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Page 1: A quarterly newsletter of Islamic Relief Worldwide in ... December 2014.pdf · Islamic Relief Bangladesh implemented its Qurbani Programme on 6-7 October, 2014 aimed at bringing joy

News & ViewsA quarterly newsletter of Islamic Relief Worldwide in Bangladesh

Volume 2 Issue 4 December 2014

Striving for a caring, resilient and poverty free Bangladesh

Islamic Relief Bangladesh, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum and Tere des Homes Netherlands jointly organised a National Consultation to Eliminate Hazardous Child Labor through Implementation of National Plan of Action (NPA) at the CIRDAP international conference hall on 9 December 2014. National Plan of Action 2012-2016, was prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Employment aiming at implementing the National Child Labour Elimination Policy 2010.

Mr. Mikail Shipar, Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh attended in the occasion as the Chief Guest. Among others, Mr. Mainuddin Ahmed, Programme Manager, Health, Education and Child Welfare Programme of Islamic Relief Bangladesh, Mr. Abdus Shahid Mahmood, Director, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum also attended at the event as special guests.

Dr. Mohammad Nazmuzzman Bhuian, Associate Professor, Department of Law, University of Dhaka, presented the

keynote paper in the programme. He mentioned, “Both the national and international non-government development organisations are implementing a number of projects to eliminate child labour, but lack of coordination and cooperation is visible. The Child Labour Unit at the ministry of labour and employment is now defunct. No step has been taken to regulate child labour in the informal sector, so a legal reform is a must to implement the plan.”

Chief guest Mr. Mikail Shipar, said: Child labour is a vast sector; we need to collaborate with the NGOs to eradicate it. More than 50 per cent of child labour in the country occurs in the informal sector, which is why it is not addressed. The informal sector is the part of an economy that does not pay taxes, and is not directed or monitored by any government entity.”

Islamic Relief Bangladesh is implementing a child labour project under a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs.

Combating Child Labour through Implementing NPA

Islamic ReliefBangladesh

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Page 2: A quarterly newsletter of Islamic Relief Worldwide in ... December 2014.pdf · Islamic Relief Bangladesh implemented its Qurbani Programme on 6-7 October, 2014 aimed at bringing joy

Recovery planning is a process that requires involvement of different organisational and sectoral partners. The Government of Bangladesh, specifically the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR), has recognised the need for strategic options to reinforce the capabilities of national government’s disaster recovery planning to further reduce the impacts of disasters. The principle of "build back better" is one particular option that the Government wants to promote by seizing the opportunity to correct the limitations and failures of previous practices, policies, and programs during the recovery phase. It further recognized that recovery offers opportunity to make infrastructures, communities, and livelihoods resilient. In view of this, the MoDMR, in cooperation with the Institute of Strategic Recovery Studies for Disaster Resilience and Research (ISRSDRR) and the International Recovery Platform (IRP) had jointly organised a Stakeholders Consultation Workshop on Disaster Recovery Planning on 9-10 December 2014 at CIRDAP Auditorium in Dhaka. The workshop was supported by UNDP, Islamic Relief Bangladesh and Christian Aid.

In the opening session, IRP Recovery Expert Gerald E. Potutan presented the keynote paper. Mr. Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya MP, Bir Bikram, Minister, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief and Mr. Dhirendra Debnath Shambhuh, Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing

Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction, Mr. Mohammed Abdul Wazed, Director General of the Department of Disaster Management, Dr. Mesbah ul Alam, Secretary of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief spoke in the occasion.

A de-briefing of Stakeholder Consultation Workshop and Way Forward was held at Islamic Relief Bangladesh country office on the following day (11 December 2014). Recovery Experts from IRP, Mr. Shingo kouchi and Mr. Gerald E. Potutan along with UNDP, OXFAM, ISRSDRR representatives attended the de-briefing session and agreed on to work together to further advance the initiative.

Promoting Disaster Recovery Planning in Bangladesh

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Islamic Relief Bangladesh implemented its Qurbani Programme on 6-7 October, 2014 aimed at bringing joy and enabling extreme poor and marginalized people to enjoy meat meals on the occasion of Eid ul Adha in 24 districts across Bangladesh.

As a result of consistent natural disasters and for its prolonged impact, a huge number of people in these districts live below

poverty line. Often these unprivileged people live without having any meat for the whole year including Eid day. Therefore Islamic Relief Bangladesh has undertaken Qurbani initiative to share happiness with thousands of ultra poor people on the occasion of Eid and to help fulfilling their health and nutritious requirement.

Jahanara Begum (47), a physically challenged person, was one of the beneficiaries of IRB Qurbani Programme living at Bapary Kandi village in Haimchar sub-district under Chandpur district.

In spite of her vulnerable situation, she works as a seasonal day labourer in people’s field as a pepper picker and paid of 20 BDT per day. As she is unable to arrange meal for three times a day,

so it is like a day dream for her to purchase meat.

