+ All Categories

BPay Biller Code: 117242

Reference Number: Please see your Rate Notice.

Please allow at least 3 business days for payments made via your financial institution to be received into Council’s account. This applies to internet banking and phone banking.

Payment In Person

38-46 Daintree Street, Cloncurry Open 8.30am – 5pm Monday to Friday(Excluding public holidays) Payments by cash, EFTPOS, credit cards(Mastercard or Visa), cheque or money orderare accepted.

Payment By Mail

Please tear off the slip at the bottom of your Rate Notice and mail with a cheque or money order made payable to:

Cloncurry Shire Council PO Box 3 CLONCURRY QLD 4824

Property owners will be liable for any dishonoured fees and discount will not be allowed where cheques are dishonoured and not rectified prior to the discount date. Payment must be received at Council’s office by 5pm on or before the due date shown on the Rate Notice. Interest 8.03% will apply from the due date.

Please do not send cash through the mail.

Direct Deposit

Cloncurry Shire Council Bank Account details: Bank: Westpac Name: Cloncurry Shire Council BSB: 034-173 Account Number: 000 071

38-46 Daintree StreetPO Box 3Cloncurry QLD 4824ABN: 76 581 540 914P : (07) 4742 4100F : (07) 4742 1712Email: [email protected]


Rates Information

2021 - 2022

Building Our Community


The 2021/22 Budget provides a healthy capital works program, continued community support and outlines a plan for the future. This budget aims to create economic growth through new and improved infrastructure/facilities/services and builds a strong and sustainable future. The Budget continues to focus on maintaining our existing assets including water, roads, sewer, and buildings. The upgrade to the Chinaman Creek Dam Recreation Area and pathway is still a priority, as well as improvements to Curry Kids and the Landfill.

For the first time in its history, Dajarra is receiving safe, treated water, with grant funding allocated to improve the overall water security for the community. Council will continue our strong support of community groups and events with approximately $2.5 million allocated directly to our community infrastructure and groups.

Under the new Corporate Plan 2021-2026 Council's vision, goals, outcomes, and strategic actions are identified which sets the direction of well-planned investment in community infrastructure as well as maintaining our critical infrastructure to an acceptable level for our families and businesses to thrive and prosper.

Make Your Rate Payment:

Regards Greg Mayor Gregory Campbell


1 Cloncurry Vacant Land < 2,000m2 3.5448 $665.00

2Cloncurry Vacant Land ≥ 2,000m2 <

4,000m22.6039 $686.00

3Cloncurry Vacant Land ≥ 4,000m2 <

10,000m21.8056 $708.00

4Cloncurry Vacant Land ≥ 10,000m2 <

100,000m21.1316 $740.00

5 Vacant Land ≥ 10ha < 250ha 2.6649 $762.00

6 Cloncurry Residential < 10,000m2 1.9578 $655.00

7 Cloncurry Other Residential < 4000m2 2.5200 $1,351.00

8Cloncurry Residential ≥ 10,000m2 <

20,000m21.1865 $708.00

9 Cloncurry Residential ≥ 2ha to 30ha 0.9823 $740.00

10 Other Residential < 10,000m2 1.2246 $494.00

11 Other Residential ≥ 10,000m2 0.9528 $548.00

12 Multi Unit – 2 Units 6.0055 $1,607.00

13 Multi Unit – 3 – 10 Units 4.9354 $2,293.00

14 Multi Unit – 10 + Units 6.0055 $4,921.00

15 Shopping Group <2,000m2 8.2156 $1,768.00

16 Shopping Group ≥ 2,000m2 < 4,000m2 14.3279 $17,212.00

17 Shopping Group ≥ 4,000m2 18.1375 $37,860.00

18Retail, Commercial business – Cloncurry <

2,000m2 4.502 $1,393.00

19Retail, Com business – Cloncurry, ≥

2,000m2 1.7605 $2,764.00

20 Cloncurry Other Residential > 4,000m2 2.0042 $1,351.00

22 Professional Offices < 2,000m2 3.9366 $1,393.00

23 Professional Offices ≥ 2,000m2 8.4704 $6,898.00

24Professional Offices & 5 or less

Accommodation units5.8576 $4,049.00

25Professional Offices & less than 20

Accommodation units14.347 $13,774.00

26Professional Offices & 20 or more

Accommodation units16.3965 $34,433.00

27 Motel < 20 Accommodation Units 4.2121 $6,898.00

28 Motel ≥ 20 Accommodation Units 3.4697 $8,280.00

29 Hotel < 3,000m2 8.4075 $11,032.00

30 Hotel ≥ 3,000m2 4.9799 $11,032.00

31 Caravan Park 1.1995 $4,619.00

32 Retail, Commercial business – Other 6.2766 $1,083.00

33 Transformer Sites 2.3957 $5,581.00

34 Clubs, Religious, etc. 3.0798 $954.00

35Other Land ≥ 10,000m2, not otherwise

identified3.0798 $1,680.00

37 Rural Land < $3,500,000 UCV, ≥ 1,000ha 2.0426 $2,016.00

38 Rural Land ≥ $3,500,000 UCV, ≥1,000ha 2.4945 $85,076.00

39 Residential ≥ 300,000m2 -10,000,000 m2 0.6245 $740.00

40Industrial, Transport and Storage <

4,000m2 4.935 $1,050.00

41Industrial, Transport and Storage ≥

4,000m2 < 10,000m2 3.4134 $1,179.00

42Industrial, Transport and Storage ≥ 1ha <

10ha3.6825 $6,715.00


43Industrial, Transport and Storage ≥ 10ha

< 100ha1.8771 $1,415.00

45 Industrial, Transport and Storage ≥ 100ha 0.9114 $2,764.00

46 Transport Terminal – Cattle 2.5015 $6,898.00

47 Transport Terminal – Other 12.0511 $20,660.00

48Transport Terminal & 5 or more-unit

Accommodation11.0769 $48,185.00

49 Major fuel storage facilities 4.6728 $17,008.00

50 Extractive A < 50ha 9.3734 $21,481.00

51 Extractive B ≥ 50ha < 100ha 7.8848 $21,583.00

52 Extractive C ≥ 100ha < 1,000ha 3.2977 $43,132.00

53 Extractive D ≥ 1,000ha < 5,000ha 108.4491 $114,957.00

54 Extractive Industry 81.8078 $6,486.00

55 Loading Facility 45.3408 $153,288.00

56 Airport Lease (Commercial Business) 6.2903 $1,222.00

57 Airport Leases (Aircraft Storage) 5.3544 $1,158.00

58 New Cloncurry Industrial Estate 2.1739 $2,764.00

60 Intensive Accommodation 15-50 persons 2.759 $17,190.00

61Intensive Accommodation 51 – 100

persons2.759 $42,968.00

62Intensive Accommodation 101 – 300

persons18.44 $85,934.00

63Intensive Accommodation 301 -500

persons18.44 $171,854.00

64Intensive Accommodation 501 -1,000

persons18.44 $286,426.00

65 Intensive Accommodation 1,001+ persons 18.44 $572,826.00

66 Solar Farms 1 to 10MW 2.4945 $1,917.00

67 Solar Farms 10-50MW 2.4945 $9,582.00

69 Solar Farms >50MW 2.4945 $19,163.00

70Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 500ha <

1,000ha & UCV ≥ $30,00098.2454 $17,445.00

71 Mining Lease < 35 emp. & < 2.01ha 493.8938 $2,965.00

72Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 2.01ha <

40ha533.6876 $4,608.00

73Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 40ha <

500ha240.3118 $8,802.00

74Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 500ha <

1,000ha397.3644 $17,445.00

75Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 1,000ha <

10,000ha920.7647 $79,978.00

76 Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 1,000ha 151.6799 $79,978.00

77 Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 3,000ha 39.0802 $119,944.00

78 Mining Lease < 35 emp. & ≥ 10,000ha 270.6273 $119,944.00

79 Mining Lease 35 – 50 employees 51.6654 $139,939.00

80 Mining Lease 51 –76 employees 564.8829 $159,933.00

81 Mining Lease 77 – 200 employees 592.2376 $357,882.00

83 Mining Leases 201 – 400 employees 390.1729 $479,708.00

84 Mining Leases 401 – 800 employees 386.2932 $639,595.00

89 Mining Leases ≥ 801 employees 546.6889 $1,439,065.00

95 Term Lease ≥ 5,000ha < 10,000ha 4.9559 $25,273.00

96 Term Lease ≥ 10,000ha 278.5607 $50,513.00

Levy of Differential Rates 2021/22:

In accordance with s92 and 94 of the Local Government Act 2009 and s172(1) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Cloncurry Shire Council will make and levy differential rates on all rateable land. Further, Council considers that there should be a minimum charge for all rate categories. The following General Rates will be made and levied for the categories as listed. The Revenue Statement for 2021/22 is available on Council’s website http://www.cloncurry.qld.gov.au/rates

Annual Water Charge:

Water access charge - Cloncurry $62.54 per rating unit Excess water charge - $2.49 per kiloliters Note: - Please be aware that consumption allocated for a dwelling is 800 kilolitres per annum. Excess water charges are based upon actual usage in excess of the annual allocation, as recorded by an operating meter, or based on average consumption for a specific period if a meter is determined to be faulty. Water access charge - Dajarra and Kajabbi $62.54 per rating unit Water access charge - Malbon water supply $629.92 Water access charge - Walton’s Well water supply $1,977 Annual Sewerage Charge:

Cloncurry Sewerage area - $29.21 per rating unit Dajarra Sewerage area - $24.99 per rating unit

Cleansing Charges:

The following Waste Charges will be levied for the 2021/22 financial year for the Cloncurry and Dajarra Refuse Service areas for the servicing of 240L wheelie bins & other bins (front lift bins) and to provide a charging mechanism for premises electing not to use a waste collection service and to recognise the use of the refuse tip facilities.


240 L Bins

Domestic/Commercial/Industrial1 bin & 1 collection per week whether

collected or not*422

Commercial/Industrial - 1 5 bins & 2 collections weekly 3786

Commercial/Industrial - 2 5 bins & 3 collections weekly 5015

Commercial/Industrial - 3 5 bins & 4 collections weekly 6256

Commercial/Industrial - 4 5 bins & 5 collections weekly 7487

Other Bins

Front Lift Bins - 1 660 litre plastic front lift bin - per lift 20.65

Front Lift Bins - 2 1,100 litre plastic front lift bin - per lift 35.62

Front Lift Bins - 3 1,500 litre plastic front lift bin - per lift 48.63

Front Lift Bins - 4 3,000 litre plastic front lift bin - per lift 97.23

*Where more than 1 bin is serviced, the charge is multiplied per number of bins

Emergency Management Levy 2021/22: The Emergency Management Levy is a compulsory Queensland Government levy. Cloncurry Shire Council acts as a collection agent only. A Queensland Government subsidy is available to qualifying pensioners. For any queries regarding the Emergency Management Levy, please contact the Levy Management Unit on (07) 3635 3041. Should a rate payer wish to appeal the Emergency Management Levy category applied to their property, the address for correspondence is: The Commissioner Queensland Fire and Emergency Services GPO Box 1425 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Figures listed below are yearly amounts. (As per the Fire & Emergency Services Regulations 2011)




(Other Cities)

1 27.80 27.80

2 112.40 112.40

3 276.40 276.40

4 558.40 558.40

5 917.80 917.80

6 1,653.40 1,653.40

7 2,701.80 1,653.40

8 4,135.20 1,653.40

9 7,339.60 1,653.40

10 15,076.20 1,653.40

11 25,523.00 1,653.40

12 47,190.80 1,653.40

13 54,095.20 1,653.40

14 81,147.00 1,653.40

15 135,249.40 1,653.40

16 225,422.80 1,653.40

Payment of Overdue Rate by Instalments:

To assist ratepayers in meeting their rate responsibilities, Council may accept applications for payment of overdue rates and utility charges by instalments from property owners provided that such payment plan will provide that all rates and charges are paid within one year from when the application is made. Each application will be assessed on its merits.

Objections: You may object to the categorisation of your land for rating purposes. The objection must be made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be made within 30 days of the date of issue of your rate notice. The only grounds on which you may object is if you believe that your land has been wrongly categorised. You will still be required to pay your rate notice, as issued, by its due date. If your land is re-categorised because of the objection, an adjustment of the rates will be made. Each application will be assessed on its merits.

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