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Page 1: A M AGICAL CHRISTM AS - Fordham University m agical christm as 2017 ialc winter institute december 10th - 19th fordham university institute of american language and culture 45 columbus


2017 IA LC W inter InstituteD ecember 10th - 19th

FORDHAM UNIVERSITYINSTITUTE OF AMERICAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE45 COLUMBUS AVENUE, 3rd Fl, NEW YORK, NY, [email protected] | www.fordham.edu/esl | +1 212 636 6353


A 10-Day La nguage Immer sio n Pr o g r a m c el ebr at ing New Yor k d ur ing t he ho l iday sea so n

Page 2: A M AGICAL CHRISTM AS - Fordham University m agical christm as 2017 ialc winter institute december 10th - 19th fordham university institute of american language and culture 45 columbus

T he w inter holiday season in New York is legendary. Romantic carriage rides through the snowy paths of Central Park, the glitz and glamour of Radio City Music Hall and Rockefeller Center, and the comforting scent of fir branches and hot mulled cider evoke images of enduring traditions and copious festivities. One might say it?s a dream come true. And, in fact, it is.

That dream began in 1809 with the publication of the bestseller Knickerbocker?s History of New York by author and native New Yorker Washington Irving, best known for the American classics The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. At that time, early winter in New York was marked by riots as people in the grips of poverty responded with desperation to rising unemployment and scarcity. The elite of New York, anxious to quell the discontent, turned to the fanciful and largely imagined depictions in Irving?s text of Christmas as a time of charity, nostalgia, and togetherness.

Chr ist mas in New Yor k : A Hist or y

D ecades later , Irving?s manufactured fantasy had become reality: in December, instead of protests, New Yorkers wished one another happy holidays, shops on Broadway began to extend their opening hours, and carols about ?Good St. Nick? were sung around hearth fires. The commercial and pop culture phenomenon of Christmas in New York had begun. *

Drawing upon this unique thread of local history, the IALC Winter Institute ?A Magical Christmas? invites participants to explore the convergence of invention, tradition, commercialism, and creativity embodied in the phenomenon of Christmas in the context of New York City. For ten days, students reflect on how imagination influences the evolution of diverse cultural practices while enhancing their English proficiency and indulging in the spectacle and fun of the holiday season in New York.

Page 3: A M AGICAL CHRISTM AS - Fordham University m agical christm as 2017 ialc winter institute december 10th - 19th fordham university institute of american language and culture 45 columbus

T he IA LC W inter Institute ?A M agical Christmas? is a 10-day immersive language program exploring the intersection of invention, tradition, commercialism, and creativity in the context of the winter holiday season in New York City. Participants receive up to 18 hours of in-class English language instruction with special focus on deepening their understanding of culture and social change and strengthening their communication skills. Guided experiential learning activities and excursions are scheduled on afternoons, evenings and weekends, fusing pedagogic rigor with real-life experience.

Throughout the program, participants gain insight into the diverse cultural practices related to the winter holiday season in New York, including performances at Lincoln Center and Broadway, visits to outdoor markets and iconic department stores, Menorah lightings and church services, and tours of historic Wall Street, Fifth Avenue, and Midtown Manhattan. Classwork enhances language proficiency and provides students first-hand exposure to the participatory style of American classroom interaction, all while encouraging them to reflect upon the significance of culture in their own holiday traditions. The Institute concludes with a closing meal and ceremony, where students are awarded certificates confirming their participation in the program.

What Is "A M ag ic a lCh r ist ma s"?

What Is "A M agic a l Chr ist mas"?

Page 4: A M AGICAL CHRISTM AS - Fordham University m agical christm as 2017 ialc winter institute december 10th - 19th fordham university institute of american language and culture 45 columbus

Dat es Sunday D ec ember 10

Mo ndayD ec ember 11

Tuesday D ec ember 12


A rr ival, Welcome D inner

& Tour of Fordham

Language Focus 1: Invent ion of Tradit ion or Tradit ion of Invent ion?


V isit to Washington Irv ing?s Bir thplace,

Tour of Wall Street , & South Street


World?s Largest Chanuk ah M enorah

Light ing / R ock efel ler Center

& Fifth Avenue

Wed nesdayD ec ember 13

Thur sdayD ec ember 14

Language Focus 2: Creat iv ity and R itual

NY City Ballet T he Nutcrack er at Lincoln Center

T he Costume Inst itute @ Fashion

Inst itute of Technology M useum

Dat es Fr idayD ec ember 15

Sat ur dayD ec ember 16

SundayD ec ember 17

Mo ndayD ec ember 18

TuesdayD ec ember 19

A MLanguage Focus 3: Chr istmas and

Commerce Excursion to

Woodbury Commons Out let M all

Free D ay

(A ct iv it ies recommended by

IA LC Staff )

Language Focus 3: Chr istmas and


Closing Brunch and D eparture


T he R ock ettes? Chr istmas

Spectacular / R adio City M usic Hall

New York Public Library / Bryant

Park W inter V il lage / Times Square

* Program schedule subject to change.

