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  • A New Meaningful Interlinear Translation

    A selection for these times taken from the complete sefer Tehillim entitled:


    to You

    ם י ל ה ת

    Yitzchok Leib Bell

    A New



  • The Tehillim contained in this work are reproduced from the Interlinear Edition of the sefer Psalms that Speak to You, published

    by Tehillim Today, an organization dedicated to the translation of Tehillim as a meaningful conversation with God.

    For further information:

    • www.tehillimtoday.com• email: [email protected]

    • www.facebook.com/tehillimtoday• instagram: @tehillimtoday

    Copyright © Yitzchok Leib Bell 2016 Hardback Hebrew/English Facing Edition

    2018 Softback Hebrew/English Interlinear Edition Distributed by Feldheim Publishers

    This selection published by: Tehillim Today

    Copyright © Yitzchok Leib Bell 2020

    All rights reserved

    No part of this publication (including, but without limitation, the English translation, the design, layout, artwork and cover) may be

    reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, and no part of the English may be translated without

    the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

    Design: Ben Gasner Studio, Jerusalem

  • A pprobations

    Rabbi Moshe WeinbergerCongregation Aish Kodesh

    Woodmere, New York 4th June 2018/21 Sivan 5778

    Dovid HaMelech said ואני תפילה - I am Tefillah. He defined his entire being by the words that poured forth from his heart. These words, thoughts and feelings are always lingering deep within us, forever seeking a means of sincere expression. Our entire lives we have been reciting Tehillim.

    My dear friend R Yitzchok Leib Bell, through his magnificent translation, is offering each one of us the exciting opportunity to get a glimpse of the king’s heart and to join him on his journey to kirvas Hashem.

    We will no longer merely recite Tehillim. We will able to have a taste of ואני תפילה

    For this I am eternally grateful.

    May the zechus of every word uttered by every Jew using “Psalms That Speak To You” accompany R. Yitzchok Leib throughout his own journey until 120.

  • A pprobations

    Rabbi Eytan FeinerCongregation Kneseth Israel – The White Shul

    Far Rockaway, New York January 11, 2016/1 Sh’vat, 5776

    Providing us with a fresh, clear, and contemporary translation of Dovid’s Sefer Tehillim, R’ Yitzchok Bell Shlit”a, has undertaken a most admirable yet daunting task – and has succeeded beautifully with his “Psalms that Speak to You.” Weaving the commentaries of Rashi and other classic meforshim into his fluid and lucid translation, R’ Yitzchok Bell has facilitated a connection to the text that draws us immediately close to Dovid’s heart. The layout is an aesthetic treat, the choice and concise wording unmatched, the ease of use a true pleasure. And through his wonderful translation, R’ Yitzchok has shared his heart with us as well. The reader senses instantly that the translation’s author is a unique individual, who warmly invites the reader to join him on his quest for spiritual growth.Thank you, R’ Yitzchok, for your excellent and groundbreaking work. And thank you for opening up the world of our greatest king and master poet to readers the world over, forever changing the way we recite our daily Tehillim with your masterful “Psalms that Speak to You.”Yi’yasher ko’chacha and best wishes for continued abundant Siyata Dishmaya with all of your remarkable Avodas ha’kodesh! Tizkeh Li’mitzvos u’li’Kol Tuv selah.Bi’hokra rabba u’b’yedidus ne’emana,

  • 1 For the conductor, a psalm by David.

    2 Israel, may God answer in time of trouble.

    May the Name of the God of Jacob shield you.

    3 May He send you help from His holy place

    and support you from Zion.

    4 May He remember all that you offered to Him,

    accept your prayers like burnt sacrifices.

    5 May He give you what your heart desires


    כ ~ 20

    א לְַמנַּצֵַח ִמזְמֹור לְָדוִד׃

    ב יַעַנְָך יהוה ּבְיֹום צָָרה

    יְַׂשּגֶבְָך ֵׁשם ֱאֹלֵהי יַעֲקֹב׃

    ג יְִׁשלַח־עֶזְְרָך ִמּקֶֹדׁש

    ּוִמּצִּיֹון יִסְעֶָדּךָ׃

    ד יִזְּכֹר ּכָל־ִמנְחֶֹתיָך

    וְעֹולְָֽתָך יְַדְּׁשנֶה סֶלָה׃

    ה יִֶּתן־לְָך כִלְבָבֶָך

  • and fulfill all your plans.

