Faubus’ Use of Nat’l Guard


OF 142-A-6 Negro Matters-Colored Question, Negro Bus Boycott

in Montgomery, Alabama

OF 142-A-7 Negro Matters-Colored Question, Segregation and/or

Integration in Armed Forces

OF 142-B Discrimination

OF 142-C Demonstrations Against Racial and Religious Groups

(Bombings, etc.)

Box 617 OF 143-E Football [1957 Army-Tulane football game and

Louisiana law prohibited non-whites from athletics]

Box 629: OF 147-B-3 Municipalities, Committee to Coordinate Federal

Urban Area Assistance Programs

Box 683 OF 152-E Housing – Veterans (2) [racial restrictions on VA loans]

Box 684: OF 154-A Civil War – War Between the States (1)-(4)

OF 154-A-1 Civil War – War Between the States, Confederate


OF 154-A-3 Civil War – War Between the States, Gettysburg


Page 22: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Boxes 684-85: OF 154-A-4 Civil War – War Between the States, Civil War

Centennial Commission (1)-(4)

Box 734 OF 225Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1957 [proposal by

Rabbi Samuel Edelman to send Negro representatives to USSR]

Box 743 OF 236-F Howard University

Official File, Cross-Reference Sheets

Box 45 OF 21-D Public Health Service

OF 21-I Howard University

Box 47 OF 25-H Urban Renewal Administration

Box 49 OF 53-A Fair Employment Board

Box 53 OF 71-U Segregation in D.C.

Box 54 OF 72-A-2 Morrow, Frederic

Box 54 OF 72-A-2 Rabb, Maxwell

Box 55 OF 72-A-2 Siciliano, Rocco

Box 55 OF 72-A-12 White House Mail 1953-57

Box 55 OF 72-A-12 White House Mail 1958-60

Box 63 OF 85-I Human Rights Commission

Box 77 OF 102-B-1 Bill of Rights

Box 77 OF 102-B-2 Freedom of Speech

Box 77 OF 102-B-3 Civil Rights – Civil Liberties 1952-56

Box 77 OF 102-B-3 Civil Rights – Civil Liberties 1957

Box 77 OF 102-B-3 Civil Rights – Civil Liberties 1958-60

Box 77 OF 102-B-3-A Commission on Civil Rights

Box 77 OF 102-B-3-B Equal Opportunity Day

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts 1953

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1954

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1954

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1955

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1955

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1956

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1956

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1957

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1957

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1958

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1958

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1959

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1959

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts Jan.-June 1960

Box 78 OF 102-I Government Contracts July-Dec. 1960

Box 78 OF 102-I-1 President’s Committee on Government

Contract Compliance

Box 78 OF 102-I-2 President’s Committee on Government


Box 78 OF 102-I-3 Commission on Equal Job Opportunity

Page 23: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Under Government Contracts

Box 81 OF 103-U President’s Committee on Employment Policy

Box 90-91 OF 111 Education [entire code; several folders]

Box 98 OF 116-N Slavery and Slave Trade

Boxes 101-2 OF 120 Housing [entire code; several folders]

Box 117 OF 138-A-6 Negro Voting

Box 122 OF 142 Racial Matters

Box 122 OF 142-A-1 Emancipation Proclamation

Box 122 OF 142-A-3 Race Riots

Box 122 OF 142-A-4 Segregation

Box 122 OF 142-A-5 Integration Program for Schools

Box 122 OF 142-A-6 Negro Bus Boycott in Montgomery,


Box 122 OF 142-A-7 Segregation in Armed Forces

Box 122 OF 142-B Discrimination

Box 122 OF 142-C Demonstrations Against Racial and

Religious Groups

Box 127 OF 147-B-3 Committee to Coordinate Federal Urban

Area Assistance Programs

Box 133 OF 154-A Civil War

Box 133 OF 154-A-1 Confederate Matters

Box 133 OF 154-A-2 Confederate Flag

Box 133 OF 154-A-3 Gettysburg Battlefield

Box 133 OF 154-A-4 Civil War Centennial Commission

Box 150 OF 236-B-3 Freedman’s Hospital

Box 150 OF 236-F Howard University

General File

Boxes 30-36: GF 1-K Government Contracts [several folders in this


Box 41-44: GF 2-B Civil Rights-Civil Liberties (1)-(18)

Box 44-48: GF 2-B-1 Civil Rights – Comm on Civil Rights [several

folders in this code]

Box 68: GF 4-A-1 Chief Justice

Box 69: GF 4-A-1 End Bunche, Ralph

Box 69: GF 4-A-1 End Byrnes, James

Box 69: GF 4-A-1 End Carey, Hon Archibald

Box 70: GF 4-A-1 End Hastie, Hon William H

Box 70: GF 4-A-1 End Parker, John J.

Box 76: GF 4-A-2 End Hastie, William H.

Box 77: GF 4-1-2 End Parker, John J.

Box 77: GF 4-A-2 End Marshall, Thurgood

Box 79: GF 4-C-4 End Figg, Robert M. [argued South Carolina

Side in South Carolina case which was part of Brown

cases; Strom Thurmond wrote to endorse Figg

Page 24: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 79: GF 4-C-4 End Haynesworth, Clement

Box 80: GF 4-C-4 Sobeloff, Simon E. Endorsement (Also

Correspondence con the nomination; pamphlet

“A Christian View on Segregation”

Box 160 GF 7-A Morrow White House Office and White

House Staff E. Frederic Morrow, Adm. Officer

(Spec. Projects) White House Office

Box 340 GF 19-Q Department of Commerce Office of Adviser

on Negro Affairs

Boxes 397-404 GF 50 Housing and Home Finance Agency [several

folders in this code]

Box 908: GF 124 Minority Groups and Racial Affairs

Box 908: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1952-1953

Box 908: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1954

Box 909: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1955

Box 909: GF 124A Negro Affairs 1956

Box 909: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1957 (1) (2)

Box 910: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1958

Box 910: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1959 (1) (2)

Box 910: GF 124-A Negro Affairs 1960

Boxes 910-22: GF 124-A-1 Negro Affairs Segregation [several folders

in this code]

Box 922: GF 124-A-2 Negro Affairs N.A.A.C.P. (1)-(3)

Box 922: GF 124-A-3 Negro Affairs Lynching

Box 922: GF 124-A-4 Negro Affairs Race Riots

Box 922: GF 124-A-5 Negro Affairs Fair Employment Practices

Box 923: GF 124-A-6 Negro Affairs Victor C. Gaspar

Box 923: GF 124-B Demonstrations Against Racial & Religious

Groups (Bombings, etc.) (1)-(3)

Box 924-25: GF 125-B Wars & War Veterans – Civil War

Boxes 972-996: GF 127 Education

Boxes 1157-1163: GF 146 Housing

[NOTE: You should check the General Cross-Reference Sheets for additional materials in the GF


Alphabetical File [Please note: This series, consisting primarily of cross reference sheets

and occasional correspondence is only partially processed. The folders listed below are

available for research. The Library staff reviews specific unprocessed files upon request.]

Box 116 Armstrong, Louis Satchmo

Box 207 Bates, Daisy

Box 316 Birmingham, Alabama

Box 437 Brownell, Herbert, Jr.

Box 590 Carey, Archibald

Page 25: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 775 Davis, Benjamin J., Jr. [Black Communist Party


Box 916: Eastland, James O. (only) [Senator, MS]

Box 1004 Faubus, Orval E.

Box 1160 George, Walter F. (1)-(2) (only) [Senator, GA]

Box 1217 Gosden, Freeman

Box 1479 Housing (1)-(6)

Box 1599 Johnson, Lyndon B. (1)-(10) (only) [Senator, TX]

Box 1695 King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Boxes 1894-5: Autherine Lucy

Box 2167 Morrow, E. Frederic (1) (only)

Box 2211 National Association for the Adv. Of Colored People

(only) [NAACP]

Box 2224 National Urban League

Boxes 2485-2486 Powell, Adam C. Jr. (1)-(9) [Material contains uncoded &

unprocessed Central Files manuscript material in addition to the

usual cross-reference sheets; Congressman, NY]

Box 2526 Rabb, Maxwell (only)

Box 2540 Randolph, A. Philip

Box 2643 Robinson, Jackie

Box 2703 Russell, Richard B. [Senator, GA]

Box 2924 Sobeloff, Simon (Only)

Box 2986 Stennis, John C. (only) [Senator, MS]

Box 3109 Thurmond, J. Strom [Senator, SC]

Box 3113 Till, Emmett Louis (only)

Box 3246 Wallace, George Corley

Box 3264 Warren, Earl (1)-(4) (only)

Box 3268 Washington, Val J. (1)-(7) (only)

Box 3330 White – Walter (only) [NAACP]

Box 3324 White Citizens Council (only)

Box 3349 Wilkins, Roy (only)

President's Personal File

Box 644: PPF 20-X-96 Little Rock Situation 9/24/57

Box 688: PPF 24-B-3

Box 793: PPF 47 American Veterans Committee

Box 804: PPF 47 Catholic Interracial Council of New

York, Inc.

Box 806: PPF 47 Conference on Employment

Opportunities for Minorities

Box 829: PPF 47 National Association of Colored

Women, Inc.

Box 834: PPF 47 National Committee Against

Discrimination in Housing

Page 26: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 835: PPF 47 National Congress of Colored

Parents and Teachers

Box 837: PPF 47 National Council of Negro Women

Box 843: PPF 47 National Negro Business League

Box 843: PPF 47 National Negro Insurance


Box 847: PPF 47 National Urban League

Box 857: PPF 47 Shriners – Colored

Box 861: PPF 47 United Negro College Fund

Box 908: PPF 53-B-1 Avery Memorial A.M.E.

Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Box 909: PPF 53-B-1 Clinton Chapel A.M.E. Zion


Box 910: PPF 53-B-1 First African Baptist Church,

The, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Box 910: PPF 53-B-1 First African Methodist

Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Kansas

Box 910: PPF 53-B-1 First African Methodist

Episcopal Zion Church, Paterson, New Jersey

Box 910: PPF 53-B-1 First African Presbyterian

Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Box 940: PPF 285 Byrnes, James F

Box 943: PPF 348 Sobeloff, Simon E.

Box 944: PPF 358 Brownell, Hon. Herbert

Box 946: PPF 382 Talmadge, Gov Herman E.

Box 956: PPF 692 Carey, Archibald J. Jr.

Box 957: PPF 713 Powell, Hon. Adam Clayton, Jr.

Box 972: PPF 1279 Washington, Booker T.

Box 976: PPF 1490 Morrow, Hon E. Frederic

Box 983: PPF 1813 Campanella, Roy

Box 986: PPF 1940 Moaney, John W. & Mrs. Vivian

Bulk Mail

Little Rock and Gov. Orval Faubus action - 15 boxes

Little Rock and other schools - 4 boxes

Acknowledged letters re Little Rock - 31 boxes

Permanent File (Office of Executive Clerk, Williams Hopkins)

Box 6 Powers of the President, April 13, 1945 to Date [1957

memo re Authority of President to ask Armed Forces to

enforce Civil Rights decrees; Civil Rights Bill and

segregated education]

Page 27: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Post-Presidential Papers

Appointment Books Series

Box 1: DDE Appointment Book- 1962-63 (1)-(9) [civil rights]

Box 2: Calls and Appointments 1964 (1)-(9) [civil rights]

Augusta – Walter Reed Series

Box 1: Goodpaster and Wheeler Briefings (1967) [race riots in America]

Box 2: Kennedy, John F. 1962-67 (1)(2) [civil rights]

Box 5: Drafts (2) [Martin Luther King, Jr.]

Convenience File

Box 1: Little Rock Incident and Chief Justice Earl Warren

1962 Principal File

Box 33: Dulles, John Foster (Mrs.) (Little Rock)

Box 39: Morr [negro issue-JFK]

Box 44: Stri [ACLU; civil rights]

Box 50: Chrono File July 1962 (1)-(5) [use of troops at Little Rock]

1962-63 Signature File

Box 37 Han [Dr. John Hannah, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights]

1963 Principal File

Box 21 IN-2 Invitations Declined (Sp) [A.T. Spaulding-black insurance


Box 24 MB Memberships (W) [Adv. Council for Tuskegee Institute]

Box 36 Bl (1)-(3) [civil rights legislation]

Box 54 Ma (1)-(10) [DDE’s action re Little Rock]

Box 60 Ra (1)-(3) [race relations in Thomasville, Ga.]

Box 62 Sc (1)(2) [President’s Commission on Registration and Voting

Participation; changes in voting and election laws]

Box 62 Sch (1)-(6) [Congressional minority staffing]

Box 63 Sh (1)-(4) [American Civil Liberties Union]

Box 66 Th (1)-(3) [ race relations in Thomasville, GA]

Box 67: Wa (2) [Report of the President’s Committee on Equal Opportunity in

the Armed Forces, June, 1963- First review of policy on this

area since Truman Administration.]

Box 69: Wi (1)-(6) [DDE-high school students-racial difficulties]

1964 Principal File

Box 3 AP-1 Appointments Aproved—Wilkins, Roy; Young;

Whitney, May 21, 1964 [Council for Civil Rights leadership—

Sen. Hugh Scott]

Box 20 PL Political 1964 (2)(3) [civil rights]

Page 28: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 26 Bo (1)-(3) [civil rights, Negroes, and the Republican Party]

Box 27 Br (1)-(6) [reason for sending troops to Little Rock]

Box 30 Ci [civil rights legislation]

Box 31 Cr (1)(2) [Critical Issues Council-civil rights]

Box 33 Ea [DDE to Booker re civil rights]

Box 34 Ei [DDE re Civil Rights Bill]

Box 35: Fi (1)-(4) [equality for Negroes]

Box 35 Fr (1)-(5) [Goldwater and LBJ on civil rights]

Box 37 Go (1)-(4) [Negro problem]

Box 37 Goldwater, Barry (1)(2) [1964 Civil Rights bill]

Box 42 Kuchel, Thomas H. [civil rights bill]

Box 45 McC (2) [civil rights bill]

Box 48 Oe [civil rights legislation]

Box 50 Pr (1)-(4) [reason for sending troops to Little Rock]

Box 50 Re (1)-(5) [Blacks in Republican Party]

Box 51 Sa (1)-(7) [racial problems]

Box 55 Tuskegee Institute

Box 56 Wa (1)-(5) [Black problems; Tuskegee Institute]

Box 57 Wh (1)-(4) [White Supremacy Council]

Box 58 Yo (1)(2) [Black vote in 64, 52, and 56 elections]

1964 Signature File

Box 4 Trips (TR) Republican National Convention, San

Francisco, California, July 13-16, 1954-A thru F [DDE using

Federal troops in Little Rock]

1965 Principal File

Box 13 Memoranda (For the Record or File) (1)(2) [DDE invited

to attend signing of Civil Rights Voting Bill]

Box 32 HER (1)(2) [right to vote statement by DDE]

Box 26 Dirksen, Everett [1963 correspondence re civil rights and

race and equality]

Box 26 DOS [equal rights, and voting]

Box 27 ED (1)(2) [DDE letter to Gov. Scranton endorsing a black

lady for presidency of a State Teachers College]

Box 37 LO (1)-(4) [DDE statement supporting Negro judge in


Box 41 O (1)(2) [Negroes]

Secretary’s Series

Box 1: DDE Drafts (2) [minority representation in executive branch and

White House staff during 1953-61]

Box 2: Politics (PL)-Goldwater, Barry-1964 (2)(3) [civil rights legislation;

civil rights]

Box 9: BI—[DDE on civil rights]

Page 29: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 9: Da—[Civil rights legislation]

Box 10: Eisenhower [the South and integration]

Box 10: K [civil rights]

Box 11: Wa—[civil liberties; Tuskeegee Institute]

Box 12: Bla—[civil rights]

Box 12: Bra—[Herbert Brownell’s role in Eisenhower Administration]

Box 13: Ha—[selection of cabinet in 1952 including such criteria as minority

representation and recognition]

Box 14: McA—[1964 civil rights legislation]

Box 14: O [civil rights]

Box 15: Sh—[desegregation in District of Columbia]

Box 16: Vaughn, Samuel [civil rights]

Box 20: Cla- [DDE letter to General Bruce C. Clarke, May 29, 1967

regarding racial integration of the armed forces. DDE commented

on winter of 1944-45 and need for replacements, positive reports

on performance of Black units including by George Patton]

Box 20: Hibbs, Ben [blacks in the military]

Box 20: J [urban problems]

Box 21: Me—[urban riots]

Speeches Series

Box 1: September 3, 1961 Hagerstown Speech [human dignity]

Box 8: SP-2 Speeches Made By Others—Sent to DDE [1964] (1)-(8) [James

P. Michell on business and civil rights; Richard Nixon on foreign

policy and civil rights]

Box 11: Speech Material (3)(4) [integration]

Special Names Series

Box 10: Hibbs, Ben, 1969 [urban problems]

Box 10: Humphrey, George, 1963-66 (3) [civil rights]

Box 10: Humphrey, George, 1968 [minorities]

Box 13: Nielsen, Aksel, 1967 [federal housing assistance]

Box 14: Nixon, Richard M., 1962 [role of black votes in 1960 campaign]

Box 14: Nixon, Richard M., 1963-66 (1)(3) [civil liberties]

Box 14: Nixon, Richard M., 1968 (1) [civil rights, civil liberties]

Box 15: Roberts, Clifford, 1961 (3) [minorities as golf club members]

Box 19: Strauss, Lewis, 1968-69 [Martin Luther King, Jr.]

Adkins, Bertha: Papers

Box 24: Maryland State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs 10/23/60

Box 24: National Association of Colored Women's Clubs 1/28/61

Anderson, Robert: Papers

Page 30: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 26: Miscellaneous (1) (2) desegregation of schools on military


Box 86: Correspondence 1958 school desegregation

Box 86: Correspondence 1959 civil rights

Box 282: Coh-Col (1) – (5) Gov LeRoy Collins of Florida re segregation

Box 306: Pi-Pn (1) –(3) Virgil Pinkley interview re DDE- includes


Areeda, Philip: Papers

Box 7: Civil Rights

Box 10: Housing

Aurand, Henry S.: Papers, 1873-1967

Box 11: Diary Sept. 8, 1942 – Oct. 29, 1944 [dates for meetings with Truman

Gibson, Jr. on following dates, September 28, 1944, September 5,

1944 (Representatives of Colored Press and T.K.Gibson, Jr), August

21, 1944, July 24, 1944- Col Potter Campbell to confer re hotel for

returned Negro soldiers; July 12,- Preview of film “The Negro Soldier,

February 21- T.K Gibson and showing of film “The Negro Soldier;

December 10, 1943- T.K. Gibson, Jr.]

