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Page 1: A Picture of the Fairy Kingdom


The Origin of Fairies

These are supernatural beings and spirits that can be either good or bad. It is believed by many who believe in fairies that they reside in a place somewhere between earth and heaven; however, many think fairies dwell on earth. Others believe they are mythical beings possessing magical powers and sometimes being close to human beings on earth. They are said to appear in various shapes being dressed in different customs. Typically a dwarf creature has green clothes and hair, lives in underground or in stone heaps, and characteristically exercises magical powers to benevolent ends.

Or, a fairy might be thought of as a diminutive, delicate feminine creature dressed in white clothing who lives in a fairyland, but intervening in human lives with good intentions. Then there is the Irish leprechaun. This tiny fairy usually wearing a cocked hat and apron can be good or bad. A cobbler by trade, his tapping makes others aware of his presence. Supposedly he possesses a hidden crock of gold, which the whereabouts he is not about to divulge unless his capturer threatens him with bodily harm. He might then divulge the whereabouts of his treasure if his capturer constantly watches him. But, he usually tricks his capturer in looking away briefly when the tiny man vanishes.

The belief in fairies seems to reach back into ancient times, being traceable both in written and oral tradition. Traces stem from the Sanskrit gandharva (semidivine celestial musicians) to the nymphs of the Greeks and Homer, the jinni of Arabic mythology, and other folk characters of the Samoans, Arctic, and other indigenous Americans. A common conception of fairies today, especially in children's fairytales, rests largely upon their depiction in old folklore tradition where they were generally described as serious and sinister. The exceptions include the tooth fairy, the fairy godmother in Cinderella, and Snow White and the seven dwarfs.

The word "fairy" is derived from the Latin fata, or fate, referring to the mythical Fates, three woman who spin and control the threads of life. The archaic English term for fairies is fays, which means "enchanted" or "bewitched."

Since the belief in fairies is universal because they are known by various folkloric names including brownie (English and Scottish folklore), elf (German folklore), dwarf (Teutonic and Germanic folklore), troll (Norse folklore), gnome (Europe, popularized by Paracelsus), pooka (Irish folklore), kobold (German folklore), leprechaun (Irish folklore), and banshee (Irish and Celtic folklore). Fairy lore is thought to exist in almost every culture and is most prevalent in Europe and the British Isles. It spread to America during

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the colonization period and is still strong in the Appalachians, Ozarks, and other remote mountainous regions.

More generally fairies are believed to lived in a land where time does not exist. This Land of the Fairy, or Fairyland or Elfland, as it is called, is accessed through barrows and mounds. Fairies come to the land at night to folic and make mischief. Stories are told that they are eager to kidnap human women for wives and human children, which are more attractive than fairy children, or changelings, that they leave behind in exchange. Other fairies generally live in small groups along rivers, lakes, or in woods and forests. They resemble the elementals and devas.

This Fairyland, or Elfland, resembles the pre-Christian abodes for the dead. Fairyland is sometimes referred to as the Land of the Ever Young, which is eternal and beautiful. People carried off to fairyland cannot return if they eat or drink there. Fairy and human lovers can marry, though only with restrictions whose violation ends the marriage, and often, the life of the human. Some female fairies are deadly to human lovers. Fairies may resemble humans in size, but can decrease to three inches (7.5 cm) or less. Female fairies may be fortune tellers, particularly prophesying at births and foretelling deaths.

The fairies were aristocratic and had monarchs; for example, in County Galway, Fin Bheara and Nuala were the king and queen. In Whales, king and queen of the fairies-known there as the Tylwyth Teg-were Gwydion ab Don and Gwenhidw. Shakespeare records the fairy-rulers in A Midsummer Night's Dream as Oberon and Titania.

These are some of the theories that speculate the origins of fairies:

Fairies are unbaptized souls. They are souls caught up in a netherland land, not good enough to enter heaven, nor bad enough to deserve hell. Such a place is frequently referred to as limbo.

