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Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in Civil EngineeringVolume 2013, Article ID 941905, 13 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/941905

Research ArticleA Multimode Adaptive Pushover Procedure forSeismic Assessment of Integral Bridges

Ehsan Mohtashami and Ahmad Shooshtari

Department of Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 91775-1111, Mashhad, Iran

Correspondence should be addressed to Ehsan Mohtashami; [email protected]

Received 4 July 2013; Accepted 11 November 2013

Academic Editor: John Mander

Copyright Β© 2013 E. Mohtashami and A. Shooshtari. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

This paper presents a new adaptive pushover procedure to account for the effect of higher modes in order to accurately estimate theseismic response of bridges.The effect of higher modes is considered by introducing a minimum value for the total effective modalmass. The proposed method employs enough number of modes to ensure that the defined total effective modal mass participatesin all increments of the pushover loading. An adaptive demand curve is also developed for assessment of the seismic demand. Theefficiency and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated by conducting a parametric study. The analysis includes 18four-span integral bridges with various heights of piers. The inelastic response history analysis is employed as reference solution inthis study. Numerical results indicate excellent accuracy of the proposed method in assessment of the seismic response. For mostbridges investigated in this study, the difference between the estimated response of the proposed method and the inelastic responsehistory analysis is less than 25% for displacements and 10% for internal forces. This indicates a very good accuracy comparedto available pushover procedures in the literature. The proposed method is therefore recommended to be applied to the seismicperformance evaluation of integral bridges for engineering applications.

1. Introduction

Over the past two decades, there has been an increasingattention to Nonlinear Static Procedures (NSPs) for the seis-mic assessment and evaluation of bridges. In these methods,a pushover analysis is carried out to estimate the inelasticcapacity of the structure as well as its response to differentlevels of the seismic demand.The NSPs have the simplicity ofthe linear static methods and the accuracy of the nonlineardynamic analyses. Therefore, they have become standardtools for the analysis of bridges in many seismic codes andguidelines such as EC8-2 [1] and Caltrans [2]. However, theprinciples of the NSPs are originally developed for buildings.It has been indicated by Isakovic and Fischinger [3] that thereare major differences between the structural system and theseismic response of buildings and bridges, particularly whenthe response of a bridge is analyzed in transverse direction.Therefore, the application of NSPs should be modified andadjusted for bridges.

The NSPs for the seismic assessment of bridges aregenerally based on two classic pushover procedures: thecapacity spectrum method (CSM) [4] and the inelasticdemand spectrummethod also known as the N2method [5].Both methods consider a single mode and keep the shape ofthe pushover load distribution constant during the analysis.To overcome these deficiencies, several approaches have beenproposed such as Modal Adaptive Nonlinear Static Proce-dure (MANSP) [6, 7] and Incremental Response SpectrumAnalysis (IRSA) [8]. In these methods, the effect of highermodes is included in the analysis and the pushover load isconsidered a function of the updated modal characteristicsof the structure.

In order to improve the efficiency of adaptive pushovermethods for bridges, various studies have been conducted.Isakovic and Fischinger [3] employed MANSP and IRSAmethods and investigated the effect of higher modes inthe seismic assessment of continuous-deck viaducts. Both

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MANSP and IRSA performed well for regular bridges. How-ever, the accuracy of these methods was reported to decreaseas the irregularity of the bridge increases. Casarotti andPinho [9] developed a displacement-based procedure calledAdaptiveCapacity SpectrumMethod (ACSM).This approachwas shown to provide satisfactory predictions in terms ofdisplacements and moments. Pinho et al. [10] employed fourpushover procedures and conducted a parametric study forthe seismic assessment of 14 continuous-span bridges. Theyconcluded that the accuracy of pushovermethods is generallyacceptable. However, the dispersion of results was reportedto be high for irregular bridges. Therefore, finding a morereliable method requires further investigation.