Box 13: Personal Correspondence, 1944 D-H [Ltr, Truman, Gibson, Jr. to

General Aurand re March 6 showing of film “The Negro Soldier and

mention of visit of Brigadier General B.O. Davis]

Box 15: Commanding General’s Staff Conferences (1) [Remarks of CG at Staff

Conference March 6, 1944- last paragraph contains reference to

General Aurand’s favorable impression of film “The Negro Soldier]

Box 15: Commanding General’s Staff Conferences (2) [Remarks of CG at his

Staff Conference in the Civic Theater 5/10/43, page 11, statement to

effect that “I and all people must be color blind. We must not in any

way differentiate between the pigmented races and the White races”]

Box 21: History of Normandy Base Section

Box 21: History of Provost Marshall Section Normandy Base Section, Oct 1,

1944- May 9, 1945 [several statements regarding Blacks]

Box 43: General Correspondence 1950 A-E [includes letter from General

Carter Clarke re integrating Black troops into combat units in Korea]

Box 46: General Correspondence 1951 T-Z [Maxwell Taylor’s draft report on

Trip to Korea with statements on use of Negro troops (May 1951)]

Benedict, Stephen: Papers

Box 3: 9-24-52 Wheeling, West Virginia (1)(2) [equality]

Box 6: 10-17-52 Newark, New Jersey (1)(2) [“Human Rights,” civil

rights; poll tax; segregation and racism]

Box 6: 10-20-52 Worcester, Massachusetts [equality]

Page 31: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 7: 10-25-52 Harlem (New York City) [civil rights; prejudice and

bigotry; discrimination; equal opportunity]

Box 7: 10-27-52 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [equality of opportunity]

Box 7: 10-19-52 Bronx, New York City [civil rights; discrimination]

Box 7: 10-30-52 Madison Square Garden, New York City [charges

DDE was “anti-Catholic, anti-semitic, and anti-Negro”]

Box 8: Notes on Speech Writing Session 8-2i9-52- speeches for

Southern tour

Box 8: Speech Suggestions (Mostly non-Staff) (1) – (3) memo on

“New South”

Box 12: Labor and Employment [fair employment practice laws]

Box 12: Memos of Meetings, June-July 1954 [slum clearance and

redevelopment programs]

Bookman, George B.: Papers, 1981-93

Box 1: Chapter 10 [civil rights]

Bragdon, John Stewart: Papers, 1954-62

Box 6: Housing

Box 9: Urban Affairs

Bragdon, John Stewart: Records, 1949-61

Box 1: Ad Hoc Interagency Committee Metropolitan Area Problems

Box 1: 701…Administration & Amendment 1959 Urban Planning

(Widnal Amendment)

Box 1: 701…Administration & Amendment 1960 Urban Planning

Box 17: Committee to Coordinate Federal Urban Area Assistance


Box 21: Conference – Cooperative Housing

Box 54: Legislation, Reports & Bills (Urban Renewal Planning) (1)(2)

Box 59: National Association of Housing and Re-Development


Box 59: National Conference on Metropolitan Problems (1)(2)

Box 64: Public Housing

Box 77: Speech – Housing and Home Finance Agency (Feb. 8, 1960,

Washington, D.C.)

Box 79: Speech – National Housing Council (Dec. 2, 1959,

Washington, DC)

Box 84: Urban Renewal

Box 84: Urban Renewal (General)

Page 32: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 84: Urban Renewal Administration – Project Directories HHFA (1)-(3)

Box 85: Urban Renewal - PWPU Data

Box 85: Urban Renewal - Speeches, printed matter

Box 90: Wood, Robert C. (Paper on Urban Affairs)

Brownell, Herbert: Papers, 1887-1988

Box 36: Criminal (1)-(3) [voting rights]

Box 36: Criminal – Warren Olney Interview (1)-(4) [civil rights cases]

Box 67: H (1)-(3) [Harvard Law Review article by Herbert Brownell re


Box 79: T (1)-(3) [Harrison Tweed re Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights]

Box 83: Ci [Benjamin Civiletti re school busing and civil rights]

Box 87 Greenstein, Fred I. (1)-(8) [research on civil rights]

Box 193 Int. No 90 Print No 98 Payment of rents by public welfare Districts

Box 204 Boys Clubs of America (1)-(3) [discrimination by local groups, 1970]

Box 270 Oral History – Brownell Project (2) [interviews of Herbert Brownell re

Little Rock Crisis]

[may wish to check other oral history folders in boxes 270-271; also printed materials

in boxes 272-273]

Brownell, Herbert: Additional Papers, 1897-1996

Box 2: Co (1)-(6) [George Colburn interview re Brown vs. Board of

Education, etc.]

Box 7: Ko (2)(3) [Victor Kramer re DDE’s changes in Brown vs. Board of

Education legal brief]

Box 22: Supreme Court Historical Society [speech re Brown vs. Board of


Box 24: Civil Rights Book – Draft Chapter IV (1)-(3) [Brown vs Board of


Burns, Arthur F.: Papers, 1928-69 [there are many folders on employment, housing, agriculture-

rural development, labor, minimum wage, unemployment, social welfare, the census and the


Box 28: National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing

Box 70: [Railroad Construction Manuscript—Working Papers]—Railroad


Box 109-110: many folders on housing

Box 191: Population—Data, [1870-1930]

Box 208: [Mortgage Bankers Asso. Of America, “A Policy Statement on

Housing and Housing Finance Legislation,” n.d.]

Butcher, Harry C.: Naval Aide to General Eisenhower. Papers, 1919-59

Page 33: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 1: Correspondence Files August 1942 [statement by Commanding

General, ETO (Eisenhower) re 79th

anniversary of Emancipation

Proclamation, including DDE editing on a draft of the statement;

transcript of conversation with a Black soldier for possible broadcast


Box 1: Correspondence September 1942 [United Kingdom memorandum

dated 9/28/42 regarding American forces, includes a section on Black

(Coloured) troops]

Clark, Mark W.: Papers, 1918-1966 (Microfilm copies; originals deposited in the Citadel,

Charleston, South Carolina)

Box 1, Reel 4: November 1944- July 1945 - Includes April 15, 1945 [letter from

General Joseph McNarney to General Mark Clark re operation of

recreational facilities without racial segregation; also letters from

General Edward Almond, Commander, 92nd

Division; brief report on

retreat by elements of 92nd

Infantry Division in February 1945; data on

months overseas by infantry regiments including regiments of 92nd


Cochran, Jacqueline: Papers, 1932-75

General File Series

Box 89: “R” Miscellaneous 1957 – Tom Rees re African Research


Box 91: African Research Foundation 1958

Box 100: African Research Foundation 1959 (1) (2)

Box 110: African Research Foundation 1960 (1) (2)

Box 120: African Research Foundation 1961

Box 130: African Research Foundation 1962

Box 152: “B” Miscellaneous 1964 (1) – (3) Peter Buttenwieser re African

Research Foundation

Box 231: Politics 1970 (1) –(3) political literature contains references to

busing as a political issue

Box 239: Africa- [several folders]

Primary Political Files Series

Box 4: Lincoln Day Dinner, Oakland Memorial Auditorium

February 14, 1956- speech by Val Washington

Box 5: Speech: NAACP, El Centro Apr. 20, 1956

Box 13: Negro Question

Collins, J. Lawton: Papers, 1896-1975

Page 34: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 3: 201 File- Personal Letter File –1944 (5) [Correspondence exchanged

between Generals J.L Collins, M.S. Eddy, R.O. Barton & Lt. Col.

Parker Parker re racial troubles at Red Cross club in Winchester,

England including comments on Ms. Elizabeth McDougald, Director

of the Black service club]

Box 3: 201 File – Personal Letter File 1945 (2) [correspondence, Collins and

General E.M. Almond, Commander, 92nd

Infantry Division]

Box 17: Ridgway, Matthew B. (Gen.) 1941, 1950-1953 – reference to

integration of army units in Korea

Box 22: Racial Integration of Armed Forces, 1949-1953

Box 23: Trip to Far East Command, Jan 24-31, 1953 –Ridgway Letter re

integration of 45th

Infantry Division

Box 46: Interview with Morris J. MacGregor, April 27, 1971- Collins’

responses to MacGregor’s questions re integration of US

Armed forces post-WWII

Council of Economic Advisors, Office of: Records, 1953-61 [check this collection for other

folders of material on housing, employment, wages, labor, urban renewal, etc.]

Box 3: Areas, Depressed [1946-50]

Box 4: Areas, Depressed, Community Assistance (1)-(3)

Box 4: Area Assistance

Box 4: Areas Assistance Task Force

Box 14: [Entire box contains folders on housing.]

Box 17: Legislative Program of Housing and Home Finance [Report, 12/9/57]

Box 25: Chron[ological File]; January, February and March 1959 [JCER

minority views]

Devers, Jacob L.: Papers, 1939-49 [microfilm]

Box 1, Reel 1: Stuttgart Data [504-631] [alleged rape of German woman by

French colonial troops]

Box 1, Reel 4: Stuttgart Notes and Copies [668-796] [behavior of French colonial

troops in Stuttgart, 1945]

Dulles, Eleanor Lansing: Papers, 1880-1984

Box 67: Research Notebooks, 1951-9152, 1966-1967, 1970-1971 (1)-(6)

[slavery and freedom]

Dulles, John Foster: Papers, 1950-59

General Correspondence and Memoranda Series

Box 5: [Miscellaneous Correspondence September 5, 1957 - October 24, 1957]

[Harold Stassen re Little Rock desegregation]

Page 35: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

JFD Chronological Series

Box 11: John Foster Dulles Chronological March 1955 91) – (5) Bandung


Personnel Series [The series is an important source of information on the

staffing of foreign service posts with African-Americans, Jews,

women, and individuals representing various political constituencies.]

Box 1: Evaluation of Chiefs of Mission (1) – (3) Jesse Locker, US

Ambassador to Liberia and issue of Black ambassadorial


Box 1: Name File (Strictly Confidential) [L] (1) (2) Jesse Locker

Box 2: Subject File (Strictly Confidential) –Chiefs of Mission-

Discussions (1) (2) – Jesse Locker and Liberia

Box 3: Subject File (Strictly Confidential) – Negro Problem –[consideration

of Black appointees for Liberia, Haiti, post behind Iron Curtain.

Box 4: Ac-Ay (1) (2) – Marian Anderson as delegate to UN General

Assembly or as Ambassador of good will

Box 4: Bak – Bay – Rhodesia and Central Africa

Box 4: Be – Bl – UNESCO and Black politics in Cincinnati

Box 4: Bowles, Chester – Ambassador to India 1953 (1) –(5) – Walter

White and NAAACP support for Bowles

Box 5: Bre- But (1) (2) Val Washington suggesting Lee Brokenburr as

Possible Negro appointment

Box 6 Edm - Ewi [Dr. Helen G. Edmonds as possible minorities

consultant in State Department or Alternate Delegate to United

Nations; correspondence regarding her background as

university professor and her letter re accompanying President on trip

to Russia]

Box 7 George, Dr. Zelma (1)(2) [correspondence re her background and

possible appointment as Black woman to US Delegation to the United


Box 7: Liberia – Jesse Locker as US Ambassador to Liberia; Samuel

Pierce. Jr., Charles Wesley and A.T. Spaulding as possible candidates

Box 8: Negro Ambassador – Jesse Locker; DDE and positive progress

in race relations; Rumania as post for Clifford Wharton

Box 9: Roa – Rus (1) (2) Carl T. Rowan and pssible position

Box 9: S (1) – (8) – Mrs. Ella P. stewart and Ohio political support for

appointment as consultant on international problems on minority

group matters

Box 10: T (1) (3) Jesse Locker

Box 10: UNGA – inclusion of Blacks and women in US Delegation to UN

General Assembly

Box 10: W (1)-(6) – C. R. Wharton as Minister to Rumania

Box 13: Chronological File – August 1954 (1) – (5) Jesse Locker and Liberia;

appointment of Blacks to diplomatic courier service

Page 36: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 13: Chronological File – September 1954 (1) (4) – Black for Montevideo

delegation; Liberian President Tubman

Box 13: Chronological File – October 1954 (1) (4) Liberian President


Box 13: Chronological File – December 1954 (1) 0 (4) – Black Ambassador to


Box 14: Chronological File – January 1955 (1) –(4) Samuel R. Pierce, Jr

Box 14: Chronological File – February 1955 (1)-(4) recruitment of Black


Box 14: Chron File – May 1955 (1) – (3) Richard Jones as Ambassador to

Liberia; Lt. General John C.H. Lee endorsement of General Benjamin

Davis as Ambassador to Liberia

Box 14: Chron File – June 1955 (1)-(3) General John C.H. Lee and General

Benjamin Davis; Richard Jones and Liberia; Val Washington and

General Benjamin Davis

Box 14: Chron File August 1955 (1) (3) representatives to Ethiopia and

Liberia; Val Washington and inauguration of Liberian President


Box 15: Chron – November 1955 (1)- (3) Val Washington, E. Frederic Morrow

and Liberia; President Tubman’s inauguration

Box 15: Chron – December 1955 (1) – (4) Liberian President Tubman

Box 15: Chron – February 1956 (1) –(4) Val Washington; Val Washington

and list of Blacks in Foreign Service

Box 16: Chron - May 1956 (1) – (4) Val Washington conversation re

Indonesian President Sukarno; Asa Spaulding as member of

UNESCO; Val Washington re Black candidate for delegation to


Box 16: Chron- August 1956- Val Washington and Miss Phillipa Schuyler

Box 16: Chron – September 1956 (1) – (4) Jesse Owens as possible US special

representative to Olympic Games; Val Washington re Larry Steeles

show and American National Theater and Academy

Box 17: Chron – October 1956 (1) – (40 – Val Washington, Pittsburgh Courier

and Olympic Games

Box 17: Chron – December 1956 (1) (2) – Val Washington;

Box 17: Chron – March 1957 (1) – (4) – Val Washington and individual

assigned to Liberia

Box 17 : Chron – April 1957 (1) (4) data sheet listing potential appointees,

including Black and Jewish candidates; Helen Edmonds and Genoa

Washington as prospective Black candidates for UN General

Assembly; Assessment of Dr. Helen Edmonds

Box 18: Chron- May 1957- Val Washington and positions in US Embassy in


Box 18: Chron – June 1957 (1) – (3) Genoa S. Washington, Val Washington

and 12th


Page 37: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 18: Chron – July 1957 (1) (4) – Lawrence Pinckney and race prejudice in

employment; Dr.Helen Edmonds and Latin America; Helen Edmonds

and position of Minorities Consultant

Box 18: Chron – August 1957 91) – (3) Genoa Washington; Minorities

Consultant position

Box 18: October 1957 – Chron File (1) – (3) Dr. William Gray as Minorities

Consultant; Dr. Helen Edmonds

Box 19: November 1957 – Chron File (1) – (3) Dr. Helen Edmonds’ positive

impact in Liberia; Theodore Spaulding and UN Subcommission on

Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

Box 19: December 1957 – Chron File (1) – (3) – Commission on Prevention of

Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

Box 19: Chron File = January 1958 (1) – (3) E. Frederic Morrow and Black

ambassador to white country; Theodore Berry, Val Washington and

Negro Republican politics in Cincinnati

Box 19: Chron File – April 1958 (1) – (3) – National Association of Colored

Women’s Clubs, Inc. Marian Anderson as appointee to US Delegation

to UN

Box 20: Chron File – July 1958 (1) – (3) Dr. Helen G. Edmonds; Dr. John

Johnson of Howard University and Third World Congress in Heart


Box 20: Chron File – October 1958 (10 – (3) UN Subcommission on

Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities

Box 20: Chron File – December 1958 (1) - (3) UN Subcommssion on

Prevention of discrimnation and the Protection of Minorities

Box 21: Chron File – November 1959 – Val Washington and Edward Brooke

Special Assistants Chronological Series

Box 2: Chronological O’Connor & Hanes March 19-31, 1953 91) – (5)

statement re role of American Negro in international relations

Box 4: O’Connor-Hanes Chronological October 1953 (1) – (4)

Agreements with countries re Negro personnel

Box 6: O’Connor – Hanes Chronological August 1954 (1) – (5)

Ambassador Jesse Locker and President Tubman

Box 8: O'Connor - Hanes Chronological May 1955 (1)-(3) [Phi Delta

Phi and racial exclusion]

Telephone Conversations Series

Box 1: Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or from White House) May-June

1953 (1) [Ralph Bunche]

Box 1: Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or from White House) May-June

1953 (2) [FBI clearance of Blacks for Government posts]

Box 1: Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or from White House) July-

October 31, 1953 (1) [Black U.N. delegate and genocide convention]

Page 38: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 1: Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or from White House) July-

October 31, 1953 (5) [Appointment of Negroes]

Box 6: Memoranda Tel. Conv. - Gen. Jan 1957 to February 28, 1957 (5)

[Richard Nixon re Congress, Resolution and re civil rights]

Box 7: Memoranda Tel Conv. September 2, 1957 to Oct. 31, 1957 (3)

[Herbert Brownell and impact of Little Rock crisis on U.S. foreign


Box 9: Memoranda of Tel. Conv. - Gen Jan 4, 1959 to May 8, 1959 (2) [civil

rights bill and Congress]

Box 10: White House Telephone Conversations May-December 31, 1953 (2)

[Appointment of Black to U.N. delegation]

Box 12: Memoranda Tel Conv. - W.H. Sept. 2, 1957 to Dec. 26, 1957(3) [Little


White House Memoranda Series

Box 5: White House Correspondence - General 1957 (4) [Little



Century Military Records, 1918-


Series I: Historical Studies, Air University

Box 2: Legislation Relating to the AAF Training Program 1939-45 [a few

references to legislation aimed at permitting Blacks to serve in AAF]

Box 4: Legislation Relating to the AAF Personnel Program 1939-1945 [a few

references to Blacks]

Box 5: Pilot Transition to Combat Aircraft

Box 10: Participation of the Ninth and Twelfth Air Forces in the Sicilian

Campaign [a couple of references to the 99th

Fighter Squadron]

Box 14: The Reduction of Pantelleria and Adjacent Islands 8 May -14 June

1943 [references to 99th

Fighter Squadron. See in particular note on

page 76 which summarizes 99th

’s activities in area from April to June


Box 18: Development of AAF Base Facilities in the U.S. 1939-1945 [a few

references To Tuskegee Field]

Box 19: Classification and Assignment of Enlisted Men in the Army Air Arm,

1917-1945 [See particularly Chapter VI- Special Group Problems,

pages 110-139- include several pages of discussion on Black troops]

Box 21: History of Preflight Training in AAF 1941-53

Box 33: Air Phase of the Italian Campaign- Brief references to 99th


Squadron and 332nd

Fighter Group

Series III:

Box 3: Study #36- The Training of Negro Troops , Historical Section Army

Ground Forces, 1946

Page 39: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER LIBRARY: Small Manuscript Collections

Box 61 National Archives and Records Administration, Central Plains Region (1)-(2)

[photocopies of the U.S. District Court fugitive slave case Ruel Daggs vs

Elihu Frazier, et al (1850)]

National Archives and Records Administration, Central Plains Region (3)

[photocopies of the U.S. District Court case John Elk vs. Charles Wilkins

(1881) re: citizenship and voting rights for Native Americans]

National Archives and Records Administration, Central Plains Region (4)

[photocopies of the U.S. District Court case Dred Scott vs. John F. A.