    6 Let us sing praises when He rescues you,

    and gather together in God’s Name.

    May God fulfill all that you ask.

    7 Then Israel will say, “Now I know

    that God saves His anointed king.

    He answers him from His holy heaven

    with the mighty redemption of His right arm.

    8 Some trust in chariots, others in horses,


    וְכָל־עֲצְָתָך יְַמּלֵא׃

    ו נְַרּנְנָה ּבִיׁשּועֶָתָך

    ּובְֵׁשם־ֱאֹלֵהינּו נְִדּגֹל

    יְַמּלֵא יהוה ּכָל־ִמְׁשֲאלֹוֶתיָך׃

    ז עַָּתה יַָדעְִּתי

    ּכִי הֹוִׁשיעַ יהוה ְמִׁשיחֹו

    יַעֲנֵהּו ִמְּׁשֵמי ָקְדׁשֹו

    ּבִגְבּורֹות יֵַׁשע יְִמינֹו׃

    ח ֵאּלֶה בֶָרכֶב וְֵאּלֶה בַּסּוסִים

    20 כ ~

  • but we call out in the Name of our God.

    9 They fall and stay down,

    but we rise up and overcome.

    10 Save us, God.

    Answer us, our King , on the day we call.”


    20 כ ~

    וֲַאנְַחנּו ּבְֵׁשם־יהוה ֱאֹלֵהינּו נַזְּכִיר׃

    ט ֵהָּמה ּכְָֽרעּו וְנָפָלּו

    וֲַאנְַחנּו ַקְמנּו וַּנְִתעֹוָדד׃

    י יהוה הֹוִׁשיעָה

    ַהֶּמלְֶך יַעֲנֵנּו בְיֹום־ָקְרֵאנּו׃

  • 1 A psalm by David.

    God is my shepherd,

    I will lack nothing.

    2 He lays me down in green pastures.

    He leads me beside calm waters.

    3 He restores my soul.

    He guides me along righteous paths

    for the sake of the glory of His Name.


    כג ~ 23

    א ִמזְמֹור לְָדוִד

    יהוה ֹרעִי

    ֹלא ֶאְחסָר׃

    ב ּבִנְאֹות ֶּדֶׁשא יְַרּבִיצֵנִי

    עַל־ֵמי ְמנֻחֹות יְנֲַהלֵנִי׃

    ג נַפְִׁשי יְׁשֹובֵב

    יַנְֵחנִי בְַמעְּגְלֵי־צֶֶדק

    לְַמעַן ְׁשמֹו׃

  • 4 Even though I walk in the darkest valley,

    I will not fear evil, for You are with me.

    Both Your rod and Your staff comfort me.

    5 You spread out a table before me

    in full view of my enemies.

    You anoint my head with oil.

    My cup overflows.

    6 May only goodness and love follow me

    all the days of my life,


    ד ּגַם ּכִי־ֵאלְֵך ּבְגֵיא צַלְָמוֶת

    ֹלא־ִאיָרא ָרע ּכִי־ַאָּתה עִָּמִדי

    ִׁשבְְטָך ּוִמְׁשעַנְֶּתָך ֵהָּמה יְנֲַחֻמנִי׃

    ה ַּתעֲֹרְך לְפָנַי ֻׁשלְָחן

    נֶגֶד צְֹרָרי

    ִּדַּׁשנְָּת בֶַּׁשֶמן ֹראִׁשי

    ּכֹוסִי ְרוָיָה׃

    ו ַאְך טֹוב וֶָחסֶד יְִרְּדפּונִי

    ּכָל־יְֵמי ַחּיָי

    23 כג ~

  • and may I dwell in the house of God

    for many years to come.


    23 כג ~

    וְַׁשבְִּתי ּבְבֵית־יהוה

    לְאֶֹרְך יִָמים׃

  • 1 A psalm by David.

    Prepare to serve God, you sons of princes.

    Get ready for God

    with words of His glory and might.

    2 Prepare prayers to God

    that glorify His Name.