Themain contribution of this paper is to present a refinedmultimode adaptive capacity spectrum approach in order toenhance the accuracy and reliability of NSPs in the seismicassessment of bridges. To do this, two improvements havebeen made in estimating the seismic capacity and demand.First, the capability to identify and include important highermodes in the pushover analysis is provided. This is done byintroducing a minimum value for the total effective modalmass. The adequate number of modes is then included toensure that the defined total effectivemodalmass participatesin all increments of the pushover loading. In other words,the proposed method is able to incorporate variable numberof modes in the analysis. Second, an adaptive demandcurve is developed based on consecutive updating of theseismic demand. The derived adaptive demand curve is thenintersected by the adaptive capacity curve to determine theperformance point of the structure. To the best of authors’knowledge, the idea of using an adaptive scheme of bothcapacity and demand curves in the process of seismic assess-ment is novel andhas not been presented yet.The formulationof the proposed method for obtaining the capacity curve ofthe structure is similar to ACSM [9]. However, the proposedmethod is basically a force-based pushover procedure whilethe ACSM is a displacement-based approach. Unlike ACSM,the number of the participating modes is not assumed fixedin the proposedmethod. Moreover, the capacity and demandcurves are updated step by step and their intersection ischecked in each increment for detection of the performancepoint. This provides a more straightforward procedure com-pared to ACSM in which the capacity curve is first obtainedand the seismic demand is then applied in an iterativeprocedure to determine the performance point.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presentsthe proposed assessment methodology as well as the newimprovements implemented in the procedure. To evaluate theaccuracy and efficiency of the proposed procedure, a para-metric study is conducted in Section 3. Section 4 presents thenumerical results of the parametric study and discusses thesuitability and adequacy of the proposed method. Section 5highlights concluding remarks.

2. The Proposed Seismic Assessment Method

The proposed method is performed in the following mainsteps: (1) assessment of the capacity curve of the bridge

by conducting a multimode adaptive pushover analysis, (2)estimation of the adaptive demand curve based on theupdated overdamped elastic response spectrum of the givenground motion, (3) determination of the performance point,and (4) determination of displacements and internal forces ofthe bridge. Details of these steps are explained as follows.

2.1. Assessment of the Adaptive Capacity Curve. The firststep of the proposed procedure is to perform a pushoveranalysis on the bridge. A fiber based distributed plasticityfinite element program is implemented in OpenSees [11] forthe seismic assessment of bridges. The following steps areperformed at each increment of the pushover loading.

(i) Conduct an eigenvalue analysis to find mode shapes.The proposed method provides the option to define anarbitrary value for the total effective modal mass, 𝑀eff, to beparticipated in the pushover analysis. For instance, if thecommon value of 90% of the total mass of the structure isselected for 𝑀eff, our computer code will include an adequatenumber of modes in the assembly of the pushover load suchthat at least 90% of the total mass of the structure participatesin the analysis. Since themethod is an incremental procedure,this check for 𝑀eff is repeated at each load increment.There-fore, the number of the participatingmodes and consequentlythe shape of the pushover load vector repeatedly vary duringthe analysis. As a result, the changes of modal characteristicsdue to gradual softening of all structural members are wellcaptured and included in the pushover curve.

(ii) Assemble the incremental pushover load vector, {Δ𝑃𝑖},


{Δ𝑃𝑖} = Δ𝑉base {𝐹𝑖} ,




, 𝐹𝑖= √







where Δ𝑉base is increment of the base shear defined at thebeginning of the analysis, 𝐹

𝑖is the normalized modal force

at 𝑖th degree of freedom (DOF), 𝐹𝑖is the resultant modal

force applied at DOF 𝑖 based on the Square-Root-of-Sum-of-Squares (SRSS) combination rule, π‘š is the number of theparticipating modes, and 𝐹

𝑖𝑗is the modal force of DOF 𝑖 at

mode 𝑗 obtained as

𝐹𝑖𝑗= Ξ“π‘—π‘†π‘Ž,π‘—π‘šπ‘–Ξ¦π‘–π‘—, Γ𝑗=




, (2)

where π‘šπ‘–is the mass of the 𝑖th DOF, Ξ¦

𝑖𝑗is the mode shape

of DOF 𝑖 at mode 𝑗, Γ𝑗is the modal participation factor

of mode 𝑗, and π‘†π‘Ž,𝑗

is the spectral pseudo-acceleration ofmode 𝑗 determined from the updated overdamped elasticresponse spectrum of the given input motion. The proce-dure for determining this spectrum will be explained inSection 2.2.

(iii) Perform an incremental-iterative analysis by employ-ing the Newton-Raphson numerical method [12] as

[𝐾𝑇] {Δ𝐷

𝑖} = {Δ𝑃

𝑖} , (3)

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Adaptive demand curve

Adaptive capacity curve

Response spectrum corresponding to the

performance pointPerformancepoint

Overdamped elastic response spectrawith different equivalent damping ratios

Elastic response spectrum(5% damping)

Spectral displacement (Sd)







Figure 1: The proposed procedure for detection of the performance point.

where {Δ𝐷} is the incremental displacement vector of thebridge and [𝐾

𝑇] is the tangent stiffness of the structure

including geometrical and material nonlinearity.(iv) Derive the adaptive capacity curve of the

equivalent single-degree-of-freedom system by calculatingthe equivalent displacement 𝑆

𝑑,cap and the equivalentacceleration 𝑆

π‘Ž,cap. These values are calculated in π‘˜th step ofthe analysis as [9]












where 𝑔 is the gravity, 𝑉base,π‘˜ is the total base shear of thestructure at step π‘˜, and Ξ”

𝑖,π‘˜is the displacement of the

mass π‘šπ‘–at step π‘˜. Note that the equivalent displacement and

acceleration of the structure do not refer to a specific physicallocation of the bridge and are updated based on the deformedshape of the structure.