Sanford (1857), along with newspaper clipping and reprint of an article]

National Archives and Records Administration, Central Plains Region (5)

[photocopies of the U.S. District Court case Emma Jane Lee vs. the Board

of Education in Festus, Missouri (1943) re: equal pay for teachers

regardless of race]

Eisenhower-Doud: Collection of Clippings and Other Memorabilia, 1911-59

Box 5: Civil War

Finder, Leonard V. Papers, 1930-69

Box 16: Extremist Associations: Citizens Council [Civil Rights]

Box 18: Extremist—Other Papers [Survey of other newspapers re: attacks by

extremist groups]

Box 20: Republican Party – Letters Supporting our anti-extremism Position

Box 32: Civil Rights

Box 32: Housing

Box 34: Schools – Segregation

FitzGerald, Dennis: Papers, 1945-69

Box 29: Telephone Conversations Sept-Oct 1960 (1)-(4) – African-

American Institute and education of African students in US

Box 30: Telephone Conversations April 1961 (1) – (3) – Former Lt.

Governor of Mississippi and Black employees

Box 37: Reading File 7/1/59-12/30/59 (1) – (5) – accusation of racial bias

Box 37: Reading File 6/1/61-6/30/61 (1) -0 (4) Disease control in Africa

Flemming, Arthur S.: Papers, 1939-96

Box 4 Civil Rights [1963-66]

Box 10 Gran – Gray [civil rights]

Box 13 HEW Programs (4)-(12) [civil rights]

Box 18 [Mitchell, James P.] [civil rights]

Page 40: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 53 Commission on Civil Rights (CCR): 159th

Commission Meeting (1)-


Box 54 CCR: 160th

Commission Meeting (1)-(8)

CCR: 161st Commission Meeting (1)-(9)

Box 55 CCR: 161st Commission Meeting (10)-(12)

CCR: Complaint Report

CCR: Correspondence [Commissioners’ conflict of interest]

CCR: [Desegregation in Prince George’s County] (1)-(3)

[Partial draft of a report or book manuscript with corrections by


CCR: Education Amendments of 1972

CCR: Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council (1)-(5)

CCR: Hearings - Boston School Desegregation (1)-(2)

CCR: Miscellany

CCR: “Recent Trends in School Integration”

Box 56 CCR: Report: [Federal Civil Rights] (1)-(13)

CCR: Report: The Federal Civil Rights Enforcement Effort (1)-(3)

Box 57 CCR: Report: The Federal Civil Rights Enforcement Effort (4)-(7)

CCR: Report: Minorities and Women as Government Contractors (1)-


CCR: Report: Twenty Years After Brown (1)-(5)

CCR: Social Security Legislation (1)-(2)

CCR: Women and Poverty Hearings

Box 69 COEBG (Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the

Government), 47-49: Integration of Overseas Administration

Box 100 HEW: (Health, Education & Welfare) Chronological File –

November 1958 (1) [integration situation]

HEW: Chronological File – August 1958 (1) [Integration and

racial discrimination]

Boxes 102- Howard University (1)-(19) [Howard University Centennial

103 Commission Report]

Box 121 NCCC (National Council of the Churches of Christ):

General Board and Office of General Secretary, 1968 (2)

[racism, urban crisis]

Box 122 NCCC: General Board and Office of General Secretary, 1967

(8) [racism]

NCCC: General Board and Office of General Secretary, 1967

(9) [Fair Housing Act]

Box 124 NCCC: General Board and Office of General Secretary, 1964

(2) [civil rights legislation]

NCCC: General Board and Office of General Secretary, 1964

(4) [racism]

Box 125 NCCC: General Correspondence [1968] (8) [racism]

Box 130 NCCC: Meeting: February 11-12, 1964 – Appraisal Committee

of the Commission on Religion and Race (1)-(4)

Page 41: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 131 NCCC: Meeting: April 18, 1964 – Appraisal Committee of the

Commission on Religion and Race (1)-(3) [Civil Rights

Act of 1964]

NCCC: Meeting: May 27, 1964 – Appraisal Committee of the

Commission on Religion and Race

Box 134 NCCC: Miscellaneous, March 1968 (1)-(3) [Urban ghetto poor

(Operation Connection), Urban Coalition]

NCCC: Miscellaneous January 1968 (1)-(2) [Operation

Connection, Investment Program for Ghetto Community


Box 135 NCCC: Miscellaneous 1964 [Commission on Religion and


Boxes 180-81 Urban Coaltion (1)-(16)

Fox, Frederic E.: Papers, 1917-85

Box 12: Minority

Fox, Frederic L.: Records, 1953-61

Box 3: Civil Rights

Box 6: Housing

Box 8: Negro

Box 30: NAACP

Gillem, Alvan C. Jr.: Chairman, Board of Officers on the utilization of Negro Manpower in

the post-war Army, 1945. Collection of documents re Gillem Board and Negroes in the Armed

Forces, 1945-51.

Box 1: Contains copy of War Department Board Report on Negro Manpower,

testimony and documents recording comments, critiques and

observations on performances of Black infantry, artillery, aircraft and

others during WWII, pamplets and news releases. Report evaluated

combat performance in Mediterranean and European Theaters and

performance of platoons and companies. Comments on specific units

such as 92nd

Division, 332nd

Fighter Group, 761st Tank Battalion and

other units.

Gray, Gordon: Papers, 1946-76

Box 1: [Miscellaneous Correspoondence 1951-57] [Civil Rights Program]

Greene, John Robert: Manuscript and materials re The Crusade: The Presidential Election of

1952, 1979-83

Page 42: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 10: Sparkman, South, Civil Rights (1)(2)

Gruenther, Alfred M.: Papers, President’s Commission on an All Volunteer Force Series, 2

boxes- Discuss minorities in military service, including Vietnam

War. See also Boxes 135-136 in Papers of Lauris Norstad.

Hagerty, James C.: Papers

Box 1a: Hagerty Diary December 2, 1954 (civil rights)

Box 1a: Hagerty Diary January 19, 1955 (civil rights)

Box 1a: Hagerty Diary February 9, 1955 (civil rights)

Box 2: Legislative Leaders Meeting, 1953-1954-JCH Notes [6- 15-53,

housing bill; DDE comments on equal rights bill]

Box 2: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1955-JCH Notes [8-2-55,

Housing legislation]

Box 2a: Legislative leaders Meetings, 1956-JCH Notes (2) [3-20-56, civil

rights matters, anti-poll tax bill]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1956-JCH Notes (3) [7-17-56, civil

rights bill, housing; 7-25-56, civil rights]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1957-JCH Notes (1) [1-8-57, civil

rights; 4-9-57, civil rights]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1957-JCH Notes (2) [5-1-57, civil

rights; 5-14-57, civil rights; 5-28-57, civil rights; 6-4-57, civil


Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1957-JCH Notes (3) [6-18-57, civil

rights; 6-27-57, civil rights; 7-9-57, housing legislation, civil

rights; 7-16-57, civil rights]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1957-JCH Notes (4) [7-23-57, civil

rights bill; 7-30-57, civil rights; 8-6-57, civil rights bill, DDE

advised by Val Washington and Fred Morrow to veto any civil

rights bill without teeth]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1957-JCH Notes (5) [8-13-57, civil

rights bill-congressional maneuvers, right to vote; 8-20-57, civil

rights; 8-27-57, civil rights]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1958-JCH Notes (2) [3-4-58,

housing; 3-11-58, housing]

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1958-JCH Notes (4) [5-27-58,


Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1958-JCH Notes (7) [8-19-58,


Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1959-JCH Notes (1) [1-20-59,

housing; 2-3-49, housing, lengthy discussion of civil rights and

integration and segregation]

Page 43: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 2a: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1959-JCH Notes (2) [2-17-59,

housing, civil rights]

Box 3: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1959-JCH Notes (3) [3-10-59,

housing; 4-28-59, housing]

Box 3: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1959-JCH Notes (5) [6-2-59, civil


Box 3: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1959-JCH Notes (6) [7-7-59,

housing legislation]

Box 3: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1959-JCH Notes (7) [7-14-59,

housing bill]

Box 3: Legislative Leaders Meetings, 1960-JCH Notes [8-16-60, civil

rights, discuss going slow on civil rights so as not to anger

Southerners in election year]

Box 3: Memos of Conversation (JCH)-1960 [DDE meeting with Ben

Gurion re Africa and western view of black Africans]

Box 3: Miscellaneous Notes (JCH)-1957 (1) [Little Rock-Brownell]

Box 4: Miscellaneous Notes (JCH)-1960 (2) [civil rights]

Box 4: Miscellaneous Notes (JCH)-Undated (2) [statement by Rogers re

civil rights and integration of schools; meeting notes re


Box 4: President Eisenhower’s Ileitis Operation and Recovery,

June-July 1956-JCH Notes (4) [notes on legislative leaders

meeting at Gettysburg re housing legislation, civil rights; civil


Box 6: Integration--Little Rock, 1957 (1) (2) [Drafts of statements,

releases, press conference transcripts]

Boxes 39-56: James Hagerty’s press conferences

Boxes 59-68: Presidential Press Conference Material

Boxes 69-76: President’s Press Conferences

Boxes 77-79: President’s Speeches and Remarks

Boxes 80-102: Card Index to Hagerty press conferences (51 references to Little


Box 110: Alf M. Landon Correspondence, 1966-1971 [black voters]

Box 110 FBI Correspondence (confidential), 1971-1972 [correspondence

with J. Edgar Hoover, Hoover critical of ABC program “Assault on


Box 110: Government, Misc. Correspondence, 1962-1966 (1)-(4) [Gov.

Sanford of N. Carolina re 1964 Civil Rights Act]

Box 111: JCH Personal Correspondence, 1961 (1)(2) [Ebony article re E.

Frederic Morrow and book, Black Man in the White House]

Box 112 JCH Personal Correspondence, 1967 (1)-(6) [school integration;

multi-culture project; minorities in broadcasting]

Box 123: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Convention and Election, 1964 (1)(2) [Roy

Wilkins, NAACP, re Eisenhower speech at Convention]

Page 44: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Harlow, Bryce: Records (Pre-Acc)

Box 6: Housing and Home Finance Agency

Box 10 Civil Rights (1)(2) [Administration’s Civil Rights Program;

RNC Political Literature re Civil Rights; proposed statement of

Attorney General on Civil Rights; Budget, Justice and Labor positions

on Howard Smith’s Civil Rights Bill; 10-15-55 speech of Val

Washington; FHA Housing]

Boxes 13-14: Housing (1)-(9)

Box 14: Integration – Little Rock, Football Games, A.C. Powell (1)- (3)

[includes excerpts from DDE’s press conferences re integration, 1953-


Box 28: Segregation [Secretary Folsom comments on school construction and

segregation; telegram of Florida Governor Collins on segregation;

Secretary Mitchell address of 1/21/56; Arthur Morgan letter of


Harlow, Bryce N.: Records, 1953-61

National Security File

Box 9: Civil and Social Rights [State of the Union 1953]

Box 9: Civil Rights [State of the Union 1953]

Box 9: Miscellany [Speech Drafts—S.O.U. 1953] [fair employment issue]

Box 11: State of the Union Message (Civil Rights) [1954]

Hazlett, Edward E. “Swede”: Papers, 1941-65

Box 2: 1954 October 23 [segregation issue]

Box 2: 1957 November 18 [civil rights; 1954 Brown vs. Topeka Board of

Education; laws, emotions, and logic re civil rights; school segregation

and social, economic and political patterns; Supreme Court plan; civil

rights legislation; Little Rock situation]

Box 2: 1958 February 26 [service integration]

Hauge, Gabriel: Records, 1952-58

Box 1: [The President] (1)-(2) [housing shortage]

Box 1: [Herbert Brownell, Attorney General] [ending segregation

in Washington D.C.]

Box 1: [General Correspondence, A-Y, 1953-1956] (1)-(2) [employment of


Henry, Laurin L.: Papers, 1952-61

Box 1: Background Information-Eisenhower (1)(2) [clippings re

Page 45: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and


Box 1: Background Information-Stevenson (1)(2) [civil rights]

Box 5: Executive Departments and Agencies-Housing [clippings; FHA

insures mortgages on rental housing; charges that builders of rental

housing made excessive profits; FHA under investigation; housing

plan; report on public housing activities in Los Angeles; funds for

public housing cut; Albert M. Cole, administrator of Housing and

Home Finance Agency]

Box 10: Messages of the President, 1952-1955 (1)(2) [messages on

housing program]

Box 21: 1960 Campaign—Nixon (1)(2) [Nixon won’t promise to

name an African American to Cabinet; housing policy]

Herter, Christian A.: Papers, 1957-61

Box 9: [Chronological File] October 1960 (1) [use of blacks as

representatives to African states]

Box 9: Miscellaneous Memoranda 1958 [Gordon Tiffany and Civil

Rights Commission]

Box 11: CAH Telephone calls 8/15/57 – 12/31/57 (2) [Crystal Fawcett,

Negroes, and Ghana]

Box 11: CAH Telephone Calls 7/1/58 to 9/30/58 (1) [Marion Anderson and use

of blacks]

Box 22: [Personnel – Miscellaneous 1958-61] [ambassadorial posts in African


Hess, Stephen H.: Records, 1959-61

Box 1: Housing Bill, Senate – 1960

Box 3: Urban Renewal Report

Hibbs, Ben: Papers, 1962-69, 1972

Box 2: “To Insure Domestic Tranquility” – The Reader’s Digest

(5/68) [Early drafts were entitled “The Bitter Problems of

Our Slums Can Be Solved.” Note from Eisenhower to

Hibbs, November 1967]

Hobby, Oveta Culp: Papers

Box 18: Freedmens Hospital – General

Box 18: Freedmens Hospital – Personnel

Box 18: Freedmens Hospital Study Commission

Boxes 19-21: White House Conference on Education

Box 35: National Urban League – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Page 46: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

September 8, 1953

Box 37: Tuesday, March 2, 1954 – 11:0 a.m. Howard University

Annual Charter Day Ceremonies – Howard Univ., Washington

Box 43: February 24, 1955 – Freedmen’s Hospital Study commission, DHEW,

Washington, D.C.

Box 45: Speech – Howard University Charter Day, Washington, D.C. Tues.,

Mar. 2, 1954 – 10:30 a.m.

Hodges, Courtney Hicks: Papers, 1904-65

Box 4: 1941-44 Critique 93rd


Box 4: 1941-44 Critique 85th

and 93rd


Box 5: Subject File- Notes on Trips 1943- trip to Camp Van Dorn [re 364th


Box 5: 1941-44-Subject File- Visits, Brig Gen. B.O. Davis 4/3/43

Box 5: Subject File- 201- McNair, L.J. [correspondence re 92nd



Divisions and racial troubles at Camp Van Dorn]

Box 7: 1943-44 Correspondence, Military File [includes letter from

Congressman Thomas Abernathy to Hodges re disturbance at

Camp McCain; also letters exchanged between B.O. Davis and

Hodges re maneuvers and cooperation.]

Howard, Katherine: Papers, 1917-74

Box 6: Miscellany [mention of Mary McLeod Bethune as past Member of

Civil Defense Advisory Committee

Box 6: National Citizen’s Committee for Civil Defense –[lists of names

suggested for membership on this committee- includes names of at

least two Blacks for possible membership

Box 13: “Women as Atomic Age Citizens” (Negro Women)

Box 24: Women in Politics (2) – references to several Black/ Women including

Mrs. Ruth Caston Mueller, Jane Morrow Spaulding; Lois Lippman;

Mrs. Jessie Vann, Roberta Church and others;

Box 25: Confidential – Mrs. Howard- correspondence re “Unfinished

Business” exhibit

Jackson, C.D.: Papers, 1937-1964

Box 6: Intelligence—Paris (1) –(4) [French reaction to Negro troops]

Box 31: Bm-Bo-Misc. [Chester Bowles corres. Re racial problems,

Montgomery bus boycott, Martin Luther King, Jr.]

Box 42: Council For Democracy-Angell, E’45 (1) (2) [Black Americans in


Box 43: Council For Democracy- Executive Committee (1) – (3)

[treatment of Black Americans during WWII]

Page 47: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 43: Council For Democracy-Fund Raising (1) –(3) [minority groups]

Box 44: Council For Democracy-Future Plans [blacks in industry]

Box 44: Council For Democracy- -Misc (1)-(4) [racial discrimination;

skilled black labor]

Box 44: Council For Democracy- Pamphlets-Misc (1) – (7) [booklet,

The Negro and Defense]

Box 55: Freedom House (1)-(4) [Black Americans and the war]

Box 59: Haven, Malcolm D. [racial unrest in South Carolina, 1963]

Box 66: Lincoln Center, 1957 (1)-(3) [slum clearance issue]

Box 69: Log – 1957 (4) [slum clearance]

Box 69: Log-1962-1964 [Communist infiltration of black organizations in


Box 86: Pro Deo-1958 (1)-(3) [reaction of Europeans to race problem or

intergroup conflict in U.S.]

Box 87: Putnam, Carleton [racial matters, 1963]

Box 91: Rockefeller, Nelson A. [Porgy and Bess]

Box 93: St-Misc. (1)-(4) [situation in Little Rock, Ark., 1959]

Box 101: Speech Texts, 1951 (1)-(4) [speech for United Negro College Fund]

Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1958-1963 (1)(2) [fundraising and

Time-Life Inc. contributions; corres. Re President and integration; Dr.

Fred Patterson, former President of Tuskegee Institute re need for

presidential leadership on civil rights and integration]

Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1957 [C.D. Jackson member of

Steering Committee]

Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1955-1956 [John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]

Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1954 [segregation issue]

Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1953 [John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]

Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1952 [paper re communist propaganda

and treatment of Negroes in U.S.; list of college and numbers of


Box 107: United Negro College Fund, 1949-1951 [John D. Rockefeller, Jr.]


material, The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1939-2001.

Box 29: Footnotes & Supplementary Documents 1942 March 16-31 (3)

[includes War Department memorandum on “The Colored Troop

Problem” and related documentation.]