Fairies are the fallen angels. Fairies were among the angels loyal to Lucifer. They were cast out of heaven with him to plunge into hell, but suddenly God stopped them in mid-flight and condemned them to remain where they were. Some were in the air, some in the earth and some in the seas and rivers. Such belief is widespread in fairy lore of Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavia.

Fairies are nature spirits. Somewhat analogous to the fallen-angel theory, this theory holds that fairies are among the many spirits that populate all things and places in the earth.

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Fairies are diminutive human beings. There is evidence that small-structured races populated parts of Europe and the British Isles in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, before the spread of the Celts. In Ireland, they were known as the Thuathe de Danaan. They resided in barrows and in shelters burrowed under hills and mounds. They were hard working but shy, and, as stronger peoples invaded their land and captured their iron weaponry, they retreated to the woodlands to live a secretive life. Being pagan, they continued to worship the pagan deities. They were in union with nature and possessed

keen psychic senses. Their skills and trades allowed them to lead somewhat normal lives while raising diminutive cattle and horses. There was sporadic guerilla warfare against invaders as described in the legends of Robin Hood and Rob Roy.

Originally the elusive fairy races were regarded with suspicion by larger races. Belief in them was thought to be superstitious. However, gradually more people began endowing these little people with magical characteristics. The races such as the Lapps, Picts and Romano-British-Iberian peoples, were not so small as to be unable to mingle with the Celts, Normans and Saxons. Although many became servants and serfs, others married and mixed bloodlines. Until the 13th century, having fairy blood was admired.

There is much evidence of fairy lore in relation to witchcraft. The British anthropologist Margaret A. Murray and other historians state that the real "little people" gradually became identified with witches. During the 16th and 17th centuries, when belief in fairies was at its peak, the activities of fairies and witches were frequently combined. Both cast and broke spells; they both healed people, and divined lost objects and the future. Both danced and sang beneath the moon-often together-and were said to have trafficked with the Devil. Both practiced metamorphosis, flying and levitation, and could cause others to levitate. As well, both supposedly stole unbaptized babies, poisoned people, and stole horses that they rode hard and fast to their sabbats in the night. Both avoided salt and were repelled by iron.

King James I of England, in Daemonologie, his book about witches, called Diana, the goddess of witches, and the "Queen of Fairie." Oberon, the name of the King of Fairies, also was the name of a demon summoned by magicians. Fairies were also claimed to be familiars of witches. Therefore, it is not difficulty to see why fairies figured into witch trails. The trails richest in details occurred in the British Isles.

Currently Neo-Pagan Witches believe in fairies and some see them clairvoyantly. Some Witches say their Craft was passed down by fairies through the generations of their families.

Fairy lore is particularly prevalent in Ireland, Cornwall, Wales, and Scotland. Fairies are common in literature from the Middle Ages on and appear in the writings of the Italians Matteo Boiardo and Ludovico Ariosto, the English poet Edmund Spenser, the Frenchman Charles Perrault, and the Dane Hans Christian Andersen, among others. A.G.H.

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The word Fairy is derived from the ancient "faunoe o fatuoe" which, in the pagan mythology, indicated the faun's (deer) companions, creatures endowed with power of foretelling the future and ruling the human events. The word Fairy also comes from "fatigue", which in Middle Ages was synonymous with "wild woman", that is woman of woods, waters and, in general, of the natural world. Fairies are so prevalent in mythical culture that it's natural to wonder where they came from. Different societies have come up with very different explanations of the origins of 'the little people'. The Little People are said to be the dispossessed early tribes of the British Isles.They faded away into uninhabited places, growing smaller and smaller

with time as they were forgotten and passed into legend. The Tuatha de Danann, People of the Goddess Dana, ruled Ireland before the Milesian invasion. They were driven underground where they became the Daoine Sidhe fairies. The Irish believe that the fairies are a previously conquered society, the Tuatha De Danaan (People of the Goddess Dana), who were driven into hiding when the Celts invaded Ireland. The Pagan gods of the Tuatha, skilled in building and magic, went underground to live in the tombs and mounds they had built. Hidden from sight, they grew smaller in the popular imagination until they turned into fairies. Other cultures believe that fairies are the souls of the dead, people not good enough to enter Heaven yet not bad enough for Hell. They wander the Netherland in between and are occasionally seen by humans. Along a similar theme, fairies are also believed to be angels that had been cast out of Heaven. Some fell into the sea and some onto the land, where they would do no harm if left alone. In Wales, fairies are thought to be a race of invisible spiritual beings living in a world of their own. Some people also believe that fairies were originally local gods or nature spirits that dwindled in majesty and size over time.