    Bow to God in the splendor of His holiness.

    3 God’s voice is upon the waters,


    א ִמזְמֹור לְָדוִד

    ָהבּו לַיהוה ּבְנֵי ֵאלִים

    ָהבּו לַיהוה

    ּכָבֹוד וָעֹז׃

    ב ָהבּו לַיהוה

    ּכְבֹוד ְׁשמֹו

    ִהְׁשַּתֲחוּו לַיהוה ּבְַהְדַרת־קֶֹדׁש׃

    ג קֹול יהוה עַל־ַהָּמיִם

    כט ~ 29

  • the God of glory thunders.

    God is upon vast waters.

    4 The voice of God is spoken with power,

    the sound of God is majestic.

    5 God’s voice shatters the cedar trees,

    God smashes the cedars of Lebanon.

    6 He makes them skip like a calf.

    The mountains of Lebanon and Hermon

    prance like wild young oxen.


    29 כט ~

    ֵאל־ַהּכָבֹוד ִהְרעִים

    יהוה עַל־ַמיִם ַרּבִים׃

    ד קֹול־יהוה ּבַּכַֹח

    קֹול יהוה ּבֶָהָדר׃

    ה קֹול יהוה ׁשֹבֵר ֲאָרזִים

    וַיְַׁשּבֵר יהוה ֶאת־ַאְרזֵי ַהּלְבָנֹון׃

    ו וַּיְַרִקיֵדם ּכְמֹו־עֵגֶל

    לְבָנֹון וְִׂשְריֹון

    ּכְמֹו בֶן־ְרֵאִמים׃

  • 7 The voice of God cuts with flames of fire.

    8 The voice of God makes the deserts quake,

    God makes the wilderness of Sinai tremble.

    9 God’s voice alarms the doe

    and lays bare the forests.

    All in His Temple will proclaim His glory.

    10 God sat alone above the flood,

    and God will sit as King forever.

    11 God will give strength to His people.


    29 כט ~

    ז קֹול־יהוה חֹצֵב לֲַהבֹות ֵאׁש׃

    ח קֹול יהוה יִָחיל ִמְדּבָר

    יִָחיל יהוה ִמְדּבַר ָקֵדׁש׃

    ט קֹול יהוה יְחֹולֵל ַאּיָלֹות

    וַּיֱֶחׂשֹף יְעָרֹות

    ּובְֵהיכָלֹו ּכֻּלֹו אֵֹמר ּכָבֹוד׃

    י יהוה לַַּמּבּול יָָׁשב

    וַּיֵֶׁשב יהוה ֶמלְֶך לְעֹולָם׃

    יא יהוה עֹז לְעַּמֹו יִֵּתן

  • God will bless His nation with peace.


    29 כט ~

    יהוה יְבֵָרְך ֶאת־עַּמֹו בַָּׁשלֹום׃

  • 1 A song for the dedication of the Temple,

    by David.

    2 God, I will exalt You.

    For You picked me up

    and did not let my enemies gloat over me.

    3 I cried out to You, my God,

    and You forgave me.

    4 God, You raised my soul when I was low.


    א ִמזְמֹור ִׁשיר־ֲחנֻּכַת ַהּבַיִת


    ב ֲארֹוִמְמָך יהוה

    ּכִי ִדּלִיָתנִי

    וְֹלא־ִׂשַּמְחָּת אֹיְבַי לִי׃

    ג יהוה ֱאֹלָהי ִׁשּוַעְִּתי ֵאלֶיָך


    ד יהוה ֶהעֱלִיָת ִמן־ְׁשאֹול נַפְִׁשי

    ל ~ 30

  • You sustained me

    so I did not fall to the depths.

    5 Devoted ones, sing out to God.

    Give thanks to His holy Name.

    6 For His anger lasts only a moment

    while His kindness is for life.

    In the evening , sleep may come with tears,

    but joy will be there in the morning.

    7 In my composure I said


    30 ל ~



    ה זְַּמרּו לַיהוה ֲחסִיָדיו

    וְהֹודּו לְזֵכֶר ָקְדׁשֹו׃

    ו ּכִי ֶרגַע ּבְַאּפֹו

    ַחּיִים ּבְִרצֹונֹו

    ּבָעֶֶרב יָלִין ּבֶכִי

    וְלַּבֶֹקר ִרּנָה׃

    ז וֲַאנִי ָאַמְרִּתי בְַׁשלְוִי

  • I would never stumble.