Kansas City Star: Collection of Clippings re Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1942-67

Microfilm Roll No. 1, Envelope No. 1: 9-16-49 Negro Race Has Gone Far

Microfilm Roll No. 1, Envelope No. 14: 5-23-64 Ike Gives No Promises to the


Microfilm Roll No. 2, Envelope No. 141: Civil Rights

Page 48: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Microfilm Roll No. 2, Envelope No. 207: Fair Employment Practices Commission

Microfilm Roll No. 2, Envelope No. 280: Housing Message – 1954

Microfilm Roll No. 3, Envelopes No. 354-355: Little Rock School

Microfilm Roll No. 3, Envelope No. 395: Negroes

Microfilm Roll No. 4, Envelope No. 469: Racial Issues

Microfilm Roll No. 4, Envelope No. 510: Slums

Kendall, David: Records

Box 2: Govt. Implementation of Equal Opportunity in Housing

Box 3: Narcotics (1) (2) reports, correspondence, memoranda including data

on racial composition of users

Box 6: Tennessee Eviction Cases [detailed statements by plaintiffs

documenting personal experiences]

Box 7: Virginia Segregation

Kieffer, Jarold A.: Papers (Microfilm)

Box 1, Reel 4: Civil Rights JK Personal [1029-1069]

Box 2, Reel 12: HOUSING ACT [0969-1054]

Box 2, Reel 12: HOUSING Urban Affairs Dept. JK PERSONAL [1055- 1289]

Box 4, Reel 23: Poverty [0760-0813]

Lambie, James M., Jr.: Records, 1953-61

Box 7: Public Housing 1953

Box 13: Committees on Government Contracts (Including Group Prejudice)


Box 36: Hamlin Reports (1)(2) 1957 [Government Housing programs, College

Housing and Urban Renewal and public housing]

Larson, Arthur: Papers, 1932-88

Box 10: Volume VI August-December 1964 (1)-(10) [foreign views

of US civil rights problems]

Box 12: Volume IX August 1967-December 1968 (1)-(6) [race relations]

Box 22: Memorandum Book October 1957 #1 [meeting with DDE

Oct 1 re Little Rock & school integration; includes DDE Comments on

the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board]

Larson, Arthur and Malcolm C. Moos: Records, 1949-61

Box 7 Civil Rights

Box 10 Integration (1)-(2)

Integration – Hampton Institute

Page 49: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 13 Racial

Box 14 Survey of the Negro Vote in the 1952 Presidential Election by NAACP

Box 15 Voting

Civil Rights

Lee, Robert E.: Papers

Box 3: Paper, “Watts with the FCC,” 1950s [censorship]

Box 5: Speeches, May 1954-Nov. 1958 (1)-(5) [freedom of speech]

Box 6: Speeches, March 1963-March 1969 (1)-(7) [free speech,

censorship, “fairness doctrine”]

Box 7: Speeches, March 1969-Jan. 1973 (1)-(5) [House Concurrent

Resolution 9 orders end to motion pictures and radio and television

broadcasts which demean, degrade, or defame ethnic, racial or

religious groups; censorship]

Box 8: Misc. Speech Materials, 1950-1983 (1)-(3) [impact of

crime on various minorities; report, “Employment of

Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government”]

Lilly, Edward P.: Papers, 1928-1978 – Contains documentation on OWI and racial policies in US

during WWII including information on Negro morale, press, organizations and related matters as

well as material on Nisei-Americans, anti-semitism and discrimination in general. Also contains

Catholic publications in 1930s on African-Americans and Catholicism, lynching and other topics.

Collection currently being processed and is not yet available for research as of 2004. Please

contact the Library staff for further information.

Martin, I. Jack: Records, 1953-58

Box 1: Housing

McPhee, Henry R.: Records

Box 3: Civil Rights Legislation for 1959

Box 4: Integration [1958]

Box 4: Integration Problems [1959-60] [Includes 17 page history of litigation

in Little Rock desegregation case; Memo by E. Frederic Morrow on

student sit-in protests in South; data on schools complying, not

complying and pending action under desegregation orders]

Box 5: Legislative Program – 1957

Merriam, Robert: Papers

Box 1: Congressional Leaders Meetings, Aug. 6, 1957 to Apr. 1, 1958 [civil


Page 50: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Congressional Leaders Meetings, Apr. 9, 1957 to July 30, 1957 [civil

rights; housing]

Box 1: Congressional Leaders Meetings, Dec. 31, 1956 to Apr. 2, 1957 [civil


Merriam, Robert E.: Records, 1955-61

Box 1: Ad Hoc Interagency Committee on Metropolitan Area Problems (1) –

(3) – [material re housing, urban renewal; Population changes in racial

composition and other urban issues

Box 4: District of Columbia [includes copies of home rule bills, S. 659 and

H.R. 2321]

Box 8: Housing

Box 13: Schools

Mitchell, James P.: Papers [in addition to the following folders, there is many folders containing

materials on migratory labor]

Box 7: 1954-61 – Speeches by Secretary Mitchell (1)(2) [address

to the National Urban League; press statement on civil

rights; address to the Equal Opportunity Day Dinner]

Box 36: 1956 - Secretary's Personal File - Confidential -

Miscellaneous (l)-(3) [“A Research Proposal on the

Influence of Discrimination and Equal Opportunity on the

Full Utilization of American Man Power”; minority group


Box 41: 1955 – Secretary’s Album of Clippings – President’s

Committee on Government Contracts (Selected)

Box 43: 1956 – Secretary’s Album of Clippings – President’s

Committee Government Contracts

Box 59: 1960 – Bureau of Labor Statistics – The Labor Force and

Employment (1)(2) [economic situation of Negroes]

Box 77: 1955 Administrative - John Gilhooley – Confidential

[FEPC bills]

Box 78: Administrative 1958 - J. Ernest Wilkins [position paper for the U.S.

delegation at the 42nd

session of the International Labor Conference,

“Discrimination in the Field of Employment and Occupation”]

Box 84: 1956 – Administrative – Samuel R. Pierce, Jr. (Assistant to the Under

Secretary) [biography; paper, “Atomic Energy, Labor and the Future”;

article on Pierce from Ebony magazine]

Box 85: 1955 – Administrative – Roberta Church (Consultant) [Minority

Groups Consultant, Bureau of Employment Security]

Boxes 125-131: President's Committee on Government Contracts

Page 51: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

[numerous folders]

Box 141: 1959 – Miscellaneous Committees [Committee to

Coordinate Federal Urban Area Assistance Programs]

Box 144: 1956 – White House – President [Equal Opportunity Day]

Box 149: 1959 – White House – Special Messages by President to

Congress [civil rights]

Box 169: 1959 – Congressional – The Vice President (August-

September) [Equal Opportunity Day]

Box 176: 1960 – Congressional Committee on Labor and Public

Welfare (January-May) [equal job opportunity]

Box 180: 1959 – Statement of Mitchell before the House Judiciary

Committee on Equal Job Opportunity

Box 181: 1959 – National Legislation – Department of Labor

Legislative Program (1)(2) [civil rights bill]

Box 181: 1959 - National Legislation - Department of Labor

Legislative Program (1) (2)

Box 183: 1960 – National Legislation – Department of Labor Draft

Bills (1)(2) [equal job opportunity]

Box 201: Political – Republic National Committee Publications [The

Republican Party and the Negro]

Moaney, John A., Jr.: Correspondence and memorabilia, 1942-71 [Mr. Moaney was an African-

American who, starting in 1942, served in the U.S. Army on Dwight Eisenhower’s personal staff, at

the White House and at the Gettysburg Farm. He served as Eisenhower’s valet for 27 years.]

Morgan, Gerald D.: Records

Box 6: Civil Rights #1, #2 and #3[ Carleton Putnam tract re segregation; civil

rights legislation; legal memo re Little Rock and school desegregation;

Administration accomplishments

Box 6: Civil Rights Commission

Box 8: Desegregation Problems - Public School

Box 10: Equal Rights Amendment

Box 13: Health, Education & Welfare Dept. (2) – 84 page memorandum “The

Second Morrill Act and the Segregation Cases”

Box 14: Housing

Box 14: Housing – Housing and Home Finance

Box 14: Housing – (Low Cost)

Box 18: Memoranda for Ann Whitman [civil rights]

Box 23: Segregation, Minorities, etc.

Box 29: Voting – Federal Voting Assistance Program

Box 38: Chronological – June 16, 1955 to June 30, 1955 [segregation]

Box 38: Chronological – December 1, 1955 to December 21, 1955

[Republican platform and civil rights]

Page 52: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 38: Chronological – February 20, 1956 to February 29, 1956

[school segregation]

Box 38: Chronological – March 1, 1956 to March 21, 1956 [school


Box 38: Chronological – March 22, 1956 to April 15, 1956 [school


Box 38: Chronological – April 16, 1956 to May 2, 1956 [school


Box 38: Chronological – May 3, 1956 to May 31, 1956 [school


Box 40: Chronological – July 22, 1957 to August 9, 1957 [civil

rights legislation]

Box 40: Chronological – August 12, 1957 to August 24, 1957 [civil

rights legislation]

Box 40: Chronological – September 16, 1957 to September 25,

1957 [civil rights legislation; school integration]

Box 40: Chronological – September 26, 1957 to September 30,

1957 [school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas]

Box 42: Chronological – September 4, 1958 to September 11, 1958

[housing legislation]

Box 42: Chronological – September 12, 1958 to September 25,

1958 [school integration]

Box 42: Chronological – September 26, 1958 to October 27, 1958

[school integration]

Box 42: Chronological – October 28, 1958 to November 19, 1958

[Federal Housing Administration; school integration]

Box 42: Chronological – November 20, 1958 to December 5, 1958

[school integration]

Box 42: Chronological – December 6, 1958 to December 31, 1958

[Civil Rights Act Amendment of 1959]

Box 42: Chronological – January 2, 1959 to January 31, 1959

[segregation in housing]

Box 42: Chronological – February 2, 1959 to February 28, 1959

[school integration; Eisenhower administration’s civil

rights accomplishments]

Box 43: Chronological – May 1, 1959 to May 29, 1959 [racial


Box 43: Chronological – June 1, 1959 to June 30, 1959 [school


Box 43: Chronological – August 3, 1959 to August 31, 1959 [school


Box 43: Chronological – September 1, 1959 to September 14, 1959

[school integration]

Box 43: Chronological – November 2, 1959 to November 30 [civil

rights legislation]

Page 53: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 45: Chronological – May 1, 1960 to March 31, 1960 [civil

rights demonstrations]

Box 48: Housing Legislation

Box 49: Miscellaneous [includes segregation on common carriers]

Box 49: Morrow, Frederic

Morrow, E. Frederic: Papers [Mr. Morrow was an African-American on the Eisenhower White

House Staff. Researchers should view the entire collection as a civil rights resource.]

Box 1: Civil Rights

Box 1: The Negro in the 1956 Campaign

Box 2: Diary – E. Frederic Morrow (1)-(4)

Box 2: Rough Draft – Black Man in the White House (1)-(3)

Box 2: Galley Proof – Black Man in the White House (1)(2)

Box 3: Manuscript – Black Man in the White House (1)(2)

Morrow, E. Frederic: Records

Box 1: Commission on Civil Rights

Box 9: Civil Rights

Box 9: Civil Rights Bill

Boxes 9-10: Civil Rights Clippings and Data (1)-(3)

Box 10: Civil Rights Commission

Box 10: Civil Rights - Official Memoranda - 1960-1957

Box 10: Civil Rights - Official Memoranda - 1956-1955

Box 10: Fact Papers - Civil Rights & Rep. Party Platform

Box 10: General Statistics [Total population of Negroes in the U.S. by State in


Box 10: Inter Racial Affairs – Correspondence and Materials – 1960-1959

Box 10: Inter Racial Affairs – Correspondence and Materials – 1958-1957

Box 11: Inter Racial Affairs – Correspondence and Materials – 1956-1954

Box 11: Little Rock Clippings & Data

Box 11: N.A.A.C.P. [Printed Materials]

Box 11: National Urban League Publications

Box 11: Negro History Week

Box 11: President’s Press Conferences – Civil Rights Reference

Moss, Edward K.: Papers, 1939-70

Box 1: Office of Gov’t. Reports, Memoranda, 1939-1942 (1) (2)

[the Negro press]

Box 1: Office of Gov’t. Reports, Press Intelligence Bulletin, 1940

(1)(2) [housing]

Box 3: Background Materials for Manuscript, “The Way is

Page 54: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Plain…” [human rights and freedoms]

Box 3: Background Materials for Manuscript, “The Way is

Plain…”—Misc. Statements, 1941 (1)-(7) [human rights]

Box 12: White House Conference, “To Fulfill These Rights,” June

1966 (1)(2) [housing]

Box 12: Joint Comm. On Defense Production, Report, 1967

[Housing and Urban Development]

National Federation of Republican Women: Records, 1938-60

Box 148 NF-2(d) “Negroes and the War” 1/27/1943

New York Times, Washington Bureau: Clippings re Dwight D. Eisenhower and some of his

contemporaries, 1912-60

Box 3: Eisenhower – Bigotry

Box 5: Eisenhower – Faubus, Orval E.

Box 6: Eisenhower – Federal Contracts

Box 11: Eisenhower – Montgomery, Alabama

Box 11: Eisenhower – Negro

Box 16: Eisenhower – Slum Clearance

Norstad, Lauris: Papers, 1930-87

Box 11: Operational and Intelligence Summaries, Nos 101-108, June 1-8, 1943

[#102 6/2/43 contains reference to 2 aircraft from 99th


participating in operations.]

Box 12: Status of Aircraft and Combat Crews – Daily Reports- May 15-31,

1943 [reference to 99th

Fighter Squadron]

Box 13: Status of Aircraft and Combat Crews Daily Reports June 1-19,

1943 [Frequent mentions of status of 99th

Fighter Squadron.-

brief information for each entry on number and types of aircraft,

availability of crews]

Box 14: Air Force Participation in Operation Shingle Jan 1- Feb 15,

1944 [large report- check Appendix B- listing Provisional order of

Battle including 79th

Fighter Group (99th

was attached and participated

in this action)]

Boxes 135: President’s Commission on All-Volunteer Force

Odlum, Floyd B.: Papers, 1892-1976

Box 105 Wilkins, Roy – NAACP, 1968-69 [dinner for Wilkins at Odlum ranch]

Paarlberg, Don: Records, 1954-61

Page 55: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 6: Housing (1)-(3) [low-rent housing; public housing rents]

Persons, Wilton E.: Records

Box 1: Civil Rights, 1958-60

Price, Douglas R.,: Records, 1955-60

Box 1: Summary of Major Statements or Recommendations (8) [housing]

Box 2: JSFAC Agenda and Staff Reports, Chicago, October 3-4,

1957 (2) [housing, urban renewal]

Box 3: Washington Meeting [urban renewal]

Box 3: Nashville Meeting [public housing]

Box 5: Chicago Meeting of JFSAC Oct. 26, 1959 (1) [“Report of

Governors’ Conference Special Committee on Residence

Requirements for Public Assistance.”]

Box 9: Federalism (7) [Housing Council]

Box 9: Federalism (8) [urban renewal]

Box 10: Housing and Home Finance [urban renewal]

Box 13: Urban Renewal—Low Rent Housing (1)(2) [public housing

Box 19: Western Governors’ Conferences 1959-1960 (1)-(3)

[residence requirements for public assistance]

Pusey, Merlo J.: Manuscript materials

Box 20: Little Rock (tear sheets)

Pyle, Howard: Records, 1955-59

Box 40: Handbook of Repub. Position of Such Issues as Civil Rights, Govt. in

Business, etc. 1952

Box 47: Housing

Rabb, Maxwell: Papers, 1939-1989

[Please note: this is a selected list of files pertaining to Black Civil rights; users are urged to consult

the finding aid to the Maxwell Rabb Papers to identify items not listed here.]

Box 1 Correspondence, February 1952 [article by Frank Snowden, Jr.

“American Dilemma Seen From Abroad”, comments on civil rights

and American Negro]

Box 1 Correspondence, November 1951 [Boston newsletter with comments

on racism and bigotry re Negroes and Jews in Boston]

Box 3 Dewey Campaign, 1948 [Dewey’s stand on college discrimination, fair

employment practices]

Box 3 Eisenhower Campaign Materials, 1952(1)-(5) [articles re weakness in

Page 56: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Party platforms on civil rights; 1949 quote re civil rights; booklet re

DDE’s views on sixteen key issues including human rights and


Box 4 Eisenhower Campaign Materials, 1952 (1) [articles on Negro soldiers

in Korea]

Box 4 Eisenhower Campaign, 1952 Correspondence (1) [Nixon and

“restrictive covenant” deed]

Box 4 Eisenhower Campaign, 1952 (2) [Rabb comments on civil rights]

Box 4 Eisenhower Campaign, 1952 Correspondence (6) [Governor Driscoll

and civil rights]

Box 5 Eisenhower Campaign, 1952 Correspondence (10) [reference to civil

rights and poll tax]

Box 5 Eisenhower Campaign, 1952-Correspondence (11) [statement on Fair

Employment Practices legislation; attack on DDE for reducing

segregation in armed forces and supporting FEPC]

Box 5 Eisenhower Campaign, 1952-Quotes (1)(2) [civil rights, FEPC]

Box 6 Eisenhower Campaign Statements on Civil Rights and Immigration,

1952 [equality of opportunity; end discrimination in federal

employment; end segregation in nation’s capital; abolish poll tax; end


Box 6 Eisenhower Campaign, Trip File, Texas, April 14-15, 1952 (1)

[brochure with DDE positions including civil rights]

Box 7 Eisenhower-Lodge Campaign Materials, Correspondence, 1952 (2)

[Hagy to Lodge re segregation in housing, civil rights]

Box 7 Fingold, George [assistant attorney General of Massachusetts;

Republicans and minority members]

Box 9 Henry Cabot Lodge Correspondence, 1951 (10)(11) [Fair Employment

Practices Commission]

Box 10 Kennedy File, 1952 Campaign (1)-(3) [civil rights]

Box 10 Lodge Campaign Material, 1952 (3) [article re Lodge being for civil

rights, supports Israel and opposed to communism]

Box 10 Lodge Campaign Material, 1952 (5) [black lodge endorses Herter for


Box 10 Lodge Campaign Material, 1952 (6) [African-American candidates for

State representatives]

Box 11 Lodge Campaign Material, 1952 (7) [“Vote For Civil Rights” poster;

role of minority groups]

Box 11 Lodge Campaign Material 1952 (8) [notes re Lodge support of civil

rights legislation; statistics on black registered voters in


Box 11 Lodge Campaign Materials, 1952-Mason Sears (1) [statement re race


Box 11 Lodge Campaign Materials, 1952-Massachusetts (1) [poster “Vote for

Civil Rights”; note comments on efforts to win support of blacks;

Nixon portrayed as anti-Semitic and anti-Negro]