2.2. Estimation of the Adaptive Demand Curve. At each stepof the proposed procedure, the response spectrum of theground motion is updated to match the current state of thestructure. To do this, the equivalent damping of the structureis determined at each load step by the damping-ductilityrelationship of the Takeda degrading stiffness hystereticresponse [13] as

πœ‰eq = πœ‰0 +1

πœ‹[1 βˆ’

1 βˆ’ π‘Ÿ

βˆšπœ‡eqβˆ’ π‘Ÿβˆšπœ‡eq] , (5)

where πœ‰0is the viscous damping of the bridge which is

assumed as 5% of the critical damping, and π‘Ÿ represents thepostyield to preyield stiffness ratio and is assumed to be 0.05[14]. The equivalent ductility of the structure, πœ‡eq, is definedas the average ductility of all lateral resistant members,weighted by the shear force of eachmember.The reason is that

the overall ductility of the structure is related to both ductilityand stiffness of the members that contribute to the lateralresistance. The equivalent ductility of the bridge is thencalculated as




β‹… πœ‡pier,π‘–π‘˜

) + βˆ‘2



β‹… πœ‡abt,π‘—π‘˜


𝑉base,π‘˜, (6)

where πœ‡pier,π‘–π‘˜

and πœ‡abt,π‘—π‘˜

are the displacement ductility ofpier 𝑖 and abutment 𝑗 at step π‘˜. 𝑉pier,𝑖

π‘˜and 𝑉abt,𝑗

π‘˜are the

shear force of pier 𝑖 and abutment 𝑗 at π‘˜th step of theanalysis. The term πœ‡


accounts for the effect of the soil-abutment interaction which is explained in Section 3.2.

2.3. Determination of the Performance Point. In each analysisincrement, the adaptive capacity curve is compared with theadaptive demand curve for detection of the performancepoint (see Figure 1). In initial steps of the analysis, thestructure is elastic and the demand curve proceeds on theelastic response spectrum. When the first structural memberstarts to yield, the equivalent damping of the structure beginsto increase according to (5) and (6). The demand curveis then shifted from the elastic spectrum to the derivedspectrum. As yielding spreads within the structure, thedemand curve is shifted from the spectrum of the previousstep to the spectrum of the new step. When an intersectionpoint is detected, it is saved in an output file as a potentialperformance point. However, the analysis continues becausemore than one intersection between the capacity and demandcurves may be found [9].The analysis stops when an ultimatelimit state ismet. Ultimate limit states are considered to occureither when the structure fails to resist the pushover load orwhen the columns reach a drift limit of 3% [15].

2.4. Determination of the Structural Response. Once theperformance point is detected, the structural response canbe determined in terms of displacements and forces. The

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(II) Estimate the adaptive demand curve

(IV) Determine the structural responseGo back to the database and determine the displacements and internal forces.(This is a possible structural response, because more performance points might be detected during next steps of the analysis. The correct performance point is determined by the user at the end of the analysis.)

(I) Assess the adaptive capacity curve(1) Run an eigenvalue analysis for determining mode shapes and the number of

important modes(2) Assemble pushover load pattern by SRSS combination rule(3) Apply load increment and conduct nonlinear static analysis(4) Save displacements and internal forces into the database

Is an ultimate limit state achieved?

(1) Define input parameters (geometrical and material properties)(2) Define a minimum value for the total effective modal mass

(III) Check for performance pointIs a performance point detected?

(1) Determine (Sd , Sa)demand using the overdamped elastic response spectrumwith πœ‰eq calculated in the previous analysis step

(2) Update πœ‰eq for the next step by employing equation (5)

(5) Calculate parameters of the equivalent SDOF system: (Sd , Sa)capacity

Figure 2: Flowchart of the proposed seismic assessment procedure.

flowchart of the proposed procedure is schematically summa-rized in Figure 2. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposedmethod, a parametric study is conducted in the next section.