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Types of Fairies

There are many types of fairies, and these are a few of the famous ones: Pixies: are very mischievous, and like to play tricks on people, such as lead them astray on an

open road; hence the term "pixie - led", which means someone who is lost or confused.


Leprechauns: are Irish fairies, known for the gold treasure they keep. If you catch one, he will lead you to it.

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Selkies: look like seals, but can shed their skin and transform into humans.


Dwarves: live underground and work as miners. They are very skilled and can make enchanted items.

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Corrigans: are beautiful maidens by day and ugly hags by night. If a man should marry them, they will remain in their beautiful state.


Mossmen: are dressed in moss and have big flowers in their hair. They know the healing properties to everything in the forest.

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Mermaids: are also called merfolk or merrows. They are half woman, half fish, and are said to appear in the ocean before storms.


Types of Fairies and Elementals

 The four elements are fire, earth, air and water, and the members of the Fairy, or Elemental, Kingdom belong to one of these elements. This is why they are also commonly known as Elementals.


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 FIRE ELEMENTALS Salamanders Fires, explosions, lightening, solar energy, candlelight – anything to do with fire and heat is within the Salamander’s jurisdiction. They are very dynamic, explosive and difficult to comprehend. They can help humans with healing, creativity, courage and transformation. Salamanders can also arouse passion and warmth, which in turn enriches our daily lives.The King of the Salamanders is a magnificent being called Djinn.The Archangel associated with the Fire Element is Michael. The Zodiac signs belonging to the Fire Element are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


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 Gnomes Gnomes create and maintain all earth-related substances; crystals, stones, plants, flowers, trees etc… There are no female Gnomes. They are reclusive, master magicians and help humans to maintain a healthy, balanced physical body. Gnomes can assist us by providing lucky breaks or opportunities, helping us to develop our innate magical abilities and renewing a deep respect for the Earth and all her natural resources.The King of the Gnomes is the delightfully mischievous Ghob.I would imagine that the fearsome Irish Pooka would fall into this category.The Archangel associated with the Earth Element is Auriel. The Earth Zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.



 Sylphs From whispering breezes to mighty gales – this is the realm of the Sylphs. Thought processes, creativity and education are just some of the areas that these beings can help us with. They work closely with the angelic realm and particularly love children. Sylphs can also assist us to tap into the available universal wisdom and healing abilities. Of the entire Elemental Kingdom, these beautiful beings most resemble our popular vision of a fairy; ethereal, twinkling and delicate.The King of the Sylphs is the eloquent Paralda.The Archangel associated with the Air Element is Raphael. The Zodiac signs of the Air element are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.


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 Undines The Undine’s domain is all forms of water – from rain to oceans, from tears to fountains. They can help us connect to our dreams, deepest hopes and fears. Undines have strong intuitive, clairvoyant and magical abilities and, if so inclined, can grant these powers to humans. Mermaids and mermen, water nymphs and water sprites all belong to the Water Elemental group. They often communicate with us during our dreamtime.The King of the Undines is the eternally wise Niksa.The Archangel associated with the Water Element is Gabriel. The Zodiac signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces fall under the Water element.