"A M agic a l Chr ist mas" Pr o gr am Dat es: D ec ember 10 - D ec ember 19 *

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"A M agic a l Chr ist mas" High l ight s

Recognized worldwide for outstanding artistic quality, the NY City Ballet is one of the most precious gems that the City has to offer. During the holiday season, ?The Nutcracker? featuring the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is a staple. The mesmerizing lights, richly detailed scenography, and exquisite performances of 90 dancers and ballerinas have transfixed Lincoln Center audiences for generations.

The Museum at the FIT is where culture, art and fashion converge. With more than 50,000 items of clothing in the permanent collection, plus seasonal exhibitions of select haute couture designers such as Chanel, Dior and Balenciaga, The Museum at the FIT allows visitors to explore the past and present of fashion and design.

Precision choreography, colorful costumes, and lively music are the ingredients of the most iconic show to see in New York during the holiday season. For almost a century, The Rockettes? Christmas Spectacular program has set the festive tone of the Christmas season, captivating countless visitors of all ages every year.

T he Rockettes? Christmas Spectacular

T he New York City Ballet

T he Fashion Institute of Technology

Page 6: A M AGICAL CHRISTM AS - Fordham University m agical christm as 2017 ialc winter institute december 10th - 19th fordham university institute of american language and culture 45 columbus

"A M agic a l Chr ist mas" High l ight s

Surrounded by beautiful mountains and only one hour away by car from NYC, Woodbury Commons Outlet Mall is one of the biggest shopping centers in Upstate New York, featuring premium brands Burberry, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Prada, Polo Ralph Lauren, Dior, Salvatore Ferragamo, Coach, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, and more. Shoppers enjoy savings of 25% to 65% every day.

T he West Side YMCA

Woodbury Commons

The West Side YMCA, with its art deco architecture and decor, was established in 1896 and has been serving New York residents and visitors of all ages ever since, providing a temporary home to celebrities such as renowned playwright Tennessee Williams and Nobel Laureate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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2017 IA LC Wint er Inst it ut e "A M agic a l Chr ist mas": D ec ember 10t h - 19t h

IALC Winter Institute ?A Magical Christmas? participants must arrange their own transportation to and from New York. Since December is a busy month due to the holiday season, participants are encouraged to book their transportation as soon as their registration is confirmed.

Pr o gr am Dat es

Visa Req uir ement s

Tr av el

Ho using Participants in the IALC Winter Institute ?A Magical Christmas? are responsible for making their own

All participants in the IALC Winter Institute ?A Magical Christmas? must have a tourist visa (B-2) allowing them to enter and reside in the United States for the full length of the program.

housing arrangements for the duration of the program. The IALC recommends the historic West Side YMCA, located at 5 West 63rd Street between Fordham?s Lincoln Center Campus and Central Park West. YMCA guests have on-site access to the YMCA?s extensive facilities, including gymnasium, fitness center, and a swimming pool. Sleeping arrangements include quads, bunks, and double rooms with shared bathroom facilities starting at $44 per person per night.

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All participants will have guest access to Fordham University?s dining halls. Located a short 5-minute walk away from the West Side YMCA, Fordham?s dining halls serve buffet-style meals daily, including a menu of freshly prepared hot selections, a salad bar, hot and cold beverages, fresh fruit, and desserts. Meal vouchers may be purchased for breakfast, lunch and dinner according to the meal plans below:

Pl a n A $345 Plan A includes 9 breakfast vouchers, 13 lunch/dinner vouchers, and 2 group meals.

Pl a n B $235 Plan B includes 9 breakfast vouchers, 7 lunch vouchers, and 2 group meals. (Participants on Plan B make provisions for dinner.)

Pl a n C $135 Plan C includes 9 breakfast vouchers and 2 group meals only. (Participants on Plan C make provisions for lunch and dinner.)

* All meal plans include a welcome dinner on Sunday, December 10 and a closing brunch on Tuesday, December 19. Plans do not include lunch at Woodbury Commons.