3. Description of the Parametric Study

The parametric study consists of 180-meter long four-spanintegral bridges supported on pile foundations. The bridgesare primarily designed according to AASHTO LRFD BridgeDesign Specifications [16] and Caltrans Seismic Design Cri-teria [2] for the purpose of this study. Structural details ofthe investigated bridges are illustrated in Figures 3(a)–3(e).In this study, eighteen bridges with different pier heightsare considered. These bridges are denoted by Bπ‘–π‘—π‘˜ where 𝑖,

𝑗, and π‘˜ are label numbers that indicate the height of left,middle, and right pier, respectively. The height of each piercan be 6, 12, or 18 meters which will be labeled 1, 2, and 3,respectively. For instance, the bridge in Figure 3(a) is denotedby B123. A fiber-based distributed plasticity finite elementprogram is implemented in OpenSees for the proposedseismic assessment method. The minimum total effectivemodal mass is defined as 90% of the total mass of the struc-ture. Geometrical nonlinearity is taken into account for allstructural elements. The potential of inelasticity is restrictedto columns. Nonlinear Winkler springs are employed torepresent the reaction of soil on piles and abutments. Theaccuracy of the proposed method is evaluated by inelasticresponse history analysis (IRHA). For each of the 18 bridges,the analysis is performed under 10 strong ground motions.

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1.21.2 1.01.0 1.5 1.5



(d) Column cross-section

(c) Transverse section






(e) Plan of the pile cap


t = 0.3m (typical)






H (6, 12, 18m)

Longitudinal bars32πœ™25





[email protected]

Transverse direction

Rigid links(to represent the pile cap)

Rigid end zone(to represent the cap beam)

Deck element(every 5 meters)

Abutment element




4@45m = 180m

H1 (6m)

Pile length = 15mAbutment height = 4m

H2 (12m)H3 (18m)

(a) Elevation view

(b) 3D analytical model in OpenSees

HP360 Γ— 174

Figure 3: Typical details of the investigated bridges.

This implies that a total number of 180 analyses have beencarried out to evaluate the proposed method.

3.1. Structural Modeling. The three-dimensional (3D) finiteelement model of a typical simulated bridge is shown inFigure 3(b). The material of both superstructure and sub-structure is cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The concretehas Young modulus of 28GPa and compressive strength of35MPa. The constitutive law of the concrete is described

by Mander’s confined concrete model [17]. The modulus ofelasticity of steel reinforcing bars is 200GPa.The stress-strainrelationship of steel is defined byMenegotto-Pintomodel [18]with yield stress of 450MPa. The total mass of the bridgeincludes the mass of the superstructure, cap beams, and halfof piers.The total weights of the investigated bridges are in therange of 50100–50800 kN, depending on the height of theirpiers. The mass of each element is equally distributed at itsend nodes.

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0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2Lateral displacement (m)




e (kN


Depth = 3m

Depth = 6m

Depth = 9m

Depth = 15m


(a) Soil-pile interaction (p-y curves)





0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2Displacement (m)


e (kN






K2 = K1/10


𝛿u = 0.05H𝛿y = 0.01H

Fu = 8820 kN

(b) Soil-wingwall-abutment interaction

Figure 4: Soil-structure interaction at abutments and foundation of piers.

The bridge deck is a multicell box girder as shownin Figure 3(c). The deck is modeled by 3D beam-columnelements fully characterized by elastic sectional properties.A 50% reduction of elastic flexural rigidity (EI) and an 80%reduction of elastic torsional constant (GJ) are consideredaccording to recommendations given in Caltrans [2] for mul-ticell box girder sections. The superstructure has monolithicconnections to abutments and piers.

The bridge piers consist of two circular columns as illus-trated in Figure 3(c).The cross-section of columns is depictedin Figure 3(d). A rigid end zone of 1.0m is located at the top ofcolumns to account for the offset between the top of columnsand the structural nodes of the superstructure. The columnsare modeled by 3D nonlinear beam-column elements withfiber cross-sections. The connection between columns andthe pile cap is considered to provide full continuity. The pilecap is supported by 8 steel friction piles, as illustrated inFigure 3(e). The piles are 15 meters long and are modeled by3D nonlinear beam-column elements.The soil stratum underthe whole bridge is assumed to be stiff cohesionless sand witha unit weight of 18 kN/m3 and an internal friction angle of 40degrees. All piles lie on the bedrock.