    8 But God, it was Your will

    that made me stand strong.

    When You hid Your face, I was terrified.

    9 I called out to You, my God,

    and begged for Your favor:

    10 “What benefit is there from my death,

    from my descent to the abyss?

    Does the dust thank You


    30 ל ~

    ּבַל־ֶאּמֹוט לְעֹולָם׃

    ח יהוה ּבְִרצֹונְָך

    ֶהעֱַמְדָּתה לְַהְרִרי עֹז

    ִהסְַּתְרָּת פָנֶיָך ָהיִיִתי נִבְָהל׃

    ט ֵאלֶיָך יהוה ֶאְקָרא

    וְֶאל־ֲאדֹנָי ֶאְתַחּנָן׃

    י ַמה־ּבֶצַע ּבְָדִמי

    ּבְִרְדִּתי ֶאל ָׁשַחת

    ֲהיֹוְדָך עָפָר

  • or proclaim Your truth?”

    11 God, please listen and be gracious to me.

    God, be my help.

    12 You turned my mourning into dancing.

    You undid my sackcloth

    and, with joy, gave me strength.

    13 My soul will sing out to You

    and will not be silenced.

    I give thanks to You, my God, forever.


    30 ל ~

    ֲהיַּגִיד ֲאִמֶּתָך׃

    יא ְׁשַמע־יהוה וְָחּנֵנִי

    יהוה ֱהיֵה־עֹזֵר לִי׃

    יב ָהפַכְָּת ִמסְּפְִדי לְָמחֹול לִי

    ּפִַּתְחָּת ַׂשִּקי

    וְַּתַאּזְֵרנִי ִׂשְמָחה׃

    יג לְַמעַן יְזֶַּמְרָך כָבֹוד

    וְֹלא יִּדֹם

    יהוה ֱאֹלַהי לְעֹולָם אֹוֶדּךָ׃

  • 1 For the conductor, with instrumental music,

    a psalm, a song.

    2 May God be gracious to us and bless us.

    May His face shine upon us.

    3 Then the world will appreciate

    that Your way is kindness.

    All nations will recognize Your salvation.

    4 Peoples will thank You, God,


    א לְַמנַּצֵַח ּבִנְגִינֹת

    ִמזְמֹור ִׁשיר׃

    ְרכֵנּו ב ֱאֹלִהים יְָחּנֵנּו וִיבָֽ

    יֵָאר ּפָנָיו ִאָּתנּו סֶלָה׃

    ג לַָדעַת ּבָָאֶרץ


    ּבְכָל־ּגֹויִם יְׁשּועֶָתָך׃

    ד יֹודּוָך עִַּמים ֱאֹלִהים

    סז ~ 67

  • all countries will give You thanks.

    5 Nations will celebrate and sing with joy,

    as You judge them all fairly

    and lead the nations of the earth.

    6 Peoples will thank You, God,

    all countries will give You thanks.

    7 The land will produce its crops;

    God, our God, will bless us.

    8 God will surely bless us.


    67 סז ~

    יֹודּוָך עִַּמים ּכֻּלָם׃

    ה יְִׂשְמחּו וִיַרּנְנּו לְֻאִּמים

    ּכִי־ִתְׁשּפֹט עִַּמים ִמיׁשֹר

    ּולְֻאִּמים ּבָָאֶרץ ַּתנְֵחם סֶלָה׃

    ו יֹודּוָך עִַּמים ֱאֹלִהים

    יֹודּוָך עִַּמים ּכֻּלָם׃

    ְָֽתנָה יְבּולָּה ז ֶאֶרץ נ

    ְרכֵנּו ֱאֹלִהים ֱאֹלֵהינּו׃ יְבָֽ

    ְרכֵנּו ֱאֹלִהים ח יְבָֽ

  • All will hold Him in awe,

    even at the ends of the earth.


    67 סז ~

    וְיִיְראּו אֹותֹו


  • 1 He who shelters in God, Most High,

    dwells secure in the Almighty’s shade.