Fairies are the Little People, said by some to be the dispossessed early tribes of the British Isles. They faded away into uninhabited places, growing smaller and smaller with time as they were forgotten and passed into legend. Oral history informs us that the Tuatha de Danann, People of the Goddess Dana, ruled Ireland before the Milesian invasion. They are said to have been driven underground, where they became the Daoine Sidhe fairies. Other theories hold that fairies are supernatural beings, fallen angels trapped on earth, spirits of the heathen dead, elementals, nature spirits, visitors from an alternate or parallel universe, or old god/esses who have been so neglected that they have lost their powers and devolved into fairies. Myths and legends provide a lot of information about fairies. These are some of their supposed qualities and attributes:


Wear green clothes May be winged and fly May be tiny, or child-sized Can turn invisible, or blend so closely into the forest as to seem invisible


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May be male or female, helpful or harmful Have powers of magic and enchantment Move swiftly Are immortal Live on fruit Play tricks Brawl with each other Possess gold

Enjoy music, dancing and making love War with insects and reptiles Are associated with certain plants, trees and places Sometimes take human lovers Can breed with humans Create artifacts, such as shoes and bows


Helpful:Bestow gifts - Fairy gifts include the cauldron of plenty, the wand of intelligence, and the tree of knowledgeAssist with housework

Harmful:Steal babies and replace them with changelingsBorrow household items from humansEnchant humans and beguile them into the fairy realm


Live on hills, in woody dells, underwater, or in the Otherworld Fairyland, also called Elfland or Tir Nan Og, is an enchanted place where fairies live in an organized community. It may be thought of as an alternate or parallel universe, a place where time stands still and there is no sickness or death. The fairy kingdom is said to be a hilltop one, but invisible, or composed of magnificent underground cities. Fairy kings and queens rule there. Humans who enter the fairy realm cannot leave once the door closes behind them. Those who do leave may find that years have passed on earth during what was, for them, but minutes in the fairy kingdom.


ShapeshiftCause fog and tempests

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Fairies are the Little People, the good folk who live in woody dells. Names for them include: faery - faerie - fatae - fa'ae - fairye - sidhe (pronounced

shee) - sith - fee - fay - fae - fayerie - fair folk - verry folk - feriers - ferishers - farisees - wee folk - green men - greenies - greencoaties - green children - gremlins - good neighbors - good people - grey neighbors - pixies - piskies - sprites - tamlane - tammerlane - tom-lin - tom of lyn

Elves, gnomes, sprites, goblins, hobgoblins, nymphs, merfolk, trolls, leprechauns, etc. are considered types of fairies in some traditions.

Knowing a fairy's true name gives you power over it, so fairies are said to guard their real names very closely. Nevertheless, individual fairies known to us from mythology include:

Aeval, Fairy Queen of the Midnight Court

Aillen MacModha, who sets Tara ablaze every year

Caer, a beautiful fairy who lived as a swan

Clethrad, an alder fairy

Donagh, Finvarra's beautiful wife.

Finvarra, fairy king of the Daoine Sidhe. He is known for his skill at chess and for abducting brides-to-be. Spanish wine is a suitable offering got him.

Ghillie Dhu, a Scottish fairy who wears moss and leaves, lives in birch thickets.

Heliconian, a willow fairy

Melia, an ash or quince fairy

Melwas, the fairy king of the Summer Land who abducted Guenivere

O'Donoghue, king of the Lough Lean fairies in Ireland

Summer, beautiful queen of the Elves of Light. Her presence melts Winter away.

Urisk, a lonely male Scottish fairy who is found near pools

Wichtlein, a German mine fairy


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the Asparas/Apsaras, fig tree fairies

the Caryatids, nut tree fairies

the Dryads, oak tree fairies

the Luantishees, blackthorn fairies

Literary fairies include Queen Mab, Puck, Titania, Tinkerbell, Tammerlane, Mustardseed and Oberon.

Fairy Goddesses: Aine of Knockaine - Airmed - Eri - Morgan le Fay (Morgan the Fairy)

Fairy Gods: Credne, the fairy goldsmith - Goibnie, the fairy blacksmith - Lichtar, the fairy carpenter


The fairy godmother is a stock character of fairy tales. She appears alone or in a group to bestow gifts, usually on newborns. Sometimes she acts like a guardian angel. Fatae, one of the names for fairies, derives from Fata/Fatae, the Fates. This Roman Triple Goddess appeared at the birth of kings and notables to decree the child's destiny. The archetype is much older, going back at least as far as Egypt where the Seven Hathors appeared upon the birth of a child to bestow gifts and divine its fate.