3.2. Soil-Structure Interaction. An important issue in theanalysis of integral bridges is how to model the interactionof abutments, foundations, and piles with their surroundingsoil. This interaction has significant influence on the seismicresponse and thus should be carefully included in the struc-tural model of the bridge. In order to realistically model thesoil-structure interaction, nonlinear springs are utilized tosimulate the horizontal reaction of the soil around abutmentsand piles. Since the soil-structure interaction is not the mainscope of this study, characteristics of soil springs are keptconstant for all investigated bridges. The hyperbolic tangentcurve recommended by the American Petroleum Institute[19] is employed for the lateral force-displacement relation-ship (𝑝-𝑦 curve) of soil springs aroundpiles.These springs are

assigned along the length of piles under abutments and pierfoundations. The 𝑝-𝑦 curves at certain depths are plotted inFigure 4(a). The soil-abutment interaction in the transversedirection also includes the contribution of wingwalls. Theeffect of wingwalls is represented by a bilinear translationalspring as shown in Figure 4(b). This spring is assigned tothe top of the abutment in the transverse direction. Thestiffness of this spring is determined by the shear capacity ofone wingwall [20]. The initial stiffness 𝐾

1and the postyield

stiffness 𝐾2in Figure 4(b) are calculated based on elastic and

ultimate shear capacities of the wingwall.

3.3. Ground Motion Records. The employed seismic excita-tion is defined by a set of ten natural near-fault groundmotions from strong and major earthquakes around theworld. Seven records are selected from the Pacific EarthquakeEngineering Research Center strong-motion database [21]and three records from the Kyoshin strong-motion seismo-graph network [22]. The range of magnitude for the selectedrecords is from 6.4 to 7.6, and the range of epicentral distanceis from 2 to 22 km. The characteristics of the input groundmotions are summarized in Table 1. The selected earthquakerecords cover a wide variety of near-fault ground motionparameters. In this study, the PGA of the records is scaledto 0.4 g in order to represent the design earthquake level.The effect of different intensity levels on the accuracy of theproposed method is later investigated in Section 4.4. Theground motions are applied in the transverse direction of thebridge.

3.4. Statistical Analysis. Results of the parametric study arepresented in terms of various response parameters amongwhich, deck displacements, pier base displacements, andcolumn base moments are investigated here. In order toevaluate the accuracy of the proposed method, the responseparameters are normalized to the response of IRHA foreach input ground motion. This provides a good measure

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Table 1: List of the selected input ground motions.

Earthquakeβˆ— Stationβ€”component PGA (g)Tabas, Iran (1979) 9101 Tabasβ€”NS 0.852Loma Prieta, USA (1989) 13 BRANβ€”NS 0.501Northridge, USA (1994) 24087β€”NS 0.344Kobe, Japan (1995) Nishi-Akashiβ€”NS 0.503Chi Chi, Taiwan (1999) CHY101β€”NS 0.440Duzce, Turkey (1999) Duzceβ€”NS 0.535Bam, Iran (2003) Bamβ€”NS 0.649Iwate, Japan (2008) IWT010β€”NS 0.223Shizuoka, Japan (2009) SZO014β€”NS 0.314Shizuoka, Japan (2011) SZO011β€”NS 0.511βˆ—Thefirst 7 records are selected from [21] and the last three records from [22].

for evaluation of the proposedmethod since all quantities arenormalized.

Due to random nature of earthquakes, any seismicresponse of a structure can be considered as a randomvariable. This response is a function of the input groundmotion as well as the DOF at which it is computed. Inorder to properly characterize the response of the structure,the behavior of each response parameter has to be studiedat different DOFs subjected to various ground motions. Inother words, the input ground motion and the DOF shouldbe statistically modeled. As a result, an arbitrary responseparameter, say 𝑅, can be considered as a random variable.By 𝑅𝑖𝑗, we mean the response parameter 𝑅 at the 𝑖th DOF

subjected to the 𝑗th groundmotion. To evaluate the accuracyof our proposed method, 𝑅

𝑖𝑗is calculated by our nonlinear

static procedure and then compared to the result of the IRHAas the reference solution. This is mathematically representedas



βˆ’ 𝑅IRHA𝑖𝑗


, (7)

where the superscripts NSP and IRHA denote the proposednonlinear static procedure and the inelastic response historyanalysis, respectively. Note that we have selected the relativedifference, 𝑒

𝑖𝑗as the likelihood measure of our proposed

method to the reference solution. If the proposed methodestimates the seismic response exactly as the IRHA, 𝑒

𝑖𝑗is equal

to zero. The mean of the random variable 𝑒 is obtained as

𝑒 =1

𝑛𝑖⋅ 𝑛𝑗







𝑒𝑖𝑗, (8)

where 𝑛𝑖is the total number of DOFs at which the response

parameter is computed and 𝑛𝑗is the number of input ground

motions applied to the bridge. The standard deviationof 𝑒 indicates the dispersion of the response predicted by theproposed method compared to the IRHA result. It is writtenas

πœŽπ‘’= √


(𝑛𝑖⋅ 𝑛𝑗) βˆ’ 1







[π‘’π‘–π‘—βˆ’ 𝑒]2

. (9)

The necessary condition for accepting the accuracy of theproposed method is that the mean of the relative differenceshould be close to zero. This condition ensures that theproposed procedure is potentially able to properly predictthe results obtained by the IRHA. The sufficient condition,on the other hand, is satisfied when the standard deviationof the relative difference is sufficiently small. This conditionguarantees that the results estimated by the proposedmethodare always close to the IRHA results. Therefore, the proposedmethod is considered accurate if and only if both mean andstandard deviation of the relative difference are sufficientlysmall.