    2 I will say that God is my refuge and fortress,

    my God in whom I trust.

    3 He will rescue you from the snare that traps,

    from the deadly plague.

    4 He will cover you with His plumage

    and under His wings you will take refuge.


    צא ~ 91

    א יֵֹׁשב ּבְסֵֶתר עֶלְיֹון

    ּבְצֵל ַׁשַּדי יְִתלֹונָן׃

    ב אַֹמר לַיהוה ַמְחסִי ּוְמצּוָדִתי

    ֱאֹלַהי ֶאבְַטח־ּבֹו׃

    ג ּכִי הּוא יַּצִילְָך ִמּפַח יָקּוׁש

    ִמֶּדבֶר ַהּוֹות׃

    ד ּבְֶאבְָרתֹו יָסְֶך לְָך

    וְַתַחת־ּכְנָפָיו ֶּתְחסֶה

  • His truth is a shield and an armor.

    5 You will not fear the terror of night

    or the arrow that flies by day,

    6 neither the spirits that go in darkness,

    nor evil forces that destroy at noon.

    7 A thousand may encamp at your left

    and ten thousand at your right,

    but none will come near and harm you.

    8 You will just gaze with your eyes


    צִּנָה וְסֵֹחָרה ֲאִמּתֹו׃

    ה ֹלא־ִתיָרא ִמּפַַחד לָֽיְלָה

    ֵמֵחץ יָעּוף יֹוָמם׃

    ו ִמֶּדבֶר ּבָאֹפֶל יֲַהֹלְך

    ִמֶּקֶטב יָׁשּוד צֳָהָריִם׃

    ז יִּפֹל ִמּצְִּדָך ֶאלֶף

    ּוְרבָבָה ִמיִמינֶָך

    ֵאלֶיָך ֹלא יִּגָׁש׃

    ח ַרק ּבְעֵינֶיָך ַתּבִיט

    91 צא ~

  • and watch the destruction of the wicked.

    9 For you said, “God is my refuge.”

    You made the Supreme God your home.

    10 No evil will come upon you,

    no disease will reach your dwelling.

    11 He will direct His angels for you,

    to guard you in all your ways.

    12 On their palms they will carry you

    in case your foot might stumble on a stone.


    91 צא ~

    וְִׁשּלַֻמת ְרָׁשעִים ִּתְרֶאה׃

    ט ּכִי־ַאָּתה יהוה ַמְחסִי

    עֶלְיֹון ַׂשְמָּת ְמעֹונֶָך׃

    י ֹלא־ְתֻאּנֶה ֵאלֶיָך ָרעָה

    וְנֶגַע ֹלא־יְִקַרב ּבְָאֳהלֶָך׃

    יא ּכִי ַמלְָאכָיו יְצַּוֶה־ּלְָך

    לְִׁשָמְרָך ּבְכָל־ְּדָרכֶיָך׃

    יב עַל־ּכַּפַיִם יִָּׂשאּונְָך

    ּפֶן־ִּתּגֹף ּבֶָאבֶן ַרגְלֶָך׃

  • 13 You will tread on the lion and snake,

    trample underfoot the cub and serpent.

    14 God will say, “Since he yearns for Me,

    I will deliver him.

    I will raise him high,

    for He acknowledges My Name.

    15 When he calls on Me, I will answer him;

    I will be with him in any trouble.

    I will rescue him and honor him.


    91 צא ~

    יג עַל־ַׁשַחל וָפֶֶתן ִּתְדֹרְך

    ִּתְרמֹס ּכְפִיר וְַתּנִין׃

    יד ּכִי בִי ָחַׁשק



    ּכִי־יַָדע ְׁשִמי׃

    טו יְִקָרֵאנִי וְֶאעֱנֵהּו

    עִּמֹו־ָאנֹכִי בְצָָרה

    ֲאַחּלְצֵהּו וֲַאכַּבְֵדהּו׃

  • 16 I will give him a long and satisfying life,

    and show him My salvation.”


    91 צא ~

    טז אֶֹרְך יִָמים ַאְׂשּבִיעֵהּו

    וְַאְרֵאהּו ּבִיׁשּועִָתי׃

  • 1 A song for ascending the Temple steps.