“Bliss of eid never touches mus. We live anyway either by eating or starving in the year round. During Eid ul Adha, there is no special arrangement. Eid day of sacrifice is as same as other ten days to us. We are very poor and can’t manage meat or fish even for months. I am very happy since we have been able to eat a good meal at least for one time by the grace of Allah with the help of you.”-says Jahanara Begum while cooking the meat which she got from Islamic Relief Bangladesh.

Like Jahanara Begum, IRB’s Qurbani Programme benefited

almost 1,90,000 people of 47835 households across Bangladesh in 2014. The beneficiaries were grateful to Islamic Relief and its donors for extending their sincere and unconditional cooperation and wished that Allah gives strength and opportunity to Islamic Relief to do the same in the next year.

Qurbani distribution Brings Smiles to Marginalized Families

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Khabeja Begum (55), abandoned by her husband, lives in Kandi Union of Pirgaccha Sub-district, Rangpur. Her husband left her about 20 years ago. From then she was living with her only daughter & was passing her days with various difficulties. About 13 years ago, her daughter got married. After that, she had to depend on her daughter`s help. She was living alone in a low grade tin & bamboo shelter. She didn’t have her own arable land for cultivation.

Through vulnerabilitiy analysis, she has been selected as a project participant of Strengthening People’s Action for Food and Livelihood Security (SAFOLLO) project and has become a member of ‘Poschim Patokshikor Bala Para Women’s Group’ under Kandi Union Council, Rangpur. Being a project beneficiary she has received training on ‘Cow Rearing’ under the project. After having skills and technology from cow rearing training course she has received cash support BDT 7000 through her bank account for purchasing a small cow. Besides, she is regularly participating in weekly group meeting as well as awareness sessions, Numeric and Literacy Education session (NLE). To be a self reliant she started weekly savings, whilst returning ownership of the amount paid into the Self Help Group.

After successful repayment of 1st round cash support, she further received interest free loan (Quard-Al-Hasana) from the Self Help Group. She has taken a piece of 11 decimals agricultural land as lease (Ijarah) through this financial support.

Besides this, she received subsistence allowance (MSA) 3600 BDT of 300 BDT per month for 12 months as additional support from IRB for being a vulnerable beneficiary. She used this money for purchasing of 2 goats, some ducks & poultry. By this time two mother goats have given birth of five kids. The ducks & poultry also have given birth of ducklings & chickens. She is regularly earning money from selling eggs, chickens, ducks and through working as a maid. Now she has a good number of diversified livelihood opportunities and earning a decent amount. As a result, now having three meals in a day is ensured round the year.

She is trying to her level best to change her life and livelihood and expressed herself, “I have a dream of purchasing a piece of land to cultivate crops and I am lucky enough that I have been able to fulfill my dream through the assistance of Islamic Relief. I would like express my gratitude to IRB and its donors for doing this type of activities for the ultra-poor people like us”.

Khabeja Begum on a Pathway out of Poverty

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Child Protection: Key to Ensuring Child Rights

A gathering of unprivileged children and a prize giving ceremony of an essay competition on child labour was held on the 1 October 2014. The programme was jointly organised by Islamic Relief Bangladesh, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar (Child Rights) Forum, Terre des homes Netherlands, Educo and Bangladesh Shishu (Children) Academy. Mr. Tariq-ul-Islam, Secretary, Ministry of Women & Children Affairs, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) was the chief guest of the programme.

There were three segments of the event; gathering of the unprivileged children and discussion by the guests, prize giving ceremony of an essay competition followed by cultural programme. Around 500 children from different schools and institutions run by different NGOs gathered at the Bangladesh Shishu (Children) Academy premises in the occasion.

In the discussion part, the chief guest Mr. Tarik-ul-Islam focused on some issues for ensuring rights of the children. The secretary emphasised on GO-NGOs partnership to ensure social safety-net programme for the unprivileged children.

Mr. Shabel Firuz, Country Ditector, Islamic Relief Bangladesh said that IRB is committed and has been working to ensure the rights of

the children through various programmes such as elimination of hazardous child labour, livelihood and education programmes etc.

In the award giving ceremony of the essay competition a total of 6 winners were awarded in two different categories. A huge number of school and college students from all over Bangladesh participated in the essay competition. Islamic Relief Bangladesh and Bangladesh Child Rights Forum jointly organsied the Essay competition on child labour through national newspaper.

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To contribute to reduce extreme poverty, sufferings and vulnerability of the stranded Urdu speaking community in Bangladesh, Islamic Relief Bangladesh

has launched a project titled Stranded Community Action Project (SuChanA project) through an inception meeting held on 6 November 2014 in Dhaka.

The IR USA funded project aimed at improving sustainable access to water and sanitation for the targeted wider community people, ensuring shelter and livelihood for ultra poor households and to promote social health, hygiene protection and rights issues.

The chair of the programme Mr. Shabel Firuz, Country Director, Islamic Relief Bangladesh, mentioned that Islamic Relief works for all irrespective of race, religion, colour, and identity. He said

Islamic Relief supports communities in greatest need and will try its level best to support the unprivileged people.