"There are other forms of life as well as ours whose sphere of evolution impinges upon the earth. In the realm of folk-lore we constantly meet with the idea of intercourse between the human and the fairy kingdoms; of the marriage of a human being with a fairy spouse, or the theft of a child by the fairies, an impish changeling being left in its place. We shall be rash if we assume that an extensive body of folk-belief is entirely without foundation in fact."

- Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defence


March 15 Festival of river nymphs and water fairies, a dangerous day for swimming.

April 30/May 1 Beltane/May Day Fairies ride out from their hills to celebrate Beltaine on May Eve

August 7 Fairy hills and dwellings are revealed on this day.

September 29 Doors open between our world and the fairy realm.

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November 8 Another day when it is possible to catch a glimpse of fairyland.

November 11 Festival of the blackthorn fairies.

How can you interact with Fairies?

Respect, kindness and generosity would be the words that spring to mind when trying to communicate with the Fairy Kingdom.

All members of the Fairy realm are suspicious and wary of humans. They long to help and interact with us, but because of the damage being done to their environment and the Earth in general, they are afraid.Here are some of my top tips for communicating and befriending Fairies in your local environment. I’m sharing them with you because they work!

Be kind, generous and joyful in all that you do – even the most boring and mundane daily chores. Fairies are always watching humans and will feel more like helping and even appearing to you if your behaviour is exemplary.

Spend time outside in nature, in quiet meditation. There are particular times of the day – midnight, noon, dawn and dusk – when the veil between our worlds is at it’s most transparent. This is the easiest time to open up communication.

They absolutely adore honey and little treats! If you have a garden with shrubs or trees, a little trickle of honey down the barks of these is much appreciated by them. I know from experience that our Fairy friends have celebrations in particular on the night of the full moon and a little piece of cake and honey on a saucer is always gone the next morning!

Cultivate plants, flowers and trees in your environment. If you don’t have a garden – no problem. Just keep fresh flowers and healthy plants around your home. There will be elementals attached to all of these and they will bring positive energy and happiness to your surroundings.

Respect fairy space. That is, fairy mounds or fairy circles (please walk around, not through them), lone trees or shrubs which are not cultivated and stand out on their own (do not cut down or mutilate) and wild areas of nature – always ask their permission before weeding, clearing or cutting down growth.

Do your bit for the environment. Recycle, use organic, natural products when possible, and do not mistreat the world around us.

How do we know that Fairies are about?

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There are a few subtle signs that will tell you a member of the Fairy Kingdom is nearby.If any of these has happened to you – congratulations! You have probably had a close encounter of the Fairy kind!

A beautiful feather, usually white, appears in front of you. A gift from an Elemental.

A wonderful scent hits you out of the blue when out walking. A greeting from a Fairy.

An surprise compliment or a lucky break – an affectionate gesture from the Elemental realm.

An unusual breeze rustling up out of nowhere when walking through trees. Salutations from the Fairies.

A small unexpected present from a friend – influenced by a member of the Fairy Kingdom.

"Great are the blessings that will come of treating the fairies well. They are, for instance, very fond of good wines, and in the olden times great princes and chiefs would always be leaving out a keg of wine overnight, and always in the morning the keg would be drained. Cynical folks will say, of course, that a keg might easily be drained by others than fairies, and that anyone who would be foolish enough to leave out a keg of wine at night might expect to find it none other than empty in the morning. But cynics will not be reading this..."~R.M. Douglas


Fairy Potions and Spells

Fairy Flower Oil

1 dram* elder oil,1 dram* lavender oil,a few dried rose buds

Method to Construct Warm slowly in an enamel saucepan. Let cool. Pour into magic bottles and use in spellwork, philtres (love potions), and ritual anointing.

*A dram is 1/16th of an ounce

Attract Fairies

Quartz, Glitter

First, wash the quartz with plain water and chant this verse over it.

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"Fairies from afar; spread your blessings all around. Be safe and warm and welcome here, every season, every year. May our love and magic abound!"

Put the quartz in a window where sunlight can reach it. Go around your house and yard, sprinkling glitter whenever you want to attract fairies. They will soon arrive.


