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Helps for Effectively

Studying the

Human Anatomy and Physiology



Material Organization



Study Helps

Material Organization



Study Helps

The textbook is organized in such a The textbook is organized in such a way to assist you in your studying. way to assist you in your studying. When you understand the structure When you understand the structure and organization of the book, you and organization of the book, you will find it easier to find and learn will find it easier to find and learn the information contained in it. the information contained in it. Some of these features are:Some of these features are:

The textbook is organized in such a The textbook is organized in such a way to assist you in your studying. way to assist you in your studying. When you understand the structure When you understand the structure and organization of the book, you and organization of the book, you will find it easier to find and learn will find it easier to find and learn the information contained in it. the information contained in it. Some of these features are:Some of these features are:


Table of Contents

Chapter/Unit Divisions



Major Section Titles

Subsection Titles

The text itself is organized in a logical, The text itself is organized in a logical, systematical approach. You could think of systematical approach. You could think of the book as one big outline, starting with the book as one big outline, starting with the general concepts and breaking them the general concepts and breaking them down into smaller and smaller pieces until down into smaller and smaller pieces until you get to the most complex and detailed you get to the most complex and detailed pieces. Some of the divisions are as follows:pieces. Some of the divisions are as follows:

The text itself is organized in a logical, The text itself is organized in a logical, systematical approach. You could think of systematical approach. You could think of the book as one big outline, starting with the book as one big outline, starting with the general concepts and breaking them the general concepts and breaking them down into smaller and smaller pieces until down into smaller and smaller pieces until you get to the most complex and detailed you get to the most complex and detailed pieces. Some of the divisions are as follows:pieces. Some of the divisions are as follows:

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSThe book actually gives you two tables of contents:

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSThe book actually gives you two tables of contents:

The first table, “Contents in Brief,” gives you a quick overview of the whole book, only listing the title and page number of each chapter. This allows you to quickly locate the chapter for any given subject.

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSThe book actually gives you two tables of contents:

The first table, “Contents in Brief,” gives you a quick overview of the whole book, only listing the title and page number of each chapter. This allows you to quickly locate the chapter for any given subject.The second table, just labeled “Contents,” breaks each chapter into sections and lists those pages as well.


The way the text is arranged, all information relating to a particular subject is kept together as much as possible. General topics are grouped into units and chapters. These are further broken into sections.


The way the text is arranged, all information relating to a particular subject is kept together as much as possible. General topics are grouped into units and chapters. These are further broken into sections. For example, Chapter 3 deals with cells and tissues, whereas Chapter 4 deals with organ systems. This way you know you would look in Chapter 3 for details about a cell, but in Chapter 4 to see how the organs work together.

OUTLINE/OBJECTIVESOUTLINE/OBJECTIVESTo assist you further, the first page of each chapter contains:

OUTLINE/OBJECTIVESOUTLINE/OBJECTIVESTo assist you further, the first page of each chapter contains:

• A mini-outline of the chapter and the page number of each section. (This, incidentally, is the same information listed in the “Contents” section at the beginning of the book.)

OUTLINE/OBJECTIVESOUTLINE/OBJECTIVESTo assist you further, the first page of each chapter contains:

• A mini-outline of the chapter and the page number of each section. (This, incidentally, is the same information listed in the “Contents” section at the beginning of the book.)• A list of objectives for the material contained in the chapter.

TITLESTITLESThe text follows along in this outline fashion, filling in the details of the outline breakdown. The titles of the chapters are actually major headings on the outline, while…

TITLESTITLESThe text follows along in this outline fashion, filling in the details of the outline breakdown. The titles of the chapters are actually major headings on the outline, while…

Section titles are sub-headings for the outline.

OUTLINE SUMMARYOUTLINE SUMMARYThe end of each chapter also includes a complete outline summary of the text in that chapter. This is an exact outline break-down of the information presented in the chapter.Learning to use outlines while studying Anatomy and Physiology assists you in being able to break complex concepts down into their basic elements and organize the relation-ships between various body components.


Bold Text

Italicized Text

Quotation Marks


Bold Text

Italicized Text

Quotation Marks


Another feature of the textbook is Another feature of the textbook is the formatting of the text itself. The the formatting of the text itself. The formatting allows you to identify formatting allows you to identify and assimilate key information at a and assimilate key information at a glance. Different formatting implies glance. Different formatting implies different emphasis. Some types of different emphasis. Some types of formatting to note are as follows:formatting to note are as follows:

Another feature of the textbook is Another feature of the textbook is the formatting of the text itself. The the formatting of the text itself. The formatting allows you to identify formatting allows you to identify and assimilate key information at a and assimilate key information at a glance. Different formatting implies glance. Different formatting implies different emphasis. Some types of different emphasis. Some types of formatting to note are as follows:formatting to note are as follows:


old Text designates key terms that can be found in the glossary. Pay attention to these as they are very important and are often needed in your competencies.


talicized Text indicates words or terms that are being emphasized, defined or explained.