Based on the computed standard deviation, it is useful toconsider a confidence range for the relative difference as ameasure of accuracy. The 95% confidence is a common valuein probabilistic and reliability analysis of structures and istherefore accepted in this study. The 95% confidence rangefor a normally distributed random variable π‘₯ is from π‘₯ βˆ’

2𝜎π‘₯to π‘₯ + 2𝜎

π‘₯where π‘₯ and 𝜎

π‘₯denote the expected value

and the standard deviation of π‘₯, respectively. If the dispersionof the relative difference is low, the 95% confidence rangeis small and the estimation of the response parameter isconsidered accurate. The normality of the relative differencecan be verified by the nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S) test [23]. This test is performed by the widely usedstatistical software SPSS. All relative differences for theresponse parameters of this study have successfully passedthe K-S test and thus have been verified to follow the normaldistribution. Numerical results of the parametric study arepresented in the next section.

4. Discussion on the Numerical Results

The eighteen bridges considered in this study can be geo-metrically classified as regular and irregular based on thedefinition of the regularity index proposed by Calvi et al. [24].According to the comprehensive study of Akbari and Maalek[25] on the regularity of bridges, the bridges B111, B121, B131,B222, B232, B323, and B333 of this study are identified asregular, and the other 11 bridges are irregular. The effect ofregularity on the response of the proposed method will beinvestigated in Section 4.2. The accuracy of the proposedmethod is evaluated by the inelastic response history analysishaving a 2% Rayleigh damping assigned to the two modeswith the highest effective modal mass.

4.1. Results of the Statistical Analysis. Results of the statisticalanalysis of Section 3.4 are presented here.Themean and 95%confidence range of the relative difference 𝑒 are presentedin Figures 5, 6, and 7 for deck displacements, pier basedisplacements, and column base moments, respectively. Thestandard deviations of the relative difference (𝜎

𝑒) are shown

in Figure 8. Results for each response parameter are discussedin detail as follows.

The selected DOFs for the deck displacement responseare located at every 15 meters along the length of the bridge.This implies a total of 11 DOFs for this response param-eter. Considering the 10 input ground motions of Table 1,

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Bridge configuration



























Figure 5: Mean and 95% confidence range for deck displacements.

Bridge configuration



























Figure 6: Mean and 95% confidence range for pier base displacements and rotations.

Bridge configuration



























Figure 7: Mean and 95% confidence range for column base moments.






Deck displacement patternBase displacements and rotationsColumn base moments

Bridge configuration





















Figure 8: Standard deviation of the bridge response parameters.

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a total number of 110 realizations are provided for the relativedifference 𝑒. The K-S test shows that this sample follows thenormal distribution very well. The mean, 𝑒, ranges from βˆ’8%to +5% which indicates that the proposed method has thenecessary condition to accurately estimate the displacementsof the superstructure. With 95% confidence, the relativedifference for 12 bridges shown in Figure 5 is less than 25%.This means that for two-thirds of the investigated bridges,the proposedmethod confidently estimates the deck displace-ments with less than 25% difference compared to the IRHAresults. The standard deviation of the response obtained bythe proposed method is in the range from 8% to 17%. Asreported by Pinho et al. [10], the standard deviation for deckdisplacements is up to 40% in different pushover procedures.Therefore, the proposed method satisfies the sufficient condi-tion of accuracy for estimating the deck displacements. It canbe concluded then that the proposed method estimates thedeck displacement response with satisfactory accuracy.

The selected DOFs for the response of each pier baseare the displacement in the transverse direction and therotation about the longitudinal axis of the bridge. Therefore,6 DOFs are selected for each bridge. Considering the 10input ground motions, a total number of 60 realizations areincluded in the sample. The result of the K-S test indicatesthat the random variable 𝑒 follows the normal distribution.The mean, 𝑒, ranges from βˆ’4% to +2% which indicates theexcellent adequacy of the necessary condition. As can be seenin Figure 8, the standard deviation ranges from 2% to 9%.According to the results of Pinho et al. [10], the standarddeviation is low enough to satisfy the sufficient condition ofaccuracy. It is then concluded that the proposed methodexcellently estimates the displacement response of the pierbase.