 To Summon a Faerie Friend

Small crystal bowl or cup, fruit juice, sugar

Pour a small amount of the fruit into the bowl or cup and chant the following:

"With this water of fruits I humbly summon thee, come now I ask to help and join with me, with this water of fruits I choose to give to thee, to graciously take all that you

need, and all that I give, all you receive, friendships found and joy abounds."



 The Faerie Call

Sit where the cat sits. Cross your toes. Close your eyes. And smell a rose.Then say under your breath:

"I believe in fairies, sure as death."

"Gadflykins! Gladtrypins! Gutterpuss and Cass! Come to me fairly. Each lad and lass!


Fairy Chant

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"Come out of your Fairy Bower. Come upon this golden hour. Come to me, I beg you please. Fairies dancing upon the breeze."


How To Meet A Fairy Fey folk are wild creatures; they are so strong and unusual that you must be very careful when meeting with them. If you approach one with love and honour, he or she just might be an honourable, powerful and delightful friend.

Here's How to meet them!

Step #1 Focus on the darkness of the mind's eye, close your eyes.

Step #2 See that darkness filled with a glowing green light, a Fey green, like a magical glow or sparkle.

Step #3 Let your mind be filled with the light. Then envision the Feys glow swirling around you, surrounding you in it's beauty and magic.

Step #4 Enjoy its beauty for a minute or so.

Step #5 Let that Fey power feed you and cleanse you. Let it work it's magic on you.

Step #6 Then you must call out for a fairy friend. (However don’t demand a visit, we do not control the Fey Folk). ~ Invite him or her with warmth, courtesy, good will.

Step #7 Welcome the fairy with dignity and respect. Ask their name and ask what they need from you. If they don’t give you their name then you should end the visit.

Step #8 Never make an agreement with a fairy. They take commitments way to seriously and are tricksters, who often have an unusual view to what life should be like. You may not want the same goals as they do.

At the visit:

Step #9 If you fall asleep, your visit might be happening on an unconscious level, so you would still need the steps below upon awakening.

Step #10 If you want to, you can ask your visitor for something you need.

Step #11 Always give your thanks for the visit, and for any help you were given.

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Step #12 At this point it’s O.K. to give a gift, food & drink left out at night. Milk, Honey and wine are their favourites.

Step #13 Perhaps this fairy will become your friend for a while or even a lifetime. You can use this ritual to visit again. But for now just say "Goodbye".

After the ritual

After doing something like this ritual, you may be in an altered state without realizing it.

~If you are, then you should take a walk or cook (be careful not to burn yourself though), because don’t forget you just ventured their world. So, after you finish step 12 be sure to do the following 2 steps:

1. Spend time consciously focusing on the embodied life plane by making your mind concentrate on physical matter.

2. If you decided to go for a walk, focus on looking both ways when crossing. ~ Pay special attention to kitchen safety or whatever focus is best for the activity in which you become involved.

Use these two steps until you are well focused on the physical plane. You could feel very sharp and alert, and think there is no need for the last 2 steps. But do them anyway. For one thing, alert as you are, you might only be to the fairy plane. Take time to become alert to the physical realm. If you're feeling really spacy add some simple stretches or do some other safe activity that will focus you onto your own body.


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How To Attract A Fairy

Create a garden that is full of life. Birdhouses, birdbaths and bird feeders are lovely ornaments for the garden, so are bat houses and hummingbird feeders. Plant flowers and plants that are attractive to bees and butterflies. Fairies love butterflies, and are very attracted to them. Put nuts out for the squirrels. Whatever you do to bring life to your garden, and at the same time you will bring fairies as well. Here's a list of plants that attract beautiful butterflies and fairies to your garden:

Achillea millefolium (common yarrow) Aster novi-belgii (New York aster) Chrysanthemum maximum (shasta daisy) Coreopsis grandiflora/verticillata (coreopsis) Agastache occidentalis (western giant hyssop or horsemint) Lavendula dentata (French lavender) Rosemarinus officinalis (rosemary) Thymus (thyme) Buddleia alternifolia (fountain butterfly bush) Buddleia davidii (orange-eye butterfly bush, summer lilac) Potentilla fruitiosa (shrubby cinquefoil) Petunia hybrida (common garden petunia) Verbena (verbenas, vervains) Scabiosa caucasica (pincushion flowers) Cosmos bipinnatus (cosmos) Zinnia elegans (common zinnia)