Quotation marks" usually represent the transliteration, or literal meaning, of words. They also may indicate the "layman's" definition, or common meaning of terms.

PARENTHESESPARENTHESES(Parentheses) are used to further explain

a concept such as: a

dd a subnote to an idea r

efer back to a previously discussed concept a

dd further clarification.




Anatomical Maps




Anatomical Maps


Anatomy is by its very nature a Anatomy is by its very nature a structural science, and physiology structural science, and physiology gets very complex. It is often hard gets very complex. It is often hard to understand certain concepts to understand certain concepts without some type of visual aid. without some type of visual aid. This textbook includes various This textbook includes various graphics and visual aids, such as:graphics and visual aids, such as:

Anatomy is by its very nature a Anatomy is by its very nature a structural science, and physiology structural science, and physiology gets very complex. It is often hard gets very complex. It is often hard to understand certain concepts to understand certain concepts without some type of visual aid. without some type of visual aid. This textbook includes various This textbook includes various graphics and visual aids, such as:graphics and visual aids, such as:


igures are charts, diagrams, photos, or illustrations that visually illustrate a point or concept trying to be made in the text. They can demonstrate relationships between complex processes, or show positions or structure.


igures are charts, diagrams, photos, or illustrations that visually illustrate a point or concept trying to be made in the text. They can demonstrate relationships between complex processes, or show positions or structure.

Notice the anatomical compass. Once you learn your anatomical directions, this compass is helpful in maintaining your bearings when examining diagrams.


ables arrange text into an organized, graphic way to see relationships, such as comparison/contrasts, main idea/support, classification, cause/effect, or problem/solution. In this way, information is much easier to assimilate.

STUDY HELPSSTUDY HELPSThe publishers have included many The publishers have included many other features to aid you in your other features to aid you in your study of the textbook. We have study of the textbook. We have already mentioned the already mentioned the Chapter Chapter OutlineOutline, , Chapter Objectives, and Chapter Objectives, and Outline Summaries. Besides these, Outline Summaries. Besides these, there are also:there are also:

The publishers have included many The publishers have included many other features to aid you in your other features to aid you in your study of the textbook. We have study of the textbook. We have already mentioned the already mentioned the Chapter Chapter OutlineOutline, , Chapter Objectives, and Chapter Objectives, and Outline Summaries. Besides these, Outline Summaries. Besides these, there are also:there are also:In-Chapter Helps

End-of chapter helpsBack-of-the-book helps

In-Chapter HelpsEnd-of chapter helpsBack-of-the-book helps


Boxed Inserts and Essays

Section Quick-Check Questions

Boxed Inserts and Essays

Section Quick-Check Questions

Within the chapter text itself are many Within the chapter text itself are many study helps. These fall into two main study helps. These fall into two main classificationsclassifications::

Within the chapter text itself are many Within the chapter text itself are many study helps. These fall into two main study helps. These fall into two main classificationsclassifications::

Throughout the book there are Throughout the book there are featurettes and short supporting featurettes and short supporting articles that :articles that :•explain the history of somethingexplain the history of something•give a short biography of a give a short biography of a personperson•explain the application of explain the application of something.something.

Throughout the book there are Throughout the book there are featurettes and short supporting featurettes and short supporting articles that :articles that :•explain the history of somethingexplain the history of something•give a short biography of a give a short biography of a personperson•explain the application of explain the application of something.something.


BOXED INSERTS AND BOXED INSERTS AND ESSAYSESSAYSHealth & Well-BeingClinical ApplicationResearch, Issue & TrendsScience Applications

Some of these include:Some of these include:Some of these include:Some of these include:


Periodically, usually at the end of Periodically, usually at the end of each major section in the chapter, a each major section in the chapter, a “Quick Check” section review is “Quick Check” section review is included. This is a series of 3-5 included. This is a series of 3-5 questions that you can use to test questions that you can use to test your comprehension of the your comprehension of the preceding material.preceding material.