    I lift up my eyes to the mountains:

    From where will my help come?

    2 My help is from God,

    who creates heaven and earth.

    3 He does not let your foot slip;

    your guard does not slumber.

    4 He neither slumbers nor sleeps,


    קכא ~ 121

    א ִׁשיר לַַּמעֲלֹות

    ֶאָּׂשא עֵינַי ֶאל־ֶהָהִרים

    ֵמַאיִן יָבֹא עֶזְִרי׃

    ב עֶזְִרי ֵמעִם יהוה

    עֵֹׂשה ָׁשַמיִם וָָאֶרץ׃

    ג ַאל־יִֵּתן לַּמֹוט ַרגְלֶָך

    ַאל־יָנּום ׁשְֹמֶרָך׃

    ד ִהּנֵה ֹלא־יָנּום וְֹלא יִיָׁשן

  • the guardian of Israel.

    5 God is your protector,

    God is your shade at your right hand.

    6 The sun will not strike you by day,

    nor the moon by night.

    7 God will protect you from all harm,

    He will protect your soul.

    8 God will guard your going and your coming ,

    now and always.


    ׁשֹוֵמר יְִׂשָרֵאל׃

    ה יהוה ׁשְֹמֶרָך

    יהוה צִּלְָך עַל־יַד יְִמינֶָך׃

    ו יֹוָמם ַהֶּׁשֶמׁש ֹלא־יַּכֶּכָה

    וְיֵָרַח ּבַּלָֽיְלָה׃

    ז יהוה יְִׁשָמְרָך ִמּכָל־ָרע

    יְִׁשמֹר ֶאת־נַפְֶׁשָך׃

    ח יהוה יְִׁשָמר־צֵאְתָך ּובֹוֶאָך

    ֵמעַָּתה וְעַד־עֹולָם׃

    121 קכא ~

  • 1 A song for ascending the Temple steps.

    When God returns the exiles of Zion,

    we will be like dreamers.

    2 Then our mouths will be filled with laughter

    and our tongues with songs of joy.

    Then the nations will say,

    “God did great things for these people.”

    3 God did great things for us,


    א ִׁשיר ַהַּמעֲלֹות

    ּבְׁשּוב יהוה ֶאת־ִׁשיבַת צִּיֹון

    ָהיִינּו ּכְחֹלְִמים׃

    ב ָאז יִָּמלֵא ְׂשחֹוק ּפִינּו

    ּולְׁשֹונֵנּו ִרּנָה

    ָאז יֹאְמרּו בַּגֹויִם

    ִהגְִּדיל יהוה לַעֲׂשֹות עִם־ֵאּלֶה׃

    ג ִהגְִּדיל יהוה לַעֲׂשֹות עִָּמנּו

    קכו ~ 126

  • and so we rejoiced.

    4 God, bring back our exiles;

    like parched land watered by a stream, we will be renewed.

    5 Those who sow with tears

    will reap with joy.

    6 The one who went out weeping ,

    carrying his sack of seed,

    will return home with songs of delight,

    carrying his sheaves.


    ָהיִינּו ְׂשֵמִחים׃

    ד ׁשּובָה יהוה ֶאת־ְׁשבִיֵתנּו

    ּכֲַאפִיִקים ּבַּנֶגֶב׃

    ה ַהּזְֹרעִים ּבְִדְמעָה

    ּבְִרּנָה יְִקצֹרּו׃

    ו ָהלֹוְך יֵלְֵך ּובָכֹה

    נֵֹׂשא ֶמֶׁשְך־ַהּזַָרע

    ּבֹא־יָבֹא בְִרּנָה

    נֵֹׂשא ֲאלֻּמָֹתיו׃

    126 קכו ~

  • 1 A song for ascending the Temple steps.

    From the depths I call to You, God.

    2 O God, hear my voice,

    listen closely to the sound of my pleas.

    3 God, if You keep our sins in mind,

    who, dear God, can survive?

    4 Forgiveness is Yours alone,

    so that we fear only You.