Install a small fountain or waterfall or put in a fishpond. You might want to include statues of faeries. Anything that reflects light or is colourful and moving particularly attracts the gnomes and elves. Both fairies and water sprites like the splashy sound and sight of a fountain. Leave an area of your garden a bit wild and not too cultivated. It need not be a large space, but having one area that is dedicated to the fairies will make them feel very welcome.

Ask fairies and elves to come to your garden. "Where Intention goes, energy flows." Whatever you place your conscious awareness on, you will pull into your life. As you put your attention on fairies and gnomes and the elemental realm, they will respond by being drawn into your garden.

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Flowers, Herbs and the Faeries

Through the centuries, Europeans made note of which plants were attractive to wee folk and which plants offered protection from Faeries. Remember that most flower faeries will reveal themselves in the colors of the flower itself.

Angelica- the faeries of this flower are very beautiful. These faeries bring good fortune and strong energy.

Basil- This faerie spirit is more of an elf form. Where ever basil grows, there usually is a dragon to be found serving as protector.

Buttercup- These faeries are compassionate and empathetic towards humans. Bluebell- If this flower rings in your garden, an evil faerie is near. One of the

most potent of all the faerie flowers. Carnation- Red carnations draw faeries who enjoy healing animals. Clover- Wildly attractive to faerie life. Four leaf clover will break a faerie spell. Cowslip- This is the best for attracting faeries into your yard. Loved and guarded

by faeries. This flower has power to find hidden faerie gold. Daisy- This flower draws all faeries, elves and nature spirits. Dandelion- Said to be used by the faeries for making beverages. Dill- Faeries dislike the scent of this plant. Foxglove- A favorite of earth elementals. Worn by faeries sometimes as hats and

gloves. Hawthorne- Sacred to faeries, as well as the May Queen.

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Heliotrope- A favorite of fire elementals. Gorse- Repels almost all faeries. Hollyhock- This is a favorite of faeries, especially the pink variety. Iris- Iris was the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and the faeries of this flower

manifest in all the colors of the rainbow itself. Lavender- The faeries of this flower and the other nature spirits it draws are very

protective. Lilac- The scent draws faeries. The faeries of this flower are musical. Lily- Favorite of nature spirits. Lobelia- Attracts winged faeries. Marigold- The faeries and nature spirits associated with this flower hold the

mysteries and magic of thunderstorms. Mistletoe- Attracts unpleasant tree faeries. Morning Glory- Repels unwanted night faeries. Mushrooms- Used by faeries to mark the boundaries of their dancing circles and

portals to their world. Pansy- Attracts parades of trooping faeries. This flower was used by Oberon as a

love potion. Phlox- The faeries of this flower are of elf form. They are more of an overseer

and guardian. Primrose- Believe to give faeries their power of invisibility. If one touches a

faerie rock with the correct number of primrose in a posy it opens the way to faerie land and faerie gifts. If you have the wrong number then you're doomed.

Ragwort- A rye-grass used by faeries as make-shift horses. In the 17th century states that the magic words used to make the stems fly were Horse and Hattock.

Rose- This is one of the most sacred flowers, the faeries and spirits of this flower have strong ties to their elder brothers and sisters, the angels. They hold the secrets to time and it's exploration.

Rosemary- Gives protection from baneful faeries. Sassafras- A favorite of air elementals. Shamrock- Celtic faeries adore it. Snapdragons- This plant and where it grows are often watched over by tiny

dragons. The faeries and sprites of this flower have connections to the energies of all dragons and bring great protection.

Tulip- These faeries hold knowledge of the hidden significance of events, people and things.

Violet- This flower is sacred to all faeries, especially the Faerie Queen.


Page 23: A Picture of the Fairy Kingdom

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