For the column base moments, 6 DOFs correspondingto six columns of the bridge are considered. Employingthe 10 ground motions of Table 1, a total number of 60realizations are obtained in the sample. The mean, 𝑒, rangesfrom βˆ’2% to +3% which indicates that the proposed methodprovides the necessary condition excellently. As can be seenin Figure 7, the proposed method has confidently predictedcolumn base moments in all the eighteen bridges with lessthan 15% difference compared to the IRHA results. Themaximum standard deviation of the relative difference is 7%(see Figure 8). This indicates the remarkable accuracy of theproposed method. Pinho et al. [10] reported the standarddeviation of the column shear force (and consequently thebase moment) up to 20%. Therefore, the standard deviationobtained by the proposed method well satisfies the sufficientcondition of accuracy for estimating the column momentresponse. Therefore, it can be concluded that the proposedmethod estimates the column base moment response withdesirable accuracy.

4.2. Effect of Bridge Regularity on the Results. The overalleffect of bridge regularity on the response of the proposedmethod is investigated by evaluating the standard deviationof the random variable 𝑒 as shown in Table 2. The average

Table 2: Accuracy of the proposedmethod for regular and irregularbridges.

Response parameter Average of standard deviationRegular bridges Irregular bridges

Deck displacements 9.7% 12.3%Pier base displacementsand rotations 4.5% 6.3%

Column base moments 3.8% 4.9%

standard deviation of the seven regular and the elevenirregular bridges is calculated and compared, for the selectedresponse parameters. It is observed that the accuracy of theproposedmethod in estimating all three response parametersis slightly more reliable for regular bridges. However, thisdifference is small and the bridge regularity has negligibleeffect on the accuracy of the proposed procedure.

4.3. Case Study Results. In order to highlight the featuresof the proposed method, a case study is explained here.To maintain the generality of discussion, bridge B123 isconsidered because its piers have different heights andthe symmetry does not affect its seismic response. TheNorthridge record (with the PGA scaled to 0.4 g) is alsoselected among the records of Table 1. Figure 9 shows thevariation of the pushover load pattern acting on the bridgedeck. At the beginning of loading, the columns are elasticand their lateral stiffness is considerable. The bridge deckcan therefore be considered as a multispan continuous beamin the transverse direction. The intensity of the pushoverload in the middle of the bridge is higher than that in theregions near the abutments (see dash lines in Figure 9). As theloading increases, the columns start to yield and their stiffnessdegrades. Therefore, as seen in Figure 9(a), the intensityof the pushover load shifts from the middle of the bridgeto its ends where more stiffness is provided by abutments.As the loading continues and more inelastic deformation isintroduced in columns, more load shifts from the middleof the bridge towards abutments as shown in Figure 9(b).Gradually, the stiffness of abutments degrades and some loadis redistributed from the regions near abutments back tothe middle of the bridge, as can be seen in Figure 9(c). Asthe structure approaches the ultimate limit state, columnsexperience extensive inelastic deformations and their stiff-ness becomes very small. Therefore, the bridge deck behaveslike a single-span beam supported by two abutments.At this point, only the first mode participates in the analysisand, consequently, the pushover load distribution resemblesa parabolic shape as shown in Figure 9(d).

Table 3 showsmodal characteristics of B123. It is observedthat three modes have participated in the analysis. Ascolumns start to yield consecutively, the first mode graduallytends to dominate the vibration of the bridge. The effect ofthe second mode is negligible, whereas the third mode withthe modal mass ratio of about 20% significantly participatesin the vibration of the bridge. The period of vibration

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10 Advances in Civil Engineering






Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3Length of the bridge

Incremental pushover load pattern (kN)

First column yieldingInitial load pattern






0Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3

Length of the bridge

Incremental pushover load pattern (kN)

Second column yieldingInitial load pattern






0Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3

Length of the bridge

Third column yielding

Incremental pushover load pattern (kN)

Initial load pattern


Incremental pushover load pattern (kN)8




0Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3

Length of the bridge

Ultimate column yieldingInitial load pattern


Figure 9: Variation of the pushover load pattern during the analysis (for B123).





00 45 90 135 180

Length of the bridge (m)




t (m









00 45 90 135 180

Length of the bridge (m)




t (m


Push. 0.2 gPush. 0.4 gPush. 0.8 gPush. 1.2 g

IRHA 0.2 gIRHA 0.4 gIRHA 0.8 gIRHA 1.2 g


Figure 10: The deck displacement pattern of B222 and B123 under Tabas record (PGA = 0.2 gβˆ’1.2 g).