Page 57: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 11 Lodge Campaign materials, 1952-Massachusetts (3) [reference to civil

rights program]

Box 11 Lodge Campaign Materials, 1952-Massachusetts (4) [definition of

Southern Liberal; states rights; no discrimination on enforcement]

Box 12 Post-Election Correspondence, Nov. 1952-Jan. 1953 (1) [McCarran-

Walter Immigration Act and implications for minority groups]

Box 12 Post-Election Correspondence, Nov. 1952-Jan. 1953 (3) [Rabb to

Adams re commission on segregation practices]

Box 12 Post-Election Correspondence, Nov. 1952-Jan. 1953 (4) [DDE

member of Negro Athlete Hall of Fame]

Box 12 Articles on Civil Rights, 1951 [“Civil Rights in America”,

discrimination, fair employment, Army segregation, role of Supreme

Court, equal protection]

Box 12 Articles on the 1952 Presidential Election [articles on campaign

methods and racial,religious and sectional interests]

Box 13 Legislation, Possible Bills for Jan. 1, 1951 [civil rights]

Box 13 New York File (2) [memo re commission on segregation practices]

Box 13 Republican Advance, Oct. 30, 1950 [favor protection of civil rights of

all people; fair employment legislation]

Box 15 Cabinet Meeting, Aug. 3, 1956 [Republican platform and DDE

acceptance of nomination]

Box 16 Cabinet Meeting, March 23, 1956 [civil rights; DDE re “good sense

and moderation” and “rigid position of Southern Democrats”]

Box 16 Cabinet Meeting, March 9, 1956 [civil rights, NAACP, Citizens’

Councils; right to vote, DDE statement on civil rights and moderate


Box 18 Cabinet Papers, 1955-1958 (1)-(5) [CP 56-48/3, 48/2, 48/1 and 48-

Civil Rights Program]

Box 18 Ba (3) [efforts toward integration; desegregation in Washington; Val

Washington; Emmett Till case]

Box 18 Barnes, William, SBA-Pittsburgh Courier Matter 1956-1958 [SBA

loan policy; Pittsburgh Courier, an African-American publication]

Box 19 Be (3) [Theodore Berenson appointed to President’s Committee on

Government Contracts]

Box 19 Bi [Autherine Lucy and University of Alabama]

Box 19 Bo (1) [Ebony magazine and photo of Frederick Morrow with

President; Booker to Rabb re integration in Washington DC; article in

Jet Magazine]

Box 19 Br (2)(3) [Porgy and Bess Company]

Box 19 Br (7) [article re DDE and African-Americans being deprived of right

to vote; Life article re segregation and discrimination; California

Mother of the Year- an African-American]

Box 19 Br (9) [McCarthy type tactics with minority groups]

Box 20 Bu (1) [Negro housing]

Box 20 Ca (4)(5) [Archibald Carey; American Veterans Committee meeting

Page 58: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

with DDE]

Box 20 Ch(1)(2) [Citizens Councils and Supreme Court; discrimination;

Negro History Week and Robert R. Church from Tennessee]

Box 20 Cl [Dr. Robert Johnson, Negro Elk]

Box 20 Co (3) [report of Committee on Covenant of Human Rights]

Box 20 Da [Davidson to Rabb re NAACP and appointment of commissioners

who favor integration; Walter Fowler; Committee against

Discrimination; Charles Freeman]

Box 20 De (1) [booklet of anti-integration; school situation in District of


Box 21 De (2) [DeCell to Rabb re attempt to abolish public school system in


Box 21 Di [Catholic schools desegregated, black fire departments-Washington


Box 21 Ea [newsletter Right fighting the NAACP]

Box 21 El [efforts to recruit Black voters]

Box 21 En (3) [Frank Horne dismissed as head of racial relations service of

Housing and Home Finance Agency]

Box 22 Fe (3) [EO 10479 prohibiting employment discrimination on basis of

race, color]

Box 22 Fi (1) [Leonard Finder re prejudice, segregation]

Box 23 Fr (5) [fair employment]

Box 23 FR (7) [Frost to President re discrimination in Veterans Administration


Box 23 Ge (1)(2) [African students and African-American relations]

Box 23 Gi (1)(2) [50th

anniversary of Chicago Defender; report on African-

American relations]

Box 24 Gr (1)(2) [Lester Granger correspondence on many African-American


Box 25 I (1) [American Veterans Committee letter re segregation in DC]

Box 25 Ja-J (1)(2) [NAACP; Negro and the Nation]

Box 28 Lawrence, Justus (Jock) and Lawrence Organization (3)(4)

[President’s Committee on Government Contracts]

Box 31 Ma (4)(5) [Report of North Carolina Advisory Committee on

Education and Effort to avoid compliance with Brown vs. Board;

statement by Thurgood Marshall]

Box 32 McCrary, John Reagan, Jr. (Tex) [McCrary urged President to meet

with Thurgood Marshall and Bill Levitt re desegregating housing]

Box 33 McKee, Frederick C (1)-(7) [Common Sense attacks on NAACP;

FEPC bill; Pittsburgh Courier; Mrs. Robert Vann]

Box 34 Mo (2) [Edward P. Morgan comments on Montgomery bus boycott;

Moron to Rabb re Brown vs. Board and integration efforts]

Box 37 Spaulding, Jane M. (1)(2) [African-American Republican; Assistant to

Oveta Culp Hobby]

Box 38 Washington, Val (1)(2) [Director of Minorities, Republican National

Page 59: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Committee; correspondence covers segregation, civil rights legislation,

appointment of blacks, discrimation against black farmers; campaign

strategy and certain Republicans caution re civil rights and other


Box 41 Appointees (Negro)-Active (1)(2) [E. Frederic Morrow; Val

Washington; lists of appointees; Jane Spaulding; influence of James

Byrnes; publicity for anti-discrimination actions of Administration]

Box 41 Appointments (List of Prospective Negro People) [Samuel Howard;

Adam Clayton Powell; Archibald J. Carey, Jr,; William Booker; Jet

article re court cases and ending discrimination in Washington, DC]

Box 41 Bi-Partisan Civil Rights Commission (1)-(3)

Box 42 Civil Rights [Morrow statement for 1956 State of Union message]

Box 42 Civil Rights Committee [Scovel Richardson speech; black officials

in government positions]

Box 43 Civil Rights (SA) (1)-(10) [legislation; accomplishments; black

appointments; Herbert Brownell; Adam Clayton Powell; Thurgood

Marshall; Val Washington; White Citizens Councils; Clarence

Mitchell; Mississippi]

Box 43 Clippings re Discrimination, Segregation, 1953-55

Box 43 Clippings, The Afro-American, 1956

Box 44 District of Columbia [efforts to end discrimination; National Guard

and segregation]

Box 44 Duplicate Clippings 1953-55 (1)-(6)

Box 44-45 Excerpts, etc. from State of Union Messages, Remarks, Releases, and

Speeches by President re Civil Rights etc (1)-(8)

Box 45 FBI and J. Edgar Hoover [NAACP; Emmett Till case; clippings]

Box 45 FEPC Campaign Pledge

Box 45 Fringe Groups and Publications (1)-(8) [claims integration is

destroying army; Supreme Court integration decision blamed on Jews

and Communists; Gerald L.K. Smith; Citizen Councils of Kentucky

demanding DDE’ resignation; NAACP and “mongrelization”;

Common Sense; The Cross and the Flag; Williams Intelligence

Summary; justification of murder of Emmet Till; Joseph Kamp]

Box 46 Hammond File-Porgy and Bess [information specialist and consultant

on minorities with USIA]

Box 46 Horne, Frank and HHFA[firing of Horne as racial relations advisor to


Box 50 Liberia [President Tubman visits US; Val Washington]

Box 51 Messages-Requests for and from Organizations (1)-(4)

Box 51 Mississippi [Emmett Till case; articles re attack on NAACP

officer; Morrow to Rabb re Emmett Till case; White Citizens


Boxes 51-52 NAACP (1)-(8) [Ernest Wilkins; Emmett Till; Thurgood Marshall;

Clarence Mitchell; White Citizens Councils; Walter White; school

desegregation case; desegregation of military facilities; James

Page 60: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and


Box 52 NAAACP Meeting March 10, 1954 (1)-(3) [Walter White; school

segregation cases; DDE speech to NAACP; E. Frederic Morrow;

Walter White]

Box 52 National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing (1)(2)

Box 52 National Community Relations Council J (1)(2)

Box 52 National Guard

Box 53 National Urban League (1)(2) [Lester Granger]

Box 53 Negro Affairs (1)(2a)

Box 53 Negro Agriculture

Box 53 Negro Newspapers and Clippings (1)-(3) [Jet; clippings appointments;

“Republican Party and the Negro”]

Box 53 Negro Speech Makers

Box 53 Negro Vote-Political File, Newspapers, Items (1)-(3) [Afro Magazine;

Chicago Defender; Montgomery Bus Boycott; “What Eisenhower has

Done for the Negro”]

Box 53 Negroes (Situation in Government Departments)

Boxes 54-55 Political File (Powell, Pyle, etc) (1)-(7) [article by Powell; bus boycott;

Val Washington; Fred Patterson of Tuskegee]

Box 55 Porgy and Bess Show, 1955

Box 55 President’s Committee on Government Contracts (1)-(10)

Box 56 Republican National Committee (1)(2) [Val Washington; poll of black

voters in Washington; Jane Spaulding; Dist rict of Columbia League of

Women Voters]

Box 57 School Segregation

Box 57 Scrapbook #1 & #2

Box 57 Secretary of the Navy J (1)(2) [Lester Granger resigned as consultant

to Navy; Navy resistance to integration; report listing bases which

were integrated]

Box 57 Segregation in Housing

Box 57 Segregation-Interstate Commerce

Box 57 Speech Material [speech by Frederic Morrow, 10-14-57]

Box 58 United Nations-Suggested Negro, Jewish Names etc.

Box 58 USS Midway-South Africa Visit, 1955 [integrated ship stopping at

Capetown and diplomatic aspects of visit]

Boxes 58-59 Veterans Administration (1)-(5) [desegregation of facilities and

continuing segregation]

Box 59 Washington, Val, RNC [Washington report to President re 14 Point

Program on Civil rights; Democrats criticism of report and

Washington’s response]

Republican National Committee: Clippings and Publications

Box 14: Civil Rights

Page 61: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 135: Civil Rights: Civil Rights Commission - National Delegates

Assembly for Civil Rights [1956]

Box 135: Civil Rights Commission: (Created by Civil Rights Bill

Passed 1957)

Box 135: Civil Rights Commission: Editorials [1958-61]

Box 135: Civil Rights Commission: Eds. [1947-60]

Box 136: Civil Rights: Eds. - March 1, 1960

Box 136: Civil Rights Commission: Special [1947-60]

Box 136: Civil Rights Commission: Texts [1947-61]

Box 136: Civil Rights Commission: Jan. 1, 1949 - Dec. 31, 1953

Box 136: Civil Rights Commission: Jan. 1, 1954 - Apr. 30, 1957

Box 136: Civil Rights: May 1 - June 30, 1957 - #4

Box 136: Civil Rights: July 1 -15, 1957 - #5

Box 136: Civil Rights: July 16- July 31, 1957 - #6

Box 137: Civil Rights: Aug. 1 -15, 1957 - #7

Box 137: Civil Rights: Aug. 16, 1957 - #8

Box 137: Civil Rights: Oct. 1, 1957 - #9

Box 138: Civil Rights: March 1, 1960 - #10

Box 138: Civil Rights: Feb. 1961 - #11

Box 138: Civil Rights: April 1, 1964

Box 139: Civil Rights: June 10, 1964

Box 139: Civil Rights Commission: July 1964

Box 139: Civil Rights Aides - Aug. 1964

Box 139: [Civil Rights] Segregation and Army Bases [1963-64]

Box 139: Civil Rights: Bias

Box 139: [Civil Rights] Negro: Bias - Discrimination

Box 139: Civil Rights: End of Racial Bias Discrimination in Federally Assisted


Box 139: Civil Rights Bill Becomes Law - Signed by President July 2, 1964

Box 139: Civil Rights Bill after Signing: Editorials - Comments [1964]

Box 139: Civil Rights Bill: Eds. - Comments and Miscellaneous – [1964]

Box 139: Civil Rights Bill and Congress

Box 139: Civil Rights: Business

Box 139: [Civil Rights] China (Red): (U. S. Racial Policy Scored by Peking)

Box 139: [Civil Rights] Church and Bias

Box 139: [Civil Rights] Segregation and Churches

Box 139: [Civil Rights] Segregationists - Citizens’ Councils of America

Box 139: Civil Rights: Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity


Box 139: [Civil Rights] Equal Employment Opportunity: Taylor, Hobart

Box 139: [Civil Rights] Congress of Racial Equality - May 1961

Box 140: [Civil Rights] C. O. R. E. - National Dir., Farmer, James

Box 140: Civil Rights: Democrats

Box 140: Civil Rights: The Negro Doctor

Box 140: Civil Rights and the F. B. I.

Page 62: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 140: Civil Rights: Funds to Enforce - July 1964

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Leaders for Goals of Negroes in U. S. [1964]

Box 140: Civil Rights: Governors [1963]

Box 140: [Civil Rights]: Hospitals and Racial Bars

Box 140: Civil Rights & the House [1964]

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: 1960 (Nov. 1, 1960)

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Post Signing of Civil Rights Bill - Alabama

- July 1964

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - District of Columbia

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Florida

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Georgia

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Iowa

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - King, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Louisiana

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Maryland

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Mississippi

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: New Jersey since C. R. B.

[Civil Rights Bill]

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - New York

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Ohio

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Pennsylvania

Box 140: Civil Rights (Post Signing) - “The South” - July 1964

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - South Carolina

Box 140: [Civil Rights] Integration: Post Signing of C. R. B. [Civil

Rights Bill] - Texas

Box 140: Civil Rights: Invest. - Nov. 14, 1955

Box 140: [Civil] Rights Issues and Minority Groups [1955-56]

Box 140: Civil Rights: Civic and State Jobs [1963-64]

Box 141: Civil Rights: & Pres. Johnson: Dec. 1, 1963

Box 141: [Civil Rights] Kennedy Administration: End of Job

Discrimination - Mar. 1961

Box 141: [Civil Rights] Kennedy: Civil Rights Message - Feb. 28,


Page 63: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 141: Civil Rights: Kennedy’s Bill and Subsequent Hearings –

July 15, 1963

Box 141: Civil Rights: Ku Klux Klan [1963]

Box 141: [Civil Rights] Revived KKK [Ku Klux Klan] - July 1964

Box 141: Civil Rights and Lawyers [1964]

Box 141: [Civil Rights] Lawyers: World Peace Through Law Center [1963]

Box 142: Civil Rights: (Leg.) - As Requested by Pres. Eisenhower

April 9-10, 1956

Box 142: Civil Rights: (Leg.) - Spec. - Apr. 10, 1956

Box 142: Civil Rights: (Leg.) - Texts - Apr. 10, 1956

Box 142: Civil Rights: (Leg.) - Eds. Apr. 10, 1956

Box 142: Civil Rights Legis. (Pres. Johnson) - Mar. 20, 1964

Box 142: [Civil Rights]: Literacy Tests - Mar. 1962

Box 142: Civil Rights Marches: [1964]

Box 142: Civil Rights: The March on Washington - Aug. 29, 1963

Box 142: [Civil Rights: March on Washington & AFL - CIO [1963]

Box 142: [Civil Rights] March on Washington: Rustin, Bayard [1963-64]

Box 142: Civil Rights March: TV and Radio [1963]

Box 142: Civil Rights: Mayors [July 9, 1963]

Box 142: Civil Rights: Mormons [1963]

Box 142: [Civil Rights] N. A. A. C. P. [National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People] - Jan. 1961

Box 142: [Civil Rights] N. A. A. C. P. [National Association for the

Advancement of Colored People] - July 1964

Box 142: [Civil Rights] N. A. A. C. P. - Wilkins, Roy [1964]

Box 143: [Civil Rights] National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs


Box 143: Civil Rights: National Women’s Committee for Civil Rights [1963-


Box 143: [Civil Rights] Negro Units Plea for Lull in Rights Fight Until After

Election [1964]

Box 143: [Civil Rights] Negro and White Women and Kaffeeklatch [1964]

Box 143: Civil Rights: Mrs. Peabody of Massachusetts [1964]

Box 143: U. S. Commission on Civil Rights: [Prsnl.] Clarence Clyde, Jr.


Box 143: Civil Rights Commission: Prsnl. - Hannah, John A. [1957-63]

Box 143: Civil Rights: Prsnl. - Marshall, Burke [1961-64]

Box 143: [Civil Rights] [Prsnl.] Randolph, A. Philip: (Head if

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters) [1963-64]

Box 143: Civil Rights: Prsnl. - Rankin, Robert S. [1960]

Box 143: Civil Rights Commission: [Prsnl.] Robinson, Spottswood W., III


Box 143: Civil Rights Commission: Prsnl. - Storey, Robt. G. [1958]

Box 143: Civil Rights Commission: Prsnl. Tiffany, Gordon MacLe


Page 64: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 143: Civil Rights [Commission]: [Prsnl.] Troutman, Robt. B. [1962]

Box 143: Civil Rights: Postoffice, College Students, etc. - Misc. [1963]

Box 143: Civil Rights: Professors in South [1963]

Box 143: Civil Rights Program: Jan. 1961

Box 143: Civil Rights: Public Accommodations - June 1963

Box 143: Civil Rights: Civil Rights Rally, [Wash.] D. C., Aug. 28, 1963

Box 143: [Civil Rights] Voter Registration, Negro Voters - Aug. 1, 1964

Box 143: Civil Rights: Republicans [1963]

Box 143: [Civil Rights] Reserves and Segregation [Armed Forces] [1963]

Box 143: Civil Rights and Senate Vote: June 19, 1964

Box 143: Civil Rights: Servicemen [1963]

Box 143: Civil Rights (States): A to Z [1948-59]

Box 143: [Civil Rights] Test of “Rights” Bill - General [1964]

Box 143: Civil Rights: Unions and the Negro [1963-64]

Box 438: INTEGRATION ( See also Civil Rights, Negroes, Segregation)

Box 438: Integration: Alabama - Nov. 1960

Box 438: [Integration] Segregation: Alabama - “Birmingham Pact” May 10,


Box 439: [Integration] Alabama: University of Alabama Crisis - June 11, 1963

Box 439: Integration: Alabama - Sept. 1963

Box 439: [Integration] Alabama - “Day of Mourning” - Withholding

Federal Aid, etc. Sept. 1963

Box 439: INTEGRATION (See also Civil Rights, Negroes, Segregation)

Box 439: [Integration] Alabama: President’s Peace Team - Sept. 20, 1963

Box 439: Integration: Alabama - Oct. 1, 1963

Box 439: [Integration]: Alabama: Wallace and 1963-64 School Year

Box 439: Integration: Arkansas - 1961

Box 439: Integration: California - May 1961

Box 439: [Integration] Segregation and Colorado [1963]

Box 439: Integration: Connecticut [1962-63]

Box 439: Integration: Florida - Aug. 1960

Box 439: [Integration] Georgia: King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. - Oct. 1960

Box 439: Integration: Georgia - 1961-64

Box 440: Integration: Illinois - 1962-63

Box 440: Integration: Iowa [1963]

Box 440: Integration: Kentucky - Oct. 1960

Box 440: Integration: Louisiana - Nov. 1, 1960

Box 440: [Integration] Segregation: Maine [1962]

Box 440: Integration: Maryland - May 1961

Box 440: Integration: Maryland - Oct. 1, 1963

Box 440: Integration: Massachusetts - Dec. 1960

Box 440: Integration: Michigan - Aug. 1960

Box 440: Integration: Mississippi - Jan. 1961-Aug. 31, 1962

Box 441: Integration: Mississippi - Oct. 1, 1962 - #2

Box 441: Integration: Mississippi [1962-63] - #3

Page 65: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 441: [Integration] Mississippi - Blame for Riot 9-30-62

Box 441: Integration: Mississippi - Editorials - Sept. 1962

Box 441: [Integration: - Mississippi]: Justice Dept.: Proceedings

Against Gov. Barnett - Nov. 1962

Box 441: Integration: Mississippi - Justice Dept. - Troops - Marshals

Box 441: [Integration:] Mississippi - Letters to the Editor and

comment by others [1962]

Box 441: [Integration:] Mississippi [re Meredith - Evers case, etc.]