    א ִׁשיר ַהַּמעֲלֹות

    ִמַּמעֲַמִּקים ְקָראִתיָך יהוה׃

    ב ֲאדֹנָי ִׁשְמעָה בְקֹולִי

    ִּתְהיֶינָה ָאזְנֶיָך ַקֻּׁשבֹות לְקֹול ַּתֲחנּונָי׃

    ג ִאם־עֲו ֹנֹות ִּתְׁשָמר־יָּה

    ֲאדֹנָי ִמי יַעֲמֹד׃

    ד ּכִי־עְִּמָך ַהּסְלִיָחה

    לְַמעַן ִּתּוֵָרא׃

    קל ~ 130

  • 5 I put my hope in God; my soul has hope.

    I wait for His word.

    6 My soul looks to God.

    I am with those who watch for the morning ,

    those who watch for the dawn.

    7 Israel, keep waiting for God,

    for with God is abundant love

    and with Him is great salvation.

    8 He will surely redeem Israel from all their sins.


    ה ִקּוִיִתי יהוה ִקּוְָתה נַפְִׁשי

    לְִּתי׃ וְלְִדבָרֹו הֹוָחֽ

    ו נַפְִׁשי לַאדֹנָי

    ִמּׁשְֹמִרים לַּבֶֹקר

    ׁשְֹמִרים לַּבֶֹקר׃

    ז יֵַחל יְִׂשָרֵאל ֶאל־יהוה

    ּכִי־עִם־יהוה ַהֶחסֶד

    וְַהְרּבֵה עִּמֹו פְדּות׃

    ח וְהּוא יִפְֶּדה ֶאת־יְִׂשָרֵאל ִמּכֹל עֲו ֹנו ָֹתיו׃

    130 קל ~

  • 1 By David, a song with good advice,

    when he was in the cave – a prayer.

    2 With my voice I cry aloud to God,

    with my voice I appeal to God.

    3 I pour out my speech to Him

    and tell Him of my troubles.

    4 When my spirit collapses,

    You know the difficulties I face.


    א ַמְׂשּכִיל לְָדוִד

    ּבְִהיֹותֹו בְַּמעָָרה ְתפִּלָה׃

    ב קֹולִי ֶאל־יהוה ֶאזְעָק

    קֹולִי ֶאל־יהוה ֶאְתַחּנָן׃

    ג ֶאְׁשּפְֹך לְפָנָיו ִׂשיִחי

    צָָרִתי לְפָנָיו ַאּגִיד׃

    ד ּבְִהְתעֵַּטף עָלַי רּוִחי

    וְַאָּתה יַָדעְָּת נְִתיבִָתי

    קמב ~ 142

  • Wherever I go,

    they have hidden traps for me.

    5 I look to the right, but see

    nobody protesting on my behalf.

    I have nowhere to flee;

    there is no one concerned for me.

    6 I cried to You, God.

    I said, “You are my shelter!

    You are all I have in the land of the living.”


    ּבְאַֹרח־זּו ֲאַהּלְֵך

    ָטְמנּו פַח לִי׃

    ה ַהּבֵיט יִָמין ּוְרֵאה

    וְֵאין־לִי ַמּכִיר

    ָאבַד ָמנֹוס ִמֶּמּנִי

    ֵאין ּדֹוֵרׁש לְנַפְִׁשי׃

    ו זָעְַקִּתי ֵאלֶיָך יהוה

    ָאַמְרִּתי ַאָּתה ַמְחסִי

    ֶחלְִקי ּבְֶאֶרץ ַהַחּיִים׃

    142 קמב ~

  • 7 Listen to my cry,

    for I have lost all that I had.

    Rescue me from those who hound me,

    for they are stronger than me.

    8 Release me from this prison

    so that I can thank Your Name.

    May the righteous crown You because of me,

    when You show me Your kindness.


    142 קמב ~

    ז ַהְקִׁשיבָה ֶאל־ִרּנִָתי

    ּכִי־ַדּלֹוִתי ְמאֹד

    ַהּצִילֵנִי ֵמֹרְדפַי

    ְמצּו ִמֶּמּנִי׃ ּכִי ָאֽ

    ח הֹוצִיָאה ִמַּמסְּגֵר נַפְִׁשי

    לְהֹודֹות ֶאת־ְׁשֶמָך

    ּבִי יַכְִּתרּו צִַּדיִקים

    ּכִי ִתגְמֹל עָלָי׃

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