To ensure sustainable development of the orphan and their families as well as restore their social dignity and protection, a project titled Alternative Orphan Sponsorship Programme through Sustainable Livelihoods has launched at an inception workshop on the 5th of November 2014.

Mr. A. B. M. Azad, Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Kurigram attended the workshop as Chief Guest. About 100 participants from different government and non-government offices of the district, including local government representative and both print and electronic media attended the workshop. Additional Deputy Commissioner (General), Kurigram chaired the occasion while Mr. Mainuddin Ahmed, Acting Head of Orphan & Child Welfare Programme spoke in the event as special guest. Mr. Khabirul Haque Kamal, Programme Coordinator presented the project plan in front of the audience.

The Islamic Relief UK funded project seeks to pilot an alternative approach to the one-to-one sponsorship programme to ensure children and their guardians, including widows, are able to graduate from the sponsorship programme within 4 years through integrated sustainable livelihood approaches whilst ensuring access to education and protection.

New Project to Support Stranded Community

Project Promoting Livelihoods for Orphans and Widows Launched

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On 6 November 2014 an inception meeting was held on the project of “Early recovery efforts to flood affected people to meet their immediate basic needs” to disseminate project related information & implementation strategy to all stakeholder including Sub-district & Union Council bodies. The meeting was presided by Mr. Abu Hayat Md. Rahamatullah, Sub-district Executive Officer and Mr. Abul Kashem, Chairman of Nagessori sub-district was present as Chief guest.

The main objective of the project is to enable the most vulnerable flood affected people to secure immediate food security & livelihood and other basic needs. A total of 4320 households will be benefited from the ECHO funded project.

Participants from different organisations, journalists from both print and electronic media appreciated Islamic Relief Bangladesh for initiating the project and wished every success of the project. The chairperson of the programme Mr. Abu Jafar, Programme

Manager, Islamic Relief Bangladesh expressed his gratitude to the sub-district administration, Local Government and participants on behalf of Islamic Relief Bangladesh.

Early Recovery E�orts for Flood a�ected people in Northern Bangladesh

The ISD Climb UP (Integrated Sustainable Development programme for Climate Vulnerable Ultra-Poor) project is an integrated development project to be implemented in Tazumuddin sub-district, Bhola. The project seeks to support climate vulnerable households and communities to empower and enhance income; to ensure food and livelihood security, basic services, resilience and a reduction in extreme poverty. This project is being funded by Islamic Relief Germany.

The inception workshop of the project was held in Tazumuddin Sub-district on 27 November, 2014 with the presence of members of local administration, local civil society members, representatives of NGO’s, other government officials and different other stakeholders.

Addressing as chief guest Al-Haj Ohid Ullah Jasim, Tazumuddin sub-district Chairman gladly welcomed Islamic Relief Bangladesh and encouraged the project team by assuring his support to fulfill the initiative. As a special guest, Mr. Muhammad Kamruzzaman, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (Sub-district Administrative Officer) Tazumuddin sub-district specially thanked the donors and project staff for their benevolent and untiring efforts.

The chairperson of the programme, Mr. Sharif Ahmed, Head of Livelihood and Community Development Programme, expressed his gratitude to the sub-district administration and participants on behalf of IRB.

Integrated Sustainable Development (ISD) Project Launched in Bhola

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Climate media awareness training session

Islamic Relief has begun a project in Salla Upazilla, in Sunamgonj, in north eastern Bangladesh, to plan and deliver climate resilient development at a local level.

The area, which is mostly marshland, has felt the impact of a changing climate, becoming like an island in the rainy season and arid area in the dry season.

Most of the residents in the area work in paddy cultivation and fishing, but flash floods, hail storms and torrential rain are all a risk to their crops. The rainy season also leaves whole communities marooned, making it hard for them to pull themselves out of extreme poverty.

Through the Islamic Relief initiative, a series of Ward Disaster Management Committees have been formed, each made up of

around 30 or 40 people, including teachers, religious leaders, fishermen, farmers, day labourers, and including marginalized groups such as people with disabilities and women. Each committee meets monthly to discuss natural disasters, risks, and what can be done to reduce impact. Already the groups have collected dry food, fuel, and medicine for use in a disaster. To help warn all residents of expected disasters, they have collected a megaphone, hand siren, radio and life jackets. They have also formed a rescue team.

The committees also plan to open a disaster fund, so communities can put money aside for use in a disaster. They have decided to present a drama in their villages to help raise awareness of disasters and their impact. They also hope to get support for tube-well and sanitary toilets for the area, so safe water and sanitation can be ensured.

Communities Taking Self Initiative for Disaster Risk Reduction

Islamic Relief BangladeshHouse 10, Road 10, Block-KBaridhara, Dhaka-1212www.islamicrelief.org.bdE-mail : [email protected]/IRWBangladesh

Executive Editor : Safiul AzamContributors : Murad Pervez Rubiya Hasin Md. Nazmul Islam Md. Kamruzzaman Rakibul Hasan Md. Ali Hasan Md. Nazrul Islam Md. Jafar Alam

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