Box 441: [Integration:] Mississippi - Press: American and Foreign

Box 441: Integration: Mississippi - Special - Sept. 1962

Box 441: Integration: Mississippi - Texts - Sept. 1962

Box 441: [Integration:] Segregation: Missouri [1963]

Box 441: Integration: Nebraska [1963]

Box 441: Integration: New Jersey [1963]

Box 442: Integration: New York - Nov. 1960

Box 442: Integration: North Carolina [1962-63]

Box 442: Integration: Ohio - 1961

Box 442: Integration: Oklahoma [1963]

Box 442: Integration: Pennsylvania [1962-63-64]

Box 442: Integration: South Carolina [1962-63]

Box 442: Integration: South Dakota [1962-63]

Box 442: Integration: Tennessee - Dec. 1960

Box 442: Integration: Texas - Sept. 1960

Box 442: Integration: Virginia - Dec. 1960

Box 443: [Integration] Segregation: West Virginia [1963]

Box 443: [Integration] Segregation: D. C. [Washington, D. C. - 1960-61-62-63]

Box 443: Integration: Wisconsin [1961-62-63]

Box 443: International Co-operative Administration (See also Foreign Aid)

Box 483: Negroes: See also Civil rights; Integration; Segregation

Box 483: Negro American Labor Council

Box 483: Negroes: American Resettlement Foundation

Box 483: [Negroes]: American Society of African Culture – May 1961

Box 483: Negroes: Marian Anderson

Box 483: Negroes: (Gen.) Appointments (Miscellaneous):

Appointments, non-political

Box 483: Negroes: (Legal) Appointments – Bar, Courts, etc.

Box 483: Negroes: Appointments: Miscellaneous –“Under Ike”

Box 483: Negroes: Appointments – Political Appointmnets

Box 484: Negroes: Baldwin, James

Box 484: [Negroes] Black Muslims, The – Aug. 1962

Box 484: [Negroes]: Black Nationalism

Box 484: Negroes and Communism – July 1963

Box 484: Negroes: Defense – Jan. 1950 – 1953

Box 484: Negroes and Defense: Special

Box 484: Negroes: Denial of Inferiority

Page 66: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 484: Negroes: Frederick Douglass Republican League

Box 484: Negro Job Agency: Hallmark Agency

Box 484: Negroes: National Association of Colored Women

Box 484: [Negroes]: National Bar Association: (A Negro


Box 484: Negroes: National Urban League

Box 484: Negroes: Politics

Box 484: Negroes: Politics – Republicans

Box 484: Negroes and Politics – Special

Box 484: Negro Population and Politics

Box 484: Negroes: Voters - 1956

Box 484: Negroes: (Politics) - Negro Voting (Gen.)

Box 484: Negroes: (Politics) – Voting (States A-Z)

Box 485: Negroes: (Politics) – Voting – Alabama

Box 485: Negroes: (Politics) – Voting – Georgia

Box 485: Negroes: (Politics) – Voting – Mississippi

Box 485: Negroes: (Politics) – Voting – South Carolina

Box 485: Negroes: Robeson, Paul

Box 485: [Negroes]: Segregation: Armstrong, Louis (Satchmo)

Box 485: [Negroes]: Segregation: Communism

Box 485: [Negroes]: Segregational Housing

Box 485: [Negroes]: Segregation: Labor

Box 485: Negroes: Segregation – National Committee on Segregation in

Washington, D. C. – 1950 – 1953

Box 485: Negroes: Segregation – Schools, Supreme Court Decision

Box 485: Negroes: Segregation – (Editorials), Schools, Supreme Court


Box 485: Negroes: Segregation – (Special Texts), Schools, Supreme Court


Box 485: [Negroes]: Segregation: “Sit-ins”

Box 485: Negroes: Segregation – - Special – 1950 – 1953

Box 485: [Negroes]: Segregation: Special – Editorials

Box 486: Negroes: Women



Box 598: Segregation: Arkansas [1957]

Box 598: Arkansas: Segregation – Sept. 24-30, 1957

Box 598: Arkansas: Segregation – Oct. 1-15, 1957

Box 598: Arkansas: [Segregation] – Dec. 1, 1957

Box 651: Civil rights (1)(2)

Box 652: Civil rights (3)(4)

Box 652: Civil rights - GOP Achievements & Progress (1)-(7)

Box 652: Civil rights - GOP Literature

Page 67: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Republican National Committee, Office of the Chairman (Leonard W. Hall): Records,


Box 9: Civil Rights 1953-9

Box 9: Civil Rights 1954-9

Box 9: Civil Rights 1955-9

Box 9: Civil Rights 1956-9

Box 57: Economy 1953-15B (Housing and Rent Control)

Box 57: Economy 1954-15B (Housing and Rent Control)

Box 57: Economy 1956-15B (Housing and Rent Control)

Box 101: Washington, Val 1954-26

Box 105: Washington, Val 1956-26

Box 114: Minority Groups 1953-32

Box 114: Minority Groups 1954-32

Box 114: Minority Groups 1955-32

Box 114: Minority Groups 1956-32

Box 277: Civil Rights 9

Box 277: Controls – Housing & Rent 15-B

Box 277: Minority groups 32

Robinson, William E.: Papers

Box 4: Eisenhower- July –Dec 1967 –brief references to Black Voters

Box 9: Keezer, Dexter M – memorandum re Fair Employment Practices

Commission and desegregation issues in general

Box 9: Nixon, Richard 1968-69- 1968 Presidential campaign

References to Black voters, and campaign issues

Rogers, William P.: Papers

Box 2: Brown, J. - Bru (misc.) [Herbert Brownell re legal arguments in Little

Rock affair]

Box 2: Capu-Cas (misc) [Joseph Caputa re European reaction to Little Rock]

Box 3: Dill-Don [Everett Dirksen re Civil Rights Commission]

Box 4: Eme-Eze [Samuel Ervin re FBI investigation of Mississippi lynching]

Box 4: Pres. Eisenhower, Corres. With May 1958-December 1958

[Little Rock controversy]

Box 6: Jaf-Joh (misc. [Judge Frank Johnson re Civil Rights Act]

Box 8: Law-LEE [David Lawrence re civil rights]

Box 8: McDew-McGra (misc) [Ralph McGill re civil rights]

Box 9: MacMahon-Malone [Patrick Main, ACLU, re civil rights]

Box 11: Rhyne, C.-Richardson, S. (misc) [Charles Rhyne re Little Rock


Box 15: Win-Wof (misc) [Harris Wofford re civil rights]

Box 16: Daily Correspondence 5/54-6/54 [non-discrimination clause

in government contracts]

Page 68: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 16: Daily Correspondence 7/56-8/56 [Justice Department and civil rights]

Box 16: Daily Correspondence 3/57-5/57 [Adam Clayton Powell]

Box 16: Daily Correspondence 6/57-12/57 [Gov. Faubus and Little Rock]

Box 17: Daily Correspondence 5/58-10/58 [Little Rock School and

Supreme Court]

Box 17: Daily Correspondence 3/60-4/60 [school desegregation]

Box 47: Reports-Eight Years (1) (2) [reports by Justice Department

divisions summarizing activities during Eisenhower administration]

Box 50: Nixon, Vice-President (Corres) (2) [non-discrimination clause in

government contracts]

Box 50: Nixon, Vice-President (Corres) (6) [Nixon and discrimination]

Box 50: Nixon, Vice-President (Corres) (7) [Martin Luther King, Jr.

re Civil Rights Bill]

Box 50: Nixon, Vice-President (Corres) (11) [Nixon re civil rights]

Box 51: Orders-Attorney General (2) [civil rights and slavery statutes]

Box 51: Orders-Attorney General (6) [creation of Civil Rights Division]

Box 53: Republican Campaign 1960 (1)-(5) [civil rights]

Box 54: School (l)-(5) [integration and desegregation of public

schools; Little Rock, Arkansas; Huntsville, Alabama]

Box 57: US Attorney Correspondence (L-Z) (l)-(7) [desegregation

of New Orleans; Adam Clayton Powell]

Box 58: U.S. vs. James Griggs Raines (1)-(3) [Georgia court case re

constitutionality of 1957 Civil Rights Act]

Box 58: White House Correspondence, Vol. I [Dec. 1955-Mar.

1956][school construction and integration]

Box 58: White House Correspondence, Vol. II [Oct. 1957-Jan.

1958] [Little Rock court case; Civil Rights Commission]

Box 59: White House Correspondence, Vol. II [Jan.-Apr. 1958]

[civil rights]

Box 59: White House Correspondence, Vol. II [Apr-July 1958]

[civil rights]

Box 61: Letters on Leaving Office (1)-(6) [Sim Delapp re civil

rights and Republican politics]

Rountree, William M.: Papers, 1935-95

Box 2: Correspondence 11/65-10/70 – South Africa

Saulnier, Raymond J.: Papers, 1929-85

Box 11: President’s Task Force on Low-Income Housing, 1969-1970

Schooley, C. Herschel: Papers, 1954-60 and 1975

Page 69: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 2: Green Chronological File 1 October – 31 December 1956

(1)-(3) [racial integration in the military services in Alaska]

Schwesinger, Betty E.: Papers, 1943-64

Box 1 Collins, V.A. Segregation vs Supreme Court Opining on

Integration [pro-segregation statement by private citizen in Texas]

Seaton, Fred A.: Papers, 1900-72

Ewald Research Files Series

Box 3: Civil Rights (1)-(3)

Republican Party Series, 1960 Campaign Subseries

Box 5: Campaign Issues—Civil Rights

Box 5: Campaign Issues—Negro in Cabinet

Speeches Series, Speech Material Subseries

Box 4: Speech Material – HOUSING

Subject Series

Box 9: Civil Rights [Cabinet presentation, 2/27/59]

Seidenberg, Jacob: Papers, 1951-79

Box 1: Civil Rights Commission (1)-(3) [1960 study by Seidenberg re

discrimination in federal employment]

Box 1: Negroes in the Work Group [1950 article by Seidenberg re

employment practices in New York]

Boxes 2-3: Entire Series II: President’s Committee on Government Contracts

Box 3: Conference – Minority Community Resources Jan. 15, 1958 (1)(2)

Box 5: Fair Employment Practice Committee. First Report 1944

Box 5: Fair Employment Practice Committee. Final Report 1946

Box 5: Labor Department. Negroes in Apprenticeship 1967

Box 5: Labor Department. Negroes in the United States 1952

Box 6: Library of Congress, Fair Employment Practice Legislation in

the U.S. 1951

Box 6: President’s Committee on Government Contract Compliance,

1952 Hearings (1)-(3) [background material on training programs of

government agencies]

Box 6: President’s Committee on Government Contract Compliance,

1953 Report

Box 7: Commerce Clearing House, Fair Employment Practices Under

the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Box 7: Commission on Race and Housing, Where Shall We Live?, 1958

Page 70: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 7: Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Federally Supported

Discrimination, 1961

Box 8: New York State Commission Against Discrimination,

Discrimination and Low Incomes, 1959

Box 8: New York State Commission Against Discrimination,

Discrimination and Low Incomes, Pre-publication edition (1)-(5)

Box 8: New York State Commission Against Discrimination,

Negroes in Five New York Cities, 1958

Box 9: Pasley, Robert S., The Nondiscrimination Clause in

Government Contracts, 1957

Box 9: Sheppard, Harold & Herbert E. Striner, Civil Rights,

Employment and the Social Status of American Negroes, 1966

Box 9: Southern Regional Council, The Federal Executive and Civil

Rights, 1961

Box 9: Miscellaneous Literature [samples of racist and anti-semitic literature]

Shanley, Bernard: Diaries, 1951-57

Box 2: IV- White House Days (5) 6/18/53 re District desegregation bill

Box 3: VII White House Years (3), p. 1925- re Robert S. Abbott

Memorial Award to DDE re accomplishments in field of desegregation

Smith, Gerard C.: Papers, 1951-96

Box 8: M – Miscellaneous (1)(2) [racism at Metropolitan Club]

Smith, James Hopkins, Jr.: Papers, 1932-1980

Box 1: Morton (Smith, Sabin, Davis), Pauline, Diary, 1947-1949 [civil

rights program]

Box 4: ICA Chron File, Jan. 1958 [“superior race” attitude]

Box 4: ICA Chron File, March 1958 [impact of Little Rock and

Sputnik and recession in U.S.]

Box 5: ICA Chron File, Nov.-Dec. 1958 [multi-racial school in Kenya]

Box 5: ICA Chron File, Jan.-Feb. 1959 [Nkrumah and restrictions of

civil liberties in Ghana]

Smith, Walter Bedell: Collection of World war II Documents, 1941-45

Box 50: Richardson Reports 1944-45 (1) [one page report “The Negro

Soldier” (2) – 2 page report on Negro troops]

Steele, John L.: Papers, 1955-68

Box 1: 1957-59 [DDE interview re Little Rock]

Page 71: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Stephens, Thomas E.: Records, 1955-61

Box 37: Negro

Summerfield, Arthur E.: Papers, 1942-72

Box 71: “The President and the Negro” October 1954

Box 75: “Color, Communism and Common Sense” by Manning

Johnson American Opinion Reprint [1963]

Box 76: “The Black Ghetto and the Open Society” [1968]


SECRETARY, GENERAL STAFF: Records, 1943-1945

Box 1, Reel 7: 201.22 Commendations [Memoranda, Major Gen. W.B. Kean to Lt.

General W.B. Smith attaching Memorandum commending

performance of 4042nd

Quartermaster Truck Company on D-Day

through D plus 35., July 15, 1944 (memo re 4042nd


Truck Company dated July 14, 1944)]



Box 4: Study 30- Service Troops Basis

Box 9: Study 83- Military Justice [includes statistics on Blacks

subjected to courts-martial]

Box 9: Study 84 – The Military Offender [data on Blacks accused of

various criminal offenses]


1941-1946 (Microfilm)

Box 5, Reel 30: Negro Troops- Frames 644-798 [includes material re

Blacks in UK; inspection of combat support wing installations

of VIII Air Force; Statements on Policy on Negroes; itineraries

of Brigadier General Benjamin O. Davis to UK; Memo on

retraining of Colored personnel as infantry riflemen; extracts

on Negro Morale; British philosopher article on Colour Bar and

other material]

Box 9, Reel 51: File Folder: Women’s Army Corps (WAC). Frames

831 & 865-885 contain memoranda re use of Black WAAC

companies; press release re first Army postal unit comprised of

26 Black WAC officers and 686 Black WAC enlisted

personnel; first to see overseas duty

Page 72: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

U.S. ARMY: UNIT RECORDS, Mainly 1940-1950- some historical summaries cover events in


and early 20th


Box 14: 101st Airborne Division Artillery- After Action Report December,

1944 [references to 969th

Field Artillery Bn and 333rd

FA Bn]

Box 14: 101st Abn Div Artillery- Unit Journal- December 18, 1944-

Feb. 1945 [also references to 969th

FA Bn and 333rd

FA Bn.]

Box 147: 761st Tank Battalion [includes copy of Come Out Fighting:

The Epic Tale of the 761st Tank Battalion 1942-1945 plus after

action reports and other data 1945-1946]

Box 296: 452nd

AAA AW Bn [includes report of inspection of unit for

combat readiness]

Boxes 352-353: 333rd

Field Artillery Group [estimated 250 pp. of

detailed operations and after action reports 1944-45]

Box 480: 77th

Field Artillery Battalion

Box 487: 969th

Field Artillery Battalion

Box 671: 810th

Engineer Aviation Battalion

Box 671: 811th

Engineer Aviation Battalion

Box 810: 8th

Infantry Division Artillery After Operations Report July 4 1944-

Feb. 28 1945 [ref to 969th

FA Bn]

Box 843: Recommendations for Commendation for 761st Tank Bn.

Boxes 1167-1171: Records of the 92nd

(Buffalo Division)

Box 1173: Records of the 93rd


Box 1237: 784th

Tank Destroyer Bn

Box 1274: 25th

Inf Reg (93rd


Box 1493: 364th

Infantry [est 50-75 pp. Amchitka- operations in Aleutians

and Alaska – est. 50-75 pages plus over 100 Photos]

Box 1493: 365th

Infantry Reg. [Italy]

Box 1494-1495: 366th

Infantry Reg. (92nd

Div) [est 400 pp. including War Diary]

Box 1495: 368th

Infantry- (93rd

) Div

Box 1495: 369th

Infantry- (93rd

) Div

Box 1496: 371st Reg (92


Box 1496: 372nd

Boxes 1527-1529: 442nd

Regiment [Nisei unit but operated at times with

elements of 92nd


Box 1548: 367th


Box 1559: 614th

Tank Destroyer Bn

Box 1564: 679th

Tank Destroyer Bn

U.S. Commission on Intergovernmental Relations: Records, 1953-55

Boxes 29-31: Folders on Housing

Box 57: Folders on Housing

Page 73: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

U.S. Council on Foreign Economic Policy, Office of the Chairman: Records, 1954-61

Randall Series, Agency Subseries

Box 1: Central Intelligence Agency (2) – Africa

Box 2: International Cooperation Administration (3) – Africa;

Randall Series, Subject Series

Box 1: Africa (12 folders: numerous issues involving Africa; segregation

in Rhodesia; report re Rhodesia and Nyasaland, including discussion

of nature of race relations

Randall Series, Trips Subseries

Box 3: Africa Trip – March 1958 (9 folders) – US companies in Liberia;

Rhodesia; South Africa; numerous issues involving African


Staff Series

Box 3: Africa (four folders) Union of South Africa, other African issues

U.S. District Court, District of Kansas: Records re Brown vs Board of Education,1951-1986

(electrostatic copies of transcripts and other documents filed with the Court from 1951-1955

U.S. President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization (Rockefeller Committee):

Records, 1953-6l

Box 13: Housing and Community Development

Box 13: Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1953-55

Box 13: Housing and Community Development, 1956

Box 13: Department of Urban Affairs, 1957-60

U.S. President’s Commission on National Goals: Records, 1959-61

Box 38: Publications Concerned with Housing and Urban Planning

Box 41: Government Document – Housing Legislation of 1960

U.S. President's Committee on Migratory Labor: Records [researchers could use many folders

dealing with migrant workers in general as migratory laborers included a large number of African-

Americans as well as Puerto Ricans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and whites; the titles

listed below are only a partial listing; users should examine files of minutes of meetings, state

correspondence and other files as pertinent information is found throughout these records.]