Periodically, usually at the end of Periodically, usually at the end of each major section in the chapter, a each major section in the chapter, a “Quick Check” section review is “Quick Check” section review is included. This is a series of 3-5 included. This is a series of 3-5 questions that you can use to test questions that you can use to test your comprehension of the your comprehension of the preceding material.preceding material.


At the end of each chapter is a variety of At the end of each chapter is a variety of review tools. Some of these quiz you on or review tools. Some of these quiz you on or further break down the material in the further break down the material in the chapter, while others add new insights or chapter, while others add new insights or prompt further learning. These tools prompt further learning. These tools include:include:

At the end of each chapter is a variety of At the end of each chapter is a variety of review tools. Some of these quiz you on or review tools. Some of these quiz you on or further break down the material in the further break down the material in the chapter, while others add new insights or chapter, while others add new insights or prompt further learning. These tools prompt further learning. These tools include:include: N

ew WordsR

eview QuestionsC

ritical ThinkingC

hapter Self-TestC

ase StudyS

tudy Tips

New Words

Review Questions

Critical Thinking

Chapter Self-Test

Case Study

Study Tips

The New Words section contains a list of key words that were introduced in the chapter. Learning these words will go a long way to ensuring you understand the material covered.


The Review Questions are a good way to quiz yourself and be sure you understand the key concepts of the chapter. If you can't answer a particular questions, perhaps you need to reread that section until you can answer it correctly.


The Critical Thinking section builds on what the text has told you by appling the concepts to real-life situations. This section tests your understanding of the material in that the answers to the questions can be deduced from the text, but book does not directly tell you. You must figure it out for yourself.


The Chapter Test is a sample of what might appear on an actual test. It also give you a good idea of how well you know the material. Answering these questions may very well give you ideas of how and what to include in your project.


Like the Critical Thinking, the Case Studies takes the concepts learned in the chapter and expands upon them by applying them to real-world examples.


Study Tips does just what the name implies—it gives you tips on what and how to study. It basically tells you what the most important components are and strategies for learning them.



At either end of book there are several At either end of book there are several other tools provided to assist you in your other tools provided to assist you in your understanding of the material presented in understanding of the material presented in the book. These tools include:the book. These tools include:

At either end of book there are several At either end of book there are several other tools provided to assist you in your other tools provided to assist you in your understanding of the material presented in understanding of the material presented in the book. These tools include:the book. These tools include:









The Glossary gives the definition of the boldface words in the text. These are the key terms the publishers feel you should know. If you don't know understand a term, look it up here.


At the beginning and end of the book there are charts and tables that can assist you in your study


There are 4 Appedixes included in the back of the book these are sort of like mini-encyclopidias discussing specific topics. They are designated by Appendix A to Appendix D and include:

Pathological Conditions

Medical Terminology

Clinical and Laboratory Values

Common Medical Abbreviations


The Index assists you in trying to locate specific terms or concepts throughout the textbook. For example:


The Index assists you in trying to locate specific terms or concepts throughout the textbook. For example:


If you were trying to find out about the abdominal muscles,

The Index assists you in trying to locate specific terms or concepts throughout the textbook. For example:


If you were trying to find out about the abdominal muscles, the Index tells you that you can find out about their function in respiration on pages 506-507.

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSIONThe textbook is organized in such a The textbook is organized in such a way to assist you in your studying . way to assist you in your studying . When you understand the structure When you understand the structure and organization of the book, you and organization of the book, you will find it easier to find and learn will find it easier to find and learn the information contained in it. This the information contained in it. This will not only assist you in getting a will not only assist you in getting a better grade in the class, but it will better grade in the class, but it will also help you understand and also help you understand and appreciate the absolutely incredible appreciate the absolutely incredible body God has given you!body God has given you!

The textbook is organized in such a The textbook is organized in such a way to assist you in your studying . way to assist you in your studying . When you understand the structure When you understand the structure and organization of the book, you and organization of the book, you will find it easier to find and learn will find it easier to find and learn the information contained in it. This the information contained in it. This will not only assist you in getting a will not only assist you in getting a better grade in the class, but it will better grade in the class, but it will also help you understand and also help you understand and appreciate the absolutely incredible appreciate the absolutely incredible body God has given you!body God has given you!


All photos and references are taken from:

Thibodeau, Gary, & Patton, Kevin. (2005). The Human body in health & disease. Mosby.

ISBN: 0-323-03161-7

All photos and references are taken from:

Thibodeau, Gary, & Patton, Kevin. (2005). The Human body in health & disease. Mosby.

ISBN: 0-323-03161-7

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