** Please note that facilities for food storage or food preparation are not available at the West Side YMCA.

M eal s

Images by Luyun Wang, Northwestern Polytechinical University

Fordham University Meal Plans*

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Tuit io n and Fees

2018 IA LC W inter Institute ?A M agical Christmas? Tuition $1,770

M eal Plan Plan A: $345 Plan B: $235 Plan C: $135

Housing Not applicable

Total Cost* Plan A: $2,115 Plan B: $2,005 Plan C: $1,905

Intensive English Classes English instruction (+18 hours)

Experiential Learning Activities and Excursions

Tuition includes tickets and entry for scheduled field trips within the New York metro area and the Saturday excursion to Woodbury Commons. Recommended outings on Sunday, December 17.

Meal Plan Meals are available through Fordham University dining halls. All meal plan options include full breakfast and 2 scheduled group meals. Food and beverages purchased during excursions are the sole responsibility of the participant and not covered in the meal plan.

Transportation Airport pickup (to and from the West Side YMCA) and transportation to and from program activities is provided by the IALC. Each participant receives a $10 NYC Metro (subway and bus) card.

Certificate Participants who successfully complete the program will be awarded a certificate of completion.

* Cost does not include housing and airfare.

Program tuition and fees include ...

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For d ham Univ er sit y

Sapientia et D octrina*Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New York, is committed to the discovery of wisdom and the transmission of learning, through academic inquiry, research and liberal arts education of the highest quality. Founded upon Catholic and Jesuit traditions, Fordham fosters the intellectual, moral and religious development of its students and prepares them for leadership in a global society.

Fordham strives for excellence in research and teaching, and guarantees the freedom of inquiry required by rigorous thinking and the quest for truth.

Fordham affirms the value of a core curriculum rooted in the liberal arts and sciences. The University seeks to foster life-long habits of careful observation, critical thinking, creativity, moral reflection and articulate expression.

In order to prepare citizens for an increasingly multicultural and multinational society, Fordham seeks to develop in students an understanding of and reverence for cultures and ways of life other than their own.

Fordham is privileged to share a history and destiny with New York City. As home to people from all over the globe and a center of international business, communication, and diplomacy, New York City provides Fordham with a special kind of classroom, offering unparalleled resources to shape and enhance Fordham's professional and undergraduate programs. Recognizing the debt of gratitude to the City, Fordham impresses upon the student body the importance of sharing their intellectual gifts and leadership skills for the enrichment of the City, the nation, and the world.

(* Wisdom and learning.)

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The Inst it ut e of A mer ic an Language and Cult ur e

New York is my campus. Fordham is my school.?

Following the University?s ethos of cura personalis, or ?educating the whole person?, the Institute of American Language and Culture (IALC) at Fordham is committed to equipping students with the communication and intercultural skills critical for academic and professional success.

Located in bustling midtown surrounded by iconic landmarks, our language learning environment reaches beyond traditional classrooms into the heart of New York City.

The IALC?s team of dedicated instructors bring years of experience in fields such as law, business, education, and the arts into the language classroom, creating a dynamic blend of specialized content and English language instruction.

Working in partnership with international universities and organizations in New York, the Institute has developed a distinctive framework for immersive group study emphasizing content, personal and professional enrichment, and hands-on experience. For over 30 years, IALC has welcomed students from more than 40 countries, and we are proud of the diverse nationalities, cultures, language backgrounds, and educational goals represented in our community of past, current and future students.

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Ready t o Shar e Yo ur Wor l d ?

Register Now !

Click the button to complete the Registration Form and online language assessment. (Please contact the IALC directly for tuition payment instructions for groups.)

Tuition fee payment reserves your space in the program. Even after you have reserved a place in the program, you are stil l responsible for procuring a valid visa, purchasing travel insurance, and arranging your own accommodation.

After you submit the Registration Form, the IALC will forward you a letter confirming your placement in the program. Once you receive confirmation that your place in the program has been reserved, you must immediately begin the process of applying for a visa and purchasing travel insurance and reserving accommodations. Please note that the IALC is not responsible for securing accommodation for the program.

Regist r at io n D eadl ine: Nov ember 1st

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IA LC 2017 Win t er Inst it ut e: ?A M ag ic a l Ch r ist ma s?

Fordham University | Lincoln Center Campus

Institute of A merican Language and Culture

M artino Hall, 45 Columbus Avenue, 3rd Floor

New York , NY 10023

w w w.fordham.edu/esl | [email protected] | +1 212 636 6353

Co nt ac t Us!

Q uest io ns?

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