Box 1: Delaware- newsclipping report on Negro migrant workers

Critical of NAACP lack of action

Box 9: National Council of Churches (several folders)

Page 74: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 11: Labor Department Committee on Coordination , Samuel Pierce, Jr.


Box 20: Steering Subcommittee, Dr. Joseph Douglass, Chairman

Box 27: Delaware

Box 31: American Veterans Committee



Boxes 34-35: National Council of Churches

Box 36: National Sharecroppers Fund, Inc.

Box 44: Folders on Housing

Box 56: Louisiana [report on Louisiana migrant labor problem]

Box 57: Maryland

Box 77: Robert C. Weaver, Administrator HHFA

Box 98: Photographs

U.S. President’s Committee on Information Activities, Abroad (Sprague Committee): Records,


Box 4: Western Europe #17 (1) – (9) – European image of America; includes

USIA surveys containing questions regarding impact of race relations

in US on European opinion

Box 9: Africa #31 (1) (2)

Box 23: PCIAA #31 (1) – (3) Africa

U.S. President’s Commission on Veteran’s Pensions (Bradley Commission) Records, 1954-1958

Box 58: Section I: Selection Process (1) (2)

Box 9: American Veterans Committee, Inc.

Box 104: Comments of Veterans Groups on Final Report (1) (2)

Wheeler, Clyde A.: Papers, 1934-89

Box 79: Human Rights – Freedom, Liberty, Equality, (1)-(3)

Box 82: 1967 June 20 IBM Negro Class

Box 86: School Papers – Race Prejudice

White House Conference on Children and Youth: Records, 1930-70

Box 119 Workgroups 1-4 Improvement of Urban Environments

Box 125 Workgroups 201-206 Minority Children & Youth

Box 139 Wilkins, Roy, NAACP, Meeting with February 9, 1960

Box 140 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

Box 143 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People -

Youth & College Division

National Congress of Colored Parents & Teachers

Page 75: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 145 National Scholarship Service & Fund for Negro Students

Box 152 African Methodist Episcopal Church

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (1)(2)

Box 167 Inter-City Day Care Committee

Box 169 National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs

Box 170 National Conference of Colored Parents and Teachers

Box 176 National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students

Box 188 Evaluative Report Inter-City Day Care Committee

Box 189 Evaluative Report National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs

Evaluative Report National Congress of Colored Parents

and Teachers (1) (2)

Box 191 Evaluative Report National Scholarship Service and Fund

for Negro Students

White House Office, Cabinet Secretariat: Records

Box 2: Civil Rights

Box 2: Discrimination

Box 15: CP 48

Box 20: CI 11

White House Office, Social Office: Records, 1952-61

Box 19: 11-12-53 Officers, National Council of Negro Women –

Receive [includes background investigatory material on the group;

letters endorsing it by Maxwell Rabb, Val Washington and others]

Box 28: 3-25-54 National Negro Insurance Association Agency

Officers Conference – Tour

Box 34: 5-26-54 Emperor of Ethiopia, H.I.M. Haile Selassi I – Dinner (1) (2)

Box 38: 10-18-54 President of Liberia – Dinner (1) (2)

Box 44: 1-26-55 President of Haiti and Mrs. Maglioire – Dinner (1) (2)

Box 51: 7-13-55 Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist

Episcopal Church Convention - Tour [did not arrive for the 9:30 am


Box 52: 10-25-55 Government Contracts Committee – Stag Dinner

[held by Vice President at Shoreham Hotel]

Box 57: 8-7-56 National Negro 4-H Club Camp – Tour

Box 65: 11-8-57 National Council of Negro Women, Youth Conference – Tour

Box 74: 7-23-58 Prime Minister of Ghana – Stag Luncheon

Box 78: 1-24-59 National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, Inc. Tour

Box 83: 8-11-59 Negro 4-H Club, 12th

Regional Camp – Tour

Box 84: 10-26-59 President of Guinea and Mrs. Toure – Dinner (1)(2)

Box 89: 8-10-60 Negro Boys and Girls, 13th

Regional 4-H Camp – Tour

Box 89: 9-6-60 Nurses, Freedman Hospital – Tour

Page 76: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 91: 10-21-60 Boy Scouts, Explorer Scouts of Harlem District, New York

City – Tour

White House Office, NSC Staff Papers

OCB Central Files Series

Boxes 14-15 Folders entitled “OO7 Cultural Activities – contain numerous

references to tour of opera Porgy and Bess including memoranda

regarding proposed tour in Russia; also references to Marian

Anderson and other Black performing artists.

OCB Secretariat Series

Box 4: Dr. Lilly- Miscellaneous (1) – Foreign Service Despatch re US

Embassy contacts with non-whites in South Africa and South

African Government’s disapproval; reference to apartheid

White House Office, Office of the Special Assistant for Personnel Management: Records

Box 20 President’s Committee on Government Employment Policy

Box 41-43: Folders on Civil Rights

White House Office, Office of Special Assistant for National Security Affairs: Records

FBI Series

Boxes 1-3: Correspondence in FBI A-Z (FBI memos on numerous topics) [See

also series of FBI monographs on the Communist Party which includes

Communist Party and the Negro and other monographs]

Box 3: FBI T-Z [memoranda about the Emmett Till case]

OCB Series, Subject Subseries

Box 1: Africa- African Universities, ICA trainees in US

Box 3: Miscellaneous (2) Proctor & Gamble discrimination

Special Assistant Series, Chronological Subseries

Box 2: October 1955 (2) segregation in public schools

White House Office, Office of the Staff Secretary: Records

Cabinet Series

Box 4: C-30 (4) March 9, 1956

Box 4: C-39 (1) August 2, 1957

Legislative Meetings Series

Box 4: L-36 (2) [March 12 and 26, 1957]

Page 77: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Box 4: L-37 (2) [May 1, and 8, 1957]

Box 4: L-37 (3) [May 14, 1957]

Box 4: L-39 (1) [May 21, 1957]

Box 4: L-39 (3) [June 4, 1957]

Box 4: L-40 (2) [July 2, 1957]

Box 4: L-41 (1) [July 9, 1957]

Box 4: L-41 (2) [July 23, 1957]

Box 4: L-41 (3) [July 30, 1957]

Box 4: L-42 (1) [August 6, 1957]

Box 4: L-42 (2) [August 13, 1957]

Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries

Box 13: Health, Education and Welfare

Box 16: Little Rock Reports - Vol. I [October 1957 March 1958] (l)-(6)

Box 17: Little Rock Reports - Vol. I [October 1957 March 1958] (7) (8)

Box 17: Little Rock Reports - Miscellaneous, Vol. II [September 1957 -

February 1958] (l)-(4)

White House Office: Records Officer Reports to President on pending legislation

Box 111: Civil Rights HR 6127

Box 165: Civil Rights Act of 1960 HR 8601

Box 166: Memorial to Mary McLeod Bethune HJRes 502

White House Office, Staff Research Group: Records

Boxes 10-11: Health, Education and Welfare--Inputs, #1-879

Box 12: Justice--Inputs, #1-100

Box 13: Justice--Inputs, #101-879

Box 31: Civil Rights Reports

White House Office, Telegraph Office: Records

Box 132: Racial Tension

Boxes 149-51: Little Rock

Box 171: "Newport" Sept 1957

Boxes 180-181: "Newport" September 1957

Whitman, William Merrill: Papers, 1818-1990

Box 36 Canal Zone Code, 1965

Box 46 Canal Zone “Bill of Rights,” 1971 [rights of Panamanian citizens]


Page 78: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and


Bennett, Elfriede E. – Ms. Bennett was a German civilian who met Robert Bennett, a Black

American enlisted man in December 1947. Her memoir relates the experiences and hassles which

the couple encountered in getting married after obtaining assistance from General Eisenhower. The

memoir relates further problems but also summarizes 50 years of marriage, children, grandchildren

and Robert Bennett’s death in 1998.

Brewer, Lottie – Contains 1992 newspaper article re segregation in US Marine Corps during World

War II

Audiovisual Holdings

Still Photographs:

1953 Herbert Brownell & William Rogers meet with NAACP

Conference in South Dakota

1954 Eisenhower meets with NAACP leaders at White House

Eisenhower addresses NAACP conference

1957 White House meeting with Jackie Robinson

Rose Garden meeting with African Methodist Episcopal Church

Eisenhower signing Civil Rights Act

Herbert Brownell meeting with Civil Rights Commission

1958 Swearing in of the Civil Rights Commission

Eisenhower meeting with Negro leaders, including Martin Luther

King, Jr.

Eisenhower address before National Newspaper Publishers Assn.

1959 Eisenhower with the Civil Rights Commission

Eisenhower addresses Civil Rights State Advisory Commission

1960 Eisenhower signs Civil Rights Act

Swearing in of Civil Rights Commission member

[There are audio tapes of the various speeches.]


Copyright: Republican National Committee

1 reel 800' 22 minutes sound B&W

A National Citizens for Eisenhower presentation. A history of the first four years of

Page 79: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

the Eisenhower Administration. Topics: Korean War end, inflation halted, farm program

improved, federal highway plan, end to school segregation, civil rights.


Capitol Building, Washington, DC January 7, 1960

Copyright: CBS

2 reels 1800' 45 minutes sound B&W

In attendance, Representatives, Senators, President of the Senate Richard M. Nixon; Speaker of

the House Sam Rayburn; Joint Chiefs of Staff; members of the Supreme Court, Cabinet, and

foreign ambassadors. Topics: US-Russia relations (Eisenhower's search for peace), under-

developed countries (aid to), national defense (both atomic and conventional more than

adequate), space program (not only military goals-scientific uses for the satellite program),

economy (settlement of the steel strike), agriculture (farm laws outdated).

Reel 2: inflation, (US must learn to live within our means), racial prejudices (everyone is

entitled to equal protection of the law), civil rights, education (not the responsibility of the

central government).


January 14, 1959

Copyright: CBS

2 reels 2300' 58 minutes sound B&W

Remarks and discussion with Eisenhower at the 50th anniversary of the National Press Club in

Washington, DC. Eisenhower makes a brief statement and fields questions from John V.

Horner, President of the National Press Club on the following subjects: State of the Union

Message; defense; economy; income tax; education; civil rights; Civil Rights Commission;

Republican party; press conferences; missiles; Earl Blaik; Anastas Mikoyan's visit to the

United States; Red China; Winston Churchill; Omar Bradley; George Marshall; Charles F.

Portal: Overlord; and Eisenhower's retirement plans.

EL-MP16-134 STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS Washington, DC January 10, 1957

Copyright: CBS

2 reels 1500' 28 minutes sound B&W

[Reel 2 formerly EL-MP16-151] Eisenhower gives the State of the Union Address to the 85th

Congress. Topics: nationalism; American economy; agriculture; water resource; school

construction; Civil Rights; financial systems; national security; United Nations; Organization

for Trade Cooperation; International Atomic Energy Agency; Hungarian refugees; the Middle




Washington, DC

September 24, 1957

Copyright: CBS

1 reel 600' 17 minutes sound B&W

Page 80: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Eisenhower addresses the Nation from the White House concerning the Little Rock crisis.

Topics: civil rights; integration; Little Rock Federal Court; Executive Order 10730;

Proclamation 3204; the Supreme Court.



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil San Apulo, Brazil

February 26, 1960

Copyright: CBS

1 reel 1150' 29 minutes sound B&W

President Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira greets Eisenhower in Rio, later visit to San Apulo;

topics: civil rights, industrialization.


Washington, DC

October 12, 1956

Copyright: Republican National Committee

1 reel 1100' 29 minutes sound B&W

(same as EL-MP16-178)

Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon television program broadcast from the Sheraton-Park Hotel,

Washington, DC. The format was patterned after presidential press conferences. Eisenhower

urges all people to vote regardless of political affiliation. Announces that John Foster Dulles

has informed him that Egypt, England and France will negotiate regarding the Suez crisis.

Topics: Eisenhower's opinion of Nixon; labor/unions; Taft-Hartley Act; minimum wage; soil

bank program; draft vs. volunteer army; British skepticism of US foreign policy; 18 year old

vote; civil rights; desegregation of schools; religion in schools. Through out the program

various voters express support of Eisenhower; his integrity, unity, trust, has not the pettiness of

partisan politicians; has a certain authority in governing foreign affairs, religious convictions.


New York, New York

October 1956

Copyright: Republican National Committee

4 reels 2550' 63 minutes sound B&W

(same as EL-MP16-86)

Reel 1: John Roosevelt introduces Eisenhower and Mamie. The crowd sings We Like Ike.

Eisenhower asks the crowd to support Jacob Javits and Prescott Bush. He speaks on the

following subjects: civil rights, conservation, employment, the Interstate Highway System,

Atoms for Peace, open skies, disarmament, nuclear weapons, and women's rights.

Reel 2: "Mister American" the following subjects are shown: in opening statements text reads

"Eisenhower The Man From Abilene"; Eisenhower's return to Abilene, Denison, Tx;

Eisenhower fishing; Eisenhower with Mamie, John, Barbara, and David Eisenhower;

Eisenhower in Paris with Charles DeGaulle; Eisenhower in London with Winston Churchill;

D-Day; Eisenhower with Douglas MacArthur; Eisenhower's farewell to the Armed Forces;

Eisenhower at Columbia University; NATO; SHAEF; Korea.

Page 81: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Reel 3: Following opening scenes of the initial campaign rally at Madison Square Garden, the

film shows clips from Eisenhower's career. These include Eisenhower at SHAEF headquarters

in Paris, France; Eisenhower with Bernard Montgomery, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston

Churchill; Eisenhower with soldiers; films of the Normandy invasion; V-E Day; Eisenhower

entering Paris with Charles DeGaulle; and Eisenhower in London and New York.

Reel 4: same as three.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

October 28, 1960

Copyright: Republican National Committee

1 reel 1150' 29 minutes sound B&W

Produced by the Volunteers for Nixon-Lodge, Eisenhower gives an address at the Bellevue-

Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia, PA. He is introduced by Lt. Gen. Milton G. Baker. He begins

his speech by asking the crowd to examine the achievements of his administration, such as

increased personal income; increased Gross National Product; the Interstate Highway System;

the St. Lawrence Seaway; increased military strength; improved National Park Service; labor

reforms; increased Social Security benefits; civil rights. He then lists the qualities a candidate

should possess, and endorses Richard M. Nixon, and Henry Cabot Lodge as having these

qualities. He describes the duties of the President of the United States as Chief of State,

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, head of the National Security, and guardian of free

enterprise. He stresses the importance of foreign relations, and lists the accomplishments of his

administration in this field, such as Korea, Viet Nam; Formosa; the Philippines; the Suez

Canal; Trieste; Iran. Eisenhower emphasizes Nixon's and Lodge's experience in foreign affairs,

and stresses that caution and deliberation are needed in international situations. He ends the

speech by pledging his vote to Nixon and Lodge, and asking the crowd to do the same.



Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


Copyright: Republican National Committee

1 reel 1000' 27 minutes sound B&W

Highlights of Goldwater's visit to Dwight D. Eisenhower's Gettysburg farm. The former

president discusses topics with Senator Goldwater regarding political party concepts;

responsible moral leadership; presidential responsibility; review of Goldwater's campaign for

the presidency; government division of powers; civil rights; discrimination; foreign policy;

NATO alliance; the disadvantages of a one party government in a centralized government;

principals of collective security.


DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER LIBRARY CONFERENCE held June 5, 1990 1. Keynote Address by

Herbert Brownell (47:00) 2. Session I Eisenhower and Civil Rights (31:35) Moderated by Thomas

Mackey, Kansas State University; panelists Maxwell Rabb (Secretary to the Cabinet, 1953-58) and

Rocco Siciliano (Special Assistant to the President for Personnel Management, 1957-59) 3. Eisenhower

and Civil Rights (54:40) Session I conclusion 4. Session II Brown vs. Topeka (29:10) Moderated by

James Duram, Wichita State University; panelists Linda Brown Buckner (daughter of principal

plaintiff, Oliver Brown, and student involved in Brown case), Cheryl Brown Henderson (daughter of

Oliver Brown), Leola Brown Montgomery (wife of Oliver Brown), Hugh Speer (key witness in Brown

case), and Paul Wilson (lawyer for Kansas Attorney General's Office in Brown case) 5. Brown vs.