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Advances in Civil Engineering 11






0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2PGA (g)

0.4 1.0


ent (










0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2PGA (g)

0.4 1.0


ent (





(a) Regular bridge (B222)






0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2PGA (g)

0.4 1.0


ent (










0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2PGA (g)

0.4 1.0


ent (










0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2PGA (g)

0.4 1.0


ent (





Proposed pushoverIRHA

(b) Irregular bridge (B123)

Figure 11: Column base moments of B222 and B123 under Tabas record (PGA = 0.2 gβˆ’1.2 g).

for the three modes increases as the columns yield. Thisincrease is less significant for higher modes compared tothe first mode. The proposed method has been capable ofpresenting accurate quantitativemeasure of the bridgemodalcharacteristics.

4.4. Effect of Seismic Intensity on the Results. To investigatethe effect of seismic intensity on the accuracy of the proposedmethod, an appropriate intensity measure should be selected.In this study, PGA is chosen as intensity measure since ithas been identified as suitable for the seismic assessment

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Table 3: Modal characteristics of B123.

Mode Initial state 1st yielda 2nd yielda 3rd yielda Ultimate state𝑇 (s)b 𝑀 (%)c 𝑇 (s) 𝑀 (%) 𝑇 (s) 𝑀 (%) 𝑇 (s) 𝑀 (%) 𝑇 (s) 𝑀 (%)

1st 0.751 69.2 1.295 78.4 1.375 79.6 2.198 85.4 3.134 97.22nd 0.408 2.3 0.567 0.1 0.594 0.3 0.961 4.0 1.392 β€”3rd 0.272 24.6 0.353 19.9 0.367 18.6 0.476 8.9 0.623 β€”a1st, 2nd, and 3rd yield: short, medium, and tall columns reaching their corresponding Ξ” y, respectively.b𝑇 is the period of vibration (in seconds).

c𝑀 (%) is the effective modal mass divided by the total mass of the structure (given in percentage).

of bridges [26]. Here, the PGA of Tabas record is selectedand scaled to typical values in the range from 0.2 g to1.2 g. The records are then applied to one regular bridge(B222) and one irregular bridge (B123). Figure 10 shows thedeck displacement pattern for different seismic intensities.It can be seen that the results of the proposed method arealmost identical to IRHA results. Only for PGA of 1.2 g, theproposed method underestimates the displacements of thetwo middle spans, whereas the displacements of the two endspans are still estimated properly. Figure 11 shows columnbase moments for different intensity levels. The proposedmethod has been able to estimate the moments very close tothe IRHA results in all intensity levels. Therefore, it can beconcluded that the intensity of the ground motion does nothave a significant effect on the accuracy and robustness of theproposed method. Furthermore, the deformed shape of thebridge and the column base moments are very well capturedfor both regular and irregular bridges. Therefore, the bridgeregularity does not affect the performance of the proposedprocedure in different intensity levels.

5. Conclusions

An efficient nonlinear static procedure for the seismic assess-ment of integral bridges has been presented in this paper.Theproposed method is basically a multimode adaptive capacityspectrum method with improvements in the assessment ofcapacity and demand curves. The proposed method employsincremental-iterative analysis and updates both capacity anddemand curves at each load increment. The performancepoint is defined as the intersection of the two adaptive curves.The displacements and internal forces are then determinedaccordingly.

A parametric study has been conducted to evaluate theaccuracy and suitability of the proposed method. The inelas-tic response history analysis has also been selected as thereference solution. Numerical results of the parametric studyindicate that the proposed method estimates the displace-ment and force responses of the simulated bridges close tothe results obtained by the reference solution. For most of thebridges investigated in this study, this difference is less than25% for prediction of displacements. The results are moreaccurate for column moments with average difference of lessthan 10%. Besides, the dispersion of results is low such that themaximum standard deviation is 17% for displacements and7% for column moments. These values are considered quiteacceptable compared to the values reported in the literature.

Numerical results also show that the regularity of thebridge has negligible effect on the accuracy of the proposedprocedure. The proposed method has been able to predictboth displacement and force responses of regular and irreg-ular bridges with similar accuracy. Moreover, the intensityof the ground motion does not affect the accuracy of theproposed method in estimating the force response of thebridge. It is observed, however, that the difference betweenthe displacement response of the proposed method and thatof the reference solution slightly increases as the intensity ofthe ground motion increases. Nevertheless, this increase hasnot affected the overall accuracy and the proposed methodperforms satisfactorily for most intensity levels.

It is finally emphasized that the proposed procedurecan also be utilized for other types of bridges with smalladjustments. Besides, this method provides a robust tool fordevelopment of fragility curves and evaluation of the seismicperformance of bridges.


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