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Page 1: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

Omer van RenterghemInclusive Green Growth Department:

NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation

4 April 2019

A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape Management

Page 2: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

Hop skip jump


Page 3: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

1. results frame works do not work for landscape cooperation

2. embassies in the forefront of area based approach

HOP: 2 ways of work


Page 4: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

Water Climate Food & Nutrition Security

Outcomes Water used sustainably and equitably, ensuring the needs of all sectors and the environment

Water efficiency in agriculture increased

Decreased deforestation, enhanced sinks and increased climate resilience of ecosystems & livelihoods

Performance of family farming systems increased

Ecological sustainability of land use strengthened

Indicators No. of people having enough water of good quality throughout year

Change in crop yield per unit of water used over time

Ha of forest(ed) land under sustainable forest management or other improved practices contributing to decreased deforestation, enhanced sinks & increased adaptive capacity of ecosystems and livelihoods

No. of family farms: - with increased productivity &/or income- with improved access to input &/or output mkts- whose farming enterprise became more resilient to possible stresses &/or shocks

Ha of farmland:- used more eco-efficiently- that became part of improved watershed/ landscape mgmt- that agro-ecologically became more resilient to possible stresses &/or shocks

Outputs Institutions able to carry out their duties with respect to water mgmtPlans for integrated climate resilient water resources mgmtProjects for increased water security & safety implemented

Govts, farmer orgns, NGOs & river basin orgns use database to improve water efficiency Projects which contribute to increased water efficiency implemented

Int. Outcome 1: Improved public & private governance (conditions) which enable halting deforestation, forest restoration & forest consvtn

Int. Outcome 2: Increased resilience & strengthened livelihoods of forest-dependent communities & small producers

Family farms benefitting from activities to improve performance

Farmland benefitting from activities to strengthen ecological sustainability

Results frameworks IGG


Page 5: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

Blue Gold in Bangladesh: polder landscape


Page 6: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

The MoFa landscape portfolio› Landscape approach in strategic Partnerships

• IUCN, WWF – Shared Resources Joint Solutions

• Friends of the Earth, Tropenbos, IUCN – Forestedlandscapes for equity

• Red Cross, Wetlands, Care - Partners for resilience),

• UTZ Certified – Joining Forces, building capacitiesfor sector change

• Solidaridad – Advocacy for change

• Hivos – Citizen agency consortium

• Oxfamnovib – Towards a world wide influencing network

Landscape approach programmes 2018

• IDH Initative Sustainable Landscapes • IUCN - Sustain Africa • HOAREC- Horn of Africa Climate Programme• ICRAF – Dry land development (Drydev) • Tropenbos• TerrAfrica/Worldbank

• Sustainable Water Fund:o Federation Colombian Coffee Producers/

Nestleo Wetlands Internationalo Woord en Daad

Page 7: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

1. private sector related implementation and intervention2. lobby and advocacy for change 3. interested but dormant investors

SKIP: 3 trends in landscape approaches


Page 8: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

IDH: From competing claims on resources to collective action


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IUCN/WWF: Lobby and advocacy


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Althelia: Cordillera Azul National Park REDD+


Page 11: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

Worldvision: from restoration to economic development


Page 12: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

1. Scenario planning2. Verified Sourcing Areas3. Strategic Environmental Assesment4. Institutional cooperation

JUMP: 4 instruments for cooperation


Page 13: A hop skip jump out of our silos to Integrated Landscape ... · Omer van Renterghem Inclusive Green Growth Department: NCEA and IGG: 25 years of cooperation 4 April 2019 A hop skip

SDG landscap scenario planning: equal information access


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Verified Sourcing Areas


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Why do we need a landscape approach?


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