Page 82: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Topeka (57:40) Session II conclusion. 6. Session III The Little Rock Crisis (59:30) Moderated by

Richard Norton Smith, Acting Director of the Eisenhower Library; panelists Orval Faubus (Governor

of Arkansas, 9155-67), Ernest Green (member, “Little Rock Nine”), Carlotta Walls LaNier (member,

“Little Rock Nine”), Thelma Mothershed Wair (member, “Little Rock Nine”), Terrence Roberts

(member, “Little Rock Nine”), Elizabeth Huckaby (Vice Principal for Girls, Central High, Little Rock,

1957-59) 7. The Little Rock Crisis (57:10) Session III conclusion

Oral History Transcripts:


ALCORN, H. MEADE, JR. (OH 163) served on Republican National Committee 161*

ALFORD, T. DALE, (OH-164) Member of Little Rock, Arkansas, school board, 1955-58 84*

BECKER, J. BILL ( OH-166) Arkansas labor union official involved in Arkansas civil rights

activities 34*

BENEDICT, STEPHEN G. (OH-210) Assistant to Research Director of Citizens For Eisenhower,

1952; Assistant White House Staff Secretary, 1953-1955 137*

BENSON, EZRA TAFT (OH -516) Secretary of Agriculture 1953-1961 55

BRANTON, WILEY AUSTIN (OH-252) Attorney involved in Little Rock, Arkansas, school

integration crisis 62*

BREWER, VIVION (OH-171) President of the Women's Emergency Committee to Open Our

Schools, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1958-60 44pp.* ................................................... Our Schools,

BROWNELL, HERBERT (OH-157) Attorney General of the United States, 1953-57 350*


BROWNELL, SAMUEL (OH-18) U.S. Commissioner of Education, 1953-56 83*

BUSH, PRESCOTT (OH- 31) U.S. Senator from Connecticut, 1952-62 458*

BUTLER, RICHARD C. (OH-174) Special Counsel for the Little Rock, Arkansas, school board,

1956-59 47*

CALDWELL, PETER F. (OH-414) Attorney for the Board of Education who helped prepare brief

for Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education case 33

CLARK, ROBERT E. (OH-413) Reporter for International News Service during the Eisenhower

administration 27

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CLAY, LUCIUS D. (OH-56) Military associate of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1945-59 1101*

COHEN, WILBUR J. (OH-359) Director of the Research and statistics Division of the

Social Security Administration, 1953-1956 45

CUSHMAN, ROBERT E. (OH-379) Executive Assistant to Vice President Nixon, 1957-61, 45

COOPER, GEORGE V. (OH-393) Vice Chairman of the Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon Finance

Committee, 1952 35

COOPER, WILLIAM G. (OH-132) President of Little Rock, Arkansas, school board, 1957 41*

CRAWFORD, KENNETH (OH-63) Manager of Newsweek's Washington bureau, 1955-61 27*

DONOVAN, ROBERT J. J (OH-48) Journalist, New York Herald Tribune, 1937-63; author,

Eisenhower: The Inside Story, 1956 52*

DOUTHIT, GEORGE (OH-179) Reporter for the Arkansas Democrat during the Little Rock,

Arkansas school integration crisis 49*

DUMONT, DONALD A. (OH- 289) State Department official and foreign service officer

specializing in African matters; advisor to U.S. delegation to United Nations, 1955 76*

ENGSTROM, HAROLD (OH- 134) Member of Little Rock, Arkansas, school board, 1957 72*

FAUBUS, ORVAL E. (OH-181) Governor of Arkansas, 1955-67 137*

FLEMMING, ARTHUR S. (OH-504) Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, 1953-57;

Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, 1958-61 88


FOLLIARD, EDWARD T. (OH-36) Reporter, Washington Post 73*

GINZBERG, ELI (OH-394) Consultant to the Department of State, 1953-56; consultant to the

Department of Labor, 1954 127

GRAY, GORDON (OH-73) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1955-

1957; Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, 1957-58; Special Assistant to the President for

National Security Affairs, 1958-61 341*

GRISWOLD, NAT R. (OH 185) Director, Arkansas Council on Human Relations, 1955-66 85*

Page 84: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

GUTHERIDGE, AMIS (OH-186) Attorney involved with Capital Citizens Council during Little

Rock, Arkansas school integration crisis, 1957-59 28*

HAGERTY, JAMES C. (OH-91) Press Secretary to the President, 1953-61 572*

HALL, LEONARD (OH-478) Chairman, Republican National Committee, 1953-57 60

HANDY, THOMAS (OH-486) Deputy Chief of Operations, War Department General Staff, 1942;

Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations War Department, 1942-44 345

HARDEMAN, D.B. (OH-213) Member, Democratic National Committee, 1953-54; Adlai

Stevenson campaign staff, 1956; Sam Rayburn associate and biographer 146*

HARLOW, BRYCE N. (OH-214) Special White House Assistant, 1953; Administrative Assistant

to the President, 1953-058; Deputy Assistant to the President, 1958-61 144*

HAYS, BROOKS (OH-295) Congressman from Arkansas, 1943-59, involved in Little Rock,

Arkansas, school integration crisis, 1957 165*

HODGES, LUTHER (OH-297) Lieutenant Governor, North Carolina, 1952-53, Governor, 1954-

60; Secretary of Commerce, 1961-1965 39*

HOUSE, A.F. (OH-299) Attorney for Little Rock, Arkansas, school board, 1957-58 44*

HOUSE, PATRICIA (OH-193) Vice President of the Women's Emergency Committee to Open

Our Schools, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1958-60 47*

HUCKABY, ELIZABETH (OH 194) Vice Principal for girls, Little Rock, Arkansas, Central High

School, 1957-59 76*

INGRAHAM, JOE (OH- 349) U.S. District Judge, Southern District, Texas, 1954-70 (with H.J.

Porter) 177pp.

JAVITS, JACOB (OH-74) Congressman from New York, 1947-54; Senator from New York, 1957


KARAM, JAMES T. (OH-215) Associate of Governor Orval Faubus during Little Rock, Arkansas,

school integration crisis, 1957) 30*

KEATING, KENNETH J. (OH-197) Congressman from New York, 1947-59; Senator from New

York, 1959-65 127*

KENDALL, DAVID, (OH-142) Special Counsel to the President, 1958-61 87*

LEE, WILLIAM L. (OH-323) Military associate of General Eisenhower; organizer of Philippine

Air Force under Douglas MacArthur, 1935-38 482

Page 85: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

LILE, R.A. (OH-219) Member of Little Rock, Arkansas, school board, 1957-58 32*

LORD, MARY PILLSBURY (OH-115) Active in the Eisenhower campaign, 1951-52; U.S.

Representative, United National Human Rights Commission, 1953-61; U.S. Alternate

Representative, 1953-59, and Delegate, 1958, 1960 to United Nations General Assembly 428*

LYONS, EUGENE J. (OH-351) Assistant Postmaster General for Personnel, 1953-59; Assistant to

the President For Personnel Management, 1959-61 90

MCCANN, KEVIN (OH-159) Member of General Eisenhower’s staff, 1946-51; Special Assistant

and Consultant to the President, 1953-61 163*

McMATH, SIDNEY (OH-202) Governor of Arkansas, 1949-53 32*

McKELDIN, THEODORE R. (OH-222) Governor of Maryland, 1951-59 79*

MASTERSON, CHARLES, Special Assistant in the White House, 1953-56 (with

HOWARD K. PYLE) (OH-120) 134*

MELLOR, MABEL (OH-415) Secretary to Emmett Graham, Secretary of the Eisenhower

Foundation 76

MORGAN, EDWARD P. (OH-260) News correspondent for CBS, 1951-54; News commentator

for ABC, 1955-67 54*

MORGAN, GERALD (OH-223) Special Assistant in the White House, 1953; Administrative

Assistant to the President, 1953-55; Special Counsel to the President , 1955-58, Deputy Assistant to

the President, 1958-61 133*

MORROW, E. FREDERIC (OH-92) Administrative Officer in the Special Projects Group, White

House, 1955-61 176*


MORSE, TRUE D.(OH-40) Undersecretary of Agriculture, 1953-61 115*

PATTERSON, HUGH, JR. (OH-263) Publisher, Arkansas Gazette, 1957 86*

PERSONS, WILTON B. (OH-334) Active in the Eisenhower 1952 campaign; Deputy Assistant to

the President, 1953-58; The Assistant to the President, 1958-61 163

PORTER, H. JACK (OH-228) Republican National Committeeman for Texas, 1952-70; active in

the Eisenhower Campaign in Texas, 1951-52 (with JOE INGRAHAM) 177

Page 86: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

POWELL, TERRELL E. (OH-203) Principal, Hall High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957-58;

Superintendent of Schools, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1958-61 35*

PRUDEN, WESLEY (OH 264) President of the Citizens Council during Little Rock, Arkansas,

Arkansas school integration crisis, 1957-58 34*

PYLE, HOWARD K., Administrative Assistant to the President, 1955-59 (with


RABB, MAXWELL M. (OH-265) Secretary to the Cabinet, 1953-58 39*

RABB, MAXWELL M. (OH-479) 34

ROBERTS, CHARLES (OH-310) Journalist 72*

ROBERTS, CLIFFORD (OH-266) Close friend of the Eisenhowers; manager, Augusta National

Golf Club 881 pp. (See particularly Part XII)

SAMUEL, IRENE (OH-148) Leader of the Women's Emergency Committee during the Little

Rock, Arkansas, school integration crisis, 1957-59 49*

SCOTT, CHARLES (OH-475) Attorney working with the NAACP on the Brown vs. Topeka

Board of Education case 56

SHELDON, JAMES (OH-269) Public Relations director of Nationalities Division, Democratic

National Committee 187*

SHELTON, WILLIAM T. (OH-152) City editor, Arkansas Gazette, at time of Little Rock,

Arkansas, school integration crisis, 1957-59 36*

SHIVERS, ALLAN (OH-238) Governor of Texas, 1949-57 59*

SICILIANO, ROCCO (OH-9) Special Assistant to the President for Personnel Management, 1957-

59 123

SMITH, HOWARD K. (OH 99) CBS Correspondent, Washington Bureau, 1957-61 45*

SMITH, WILLIAM J.(OH-240) Legislative secretary and legal counsel to Arkansas Governor

Orval Faubus, 1957-67; Associate Justice of Arkansas Supreme Court 1958 91*

STOREY, ROBERT G. (OH-241) Vice Chairman, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, 1957-63 66*

TUCKER, EVERETT, JR. (OH-244) Member of Little Rock, Arkansas, school board, 1958-65


TUTTLE, ELBERT (OH-208) Judge, 5th Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals, 1954-70 115*

Page 87: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

UPTON, WAYNE (OH-245) Member of Little Pock, Arkansas, school board, 1957-58 65*

WHEELER, CLYDE (OH-388) Confidential Assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, 1954-57;

Special Assistant to the Secretary, 1957-59; Staff Assistant to President Eisenhower, 1959-60 116

WHITMAN, ANN C. (OH-511) Personal Secretary to the President, 1953-61 35

WILLIAMS, E. GRAINGER (OH-155) President of the Little Rock, Arkansas, Chamber of

Commerce, 1957-59 66*

WILLIS, CHARLES F., JR. (OH-86) Assistant to the President, 1953-55 51*

WILSON, PAUL (OH-418) Lawyer with Attorney General's office in Kansas who helped prepare

and present brief for Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education case 33

WOODS, HENRY (OH-275) Attorney involved in Arkansas politics and the Little Rock, Arkansas,

school integration crisis, 1957-59 57*

*Asterisk denotes oral history transcripts which are furnished to the Library by agreement with

Columbia University.

Suggested Reading:

Anderson, Carol. Eyes Off the Prize: the United Nations and the African

American Struggle for Human Rights, 1944-1955 Cambridge,

England: Cambridge University Press, 2003

Anderson, James and Byrne, Dara N. Editors, The Editors of Black Issues in

Higher Education. The Unfinished Agenda of Brown v. Board of

Education. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2004

Anderson, J. W. Eisenhower, Brownell, and the Congress: The Tangled Origins of the Civil

Rights Bill of 1956-1957 University, Published for the Inter-University Case

Program by University of Alabama Press, 1964

Bartley, Numan V. The Rise of Massive Resistance: Race and Politics in the

South During the 1950s. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State

State University Press, 1969

Beales, Melba. Warriors Don’t Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate

Little Rock’s Central High School New York: Pocket Books, 1994

Page 88: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Branch, Taylor. Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-63 .

New York, London, Toronto, Sydney & Tokyo: Simon and

Schuster, 1988

Brownell, Herbert, with John Burke. Advising Ike: The Memoirs of Herbert

Brownell, Lawrence, Kansas: The University Press of Kansas, 1993

Burke, Robert Frederick. The Eisenhower Administration and Black Civil Rights

Knoxville, Tennessee: The University of Tennessee Press, 1984

Davis, Michael D & Clark, Hunter R. Thurgood Marshall: Warrior at the Bar,

Rebel on the Bench. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992

Debnam, W.E. Then My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night! Raleigh, North

Carolina: W.E. Debnam, 1955. An example of pro-segregation

thought apparently privately printed in response to Brown v Board of Education

Dudziak, Mary L. Cold War Civil Rights : Race and the Image of American

Democracy. Princeton, New Jersey and Oxford, England:

Princeton University Press, 2000

Duram, James C. A Moderate Among Extremists: Dwight D. Eisenhower

and the School Desegregation Crisis. Chicago: Nelson Hall Publishers, 1981

Eisenhower, Dwight D. The White House Years: Mandate For Change, 1953-

1956, Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1963

Eisenhower, Dwight D. The White House Years: Waging Peace, 1956-

1961 . Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1965

Eisenhower, Dwight D. The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower Volumes I –

XXI. Alfred Chandler, Jr., Louis Galambos and Daun Van Ee,

Editors. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1970-2001

Faust, Drew Gilpin, “Living History: A School Girl’s Letter to ‘Mr. Eisenhower’

Illuminates a Childhood in the Segregated South”, Harvard

Magazine, May- June 2003

Fraser, Cary, “Crossing the Color Line in Little Rock: The Eisenhower

Administration and the Dilemma of Race for U.S. Foreign Policy” Diplomatic

History. Volume 24, No. 2 (Spring, 2000) pp. 233-264

Freyer, Tony. The Little Rock Crisis: A Constitutional Interpretation. Westport

Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1984

Page 89: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Friedman, Leon, Editor. Argument: The Oral Argument Before the Supreme

Court in Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka,1952-1955. New York:

Chelsea House Publishers, 1969

Harbaugh, William H. Lawyer’s Lawyer: The Life of John W. Davis. New York:

Oxford University Press, 1973

Hays, Brooks. A Southern Moderate Speaks. Chapel Hill: The University

Of North Carolina Press, 1959

Huckaby, Elizabeth. Crisis at Central High: Little Rock, 1957-58. Baton

Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press,1980

Journal of American History: Round Table: Brown v Board of Education,

Fifty Years After. Volume 91, No. 1 (June 2004)

Kilpatrick, James Jackson. The Southern Case For School Segregation . The

Crowell-Collier Press, 1962

King, Martin Luther. Why We Can’t Wait . New York: Signet Books, 1963

Klarman, Michael J. From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: The Supreme Court and the

Struggle for Racial Equality New York: Oxford University Press Inc. 2004

Kluger, Richard. Simple Justice: The History of Brown v. Board of Education and Black

America's Struggle for Equality New York: Random House 1975

Krenn, Michael L. “Black U.S. Ambassadors, 1949-1988”. Diplomatic History

Volume 14, No. 1 (Winter 1990) pp. 131-141

Krenn, Michael L. “Unfinished Business: Segregation and U.S. Diplomacy at the 1958

World’s Fair” Diplomatic History, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Fall 1996): 591-612

Ladino, Robyn D. Desegregating Texas Schools: Eisenhower, Shivers, and

The Crisis at Mansfield High . Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996

Lee, Ulysses. The Employment of Negro Troops (United States Army in World

War II Series. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History,

United States Army, 1966

Leiker, James N. “Race Relations in the Sunflower State” Kansas History.

Volume 25, Number 3, Autumn 2002. pages 214-236

MacGregor, Morris J. Jr. Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965 (Defense

Page 90: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Studies Series) Washington, DC: Center of Military History, United

States Army, 1981

Mayer, Michael S. Eisenhower's Conditional Crusade: The Eisenhower

Administration and Civil Rights, 1953-1957 Ann Arbor, Michigan:

University Microfilms, 1985 (Ph.D. dissertation)

Mayer, Michael S., “Eisenhower and the Southern Federal Judiciary: The

Sobeloff Nomination” in Shirley Warshaw, Reexamining the Eisenhower

Presidency, 1993 , pp. 57-83

Mayer, Michael S., “The Eisenhower Administration and the Civil Rights Act of

1957”, Congress and the Presidency, Vol. 16, (Autumn 1989), pp. 137-154

Mayer, Michael S. Editor. The Eisenhower Presidency and the 1950s. Boston and

New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998

Mayer, Michael S., “With Much Deliberation and Some Speed: Eisenhower and

The Brown Decision” Journal of Southern History, Vol 52. (February

1986), pp. 43-76.

Mayer, Michael S., “Regardless of Station, Race or Calling: Eisenhower and

Race”, Joann P. Krieg, Dwight D. Eisenhower: Soldier, President,

Statesman, Westport, Connecticut and London, England: Greenwood

Press, 1987. See also articles by James Duram and Robert Burk in

this volume.

Mayer, Michael S., “The Eisenhower Administration and the Desegregation of

Washington, D.C.” Journal of Policy History, Vol. 3, 1991, pp. 24-41

Morrow, E. Frederic. Black Man in the White House New York: Coward-McCann, 1963

Morrow, E. Frederic. Forty Years a Guinea Pig. New York: Pilgrim Press, 1980

Ogletree, Charles J. All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on the First Half

Century of Brown v. Board of Education. New York & London:

W.W. Norton & Company, 2004

President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Civil Rights: Eyewitness Accounts by

Terrence J. Roberts and Rocco Siciliano with introduction by Michael

S. Mayer. Washington, DC: Eisenhower World Affairs Institute. 2000

Reynolds, David. Rich Relations: The American Occupation of Britain, 1942

1945. New York: Random House 1995. See Chapters 14 and 18

Page 91: A Guide to Civil Rights Studies - eisenhowerlibrary.gov · civil rights from school integration and construction programs to the Negro press. Included are draft press releases and

Scheips, Paul J. The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders 1945-1992

(Army Historical Series), Washington, DC: Center of Military History, United States

Army, 2005. Contains chapters on Little Rock desegregation crisis, James Meredith

and University of Mississippi, and many other desegregation incidents, race riots and

antiwar protesting during the 1960s and beyond

“Symposium: African Americans and U.S. Foreign Relations”. Diplomatic

History. Volume 20, Number 4 (Fall 1996) pp. 531-650. Includes

Articles by Carol Anderson, Helen Laville & Scott Lucas, Michael

Krenn and commentaries by Gerald Horne, Penny M. Von Eschen,

And Brenda Gayle Plummer

Warshaw, Shirley Anne. The Eisenhower Legacy: Discussions of Presidential

Leadership Silver Spring, Maryland: Bartleby Press, 1992. See Chapter 3, “The

Eisenhower Legacy in Civil Rights with comments from a panel consisting of

Herbert Brownell, Arthur Flemming, Maxwell Rabb and Rocco Siciliano

Whitman, Mark, Editor. Removing a Badge of Slavery: The Record of Brown v. Board

Of Education Princeton and New York: Markus Wiener Publishing, Inc. 1993

Williams, Juan. Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965

New York: Viking Penguin, Inc. 1987

Wilson, Paul E. A Time to Lose: Representing Kansas in Brown V. Board of Education

Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, 1995

The following interviews were conducted by the Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, the

University of California at Berkeley. These interviews pertain largely to California politics and

politicians. The transcripts listed below contain information on civil rights. Researchers interested in

any of the Bancroft transcripts should consult the Library staff.






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